Saint Mary Magdalen Parish BUILDING A FAMILY OF FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST – THROUGH CATHOLIC WORSHIP, EDUCATION & CHARITY Parish Office 610-566-8821 For emergencies after office hours, please call Ext. 123 or 110 MARCH 22, 2015 Fifth Sunday of Lent Office Hours Mon, Tue 9AM to 8PM Wed through Fri 9AM to 5PM Office closed 12-1PM Rev. Msgr. Ralph J. Chieffo Pastor Office extension 110 Rev. James F. Hughes Pastor Emeritus Rev. Timothy J. Buckley Parochial Vicar Office extension 123 Rev. William J. Chiriaco In Residence Religious Education Sr. Mary James McCaffrey, IHM Directress of Religious Education 610-565-5782 Deacon Peter Zurbach Fourth grade students entertaining SMM Senior group, Wednesday March 11 SMM Grade 4 entertaining the SMM Senior Group Lenten Penance Service Tuesday, March 24, 7:00PM Mass Schedule Saturday: 8:30 AM and 5:30 Vigil Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:30 AM and 5:30 PM Weekday: Monday thru Friday 6:30 AM and 8:30 AM Holy Days: As noted in bulletin Rosary and Prayer for Life and Vocations School Office Join us every Tuesday at 7:15 PM in the chapel to pray the rosary. Pray the rosary before daily Mass at 8 AM. Miraculous Medal Novena each Saturday after 8:30 AM Mass. First Friday and First Saturday Devotions at 7:45 AM Men’s Reflection - First Saturday after 8:30 AM Mass Flame of Love Devotion - First Saturday 9:30AM to 10:45 AM 610-565-1822 Sacrament of Reconciliation Deacon James DiFerdinand Mrs. Barbara Burke Principal Tuesdays - 7:00 - 7:30PM Saturday 4:30 to 5 PM or call to schedule a private reconciliation time St. Patrick Perpetual Adoration Chapel Mrs. Mary Anne Johnston President Sunday, 1 PM to Saturday, 8:30 AM 2400 North Providence Road, Media, PA 19063 PAGE 2—march 22, 2015 fifth Sunday of lent Parish Staff Mrs. Susan Edmundowicz Business Manager Office extension 126 Mrs. Mary Louise Mayer Office Manager Office extension 109 Mrs. Nancy Pantuliano Office Secretary Office extension 107 Ms. Patricia Miniszak Alumni Coordinator Office extension 122 Mrs. Anita Morro, R.N. Healing Ministry Office extension 121 Mrs. Shelly Zeller Liturgical Coordinator Office extension 121 Mrs. Mary-Ellen Harris Musical Director Office extension 128 Mrs. Lauren Kinslow-Finore Youth Group Additional ministries, organizations & services on page 9 ST. MARY MAGDALEN BUILDING A FAMILY OF FAITH WITH JESUS CHRIST, THROUGH CATHOLIC WORSHIP, EDUCATION AND CHARITY. Monsignor’s message Souper day Saint Patrick brought Jesus and a smile not only to the pagans of Ireland, but to all of us who believe Jesus destroyed sin and death and promised us resurrection and eternal life and love. The First Graders acted out how young Patrick was kidnapped and sold into slavery in Ireland. He prayed and God gave him a vision that he would be rescued. In thanksgiving to God, Patrick obeyed the call to become a priest and missionary to the very people that enslaved him. The Irish worshipped the sun as the source of life and love. Patrick placed a Cross over the symbol of the sun and taught them that Jesus alone is the creator and savior of the world. He preached and lived the command of Jesus dying on the Cross: “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing!” (Luke 23:34) At recess, the fourth graders wished me a “Souper Day” bringing me potato soup which they made as part of the “Living Bridges Stewardship Program.” Our children partner with one of our shut in or senior parishioners and visit them with cards and treats. They thank them for all we do to support our wonderful school. Patrick Logan captured the sentiments of the class: “Dear Monsignor, Thank you for all you do for us! I hope you enjoy the soup and have a “Souper Day!” In the remaining days of Lent, you too can enjoy a “Souper Day” whenever you share the presence, power and peace of Jesus with an Irish smile and a merciful heart. Saint Patrick reminds us that if we want to overcome the sadness and sinful realities of our secular society, we need to worship God faithfully, learn our faith and witness to others the joy of serving others. This week Sue Mita will share how we can help our SMM Oasis of Peace Orphanage in Kenya where 48 little ones are praying for us with grateful hearts. Check the flyer in the bulletin and pray to Saint Patrick how you too can be a missionary and pay forward the gift of faith. Through Death To New Life “Christ himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, so that, free from sins, we might live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed.” (1 Peter 2:24) The immense suffering of humanity can easily be understood as a sign of God’s wrath, as a punishment. And we, looking at the horrors that plague our world, are saying, “How can there be a loving God when all this is happening?” Jesus, however, took upon himself all this suffering and lifted it up on the cross, not as a curse but as a blessing. Jesus made the cup of God’s wrath into a cup of blessings. That’s the mystery of the Eucharist. Jesus died for us so that we may live. He poured out his blood for us so that we may find new life. He gave himself away for us, so that we can live in community. He became for us food and drink so that we can be fed everlasting life. Our suffering can no longer be a divine punishment. Jesus transformed it as the way to new life. His blood, and ours too, now can become a martyr’s blood-blood that witnesses to a new covenant, a new communion, a new community. - Henri J. M. Nouwen Parish news, march 22 2015—page 3 OUR PARISH LENTEN REFLECTION THEME - TIME TO FALL IN LOVE WITH JESUS AND HIS FAMILY, THE CHURCH SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION - Enjoy the Peace of Christ TUESDAYS OF LENT, 7:00 - 7:30 PM AND SATURDAYS, 4:30 PM - 5:00 PM PARISH PENANCE SERVICE-TUESDAY, MAR 24, 7:00PM LENTEN REFLECTION WITH MONSIGNOR – TUESDAY, MAR 31, 7:30 PM STATIONS OF THE CROSS - FRIDAYS OF LENT: 9AM, 1:15PM and 7PM pope said. But, after mustering up the courage to go, they We are considering moving the 5:30 PM Mass on Saturday will often find unwelcoming and judgmental Christian and Sunday to 5 PM and Saturday Confession to 9 AM Sat- communities with their “doors closed” to them. Mimickurday morning and Tuesdays at 7 PM. Contact the Parish ing unwelcoming parishioners, Pope Francis said they tell people, “You made a mistake here and you cannot (enter). Secretary. If you would like to come, come to Sunday Mass, but stay there, don’t do more. SAINT JOSEPH BANQUET Thank you for all who served and participated in our first In this way, “that which the Holy Spirit does in people’s banquet to honor St. Joseph and pray for his intercession hearts, Christians - with a psychology of doctors of the law - then destroy,” the pope said at the Mass in the Domus for our family faith and friendships to endure in good Sanctae Marthae. “Who are you to close the door of your times and bad. heart to a man, to a woman who has the will to improve, AROUND SMM… to re-enter the people of God because the Holy Spirit stirred their heart? He said. CHAMPIONS FOR CHRIST Over 4,000 letters supporting our SMM School fundraiser Pope Francis went on to say that such incidents are disappointing for him and he insisted that the church must have were mailed this week with much fanfare! its doors always open. “It is the house of Jesus and Jesus welcomes. Not only does he welcome, he goes out to find people, just as he went to find (the paralytic),” said the pope, referring to the day’s Gospel reading (jn 5:1-16). “If people are wounded, what does Jesus do? Does he reprimand them because they are wounded? No, he carries them on his shoulder. And this is called mercy.” And when God reproaches his people, calling for mercy and not sacrifice, the pope continued, this is what he means. The pope added that Lent is the time to avoid making the same mistake as those who bear contempt against Jesus’ love for the paralytic because, having healing him on the Sabbath, it may seem contrary to the law. He concluded with a prayer for the conversion of the whole church to the mercy of Jesus. “And this way the law will be fully accomplished because the law is to love God and neighbor as ourselves.” he said. WE NEED YOUR INPUT! EXAMINATIONS OF CONSCIENCE Did I deny or doubt God’s existence? Did I deny that I was a Catholic? Did I neglect prayer for a long time? Did I fail to pray daily? DOORS OF THE HOUSE OF JESUS ARE OPEN, Did I give scandal by what I said or did, especially to the young? SO COME IN Was I uncharitable in word or deed? (posted in Spirituality, on March 17, 2015) by: Laura Ieraci Did I fast as required on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday? The church “is the House of Jesus.” and Christians must welcome everyone, even bringing those who are unable to Did I eat meat on the Fridays during Lent or on Ash make their way on their own, said Pope Francis at morning Wednesday? Did I tell lies? Deliberately in order to deceive or injure Mass March 17. others? People who are sad or “sick in their soul” or who have Was I impatient, angry, envious, unkind, proud, jealous, “made many mistakes in their lives” may, at a certain point, feel the Holy Spirit inspire them to go to church, the revengeful, hateful toward others or lazy? School, alumni and parish news march 22,, 2015—page 4 FROM MRS. BURKE’S DESK… Principal, St. Mary Magdalen School The following students were recognized by the Delaware County Science Fair Committee for their exceptional work on their science projects. Carly Bateman was awarded Second Place in the Medicine and Health category; Sara McDougal was awarded Second Place in the Behavioral Science category; Erin Daly was awarded an Honorable Mention in the Behavioral Science category. Some will have the opportunity to move on to the Delaware Valley Science Fair. Congratulations Carly, Sara and Erin! Mrs. Burke can be reached or 610-565-1822, x101 BLOCS TUITION ASSISTANCE FIRM DEADLINE, MARCH 31, 2015 The BLOCS program is available to assist those who might need tuition help or feel they cannot afford a Catholic school education. Applications must be submitted by March 31. CONGRATULATIONS CYO HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS BASKETBALL! Our CYO HS Girls Basketball team just completed another successful season, winning Region 25 in undefeated fashion and making the Elite Eight of the Archdiocesan tournament. Team members include Seniors: Danielle Arra, Shannon Rogers and Marissa Spallucci, Juniors: Maura Bradley, Kristi Grauer, Taylor Sharkey and Elizabeth Ward SMM SCHOOL ALUMNI NEWS Congratulations to Garrett Wolk who achieved and Sophomores: Emily Markley, Erin Rogers and CatheFirst Honors at Rustin High School for the first rine Ward. semester. CONGRATULATIONS MICHELE MCALEE Congratulations to Mrs. Michele McAlee who was honored last week at the annual Cardinal O’Hara HS Communion Breakfast. Each year the Alumni Association honors individuals who have given their time and talent to the O’Hara Community with the Spirit of O’Hara Award. Mrs, McAlee is pictured with her husband, Larry, daughter, Nicole, SMM ‘08, who attends the University of Notre Dame and son, Steve, SMM ‘10, who attends Boston College. Congratulations to Michele on this special award and thank you for all your have done for SMM School! Please contact Pat Miniszak at 610-566-8821 x122 or EDUCATIONAL IMPROVEMENT TAX CREDIT Partner with SMM in providing our students with tuition assistance instead of paying your state taxes. Apply for the Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit and donate that money to our scholarship fund instead. In return, you will receive either 75 or 90% credit on your taxes. 100% of your donation will go directly to tuition assistance. BLOCS and EITC report that during the school year 2014-15, we assisted 20 students at SMM with $21,000 and $4,000 toward technology. Please contact Don Saleski(856)7733300 x611 or Joe Powell (610) 359-1388 for additional information. SCHOOL AND PREP PROGRAM FINANCIAL COMMITMENT We at Saint Mary Magdalen, appreciate your trust and value your partnership in the faith formation of your children. Our Finance Committee and Pastoral Council have prayerfully considered that in an effort to establish funding stability and ensure the financial longevity of the school, we are implementing a new registration requirement, a Financial Commitment letter. These letters will be sent with your first tuition statement for the next school year. I believe if we all pray together at home, school and church, God will provide all we need spiritually and financially. The Lord’s grace and peace, Msgr. Chieffo SPECIAL FAMILY MASS FOR EACH GRADE April 12, our 9:30 Mass is a special mass for the 5th grade students of SMM school, PREP and their families. Fifth grade students will be participating in many parts of the Mass. We ask that all 5th grade students and their families sit together on the choir side of the church. Our next class Mass after April 12 will be April 19. SMM ADULT QUIZZO NIGHT SATURDAY, APRIL 18 7:00 PM Food, Fun and Fellowship! $20 per person (ages 21 and up). Each table is a team, max. 10. You’re encouraged to sign up as a team but if not, we will place you. Bring snacks, appetizers and BYOB. For info or to register contact: Jodi Evert, SCHOOL TUITION ASSISTANCE Anyone needing help with tuition must first go through BLOCS before we can help with our SMM Sponsor A Student Program. Contact the school office for information Vacation Bible School is back this year! Please contact Sr. 610-565-1822. Mary James 610-565-5782 if you would like to have your child attend or to help with the program. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL JUNE 22-26, 8:30 - 12 PM Parish News march 22, 2015—page 5 SMM YOUTH GROUP MARCH 22, AFTER 5:30 MASS Our group had a great turnout last meeting! Our tour of the stations of the cross was a great way to deepen our understanding of lent. We created a Lenten “prayer chain” that we will use each day to remind us of one positive thing we can do each day. Our final Mass and gathering is on March 22. We will then be preparing for the homeless families to stay through IHM. Ideas for summer service will be shared as well as a special dinner. We hope to see you there! For info or to be added to the youth ministry emails, please contact Lauren Kinslow-Finore, 610-742-7695 or INTERFAITH HOSPITALITY WEEK OF MARCH 29 We will be hosting our guest families the week of March 29. New volunteers are always welcome. Please use the sign-up sheet: smmihn IHN FUNDRAISER APRIL 14 We will be having a Nelson’s BBQ fundraiser on April 14th at the Rose Tree Rd. Sunoco. To place an order for BBQ Chicken or Ribs dinners, call Lorie at 610-803-8580. $12 - $15. BEREAVEMENT MEETING MONDAY APRIL 13, 1:15PM Blessed are those who mourn. Our Bereavement meetings will resume on April 13 in St. Thomas Aquinas Room. Sister Marie Michelle, RSM will be speaking. Additional meetings will be held on consecutive Mondays: Apr. 20, Apr. 27, May 4, May 11 and May 18. You are welcome to join the group at any time. Please contact Barbara Eubanks at 610 361-8787 with any questions. CATHOLIC WOMEN’S READING GROUP APRIL 1, 7:00 PM The Catholic Women's Reading Group will meet on Wed., April 1, in the Gathering Room to discuss, " The Fullfillment of All Desire" by Ralph Martin. All women are welcome. For information contact Camille Morrison 610-566-2186 MOMMY PRAY AND PLAY KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS THURS. APRIL 9, 9:30 AM This is your final opportunity to purJoin our group of loving moms and adorable children that meet every 2nd Thursday of the month from 9:30am-11:00am in the St. Francis Room. Bring your precious little ones (or come alone). We offer new friendships, fresh ideas, thoughtful reflections, refreshments and babysitters. For info: Colleen Robinson, or Maria Anderson, BETHESDA PROJECT chase a raffle ticket for the beautiful Pieta statue that the Knights are raffling. The statue is a gracious gift of Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Zeminski, he is a member of the Knights. A portion of the proceeds will purchase new wheelchairs for needy individuals internationally through the “Global Wheelchair Mission” program. Please consider joining the Knights. For information contact Grand Knight Bartholomew Tortella. Thank you to all who donated casseroles last weekend! Our next weekCATECHETICAL CORNER end is April 18-10. For info please Good liturgy requires the three H’s: contact Joanne, good hospitality, good homilies and or Jean, good hymns. Jesus is already here, you can’t get any better than that! ST VINCENT DE PAUL The Lord meets us where we are: if FOOD CUPBOARD we show up and do our very best, He During this season of Lent, please conwill do the rest! Hospitality is needed sider picking up a few of these items and wanted element in our Parish for our collection: Pasta and spaghetti community. We are looking for indisauce, rice, beans, tuna fish, spam, viduals or families who might be intercereal, pancake mix and syrup, potato ested in assisting in our Hospitality flakes, crackers, spaghettios, ice tea Ministry. Contact Shelly Zeller, office mix, coffee, peanut butter and jelly, x121. We need and want you! cake and icing, juices, mac and cheese, canned fruit and beef stew, LITTLE SISTERS OF THE POOR formula and diapers, shampoo and SPRING CONCERT toothpaste, and cleaning items. APRIL 11, 6:00 PM For info: John Donohue 610-359-9394 Chase the winter blues away by coming to the Little Sisters Spring Concert, SMM SENIORS MEETING featuring the Irish Group, Scythian. APRIL 8, 1 PM The concert will be held at Villanova’s Seniors will meet at 1:00p.m. in St. Jake Nevin Field House. Admission is Francis Hall, (the lower level of the $50pp, $20 students and $10 ages 12, church). All those 55+ are welcome to also includes food and beverages. join us. Following the business www.littlesistersofthepoorphiladelph meeting there will be a presentation or 215-729-5153 of MARK TWAIN. Light refreshments will be served. For more information IRELAND AND LONDON contact Marie Burns at 484-574-8870 TRIP OPPORTUNITY Join Monsignor Chieffo and fellow SPRING CLEANUP parishioners on an 8 day trip to IreAPRIL 10-12 land! An optional trip to London, July There is a weekend, April 10-12, 12-16 can be added. First class hotels, where you can go to “check out” your many meals and airfare is included. relationship. It is a very positive look Guided sightseeing to include: St. Patat how you are doing in your marriage rick’s Cathedral-Glendalough, Wexand even hear a few good ideas on ford, Historic Waterford, Blarney and how you can grow closer as a couple. more. Contact Tom Ward, Premier It’s called Marriage Encounter. For Travel, 610-285-1868. info and reservations 610-449-1859 or TUNE IN TO MSGR. RALPH ON THURSDAYS 5-6PM 800 AM RADIO PAGE 6—march 22, 2015 Gospel summary, Calendars & parish news GOSPEL SUMMARY Read: “John 12:20-33 Some Greeks” voice their desire: “We would like to see Jesus.” What they hope to encounter through such an audience is “the joy of salvation.” Jesus becomes “the source of eternal salvation” by his obedient suffering that makes him “perfect.” For only if the grain of what dies does it produce fruit, only if one “hates his life in this world” does he “preserve it for eternal life.” The Father will honor anyone who follows Jesus in this selfsacrificing way. He “will make a new covenant.” God’s law will be written upon our hearts. We will be his people. CHORAL PRAISE HYMNAL Readings for today can be found on page 617 in Choral and Praise. March 29 is Palm Sunday The Passion of the Lord. Gospel Mark 11:1-10 page 619. NEW FIFTH GRADE ALTAR SERVERS Thank you to Ms. Miniszak for tirelessly training our new group of fifth grade altar servers. Congratulations to: Jonathan Aman, Charles Bastian, J. P. Breen, Liam Buckley, Thomas Cullen, Christopher Dolan, Jack Freind, Emily Hassey, Paulina Iacona, Sarah Kichula, Kyria McAnulla, Ellie Miller, Colleen Murtagh, Marisa Pace, Maria Procaccini, William Reger, Alexis Sapnas, Julia Scholtz, Matthew Sparling, and Alice Verna. Thank you for your dedication to serving the church. LITURGICAL MINISTERS SCHEDULE Saturday, March 28, 2015—5:30 PM Mass Celebrant: Father Buckley Lector: Joseph Boyle Altar Servers: E. Coury, M. Behrle, C. Fulmer Sunday, March 29, 2015—7:30 AM Mass Celebrant: Father Chiriaco Lector: Mary Ellen Stack Altar Servers: M. Marchese, L. Rennie Sunday, March 29, 2015 – 9:30 AM Mass Celebrant: Monsignor Chieffo Lector: Rudolph Chillemi Altar Servers: A. Nunag, B. & N. Szipszky Sunday, March 29, 2015 -11:30 AM Mass Celebrant: Father Buckley Lector: Paul Stoyell-Mulholland Altar Servers: V. Caruso, L. Stewart, E. Chermol Sunday, March 29, 2015 - 5:30 PM Mass Celebrant: Legion of Christ Lector: Kurt Micelli Altar Servers: B. & R. Martin, J. Spaeder JOIN US AT ST MARY MAGDALEN! Sunday - March 22 9:30 AM - Childcare, 0-3years, St. Francis Hall 6:30 PM - Youth Group After Mass, St. Thomas Tuesday - March 23 7:00 PM - Confessions (to 7:30 PM) 7:15 PM - Rosary, Chapel 7:35 PM - Lenten reflection with Monsignor, Chapel Wednesday-March 24 4:00-8:00PM - K of C Crab Cake Distribution, Cafeteria 7:30 PM - St. Vincent DePaul, St. Thomas Thursday - March 26 7:00 PM - AA Meeting, Rectory Basement Friday - March 27 9:00 AM, 1:15 PM and 7:00 PM - Stations of the Cross Saturday - March 28 7:00 PM - Home & School Father Daughter Dance Sunday - March 29 – Palm Sunday IHN HOSTING FAMILIES All Masses - Home & School Flower Sale 9:30 AM - Childcare, 0-3, St. Francis Hall 10:30 AM - Knights of Columbus Easter Egg Hunt 6:30 PM - Youth Group after 5:30 Mass, St. Thomas MARK YOUR CALENDARS Holy Thursday, April 2 - 7:30 PM Good Friday, April 3 - 3:00 PM Holy Saturday, April 4 - 7:00 PM Easter, April 5 - 7:30 PM, 9:30 PM, 11:30 AM Divine Mercy Sunday, April 12 - 2 PM First Communion, May 3, 11:30 AM PARISH LENTEN PENANCE SERVICE TUESDAY, MAR 24 7:00 - 8:30PM Come and enjoy the mercy and peace of Jesus who sacrificed Himself to forgive our sins so that we can forgive one another. We will have eight priests offering you the grace to amend your life and make restitution for our failings. CATHOLICS COME HOME FOR LENT If you have been away or if you are not Catholic and would like to learn about the Catholic faith, our welcomes you with open arms! We’re here to help you begin or continue your faith journey, so you can find true peace, happiness and purpose in life! Please pick up a copy of our literature in the back of the Narthex. Please contact me so we can share God’s faith, hope, love and mercy, Msgr. Ralph WORLD MEETING OF FAMILES HELP Consider opening your home to a family or individual. Learn more at or email Mass Intentions, prayer list and announcements March 22, 2015 - page 7 WE WELCOME OUR NEW FAMILIES: New family to our parish? See Msgr. Chieffo for a registration form after Mass or stop in our Parish Offices, Mon–Fri 9AM to 5PM. If you would like your family and home blessed, please contact Fr. Buckley, extension 123. WELCOMED HOME BY GOD: Our sympathy and prayers are extended to the family of Elizabeth McLarney (mother of Sean McLarney), Mary Louise Dougherty (mother of Christopher Dougherty) Robert Markley (father of Brian Markley), all the victims of war, all of the 4,100 daily abortions and all our SMM Faith Community for those who have died. GOD BLESS THE NEWLY BAPTIZED! If you are a parishioner and would like to schedule a baptism, please contact Nancy, x107 A TIME TO HEAL. Please pray for our sick: Fr. James Hughes, Edwina Amoroso, Eileen Belanger, Chris Bogdash, Kay Greenblatt, Giana Campbell, Dave Clark, George Closs, Fran Cook, William DeCarlo, Gennela D’Orazio, Kathleen Durham, Baby Andrew Dzara, Annabeth Rose Ebert, Michael Fedula, Abigail Foster, Jennifer Gianfrancesco, Francis Greisser, William Hampton, Patrick Hennessy, Baby Hudson, Jim Huff, Elliot and Henry Johnson, Leo Kazmierczak, Tom King, Caren Pappano Ladd, Joe Malloy, Andrea Orsini, Robert Pappano, Jr. , James Pinto, Bill Purner, III, Harry Reid, William Rescigno, Gary Rosenzweig, Dan Shellington, Katherine Smith, Janis Testa, and Joann Trolio. CONGRATULATIONS! Congratulations to SMM graduate Joseph Conroy for his role in the recent Devon Prep play, My Fair Lady. MASS INTENTIONS SUNDAY, MARCH 22 7:30AM - John J. Sullivan 9:30A M - Rev. Russell DeSimone 11:30AM - Reynaldo San Gabriel 5:30PM - Marie Schneider MONDAY, MARCH 23 6:30AM – Carmen A. Verrilli 8:30AM – John Pinette TUESDAY, MARCH 24 6:30AM – Jean Brennan 8:30AM – Rosemary Alvare 7:00PM - Easter Reconciliation WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25 6:30AM - Pam Bemer 8:30AM - Lamont McClure THURSDAY, MARCH 26 6:30AM – Ints. of Madeline Otruba & family. 8:30AM - John B. Carlini FRIDAY, MARCH 27 6:30AM— Frank Byrne 8:30AM - Charles Chillemi SATURDAY, MARCH 28 8:30AM - Steven Cosgrove 5:30PM - John Crumsho SUNDAY, MARCH 29 7:30 AM - Anthony D’Angelo 9:30 AM - Michael Ciavardini 11:30 AM - Michael Cipresso 5:30 PM - Robert Cochran CANDLE SMM OASIS OF PEACE CHILDRENS HOME, KENYA Please consider assisting the children of our SMM Orphanage in Kenya! A cost of only $120.00/ month will care for every aspect of a child in this home: food, clothing, medicine, school fees, uniforms. All expenses to run the school and orphanage are also included in this amount. Would you consider this amazing opportunity to help secure a life and create a future for one or more of God's precious children in Africa? Families could partner in their sponsorship if the cost would be more feasible. Consider honored a loved one with a donation to the orphanage. Contact Sue Mita, 610-574-1531. From God... Through us...To them. We can and will make a difference! In memory of - Philomena & James Rotandaro FLOWERS IN THE CHAPEL In memory of - BREAD & WINE In memory of - HOPE MEAL PROGRAM Contact: Nicky Verna PAGE 8—march 22, 2015 - parish sacraments, stewardship & tithing STEWARDSHIP AND TITHING Gracious and loving God, we know that it is from your hand that we receive all that we have and all that we are. We believe that you call us to be the stewards of the gifts you have entrusted to us. Help us to respond to your generosity, by our generosity to all in need; to respond to your forgiveness, by our willingness to forgive others. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen. YOUR FAITH GIFTS AND TALENTS ARE PRECIOUS TO ALL OF US March 15 Collection - $15,160 March Mail in - $10,950 EFT - $769.00 March Total - $26,879 Last Year - $27,190 Little Sister of the Poor - $4,585 Champions for Christ - $15,809 Our student sponsored school appeal. Net donations to date FAITH DIRECT - ELECTRONIC FUNDS Please note! While we have implemented a new convenient way for you to support our parish offertory and second collections, we continue to have our own Electronic Funds Program, if you so choose. Faith Direct enables you to make your contributions through your credit cards, checking or savings accounts. Our own EFT program is limited to checking and savings accounts. To securely enroll in Faith Direct, please visit Our parish code is PA675. If you would like to enroll in our parish program, please contact the parish offices. Please pray for and invite someone in your family who is not praying with us at Mass on the weekend. SECOND COLLECTION - THIS WEEK CHURCH IN LATIN AMERICA LAUGH WITH THE IRISH BLESSING May those who love us, love us and those that don’t love us, may God turn their hearts. And, if He doesn’t turn their hearts, may He turn their ankles so we will know them by their limping. May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face. And rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of His hand SACRAMENT INFORMATION: BAPTISM: Call Deacon Peter or Mary Zurbach 610-5655736 to sign up for Baptismal class for all parents. Sponsor Eligibility Letters from the parishes are needed three weeks before the Baptism. We ask you to come for instructions before you give birth so that you can be prepared in choosing your date and sponsors. We remind all parents and Godparents that they must be registered and practicing Catholics. Godparents must be 16 years of age and have received the Sacrament of Confirmation. Our next Pre-Jordan Meeting: May 6, 7:00PM WEDDINGS: Weddings are arranged 6 months ahead. At least one partner or their parents must be a practicing and active member of our parish. Please call Msgr. Chieffo at Ext. 110 or Fr. Buckley at Ext. 123 for the initial paperwork and to arrange your wedding date. RCIA: Interested in becoming a Catholic or a Catholic who needs to complete their sacraments? Call Deacon Peter and Mary Zurbach, (610) 565-5736. FAITH SHARING: Rejuvenating Our Catholic Faith through Jesus Our Faith Sharing groups are discussion groups with your fellow parishioners reflecting on the Sunday reading and Fr. Robert Barron’s videos on Catholicism. Fr. Barron’s books and CD’s are available in the narthex. Meetings are kept to an hour. Facilitators and times of meetings are listed below. Mondays: 1:30 PM Camille Antonello, 610-566-0148 Tuesdays: 7:45PM Joanne Hinkle, 610-892-3998 Wednesdays: 7:00AM (Men’s Group) Dennis Murphy, 610-565-5568 Thursdays: 9:15AM Mary Jane McCloskey, 610-356-4132 Fridays: 7:30AM (Men’ Group in Chester) Eustice Mita, Bimonthly on Mondays Sue Mita, 610-566-4819 Second Wednesdays: 9:30AM Jeanne Barker, 610-627-1009 Bimonthly on Wednesdays Mary Ann Foster, 610-566-1399 First Wednesday of the month– 7:30PM Mary Beth Yount, 610-358-4224 Worship Adult Choir Altar Servers Altar Society Extraordinary Ministers Greeters Guitar Group Lectors Moms In Prayer Perpetual Adoration Prayer Chain Youth Choir Mary-Ellen Harris Susan Edmundowicz Anne Chillemi James & Ro DiFerdinand Barbara Eubanks John Dezell James & Ro DiFerdinand Nicky Verna Shelly Zeller Maria Flannery Maryl Apadula 610-566-8821 610-566-8821 610-566-3206 610-892-9567 610-361-8787 610-565-8234 610-892-9567 610-639-3816 610-353-7739 484-467-3166 914-552-9443 Peter Zurbach Fran Poole Carolyn Giacomucci Karen Kelly Anne Fenerty Frances Jackson James Colombo,MD Dennis & Lorraine Kinslow Phila Marriage Prep Dennis Murphy John Brokars 610-565-5736 610-565-4090 610-357-0636 610-565-6539 610-565-6228 610-592-4216 610-891-0731 610-558-0322 610-873-2017 610-565-5568 610-696-5969 610-566-8821 610-361-8787 610-353-1375 610-639-3816 610-635-8407 610-891-9483 610-892-3998 610-356-3626 610-359-9394 Faith Formation Baptismal Prep Centering Prayer Children’s Liturgy Legion of Mary Little Church School Childcare (9:30AM Mass) Malvern Retreat Marriage Encounter Marriage Prep Men’s Bible Study Neo Catechumenal Healing, Ministry & Stewardship Healing Ministry Bereavement Support Funeral Planner Hope Ministry Charity Board Church Care Bethesda Food Collection St. Vincent de Paul Anita Morro, RN Barbara Eubanks Bernadette Ciavardini Nicky Verna Joshua Ortego Monica Grzeczkowski Joanne Hinkle Susan Fromhold John Donohue Organizations AA Meeting CYO Employment Network Finance Committee School Advisory Board Home & School PREP Board Pastoral Council Religious Endowment Respect Life Seniors Group Knights of Columbus Ushers WebMaster Thursdays, 7PM Dan Morrow Barbara Stoyell-Mulholland Bill O’Shea Ryan Hammond Rosemary Procaccini Melissa Bergen Joe Bodalski Tom Henson John Duffin Marie Burns Dr. Bartholomew Tortella Al Spinelli Kerry Boyle 610-566-3269 484-420-4246 610-627-0607 610-355-2366 610-558-4944 610-565-9598 610-892-7361 610-565-5032 484-574-8870 610-356-7491 610-566-4202 610-565-3417 Copy Deadline for Bulletin Submit copy at least 10 days ahead to Rectory Basement
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