UNIVERSITY CORPORATION AT MONTEREY BAY 100 Campus Center Seaside, CA 93955-8001 831/582-3500 MEMORANDUM TO: Corporation Board of Directors CC: Kevin R. Saunders, Corporation Executive Director Maria A.Y. Garcia FROM: Nancy S. Ayala DATE: 19 March 2015 SUBJECT: Agenda and Read-Ahead Materials Attached please find the agenda and read-ahead materials for the Corporation Board of Directors meeting on Thursday, 26 March 2015. The meeting will be in the conference room at the Administration Building on the CSUMB campus starting at 8:30 a.m. If you have any questions or concerns before the Board meeting, please feel free to contact me at or (831) 582-3396. UNIVERSITY CORPORATION AT MONTEREY BAY 100 Campus Center Seaside, CA 93955-9001 831/582-3500 Board of Directors Meeting Thursday, 26 March 2015 8:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Administration Building AGENDA I. Call to Order E. Ochoa II. Approval of Minutes Approval of 18 December 2014 meeting minutes E. Ochoa *2 min. (Action: Discussion and motion to approve the minutes) III. *15 min. Reports A. FY 2014/15 Q2 Financials S. Baggett (Report to the Board, no action required) *15 min. B. External Funding Update – Sponsored Programs C. Lopez (Report to the Board, no action required) *15 min. C. Corporate and Foundation Relations – University Development C. Avila (Report to the Board, no action required) 10 min. D. Investment Committee Report B. Zappas (Report to the Board, no action required) 15 min. E. Executive Director’s Report K. Saunders (Report to the Board, no action required) IV. Unfinished Business *10 min. Post-Retirement Employee Housing Rental Policy K. Saunders (Action: Discussion and motion to adopt the new policy) V. 15 min. New Business A. Schoonover Rental Rate K. Saunders (Action: Discussion and motion) 15 min. B. University House Repairs K. Saunders (Action: Discussion and motion to approve the repairs) VI. Open Communications/Announcements E. Ochoa VII. Adjournment E. Ochoa Note: In accordance with Education Code §89921 and Foundation Bylaws Article VI §5, this agenda provides notice of the business to be transacted (i.e., topics for Board discussion). Action may be taken on any item on the agenda. The italicized notations above are for guidance purposes only and the Board may take action on any item listed on the agenda, whether action is specifically prescribed. University Corporation at Monterey Bay Board of Directors Meeting Thursday, 18 December 2014 8:32 a.m. – 10:34 a.m. Administration Building 100 Campus Center Seaside, CA Draft, Minutes Board Members Present Eduardo M. Ochoa, President Chris Carpenter, Director Kevin R. Saunders, Exec. Dir. Robert C. Taylor, Esq. Director Dr. Ronnie Higgs, Director Bonnie D. Irwin, Director Barbara Zappas, Director Pat Tinsley-McGill, Director Presenters William Musselman, Director of Accounting Sherry Baggett, Controller Gehane Kiama, Director of Human Resources Cindy Lopez, Director of Sponsored Programs Office Jackie Wendland, Director of Corporation & Foundation Relations Annette Thurman, Vice President of Operations, Northwest Alliance Residential Company I. II. III. Members Absent Larenz Tolson, Director Staff Present Nancy S. Ayala, Gov & Compl Mgr Call to Order: A quorum being established, President Ochoa called the meeting to order at 8:32 a.m. Approval of Minutes: Moved by Director Robert C. Taylor and seconded to approve the 25 September 2014 meeting minutes as presented. With Director Pat Tinsley-McGill abstaining, the motion carried. Reports: A. Auxiliary Audit Committee Report: Audit Committee Chair William Musselman reported that the Audit Committee met on 12 November 2014 to review the KAZU audited financial statements and the auxiliaries’ tax returns Form 990. KAZU is required to file a report by 30 November of each year under the terms of the broadcast license it holds with the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). Mr. Musselman noted that CPB requires a schedule of functional expenses, which is included in the supplemental section of the audit report. KAZU has had a deficit for years and had been subsidized by the Corporation. The deficit has decreased from $938K in the prior year to $834K in the current year. The auditors issued a clean opinion on the KAZU financial statements. Mr. Musselman briefly reviewed the auxiliaries 990’s. The next Audit Committee meeting will be in spring 2015 to discuss the upcoming annual audit. President Ochoa asked about the Indirect Administrative Support number that appears as both revenue and expense in the KAZU financial statements. Controller Sherry Baggett explained this figure is required by the CPB and it is based on their formula, which uses a modified indirect cost rate applied to the modified Total Expenses. B. FY 2014/15 Q1 Financials: Ms. Baggett presented the first quarter financial report ending on 30 September 2014. Total Assets have increased $3.4M from $114M to $117M this fiscal year, primarily due to increases in receivables and prepaid expenses. Total Liabilities have increased by $3.7M, from $71.3M to $75M primarily due to an increase in unearned revenue, offset by a decrease in the noncurrent capital lease obligation. Total Net Position has decreased by $335k this fiscal year primarily due to the increase in net investment in capital assets and offset by the decreases in unrestricted net position and pledges receivable. The Corporation’s Total Net Position balance as of 30 September 2014 is $45.6M compared to $46M at 30 June 2014. Total Operating Revenues are ahead of budget by $104K due mostly to homeowner sales (a non-budgeted item). Total Operating Expenses are below Page 1 of 3 IV. V. budget by $1.2M; as a result, the Operating income exceeded budget by $1.3M. Ms. Baggett noted that staff will be performing further review into some of the variances in the budget to actual comparisons. C. External Funding Update - Sponsored Programs: Director of Sponsored Programs Cindy Lopez presented the first quarter external funding report. The goal for the 2014/15 fiscal year is $12M. Through 30 September 2014, total awards are at $4 million, which is about $722K less than the same period prior year. The number of awards is 21, two less than the same period prior year. There are 60 outstanding proposals totaling $37 million. D. Corporate and Foundation Relations University Development: Director of Corporation & Foundation Relations Jaqueline Wendland reported on private grants. Ms. Wendland reported that $897K in private grants has been awarded so far this year. The annual goal for the whole department is $4.5M, which is set by the Chancellor’s Office. 18 proposals are pending totaling $1.6M. E. Investment Committee Report: Chair Barbara Zappas reported that the Investment Committee met last on 21 November 2014. For the quarter ending 30 September 2014, the operating portfolio had a 1.2% loss, underperforming the policy index by 0.4%. Over a five-year period, the operating portfolio returned 7.1%, beating the policy index by 0.9%. For the quarter ending 30 September 2014, the endowment portfolio had a 2.4% loss, underperforming the policy index by 0.5%. Over a five-year period, the endowment portfolio returned 9.7%, beating the policy index by 0.5%. The Committee made some changes to the emerging market manager and PIMCO total return and low duration. Chair Zappas announced that Foundation Board member David Heuck will be recommended to serve on the Investment Committee at the next Foundation Board meeting. The Committee will meet again on 20 February 2015. F. Alliance Report: Vice President of Operations, Northwest Alliance Residential Company Annette Thurman reported on the functions and upcoming new activities of Alliance. G. Executive Director’s Report: Executive Director Kevin Saunders reported on the activities of the Corporation. Mr. Saunders announced that Corporation administrative staff and possibly another department would be moving to the Ryan Ranch Building once it is ready for occupancy. The second floor will be used for seminars and possibly a professional development certification course. The Steinbeck Center contract is still pending and awaiting approval from the Department of Finance. Unfinished Business: None New Business: A. Urban Streams Restoration Grant Resolution: Governance and Compliance Manager Nancy S. Ayala presented the Urban Streams Restoration Grant resolution needed for the Corporation and the City of Salinas to apply jointly for the Urban Streams Restoration Grant. The resolution grants signature authority to the Director of the Office of Sponsored Programs, or designee, to accept and sign any contract for administration of the grant funds, and the Grants and Contracts Accounting Manager, or designee, to act as Project Manager. Moved by Director Ronnie Higgs and seconded to approve the Urban Streams Restoration Grant Resolution as presented. With no further discussion, the motion carried. B. Post-Retirement Employee Housing Rental Policy: Ms. Ayala presented the PostRetirement Employee Housing Rental Policy. The policy would allow CSUMB and auxiliary employees to rent in Schoonover I upon retiring. The employee would have had to been employed by the University and/or auxiliary for 20 years or more in order Page 2 of 3 to be eligible to rent after retiring. Mr. Saunders requested feedback from the Board on the proposed policy and explained that the policy is not ready. The Board requested additional information and tabled this item for the next Board meeting. Director Zappas left at 10:30 a.m. C. Employee Handbook Update: Director of Human Resources Gehane Kiama presented the revised Corporation Employee Handbook. The revisions made coincide with legal requirements including the Affordable Care Act. The Corporation’s labor attorney reviewed the proposed revisions. Moved by Director Bonnie D. Irwin and seconded to approve the revised Employee Handbook as presented. With no further discussion, the motion carried. VI. Open Communications/Announcements: None VII. Adjournment: With no further business to conduct and no objection, the meeting was adjourned at 10:34 a.m. Bonnie D. Irwin, Secretary Date Page 3 of 3 UNIVERSITY CORPORATION AT MONTEREY BAY 100 Campus Center Seaside, CA 93955-8001 831/582-3500 MEMORANDUM TO: University Corporation Board of Directors FROM: Sherry Baggett, Controller DATE: March 16, 2015 SUBJECT: 2nd Quarter 2014/15 Financial Highlights Included in this financial report are the documents listed below: • Statements of Net Position as of December 31, 2014 • Operating Statements of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Position (budget comparison) • Consolidated Statements of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Position (prior year comparison) Highlights on Statements of Net Position: Total Assets have increased $8.9M this fiscal year, primarily due to increases in receivables for housing and meal plans Total Liabilities have increased by $6.6M, primarily due to an increase in unearned housing revenue, offset by a decrease in the noncurrent capital lease obligation Total Net Position has increased by $2.1M this fiscal year primarily due to the increase in unrestricted net position The Corporation’s Total Net Position balance as of December 31, 2014 is $48.0M compared to $45.9M at June 30, 2014 Highlights on Operating Statements of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Position (budget comparison): • • • Total Operating Revenues are ahead of budget by $2.2M due mostly to housing and homeowner sales (a non-budgeted item) Total Operating Expenses are below budget by $944k as seen on almost every line item As a result of the above, the Operating income exceeded budget by $3.2M Highlights on Consolidated Statements of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Position (prior year comparison): Overall, the Corporation’s Operating Income (including gifts and grants) is $3.1M Total Nonoperating Revenues and Expenses and Other Changes in Net Position which includes gifts and donations, investment income, university support, market gains and losses, and interest on capital-related debt yielded net expenses of $997k As a result of the above, the overall net impact is a increase in net position of $2.1M this fiscal year Budget Operating Revenues: Housing Homeowner Sales Sales and services of auxiliary enterprises Conference services Other operating revenues $ Total Operating Revenues Operating Expenses: Salaries and benefits Contract services Utilities Supplies and services Travel Scholarships Professional services Housing concessions Repairs and maintenance Equipment Insurance Depreciation and amortization Cost of homeowner sales Other operating expenses Total Operating Expenses Operating Income $ 13,412,938 373,738 300,000 387,366 Actuals $ 14,422,400 936,500 419,618 540,927 387,244 Variance $ 1,009,462 936,500 45,880 240,927 (122) 14,474,042 16,706,689 3,459,582 3,003,392 1,629,686 383,169 54,963 110,000 141,580 418,153 668,560 708,824 432,512 2,004,527 874,538 3,127,248 2,460,759 1,495,506 294,834 37,227 33,076 148,919 373,963 823,035 254,561 351,314 2,170,094 878,016 497,102 332,334 542,633 134,180 88,335 17,736 76,924 (7,339) 44,190 (154,475) 454,263 81,198 (165,567) (878,016) 377,436 13,889,486 12,945,654 943,832 584,556 $ 3,761,035 2,232,647 $ 3,176,479 UNIVERSITY CORPORATION AT MONTEREY BAY 100 Campus Center Seaside, CA 93955-8001 831/582-3500 MEMORANDUM TO: Corporation Board of Directors CC: Kevin R. Saunders, Corporation Executive Director FROM: Maria A.Y. Garcia DATE: 19 March 2015 SUBJECT: Post-Retirement Employee Housing Rental Policy The Post-Retirement Employee Housing Rental Policy sets guidelines for employees retiring from CSUMB and/or its auxiliaries that may want to continue to rent housing in Schoonover Park I. At meeting on Thursday, 26 March 2015, the Board will be asked to adopt the new policy. Corporation staff recommends the approval of the attached policy. If you have any questions or concerns before the Board meeting, please contact Maria A.Y. Garcia at (831) 582-5027or UNIVERSITY CORPORATION AT MONTEREY BAY 100 Campus Center Seaside, CA 831/582-3500 93955-9001 411-001-A: POST-RETIREMENT EMPLOYEE HOUSING RENTAL I. Policy After retiring from California State University, Monterey Bay (“CSUMB”) and/or its auxiliary organizations, an employee who is already in faculty/staff housing and was continuously employed by CSUMB and/or its auxiliary organizations for at least 20 years may remain in faculty/staff housing subject to the guidelines below. II. Policy Guidelines A. The 20 years may be a combination of time worked at CSUMB and its auxiliary organizations, but it must be continuous. B. An employee renting in a different part of Corporation housing prior to retirement would have to move to a 2-bedroom unit in Schoonover Park I after retirement if there is space available. C. Post-retirement rental will be subject to market rates and all applicable rules and regulations that Corporation housing has in place during the rental period. III. Adoption and Review A. The Corporation’s Board of Directors has adopted this PostRetirement Employee Housing Rental Policy, on 26 March 2015. B. Barring any significant changes in California law, this PostRetirement Employee Housing Rental Policy will remain in effect without Board review. Corporation staff, however, will review this policy periodically to ensure its appropriateness. C. Any proposed amendments or variations of this policy would require a majority approval by the Corporation Board of Directors. Page 1 of 1 Mar/2015
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