Quilts and Lace News 2 N D Q TR 20 15 Well it is Spring again, and although we are not bringing tulips from Amsterdam, we are bringing you lots of wonderfully talented people over the next 3 months from all over the US of A! A summary of the monthly ‘celebrity’ teachers is below, more details can be found at out website under “Events”. This is in addition to our local maestros of stitching and the fabric arts, Rie Hawking-Lutz and Dij Picarro, plus classes by Aira. First quarter we received very positive feedback after hosting: the diva of practical sewing, the“one and only” Mary Mulari, followed by the Queen of Sashiko & Embellisher, Evy Hawkings, followed by the Empress of free-motion, Linda Hall. Somewhere we also squeezed a DIME embroidery event. And finally; the first QTR will be capped off by our first 2 day AnitaGoodesign Workshop!! Thank you all for your appreciation of this effort, shown through your outstanding support, for these types of events!!! Events are a little gamble: if we bring them to Melbourne, you will come out and support the effort. We have learned to be smarter, so now we try to gamble more wisely. Still we do wish you would share the gamble with us too. It would help greatly to have event reservations paid at your earliest convenience, since the morning of the event tends to be quite busy :) We understand that sometimes unexpected things happen and a class needs to be cancelled - we will be very happy to return the payment when the cancellation is done as early as possible. If you cancel within 2 weeks of an event you can only expect to get a store credit for your paid reservation. That is fair? Yes? We are looking forward to a busy spring and a fun summer with the Row-by-Row event. Believe it or not we have ordered license plates for this year’s Row by Row. The theme is Water. Stay tuned. Sincerely Aira Kekäle and Allan Reid PS: Because of Paula Reid’s classes, there will not be an Open Sewing on Tuesday 4/21. Due to a travel schedule, we will not have Embroidery club on May 18 or Scan-N-Cut Club on May 26. The store will be closed on Monday, May 25 to observe Memorial Day. Calendar of Special Events APRIL 21 - 22 Paula Reid’s Quilting Classes MAY 1 Susan Zellers’ Class JUNE 19 Missy Billingsley’s Class We are so lucky, we were able So exiting opportunity! to get to Missy’s busy calenCome to enjoy Susan’s We are thrilled to have dar! Come to learn from the master of heirloom enthusiastic lecture/demo class on Friday, Paula to come back to our store and teach two different free motion quilting classes: May 1st on “21st Century Quilting” sewing! Missy will teach techniques and stitch“Feather Frenzy” on 4/21 and Learn how to combine today’s quilting es during her “For the Love of Heirwith specialty feet and acces- loom Sewing” lecture/demo class on Fri“Trapunto by Machine” on 4/22. technology sories. You will be amazed at how much day, June 19th. In the morning you will learn Class fee: $49.95 / class, easier these popular techniques can be sewing machine techniques and the afternoon with the right tools. or $89.90, if take both classes. will be on using a serger . Includes lunches on both days. Register early, since seating is limited!!! Seminar fee: $29.95- Includes lunch. Register early, since seating is limited!!! Seminar fee: $29.95- Includes lunch. Register early, since seating is limited!!! CLASS INFORMATION & SCHEDULE. Subject to Change... Baby Lock® & Brother® MACHINE CLASSES Baby Lock® and Brother® Sewing Machine Owner’s Classes These classes are for current models of Baby Lock® and Brother® Computerized Machines — Call the store to schedule classes for non-computerized or older models. Owner’s -classes provide you hands-on instruction for your Baby Lock® & Brother® machine. In addition to learning all the great features that your new machine has, we will also teach many sewing techniques, so that you can take a full advantage of all the capabilities available. You can take these classes in any order, once you have taken class #1. These classes are FREE, if you purchased the machine from ’Quilts and Lace LLC’ (and you can take them as many time as you want). Otherwise the fee is $50 per class. We ask that you register for the class (even if it is free), so that we will have enough supplies available. Register via phone (321-622-8602) email: (aira@quiltsandlace.com), or in person. We provide the fabric kits and class notes (FREE!) used during the class. So, all you need to bring is: your sewing machine / serger with its accessories (including power cord, knee lever, etc…) and the manual, as well as scissors, thread, and a pen/pencil , (optional: notepad and highlighter). Class 1: GETTING TO KNOW YOUR NEW MACHINE Sewing Machine Basics, Memory Class 2: PRACTICAL SEWING Seams, Hems, Buttons, Buttonholes, Zippers, Mending, Directional Sewing Class 3: DECORATIVE SEWING Heirloom techniques: gathering, pintucks, lace insertion, piping Sat 11-APR (10a – 1p) Thu 14-MAY (10a – 1p) Tue 16-JUN (4 – 7p) Mon 6-APR (10a – 1p) Sat 25-APR (10a – 1p) Fri 8-MAY (2 – 5p) Thu 11-JUN (10a – 1p) Fri 5-JUN (2 – 5p) Class 4: MORE DÉCOR. SEWING Patchwork, Quilting, Appliqué, and Embellishment Wed 29-APR (2 – 5p) Fri 29-MAY (10a – 1p) Mon 22-JUN (10a – 1p) Class 5: From Baby Lock Esante to Destiny & Symphony to Crescendo & Brother Innov-is 1500 to THE DM; NX-2000 to DreamWeaver Setup, Review of screens, s/w updates, etc Tue 14-APR (4 – 7p) Mon 11-MAY (10a – 1p) Sat 27-JUN (10a – 1p) Destiny and THE Dream Machine Extras IQ Designer / My Design Center Thu 9-APR (10a – 1p) Ellisimo and Quattro Extras Tue 2-JUN (4 – 7p) Thursday, Apr 23 (2 - 5p) Baby Lock® and Brother® Embroidery Machine Owner’s Classes Class 1: EMBROIDERY BASICS Stabilizers, threads, needles, designs, hooping, on-screen editing Sat 4-APR (10a – 1p) Fri 15-MAY (2 – 5p) Mon 8-JUN (10a – 1p) Class 2: MISC. EMBROIDERY TECHNIQUES Wed 15-APR (2 – 5p) Sat 9-MAY (10a – 1p) Fri 12-JUN (2 – 5p) Baby Lock® Sashiko Machine Owner’s Classes Fri 24-APR (2 – 4p) Mon 15-JUN (10a – 12n) Baby Lock® SERGER CLASSES These classes are for Baby Lock® Ovation, Evolution, Enlighten and Imagine sergers. Call the store to schedule classes for other serger models. Class 1: SERGER BASICS – Basic Serger Operations and 4-thread Techniques Class 2: THREE-THREAD TECHNIQUES 3-thread overlock and flatlock, Blindstitch, Rolled Hem, Cording Class 3: MISCELLANEOUS TECHNIQUES 2-thread Flatlock, Rolled Hem, Piping, and Beads; Wave stitch Class 4: COVER & CHAIN TECHNIQUES (for Evolve, Evolution, Ovation, and Cover Stitch) Cover stitch, Chain stitch, Combination stitches Page 2 Sat 18-APR (10a – 1p) Thu 16-APR (10a – 1p) Tue 5-MAY (4 – 7p) Sat 30-MAY (10a – 1p) Wed 17-JUN (2 – 5p) Tue 9-JUN (4 – 7p) Mon 27-APR (10a – 1p) Thu 28-MAY (10a – 1p) Sat 20-JUN (10a – 1p) Mon 1-JUN (10a – 1p) Thu 25-JUN (10a – 1p) 2nd Qtr 2015 CLASS INFORMATION & SCHEDULE: Subject to Change... COMPUTER AND EMBROIDERY SOFTWARE CLASSES We carry several embroidery software products: Baby Lock Palette, Designer’s Gallery, Brother® PE Design, PES Lettering, Floriani and DIME Inspiration. Embroidery software classes provide you hands-on instructions on your embroidery software. These classes are FREE, if you purchased the software from ‘Quilts and Lace LLC’ (and you can take them as many time as you want). Otherwise the class fee is $50 per class. Please, contact us to schedule your embroidery software classes (even if it is free). Register via phone (321-622-8602), email (aira@quiltsandlace.com), or in person. Please, bring your laptop computer with the software, reader box/dongle, and the manual, as well as pen/pencil, notepad, and highlighter (optional). Basic PC skills are required before taking these classes. We offer also basic PC lessons (“Windows for Embroiderers”), if you need a refresher. If you do not see your s/w listed below, call to schedule a special class. We want to help you with any of your embroidery computer / PC questions; talking to the World Wide Web; etc. Just let us know how we can be of an assistance. Floriani “Total Control Pro” & FTC-U - Embroidery Software Lessons Allan will teach a series of Floriani software classes. He will cover basics, editing of designs, lettering and digitizing. Class 1: GETTING STARTED Class 2: MODIFY DESIGNS Class 3: DIGITIZING Thu 9-APR (2-5p) Fri 24-APR (10a-1p) Fri 8-MAY (10a-1p) Tue 12-MAY (4-7p) Sat 6-JUN (10a-1p) Wed 17-JUN (10a-1p) DG “EmbroideryWorks” - Embroidery Software Lessons This class will teach you how to use the wonderful embroidery editing software “Designer’s Gallery EmbroideryWorks Everyday” Wed 15-APR (10a-1p) Thu 11-JUN (2-5p) “Palette 9 & 10 / PE DESIGN NEXT & 10” - Embroidery Software This class will teach you how to use the Baby Lock Palette 9 and 10 and Brother PEDESIGNNEXT and 10 embroidery software. Wed 29-APR (10a-1p) Thu 25-JUN (2-5p) “Windows for Embroiderers” - Basic PC Lessons We offer basic PC lessons, too. Even though Allan is a mechanical engineer by training, he has ~40 years experience on computers (starting when computers were a size of a bus). This class is for the beginner who is new to computers and/or would like to improve her/his computer skills for a better understanding of embroidery software. This covers Windows 7 & 8. We will start from organizing your computer, zip and unzip files, view multiple windows, downloading and purchasing designs on the web then loading these designs into your embroidery machine. The classes are always customized based on the needs and questions of the students :) Please, bring your laptop computer (if available), notepad, and pen/pencil. Fee: $30 for the 3-hour session - Includes a book: “Basic Computer Skills for Embroiderers” (valued $14.99). Wed 1-APR (10a-1p) Mon 1-JUN (2-5p) Brother® Scan-N-Cut Owner’s Classes Tue 7-APR (4-7p) Quilts and Lace News Wed 6-MAY (10a-1p) Sat 13-JUN (10a-1p) Page 3 CLUBS & SUCH... Embroidery Club If you own an embroidery machine or are considering buying one, please, join us on the 3rd Monday of most months (with some exceptions due to events and holidays) at 2-4 pm to learn additional techniques in the world of machine embroidery. These sessions are open for any embroidery machine brand. Since the embroidery machines are getting bigger and heavier to haul into classes, we create a project design in software which you can stitch out later at home. So all you need to bring is your enthusiasm, laptop and/or memory stick :) We have special pricing on some of the supplies used in the month’s project. Fee: $5 per session. One year FREE, if you purchased your embroidery machine or software at ‘Quilts and Lace LLC’ :) NOTE: No Club in MAY!! Serger Club If you own a serger, please, join us on the 1st Thursday of most months (with some exceptions due to events and holidays) at 10am-12N OR 2-4 pm to learn various serger techniques, while making a small project. We welcome any serger brand owners! Bring your serger with its accessories and manual. NOTE! Due to the popularity of this club, we repeat the same project on odd and even months, i.e. January project is the same as February; March and April will be the same project, etc... Fee: $5 per session + supplies (for some projects we will have kits available). Please, check with the store for supply list or kit availability for each month’s project. One year FREE (except supplies) if you purchased your serger at ‘Quilts and Lace LLC’ :) Please... register for the club meeting (even if it is free), since space is limited and let us know which time you will be attending! And please, please let us know, if you need to cancel, since we often have a waiting list to this club!! Foot of the Month Club We use several feet and accessories during the machine owners classes, but there are many more feet and lots of additional techniques that we do not have time to explore in detail during the machine classes, this is why we offer a “Foot of the Month Club”! We will use Baby Lock or Brother feet for demonstration, but many other machine brands have comparable feet, where these same techniques can be used, so all machine brand owners are very welcome! Join us on the 2nd Wednesday of most months (some exceptions due to events and holidays) at 10am - 12N OR 2-4 pm to learn possible uses of feet and accessories, while making a small project. Bring your machine with its accessories and manual. Fee: $5 per session + supplies. Please, check with the store for supply list or kit availability for each month’s project. NOTE: There will be special a price on the foot or accessory bought during or immediately after the class! Please, register for the club meeting, since space is limited and let us know which time you will be attending! Brother ‘Scan-N-Cut’ Club We have received several requests to offer more classes on this amazing machine, so we thought about offering a monthly club! Join us on the 4th Tuesday of most months (with some exceptions due to events and holidays) at 4-6 pm to learn additional techniques or make a small project. Bring your machine with its accessories and manual. Fee: $5 per session + supplies. Please, check with the store for supply list or kit availability for each month’s project. One year FREE (except supplies) if you purchased your Scan-N-Cut at ‘Quilts and Lace LLC’ :) NOTE: No Club in MAY!! Please, register for the club meeting, since space is limited! Page 4 2nd Qtr 2015 PROJECT CLASSES Ladies Nightgown All you need are the book and a cup of tea; this frilly batiste gown completes the picture of leisure and comfort with its ruching embellishment and Victorian trims. The gown has an overlay yoke with decorative ruching. These strategically ruffled strips also can be gathered into circular flowers to dress up skirts, blouses and sweaters; or used as a decorative trim on pillows and draperies. While the instructions for this gown call for a mid-calf hem, you can easily lengthen or shorten the skirt to suit the wearer’s taste. This is a Martha Pullen’s ‘Class Club’ project and can be done either on a sewing machine or a serger (the sample gown is done by serger). Fri 10-APR (10a-4p) Class fee: $40 (one session). Includes the pattern but does not include other supplies – contact us for details. This is a 5-6 hr class, so we will take a lunch break :) - bring your own brown bag or use one of the great restaurants in our shopping center. “Aira’s Heirloom Quilt” — #6 Class and a ‘Make-up’ Session Heirloom sewing is usually associated with fine linen, christening gowns, clothing, etc, but these techniques can also be used to make a quilt. The sample quilt was made using normal quilting cotton fabric and cotton laces, but it could also be done using batistes or silks. The entire class consists of 6 sessions, the current set started in November, so we have one more class left in April. In addition we are offering one class in May as a special ‘Make-up session’, in case you missed one of the blocks earlier. Class fee: $15 (per session). Includes the pattern, but does not include supplies – contact us for details. Mon 13-APR (1-5p) Mon 4-MAY (1-5p) “April Showers Layered Flower Wreath” - by Aira Hope Yoder has created great quick projects loaded with techniques and tips and tricks. This I the first one in the series called ‘Hope’s Happy Hoopers Club’. This class teaches two ways to create three dimensional fabric flowers: by embroidery machine and by using the Brother Scan-N-Cut machine. The finishing touches to the wreath are done with embroidered cover buttons. Fee: $30. Includes the embroidery files and instructions, but does not include other supplies – contact us for details. Fri 17-APR (10a-1p) “Shadow Applique” - by Aira Aira demonstrated this technique at the Seaside Piecemaker’s Retreat in March, and we have got requests to teach it as a hands-on class. Aira made her block into a small wallhanging, but it could be made into a pillow or even placed to back of a jacket. If you own a Baby Lock Sashiko machine, bring it to the class; a sewing machine with a ‘handlook’ quilting stitch can be used as an alternative. If you have the Brother Scan-N-Cut, bring it, too! Fee: $30. Includes the pattern, but does not include supplies – contact us for details. Wed 3-JUN (10a-1p) Quilts and Lace News Page 5 PROJECT CLASSES, cont’d... "Quilting with Embroidery Machine” - table runner Back by popular demand… Several of Aira’s quilts have part of the quilting done by an embroidery machine — those are the ones with perfect feathers :) While making this table runner, you will learn how to hoop quilted fabrics, and how to join the designs to have a continuous larger design. If you have a machine with a small hoop or do not want to make a table runner, we suggest making a pillow top instead using the same designs and techniques. Class fee: $20 (one session). Includes the embroidery files, which was created using the Floriani’s “My Decorative Quilter” software; but does not include other supplies – contact us for details. Wed 24-JUN (1-5p) “Easy Serger Pieced Quilt“ - by Aira Basic serger techniques make this versatile quilt very easy to piece and construct. Each block is pieced from fabric strips, then the blocks are alternately placed either horizontally or vertically, creating interest and movement in the design. Once the blocks are stitched together to make the center panel, the borders can be added in just a little time. Finishing and binding the quilt are also easily accomplished. Choose colors and fabric types to work with any décor. Class fee: $40 (one session). Includes the pattern but does not include other supplies – contact us for details. This is a 5 hr class, so we will take a lunch break :) - bring your own brown bag or use one of the great restaurants in our shopping center. Fri 26-JUN (10a - 4p) “Test Drive a Serger” - Pillow Workshop - by Aira Have you ever said “I wonder if a serger would be useful for me” or “I haven’t used my serger in years”? If yes, then join us for this class to “test drive’ a serger”. While serging a pillow you will learn some basic techniques and have an opportunity to experience different serger models. The class consists of ‘quilting as you go’, rolled hem, gathering, zipper insertion and seaming using our floor model Baby Lock and Brother sergers. No machines or supplies to carry to this class! Fee: $30 (Includes kit, except the pillow form). Mon 29-JUN (2-5p) Baby Lock & Brother Stitch Requlator Class If you have a Baby Lock or Brother “Tru Stitch” Stitch regulator, or wanted to see, if you would like to add it to your machine, join us as Aira shows you how to connect it to the machine and how use the stitch regulator to obtain those perfect free motion stitches. Fee: FREE Page 6 Tue 30-JUN (4 - 6p) 2nd Qtr 2015 PROJECT CLASSES, cont’d... Free Motion Machine Quilting by Dij Pacarro Create truly artistic quilts by learning free motion quilting. This class will teach you the basic skills to make your machine quilting successful, artistic and fun. Sewing machine with a free motion or darning foot is required. Class fee: $30 (one session). Does not include supplies – contact the store for details (kits will be available to purchase). Class size is limited, so register early! Payment is required at time of registration. Tue 14-APR (10:00a-1:00p) ‘Decorative Stitching for Art Quilts’ by Dij Pacarro Create a small whole cloth quilt using all of those fancy stitches you have on your sewing machine. Learn to couch different kinds of yarns and other embellishments. Find out what a great piece of art you can create using nothing but threads (and a fat quarter of fabric.) A sewing machine with a few decorative stitches is all you need for this class. Dij will share some yarns if you don't have any. Class fee: $30 (one session) plus supplies. Class size is limited, so register early! Payment is required at time of registration. Sat 2-MAY (10:00a-1:00p) ‘Fabric Portrait a la Picasso’ by Dij Pacarro Create a whimsical self portrait (or a portrait of a friend, relative or pet) using my fabric puzzle collage technique. No sewing machine required in class. Class fee: $30 (one session) plus supplies. Class size is limited, so register early! Payment is required at time of registration. Thu 21-May (10:00a-1:00p) “Finishing Your Puzzle Collage” by Dij Pacarro If your portrait or turtle collage is sitting in your pile of UFO's, get it out and bring it to class. We will finish it by zigzagging all of the edges, adding borders, and sandwiching it for simple machine quilting finish. Sewing machine with zig zag stitch required. Class fee: $30 (one session) plus supplies. Class size is limited, so register early! Payment is required at time of registration. Tue 9-JUN (10:00a-2:00p) CLASS REGISTRATION NOTES FOR ALL OUR CLASSES: Pre-registration is required for all classes. Only your paid class fee reserves your spot. If our class dates or times do not meet with your schedule, and you would like to take a class, please, let us know! We will try our best to accommodate and schedule additional classes. For most classes we suggest you to bring your own machine, but on some classes we also rent our floor demo machines - please, reserve the machine at the time of class registration to ‘test drive’ a wonderful Baby LockÒ or BrotherÒ sewing machine or serger! Class fees are not refundable, if the class is held and you do not attend. You can pre-arrange to use the fee against another class or may transfer your place to someone else. There will be a full refund if we cannot re-schedule a class that is cancelled due to weather or for some other unexpected reason. We would like to ask everyone to please do one little thing: if you book a seat for a class, and if you have to cancel, please call the shop and let us know in a timely manner. Sometimes we have a waiting list and that way we can let people know about available seats :) For some classes we have kits available, and for some you need to bring your own materials. And of course, we will be very grateful, if you purchase the class supplies from our store :) - You will receive 10% discount on the class supplies! Register via phone (321-622-8602), email (aira@quiltsandlace.com), via website (www.quiltsandlace.com), or in person. Quilts and Lace News Page 7 Quilts and Lace LLC, 7720 N.Wickham Rd. Ste 111 Melbourne, FL 32940 Phone: 321-622-8602 Fax: 321-622-8574 E-mail: aira@quiltsandlace.com & allan@quiltsandlace.com Web: www.quiltsandlace.com Store Hours: 10am…5pm Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri 12...7pm Tue 10am...2pm Sat Closed on Sundays Also closed on: 25 May (Memorial Day) “”Sew Precious Heirlooms” Authorized Dealer for: ‘Open Sewing’ - Tuesdays Do you have a project that needs a bit of help to get finished? Do you have a new project that you would like to get started? Maybe you just wanted to digitize a design for embroidery? Join us on Tuesdays from 1-4pm for a FREE ‘open sewing’ event. Pack your supplies and tools and let’s work on your project — you can work on it on your own, with your friends, or we will be glad to assist where we can and as much as time allows. PLEASE, NOTE: No open sewing on April 21st due to Paula Reid Class!! Our Services: Authorized Dealer of Baby Lock & Brother sewing, serging, quilting and embroidery machines Authorized Dealer of Baby Lock , Designer’s Gallery , Brother , Floriani and DIME embroidery software Authorized Showcase Dealer of Koala sewing furniture Also Perfexion Designs and Tailormade cabinets Factory certified, full time, on-site service engineer for Baby Lock & Brother products; older models of other brands also serviced Product training (several owner’s classes) on Baby Lock, Brother, and Floriani products 2 x Martha Pullen Licensed Heirloom Teacher Sewing and embroidery threads Embroidery design collections (Anita Goodesign, Floriani,..) Heirloom and quilting fabric & Heirloom laces Sewing, embroidery, and quilting notions and supplies 10% off all regular priced items for 1 year w/ a machine (>$500) purchase 10% off regular priced fabric w/ guild membership 30% off ‘end of bolt’ fabrics every day
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