www.TheDanielChallenge.com Juice Detox WHY SHOULD I DETOX WITH FRESH JUICES? There is a reason why more people than ever are starting to realize the benefits of a “Juice Fast” or Juice Detox. We all understand the big idea of eating more fresh fruits and vegetables but life is busy and often it is just plain difficult. Imagine getting all of the benefits of 20 carrots, 8 apples, 1/2 pound of grapes, lemons, kale, raw honey and more all in a day via juicing them. We see more and more the reasons to eat the freshest diet possible and more and more studies are revealing the power of antioxidants and their immune system boosting properties. Whether you are interested in weight loss, an immune system boost, a yearly detox, or you are ready for a WHAT ARE THE TOP BENEFITS OF JUICING? 5 main reasons why juicing is so beneficial : LEMONS High in Vitamin C and also one of the few fruit known to be an antioxidant, antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial. GRANNY SMITH APPLES Known for the flavonoids with high anti-oxidant properties 1. The juice requires hardly any digestion, so all its nutritional benefits get rapidly absorbed into your system. 2. When you juice, you use more fruits and vegetables than you could actually eat. As a result, you are drinking a densely packed amount of vitamins, minerals and other plantbased nutrients. 3. Liver detoxification 4. immune system boost 5. cleansing of the intestinal tract CARROTS Contains 490 phytochemicals, high in betacarotene as well as Vitamin A. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF JUICING? Improving the cardiovascular system and heart health: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Both antioxidant vitamins C and E prevent the damaging effect of free radicals on artery walls. They prevent blood from sticking, clotting, becoming toxic as well as helping to lower triglycerides levels (Here is more info about how to lower triglycerides). Good to great levels of vitamin C can be found in most vegetables and fruits. For the health benefits of juicing vitamin E you can use blackberries, kiwi, asparagus and spinach in your juicer recipes. Potassium and magnesium are essential for proper heart function and a regular heart beat. Blackberries are a good source for both these minerals. Additionally, as we know, being overweight plays a fundamental role in developing heart disease, so its good to take some common sense and a realistic approach on how to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight. Detoxifying the liver – this is fundamental for good health: ■ ◦ ◦ ■ Alkalizing your system (vegetable juicer recipes only): ■ ■ ◦ ◦ The liver has 100′s of important functions. One of its main functions is to clean the blood and remove toxins and metabolic waste. With the amount of toxins we are dealing with everyday in modern life we need to be real diligent in helping to keep it “clean” so it can keep us clean! Certain nutrients are needed to provide the juicing benefits of liver cleansing. Antioxidants beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, and N-acetyl cysteine are potent liver cleansers. In addition, B-vitamins riboflavin and niacin also aid liver cleansing. Cabbage, brussel sprouts and cauliflower have been found to be great for the liver. You can also add milk thistle supplements to your diet to help the liver detoxify. All vegetables are alkalizing. Fruits on the other hand are not; they are mostly acidic in nature. The benefits of making your body PH level less acidic is a subject of its own, so here are just a few juicing benefits; ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Improved brain function Improved heart function Slowing down the aging process Improved joint function – helping with arthritis Less disease-prone body environment. Acidic environments breed diseases. Better digestion Helping with healthy skin, hair, nails and eyes: ■ ■ ■ The antioxidants vitamins C and E help to prevent skin damage from sun exposure, due to their free radical neutralizing abilities. The health benefits of juicing blackberries and blueberries together will provide you with a good source of vitamins C and E. A deficiency in riboflavin (vitamin B2) can cause cracked lips, hair loss, dermatitis, greasy looking skin and other skin problems. Putting kale, spinach, and asparagus in your juicer recipes will provide you with vitamin B2. The most potent nutrient for healthy eyes is vitamin A, which is not found in plants. Its precursor, beta-carotene, is found in abundance in orange colored fruits and vegetables. Beta-carotene is turned into vitamin A by the body. This vitamin is essential for the retina to function properly and prevent night blindness. Both vitamins A and C reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts. Carrot juice is a very good source for both of these vitamins. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF JUICING? ◦ ◦ Increased energy levels: ■ ◦ ◦ Rebuild blood cells: ■ ◦ ◦ This one is pretty simple. Lots of juicing means lots more vitamins and minerals which are responsible for all sorts of necessary chemical reactions promoting health and vitality and therefore lots more energy. Enjoy juicer recipes every day!! Yes that’s right! This is made possible by the incredibly healthy chlorophyll, which would need an article of its own to give justice to its health benefits! On a molecular level chlorophyll looks almost exactly like a component of the red blood cell hemin. More amazingly scientists have found that when you assimilate chlorophyll into the body, it makes the chemical shift and actually becomes hemin. Essentially, taking chlorophyll is almost like getting a blood transfusion! Chlorophyll is also a pigment that gives plants their green color. So put the green stuff in your juicer recipes! The darker the green, the more chlorophyll it contains. Improved immune system: ■ Drinking juicer recipes regularly is going to give you a wide variety and more than adequate amount of antioxidants which are essential for a healthy immune system. The antioxidants from fruits and vegetables include vitamins A, C, E, plus a wide range of plant chemicals called phytochemicals. Phytochemicals have amazing and varied health benefits, most notably anti-cancer properties. Info from http://juicerrecipesnow.com/health-benefits-of-juicing/ www.FatSickandNearlyDead.com A FILM ABOUT THE REVOLUTIONARY BENEFITS OF JUICING 100 pounds overweight, loaded up on steroids and suffering from a debilitating autoimmune disease, Joe Cross is at the end of his rope and the end of his hope. In the mirror he saw a 310lb man whose gut was bigger than a beach ball and a path laid out before him that wouldn't end well— with one foot already in the grave, the other wasn't far behind. FAT, SICK & NEARLY DEAD is an inspiring film that chronicles Joe's personal mission to regain his health. With doctors and conventional medicines unable to help long- term, Joe turns to the only option left, the body's ability to heal itself. He trades in the junk food and hits the road with juicer and generator in tow, vowing only to drink fresh fruit and vegetable juice for the next 60 days. Across 3,000 miles Joe has one goal in mind: To get off his pills and achieve a balanced lifestyle. TestimonialAfter hundreds of thousands in medical bills, seeing over 50 physicians, heading to Mayo Clinic, NIH, Emory and more, Scott could not find out what was causing his blood pressure to be so high. He ended up being told that there were some small tumors in his liver that were inoperable. When doctors told him they could not help, he decided to find another way. He decided to try to maximize his nutritional intake by juicing for an extended period of time. Over 6 months, he did six 21-day juice fasts and the tumors disappeared. In conjunction with his juicing program, he began to walk in the fresh air for at least 1-hour each day, go to bed before 10pm, drink more water, learn to stress less and find ways to serve others. These and other elements are what make up -THE NEW LIFE- the 10 core components of The Daniel Challenge. Find out more at www.TheDanielChallenge.com THE BIG PICTURE The truth of the matter is...life happens. Below you will see the ideal schedule of the Juice Detox. You most likely will experience both elements of a detox. 1. You will have more energy and if you stay on schedule you will not get hungry to your body ridding itself of toxins. This is normal but if for any reason you have any questions, feel free to contact us at info@thedanielchallenge.com. 3. Even if you miss your schedule, get right back on track and stick to it as closely as you can. Enjoy. 2. You may begin to experience some aches, pains, and even headache due JUICE DETOX SCHEDULE TYPE OF JUICE QUANTITY IS LISTED IN OUNCES- A TYPICAL BOTTLE OF WATER IS 16 0Z TIME HOW Much? IN OZ WATER-WHEN YOU WAKE UP 8AM 16 GRAPPLE JUICE -APPLE/GRAPE COMBO- 24 OZ APPLE/8 OZ OF GRAPE 9AM 16 WATER 10AM 16 RAW LEMON-AID - LEMON/RAW HONEY - 8OZ LEMON/3TBSP HONEY 11AM 16 WATER 12PM 16 GREEN GOLD - CARROT/KALE - 24 OZ CARROT/8 OZ KALE 1PM 16 WATER 2PM 16 GREEN GOLD - CARROT/KALE - 24 OZ CARROT/8 OZ KALE 3PM 16 WATER 4PM 16 RAW LEMON-AID - LEMON/RAW HONEY - 8OZ LEMON/3TBSP HONEY 5PM 16 WATER 5:30 16 GRAPPLE JUICE -APPLE/GRAPE COMBO- 24 OZ APPLE/8 OZ OF GRAPE 6:15 16 7PM 16-32 END THE DAY WITH A WARM SOUP BROTH - 16-32 OZ *WHEN WE COOK THE VEGETABLES IN WATER, THE MINERALS/NUTRIENTS BOIL OUT INTO THE WATER - THIS IS WHY THE WATER TAKES ON THE COLOR OF THE VEGETABLE. BY DRINKING ONLY THE BROTH AND NOT EATING THE VEGETABLES, WE GET THE MAXIMUM BENEFIT. ***Why the combinations? There are some interesting studies that show that the body produces different enzymes for fruit than it does for vegetables. For this reason, we have separated the fruits from the vegetables for maximum benefit and digestion. This program is designed to enhance the immune system. Before going on any detox program, please consult with your physician. Persons with Diabetes or other health risks should be especially careful when drinking juices due to the high sugar content and low fiber content. A rise in blood sugar will occur. For more information, go to www.TheDanielChallenge.com
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