Baking for Health Thanksgiving Time-Savers Happy, Healthy Holidays Tapas Tonight

Volume 46 | 2010
Baking for Health
Display 11/14 –1/8
Thanksgiving Time-Savers
Happy, Healthy Holidays
Tapas Tonight
Ask a Weis Dietitian
Nutrition and Wellness Advice
05 Thanksgiving Time-Savers
Who should follow a gluten-free diet?
– Alex
06 Baking for Health
Chances are you have noticed the
words “gluten free” splashed across
product packages in the supermarket;
but what does gluten free mean?
“Gluten” refers to the protein found
in wheat, rye and barley. It's a key
ingredient in many pastas, breads,
cereals and snacks. Gluten and glutencontaining ingredients also appear in
some condiments, ice cream, deli
meats, soups and gravies.
Celiac disease is a genetic disease
Weis Markets’ Team of Registered Dietitians
of the small intestine that triggers a
Beth Stark, RD, LDN Karen Buch, RD, LDN Mandy Rother, RD, LDN
damaging immune response when
gluten-containing foods are eaten.
Eating a gluten-free diet is the only way to manage the symptoms of celiac disease. While some
individuals follow the gluten-free diet to promote weight loss, evidence is lacking to suggest a
significant benefit in individuals without celiac disease. Additionally, many gluten-free foods are
higher in calories and fat than comparable gluten-containing foods. They may cost more too. If
you suspect you may have celiac disease or an intolerance to gluten, it’s critical to speak with your
doctor before making significant dietary changes. If a gluten-free diet is followed prematurely,
celiac testing results may be inaccurate.
For more information on celiac disease or the gluten-free diet,
All Weis Quality
Fresh and Frozen Turkeys
including a list of gluten-free Weis Quality and specialty products
are gluten free.
carried in our stores, please contact us.
Send us your nutrition questions
09 Happy, Healthy Holidays
10 Tapas Tonight
05 Butternut Squash Medley
07 Chocolate Oatmeal
Raisin Cookies
08 Cinnamon Baked Apples
11 Roasted Red Pepper
& Artichoke Bruschetta
11 Peach and Gorgonzola Tartlets
mail: Weis Healthy Bites™
1000 S. 2nd Street, PO Box 471
Sunbury, PA 17801
weis Healthy Bites™
| weis Healthy Bites
Hosting a Thanksgiving feast can be overwhelming–especially if it’s your first
time. Ease your stress on the big day with a few simple time-saving tips and techniques
so you can celebrate the special friends and family joining you around the table.
Nutri-Fact: Did You Know?
Butternut squash supplies an excellent source
of antioxidant vitamins A and C and can be used
as a substitute for pumpkin in recipes.
weis Healthy Bites™
Be a Gravy Master
Make Use of Your Microwave
Thanksgiving isn’t complete without a boatful of
great gravy. Make it up to two days in advance to
avoid the last minute chaos. Simmered with garden
vegetables and sun-drenched herbs, Swanson ®
Natural Goodness® Chicken Broth lends rich
flavor to everyday recipes and special holiday
meals and sides with one-third less sodium than
other broths. Swap pan drippings for fat-free
broth to reduce the calories and fat.
Here’s how:
1. In a glass bowl, combine three tablespoons
of flour with two tablespoons of softened
butter or margarine.
Whether you’re safely thawing, reheating or
even cooking – your microwave can be a valuable
tool on Thanksgiving Day. New Green Giant ®
Valley Fresh Steamers ™ Healthy Colors are
specially made to microwave-steam in less than
eight minutes and with effortless clean-up. All
four unique vegetable blends provide an excellent
source of vitamins A and C and are lightly
tossed in an extra-virgin olive oil or butter
sauce. Include colorful produce on your plate
to boost the key nutrients in your holiday meal.
Assemble No-Cook Appetizers
The delightful aroma from your kitchen is
2. B
ring two cups of broth to a boil over
medium-high heat and reduce to one-half guaranteed to peak your guests’ appetites. Offer
cup. Add two more cups broth to the pan an assortment of simple, no-cook, finger foods
and bring to a boil.
to ease their hunger pangs until dinner is served.
3. Stir one cup broth into flour mixture and Plump Lindsay ® Re-closeables Black Ripe
whisk until smooth. Return broth to saucepan Pitted Medium and Large Olives have a mildly
and thicken over medium-low heat; adding
nutty flavor that pairs nicely with sharp cheeses,
more flour if necessary.
grape tomatoes or low-sodium lean ham or
4. Season with one-half teaspoon of The Spice
turkey. With just 25 calories per serving, olives
Hunter® Salt-Free Poultry Seasoning; remove
are a healthful and satisfying pre-meal snack.
from heat and store. Reheat before serving.
Packed in a unique, pull-top, re-closeable
Cut a Few Corners
container, these olives are easy to store and
Use ingredients like pre-cubed bread, prepared make snacking or entertaining a breeze.
pie crust, bakery dinner rolls or dried herbs and
spices to shorten recipe preparation time. The Keep Pre-Made Dishes Fresh
For all of your reheat and serve dishes, Ziploc®
Spice Hunter® all-natural gourmet herbs and
spices turn up the flavor of main and side dishes Brand Storage Bags with Smart Zip™ seal is the
and are ready-to-sprinkle straight from the jar. trick for retaining freshness. Easy-to-use and
Seasoning with dried herbs and spices also microwave-safe, these bags come in quart or
lessens the need for added salt. To perfectly gallon sizes to accommodate both main dishes
complement your dishes, add whole herbs and and sides. Left with leftovers? Use Storage bags
spices like sage, thyme or rosemary early in the for foods that will be eaten within three to four
cooking process and ground herbs, spices or days like mashed potatoes, stuffing or gravy or
blends in the last hour before serving. The Spice Freezer bags for foods that will be eaten within
Hunter® is also available in a variety of Salt-Free three months like casseroles or cooked turkey.
Remember to reheat all leftovers to at least 165°F.
Seasoning Blends.
Butternut Squash
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Total Recipe Time: 25 minutes
Serves: 6
2 (11-ounce) bags Green Giant ® Valley
Fresh Steamers ™ Healthy Colors-Farmers
Blend (cauliflower florets, sugar snap
peas, julienne carrots and dried
cranberries in a light butter sauce)
2 cups butternut squash, cubed*
½ cup Weis Quality 100% Orange Juice
½ cup chopped walnuts or pecans, toasted
1 Tbsp. orange zest
1 tsp. Weis Quality Ground Cinnamon
Salt to taste
*A vailable whole or conveniently pre-cubed in
Weis Markets’ Produce Department.
Steam both bags of vegetables
according to package instructions; set aside. Meanwhile,
in a 12-inch skillet, cook cubed
squash in orange juice over
medium-high heat until
t e n d e r, stirring f r e q u e ntly for
about 10 minutes. Add steamed
vegetables, nuts, orange zest,
cinnamon and salt to skillet;
toss gently and serve.
Recipe Note:
"Zest" refers to small bits from the outermost
peel of citrus fruit. Simply press a z e s t e r
tool, a b o x g r a t e r o r vegetable peeler
over the washed rind to remove tiny bits
of the colored portion. Then add to your
desired recipe or use as a garnish.
Nutrition Facts per serving: 160 calories; 7 g fat;
0.5 g saturated fat; 0 g trans fat; 0 mg cholesterol;
250 mg sodium; 26 g carbohydrate; 4 g fiber; 11
g sugar; 3 g protein; 160% DV vitamin A; 40%
DV vitamin C.
weis Healthy Bites™
Nutri-Fact: Did You Know?
Spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and
cloves give baked goods a sweet taste without
adding sugar or calories.
Baking for
Be a Smart Cookie
Bake with heart-healthy oils like canola or olive
as a substitute for butter or margarine in seasonal
cookie and dessert recipes. Light and delicatelyflavored, Pompeian® Extra Light Tasting Olive Oil
contains more healthful monounsaturated fats and
less saturated fat than butter or margarine making
your best holiday cookies even better for you. To
make the switch, use about 25 percent less when
replacing butter with olive oil. For example, if your
recipe calls for one cup of butter, use three-quarters
cup of olive oil. Compared to cookies made with a
solid fat like butter, cookies made with olive oil bake
up with a softer and chewier texture.
Old-Fashioned Goodness
Hearty whole-grain oats supply texture and fiber
to your favorite sweet treats, breads and muffins.
Add just one-half cup of Old-Fashioned or Quick
Quaker® Oats to your mixing bowl for a total fiber
boost of four grams. When measuring oats, flour,
sugar or other dry ingredients into your recipes, use
the straight edge of a table knife to level the ingredient
with the top of the measuring cup for the most
accurate measure. Boost your fiber intake with this
recipe for traditional oatmeal raisin cookies with a
chocolaty surprise!
Sweet Success
Fill your cookie jar with lighter home-baked
cookies. Splenda® No Calorie Sweetener, Granulated
has a sweet flavor similar to white sugar without
the calories and carbohydrates. It’s also a sensible
ingredient for individuals who must closely manage
weis Healthy Bites™
Prep Time: 15-20 minutes
Bake Time: 10-12 minutes per sheet
Makes: 32-35 cookies
Holiday baking season comes just once year—so go ahead and enjoy
every indulgent bite! To get the most out of your cookie calories, swap
recipe ingredients for more nutrient-dense alternatives and bake up a
batch of cookies with hidden health perks.
Oatmeal Chocolate
Raisin Cookies
their blood sugar. Replace just one-half cup of
white sugar with Splenda® to reduce the calorie
content of your finished dessert by over 300 calories.
To prevent reduced-sugar cookies, brownies and
quick breads from over-baking, check for doneness
three to five minutes before the original recipe’s
expected bake time.
Chocolate-Covered Treasures
Enhance the flavor factor and health properties
of traditional holiday cookies with stir-ins like toasted
almonds or walnuts, dried fruit or dark chocolate.
Nestle® Dark Chocolate Raisinets are chewy California
raisins, drenched in rich dark chocolate. They
supply flavonoid antioxidants, and can be used to
give classic chocolate chip or oatmeal raisin cookie
recipes a special twist. These bite-size delights are
also available in Milk Chocolate with Raisins or
Cranberries inside.
Be a Lighter Baker
If your favorite seasonal baking recipes call for
sour cream, slim them down with Greek yogurt
instead. Simply trade reduced-fat sour cream for
an equal amount of Cabot® Greek Style Lowfat
Vanilla Bean Yogurt and trim over 100 calories and
25 grams of fat per cup. Each serving of Greek
Style Lowfat Yogurt supplies an excellent source of
five vitamins and minerals including calcium and
vitamins A, C, D and E, plus 18 grams of protein–
essential nutrients not found in sour cream. In savory
recipes like cream sauces, salad dressings or dips,
try Cabot® Greek Style Plain Yogurt.
1 cup white whole wheat flour
1 tsp. Weis Quality Baking Powder
1 tsp. Weis Quality Ground Cinnamon
½ tsp. Weis Quality Baking Soda
½ tsp. Weis Quality Salt
1 cup Weis Quality Brown Sugar, packed
¼ c up Cabot ® Greek Style Lowfat Vanilla
Bean Yogurt
2 Tbsp. Pompeian ® Light Tasting Olive Oil
1 large Weis Quality Egg
1 tsp. Weis Quality Pure Vanilla Extract
1 1/3 cups Old-Fashioned Quaker ® Oats
1 cup Nestle ® Dark Chocolate Raisinets ®
Preheat oven to 350°F. Cover 2
baking sheets with parchment
paper; set aside. In a s m a l l
b o w l , combine flour, baking
powder, cinnamon, baking soda
and salt; set aside. In a large
bowl, combine brown sugar,
yogurt, olive oil, egg and vanilla.
Add f l o u r m i x t u r e a n d stir
thoroughly until a dough forms.
Stir i n o a t s a n d Raisinets.®
Drop by rounded tablespoonfuls,
2 inches apart, onto prepared
cookie sheets. Bake for 10-12
minutes until lightly browned.
Transfer gently to cooling rack
and cool before storing.
Nutrition Facts per serving: 90 calories; 2.5
g fat; 1 g saturated fat; 0 g trans fat; 5 mg
cholesterol; 80 mg sodium; 16 g carbohydrate;
1 g fiber; 11 g sugar.
Nutri-Fact: Did You Know?
happy, healthy
Eating an apple a day promotes a healthy
weight, heart and digestive system.
Baked Apples
Prep. Time: 10 minutes
Bake Time: 20-25 minutes
Makes: 2 servings
2 b aking apples (Golden Delicious, Gala,
Cortland, Rome or McIntosh)
1 c up Chobani ® Nonfat Vanilla Greek
Yogurt, divided
1 c up Weis Quality Pumpkin Flax Seed
Omega Granola, divided
2 Tbsp. Weis Quality Raisins
1 tsp. Weis Quality Ground
Cinnamon, divided
1 T bsp. Medford Farms ® Clover
Honey, divided
Preheat oven to 375°F. Cut
½-inch off the top of the apples
a n d re s e r v e t o ps. Using a
paring knife or spoon, hollow
out each apple, leaving ½-inch
of the flesh around the inside
and bottom of the apple. Fill
each apple with granola, raisins
and sprinkle with cinnamon.
Place in an 8 x 8-inch glass
baking dish filled with ¼ inch
water. Cover loosely with foil
and bake for 20-25 minutes
o r u n t i l a p p l e s a r e t e n d e r.
Remove from pan and top with
yogurt and drizzle with honey;
replace reserved apple tops
and serve.
Nutrition Facts per serving: 240 calories; 4.5 g
fat; 0.5 g saturated fat; 0 g trans fat; 0mg
cholesterol; 55 mg sodium; 43 g carbohydrate;
5 g fiber; 28 g sugar; 8 g protein
Kick off 2011 minus any extra holiday pounds
and feel healthier than ever. How? It’s easier than
you may think! The key is to enter the holiday
season with a plan. Here are five strategies to
keep you healthy over the holidays and straight
into the New Year.
Wake Up to Fiber
Fiber-rich foods are fabulous for your body. They
typically digest slowly so you stay fuller, longer. New
Better Oats® Instant Oatmeal is made with the highest
quality ingredients including 100 percent thick-cut
whole-grain rolled oats, real chunks of fruit and exotic
spices. One serving supplies a good source of fiber, plus
plant-based ALA omega-3s. Even the busiest holiday
schedule has time for Instant Better Oats®. Each packet
features an innovative measuring cup pouch and
microwaves in just 90 seconds. Find Better Oats® in
Oat Revolution™
, mmmMuffins ™ and kid-friendly Oat
Heads varieties with several flavors to choose from.
Boost Immunity with Produce
Through the fall and winter months, it’s important to
eat and drink plenty of produce to help fend off colds
and flu. In addition to whole fruits and vegetables,
supplement your diet with 100 percent juices to fulfill
your goal of five to nine produce servings per day. New
Welch’s® Healthy Start™ Concord Grape 100% Juice
packs the immune-boosting power of double the vitamin
C of orange juice, a good source of calcium and two
servings of fruit in every eight-ounce glass. If you prefer
white grapes to purple, try Healthy Start™ White Grape
Orange Mango 100% Juice.
Grab Your Spoon
When you’re looking for a delicious way to start you
day–go Greek! Thick and creamy Chobani ® Greek
Yogurt is all-natural and made from simple ingredients
of milk, real fruit, raw clover honey and organic vanilla
extract. Its rich consistency results when the yogurt is
strained to remove all excess liquid. This straining also
contributes to the 14-18 grams of quality protein per
serving. Look for 16-ounce Nonfat Plain and Nonfat
Vanilla flavors, which are great for use as a fat replacement
in baked goods, or in smoothies, parfaits or desserts. Try
it as a topping in this recipe for Cinnamon Baked Apples.
Energize with Tea
If the hectic holiday season has you feeling run-down,
brew a cup of green tea for a pick-me-up. Green tea is
brimming with healthful polyphenols and catechins that
scavenge for cell-damaging free radicals (linked to heart
disease and cancer) and remove them from your body.
Salada® All Natural Green Tea is hand-picked from the
lush tea gardens of the Far East and infused with berries
and other natural ingredients to refresh and revive with
each sip. Add a touch of sweetness to tea with Medford
Farms® Honey, available in Clover flavor. Honey is created
from the nectar of flowers and is one of the most ancient
sweeteners that exist. It offers a sweeter taste than
white sugar, so you can use less honey to sweeten with
fewer calories.
Lighten Your Coffee
Reduce calories from your daily routine and help
balance extra holiday calories. Perk your morning cup of
java with Sugar-Free or Fat-Free Nestle® Coffee-Mate®
Coffee Creamer. Compared to regular flavored creamers,
both French Vanilla and Hazelnut-flavored varieties
contain 10 to 20 fewer calories per serving. Offer guests
flavored creamers for a special touch at holiday brunch
gatherings or after-dinner coffee.
weis Healthy Bites™
| weis Healthy Bites
Roasted Red Pepper
& Artichoke Bruschetta
Prep. Time: 5 minutes
Total Recipe Time: 15-20 minutes
Makes: 6-8 (2 slice) servings
1 loaf La Brea Bakery’s Rustic Italian
Antipasto Bread, sliced into ½-inch
thick slices
1 (12-ounce) jar Weis Five-Star Roasted Red
Pepper and Artichoke Bruschetta
1 cup Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese,
freshly shaved
For an impressive arrangement of bite-sized
munchies perfect for entertaining a crowd or
livening up your weekly menu–try tapas! Tapas,
meaning “to cover,” originated in Spain as a
way to curb one’s appetite while socializing over
cocktails. Served as a collection of small dishes,
tapas are truly a unique eating experience. Here
are some tips for building your first tapas spread.
Simple and Sophisticated
Tapas can consist of your favorite ingredients such
as a ready-to-eat tray of specialty olives or crusty slices
of your favorite bakery bread with hummus. La Brea
Bakery® Antipasto Breads can be served alone or topped
with countless flavor combinations. Inspired by traditional
European antipasti menus, these artisan breads come
in Roasted Garlic and Rustic Italian varieties that create
appetizer art when toasted, broiled, grilled or seared.
Need pairing ideas? Try new Weis Five-Star Roasted Red
Pepper and Artichoke Bruschetta, or serve slices with a
shallow bowl of extra-virgin olive oil that’s been sprinkled
with dried herbs.
Small Plate, Big Plate
Savoring tasty bites of food from little plates is a trick
for reducing your portion sizes. Focusing half of your
plate on produce can also make calorie and portion
control easier. Organicgirl™ greens are packaged within
24-48 hours of being picked to ensure premium quality
and freshness in each forkful. Triple-washed 50/50 Mix,
Spring Mix, Baby Spinach and Herb Baby Romaine
blends are packed in a special, 100 percent recyclable
clamshell that protects their tender leaves so your salads
stay fresher, longer. Add a splash of vibrant greens to your
tapas tray alongside shaved Parmesan cheese and sliced
pears drizzled with balsamic vinegar.
weis Healthy Bites™
Palate Pleasers
Preheat oven to 400°F. Place
the sliced bread on a baking
sheet and bake 8-10 minutes
(or until golden brown). Top each
slice with approximately 1-2
tablespoons of bruschetta and
garnish with shaved ParmigianoReggiano. Serve.
The secret to great tapas is offering foods with a variety
of unique tastes and textures. Nabisco® Triscuit Crackers
and Thin Crisps are woven with the goodness of whole
grain wheat and baked to yield a delicate crisp in each
bite. Select savory flavors such as Rosemary and Olive
Oil, Quattro Formaggio and Garden Herb to create a
spread that appeals to every palate. Whether you top ‘em
or dip ‘em, these crackers are an essential ingredient for
your tapas menu. If you’re monitoring your fat or sodium
intake, look for Reduced Fat and Hint of Salt varieties.
Nutrition Facts per serving: 170 calories; 1 g fat; 0
g saturated fat; 0 g trans fat; 0 mg cholesterol; 20
mg sodium; 2 g carbohydrate; 0 g fiber; 0 g sugar;
1 g protein.
One-Bite Wonders
For last minute holiday entertaining, use Athens® Mini
Fillo Shells to create an assortment of elegant tapas in
an instant. Mini Fillo Shells are delicate, flaky and
incredibly versatile. Simply pull them from the freezer,
pipe or spoon in your choice of ingredients and serve at
room temperature or pop them into the oven until lightly
browned and crispy. Each ready-to-fill shell holds about
one rounded teaspoon of filling and has just 17 calories
per serving. Got a sweet tooth? Mini Fillo Shells make the
perfect crust for delectable desserts too!
An Appetizing Array
The first traditional Spanish tapas consisted of
sliced and cured meat to stimulate one’s thirst. Arrange
a selection of lean, natural deli meats like Oven-Roasted
Turkey and Honey Ham to mix and match with other
tapas offerings. Hormel® Natural Choice® Meats are
made with no artificial ingredients or preservatives and
deliver freshly roasted taste. Looking to add bold
flavors? Hormel® Turkey Pepperoni Slices and Minis
are 70 percent leaner than regular pepperoni with a
zesty kick of Italian spices.
Peach and
Gorgonzola Tartlets
Prep. Time: 10 minutes
Total Recipe Time: 20 minutes
Makes: 30 tartlets
2 (15-shell) boxes Athens ® Mini Fillo Shells
4 ounces crumbled Gorgonzola cheese
1 cup Weis Quality Peach or Apricot Preserves
¾ cup roasted, unsalted almonds, chopped
1 pint fresh raspberries (optional garnish)
Preheat oven to 350°F. Arrange
fillo shells on a baking sheet. Spoon
preserves into each shell; top with
cheese and sprinkle with almonds.
Bake 5 to 10 minutes or until cheese
has melted. Garnish with fresh
raspberries if desired. Serve.
Nutrition Facts per serving: 80 calories; 3 g fat; 1 g
saturated fat; 0 g trans fat; 5 mg cholesterol; 65
mg sodium; 10 g carbohydrate; 1 g fiber; 7 g sugar;
2 g protein.
| weis Healthy Bites
hat healthy
habits can you start in the New Year?
With the help of an adult, cut out and post your goal to the fridge,
your mirror or another special place as a daily reminder for 2011.
Eat breakfast
every morning.
Eat fruits or vege
at my meals and
Drink low-fat milk and
water every day and
limit soda and juice to
special occasions.
Limit t.v. screen time to
less than 2 hours and
be active on most days
of the week.
Disclaimer: “The Food and Nutrition advice in this magazine is not meant to take the place of your primary care physician.
We recommend that you ask your health care provider or registered dietitian for further information specific to your needs.”
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