Coral Gables Senior High School IB Liberal Arts Academy 10th Grade Subject Selection Sheet 2015 – 2016 School Year Academy Leader: D. Van Wyk Last Name: Academy Counselor: O. Ochoa Academy Administrator: Dr. N. Diaz First Name: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Counselor Use Only: FCAT: P or F PERT M: Gifted: Y or N H/R: B-92 1. 2. 3. 4. ID#: Email: Phone : Career Interest: Select one course from each IB group listed below. If you are a gifted student, you must select the gifted option (“G”). Additionally, you must have a teacher initial for Group 2. Finally, know that NO CHANGES WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER APRIL 30, 2015. IB Group 1: Language A1 IB Group 3: Individual IB Group 6: Arts or other &Societies IB Electives Business: ___ Q01 AP English Language** ___ Q36 AP European History** ___ T02 Accounting 1 Honors ___ G06 AP English Language G** ___ G42 AP European History G** ___ T06 Legal Aspects of Business IB Group 2: World Language IB Group 4: Experimental Honors Sciences ___ T07 Business Entrepreneurship Honors ___ B31 Pre-IB French 3 ___ B18 Pre-IB Chemistry 1 ___ Z58/59 DE Business ___ F04 French 4 Honors ___ G27 Pre-IB Chemistry 1 G Entrepreneurship# ___ F05 French 5 Honors ___ B20 Physics 1 Honors Computer Programming: ___ Q40 AP French Language** ___ Q22 AP Physics 1** (non-Calculus) ___ T20 Computer Programming ___ B38 Pre-IB German 3 Honors ___ B16 IB Biology 1 (C++) ___ F09 German 4 Honors ___ G23 IB Biology 1 Art Studio/Research: ___ F10 German 5 Honors ___ Q20 AP Biology ** ___ B66 Pre-IB Art 2 ___ Q41 AP German Language** ___ G25 AP Biology G ** ___ Z50/51 DE Beginning ___ B44 Pre-IB Italian 3 Ceramics # IB Group 5: Mathematics ___ F16 Italian 4 H Music: ___ B50 Pre-IB Spanish 3 (FL) Honors ___ P44 Chorus 2* ___ B52 Spanish 4 (FL) Honors ___ P48 CAV Singers 2* ___ B58 AP Spanish Language** ___ H12 Algebra 2 Honors ___ P52 Women’s Ensemble 2* ___ B51 Spanish Speakers 3 Honors ___ G12 Algebra 2 Honors G ___ P56 Men’s Ensemble* ___ F22 Spanish Speakers 4 Honors ___ P35 Concert Band 2* ___ Q43 AP Spanish Literature** ___ B07 IB Math Analysis (Studies Yr 1) ___ P36 Concert Band 3* ___ G13 IB Math Analysis G (Studies Yr 1) ___ P25 Music Theory 1 Theatre: # Students must have an un___ Z10/11 DE Pre-Calculus # ___ B83 Pre-IB Theater 1 weighted GPA of 3.0 to be eligible ___ B09 IB Pre-Calculus ___ B84 Pre-IB Theater 2 to enroll in a DE (Dual Enrollment) Psychology: (recommended) course. ___ Q37 AP Human ___ Q10 AP Calculus AB** Geography** ___ G15 AP Calculus AB Gifted** ___ G43 AP Human Geography G** List the elective courses you selected from the back of this sheet: 1. 3. 5. 2. 4. 6. You must select a minimum of 6 electives in order of preference. Number your electives 1-6, “1” being your strongest interest. Every attempt will be made to honor your requests. Please understand that some electives fill more quickly than others and conflicts may prevent the scheduling of some classes. The deadline for changes is April 30, 2015. World Languages B30 Pre-IB French 1/2 B31 Pre-IB French 3 B32 French 4 H F05 French 5 H Q40 AP French Language B37 Pre-IB German 1 & 2 B38 Pre-IB German 3 H F09 German 4 H F10 German 5 H Q41 AP German Language B43 Pre-IB Italian 1/2 B44 Pre-IB Italian 3 F16 Italian 4 H B49 Pre-IB Spanish 1/2 FL B50 Pre-IB Spanish 3 (FL) H B52 Spanish 4 (FL) H F19 Spanish Speakers 1 F20 Spanish Speakers 2 B51 Spanish Speakers 3 H F22 Spanish Speakers 4 H B58 AP Spanish Language** Communications ___ D02 Newspaper 2 * ___ D03 Newspaper 3 (H) * ___ D06 Yearbook 2 * ___ D07 Yearbook 3 (H) * ___ D10/11 Creative Writing 1/2 ___ D12 Creative Writing 3 (H) ___ D15 CavsConnect 2 ___ D18 TV Production 2* ___ D19 TV Production 3* ___ D23 Comm. Tech. 1 ___ D24 Comm. Tech. 2 Design, Education & Hospitality ___ E01 Architect. Drafting 1 ___ E02 Architect. Drafting 2 H ___ E05 Foods 1 ___ E06 Foods 2 ___ E11/12 Fashion/Interior 1 ___ E15 Fashion Design 2 ___ E20 Interior Design 2 ___ E23 Childcare 1 ___ E24 Childcare 2 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Health & Fitness L10 JROTC Lab L11 JROTC 1 L12 JROTC 2 K09/10 Team Sports L21/22 Aerobics L23/24 Beg. Weight Train./ Ind.-Dual Sports 1 L27/28 Inter. Weight Train./ Ind.-Dual Sports 2 L15/16 Health/First Aid-Safety L19/20 Care/PrevAthl Injuries* L31/32 Athletic Trainer* Z56/57 DE Fitness ** Visual & Performing Arts P00/01 Beginning Ceramics 1 P02 Ceramics 2 Z50/51 DE Ceramics 1 & 2 ** P05 Drawing & Painting 1 P06 Drawing & Painting 2 P07 Drawing & Painting 3 (H) Z52/53 DE Drawing & Painting ** Q51 AP Drawing Portfolio** P09 Acting 1 P10 Acting 2 P11 Acting 3 P15/16 Dance Technique 1 P17 Dance Technique 2 P18 Dance Technique 3 (H) P19 Dance Performance 1 P20 Dance Performance2 P21 Gablettes 1* P22 Gablettes 2* P25 Music Theory 1 P26/27 Eurhythmics 1/2 P27 Eurhythmics 3 P30 Guitar 1 P31 Guitar 2 P34 Band 1 P35 Band 2 (Concert) * P36 Band 3 (Concert)* P39 Jazz Ensemble 1* P40 Jazz Ensemble 2* P41 Jazz Ensemble 3* P43 Chorus 1 P44 Chorus 2 * P45 Chorus 3 * ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Business & Technology T01 Intro. to Info. Tech. T02 Accounting 1 T03 Accounting 2 (H) T05 Business Supervision T06 Legal Aspects of Business (H) T07 Business/Entrepreneurship Prin. H Z58/59 DE Business Entrepreneurship# T10 Digital Design 1 T12 Digital Design 2 T13 Networking 1 (IT Essentials T14 Networking 2 (H)(Cisco Year 1) T19 Comp. Program. 1 (VB) T20 Comp. Prog. 2 H (C++) T21 Object-Oriented Programming T22 Java Programming Q50 AP Comp. Science A** T16 Multimedia Foundations 1 T17 Multimedia Foundations 2 Sciences A24 Environmental Science Q26 AP Environ. Science** A25 Anatomy & Physiology H24 Anatomy & Physiology Honors G31 Anatomy & Physiology H Gifted L18 Science Research (Competition)* Social Sciences L01 Law Studies 1 L02/03 Law Studies 2 (H) A58 African Am. Hist./ African Hist. A59/60 World Religions/Holo. Studies A61/62 Women’s/Multicultural Studies Q30 AP World History** G41 AP World History Gifted** Q37 AP Human Geo.** G43 AP Human Geo. Gifted** ___ A50/51 SAT Verbal/Math Prep. $ all courses may require a fee (check online fee schedule) *By application/audition only **Students enrolled in an AP course will be required to take the corresponding AP exam I understand that courses are subject to availability. I also understand that if I score a Level 1 or 2 on the FCAT, I may lose some of my electives. Finally, I know that NO CHANGES WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER APRIL 30, 2015. Please be aware that your enrollment in any AP/DE course is temporary, pending the evaluation, and approval of this course selection. Any request to switch out of an AP/DE course must be completed by April 30, 2015. Once school starts, no schedule changes will be considered during the first marking period, no exceptions. ____/_____ PARENT/STUDENT INITIALS REQUIRED Parent Signature: ________________________________________________________ Phone: _________________ Student Signature: _______________________________________________________ Date: ___________________
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