THE ENLISTED ECHO Spring 2015 2THE ENLISTED ECHO SPRING 2015 SOUTH DAKOTA NATIONAL GUARD ENLISTED ASSOCIATION 2014‐2015 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Position Name Rank Email President 1st Vice President * Jerry Eisenbraun * Nancy Ausland CSM (Ret) SMSgt 2nd Vice President * Andy Meyers MSgt Past President Treasurer * Bob Funk * Andrew Heymans SMSgt SSG or or Courtney Tyrrell Bruce Anderson SGT CMSgt (Ret) Secretary Executive Director Phone H: 605‐787‐4861 or C: 605‐484‐9624 W: 605‐988‐5946 C: 605‐350‐1763 W: 605‐988‐5876 or C: 605‐261‐7136 C: 605‐787‐3786 W: 605‐737‐6103 C: 605‐730‐0654 C: 605‐940‐0526 Committee Member at Large W: 605‐737‐6330 or C: 605‐430‐7502 C: 605‐350‐4794 C: 605‐415‐0615 605‐940‐6259 W: 605‐988‐5918 or C: 605‐480‐1928 Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 * * * * Eric Jennings Tabitha Carr Todd Rose Will Hangman SGM SGT CSM SFC Area 5 * Kelsey Lambert SSgt Squadron Representatives MDG LRS * Amber Bekaert * Sarah Powell TSgt TSgt MXG * Chris Portice Battalion Representatives JFHQ * Chad Hartley SSG 109th RSG * Dalene Link SSG 152nd CSSB 881st Trp Cmd HQ 196th RTI 196th MEB * * * * MSG SGT 1SG SGT 1st Bn 147th FA 139th BSB 153rd En Bn * Shane Wilkinson * Shawn Siemonsma * David Peck SSG SFC SSG Junior Enlisted ‐ Air * Regan LaBore SSgt Junior Enlisted ‐ Army * Cami Bloomgren SGT Retired Air * David Frock CMSgt (Ret) or or Retired Army * Robert Aiken CSM (Ret) 605‐645‐8760 W: 605‐737‐6507 or C: 605‐359‐2083 605‐772‐4050 or 605‐ 391‐2513 Chadwick Schmitz Kayla Morris Scott Rosenkranz Mark Jensen 605‐695‐7872 605‐988‐5915 W: 605‐988‐5829 or C: 605‐310‐6075 605‐737‐6758 W: 605‐430‐9741 or C: 999‐3827 W: 605‐773‐2476 or C: 605‐723‐5205 605‐696‐5442 W: 605‐737‐6468 605‐261‐0231 W: 605‐882‐9325 or C: 605‐216‐8315 605‐696‐5404 605‐357‐2949 ECHO Editor Historian Legislative Officer Membership Officer Parliamentarian Sarah Callies SSgt 605‐941‐1548 Donavon List Eric Kinslow Gordy Kotab CSM (Ret) SFC CSM (Ret) Webmaster Kim Chase SSG (Ret) 605‐665‐5924 H: 605‐415‐1759 605‐720‐5906 W: 605‐696‐5416 or C: 605‐651‐5829 Auxiliary President State Conference Laison Gayle Funk Shelley Reeder CIV 1SG 2015 State Conference Chair Shane Wilkinson SSG 605‐582‐3705 605‐280‐1923 W: 605‐882‐9325 or C: 605‐216‐8315 State CCM State CSM * = Voting Members James Welch Susan Shoe CMSgt CSM 605‐415‐0958 605‐737‐6608 SPRING 2015THE ENLISTED ECHO FROM YOUR PRESIDENT Upcoming Events FUTURE STATE CONFERENCES April 2015 - Watertown, S.D. April 2016 - Rapid City, S.D. (Co-located with Officers) April 2017 - Pierre, S.D. April 2018 - OPEN April 2019 - Sioux Falls, S.D. (Col-located with Officers) FUTURE NATIONAL CONFERENCES August 2015 - Indianapolis, IN August 2016 - New Orleans, LA FUTURE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETINGS April 16, 2015 - Watertown, SD FUTURE BLACK HILLS VETERANS HONOR MARCH September 19, 2015 (tentative) - Deadwood, S.D. NEXT ECHO DEADLINE Summer 2015 - Deadline for submissions is 15 May 2015 The ECHO is produced three times a year by the South Dakota National Guard Enlisted Association, 8004 E Callies Place, Sioux Falls, SD 57110 Letters to the Editor, articles and state association items should be forwarded to the Sarah Callies, 8004 E Callies Place, Sioux Falls, SD 57110. “The Enlisted ECHO” is published by and for members of the SDNGEA. Opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the United States Army or Air Force or the South Dakota National Guard, Army or Air. Please send all e-mail changes to SDNGEA, Attn: Nancy Ausland, 517 N. Euclid Ave. Sioux Falls, SD. ECHO Editor: Sarah Callies, 8004 E Callies Place, Sioux Falls, SD 57110. sarah.callies@ 3 Submitted by: CSM (Ret) Jerry Eisenbraun In April I will have completed one term as your Enlisted Association President. At that time I set goals for myself as well as the Association when I decided to run for this position. I strongly believe that I am and should be harder on myself than any of you could be. There is much more going on in this organization than many of us are aware of and I believe that we, as a state organization, have succeeded in this endeavor because of the efforts of so many. It takes the effort of all of us within the state to pull our resources and strive for that common goal. There are areas that we continue to do very well; we have relooked and revamped how we coordinate the state conferences and by doing that I believe it will run much smoother. We are communicating more often between our “scheduled” council meetings than in the past; this ensures that information is extended to you the member better than before. We have room for improvement however. I have stressed in the past that if we could all select and do a small part in what we do for this organization, and we do that task well, then it becomes easier to complete if we all share in that overall goal; only you can decide to give of yourselves. With our falling enlisted numbers and a smaller group of volunteers, our voice continues to reduce as well. I recently had a conversation with an enlisted Soldier who was adamant about why they were not a member of the association and that we never change. Their voice was strong, and it is voices like that that we need to have on our team. It is those voices that that can change the organization, it is those voices that can improve this organization, and it is those voices we need to hear from so that we know what you want and what direction you want us to take. If you desire a change in the benefits you receive or you desire a change in this organization, then we welcome your voice. We encourage you to stand up, to volunteer, and to share your voice; together and with enough voices, we can change anything. I encourage you all to review the Association’s by-laws regarding the duty positions and committee assignments. At our upcoming state conference in Watertown on April 17-18, we will be renewing and re-appointing new positions within the organization. As all positions are open to new election or appointment, we know that we will have a vacancy to fill in the membership chairperson as Eric Kinslow has elected to step down from this position. Should you be interested in this position, please feel free to contact me at any time for information. Eric has done a fantastic job for us and I would like to thank him for his hard work and his dedication. Are you an E-6 or below? Are you interested in finding out what the South Dakota National Guard Enlisted Association does and how it operates on the state and national level? Consider becoming involved with The Rising Six or formerly known as the Junior Enlisted Council (JEC). This committee is vital to the future of our organization! Contact Cami Bloomgren – Army or Regan LaBore – Air. In closing, my sincere thank you to the past presidents and individuals who have provided me guidance in this first year, your input and your reprimands (however subtle) have guided my path and helped to improved my leadership. To all those council members either elected or appointed; you continue to do an outstanding job, your efforts to improve increases the success for those that follow behind you; leave it better than when you took the position. To all the members of the South Dakota National Guard Enlisted Association; thank you for the opportunity to lead your organization, you have entrusted me to lead and I strive for perfection knowing that it can never be reached. 4THE ENLISTED ECHO SPRING 2015 FROM YOUR 2ND VICE ANDY MEYERS I hope the holidays were good and the winter hasn’t been too tough to handle. It will be spring soon and the winter coats will be in the closets where they belong. We are happy to have heard, for the first time since September 11th, that all of our South Dakota Soldiers and Airmen are home! This is a new era we enter into as Soldiers and Airmen, with a war winding down and ISIS on the rise. It is very important to keep our readiness high and be prepared for our next mission, whether at home fighting floods or tornados or abroad. We need to stay at the highest readiness possible. We just had the winter Enlisted Association meeting in Pierre a couple of weeks ago. It was a long, sometimes heated meeting, which means people are getting involved and passionate about what we are doing and where we are headed. The National Guard Memorial Museum is under a new board and headed in a good direction, so if you are in Pierre stop in and check it out. General Reisch briefed us on some legislation currently going on in Pierre. One thing to be excited about is after many years you will see a new look to your National Guard license plates. A few details are still being worked out, but the new plate should be available in July. April 11th is the enlisted dining out in Sioux Falls at the Holiday Inn downtown. I highly suggest you check it out and come be a part of the night. The state conference will follow in Watertown April 17-18. If you have not been to a conference you should come check it out. We are even offering some sponsorships to new comers to help off set the costs and to help our next generation see what we do and get involved. Get ahold of me if you or someone you know is interested in a sponsorship. The scholarship deadline is approaching fast. All members of the Enlisted Association and their dependents are eligible for the scholarships. This year there are three $1,000 scholarships and one $100 scholarship. One application can get you or your dependent applied for all scholarships. Get the combined application on our web site at SDNGEA.COM. I hope this finds you all in fine health and good times. If I can answer any questions on the scholarships or anything association wise, my contact information is on the web site. Just give me a call. I hope to see you all in April!! FROM YOUR WING COMMAND CHIEF MASTER SERGEANT 114th FW Command Chief Master Sgt. Dean Hillberg Greetings to all! A couple of weeks ago I attended the SDNGEA midwinter meeting. I am always amazed and appreciative of the folks that lead our Enlisted Association. Their dedication to the enlisted force and the SDNG is greatly appreciated. The 2015 Outstanding Airmen of the Year (OAY) selections have been made for the SDANG. Congratulations to the following who will be recognized at the state enlisted conference; SrA Jorie Hart (AMN) Security Forces, MSgt Paul Lupkes (NCO) Security Forces, SMSgt Jeremy Lehman (SNCO) Operations Group, MSgt Shawn Greer (First Sergeant) Medical Group. These airmen are great representatives of the SDANG and will also be forwarded for the Air Force OAY competition. 2014 was truly a bench mark year for the 114th Fighter Wing Junior Enlisted Council (JEC). They helped the Family Volunteer Group host the base Easter Egg hunt, held a base morale fundraising event after drill in August and served a meal at the Sioux Falls Banquet in November. Thank you so much to their out-going officers (SSgt Reggan LaBore, SSgt Alex Oppold, SSgt Bryce Haviland, SrA Rebecca Reid) who really stepped up and brought the JEC to a new level at the SDANG. The newly elected officers (SSgt Andy Dellman, SSgt John Whalen, SSgt Amos Kittelson, SrA Caitlyn Samuel) are off to a great start in 2015. When a sub-committee reviewed the JEC charter, they addressed a problem area with membership. Prior practice was to not allow E-6 members with more than 12 years of service to serve in an elected JEC position. The subcommittee recommendation was to drop years of service as a qualifier and equally represent all grades E-1 thru E-6. Along with that change, they recommended a name change from ‘Junior Enlisted Council” to “The Rising 6”. The changes were approved by the voting body and are now in place. Future “Rising 6” endeavors are a spring “Habitat for Humanity” event and possible morale fund raiser in the summer. We all look forward to seeing The Rising Six continue to develop within the 114th FW. The Chief’s Council and The Rising Six are excited about the upcoming state enlisted conference in Watertown, SD. We are looking forward to the meetings, events and sharing with other SDNG members. See you in Watertown and thank you for your service. SPRING 2015THE ENLISTED ECHO 5 FROM AUXILIARY PRESIDENT, GAYLE FUNK The SDNGEA Auxiliary is conducting its annual membership drive. I invite all SDNGEA spouses to renew membership or become a new member of the SDNGEA Auxiliary. If you are an SDNGEA member get your spouse signed up as an Auxiliary member and join yourself as an Associate member. Membership dues for 2016 are now being accepted through December 31, 2015. Here are examples of how you can participate in the SDNGEA Auxiliary. 1) Join and show your support for your spouse and all National Guard members. 2) Participate actively in voicing a position on legislative issues concerning National Guard member benefits, services, and programs by answering “The Call” for action on legislation. 3) Attend the annual Legislative Dining Out and network with state representatives. 4) Attend the SDNGEA state conference and participate in Auxiliary meetings. 5) Support the SDNGEA Auxiliary Scholarship program by helping with fund raising events. 6) Encourage eligible family members to apply for the Auxiliary scholarship opportunities. 7) Provide assistance in planning and carrying out activities for SDNGEA and SDNGEA Auxiliary events during the year. 8) Run for office to serve as an officer on the SDNGEA Auxiliary Executive Council. If you haven’t visited the EANGUS web-site lately, take a look. I have been very pleased with the timely up-to-date general and legislative information on the site. There is a section on the site that lists the number of responses that have occurred yearto-date from individual states for answering “The Calls”. I think it is great to have this information, but was disappointed to see the low level of response for South Dakota. I wrote a note to Scott Bousom, Legislative Director for EANGUS inquiring about the accuracy of the numbers and to find out if the process for getting “The Calls” to the membership is working. Mr. Bousom responded as follows. “…many EANGUS members use their .mil email addresses as a primary means of communication. Since EANGUS is a lobbying entity, all emails from the EANGUS domain are blocked by Department of Defense IT. Many EANGUS members do not receive my emails in their inbox and those that do often receive emails with lines of code instead of text...” In order to receive “The Calls” and act on them, your personal e-mail address is necessary. It’s easy to answer “The Calls” and the more of us responding to “The Calls” the more influence we can have on pending legislation that will impact National Guard members. The March 15 deadline for the SDNGEA Auxiliary Scholarship program is approaching quickly. This year one $1,000 scholarship will be awarded. All of the application materials are available on the SDNGEA web-site. It’s time to sign up for our annual state conference which will be held in Watertown on April 17 and 18. The theme is “Heroes: In and Out of Uniform. Costumes portraying your favorite hero or heroine are not required, but it is fun to participate. We are asking for donations for the annual Silent Auction. In the past, we have had themed basket donations only. Baskets are still welcome, but handmade or homemade items would be great too. Drop your items off at the conference registration desk. Proceeds go towards the Auxiliary Scholarship program. I am looking forward to a productive and fun Conference. Hope to see you there! STATE CONFERENCE SPONSOR PROGRAM Minimum Qualifications: Background: This program is made possible by donations from the South Must be assigned to the SDNG, SDANG Dakota National Guard Enlisted Association and is established to encourage E-1 through E-5’s to attend State Conferences. This program will pay for the Must be in the rank of E-1 to E-5 fee’s associated with the attendance of the State Conference to include: Room Must never have attended any SDNGEA State accomodations, banquet ticket, and predetermined amount of spending money. Conference After attending the State Conference, individuals selected for the sponsor Must posses the “right stuff” and be able to benefit program agree to write a short article for the state publication “The ECHO.” In and report on their attendance at the conference. this article, the sponsor will give his/her impression about the conference and Application Procedures: their honest opinion as to the relevance of the business conducted. This article To apply for this program, applicants must be will be submitted to the Executive Director for publication. submitted by any (paid) member of the SDNGEA; preferably somebody in their chain of command. A phone number for contacting the applicant is all that is needed. Names will be taken up to the first week before the conference. If there are 3 or more applicants, the Executive Director will draw by lot, those who will attend. As a minimum, the Association would like to have 2 (1 Army/1 Air) and a maximum of 4 (2 Army/2 Air) members attend. All applicants will contact the Executive Director as soon as possible or any Executive Council member. See contact information as published in the ECHO. 6THE ENLISTED ECHO SPRING 2015 LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE REPORT By Donavon J. List SDNGEA Legislative Chairman Bill Status at South Dakota’s 90th Legislative Session There are several Bills of interest that have been introduced in the current Legislative Session, these include: • the words “active warrant officer” will be added on the application for military specialty plates and the plate will contain a symbol indicating if the owner is a current or retired member of the National Guard; • allow the spouse of an active duty military person to qualify as a resident for a temporary permit to carry a concealed weapon; • veterans seeking employment by veteran’s preference must also be citizens of the United States, in addition to being a citizen and resident of the state and school districts provide veterans a preference in employment; • extend resident tuition eligibility to spouses and children of active duty military personnel and of qualifying veterans; • revise the definition of a veteran, revise certain provisions concerning the administration of benefits provided to veterans; the county veteran’s service office works under the direction of the Department of Veterans Affairs; • repeal certain outdated and unnecessary statutes and rules related to the Department of Veterans Affairs; A couple Bills have passed both Houses but haven’t been signed by the Governor; we’ll give the final outcome of all Bills in April. During the Session there are Cracker Barrel meetings in several cities and are very informative; attend if you can and ask questions. You can also contact your respective legislators in Pierre with your concerns. We received CALLs regarding passing the National Defense Authorization Act, the Omnibus Appropriations Bill and Clay Hunt Suicide Prevention for American Veterans Act. The Pentagon renewed its commitment to retiring the Air Force A-10 Thunderbolt ground attack aircraft and closing excess military bases in the US and their proposal to establish a new Base Re-Alignment and Closure Commission (BRAC); these will be a top priority with the Defense Department in hearings on the 2016 defense budget. Legislative Goals of Congress for 2015 – Their Bucket List includes a few of the following: • ensure active duty, Guard and Reserve force sizes meet mission requirements; • credit all Post-9/11 active duty service toward Guard and Reserve early retirement; • block the consolidation of TRICARE health plans into a single plan providing less choice; • preserve full inflation cost of living adjustments (COLAs); • end the deduction of VA disability compensation from military retired pay; • eliminate VA claims backlog and improve quality, efficiency and transparency of claims processing. In 1933, an amendment to the National Defense Act of 1916 created a separate reserve component of the Army called the Army National Guard of the United States. Since 1933 all National Guardsmen have been members of both their State National Guard and the National Guard of the United States. Today the South Dakota National Guard is comprised of 40 Army Guard units and detachments and 17 Air Guard units. There are new members in Congress after the recent election; contact our South Dakota folks in Congress with questions and concerns that are of interest to you or regard military matters. National Guard Associations of South Dakota Insurance Program DAVID BURR, ADMINISTRATOR 605-569-6860 OPTIONAL LIFE INSURANCE BENEFITS UNDERWITTEN BY: American Equity Investment Life Insurance Company Des Moines, Iowa Monthly Premiums (Guard Members) SPOUSE INSURANCE COVERAGE PREMIUMCOVERAGEPREMIUM $10,000$ 3.66$ 5,000$2.00 $15,000$ 5.33$ 10,000$4.00 $20,000$ 7.00$ 15,000$6.00 $25,000$ 8.67$ 20,000$7.00 $35,000 $12.00 $50,000 $17.01 $ 25,000 $8.67 (Life Insurance for dependent children also available) SPRING 2015THE ENLISTED ECHO TALKING POINTS ON HB 1179 From the AG’s Office - The SDNG supports House Bill 1179 - It's important to remember, that HB 1179 only deals with the state's statutory definition of veteran for purposes of entitlement to a few very limited benefits: - The ability to purchase veteran's license plates - The ability to claim veteran's preference when applying for certain jobs - The ability to apply for admission to the state veterans home (again, based on income limitations). - A very modest ($100) burial marker for those whose income is below $9,000 at their time of death. - HB 1179 does not attempt to transfer any of the respect, prestige or benefits associated with service members who have served combat tours to those who have not. - The state's current definition of "veteran" (SDCL 33A-21) has no mention whatsoever of combat duty associated with it. It only requires that an individual has served on continuous federalized active military duty for a period of at least ninety days for reasons other than training; and has been separated or discharged from such service honorably or under honorable conditions. - Serving in the National Guard and Reserve during a time of war is a big deal, and the modest benefits associated with being considered a veteran in the eyes of the state certainly seem warranted for those who stand ready to deploy anywhere in the world and to risk their lives when our nations needs them. Bring your Constitution and By-law changes and Resolutions to the State Conference for presentation! 7 CONSTITUTION & BY-LAWS CHANGE Article II Membership, Section 2. C. Life Membership Currently reads: Life Membership: Upon application, and payment of the prescribed amount, a person who is qualified to be an annual member, may be issued a life membership. Retention of life membership will be contingent on current membership in the South Dakota National Guard or as a retired member of the South Dakota National Guard. The prescribed dues shall be the difference between 50 and the individual’s age – times the annual state and national dues based on E-6 rank, plus application fee for both the state and national association. For those members over age 50, dues shall be $325.00, which includes state ($75.00) and national ($250.00) life membership. 2015 Constitution & By-Laws Proposed Change 1 Change to read: Life Membership: Upon application, and payment of the prescribed amount, a person who is qualified to be an annual member, may be issued a life membership. Retention of life membership will be contingent on current membership in the South Dakota National Guard or as a retired member of the South Dakota National Guard. The prescribed dues shall be a flat rate of $140.00 for SDNGEA life dues plus EANGUS life dues of ten times the current annual EANGUS membership rate. 2015 Constitution & By-Laws Proposed Change 2 Change to read: Life Membership: Upon application, and payment of the prescribed amount, a person who is qualified to be an annual member, may be issued a life membership. Retention of life membership will be contingent on current membership in the South Dakota National Guard or as a retired member of the South Dakota National Guard. The prescribed dues shall be a flat rate of $190.00 for SDNGEA life dues plus EANGUS life dues of ten times the current annual EANGUS membership rate. BLACK HILLS VETERAN HONOR MARCH & MARATHON Save the Date! 19 September 2015 The 12th Annual Black Hills Veterans Honor March and Marathon is scheduled for 19 September 2015. Get your team registered early and save some money. Registrations received before 1 May 2015 will be at a reduced price and will go up on 2 May 2015. Log on to and follow the link to the registration page. Challenge your fellow Guard members, build a team and have some fun honoring all our veterans. There is a category for everyone to participate or volunteer your services. We look forward to seeing you on the 19th of September. 8THE ENLISTED ECHO SPRING 2015 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES February 5, 2015 Ramkota, Pierre, SD Meeting was called to order at 1400 hours. Pledge of Allegiance was led by President Jerry Eisenbraun. ROLL Roll was taken and the following members were present: Jerry Eisenbraun, Nancy Ausland, Andy Meyers, Bob Funk, Andrew Heymans, Eric Jennings, Tabitha Carr, Ben Lamp proxy for Will Hangman, Kelsey Lambert, Amber Opitz, Charles Fincher proxy for Sarah Powell, Chris Portice, Chad Hartley, Pat Jones proxy for Kayla Morris, Scott Rosenkranz, Mark Jensen, Shane Wilkinson, Cami Bloomgren, David Frock, and Robert Aiken. Enough were present for a quorum. MINUTES Minutes of the Executive Council Meeting at Cadillac Jacks in Deadwood, SD were presented. Motion to receive minutes as presented by Don List and seconded by Cami Bloomgren. Motion carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS Treasure’s report was presented and passed around by Andrew Heymans. Copies of the report were filed with the minutes of this meeting. Motion to accept this report as presented by Andrew Heymans and seconded by David Frock. Motion carried. Committee Member At Large – Area 1 Eric Jennings has contacted all full time personnel of the units in his area and has worked with Eric Kinslow to ensure that strength numbers are reporting correctly. Stated that command emphasis is needed to get our numbers up. Motion to accept the report. Approved. Committee Member At Large – Area 2 Tabitha Carr stated she is working with Eric Kinslow to ensure accuracy of membership reporting. Report attached. Motion to accept the report. Approved. Committee Member At Large – Area 3 Not Present Committee Member At Large – Area 4 Ben Lamp, proxy for Will Hangman. Report attached. Motion to accept the report. Approved. Committee Member At Large – Area 5 Kelsey Lambert stated that she is utilizing her budget to encourage membership. Report attached. Motion to accept the report. Approved. Membership report was presented by Courtney Tyrrell, proxy for Eric Kinslow. Army has 1783 out of 2642 paid and Air has 569 out of 920 paid with a state percentage of 66%. There was much discussion on payment methods and the possibility of taking Credit/Debit Cards for dues payments as well as command emphasis to encourage paying dues. It was also brought up that the Senior Enlisted Leader needs to send out the membership form in August instead of November via the e-mail distribution lists to all full-timers and then start the drive at that time. Membership spread sheet with totals was passed out and report is attached. Motion to accept the report. Approved. The Legislative report was presented by Don List and he spoke about the bills introduced in the current Legislative Session. Copy of the report was filed with the minutes of this meeting. Motion to accept the report. Approved. The Ways and Means report was presented by Pat Jones, proxy for Kayla Morris. Report is attached. Motion to accept the report. Approved. The Resolutions and By Laws were presented by Bruce Anderson. One new resolution was submitted on the concurrent use of GI Bill and Federal Tuition Assistance. Please send more resolutions to the committee before the April Conference. There was discussion about where the proposed resolutions go to after approval at the State Conference and if there is possibly a better way to reach the Legislative Session. By Laws report is in the works and hopes to have a product ready for approval by the April Conference. Motion to accept both reports. Approved. Publications Report was presented by Sarah Callis. attached. Motion to accept the report. Approved. Report is Young Hero’s Report was presented by Nancy Ausland. Report is attached. Motion to accept the report. Approved. Awards Report was presented by Nancy Ausland. This program is available to give awards to those people within our organization and deserve recognition. Awards criteria is listed on the website. Motion to accept the report. Approved. The Scholarship report was presented by Andy Meyers. Only one application has come in, please push this info out so that we can grant all three scholarships. Motion to accept the report. Approved. The Investment Committee Report was presented by Bruce Anderson. Report is attached. Motion to accept the report. Approved. The State Conference Sponsorship Committee Report was presented by Bruce Anderson. Two Army and two Air Guard members will be sponsored by the SDNGEA to attend the state conference. Report is attached. Motion to accept the report. Approved. The South Dakota National Guard Insurance report was presented by Dave Burr. Dave Burr has filed the appropriate documents to ensure establishment of 503c tax status. He has 15 new enrollees and hopes to get more. He will also have a display set up at SRP’s. The South Dakota National Guard Insurance Program will also sponsor the SDNGEA State Conference with a $500 donation. Motion to accept the report. Approved. ESGR representative, Ron Mielke, presented information about the Employer Support Group. There is currently an ESGR position vacant in Sioux Falls but the other areas are covering that area until the position is filled. Please keep in contact with the ESGR if you have unemployed or underemployed Soldiers or Airmen. OLD BUSINESS Black Hills Veterans March report was presented by Ben Lamp. 221 registered and 175 finished the 2014 event. Three states were represented, Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota. There SPRING 2015THE ENLISTED ECHO MINUTES CONTINUED were 137 veterans competing. There will be a new website on 1 April 2015. The 2015 event will be on the 19th of September. Registration will open soon. The Black Hills Veterans March will close their current bank account and re-open another one to avoid confusion at the bank. Motion to accept the report. Approved. The Conference Committee report was presented by Shane Wilkinson. Heroes United Event will be held at the Dakota Sioux Casino and the only hospitality room will also be at the Dakota Sioux Casino. There will be transportation provided between the armory and two motels. Currently there are 62 registered for the conference. Many corporate sponsors have committed and if anyone has any other leads on sponsors please let Shane Wilkinson know. Copy of the report was filed with the minutes of this meeting. Motion to accept the report. Approved. the Officers Conference. 2020 State Conference location and chair is still open. 2015 National Conference will be in Indianapolis, Indiana 8-13 August. 2016 National Conference will be in New Orleans, Louisiana 2025 August. 2017 National Conference will be in Charleston, West Virginia 12-17 August. 2018 National Conference will be in Utah date TBD. ADJOURNMENT The date and time of the next Executive Council Meeting will be at the Dakota Sioux Casino and Hotel in Watertown, SD on 16 April 2015 at 1600 hours. With nothing further to discuss, Ben Lamp motioned for adjournment and Eric Jennings seconded. The meeting adjourned at 1700 hours. NEW BUSINESS Chaplain Lynn Wilson presented information about the state food drives that he has lead. He asked for a donation of $550 to make barrel covers for food collection. The body discussed and decided not to donate. Looking Ahead! Major General Timothy Reisch addressed the group. Changes on the national level were discussed to include the debate over removing the Combat Aviation from the National Guard, reduction of the National Guard end strength, and the budget constraints in the future years. He also spoke about the bills proposed to the Legislative Session House Bill 1035 correcting the verbiage on the current South Dakota National Guard license plate along with new designs. There have also been some changes with the South Dakota National Guard museum and Major General Reisch touched base on the changes and how the board of advisors will now work for the museum. President Eisenbraun indicated that Nancy Ausland will be added to the bank accounts at the Sioux Falls Federal Credit Union in Sioux Falls, S.D. and Past President Bob Funk will be removed. Life membership Committee was presented by Ben Lamp. EANGUS changed their Life Membership and in turn SDNGEA needs to update our life membership fees. Report is attached with two proposals to be voted on at the State Conference. Motion to accept the report. Approved. State SDNGEA Conference will be held in Watertown, SD 17-19 April 2015 with executive council meeting at 1600 on 16 April 2015. President Eisenbraun asked for anyone who plans on attending to make sure you are registered. 2015 Area V Caucus will be held in Indianapolis in 1-3 May 2015. 2015 State Conference will be held in Watertown, SD 17-18 April 2015. Chair is Shane Wilkinson. 2016 State Conference will be in Rapid City, SD co-located with the Officers Conference. Chair is Dallas Vallery and Andrew Heyman. 2017 State Conference will be in Pierre, SD. 2018 State Conference location is still open. 2019 State Conference will be in Sioux Falls, SD co-located with 9 Save the Dates for your next SD Enlisted Association Conferences: 22-23 April 2016 - Rapid City Ramkota 21-22 April 2017 -Pierre Ramkota 10THE ENLISTED ECHO SPRING 2015 SOUTH DAKOTA NATIONAL GUARD ENLISTED ASSOCIATION 56th ANNUAL CONFERENCE Watertown, South Dakota April 17-18, 2015 (DRAFT AGENDA) THURSDAY, APRIL 16th 1200-1800 1600-1800 1600-1730 1800-2400 1800-2400 Registration Executive Council Meeting Auxiliary Council Meeting Hospitality Room Committee Meetings FRIDAY, APRIL 17th 0800-1200Registration 0800-TBD Auxiliary Silent Auction Begins 0800-1100 Committee Meetings Position Evaluation Meeting 1100-1200 Retiree Enlisted Luncheon 1230-1430 Business Session Opening Ceremony • Posting of Colors • Pledge of Allegiance • Invocation • Guest Speakers • TAG Address • 20 Year Certificates and Pins • Welcome by Association President • Welcome by Auxiliary President • Legislative Update • Life Insurance Report • Museum Report • Proxy Letters 1430-1500 1500-1700 1500-1700 Break – to be held in the registration area Auxiliary Business Session 1st Business Session • Roll Call of Executive Council • Approval of Minutes from 55th Annual Conference • State Conference Sponsorship Report • Audit Committee Report • Treasurers Report • Ways & Means Committee Report • Membership Committee Report • Time and Place Report Preliminary Report • Nominations – Preliminary Report • Resolutions – Preliminary Report • Administrative Announcements • Credentials Committee Report • Time and Place Committee Report SPRING 2015THE ENLISTED ECHO • Position Evaluation Committee Report • Constitution & By-Laws Committee Report • Budget Committee Report • Resolutions Committee Report • Young Heroes Committee Report • Legislative Committee Report • Athletics Committee Report • Publications Committee Report • Veterans Honor March • Junior Enlisted: Army/Air 1700 1700 -1930 1700 – 1930 1930-2200 2200- TBD Recess 1st Business Session Hospitality Room Committee Meetings Social Hospitality Room SATURDAY, APRIL 18th 0700-0800 0830 0830 1015 - 1030 1030 Past President’s Breakfast Auxiliary Meeting Business Session Re-Convenes • Sr. Enlisted Advisor James Welch Address • President’s Report • Nominations Committee Report • Resolutions Committee Report • Next Year’s Conference Host • Unfinished Business • New Business Break Auxiliary Silent Auction Ends 1030 -1200 1030 Auxiliary Brunch Business Session Reconvenes • Standing Proud Awards • Scholarships Announced • Airman / Soldier / NCO of the Year Awards • Nominations and Election of Officers • Installation of Officers • Administrative Announcements • Benediction • Retire the Colors 1200 Adjourn 56th Annual Conference 1200 -1800 Hospitality Room 1300 1800-1900 1900-2100 2100-TBD Afternoon Activities TBA Social Hour Heros – In and Out of Uniform – dress as your favorite Comic Book Hero Hospitality Room 11 12THE ENLISTED ECHO SPRING 2015 2015 SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION Submitted by Andy Meyers It’s that time of year again for yourself and your dependents to be thinking about applying for the MANY scholarship opportunities you have as members of the South Dakota National Guard Enlisted and Officer’s Association. Our website,, will give you information on how to apply for the Major General Duane “Duke” Corning Scholarship (available to both enlisted and officer association members and their dependents), and also the USAA and Darren Mallow scholarships that are available only to enlisted members. The deadlines for all of these is fast approaching, so please take the time to review the information and get your applications in. We have two $1,000 Corning scholarships available this year as well as one USAA $1,000 and one Mallow $100 scholarship available. All three of these scholarships can be applied for on one application found at sdngea. com. Several EANGUS scholarships are also available to you. Scholarships include the CSM Virgil R. Williams Scholarship (deadline-June 1, 2015), three full-tuition University of Phoenix scholarships (deadline-March 17, 2015), a full fouryear scholarship for undergraduate or graduate education with Grantham University (deadline-July 8, 2015. Visit for more information on these additional opportunities. Don’t let this money go undistributed because you didn’t take the time to apply! Questions can be directed to SDNGEA 2nd Vice President, Andrew Meyers Visit our website, 2929 West Main Street, Suite 1, Rapid City, SD 57702 SPRING 2015THE ENLISTED ECHO SDNGEA AUXILIARY SCHOLARSHIPS 13 EANGUS AUXILIARY SDNGEA Auxiliary Boosts Scholarship to $1000 Children and grandchildren of the members of the SDNGEA Auxiliary should be applying for the possibility of winning the 2015 auxiliary scholarship, newly increased to $1000. The auxiliary voted to raise the amount of the scholarship at the 2014 Enlisted Conference in Deadwood. Memberships must have been paid by December 31st, 2014 in order for a child or grandchild to be eligible for the 2015 scholarship. The Auxiliary encourages all Enlisted Association spouses to join the Auxiliary before December 31st, 2015 to be eligible for the 2016 scholarship. Memberships can be obtained by contacting Auxiliary Membership Chairman Diane Kafka - 616 West 7th, Pierre, SD 57501, Phone: (605) 280-3030 or by email at Scholarship applications are now available from the scholarship chairman, Marlene Kotab, 1405 Pine View Drive, Sturgis, SD 57785, Phone: (605) 347-1375 or by email at In addition, all information about the eligibility requirements are found on the SDNGEA website. College Bound? eKnowledge Offers Free $250 SAT and ACT Test Preparation Programs. There will be three EANGUS National Auxiliary Scholarships, one in the amount of $1,250 and two in the amount of $1,000 each and one USAA scholarship of $1,000 available to high school seniors or college students. Full-time students as well as parttime students enrolled for at least 8 accredited hours may apply. Previous Auxiliary scholarship winners are not eligible. The following individuals are eligible to apply: •Unmarried children/step children, grandchildren/ step grandchildren, up to age 26, of Annual and Life EANGUS Auxiliary members; •Spouses of EANGUS Auxiliary members; •EANGUS Auxiliary members. Be sure that the parent/step parent, grandparent/step grandparent or spouse is an Auxiliary member and Auxiliary membership dues must have been paid by December 31, 2014 to be eligible for the scholarships. Applications are available from Marlys List, Auxiliary Scholarship, 705 James Place, Yankton, SD 57078; telephone 605-665-5924; e-mail dmlist@vyn.midco. net. 2015 WALLLEYE TOURNAMENT Dates: July 25-26, 2015 Location: Pierre, SD Deadline for Entries: July 1, 2015 Entry Fee: $80.00 per 2 man team One member of the two person team must be a current member, a retired member or a prior service member that has completed their service obligation with the SDNG. The other person can be his/her guest. For more information please contact Gary Kafka at or call 280-9684. 14THE ENLISTED ECHO SPRING 2015 2015 Enlisted Association State Conference Watertown Readiness Center Watertown, South Dakota, 17 - 18 April 2015 Name: _____________________________________________ Rank/Title: _____________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________ Unit: ________________________________ Guest(s): _____________________________ SELF GUEST TOTAL Registration - $45.00 per person ______ ______ $_________ Registration postmarked after 27 March 2015 - $55 per person Cost includes snacks, hospitality room, transportation cost, one ticket to standup comedy by former B Btry 1-147th FA SGT Juston Sangster and friends on Friday evening, and cost of the meal at the Heroes United event on Saturday evening. Costumes are not required, but they are behooved! Additional comedy ticket(s) for individuals not attending the conference - $10.00 each ______ $_________ Grand Total $_________ Special Events & Prices (TBD at registration). Possible events include (please mark if interested): Bowling ______ ______ Golf (weather permitting) ______ ______ Texas Hold’em ______ ______ Redlin Art Center Tour ______ ______ Clay Shooting (weather permitting) ______ ______ Geocaching Event (weather permitting) ______ ______ Paint and Pour Event (learn canvas painting & drink wine) ______ ______ Auxiliary Brunch, Retiree Luncheon, Past President’s Breakfast* *Payment made at location of event. See registration table for information. Around Watertown: Shopping, Redlin Art Center, Bramble Park Zoo, Univerzal Lazer Arena, Codington County Heritage Museum, Goss Opera House & Gallery, Veterans Memorial & more. For hotel reservations under the National Guard Enlisted Conference, contact Dakota Sioux Casino at 605-884-1700 or Country Inn & Suites at 605-886-8900. Rates are available April 16-18. Rooms will be released 19 March 2015. Make checks payable to: 2015 SDNG Enlisted Association Conference. Mail registration and payment to: 2015 SDNG Enlisted Association Conference, ATTN: SSG Shane Wilkinson, HQ 1th 147 FA, 1951 N. Hwy 20, Watertown, SD, 57201-7228. For more information, contact 605-882-9325 or send an e-mail to: SPRING 2015THE ENLISTED ECHO ENLISTED ASSOCIATION STATE CONFERENCE RAFFLE Grand Prize‐ Winner’s choice of one of the three listed ATV’s or $5000.00 Cash! ‐2015 Polaris Sportsman ®570 ‐ 44hp ProStar® Engine ‐Available in two colors ‐2015 Honda FourTrax Rancher ES ‐420cc Engine with electric shift ‐available in two colors ‐2015 Can‐Am 450 Outlander L ‐450 Rotax® Engine ‐5 year warranty ‐available in two colors Second Place‐ Winner’s choice of one of the three listed items or $700.00 Cash! 3. ‐Beretta A300 Outlander Shotgun 1. ‐Daniel Defense DDM V2 ‐12 Gauge semi‐auto ‐300 AAC Blackout ‐MAX 4 Camo Package ‐Magpul Stock 2. Two Pistols, Compact Glock 42 and Glock 17 ‐Glock 42 Compact chambered in .380 auto ‐Glock 17 9mm Full Size Gen 3 w/accessory rail Third Place‐ Guided Fishing Trip in NE South Dakota or choice of $400.00 Cabelas or Scheels Gift Card Tickets are limited! Only 1500 will be sold. Drawing to be held at the South Dakota Enlisted Association State Conference on April 18th 2015. $10/ticket or 5 Tickets for $40. Need not be present to win! See your unit/battalion/squadron EA representative for tickets. 15 16THE ENLISTED ECHO SPRING 2015 BLACK HILLS VETERAN HONOR MARCH & MARATHON
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