THE “COURIER” NEWSLETTER OF COUNTRY ROADS An Age 55 and Over Homeowner Community Editor: Julie Hanenkrat UPCOMING EVENTS March 1st: Oregon Days! 5th: Board Planning –Mojave 5th: Sock Hop (Dance) 6th: Art Walk 6th: HFOT Johnny Cash Tribute Show 7th: Keepin’ It Country (Dance) 10th: Board Meeting 12th: Debbie and Gordy Show (Branson) 13th: Spaghetti Dinner (Building Fund) 14th: Dakota Players (Dance) 16th: St. Patty’s Dinner (Building Fund) 19th: Craft Fair 19th: Sock Hop (Dance) 21st: Play’in Country (Dance) 23: Mark Cordes (Comedy Show!) 25th: Farewell Dinner Show! 27th: Fish Fry (Dinner) 28th: Dakota Players (Dance) 30th: Movie Matinee April 4th: Dakota Players! (LAST Dance) 5th: Matinee Movie 7th: Ray Cox (Dance) 9th: Board Planning—Mojave 14th: Board Meeting 14th: Ray Cox (Dance) 19th: Matinee Movie 21st: Ray Cox (Dance) Mark Cordes! Comedy Show! Monday, March 23rd, 2015 Time: 7:00 p.m., Ballroom MARCH 2015 From start to finish Mark will have you laughing and smiling! Mark Cordes has been hailed by many critics as a "One Man Laugh Factory." This inventive comedian and humorist is a guaranteed winner! His television credits include "Comic Strip Live," "Caroline’s Comedy Hour" and "An Evening at the Improv." Come out and watch a great show! Open seating, $10 per ticket! Farewell Dinner Show! Wednesday March 25th, 2015 Time: 7:00 p.m. Ballroom Spittin' Image are identical twin brothers who love to sing and play their instruments as much as they love to entertain an audience. Intertwining wonderful vocal ability with excellent musicianship, and mixing it all with comedy, makes for a high energy show that will keep you captivated! Top 40 and classic country mixed with classic rock ‘n roll is the music they love to perform. Menu will be BBQ Chicken, baked beans, mixed veggies, cornbread muffin, and a dessert! $15 per person, BYOB. PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE It is hard to believe that it is March already. What a winter Founding Editor: Curly Silva season this has been! January was a very busy month with the 30 Year Celebration. I was so impressed with the number of Country Road residents that teamed up with their friends and clubs to participate in the parade. And then as we went through the park, I was even more impressed with so many of you lining the streets to say hi, wave at and support your neighbors. The week was a terrific celebration with so many successful activities. What made the week such a success were all the volunteers who put in hours to make the events happen. Our volunteers wrapped hot dogs or worked at the burger bash. There was the group that did the golf cart poker run...and the volunteers that worked the dances and coordinated the dog show. Then there is our dedicated activities council that worked 2 shows in one day so we could enjoy the Texas Tenors!! Special thanks go to the models that strutted their stuff at the Ladies’ Day event. Volunteers, all of you who participated in so many of the various 30th activities, deserve our heartfelt thanks and appreciation! In January we elected a new Board of Directors. I was chosen to be President of the Board. I am very honored to be the leader of this group of dedicated Page 2 The Country Roads COURIER newsletter is an informational newsletter for management news, club activities and announcements of interest to all residents. Any article submitted that is deemed inflammatory, disrespectful, political or biased, or any article in poor taste will not be included. All articles submitted for publication shall be at the discretion of the Editor, Manager and Board of Directors. Submission deadline is the 10th of the month for inclusion in the following month’s issue. homeowners. The new board wants and needs your help to make 2015 a successful year. Consider adding your name to the volunteer list. We will be asking for more of your input in our decision making process this year. Please step forward and offer a bit of your time to assist in your community. successful with many compliments. One person told me that she read it from cover to cover and found it very interesting to get to know our CR families. And others commented on the 30 year history that the committee has captured. We apologize for any errors or omissions. Be sure to get one! Valeri Shoemaker Board President Judy Jessen, Chairman EDITOR: MANAGER’S NEWS EDITOR’S NOTE Country Roads Board of Directors Thank you to all of the organizers and participants for making the 30th Anniversary week so special! Thank you to everyone who helped me make my early deadline for this issue of the Courier. I hope to have met a lot of you during my Feb. visit! Valeri Shoemaker……President Art Fuller…….....Vice President Stan Hayter...……......Treasurer Steve Metz…….……..Secretary Jim La Frenaye.……....Member Leon Brown….….…….Member Dave Wylie……...….…Member COUNTRY ROADS RV PARK 5707 E. 32nd St. #1127 Yuma, AZ 85365 Phone: 928-344-8910 THANK YOU TO ALL OF THE Country Roads STAFF for making our 30th Anniversary CELEBRATIONS go so smoothly! Did You Know? The CC&Rs state, “Neither the Association nor any Owner shall permit any thing or condition to exist upon any portion of the Property which shall induce, breed or harbor infectious plant diseases or noxious insects.” Please consider NOT leaving any firewood on your lot that may breed termites. Be cautious about the plant material you choose. There are not supposed to be any fruit bearing plants on any lot. In preparing your lot for the summer remember to bring in lawn items that may blow in strong winds. Thank you. Melissa Wood 30th ANNIVERSARY COMMENMORATIVE BOOK Our keepsake book is very Your efforts and contributions to the Courier are very much appreciated. Julie Hanenkrat, Lot 981 Editor, Country Roads Courier ELECTIONS The 2015 Elections are over, but it isn’t too early to start thinking about the 2016 Country Roads RV Village elections. This is the last communication that will reach ALL OF YOU, before the resumes are due for candidates for the 2016 January election. There will be two (2) open positions on the board of directors for the January 12, 2016 election. So, you might think about it over the summer as to whether or not you would like to submit your name as a candidate. Candidates must be a member (home owner) of the association. Page 3 In September/October, I will start sending out requests, via the CR Bulletin, for candidates’ resumes. There will also be an article in the October Courier, which can be read online through the Country Roads Yuma website: http:// The deadline for resumes to be turned into the homeowner’s office will be Mon., Nov. 9, 2015, 4:00 p.m. Please give this article some thought. We want to be sure to have candidates for our election, giving us a choice. Deloros Shemwell, Chairman Lot 432, 928-314-4920 Election BUILDING FUND The next meetings for the Building Fund are: General Mar02, Mohave Room at 9:00 am, planning To Be announced by new committee. We encourage everyone to attend these meetings. The planning meetings requires you to inform us in advance. We would expect anyone attending to present a project or an event or add info on another's presentation. It's important that all of you know that all association members are automatically members of the Building Fund and you are welcome to attend general meetings to cast your votes and add your comments to the proceedings. Start thinking about becoming a member of the committee or recommending someone. safe trip North and a hasty return for next season. We will elect 3 members at our Mar 2nd meeting. Dan Sauro found it necessary to submit his resignation in February. Dan was a valuable member of our board, and will be missed. His replacement will be to serve out his final year. Please remember that some of us are here in the Park during the summer, so can answer your questions about improvements on your property during that time. Just ask Sandy in the Home Owners’ office and she will help you find one of us. On another note, if you are planning on improvements to your lot during your absence, be sure to complete a Lot Improvement Plan and have it approved by the ACC before you leave, if possible. Also, please appoint a representative to oversee the improvement being done while you are away. We need a letter signed by you and your representative brought into the office when you bring in the improvement application. The Saturday breakfasts and monthly and spaghetti dinners are doing great. Keep up your support. We have 2 projects working at this time. In Feb, we presented to the board a proposal for safety railings on the choir risers in the amount of n$1,600. We hope to present, in March, a proposal in the amount of $2,500, for a storage room for luncheon musicians. We are all looking forward to an active, competitive election this month. Jim Stoner President A.C.C. WOW!! It just doesn’t seem possible that this fun season in Country Roads is about to come to an end for many of us. The Thirtieth Anniversary Party & Celebration, the Tournaments, the dances & fine entertainment were enjoyed in the Ballroom; they are all now a part of history. We won’t forget the old and new friends that help make it such a joy to be here each season. We members of the ACC wish you a If you are among those friends heading North, have a safe trip and a good summer. If you are spending summer here, we (who are here) look forward to seeing you at the Pool Parties, Steak Fries, and many other activities. We are retired, let’s enjoy it wherever we are!!! John Raymond, #281, Chairman OREGON DAYS PARTY MARCH 1st 4:00 p.m. Happy Hour 5:00 p.m. Potluck Dinner Chicken and coffee will be provided. Bring your own table service. BYOB and glass. Shirley & Jim Morehouse, Lot 1247, 928-366-1032 Page 4 MARKETING COMMITTEE The Marketing Committee is wrapping up a very productive year. With a lot of support from the Board of Directors, the Management team and the energy of our volunteer committee, we have completed the following promotional efforts: A. Updating of the brochure. 10,000 brochures were delivered to the resort in time to be distributed at the Boomer and Beyond Exhibition. Pictures in the current brochure remained as we received excellent feedback that they accurately depicted the life of the resort. Material which was outdated was updated and any items erroneously omitted from the 2013 brochure were added. Before residents leave for the summer, they should stop by the Homeowners Office and take a handful to distribute to family and friends during the summer months. B. Participated in the first Boomers and Beyond Exhibition at the Civic Center on Feb. 7. Brochures and Craft Fair and Ballroom Show flyers were distributed. Visitors to the booth were asked to complete a short questionnaire if they were interested in information about CR ownership, rentals, craft fair or ballroom shows. The questionnaire cards were then shuffled and 6 couples were lucky winners of tickets to the two remaining ballroom shows— Cindy Miller Variety Show and the Deidre and Gordy Show. The information received on the cards was shared with the appropriate staff for personal follow up. It is our hope that several new owners and renters will emerge, as well as seeing additional folks at craft fairs and ballroom shows. C. WELCOME TO COUNTRY ROADS programs for new owners and renters have been well received. It is anticipated the Feb. 25 program and the March 5 one will also be positive experiences. Next year’s programs (5) will all be scheduled early each month, beginning in November, in order to really inform new residents about our facilities and activities while they are still getting settled and looking to learn about everything. Gary Bartlett, Chair, Lot 1207 NEW TO YOU PARTY MARCH 1st Annual party in the Coronado Room. Bring your gently used clothes to sell at the fabulous silent auction. More information will be posted. Mark your calendar for March 1st! Aleeda Grant, Lot 489 360-701-3083 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS The Country Roads "open AA meeting" has been moved to the Inca room on FRIDAY's at 4:15 - 5:30 p.m. Alfe Duhamel, Lot 1042 928-328-1226 GUYS & GALS GOLF VICTORY belongs to the CANADIANS for the CAN/AM 2014-15 golf season. Congratulations! It was a close race, but the US will be serving the Canadians next season with all smiles. It is a very spirited and fun time for us all. What a splendid job Jodi Walz and Dave Nelson did in putting this big event together. So many KUDOS owed to you. Thanks also to Jill Blazier for representing the USA, you did it well, and to Patti Ferguson for working up the handicaps, a tedious job. What about that great music by Jerry Olson? There is no way I can name all who helped make this event so successful but a special, special THANKS to you all. February was quite a month; not only the CAN/AM celebration, but our members enjoyed two out of the area golf trips. The two day trip to Emerald Canyon is always a popular one, it could be staying at a casino adds to the thrill. The Barbara Worth trip was Feb. 18th. Donna Lundberg will take over the Cancer Relay for Life coordinator job. Thanks to Jill for filling in for Donna until her arrival. By the time you read this, our club will donate and serve the usual great clam chowder for this very worthy cause. March 8 will be the end of the season banquet. John Mitchell will be catering again, remember those great ribs and chicken, yum. If you plan on attending, Bob & Judy need a head count so our Page 5 caterer will bring enough food. If you are bringing a guest, they need to know that also. Prizes will be given and the 2015-16 officers will be elected. See you all there. Well 2014/2015 is almost over and the Guys & Gals golfers have enjoyed four months of golf already. We still have March to go so keep plugging away, I hear there could be enjoyment in golf, okay! **Learn to “Make Peace with Imperfection.” I’m trying, I’m trying. Norma Bright, Secretary, # 610 TENNIS CLUB We had our Feb. 10th meeting in the Inca/Aztec rooms, followed with a wine & cheese social. It’s a fun time for everyone. Our FREE lessons are going good every Wed. from 10:00 to 12:00 noon for men & women. Lessons are led by Ed Jessen, and Frank Walls is helping also. Sign-up sheets are in the tennis cabinet for Round Robin play and Sign up play. The winners of our mixed tournament that was on Jan. 15th & 16th was 1st place Bill Clarke & Ruthie Dunn; 2nd place was Owen Rogers & Ani McDowell. Our Pizza and Beer Party on Feb. 11th was a good time for all our members and their spouse. We had at least 16 new members, one of them won the new tennis racquet. The Ladies tennis tournament went well. We always wish we had more ladies play in it. Aaron Sanderson did a good job running it. We also enjoy visiting and coffee and donuts. Winners in the Senior Games were: Ladies Doubles-Bonnie Reid & Ruthie Dunn, Gold; Men’s Doubles-Bill Clarke & Colin Goodman, Silver; Mixed Doubles-Frank Walls & Bonnie Reid, Gold; Mixed Doubles-Colin Goodman & Ruthie Dunn, Gold. Too bad more tennis players from CR didn’t join us this year! Our Mar. meeting is Mar. 10th at 1:00 p.m. in the Inca/Aztec rooms. The Season Finale Party will be Mar. 11th in the Ballroom. To finish our tournaments for this season will be the Men’s Tournament on Mar. 19th & 20th. Come join us for Fun & Friendly tennis. Ruthie Dunn, Tennis President SECURITY NOTE U.S survey says that areas where motion lights were installed, burglaries decreased by 74%. Wayne King, Security Supervisor BILLIARD CLUB At the annual Bev Huffman Ralph Johnson our board. meeting in Jan., was elected and was reelected to Marcia Forth graciously agreed to fill in for the remainder of the season. The board members for this year are: President-Terry Moser, VicePresident-Giles Lansfield, Treasurer-Jean Engel, SecretaryMarcia Forth, Men’s Representatives-Ralph Johnson and Jim Johnston, Women’s Representative-Bev Huffman. Bruce Edwards remains as our Room Maintenance Manager. We kicked off the park’s 30th Anniversary Party with three tournaments the week before the parade. The Member/NonMember partners format brought in many new players to have a fun and competitive event. The Women’s First Place went to the team of Myrt Wiebe & Barb Bunn. Betty Johnson & Bea Marler were Second. The Mixed Doubles event was a full field of 22 teams with Marc Bernatchez & Barb Smith taking First and Ralph Johnson & Jan Glaus Second. In the Men’s event Marc Bernatchez, with his partner, Rheal Caisse, took First again. Lyle Olmstead came off the horseshoe pits long enough to get Second place with Herb Klein as his partner. The Billiard Club was well represented with floats and participants in the Country Roads 30th Anniversary Parade. Giles Lansfield did a fantastic job designing our floats and organizing many helpers, including Sandy Lansfield, Ralph & Betty Johnson, Terry & Tonya Moser, Marc Bernatchez, and Carl Bechard. Nadine Singleton created a beautiful “Billiard Club Pioneers” float with herself and Page 6 two other original Billiard Club members, Phyllis Dunn and Shirley Cheniere, as passengers. With the other riders and marchers we may have had the largest entry; certainly we had the most fun. We again hosted the Yuma Senior Games Pool Shooting events and the results of two of the events are in. In the women’s singles event Nadine Singleton, Tonya Moser and Jean Engel all took Gold medals. Betty Johnson and Joyce Radke won Silver, and Beverly Dilworth and Myrt Wiebe won Bronze. The Men’s Singles event had fewer contestants than usual this year but not less talent. In Men’s Singles, Albert Cheniere lost his first match in the double elimination format but made a strong comeback to get the Gold. Ralph Johnson and Terry Moser both went undefeated to also get Gold. John Stanviloff, Bill McClarty and Al Vaught all took Silver Medals. Marc Bernatchez and Bill Southard captured Bronze. If you haven’t signed up for the Annual Billiard Club Dinner and Tournament, please do so by March 2nd. The Dinner is on Mon., March 9th in the Ballroom. Happy Hour starts at 3:30 p.m. and we will start eating at 4:00 p.m. Chicken, potatoes and rolls will be provided, with members bringing salads, vegetables, and desserts. Coffee will be provided, otherwise BYOB. Guests are $2 each, pay at the dinner. The annual Club Championship Tournament will start at 6:00 p.m. in the Billiard Room. Hope to see all of you, including the new members, there. Terry Moser Billiard Club President 30th ANNIVERSARY PARADE MARSHALS We were so fortunate to have Dick and Jo Bright as our Grand Marshals for the parade. They are longtime residents of our park and are now full time as well. They came to Country Roads in 1990 and started volunteering right from the start. Jo has been one of the most active volunteers this park has ever seen. She worked in the kitchen for 24 years, as well as many years in the activities office and ice cream socials. Wherever there was a needing hand, she was there. Dick came to Country Roads as a retired California Highway Patrol Commander. He worked diligently to get Country Roads solvent in those trying years of financial short falls. He served as President of the Board of Directors, helping hire a new manager and getting the park back on its feet. We all owe them both for the wonderful groundwork they laid to make Country Roads the park it is today. They were crowned King and Queen of Country Roads in 1996. Myrna Mattson, Parade Chair. AQUA ZUMBA The weather is warming up, so come join us for great water fun while exercising to Latin and hip hop music! Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 10:45 to 11:30 a.m. $5 a visit or $40 for a 10 visit punch card. Mitzi Lisle, Lot 321 360-790-9018 ZUMBA GOLD Zumba Gold continues to attract new participants, as well as longtime fans of this Latin music based, one hour fitness workout in the ballroom, most THURSDAYS at 9 a.m. (except for the Out of Park Craft Fair the 3rd Thursday of the month & holidays) and SATURDAYS at 9:50 a.m. Thank you to Annette Longchamps for assisting me with registration. Feb. 28th, we hosted our ANNUAL 2 hour ZUMBA GOLD PARTY in the ballroom. There were guest instructors in addition to our beloved Rebeca leading us, as well as many giveaways. Much fun was had by all! This event assists Rebeca to upgrade her qualifications in San Diego so we at Country Roads may continue to enjoy ZUMBA GOLD. Thank you to JoAnne Opp & her line dancers for accommodating our preplanned event. Throughout the summer months, I hope you will take advantage of ZUMBA GOLD classes, in or near your home base, wherever that may be. Remember to listen to your body and do what you are able. When possible, do NOT sit Page 7 down during the hour. If you are tired, drop the arms or use a chair to give you some balance & keep in time with your feet. Make sure your doctor is aware of/agrees with your choice of fitness workout. Do wear appropriate footwear & take regular sips of water. Please stretch following the class for an effective cool down. Maggie Carr, Coordinator Lot 821, 928-257-1515 VOLLEYBALL Sand Volleyball at Country Roads: everyone is welcome. No prior experience needed to play, you only need to know how to laugh and have fun! We play at the courts by the maintenance area, Monday-Saturday at 9:00 a.m. On the 3rd Friday of each month, we have a potluck get-together at the Mojave Room. Social time is 4:30, followed by dinner. We all hope you will come and join in the fun. Gary Luyuckfassel, Lot 57 President, Submitted by Deanie Pizzillo, Lot 55 COMPUTER CLUB Coronado Room General Club Class Presentations on requested topics or Drop-in Technical Discussions in the Coronado Room, Wednesdays, 10:00 a.m. to noon. Technical Drop-in sessions on Tuesday evenings in the Aztec Room, 6-8 p.m. Special Interest Groups on Wednesdays for Apple Devices at 8:30 a.m., Windows 8 at 9:00 and Computer Beginners at 1 p.m. in the Coronado Room. Doug Irvine, President entertained. Thank you, Choral and Drama members…you’ve had a ‘banner year’…and give us all pride to be part of Country Roads! CHORAL & DRAMA DOG SHOW WINNERS What an exciting season we’ve enjoyed over the last five months, singing for numerous events in December, January, February and March, plus taking part in Christmas caroling and the 30th Anniversary Parade. As the months progressed, we added more and more voices, making for marvelous results. Our men’s section became the foundation from which the choir grew… every director’s dream! Tricks: 1st Place Sparky, Peggy & Charles Scott; 2nd Place Moxy, Sharon Heindricks; 3rd Place Mugsy, Sharon Rowe. The Drama members of our group deserve a bow too, for their delightful presentation of the original play, “Gorgeous George.” Months of writing, rewriting and rehearsals galore, turned out a fun-filled production. Ninna Sherwood, Jo Nightingale and John Green, as well as all the performers deserve our applause. It’s great to see our friends and neighbors through fun-filled glasses. A job well done! As our rehearsals wind down, the chorus’ last performance will be part of the annual St. Patrick’s Dinner on Mon., March 16th. That night, we all become a little more Irish, singing songs we’ve sung since we were kids, but adding traditional Celtic melodies, as well. Be sure to get your ticket for dinner and be prepared to be Nancy Kirkelie, Director, # 1163 Costume: 1st Place Chloe, Debra Tabor; 2nd Place Kitty, Carole Hedstrom; 3rd Place Sparky, Peggy & Charles Scott. Obedience: 1st Place Sidnee, Pam Pilon; 2nd Place Lily, Ann MacKenzie; 3rd Place Sparky, Peggy & Charles Scott. Judges Choice: 1st Place Hershey, Irv Stern; Lily, Ann MacKenzie, 3rd Place Nikita, Sue Ayers. ROCK & LAPIDARY Our recent Spudfest dinner was a success. Thank you to the over 200 attendees and 20 hardworking volunteers for your support. Many door prizes of jewelry, rock specimens and slabs were handed out. The grand prize raffle winner of the Patio Heater was Byron Courtright from this park. We hope to see you all again next year at this annual event. Field trips last month were out on Highway 95 to collect rhyolite and to the Rowley Mine NW of Gila Bend for possible vanadinite, Page 8 chrysocola, crystals, hematite and wulfenite finds. Club members are working together to demonstrate their Cabochon making and Jewelry for the Artisan Exposition March 6th. Please come out and see the display. The Club's Annual Picnic is scheduled for March 11th 2015. Our classes this year have been so well attended that wait lists were necessary. If you missed out this season and would like to attend one next season, look out for details in next season's Courier. Until then the shop will be up and running until the end of March. Barbara Armstrong, Lot 1000 928-287-4868 POKER RUN The Mystery Poker Run was coordinated by Judy Fuller, lot 537. Many thanks to all of the volunteers who helped make this fun event happen. The winners were: Jim & Shirley Morehouse, Nancy & Gerald Price, Ed & Valerie Henkle and Jim & Caroline Coulter. POKER CLUB We had a great turnout for our all park poker tournament during the 30th Anniversary celebration. The interesting part of that was all the winners were beginners and the regulars all lost out. It was a great time and there is talk that we may do it again next year. In Feb. we also had a Battle of the Sexes and the winner was Rose Kanngiesser. Elections of officers were held the first of the year. Dennis Mattson has stepped down and Don VanSkiver is the new president, with an elected board of officers for support: Marty Aucoin, Rick Gerring, David Lee and Judy Fuller. If you are interested in joining our group, drop by any Monday, Wednesday or Friday evening and check us out. Myrna Mattson, Scribe, Lot 679 4x4 CLUB We had never previously cancelled one of our “Back Country Adventures” due to rain. But, on Monday, January 26, it was raining hard with no relief in sight, and the sky was black. Dale Sessions, our group leader, and Everett Wolfe, our trip leader that day, decided to postpone the trip to Wed. The margarita party/ potluck went on without a hitch on Tues., however. Dale said that we have the parties scheduled for the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, and they will be held even if the trips are cancelled. So, on Wed., Jan. 28, under sunny skies, a group of sixteen 4x4s left our park at 8 a.m. sharp with Everett & Barbara Wolfe in the lead. They led us to the other side of the Colorado River to Gold Rush country, where gold was discovered in 1862 by members of a wagon train headed for California. Using his CB radio, Everett related to us that fullfledged mining was underway not long after they discovered gold. The miners lived in the town of Ogibly, which was later named Tumco. We toured around an area of several mines: The American Girl, the Padre Madre and the Cargo Mines, along with several unnamed mines. The Padre Madre mine is once again being worked, and we viewed a lot of men and equipment busily at work. These mines were primarily gold mines, but they produced several other minerals in marketable quantities, including silver and even uranium. The Cargo mine is a vertical mine with eight levels. The bottom reaches more than 600 feet deep, Everett said. We drove down inside The American Girl Mine and had lunch. Everett told us it is presently for sale. If you are interested, the 140-acre mine owned by Everglade, LLC, can be purchased for $56,000. It is patented land and the owners have full legal title. It closed in the 1930s because of the low price of gold. It opened again in 1989 and produced 456,000 ounces of gold which would be worth about $556 million at today’s price. It closed again in 1999. Our runs take place on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. Our next trips will take place March 9th and 23rd. Sign-up sheets are available about two weeks prior to the trips. You can find them outside on the west side of the Ballroom. On the morning Page 9 of our runs, we line up in the front and leave the park promptly at 8 a.m. The only requirement is that you must have an on-board working CB radio. Be sure to plan on taking folding chairs, lunches and water. On the Tues. following our trips, we have a potluck/margarita party on the patio at 3:30 p.m. It’s always amazing to see the huge variety of foods at our parties. We have bulletin boards outside on the northeast corner of the Ballroom. Be sure to stop by and view pictures from some of our trips. If you have any questions, contact Dale Sessions at Lot 777. Leta Danielson, Lot 1237 SCRAPBOOKING If you are into scrapbooking, card making or paper crafting join us in the Navajo Room on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 9:30 and Saturday mornings from 9:30 to 1:00. Our club has a Cricket and a Cuttlebug, plus basic essentials that members are welcome to use during our sessions. We share the latest techniques in scrapbooking and paper crafting. Membership is $20 for the season or $2 per dropin. CRAFT FAIR March 19 is the last craft fair for this season and the last chance to purchase something unique to take home to your friends, neighbors, grandkids, etc. Be sure and check out ALL the vendors, inside and outside, you might be surprised at the treasures you will find. 11-1 is on Thurs., April 9th. The Craft Fair for the 2014 season (Jan thru Dec) had an income of $13,645.00, congratulations to all involved. Without the great help from so many, we would not have a successful craft fair in Country Roads. Lots of kudos go to the Maintenance staff, Security, Kitchen Crew, our Shuttle Service men and vendors. We don’t want to forget Bobbi’s ladies in pink who work on keeping the vendors happy, we all work well together. The last date for the In-House Craft Sales this season on the patio is Fri., March 20th from 9-3. Please plan on continuing the great job for the craft fair next year (winter). If you have any questions on tables for next season, Bobbi will be glad to answer any and all. Have a safe and healthy summer. Bobbi Caylor, Lot 751 Craft Fair Coordinator 928-344-8910, ext. 104 IN-HOUSE CRAFT FAIR The In-House Craft Sales are held on the 2nd Thursday of the month from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the ballroom. The sign-up sheet is on the west side of the ballroom by the Navajo room. The only exception of the time and place is when the Quilt Show and Arts and Crafts are in the ballroom on a Friday. During those times, we will have our In-House sale on the patio from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The next In-House Craft Sales this season in the ballroom from Mary Halvorson, Lot 787 928-726-7252 PAINTING The painting groups are going strong and flourishing. We have acrylic paint class on Tuesdays from 8:30 to 12:30 in the Inca room. Watercolor is in the afternoon on Tuesdays, also in the Inca room. Thurs. mornings is oil painting in the Navajo room from 9:00 to 12:00. Fri. morning from 8:00 to 12:00 in the Navajo room is acrylic and watercolor. If you are interested in painting, come have a look at what we are doing. Angela Shore, Lot 141 President TOPS AZ #0380 Here it is March already. Some of you will be heading north during this month, however, we will be having our TOPS meetings through the last Friday in April. Please remember to pick up your TRAVEL CHARTS. We wish those departing in March a safe journey home and we look forward to seeing "less of you" next season. Please stay healthy, eat sensibly and exercise. A good percentage of us have signed up to attend the TOPS WINTER RALLY that is being held at St. John Newman Catholic Church on Page 10 the 14th of March. It is always an informative and fun day for those attending. Some of us have the opportunity to show off our “lost pounds.” We also have a few members that are planning on attending IRD in Reno, Nevada in July of this year. This month we will be nominating and voting for our new officers for the 2015/2016 Season. We wish to thank our departing officers for jobs well done. Again, we wish to extend an invitation to anyone wishing to lose weight and are looking for a friendly, informative support group. You are welcome to attend one meeting without charge to see if this is what you are looking for. Our meeting begins promptly at 9:00 and is over by 10:00. It is held in the Mojave room. Anne MacKenzie, Secretary Lot 1170, 541 868 6775 PICKLEBALL It is hard to believe that March is here already! Many of us must now start to get ready for the trek North! It has been a great season of fun play on the pickleball courts. This year, weekly Round Robin Tournaments have been introduced to the Club members. By all accounts these have proven to be popular and a lot of fun! In February we had a special Valentine tournament on the 15th, followed by a social get together at the courts. We will wind up the month of March with a March Madness Scramble Tournament! Come on out to watch the play! Our Annual General Meeting will be held on March 11th. Membership in the Pickleball Club has grown to over 130 members this year! This is an indication of the enthusiasm for the game of Pickleball within the park. Through our fundraising efforts, the Club has been able to make donations to both the Building Fund and the Relay for Life. By the time that you read this, we will be holding our annual Chili Fiesta on March 4th, complete with a raffle and dancing to DJ Mark! Thank you to everyone for your continued support of the Pickleball Club. Safe travels to everyone and we are already looking forward to another great season next year! Janice Goodall, Vice President CR Pickleball Club CATHOLIC POTLUCK The Catholic Potluck is on March 15th, in the Coronado Room, at 1:00 p.m. We will be celebrating St. Patrick's Day. Tea and coffee are provided. Please bring a dish of your choice. Contact Bertie Caissie, Lot 85 928-344-0944 CATHOLIC FELLOWSHIP We are into the second week of Lent. Rosary is being prayed Monday through Friday at 8:00 a.m. in the Chapel. Palm Sunday is on the last Sunday, on March 22nd. Holy Thursday and Good Friday follow on March 26th and 27th. Easter Masses begin Saturday evening, with the beautiful Easter Renewal Mass. The blessings of the Easter Fire; Easter Candle; Holy Water; Renewal of our Creed and of course all the wonderful and beautiful Easter music all completed with Holy Communion and our receiving of the Body and Blood of Christ! Check with your parish for times of Reconciliation. I will try to get schedules of the times from the parishes and have them at the Rosary. Divine Mercy continues on the First and Third Tuesdays. Check with Elaine (928-726-3430) and/ or Betty (443-536-9042) for additional information. Our Catholic Study Group meets at the home of Marlene Rowe, Lot 99, on Monday following the rosary. We have completed our study series begun last year and have chosen to pray the Patriotic Rosary for the remainder of the season. In the Patriotic Rosary, we pray for each and every state in the United States and have added an additional decade to the Rosary and added prayers for each of the Provinces in Canada and for the country of Mexico. We decided to do this because of the turmoil in the world and felt our countries should be included in special prayers at this time. Remember, the forty days of Lent are a time of reflection and Page 11 renewal. There are many books and pamphlets to help us on our journey. Check the internet for The Catholic Company or go to the local Catholic Book Store on 4th Avenue. God Bless You All, Joyce Lane, Lot 1213 928-554-6426 EAGER BEAVERS WOODCARVING Happy Springtime everyone. The Eager Beavers enjoyed the parade and the entire week of the 30th Celebration in the park. We had some newcomers stop by to get a Round-To-It from Doug Ladd as a special incentive to check us out. We are over 40 members strong at the present time. We had our annual celebration of woodcarvers in Feb. hosted by Millie Geary, our favorite cookie fairy. It was on Valentine’s Day, which gave us an excuse to celebrate together. Feb. was a sad month because we lost one of our long time charter members, Gene Neff. Gene and his wife Gloria lived at Country Roads for years before they bought a “real” home out in the foothills. He will be truly missed by us all. The new officers for the next year are Myrna Mattson, President; Ken Foos, Vice President; & Deb Scott, Treasurer. Myrna also has her own private executive secretary, Wayne Vipond, who makes sure she stays on track. We are all looking forward to the Artisan’s Exhibition in March. Myrna Mattson, Scribe, Lot 679 H.F.O.T. Shirt; please wear it to both events. CREATIVE WRITING Bring your paper; bring your pen to the Country Roads Writers' Club get together. We meet in the Mojave Room every Thursday at 10:00 a.m. All are welcome. Each week we have exciting, often humorous, topics to write about and discuss. If you need some help on a story you're working on, this is the place to be! Remember: 10:00 on Thursdays. Rich Nelson HOMES FOR OUR TROOPS HAPPENINGS Friday, March 6th, 5:00-6:30 p.m. “Bratwurst Dinner” on the Patio. $7 per person includes a bag of chips, a side of slaw, plus a bottle of water or a soda. We will also be holding a “Meat Draw.” Tickets ($1 each or 6 for $5) will be sold during the Brat Dinner, and winning tickets drawn at the show intermission. You don’t have to be present to win and your package of meat will be delivered to your home. Fri., March 6th, 7:00 p.m. “THE MIGHTY CASH CATS,” a tribute to Johnny Cash and June Carter will be performed live on stage. No reserved seating, all tickets $12. Tickets will be available through the Activity Office or at the door. Why not make it a “Double Header” by joining us for both events? Remember if you have an Wed., March 11th, 4:00-9:00 P.M. “LUTES’ TAKE OVER.” Lutes' will donate a portion of their night’s receipts to H.F.O.T. Remember to tell your waiter or the cashier that you are there to support our H.F.O.T. Fund Raiser. P.S. Please remember to wear you H.F.O.T. Shirts. The mission of Homes for Our Troops is to build specially adapted homes for severely injured Veterans across the nation, enabling them to rebuild their lives. 180 homes have been completed to date and 49 are in the planning or construction stages. Included in this total are 3 in Arizona, with one more under construction. Over the past few years, several Country Roads Clubs have made very generous donations to HOMES FOR OUR TROOPS. If your Club, or any individual, would like to make a donation, please contact Nancy Wallenborn, Lot 711 or phone 928-344-2688. Also, we extend a BIG THANK YOU to all of our Country Roads residents and their friends who supported our "Lutes' Take Over" on Jan. 18th. We filled the place. YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Grant Workman, Lot 1054 928-314-4353 SINGLE DECK PINOCHLE Page 12 We play every Sunday and Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. in the Mojave Room all year--Winter and Summer. Come out and play and meet new friends. We have a fun and friendly game. Contact JoAnn Ball at 928-3445121, Lorraine Rich at 928-7261412 or Reg Saddoris at 928-7263523. JoAnn Ball, Lot 1062 SINGLES CLUB The Country Roads Singles Club meets on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month at 2 p.m. in the Mojave Room. We normally have a buffet at this time, followed by a meeting. You are requested to bring a dish to share, your own place setting and drink. We welcome all singles in Country Roads. No one should have to attend outings on their own; this will give you a chance to be social with others in our park. We look forward to seeing you. Lila Wood, Lot 822 530-277-2866 MATERIAL GIRLS Are you curious about what the MATERIAL GIRLS Sewing group is really all about? Well, you can come to the Artisans Exhibition on Fri., March 6th between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. in the Ballroom to see examples of the projects the members have made this year, from small art quilts, Christmas wall hangings, chenille pot holders, woven strip baskets and easy top/beach cover-ups to tacky Christmas shirts and more. Come and see the various articles made for our annual BUMFAB event. You will be amazed at the creativity by the members to incorporate this small piece of material into something unique. See our members demonstrate the making of Wacky Women pins. Also, see how to hand applique and the new easier way to bind a quilt. You can still join our group. The March projects include an outside instructor, Katie, who is coming for a day and a half to teach techniques such as zippers, button holes and homemade piping, which will result in a waterproof, lined cosmetic bag. One of our members, Colleen, is teaching how to make a very large washable gadget bag so you can carry all your sewing supplies with you. We will also have a fun group work day to start making our raffle prizes for next year. Our sewing group meets weekly on Tuesdays at 9 a.m. in the Coronado Room. Please come and check us out. Sharon Vipond, Secretary Lot 91, 928-257-3717 COUNTRY RED ROSES The Country Red Roses have had a very busy year. We traveled to several different parks to help them in their parties; fun and games for all. The High Tea was elegant as usual. We had a good crowd and lovely lunch. The Convention - Hootenanny in the Hills, was a raving success. Thank you to those who did all the work. Costumes were lots of fun. Now wind-up parties are the order of the day. St. Patrick will be the theme of our next meetings, the last of the year. In April it will be a pick-up and go for those still here. Be sure to bring your costumes for the Convention for next year. Have a good summer, and be back to see all of us in the fall of 2015. HORSESHOE CLUB The members play every Monday and Friday, at 9:00 a.m. at the horseshoe pits. The pits are open daily for everyone to use. There is equipment (horseshoes) in the shed, by the pits, if needed. Everyone is welcome to play or join the Horseshoe Club. The first Friday of each month, the club has a potluck followed by the monthly meeting. The Horseshoe Club elected a new president, Steve Hanenkrat, at its last meeting. A special thank you goes to the past president, Irene Nanninga. She did a wonderful job for the last 2 years. A word of appreciation to the vice president, Jeanne Chenard, Rheal Caissie secretary/treasurer and Tom Pratt, tournament director, who have volunteered their services for another year. The club held its annual Member Tournament Feb. 13 and 16, its Page 13 Night Tournament in Feb. and will hold its Memorial Tournament March 6 and 9. 6 bibs, and the best part was the pot luck lunch. The winners of the January tournaments were: Irene Nanninga, Alvin Nanninga, Tom Pratt, Noel Chenard, Lyle Olmstead and George Brown, who were winners or co-winners of one tournament, and Jeannie Chenard, Gary Johnson and Al who were winners or co-winners of two tournaments. In addition to the donations to Amberly’s Place, there were 6 quilts for Hospice, 16 flannel receiving blankets and other baby items donated to the Marine New Family Support group of new fathers and mothers, and 58 dog beds to Yuma Humane Society. We owe a large thank you to the Open Sewing group for sharing the Coronado Room for the 3rd year. Rheal Caissie, Secretary Lot 85, 928-344-0944 Judy Magill, Lot 352 541-993-4911 QUILT CLUB POTTERY STUDIO Thank you to everyone who attended and helped make our Quilt Show a success. Thank you to our husbands who helped set up; we couldn't have done it without you. On Feb. 3rd the club members had a meeting. After much discussion, we agreed to have short range purchase goals...1 Spray Booth, 1 Pug Mill, 1 Grinding Disk; and long range purchase goal...1 Gas Kiln. This equipment will improve the look of our clay pieces. The club is very excited about all of this. Quilt Club is winding down for this season with just a couple more planned projects for March. As we are preparing to say good bye for this season, we are also thinking ahead to exciting new projects for next season. Safe travels to everyone. Margaret Luyckfassel, Lot 57 928-304-8795 MISSION QUILTING For our 3rd Annual Baby Day, products were submitted by more than 26 volunteers, which was amazing. Amberly’s Place received 50 quilts of various sizes, 9 children’s stocking caps, The Club presented a check for $500 to the Building Fund at the Feb. HOA meeting. Without the help of the Building Fund assisting us in purchasing initial equipment, this Club would not be the best in Yuma today! Thank you Building Fund Committee. Silent Auction was a very successful fundraiser for the Club. We ran it for 2 1/2 days, ending at noon the day of the Craft Fair, with 2 beautiful pieces done by Master Artists donated for raffle sales. Several club member pieces sold during the Silent Auction. Thank you Country Roads residents for making this another successful event. During our January Social on a sunny Saturday afternoon, club members met. Yep, another club member has gone away with a gift. Congrats! We enjoyed our drinks and food...with much laughter and getting to know new members. On March 6th, the Club will be participating in the Artisan Exhibition. Many of CR artist clubs will be showing many beautiful, handmade pieces. I know Pottery Studio Club is looking forward this event! We will have a raffle item, too. Judy Jessen and Linda White are giving Orientation classes on Fridays. You do need to be a member to continue. On Mondays, Jeanne is giving Beginners classes. After that, you are ready to sign-up for other classes. Make your own piece or purchase a piece for the Golden or White Horsehair Class, Sagger Class, Glazing Class, Raku Class or Pine Needle Class. We invite all CR owners and renters to come see what we are doing. Playing in the clay is relaxing and exciting. Clay on! Judy Jessen, Vice President 928-750-8104 Page 14 RELAY FOR LIFE The ninth Relay for Life is now history. Since the actual program was scheduled for Sun., Feb. 22, after the March Courier deadline, the final dollars raised will be noted in the March Courier. With the committee working hard in the sale of T-Shirts, luminaries and raffle tickets, it is anticipated the final figure will be close to the 2014 amount ($14, 175). Many off resort sponsors have promised nice donations, plus several CR clubs have indicated they will be making a nice donation this year. Sales of Clam Chowder, Taco Soup, Bread Pudding, Baked Goods, Hotdogs, and Root Beer Floats will meet the dietary needs of residents, plus generate several hundred dollars. Music by Bob Lester and Friends band and karaoke provided by Dale and Kaye Holland will keep the afternoon program rolling, along with announcing the winners of several raffle items. The Survivors Walk will be a highlight as will the special luminary ceremony which recognizes those residents who passed away from cancer since the last Relay for Life in March 2014. Two beautiful songs by the CR Chorus will conclude a meaningful event. These luminaries, plus those purchased to honor family and friends, will be lighted and placed around the fountains and will remain glowing all night. Dance music will be provided by CR favorites Brock and Sherry Quast. With the entire day beginning at 12:30 p.m., the last dance at 9:00 p.m. will be both welcomed, yet sad because the entire day will have been so special in so many ways. This Relay for Life event will conclude our two year CoChairperson term. It has been a most uplifting time and a great opportunity to head up a fundraising program which allowed us to say “thank you” to previous fundraising events, which lead to the necessary research which helped cure Pat of Breast Cancer in 2003. Thank you Country Roads residents for your generous support for the past 9 m years. Gary & Pat Bartlett, Lot 1207 Co-Chairs ARTISAN’S EXHIBITION The 3rd Annual Artisan Exhibition (Art Walk) will be taking place on March 6th from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the Ballroom. Mark the date on your calendar! The clubs involved will be "strutting their stuff" through demos, displays, answering questions, along with raffles. Great exhibits! Everyone is welcome to see what Country Roads artisans have to offer. There will also be a door prize, so come one and all! It's a free event!! MEN’S FELLOWSHIP It is anticipated that the Taco in a Bag dinner will be a sellout (300). The Men’s Fellowship would like to thank all who attended the Ladies’ Valentine Luncheon. We sincerely hope you had a great time. If you have any comment on what would make it even better for you in the future, feel free to contact me. We continue to encourage men to come to our fellowship on Wednesday mornings at 7:30 a.m. in the Inca Room. We have excellent speakers and wonderful fellowship. Our last meeting will be in the Ballroom on March 25th. The Women’s Fellowship will be putting on a wonderful breakfast for all. More information on this will be provided at the men’s and women’s fellowships. As some of you get ready to head back home this month, may God give you safe travel and bring you back to us in the fall. Lyle Steers and Ed Hinkle CR CHURCH NEWS Everyone is invited to the interdenominational services in the ballroom each Sunday beginning at 10:00 a.m. Come early for a cup of coffee. Communion is offered on the first Sunday of each month. Our church potluck is after church on the third Sunday of each month (March 15). Remember the Liberty Quarter will perform during the church service on March 22nd. This group specializes in southern gospel selections. They hail from Boise, Idaho but maintain a varied travel schedule. Take a look at their Page 15 FITNESS CLUB The Fitness Club will be hosting the March Spaghetti Dinner. It is our annual fund raiser. The raffle item this year is a portable barbeque. Another incredible year is winding down. We held another Orientation Day in Jan. that was well attended. The equipment has been well maintained and 2 new bicycles have been purchased to replace 2 that were old and requiring lots of maintenance. Membership dues help to make this possible. The Fitness Club’s Fit 4 Life team was active in the Feb. Relay 4 Life. We fringed t-shirts as a donation, along with all those who got their shirts through the club. Thank you for your contributions . Thanks again to all the members that have volunteered for events during the season. Carla Allen, Lot 577 Fitness Club Secretary CR WOODSHOP The last month of our busy winter season is now here. We have over 40 annual members in our club who have been busy with many creative projects. We will be displaying some of their work at the Artisan Exhibition March 6 in the Ballroom. We expect to have a small lathe demonstrating woodturning at the Exhibition. Our annual Wind-Up pot luck dinner will be held March 14 starting at 5:30 in the Coronado room. Everyone who has used the Woodshop is encouraged to join in the party. Membership in our club is open to anyone residing in Country Roads. We enjoy fellowship with people ranging in age from 55 to 90. Over the years, members have shared willingly their talents and skills. It has been wonderful to see individual skill levels grow as they enjoy the hobby. As a Club we need to thank our volunteer monitors for keeping the shop operating in a productive, safe environment. The end of March means that most of us will again return to our summer home. We are all thankful that we found Country Roads as our winter home. Have a safe trip home and a wonderful summer. Bob Sinclair MOLDED SLIP CERAMICS Molded slip ceramics is the art of decorating pieces of clay bisque. The process of turning wet clay into pieces that can be decorated with all types of ceramic paints is described in three stages. First the wet clay is poured into molds. The clay is allowed to dry in the molds and then removed from the molds. The pieces are then cleaned to remove all imperfections, placed in a kiln and fired at high temperatures. This process turns the piece into what is called bisque. This process produces pieces that can now be decorated with any number of ceramic paints. Our group has had a good year so far. We invite anyone interested in decorating ceramic pieces to stop by the ceramic room and see what we have done so far. We are generally in the ceramic room Monday thru Friday from 9 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Our silent auction was held Feb. 17th, 18th and 19th. We had a great response. The proceeds from our auction pay for all the paints and supplies that are used. We are selling raffle tickets for a beautiful table top ceramic Christmas tree. The raffle tickets went on sale on Feb. 17th and will continue selling thru March 6th at the Art Walk. Tickets are $1 each of 6 for $5. The winner will be chosen on March 6th at 2:00 in the ballroom. Our group will have tables set up at the Art Walk showing our work from the start to finish. Be sure and stop by and visit us. Sue Miller, Lot 1018 Primary contact person DISCO DANCE The Disco Dance was a huge success, many thanks to AJ Jones, Melissa Wood, Yvonne and Marv Dutnall. Judges-Val Shoemaker, Jim and Shirley Morehouse, Russ and Donna Reid and the cleaning crew-you know who you are! Fantastic job everyone! Great music by DJ T-Rex aka Rex Gibson! Prizes were given for Disco Kings & Queens and best tables. Page 16 IT’S THE VETERAN It is the Veteran, not the preacher, who has given us freedom of religion. It is the Veteran, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press. It is the Veteran, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech. It is the Veteran, not the campus organizer, who has given us freedom to assemble. It is the Veteran, not the lawyer, who has given us the right to fair trial. It is the Veteran, not the politician, who has given us the right to vote. It is the Veteran who salutes the Flag. There are over 22 Million US Veterans - Source VA Local Merchants Paid Advertising Page 17 itinerary at Verna Davis, Church Board Page 18 Local Merchants Paid Advertising Local Merchants Paid Advertising Page 19 Tell A Country Roads Employee THANK YOU! TODAY Local Merchants Paid Advertising Page 20 Local Merchants Paid Advertising Page 21 Local Merchants Paid Advertising Page 22 Page 23 The Association Board of Directors recently installed a security software computer system at the gate house. This system is capable of registering your visitors, printing passes, printing ID badges for contractors and you can choose to interact with the system from your home computer and / or smart phone. To get started simply go to the Country Roads Website and the link is in the Manager’s message along with the full manual. Username is Lot # and Temporary Password is 1234 Page 24
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