United Post title and level Organizational Unit Duty Station Reporting to Duration Deadline for applications Job Opening number HI Nations Deputy Police Commissioner (Dl) African Union/UN Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) MHQ E l Pusher l*olice Commissioner 12 Month (extendible) 13 April 2015 2015-UNAMID-68122-DPKO RESPONSIBILITIES: Under the overall supervision of U N A M I D Poliee Commissioner and within the framework of the A U / UN Memorandum of Understanding (MOIJ), the Deputy Police Commissioner will report directly to U N A M I D Police Commissioner. ITe/She w i l l oversee overall Administration and OpeiuLiunal coordination of cotnmand and control toward mandate implementation. He /She will provide guidance field operations. Information inanagemenl, Liaison wilh Government of Sudan Police and releva stakeholders. Human &, Physical Resources Management and Integrated Assessment Planning o Police Cimiponent. He/she shall support Police Commissioner in en.suring effective implementation o f LTNAMID Manda and will be responsible of the following. • • • • " • • • Assisting PC in ensuring that all a.spccts of (he mandate are vigorously pursued through efiective erficient cuurdiiialiun of Police mandated activities of UNAMID Police persoimel. Advising Police Commissioner in formulation o f policy directives, plans and programme implementation in the Mission area; actively participating in the fomiulaiion and implementation the U N A M I D Police Concept of Operations; formulating and synchronizing Police Work Plans a various levels in line with the mandate implementation, conduct review and monitor implementati of coordinated activities of UNAMID Police staff Hnsuring implementation of effecLive monitoring o f activities of the Government o f Sudan Poliee Darfur and police o f tlie Movements In camps fur inlemally displaced persons, demilitarized a buffer zones and areas of control; Ensuring Gender maiustieaming within Llic operational environment of the five states of Darfur; Knsuring tlint short , medium and long-term strategic plan is developed and implementation in with the Govcimnenl o f Sudan Poliee in Darfiir and police of the Movements to improve p<)licin capabilities in Darfiir; Ensuring that plans are developed, implemented and monitored to effectively deliver on operatio policing tasks by IPO's and FPU's; Coordinating review of operational activities and implementation of initiatives to redres implementation gaps identified, including after action reviews on Performance Management a evaluation all incidents in the operational enviromnent; Coordinating iniplemcnting o f directives from the Police Commissioner and otfer advice a comments to the Police Commissioner as appropriate; • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Developing and maintaining a close professional relationship with the Government o f Sudan Police Darfur and police of the Movements at the most senior levels in order to facilitate tlie execution of i mandate; Ensuring development of Contingency Plans in consuhution witli UNDSS and stakeholders on cri management mechanisms with clear scenarios on signifiaint incidents or threats in the mission; Ensuring coordinated planning with relevant stakeholders for the identification o f relevant actio and/or projects to redress root causes o f conflict and crime in communities; Developing and implementing effective monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to ensure complian to strategic objectives, Overseeing operational readiness of FPU's in prepai^ation and execution of tasks, including COE, well as the physical and psyehologiciil readiness of members; F.nsnring the effective and efficient administration of mission Police assets and personnel un his/iier fiinctional area; Ensuring that police resources under liis/her functional area operate in liarmony with other miss components ut all times and in the spirit o f a unified mission in order to achieve the common goals; Implementing an effective performance management system at all levels in the operational an planning environment; Implementing internal development programmes toward skills development and capacity building personnel; Ensuring implementation of pro-active and reactive disciplinary processes to ensure the high standards of professional conduct and behavior of pereonnel. Drafting Police policies. SOPs, procedures and guidelines in close coordination with DPKO Poli Division; linsuring all Police initiatives are coordinated with the local counterparts and Mission stakehold and other agencies ojierating in Dati'ui; Coordinating, harmonizing tlie Result based Budgeting (RBB) process witli DPKO, Police Divisio and the Mission; Coordinate capacity building of tlie Government of Sudan Police in Darfiir with other mission agencies, international and bilateral partners in police development and take a leading role in all j planning and policy making activities in the Mission; Advise, initiate and u>ordinate formulation of policies wilh regard to community policing, moveme police, refomi mid restructuring, GoS Police issues. Training mailers, Project/Donor liaison, gend issues and other subject desired by the Police Commissioner to facilitate mandate implementation As required, deputizing for the Police Commissioner and represent the mission on behalf o f the Po Commissioner; COMPETENCIES: Professionahsm: Shows pride in work and achievements; demonstrates professional competence mastery o f subject matter; is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing dead and achieving results; is molivated by professional rather than personal concerns; shows persistence faced wilh difficult problems or challenges; remains calm in stressful situations, fakes responsibility incorporating gender perspectives and ensuring equal p;uticipation of women and men in all area work. Knowledge and understanding of theories, concepts and approaches relevant to democ policing, law enforcement; Experience in plamiing, development and implementation of policin programs, management and administration; Ability to apply technical expertise to resolve police rel issues and challenges. Strong organizational skills and demonstrable abilities to establish priorities a plan, coordinate, and monitor the work of othere; Flaoning and Organiziag: Develops cleai' goals that are consistent with agreed strategies; identifies priority activities and assignments; adjusts priorities as required; allocates appropriate amount o f tim resouiccs for completing work; foresees risks and allows for contingencies when planning; monitor adjusts plans and actions as necessary; uses time eflieiently. Communication: Speaks mid writes clearly and effectively; lis-tciis to oilier^, correctly interprets messages from others and responds appropriately; asks questions to clarify, and exhibits interest in two-way communication; tailors language, tone, style and format to match audience; demonstr openness in sharing information and keeping people inlbrmed. ( Teamwork: Works collaboratively with colleagues to achieve organizational goals; solicits inputs b genuinely valuing other's ideas and expertise; is willing to learn from others; supports and acts accordance with final group decision, even when such decisions may not entirely reflect own posit shares credit for team aceomplishments and accepts joint responsibility for team shortcomings. Est and maintain effective parlncisliips and respect working rclalitms in a multi-cultural, multi-ethn environment wilh sensitivity and respect for diversity. Technological awareness: Good in computer applications (Microsoft Word & Excel and I'ower Point) OUAUFICATIONSt Education: Advanced University Degree (Master's or etjuivalent) in T.aw enforcement. Public Administration, Human Resources Management, Social Sciences, Development Studies, C:han Management, A first level university degree with a combination of relevant academic qualifications a extensive experience In Police operational management and law enforcement may be accepted in Ue the advanced university degree. Graduation from a certified police academy or other law enforcem training institution is required. Doctorate will be an added advantage. Work Experience: A minimum of 15 years (17 years in absence of advanced degree) of experience in active national law enlbrccmcnt is required. Prolcssional skills in administration, strategic leaders Operational management Planning and related skills, policy and stimdard operating procedures (S development experience IS required. Peacekeeping or other international experience in the UN or o organizations is desired. Rank: Rank required for a D-1 is Colonel/Chief Siiperintendenl or otlicr service equivalent or higiier. Languages: English and French are the working languages of the UN. For the post advertised, fluency oral and written English is required. Knowledge of a second official U N language (Arabic) is a advantage. P r e f e r e n c e w i l l b e g i v e n to e q u a l l y q u a l i f l e i l w o m e n Dote o f Issuance: 09 M a r c h candidates. 2015 http://www.un.org/cii/pcacekggpina/aites/pnlice In accordance with the new Policy on Human Kights Screening of UN Personnel, all individual!! who seek to serve with the United Nations arc requested to make "self-attestation" that s/lic has not committed any serious criminal offences and has not been involved in violations of international human rights or international humanitarian law. The exact wording uf the self-attestation is outlined in para. 5.2 of the above mentioned Policy. The final decision on the selection of an individual to serve with the United Nations will also be subject to human rights screening.
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