ORISSA HIGH COURT: CUTTACK NOTICE Date: 17.03.2015 No. 4128 III-20/2014(Rectt.) The candidates who have been qualified in the written examination held on 01.03.2015 for one post of Judicial Indexer pursuant to Court's Advertisement Notice No.XLIXE-6/79/ 14382, dtd. 11.09.2014 are enlisted here below. The call letters of those candidates to appear at Viva Voce Test to be held on 26.03.2015 at 3.30 P.M. in the Judges Lounge at 4th Floor of Orissa High Court (New Building), Cuttack are being sent in their respective correspondence candidates are instructed certificates/ documentary to proof report III at support address 2.30 of through P.M. along age, speed post. The with educational all original qualification, experience, caste, etc. and admit card of Written Examination for the purpose of verification. For any query relating to call letter, the candidate may contact in the telephone No.94374 98780 / 0671-2509788 during the office hour. List of eligible candidates SI. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Roll No. 02 05 08 14 18 Name of the Candidate Anusuya Mohanty Debasish Pattanaik Jnanendra Kumar Swain Preetam Sen Shivananda Sahu By Order, gcJ( Special Officer, (Sp1.Cell) Memo No: 4129, dtd.17.03.2015 Copy forwarded to the Notice Board of the Court for general information. - sJj-Special Officer, (Sp1.Cell) ~mo No: 4130, dtd.17.03.2015 Copy forwarded to the Superintendent, Computer Section, for publication of the notice in the Orissa High Court website.
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