Reporting Manual Version: 2.24 Contact details Simon Carmiggeltstraat 6-50 1011 DJ Amsterdam P.O. Box 10095 1001 EB Amsterdam The Netherlands T +31 20 240 1240 E Table of Contents 1. Introduction...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................5 2. Logging in to the Customer Area..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................6 2.1. Interactive Searching And Filtering.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................6 3. Reports.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................8 3.1. Instant Reports.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................8 3.2. Conversion Reports................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................9 3.3. Risk Reports................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................9 3.4. Subscription Reports..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................10 3.4.1. Daily/Monthly Finance Report.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................11 3.4.2. (External) Settlement Detail Report..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................11 3.4.3. Dispute Report........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................12 3.4.4. Payment Accounting Report............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................12 3.4.5. Received Payment Detail Report..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................12 3.5. Download Reports...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................13 3.5.1. Accessing subscription reports via a URL...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................13 3.5.2. Accessing subscription reports via CA.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................13 3.5.3. Automating Report Retrieval..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................13 4. RSS Reports (Feeds)...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................15 5. Finance Report File Definition....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................16 5.1. Overview Tab...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................16 5.2. Payment Balance Tab.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................17 5.3. Other Tabs.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................19 6. Matching Settlements using the Settlement Detail Report......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................20 6.1. Settlement Detail Report Line Items (Transaction Lines)............................................................................................................................................................................................................................21 6.2. Settlement Detail Report Transaction Fees..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................21 6.3. Deposit Correction Line....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................21 6.4. Invoice Correction Line.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................21 6.5. Settlement Detail Report Transfer Line..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................21 6.6. Multi-currency Transactions...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................22 6.7. How to Match..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................22 7. Reading Your Invoice.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................23 7.1. How to Read Your Invoice................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................23 7.2. Invoice Layout........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................23 7.2.1. Invoice Summary Page........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................23 7.2.2. Invoice Detail Page...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................24 8. Report Timing.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................26 9. Frequently Asked Questions.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................27 Appendix A: Settlement Detail Report File Format.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................28 Appendix B: External Settlement Detail Report File Format.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................31 Appendix C: Dispute Report File Format...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................34 Appendix D: Payment Accounting Report File Format.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................38 Appendix E: Received Payment Detail Report File Format.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................41 2 / 43 Reporting Manual Changelog Version Date Changes 2.24 2015-03-18 • Added Notification of Fraud columns in the Daily Dispute Report 2.23 2014-11-05 • Added new Types to Appendix A and Appendix B 2.22 2014-05-05 • • • • • • 2.21 2014-01-29 • Corrected typo in Type field for Appendix A • Added note to Appendix A for changing data types per Type • Added Modification Merchant Reference to Appendix A 2.20 2013-12-11 • Manual updated to conform to Adyen brand guidelines 2.15 2013-09-16 • Added Payment Accounting Report / Dispute Report / Received Payment Detail Report to Appendix • Reworked field specifications in Appendices A-D 2.12 2013-06-11 • Updated example line items to reflect latest file format • Added Settlement Report and External Settlement Report to Appendix 2.11 2012-06-26 • Added Dispute Report 2.10 2011-12-23 • Added Deposit and Invoice correction lines to the Settlement Report explanation 2.03 2011-03-22 • Added information on multicurrency transactions in settlement report 2.02 2010-08-13 • Changed screenshots to reflect current default skin look & feel 2.01 2010-08-10 • Added changelog and audience sections • Manual reviewed for English and layout consistency 3 / 43 Reporting Manual Added new Type AuthorisationSchemeFee to Appendix A Corrected file naming convention for the External Settlement Detail Report Updated “type” field definition in Appendix B Updated file format for Appendix B Updated file format for Appendix C Updated shopper PAN description in Appendix E ADYEN CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION Copyright (c) Adyen B.V. 2013 Audience This is a technical manual aimed at IT personnel involved in integrating merchants' systems with those at Adyen. General Tips/Warnings Defensive Programming Adyen strongly recommends the use of “defensive programming” when integrating with the Adyen Services. This implies that automated decisions programmed into your systems should be defaulted to non-delivery of products and services. In other words, program your systems to only deliver products and/or services after receiving an explicit authorisation of the requested payment and NOT to deliver in situations where an explicit rejection is not received. Feedback The latest version of this document is available here: You can provide feedback about this document by sending an email to the following address: We appreciate your comments. 4 / 43 Reporting Manual 1. Introduction Integrating Adyen's reporting is an easy process and provides a wealth of information for producing Business Intelligence. It is recommended that merchants, at a minimum, automate the retrieval and processing of the transaction-level subscription reports listed in section 6 Subscription Reports into their own database as part of their initial integration. The most important types of reports that Adyen offers are: • Interactive searching and filtering in the customer area • Instant reports and graphs in the customer area for viewing or downloading • Subscription reports which are generated periodically • RSS Reports 5 / 43 Reporting Manual 2. Logging in to the Customer Area To login to the Customer Area (CA) use for the LIVE environment and for the TEST environment. Please contact Adyen Support or your Account Manager if you have problems logging in. Upon logging into the CA, you will see a screen similar to the following: Reports can be accessed through the Reports menu option to the left of the screen. Interactive searching and filtering can be done via the Payment Search input box at the top right of the screen. See chapter 3 for more information on this topic. 2.1. Interactive Searching And Filtering In addition to initiating the interactive payment search from the home page, you may also search from the Payments screen: When to use: • finding single transactions • locating customer history • finding patterns visually The easiest way to find detailed information regarding transactions is to search in the CA. From the Payments screen you may filter the displayed results by clicking on the funnel next to the column headers. There are a number of filtering options available including the ability to search for all payments submitted during a specific time frame, a specific transaction status or a specific payment method, to name a few. 6 / 43 Reporting Manual A very powerful search function can be found under <search for payments> in the top-right corner. Here you can search for fraud scores, email addresses, order amounts, the last four digits of a card number, and many other data elements that you provided in the payment session, for example: • your Merchant Reference • the Adyen PSP number • shopperCountry:FR Click on the binoculars and then [help] to review more information regarding search criteria and tips. 7 / 43 Reporting Manual 3. Reports Adyen provides a number of reports at both the Company and Merchant Account levels. This section can be reached by clicking on the Reports menu on the left side in the customer area. Please note, the order of the individual report line items is not guaranteed and is subject to change. 3.1. Instant Reports When to use: • to get a graphical transaction history overview • to get a quick downloadable report All of the reports and graphs in this section are generated in real-time using your transaction history. 1 1 Please note, the real-time reporting is run on a copy of the live database to ensure optimum performance of transaction processing. There may be a slight delay in data being made available to the reporting database but it is typically no more than a few seconds behind the LIVE database. You can check this on the home page under 'Backoffice up-to-date till'. 8 / 43 Reporting Manual 3.2. Conversion Reports When to use: • to get conversion data as it relates to country, platform, payment method and skins 3.3. Risk Reports When to use: • to get an understanding of your risk profile as it pertains to chargebacks 9 / 43 Reporting Manual 3.4. Subscription Reports When to use: • to activate your subscription to daily and/or monthly reports • to activate your subscription to settlement reports These reports are called subscription reports because you can subscribe to them, after which they will be generated periodically for separate retrieval. To activate subscriptions on reports please select the desired format and set the Status to active. Click on the Save button to keep your settings. This process must be repeated for each report subscription. Reports cannot be downloaded from this page directly; once subscribed they will typically be generated overnight, CET, and will be available the day of its scheduled availability. There are a number of key reports that you may consider subscribing to. They are highly detailed and offer different views into your payment data as stored in the Adyen system. 10 / 43 Reporting Manual 3.4.1. Daily/Monthly Finance Report This report is often referred to as the CFO-to-go report as it provides an overview of payment activity for the reporting period. The PDF version of the report includes: • a summary of the most relevant positions, such as payments received, sentforsettled and settled, as well as merchant payout and receivables from Adyen, including their composition • the payment method breakdown, merchant payouts, open balances (at the end of the reporting period), etc. The spreadsheet version of the report includes: • the data that is in the PDF version of the report • the open balances, at the time that the report was generated, broken down by payment methods and currency Reporting level Company and/or Merchant Account Level File naming convention Monthly: monthly_finance_report_YYYY_MM.[xls/ods/pdf] Daily: daily_finance_report_YYYY_MM_DD.[xls/ods/pdf] Document Format PDF and/or spreadsheet (ODS or XLS) File Format Please refer to Appendix A 3.4.2. (External) Settlement Detail Report This report is generated upon settlement of funds to your bank account, typically twice a week. This is a transaction level report that specifies the gross/net settlement amounts for captures, refunds and, where present, chargebacks. Fee totals and deposit corrections are also specified as well as the total amount settled. It is generally used for reconciliation purposes. Depending upon the service that you have enabled on your account, you may see either the Settlement Detail Report, External Settlement Detail Report or a combination of both. In the case of the External Settlement Detail Report, you will see a separate file per Acquirer. Reporting level Settlement Detail Report level: Merchant Account Level External Settlement Detail Report: Company Level File naming convention Settlement Detail Report: settlement_detail_report_batch_[batch#].[csv/tsv/xml] External Settlement Detail Report: external_settlement_detail_report_with_info_batch_[batch#]_[Acquirer]_YYYYMMDD. [csv/tsv/xml] Document Format Comma-Separated Values (CSV) Tab-Separated Values (TSV) XML & XML altermative (XML) File Format Settlement Detail Report: Please refer to Appendix A External Settlement Detail Report: Please refer to Appendix B 11 / 43 Reporting Manual 3.4.3. Dispute Report This report provides a list of all the payment dispute events that have occurred in the previous 24 hours. This includes events such as: Request For Information, Notifications of Fraud, Notification of Chargeback, Information Supplied and Chargebacks. Reporting level Merchant Account Level File naming convention dispute_report_YYYY_MM_DD.[csv/tsv] Document Format Comma-Separated Values (CSV) Tab-Separated Values (TSV) File Format Please refer to Appendix C 3.4.4. Payment Accounting Report A report of all the financial status changes, events and modifications on a given day for all payments including full bookkeeping and user auditing (audit for manual capture/cancel/refund and callcenter use or when using multiple web service users). This report is ideal if you want to maintain a copy of all available status changes in your own database to replicate Adyen's accounting data for financial reporting. Reporting level Company and/or Merchant Account Level File naming convention payments_accounting_report_YYYY_MM_DD.[csv/tsv] Document Format Comma-Separated Values (CSV) Tab-Separated Values (TSV) File Format Please refer to Appendix D 3.4.5. Received Payment Detail Report This report provides the details of all payments processed on a given day and includes all payments which were authorised, refused or ended in error. The report contains a high level of detail, including information not communicated via the notification system, such as fraud scoring, (bank) account information, etc. This report is ideal if you want to maintain a copy of all available data in your own database. Reporting level Merchant Account Levels File naming convention received_payments_report_YYYY_MM_DD.[csv/tsv] Document Format Comma-Separated Values (CSV) Tab-Separated Values (TSV) File Format Please refer to Appendix E 12 / 43 Reporting Manual 3.5. Download Reports Once you have subscribed to the reports, they can be accessed in two ways. 3.5.1. Accessing subscription reports via a URL The generated reports can be downloaded from the following URL - substituting your merchant or company account names where indicated by [brackets]:[yourmerchantaccountname]/[yourcompanyaccountname]/ To identify the values for your Company and Merchant Account names, look at the left corner of the CA. The top-level name is your Company Account name, and under that name are your Merchant Account Names. The Adyen notification system will also send you a notification with the exact location of the report generated on a specific day. For example: 3.5.2. Accessing subscription reports via CA You may also access the reports from the Reports → Download tab in the CA. 3.5.3. Automating Report Retrieval The URLs above use HTTP authentication and can be used for automated retrieval. The username is always report@Company.[yourcompanyaccountname] and the password can be set under Settings -> Users. If you cannot use the “@” in the user name you can use the “%” character instead. An easy way to accomplish this from the command-line is to use wget: $ wget --http-user=report%Company.YCA --http-password=PWD --quiet --no-check-certificate Where: YCA = your company account 13 / 43 Reporting Manual YMA = your merchant account PWD = the password REP = the report name e.g. payment_report_batch_18.csv Please note, when new reports are published ,you will receive a notification to your Notification server by a HTTPS post or SOAP message, just as you receive payment notifications. The status code is REPORT_AVAILABLE and the full download URL, defined above, is included in the notification. 14 / 43 Reporting Manual 4. RSS Reports (Feeds) A special type of report is available if you need up-to-the-minute information on your payment traffic, refusal rate and fraud scores. This report can be inserted in software that is RSS-enabled such as mail clients, web browsers or dedicated RSS readers. When to use: • get real-time transaction updates on your desktop • follow fraud scores There is a separate user for the RSS Report: rss@Company.[yourcompanyaccountname] You may fetch the RSS Feed from the following URL - substituting your merchant or company account names where indicated by [brackets]:[yourmerchantaccountname]/[yourcompanyaccountname]/ If you use the Company account the RSS Feed contains all transactions aggregated for the Company. Feeds are also present in the customer area. When you see the familiar orange RSS icon, you can use that to import the RSS feed directly into your browser. At present Adyen offers two RSS feeds: lasttxrss Number of payments (authorised, refused and total) per hour for the past 24 hours authorisedtxrss Yesterday's (and the day before yesterday's) total amount authorised per currency, number of transactions and average transaction value. 15 / 43 Reporting Manual 5. Finance Report File Definition The Daily and Monthly Finance reports provide an overview of payment activity for the reporting period and is generated in your Primary Settlement Currency. 5.1. Overview Tab Field Name Description Account Type The value will be either “MerchantAccount” or “CompanyAccount” indicating the reporting level Account Code This will be either the your Company Account name or your Merchant Account name depending upon the reporting level Adyen Settlement Indicates the settled amount, in the primary settlement currency, for transactions where Adyen is in the money flow External Settlement Indicates the settled amount, in the primary settlement currency, for transactions where Adyen is not in the money flow Total in [Primary Settlement Currency] Indicates the total amount for the line item, in the primary settlement currency Row Definition Payments received on/in [Period] The total value of the payment requests received by the Adyen platform Payments authorised on/in [Period] The total value of the authorised payments for the reporting period Amount sent for settle on/in [Period] The value of the transactions that had the status SentForSettle during the course of the reporting period. By the end of the period some of these transactions may have a status Settled, SentForSettle or CaptureFailed. Amount sent for refund on/in [Period] The value of the transactions that had the status SentForRefund during the course of the reporting period. By the end of the period some of these transactions may have a status of Refunded, SentForSettle or RefundFailed. Total amount paid out on/in [Period] The total amount of the transactions that were settled to your bank account during the period. Total receivables from Adyen at end of [Period] Total of the Open captured balance, Open payable balance, and Deposit. Open captured balance (gross) The total value of the transactions that are in SentForSettle status at the end of the period. This is the gross amount. Open payable balance The total value of the transactions where Adyen has received the funds from the bank and is holding the funds until the next settlement batch. This is the net amount, minus the commission fees. Deposit The amount withheld by Adyen 16 / 43 Reporting Manual 5.2. Payment Balance Tab This tab provides you with a snapshot at the end of the reporting period so you know the exact value of the transactions at each status. The table groups together the line items for both the reporting period and the Year To Date (YTD)/Month To Date (MTD), up to and including the reporting period. All amounts are converted to the Primary Settlement Currency. Please note, due to variances in the exchange rate, the Opening Balance may not match the Closing Balance from the previous period. Field Name Description Count The number of transactions that make up the line item [Primary Settlement Currency] The three character ISO code for the Primary Settlement Currency. All amounts in this column are converted to this currency Check Exchange rates in this report are end of month, mid rates, these are shown on the ExchangeRates tab of the spreadsheet. For your convenience, multi-currency transactions are converted to the primary settlement currency using the end of month rates. Due to fluctuations in exchange rates during the month, there may be some valuation differences, these will be shown in this field. This is due to fluctuations in the exchange rates during the month. For the avoidance of doubt, this amount does not represent gains or losses due to currency conversion. Row Definition Received – Open Balance Shows the End Balance carried forward from the previous period Received – Received Payments received by the Adyen platform Received – Refused Payments that resulted in a refusal, either from the Adyen fraud tool or from the Acquirer Received – Error Payments that resulted in an error Received – Authorised Payments that resulted a successful authorisation Received – End Balance Payments where the last status for the reporting period is “Received” Authorised – Opening Balance Shows the End Balance carried forward from the previous period Authorised –Authorised Payments that resulted a successful authorisation Authorised –Cancelled Payments that were cancelled at the request of the merchant Authorised –Expired Payments for which a Capture request was not received and the system marks the transaction as Expired Authorised –SentForSettle Payments for which the Capture request was received. Transactions where Adyen is in the money flow are included here Authorised –SentForSettleExternally Payments for which the Capture request was received. Transactions where Adyen is not in the money flow are included here Authorised – End Balance Payments where the last status for the reporting period is “Authorised” Captured – Opening Balance Shows the End Balance carried forward from the previous period 17 / 43 Reporting Manual Field Name Description Captured –SentForSettle Payments for which the Capture request was sent to the Acquirer Captured –Settled Payments for which the Capture request was sent to the Acquirer and Adyen has received the funds Captured –CaptureFailed Payments for which the Acquirer declined the Capture request Captured –SentForRefund Payments for which the Refund request was sent to the Acquirer Captured –Refunded Payments for which the Acquirer has confirmed that the Refund request has been successfully executed Captured –RefundFailed Payments for which the Acquirer declined the Refund request Captured – End Balance Payments where the last status for the reporting period is “SentForSettle” Captured Externally – Opening Balance Shows the End Balance carried forward from the previous period Captured Externally –SentForSettle Payments for which the Capture request was sent to the Acquirer Captured Externally – SettledExternally Payments for which the Capture request was sent to the Acquirer and Adyen is not in the money flow. Captured Externally –CaptureFailed Payments for which the Acquirer declined the Capture request Captured Externally –SentForRefund Payments for which the Refund request was sent to the Acquirer Captured Externally – RefundedExternally Payments for which the Acquirer has confirmed that the Refund request has been successfully executed Captured Externally –RefundFailed Payments for which the Acquirer declined the Refund request Captured Externally – End Balance Payments where the last status for the reporting period is “SentForSettle” Payable – Opening Balance Shows the End Balance carried forward from the previous period Payable – Settled Payments for which the Capture request was sent to the Acquirer and Adyen has received the funds Payable – Refunded Payments for which the Acquirer has confirmed that the Refund request has been successfully executed Payable – Fee already charged This is the transaction fee that Adyen has already deducted from the settlements during the month Payable – Chargeback Payments that have a final transaction status of Chargeback Payable – ChargebackReversed Payments that have a final transaction status of ChargebackReversed Payable – RefundedReversed Payments where the Issuer was unable to provide the refunded funds to their account holder and the funds have been returned to Adyen Payable – DepositCorrection Amount needed to adjust the deposit Payable – InvoiceDeduction The total amount of invoiced fees deducted from your settlement during the reporting period 18 / 43 Reporting Manual Field Name Description Payable – MerchantPayout Total amount of funds settled to your bank account Payable – MerchantPayoutFailed The total amount of settlements to your bank that have failed during the reporting period Payable – ManualCorrected The total amount of any manually corrected funds, such as discounts Payable – Other Any miscellaneous bookings which have been placed in your Payable batch Payable – End Balance Payments where the last status for the reporting period is “Settled” and funds are being held until the next settlement batch Deposit – Opening Balance Shows the End Balance carried forward from the previous period Deposit – End Balance Shows the updated deposit amount Commission – Settled The total payment method commission which is charged during the month on Settled. Commission – Refunded The total payment method commission which is charged during the month on Refunded. Commission – Chargeback The total payment method commission which is charged during the month on Chargebacked. Commission – ChargebackReversed The total payment method commission which is charged during the month on ChargebackReversed. Commission – ManualCorrected The total payment method commission which is charged during the month on ManualCorrecteds. Commission – Total commission The total amount of all commissions. Fee – Total Calculated This is the total Adyen transaction fee which is calculated during this month. You can calculate this yourself (Received + SentForRefund )* Your Adyen Transaction fee Check sum/multicurrency difference Exchange rates in this report are end of month, mid rates, these are shown on the ExchangeRates tab of the spreadsheet. For your convenience, multi-currency transactions are converted to the primary settlement currency using the end of month rates. Due to fluctuations in exchange rates during the month, there may be some valuation differences, these will be shown in this field. This is due to fluctuations in the exchange rates during the month. For the avoidance of doubt, this amount does not represent gains or losses due to currency conversion. 5.3. Other Tabs The other tabs in the spreadsheet contain the raw data used to calculate the summary data shown in sections 5.1 and 5.2. 19 / 43 Reporting Manual 6. Matching Settlements using the Settlement Detail Report Payments are settled periodically to your bank account, where you will see a statement line like the following: 28-24-2013 By 1323.94.782 ADYEN Add EUR 1842.21 TX4313726XT batch 4, [yourmerchantaccountname] The fields have the following meaning: • 1323.94.782 is Adyen's Dutch settlement bank account. Depending on the country and currency of settlement this number may be different. • The payment originates from ADYEN which is the Adyen Client Management Foundation that receives and settles your payments. • TX4313726XT is the internal Adyen reference and has no direct meaning to the merchant. • The batch number, batch 4 in this case, is the sequence number of the settlement, which started at 1 for the first settlement and increments with every settlement. • 1842.21 is the total amount of the settlement – this amount matches the payout amount in the Settlement Detail Report. The batch number in the settlement to your bank corresponds with the batch number in the Settlement Detail Report. For example: [yourmerchantaccountname]/settlement_report_batch_4.csv The Settlement Detail Report itself consists of five sections: 1 Column descriptions (one line) 2 Transaction details (multiple lines) Company Account, Merchant Account, Psp Reference, Merchant Reference, Payment Method, Creation Date, TimeZone, Type, Modification Reference, Gross Currency, Gross Debit (GC), Gross Credit (GC), Exchange Rate, Net Currency, Net Debit (NC), Net Credit (NC), Commission (NC), Markup (NC), Scheme Fees (NC), Interchange (NC), Payment Method Variant, Reserved2, Reserved3, Reserved4, Reserved5, Reserved6, Reserved7, Reserved8, Reserved9, Reserved10 SupportAdyen,SupportAdyenDemo,1813702551707653,3vpzf7,visa,2013-06-03 11:26:49,BST,Settled,1713702551795048,GBP,,5.00,1,GBP,,4.88,,0.04,0.01,0.07,visacl assic,,,,,,,,, [...] 3 Transaction fees (one or multiple lines) 4 Corrections (one or multiple lines) 20 / 43 Reporting Manual SupportAdyen,SupportAdyenDemo,,,,2013-06-11 04:55:40,BST,Fee,Transaction Fees May 2013,EUR,,,,GBP,1.46,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, SupportAdyen,SupportAdyenDemo,,,,2012-05-10 05:37:03,CEST,DepositCorrection,Deposit Correction,EUR,,,,EUR,78.93,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 Merchant Payout (one or multiple lines) SupportAdyen,SupportAdyenDemo,,,,2013-06-11 04:55:40,BST,MerchantPayout,"TX977148886XT batch 7, SupportAdyenDemo batch 7, SupportAdyenDemo",EUR,,,,GBP,22.50,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6.1. Settlement Detail Report Line Items (Transaction Lines) For every transaction there is a line item that describes the status of the transaction and why it was included in the settlement batch. For example, Settled or Refunded. SupportAdyen,SupportAdyenDemo,1813702551707653,3vpzf7,visa,2013-06-03 11:26:49,CET,Settled,1713702551795048,GBP,,5.00,1,GBP,,4.88,,0.04,0.01,0.07,visaclassic,,,,,, ,,, Here is an example of a chargeback line item: SupportAdyen,SupportAdyenDemo,1313642467023511,324959451,visa,2013-03-26 22:37:26,CET,Chargeback,2313642467170922,EUR,349.99,,1,EUR,357.49,,7.5,,,,visaclassic,,,,,,,, , 6.2. Settlement Detail Report Transaction Fees A transaction fee line item is included for each month where there are transactions present in the settlement batch. Here is an example of the transaction fee line item: SupportAdyen,SupportAdyenDemo,,,,2013-06-11 04:55:40,CET,Fee,Transaction Fees May 2013,EUR,,,,GBP,1.46,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6.3. Deposit Correction Line Adyen may require a deposit, this is filled by withholding settlements until the deposit amount is met. The deposit is a variable amount which may increase or decrease periodically due to changing risk figures. In this situation a DepositCorrection line item is included in the settlement report which can have a credit or debit amount to reflect the change in deposit amount: SupportAdyen,SupportAdyenDemo,,,,2012-05-10 05:37:03,CET,DepositCorrection,Deposit Correction,EUR,,,,EUR,78.93,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6.4. Invoice Correction Line At month end Adyen calculates the final invoice amount and the situation may arise where we have either charged you too much or too little, this can happen where you have tiered pricing. To correct this we book an InvoiceDeduction line item in the settlement report: SupportAdyen,SupportAdyenDemo,,,,2013-05-10 12:59:53,CET,InvoiceDeduction,Invoice 201111000553,EUR,,,,EUR,,250.22,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The 'Invoice 201111000553' refers to the Invoice number that is present in the Invoice of that month. The amount may appear in with the debit or credit columns. 6.5. Settlement Detail Report Transfer Line This is the line item that indicates the transfer of funds to your bank account. The Net Debit field is the total amount paid out to your account, followed by the currency. 21 / 43 Reporting Manual SupportAdyen,SupportAdyenDemo,,,,2013-06-11 04:55:40,CET ,MerchantPayout,"TX977148886XT batch 7, SupportAdyenDemo batch 7, SupportAdyenDemo",EUR,,,,GBP,22.50,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, In this example Adyen has paid out 1842.21 EUR to the SupportAdyenDemo merchant account and the value “TX4313726XT batch 4, SupportAdyenDemo” will be displayed on the bank statement. 6.6. Multi-currency Transactions If you have multiple settlement currencies, the Settlement Detail Report w ill contain a Merchant Payout line for each applicable settlement currency. If a settlement batch contains transactions with processing currencies other than the settlement currency, then these gross amounts are converted to the net amount in the settlement currency. For example, if your settlement currency is EUR but you also process payments in SEK, you will see both currencies and amounts in the reports, including the exchange rate used to convert the processing amount to the settlement amount. To find out which exchange rate has been used, please consult Adyen's daily Exchange Rate Report. 6.7. How to Match Depending on your implementation you may store one or more keys per transaction. This could be a merchant transaction identifier as generated by your system and passed to Adyen via the MerchantReference field, or it could be the Adyen generated PSP Reference. Adyen's reports contain both references so you can easily tie the report line items back to the individual transactions in your systems. We recommend automating the matching process; here are some steps you can take: • Checking your bank statements against the settlement records: ◦ Identify the line item in your bank statement that contains the TX...XT description and batch number ◦ Identify the corresponding Settlement Detail Report ◦ Verify the amount of the deposit matches the amount indicated in the Settlement Detail Report • Using the Settlement Detail Report line items, update each transaction in your system with the status as indicated in the Report; for example, settled, refunded or chargeback • Optional: ◦ You can choose to add a batch number field to your transaction table so that you can also reverse-lookup a transaction ◦ You may also choose to store the settled amount so you know the costs per transaction A fully automated system will leave no room for errors or 'lost transactions' and will make your bookkeeping system 100% correct as far as Adyen's transactions are concerned. 22 / 43 Reporting Manual 7. Reading Your Invoice Invoicing is typically run at the Company Account level but if you needs require it, it can also be run at the Merchant Account level. Your monthly invoice contains a full specification of the costs of payment processing for that month. 7.1. How to Read Your Invoice Every regular transaction can include two cost types: • Adyen's transaction fees per transaction, typically starting at EUR 0.10 per transaction and then decreasing as volume increases • The bank or card commissions which is a percentage and/or a fixed fee. In some cases these fees also decrease as volume increases Adyen typically settles funds to your bank account twice a week, this is the transaction amounts minus any refunds and/or chargebacks. Adyen uses net settlement meaning that all fees, as mentioned above, are already deducted from your settlement batch. The accompanying settlement reports contain a detailed calculation and justification. Because the actual fees per transaction depend on the total volume processed during a given month the 'intermediary' amounts deducted from the settlements can vary slightly from the actual amounts due. Only at the end of the month are we able to calculate the final amounts. Therefore an invoice always contains two 'totals': the amount already deducted and the final calculated amounts. The resulting difference is settled with your next batch using the Invoice Correction Line defined in section 6.4. 7.2. Invoice Layout Your invoice typically consists of at least two pages: • A header page which summarises last month's transaction fees and commissions • A detail page with tables for calculated and already deducted amounts, as explained above • Optionally, you may choose to have your invoice broken out by Merchant Account, in which case you will have an additional page per Merchant Account 7.2.1. Invoice Summary Page The screenshot below shows that there is difference between the amount deducted during the course of the month and the final calculated amount. The Still Due amount may 23 / 43 Reporting Manual be either positive or negative, the Payment instructions section will advise you of the next steps to correct any differences. In either case the difference will be rectified in the next settlement batch. Here are some of the causes of differences in calculated and collected fees: • Tiered pricing – during the month you will be charged at the lowest tier • For transactions that occur during the last few days of the month the transaction fee will be charged in the current month and the commission fees may be charged in the following month • Any changes to pricing during the month 7.2.2. Invoice Detail Page The second page contains a table that shows how the totals on the Summary page were calculated. The resulting amount in the bottom-right cell equals the Invoice Total excluding VAT. This is the result of the final calculation of transaction fees based upon tier and volume discounts If this column contains a '*' and not a fixed amount, the calculation is done on a pertransaction interchange-plus basis instead of using a fixed “blend” rate = Transaction Fees + Bank/Card Commission In this context “Blend” indicates that there is a fixed commission (either % or a fixed amount) for all transactions of this kind, as opposed to interchange-plus based pricing 24 / 43 Reporting Manual The 'already deducted' table on page 2 of your invoice contains the total charges already deducted from earlier settlements. These amounts are also present in the settlement reports so you can verify the charges. As they are only estimates of the final charges and don't use a volume tier discount this table is simpler than the 'calculated' table above. 25 / 43 Reporting Manual 8. Report Timing The timing for the Received Payment Detail and Payment Accounting reports can be changed so that they are generated at midnight of the company's timezone. For eaxmple, if your company account is set to EST, these reports will be generated at midnight EST. The Settlement Detail Report is generated when Adyen initiates a Payout to your bank account(s). For all other reports, the report generation process is initiated at 04:00 CET and cannot be changed. 26 / 43 Reporting Manual 9. Frequently Asked Questions Q: Can I receive reports automatically by email? A: To receive reports by email please implement the desired functionality in your notification listener. Adyen offers no support to send reports by email directly. This has to be implemented by your integration partner or IT department. Q: I queued a report. When will it be available? A: Typically queued reports will be available within 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the length of the queue. Q: I marked a report as active. When will it be available? A: Subscription reports are generated nightly in batches so if you mark a report as active it will be available after the next schedule run time for that report type. 27 / 43 Reporting Manual Appendix A: Settlement Detail Report File Format Position Column Name Data Type Description 1 Company Account C X80 The static name of your company account within the Adyen system. 2 Merchant Account C X80 The static name of the merchant account that was used to process the original payment request. The report may contain line items for multiple merchant accounts. 3 Psp Reference N 16 This is Adyen's 16 digit unique reference number for the payment; it denotes the PSP reference for the original authorisation request. 4 Merchant Reference C X80 This is the reference number that was provided when initiating the payment request. 5 Payment Method C X30 The payment method type of the payment which was processed. For example: visa, mc, amex. 6 Creation Date 7 TimeZone D+” “+T A4 The timestamp of when the payment was received by the Adyen system. The format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, for example: 2012-0726 19:58:55. The time zone of the previous column. This is the ISO Code for the timezone which is set up on your company account: Customer Area >> Settings >> Company Settings >> Time Zone (BST, CET, CEST etc) 8 Type* A X50 The possible values are: Fee* MiscCosts* MerchantPayout* Refunded Settled Chargeback ChargebackReversed RefundedReversed DepositCorrection* InvoiceDeduction* MatchedStatement ManualCorrected AuthorisationSchemeFee* BankInstructionReturned InternalCompanyPayout EpaPaid BalanceTransfer PaymentCost SettleCost 28 / 43 Reporting Manual Position 9 Column Name Modification Reference* Data Type Description N 16 This is Adyen's unique 16 digit code child reference that is associated with the modification request (capture, refund, chargebacks, etc). This will be returned to you via the direct soap response of the modification request and the notification server. C X80* For the transfer line item (Type = 'AcquirerPayout') this field will contain the unique Acquirer settlement batch number, you will also find this on your bank statement for the deposit into your bank account. 10 Gross Currency* A3 C X80* 11 Gross Debit* F C X80* 12 Gross Credit* F C X80* This is the three character ISO code for the currency which was used for processing the payment (transaction currency). The gross debit amount; this is the amount submitted in the transaction request. For example, 100.00. The gross credit amount; this is the amount submitted in the transaction request. For example, 100.00. 13 Exchange rate FL The exchange rate used for converting the gross amount into the net amount. This will be 1 if you process and settle in the same currency. 14 Net Currency A3 The three character ISO code for the currency which was used for processing the payment (settlement currency). 15 Net Debit F The net debit amount; this is the amount submitted in the transaction request minus Acquirer fees. For example, 100.00. 16 Net Credit F The net credit amount; this is the amount submitted in the transaction request minus Acquirer fees. For example, 100.00. 17 Commission F The commission fee that was withheld by the acquirer. This should be the difference between the gross and net amounts. If the Acquirer provides the transaction information at the interchange level Adyen will split the commission into the Markup, Scheme Fees and Interchange. In this scenario column 17 will be empty and columns 18, 19, and 20 will be populated. If the Acquirer does not provide the transaction information at the interchange level Adyen will populate the total commission in column 17 and columns 18, 19, and 20 will be empty. 18 Markup F The fee charged by the Acquiring bank. This field will be empty if Acquirer does not provide the transaction information at the interchange level. 19 Scheme Fees F The fee which is charged by Visa / MC. This field will be empty if Acquirer does not provide the transaction information at the interchange level. 29 / 43 Reporting Manual Position Column Name Data Type F Description 20 Interchange The fee charged by the Issuing bank. This field will be empty if Acquirer does not provide the transaction information at the interchange level. 21 Payment Method Variant C X30 The subbrand of the payment method (if applicable) For example: visaclassic, visadebit, mccorporate. 22 Modification Merchant Reference C X80 This is the reference number that was provided when initiating the modification request. 23 Reserved3 Reserved for future enhancements 24 Reserved4 Reserved for future enhancements 25 Reserved5 Reserved for future enhancements 26 Reserved6 Reserved for future enhancements 27 Reserved7 Reserved for future enhancements 28 Reserved8 Reserved for future enhancements 29 Reserved9 Reserved for future enhancements 30 Reserved10 Reserved for future enhancements Legend: Reports are generated using UTF-8 encoding. Numeric types: I - Integer (whole number) FL – Floating point number F - Fixed point number (for amounts, precision is based on the currency exponent) Character types: A - Text field (alpha characters only) N - Text field (numeric characters only, treat as text) AN - Text field (alphanumeric characters only) C - Text field (unicode character set) Other types: D - Date field (Format: YYYY-MM-DD) T - Time field (format: HH:MM:SS) Optionally a number following the type indicates the length of the field. A length indication preceded by “X” indicates there is no hard limit imposed on the length of the field and that the value should be taken as a practical guideline. * The Data Type changes depending upon the record Type. Where the Type is one of the following values ('Fee', 'MiscCosts', 'MerchantPayout', 'InvoiceDeduction', 'DepositCorrection') the Data Type changes to C X80. 30 / 43 Reporting Manual Appendix B: External Settlement Detail Report File Format Position Column Name Data Type Description 1 Company Account C X80 The static name of your company account within the Adyen system. 2 Merchant Account C X80 The static name of the merchant account that was used to process the original payment request. The report may contain line items for multiple merchant accounts. 3 Psp Reference N In most instances, this is Adyen's 16 digit unique reference number for the payment; it denotes the PSP reference for the original authorisation request. For Unmatched transactions, this field may be populated with a reference from the Acquiring bank and the Data Type format may vary to match the format of the Acquiring bank. For the transfer line item (Type = 'AcquirerPayout') this field will contain the unique Acquirer settlement batch number, you will also find this on your bank statement for the deposit into your bank account. 4 Merchant Reference C X80 This is the reference number that was provided when initiating the payment request. 5 Payment Method C X30 The payment method type of the payment which was processed. For example: visa, mc, amex. 6 Creation Date 7 TimeZone D+” “+T A4 The timestamp of when the payment was received by the Adyen system. The format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, for example: 2012-0726 19:58:55. The time zone of the previous column. This is the ISO Code for the timezone which is set up on your company account: Customer Area >> Settings >> Company Settings >> Time Zone (BST, CET, CEST etc) 8 Type C X50 The possible values are: AcquirerPayout AdjustmentExternallyWithInfo SettledExternallyWithInfo ChargebackExternallyWithInfo ChargebackReversedExternallyWithInfo RefundedExternallyWithInfo SettledInstallmentExternallyWithInfo RefundedInstallmentExternallyWithInfo AdvancementCommissionExternallyWithInfo UnmatchedRefundedExternallyWithInfo UnmatchedSettledExternallyWithInfo UnmatchedChargebackExternallyWithInfo UnmatchedChargebackReversedExternallyWithInfo UnmatchedBatchExternallyWithInfo 31 / 43 Reporting Manual Position 9 Column Name Modification Reference Data Type N Description In most instances, this is Adyen's unique 16 digit code child reference that is associated with the modification request (capture, refund, chargebacks, etc). This will be returned to you via the direct soap response of the modification request and the notification server. For Unmatched transactions, this field may be populated with a reference from the Acquiring bank and the Data Type format may vary to match the format of the Acquiring bank. 10 Gross Currency A3 This is the three character ISO code for the currency which was used for processing the payment (transaction currency). 11 Gross Debit F The gross debit amount; this is the amount submitted in the transaction request. For example, 100.00. 12 Gross Credit F The gross credit amount; this is the amount submitted in the transaction request. For example, 100.00. 13 Exchange rate F The exchange rate used for converting the gross amount into the net amount. This will be 1 if you process and settle in the same currency. 14 Net Currency A3 15 Net Debit F The net debit amount; this is the amount submitted in the transaction request minus Acquirer fees. For example, 100.00. 16 Net Credit F The net credit amount; this is the amount submitted in the transaction request minus Acquirer fees. For example, 100.00. 17 Commission F The commission fee that was withheld by the acquirer. This should be the difference between the gross and net amounts. The three character ISO code for the currency which was used for processing the payment (settlement currency). If the Acquirer provides the transaction information at the interchange level Adyen will split the commission into the Markup, Scheme Fees and Interchange. In this scenario column 17 will be empty and columns 18, 19, and 20 will be populated. If the Acquirer does not provide the transaction information at the interchange level Adyen will populate the total commission in column 17 and columns 18, 19, and 20 will be empty. 18 Markup F The fee charged by the Acquiring bank. This field will be empty if Acquirer does not provide the transaction information at the interchange level. 19 Scheme Fees F The fee which is charged by Visa / MC. This field will be empty if Acquirer does not provide the transaction information at the interchange level. 20 Interchange F The fee charged by the Issuing bank. This field will be empty if Acquirer does not provide the transaction information at the interchange level. 32 / 43 Reporting Manual Position Column Name Data Type Description 21 Payment Method Variant C X30 The payment method sub-type of the payment which was processed. For example: visa classic, mc, amex. 22 Acquirer C X80 The name of the Acquirer that processed the original payment. For example: Cielo, Redecard. 23 MID C X50 The merchant ID from the Acquirer that was used for processing the payment. 24 ARN C X50 Acquirer Reference Number, a unique number that tags a credit card transaction when it goes from the merchant's bank (The Acquiring Bank) through to the card scheme at the cardholder's bank (The Issuer). 25 Acquirer Reference C X80 The Acquirer's unique ID for the payment (if provided). 26 Modification Merchant Reference C X80 For modifications like capture or refund, the (optional) modification reference supplied by the merchant. 27 Reserved7/Installm ents Where installment transactions are applicable, this field will show the installment that this line item pertains to. For example, 6/9 to indicate that this is the 6th of 9 installments. For all other scenarios this field is reserved for future enhancements 28 Reserved8 Reserved for future enhancements 29 Reserved9 Reserved for future enhancements 30 Reserved10 Reserved for future enhancements Legend: See Appendix A: Settlement Detail Report File Format 33 / 43 Reporting Manual Appendix C: Dispute Report File Format Position Column Name Data Type Description 1 Company Account C X80 The static name of your company account within the Adyen system. 2 Merchant Account C X80 The static name of the merchant account that was used to process the original payment request. The report may contain line items for multiple merchant accounts. 3 Psp Reference N 16 This is Adyen's 16 digit unique reference number for the payment; it denotes the PSP reference for the original authorisation request. 4 Merchant Reference C X80 This is the reference number that was provided when initiating the payment request. 5 Payment Method C X30 The payment method type of the payment which was processed. For example: visa, mc, amex. 6 Record Date D+” “+T The timestamp of when the dispute event took place as entered into Adyen's accounting system. The format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, for example: 2012-07-26 19:58:55. 7 Record Date TimeZone A4 The time zone of the previous column. This is the ISO Code for the timezone which is set up on your company account: Customer Area >> Settings >> Company Settings >> Time Zone (BST, CET, CEST etc) 8 Dispute Currency A3 Disputes don't have to be in the original transaction currency, but can be in the currency of the card holder. Also disputes can be of a lower value than the original transaction. This is the three character ISO code for the dispute amount currency. 9 Dispute Amount N 16 The dispute amount; for an explanation, see previous record. For example, 100.00. 10 Record Type C X50 The dispute accounting record type, e.g.: RequestForInformation NotificationOfChargeback Chargeback InformationSupplied ChargebackReversed NotificationOfFraud 11 Dispute PSP Reference 12 Dispute Reason 34 / 43 Reporting Manual N 16 C X256 This is Adyen's 16 digit unique reference number for the dispute. The dispute reason (free format) provided by the bank or payment method. Position 13 Column Name RFI Scheme Code Data Type Description C X30 The payment method scheme/institution which issued the code in the following column. E.g.: visa mc amex 14 RFI Reason Code C X30 The Request for Information reason code as provided by the bank or payment method. The mapping is defined by the scheme/institution (see previous column). This is blank if no RFI was issued. 15 CB Scheme Code C X30 The payment method scheme/institution which issued the code in the following column. E.g.: visa mc amex 16 CB Reason Code C X30 The Chargeback reason code as provided by the bank or payment method. The mapping is defined by the scheme/institution (see previous column). This may be blank if there is not formal coding for reasons (e.g. Some direct debits), in which case the “Dispute Reason” column should be consulted. 17 Notification of Fraud Scheme Code C X30 The payment method scheme/institution which issued the code in the following column. E.g.: 18 Notification of Fraud Reason Code C X30 19 Payment Date D+” “+T 20 Payment Date TimeZone A4 visa mc amex The Notification of Fraud reason code as provided by the bank or payment method. The mapping is defined by the scheme/institution (see previous column). The date of the original payment (authorisation) The time zone of the previous column. This is the ISO Code for the timezone which is set up on your company account: Customer Area >> Settings >> Company Settings >> Time Zone (BST, CET, CEST etc) 21 Payment Currency A3 22 Payment Amount F 23 Dispute Date 35 / 43 Reporting Manual D+” “+T The three character ISO code for the currency which was used for processing the payment. (may differ from the dispute currency in rare cases) The amount of the original payment (authorisation amount) The date the dispute was first entered into the system. This can be the date of the RFI Position 24 Column Name Dispute Date TimeZone Data Type A4 Description The time zone of the previous column. This is the ISO Code for the timezone which is set up on your company account: Customer Area >> Settings >> Company Settings >> Time Zone (BST, CET, CEST etc) 25 Dispute ARN C X50 Acquirer Reference Number, a unique number that tags a dispute when it goes from the merchant's bank (The Acquiring Bank). 26 User Name C X80 The user (interactive or webservice user) who performed the action resulting in the accounting record. If the record was created by an automated internal process the value “system” is used. 27 Risk Scoring I 28 Shopper Interaction A 30 The transaction type (values: Ecommerce, ContAuth, POS, Moto) 29 Shopper Name C X80 The name of the shopper/consumer as provided during the original transaction (if available) 30 Shopper Email C X256 The email address of the shopper/consumer as provided during the original transaction (if available) 31 Shopper Reference C X256 The supplied customer id/reference as supplied in the original transaction 32 Shopper PAN AN X80 The account number of the shopper/consumer. In case of card payments, the last four digits of the card number. 33 IBAN AN X80 The shopper full IBAN number. 34 BIC AN X80 The shopper full BIC number. 35 Shopper IP 36 Shopper Country A2 The ISO country code of the shopper (if available) 37 Issuer Country A2 The ISO country code of the issuer (if available) 38 Issuer ID 39 C X50 The total risk scoring value of the original payment The IP address (IPV4 or IPV6) of the shopper/consumer as provided during the original transaction (if available) AN 30 The unique identifier of the issuer. In case of card payments this will be the issuer BIN (first 6 digits of the card number). 3D Directory Response A1 For payments which were processed using 3D Secure (Secure Code / Verified by Visa), the directory response (values: Y,N,U,E) 40 3D Authentication Response A1 For payments which were processed using 3D Secure (Secure Code / Verified by Visa) and had directory response 'Y', the authentication response (values: Y,N,U,A,E) 41 CVC2 Response N1 The result passed back by the issuer after verifying the CVC2 (or CVV2/CID in case of Visa/Amex). 36 / 43 Reporting Manual Position Column Name Data Type N2 Description 42 AVS Response If AVS (Address Verification) was performed, the result of the AVS check. 43 Reserved 1 Reserved for future enhancements 44 Reserved 2 Reserved for future enhancements 45 Reserved 3 Reserved for future enhancements 46 Reserved 4 Reserved for future enhancements 47 Reserved 5 Reserved for future enhancements Legend: See Appendix A: Settlement Detail Report File Format 37 / 43 Reporting Manual Appendix D: Payment Accounting Report File Format Position Column Name Data Type Description 1 Company Account C X80 The static name of your company account within the Adyen system. 2 Merchant Account C X80 The static name of the merchant account that was used to process the original payment request. The report may contain line items for multiple merchant accounts. 3 Psp Reference N 16 This is Adyen's 16 digit unique reference number for the payment; it denotes the PSP reference for the original authorisation request. 4 Merchant Reference C X80 This is the reference number that was provided when initiating the payment request. 5 Payment Method C X30 The payment method type of the payment which was processed. For example: visa, mc, amex. 6 Booking Date D+” “+T The timestamp of when the event took place as entered into Adyen's accounting system. The format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, for example: 2012-07-26 19:58:55. 7 TimeZone A4 The time zone of the previous column. This is the ISO Code for the timezone which is set up on your company account: Customer Area >> Settings >> Company Settings >> Time Zone (BST, CET, CEST etc) 8 Main Currency A3 While the accounting record may move funds on multiple account “registers”, each record type has a primary register which can be seen as a summary of the record. We refer to this as the main amount. This is the three character ISO code for the main amount currency. 9 Main Amount N 16 The main amount; for an explanation, see previous record. For example, 100.00. 10 Record Type C X50 The accounting record type, e.g.: Received Authorised Refused SentForSettle Settled SentForRefund Refunded 11 Payment Currency 12 Received (PC) F The amount (in Payment Currency) debited or credited on the Received accounting register. 13 Authorised (PC) F The amount (in Payment Currency) debited or credited on the Authorised accounting register. 38 / 43 Reporting Manual A3 The three character ISO code for the currency which was used for processing the payment. Position Column Name Data Type F Description 14 Captured (PC) The amount (in Payment Currency) debited or credited on the Captured accounting register. 15 Settlement Currency A3 The three character ISO code for the currency which was used when settling the payment. 16 Payable (SC) F The amount (in Settlement Currency) debited or credited on the Payable accounting register (i.e. funds which will be paid out to your bank account). 17 Commission (SC) F The commission fee that was withheld by the acquirer (in Settlement Currency) If the Acquirer provides the transaction information at the interchange level Adyen will split the commission into the Markup, Scheme Fees and Interchange registers instead. 18 Markup (SC) F The fee charged by the Acquiring bank (in Settlement Currency). 19 Scheme Fees (SC) F The fee which is charged by e.g. Visa / MC (in Settlement Currency). 20 Interchange (SC) F The fee charged by the Issuing bank (in Settlement Currency). 21 Processing Fee Currency 22 Processing Fee (FC) 23 A3 The currency in which the processing (or gateway) fee is charged. F The amount (in Processing Fee Currency) charged on the Processing Fee accounting register. User Name C X80 The user (interactive or webservice user) who performed the action resulting in the accounting record. If the record was created by an automated internal process the value “system” is used. 24 Payment Method Variant C X30 The subbrand of the payment method (if applicable) For example: visaclassic, visadebit, mccorporate. 25 Modification Merchant Reference C X80 For modifications like capture or refund, the (optional) modification reference supplied by the merchant. 26 Reserved3 Reserved for future enhancements 27 Reserved4 Reserved for future enhancements 28 Reserved5 Reserved for future enhancements 29 Reserved6 Reserved for future enhancements 30 Reserved7 Reserved for future enhancements 31 Reserved8 Reserved for future enhancements 32 Reserved9 Reserved for future enhancements 39 / 43 Reporting Manual Position 33 Column Name Reserved10 Data Type Description Reserved for future enhancements Legend: See Appendix A: Settlement Detail Report File Format 40 / 43 Reporting Manual Appendix E: Received Payment Detail Report File Format Position Column Name Data Type Description 1 Company Account C X80 The static name of your company account within the Adyen system. 2 Merchant Account C X80 The static name of the merchant account that was used to process the original payment request. The report may contain line items for multiple merchant accounts. 3 Psp Reference N 16 This is Adyen's 16 digit unique reference number for the payment; it denotes the PSP reference for the original authorisation request. 4 Merchant Reference C X80 This is the reference number that was provided when initiating the payment request. 5 Payment Method C X30 The payment method type of the payment which was processed. For example: visa, mc, amex. 6 Creation Date D+” “+T The timestamp of when the payment was created as entered into Adyen's system. The format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, for example: 2012-07-26 19:58:55. 7 TimeZone A4 The time zone of the previous column. This is the ISO Code for the timezone which is set up on your company account: Customer Area >> Settings >> Company Settings >> Time Zone (BST, CET, CEST etc) 8 Currency A3 9 Amount N 16 The amount of the payment (authorisation amount) 10 Type C X50 The record type, for this report alway the value “Payment” 11 Risk Scoring I 12 Shopper Interaction A 30 The transaction type (values: Ecommerce, ContAuth, POS, Moto) 13 Shopper Name C X80 The name of the shopper/consumer as provided with the transaction (if available) 14 Shopper PAN AN X80 The account number of the shopper/consumer. In case of card payments, the last four digits of the card number. For SEPA this field show the IBAN and BIC in the following format: IBAN/BIC. 15 Shopper IP 16 Shopper Country 17 Issuer Name 41 / 43 Reporting Manual C X50 A2 C X256 This is the three character ISO code for the payment currency. The total risk scoring value of the payment The IP address (IPV4 or IPV6) of the shopper/consumer as provided during the original transaction (if available) The ISO country code of the shopper (if available, calculated from IP if not supplied) The name of the issuing bank (if available) Position Column Name Data Type Description 18 Issuer ID AN 30 The unique identifier of the issuer. In case of card payments this will be the issuer BIN (first 6 digits of the card number). 19 Issuer City C X80 The city of the issuer (if available) 20 Issuer Country A2 The ISO country code of the issuer 21 Acquirer Response A X30 The normalised response from the acquirer. Not necessarily the final status of the payment. 22 Authorisation Code C X50 If the payment was not declined, the authorisation code. 23 Shopper Email C X256 The email address of the shopper/consumer as provided during the original transaction (if available) 24 Shopper Reference C X256 The supplied customer id/reference as supplied in the original transaction 25 3D Directory Response A1 For payments which were processed using 3D Secure (Secure Code / Verified by Visa), the directory response (values: Y,N,U,E) 26 3D Authentication Response A1 For payments which were processed using 3D Secure (Secure Code / Verified by Visa) and had directory response 'Y', the authentication response (values: Y,N,U,A,E) 27 CVC2 Response N1 The result passed back by the issuer after verifying the CVC2 (or CVV2/CID in case of Visa/Amex). 28 AVS Response N2 If AVS (Address Verification) was performed, the result of the AVS check. 29 Billing Street C X256 The street part of the billing address 30 Billing House Number / Name C X256 The house number or name part of the billing address 31 Billing City C X256 The city part of the billing address 32 Billing Postal Code / Zip Code C X30 The zip code or postal code part of the billing address 33 Billing State / Province C X256 The state or province of the billing address 34 Billing Country A2 35 Delivery Street C X256 The street part of the delivery address 36 Delivery House Number / Name C X256 The house number or name part of the delivery address 37 Delivery City C X256 The city part of the delivery address 42 / 43 Reporting Manual The ISO country code of the of the billing address Position Column Name Data Type Description 38 Delivery Postal Code / Zip Code C X30 The zip code or postal code part of the delivery address 39 Delivery State / Province C X256 The state or province of the delivery address 40 Delivery Country 41 Acquirer Reference C X256 Reference number for the transaction provided by the acquirer 42 Payment Method Variant C X30 The payment method sub-brand, or the main payment method if not available (e.g. mccredit or visagold) 43 Reserved 3 Reserved for future enhancements 44 Reserved 4 Reserved for future enhancements 45 Reserved 5 Reserved for future enhancements 46 Reserved 6 Reserved for future enhancements 47 Reserved 7 Reserved for future enhancements 48 Reserved 8 Reserved for future enhancements 49 Reserved 9 Reserved for future enhancements 50 Reserved 10 Reserved for future enhancements A2 The ISO country code of the of the delivery address Legend: See Appendix A: Settlement Detail Report File Format 43 / 43 Reporting Manual
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