By Phone: Call us on (08) 9208 6500 Please send me a supply of Smart Secure Jewellers Envelopes. (Minimum order 1000) OPTION A: Repair Envelopes ✓ If applicable Price $295 per 1000 to Price includes all freight, handling charges and GST. Please allow up to 4 weeks for delivery. If not specified by you, we will comence numbering at 001. Name of person placing order Date of order Contact number Payment: Payment is required with order by Cheque or Credit Card. Credit Card will not be debited/Cheque will not be banked until goods are despatched. A Tax Invoice will be sent on completion of order. Kalamazoo Jewellery Env Brochure3.indd 1 Visa Card Mastercard Please enter card number details here Numbered From Cheque (with order) Credit card Please debit my credit card (3 below): Price $275 per 1000 ER EJELWL ELLERY ATE 0000 JANEDW ST MADE E, TOWN, TQHUAE LITY H ING CENTR 0000 ERR Y 000 ELWL ELLE STATE 0 W E J DE JE , TOWN, A M HE HAND NTRE 00 TQUALITYOPPING CE ) 9000 SH : (00 llers.c hone @thejewe Telep llery jewe , THE P 10 Please tick method of payment ✓ If applicable Please personalise my envelopes with the following details: Please use Block Letters using one square per character. Style will be as per enclosed sample. OPTION B: Lay-By Envelopes Smart & Secure Jewellery Envelopes SHO to Numbered From Payment Amount $ By Email: Contact customer service at / Fax completed form to us on (08) 9248 7873 Expiry date By Fax: Cardholder’s signature Return completed form to Kalamazoo, 24 Denninup Way Malaga WA 6090 Name of cardholder By Mail: This is a repeat order with no changes. Photocopy of repair envelope last produced is attached. PRINT REQUIREMENTS OR EASY ORDERING il: Ema SHOP PP 00 E SHO (00) hone: Telep wellery@thejew 10, TH Email: je E H T Y TR SED O L C N E ES L P M SA 20/03/14 1:59 PM JEWELLERY REPAIR ENVELOPES JEWELLERY LAY BY ENVELOPES CUSTOMISED ENVELOPES A simple and effective way to manage your jewellery repairs. The envelope is printed in blue, measures 190mm x 108mm and is comprised of three parts. All details are recorded on every part enabling you to easily track the progress of your repairs. An easy and efficient tool to manage your lay bys! The envelope is printed in brown, measures 190mm x 108mm and is comprised of 3 parts. It has space for periodic payments and like the repair envelope, all details are recorded once. The Lay By Envelope is a great partner to the Jewellery Repair Envelope. Kalamazoo manufactures customised envelopes for any purpose and to any specification. Contact our customer service team to discuss your requirements. THE JE WELLE Part 1 - Your copy. Kalamazoo Jewellery Repair Envelopes are personalised with your information. R SHOP 10, QUALITY HANDM THE SHO ADE PPING CEN JEWELLERY TRE, TOW Telepho N, STATE Email: jew ne: (00) 900 0000 0 0000 ellery@thej ewellers ils will re deta Your sto ted here. be prin REMOVE TAPE AND FOLD HERE Part 2 - Customer copy. The customer receives an exact duplicate including the cost of the work so there is no dispute when it comes to payment. NAME: ADDRESS: DATE RECEIVED PHONE: SALESPERSON: SUPPLIER CUSTOMER RECEIPT Repair No.: Date Due: Cost: $ SHOP THE JE WELLE Since 1953 R Handcrafted 008 107 060 EES PTY. LTD. ACN WISHART NOMIN SOUTH AUSTRALIA , GLENELG, 5045, 103 JETTY ROAD 8376 0160 Ph: 8295 1345 Fax: S/A QUALI 10, THE TY HANDMA DE JEW SHOPPIN ELL Telepho G CENTRE, TO ERY WN, STA Email: jew ne: (00) 90 TE 000 00 ellery@ 0 thejewelle 0000 JEWELLERY Part 1 - Your copy. Kalamazoo Lay By Envelopes are personalised with your information. WATCHES tee or receipt risk. A valid guaran left at the owner’s will apply. normal charges Items for repair are PLEASE NOTE: repairs under warranty, otherwise t be mislaid. must accompany is required should this receip Proof of identity Name: Address: Repair No.: For Re pairs Date Received: ORA Article: Retaile Instructions: Addres LIEN DFGH BNDV LKJS YERT MVC GC ZTWU JSDF VH GFN MBC LIER VCLK GHVV JDVN DFGH EUVM JHIUA JS KBVK LKJS NMK H BC VCLK VCNK GFNM VNM UVM AGHV LIER VKJD SDHE SUB TOTAL DFGH KJHIU VC CNKB KB KJH UVM VNM YERT MHV SDHE require proof of HLIE TBND ZTWU RGFN JFBN UYER VM CVHD reserve the right to U JH G DHEU left for SDAJ DZTW KJHK JHIUA FBNS PLEASE NOTE: We MHV BCVH NMKKJHA VNM RGFN be mislaid. All items HE BNDV V SK GST VKJH BNSD VKJD DAJF I.D. should the receipt guarantee or NMH d CNKB DCFS Complete GHVVKJHA risk. KG U AJFBNS JHIUA SKHG DZTW CFSD repair are at owners ny items under warranty VKJH NMKCFSD KJHDBCVH BNDV AJ VNM BK KB YERT GKJV VNM KJHD TOTAL ZTWU receipt must accompa will apply. ASKH TBNDJHDC CGIU CVHDGIUK FS HKJH UYER FK BC charges BKJH VNM VCNK GKJV VKJD AGHV otherwise normal KJHC JHCG D ASKH CNKB KJHIU C HG IUKJH VH GHVV HFKJ MBCJHC VBKJ JHIUA JDVN JHGK DEPOSIT NMK HGKJ IUK KBVK RE N ND JHCG BNDV JHGK ERTB JHGK YERT CUSTOMER SIGNATU JHFK WUY JHFK ZTWU JVBK JHC HDZT DZ IUK JHGK AGHV JHCG BCVH JHFK VNM JHGK JVBK JHFK VKJD HG DVNM E KJHIU D V M HFKJ BALANCGHVV IUKJH CNKB JDVN VBKJ JHCG KBVK HGKJ JHGK HIUA VVCN JH NMKFS GIUKJHDC KJHCBNDV YERT REPAIR ENVELOPE Part 3 - Back of Envelope. The back of the envelope allows you to monitor all aspects of the work if required. ls: Incl ude ite m code Balance: Repair I have NDO RA Se e Quo quoted mer Si PlS/A ease WATCHES rvice Charg been gnatur Centre for th d bag www.kalamazoo.c | 1300 652 978 Web: ze. te copy Jewel lers co Bag & White Copy mmen charge s. ______ e serv & whi PJ • PO carry ______ e abov e: forwar repairs ted: __ ____ Price $275 per 1000. See reverse for order form. ur & si ired: All PA Deposit: ure: Customer’s Signat PAN Price $295 per 1000. See reverse for order form. , colo Total Charges Date Picked Up: 303384 | Tel: KALAMAZOO Ref. Benefits ✔ Helps prevent lost jewellery. ✔ Protects jewellery during storage. ✔ Easily store jewellery on lay by. ✔ Track the payment progress of each item. ✔ Enhance your image. Kalamazoo Jewellery Env Brochure3.indd 2 Detai Salesperson: LE NOT RESPONSIB . THIS STORE IS DAYS LEFT OVER 60 UP FOR ARTICLES BE PICKED NO ARTICLES CANOMER RECEIPT. WITHOUT A CUST JEWELLERY Benefits ✔ Prevents lost jewellery. ✔ Protects jewellery during storage. ✔ Easily store jewellery awaiting repair. ✔ Track the repair progress of each item. ✔ Enhance your image. No: R e Requ 1953 Handcrafted Since Part 3 - Secure Envelope. Shop owners get the same details transferred onto the envelope itself. Re-usable, safe and secure adhesive tape enables the envelope to be opened and closed while maintaining security. its) ntact: Servic Custo Part 3 - Secure Envelope. Repairer sees the same details except the price of the job is hidden. Re-usable, safe and secure adhesive tape enables the envelope to be opened and closed while maintaining security. r cred ame: mer Co COLLECTION DATE SKETCH: rms fo . mer N Custo Repair ARTICLE: INSTRUCTIONS: edit fo nt No e: s: tails will Your store de re. be printed he (Use cr Accou r Nam Custo Part 2 - Customer copy. The customer receives an exact duplicate including a record of all payments made. Only PAND Date Promised: Phone: ______ ice an d I ac ______ cept th ______ e char ges ______ only to : Box 90 6 New port N www .pando SW 2106 Austral ia ts: No: R - PAND ORA Pink Co py - Cu stome r Yellow Copy - Store Records OTHER PRODUCTS Kalamazoo print and produce a variety of other products for jewellers across Australia. Contact our customer service team at any time for a competitive quote. ✔ Envelopes ✔ Rolls ✔ Purchase order books ✔ Flyers ✔ Receipt books ✔ Brochures ✔ Invoice books ✔ Posters ✔ Pads ✔ Pull Up banners ORDER FORM ON REVERSE 20/03/14 1:59 PM
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