SU N D AY M A RC H 2 2 , 2 0 1 5 // 1 0 :3 0 A M

SUNDAY MARCH 22, 2015 // 10:30AM
my notes
1. Give your personal
testimony 2. Remembering the start of Gentle Shepherd
3. Special memories of Gentle Shepherd 4. A time when God
spoke to you? 5. A miracle/time you saw God move in your life?
6. Something to share with the youth for encouragement?
Contact G.S.C.C.
Lead Pastor Rev. Adam Nickell 519.794.4429
Youth and Music Pastor
Administrative Assistant
Rev. J.P. Smits
Stacey Wight
Supporting Clergy: Rev. Derwyn Docken, Rev. Ann Gillies and Rev. Shirley Ferris
Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Don Prince
Call to Worship & Prayer of Approach
Psalm 119:33-37 // Elder Ruth Johnston
W o r s h i p
Pastor J.P. and Team
W o r s h i p
Led by Pastor J.P.
i n
i n
S o n g
P r a y e r
Council of Elders—Chair: Ruth Johnston
Council of Elders—Vice Chair: Rev. David McIntyre
Mailing Address: RR#4, Box 21 Flesherton, ON N0C 1E0
Physical Address: Fire #426176, Concession 8 (North of Grey Road 4, East of Grey Road 13)
GPS Coordinates: 44.303182,-80.518479
Office Hours: Wed. 10am-4:30pm, Thurs. 10am-4:30pm, Fri. 10am-4:30pm
Twitter: @gentle_shepherd
Affiliated with:
i n
G o d ’ s
Facebook: Like us!
W o r d
Scripture Reading:
Colossians 4:7-18 // Marian Doyle
Morning Message:
(Re) Discover Partnership // Pastor J.P.
W o r s h i p
i n
The Family of God // No. 543
Phone: 519.924.3422
W o r s h i p
S o n g
watch n’pray
7 day strategy
M o n d a y
M a r c h
2 3
King’s Kids @ Beavercrest (3pm), Jr. Youth @ Cedarside (7pm)
T u e s d a y
M a r c h
2 4
Ladies’ Bible Study @ Pascucci’s (9:30am), King’s
Kids @ Dundalk (3pm), Men’s Bible Study @ David
McIntyre’s (7pm)
W e d n e s d a y
M a r c h
2 5
Acts Bible Study (1:30pm), Sr. Youth @ Cedarside
(7pm), Prayer Meeting (7pm)
T h u r s d a y
M a r c h
2 6
King’s Kids @ Macphail (3pm), Choir Practice (7pm)
F r i d a y
M a r c h
2 7
Pastor JP’s Day Off, Healed for a Purpose Women’s
S a t u r d a y
M a r c h
2 8
Healed for a Purpose Women’s Conference, Pastor
Adam back from holidays
S u n d a y
M a r c h
2 9
Worship Service (10:30am), Palm Sunday, Jr. Youth
@ The Plunge, Blue Mountain (12:30pm)
FLESHERTON FOODBANK: 33 families were helped
during February. Utility costs are still weighing heavily
on clients and community. We are now purchasing eggs
once monthly. Clothing requests are a man’s XL winter
coat and boys clothing size 3 and 5. Warm bedding
would also be welcome. Needs: propane clothes dryer,
canned tomatoes, peanut butter, canned salmon,
school snacks. Next food bank date is Tues. Mar. 24.
Prayers for Jennifer Tilker who is requesting prayer for dental surgery
she will be having in the near future.
For ongoing comfort and peace for all those who grieve.
For Peter and Georgina Symons as Peter continues to heal and recover
from the stoke.
For Jim Dawson as he continues to heal from heart valve replacement
For Cindy Cover’s mom Marty Crystal for her recovery in hospital.
Prayers for those battling cancer: Sandra Barr (Wendie Bullock’s sister),
Jim Green, Cindy Hargrave, Joyce McMillan, Betty Mills, Amber Tabor,
Cheryl Weatherall (Laura McKillop’s niece).
Ongoing prayer for Jan Dawson, Karl Engel, John MacKinnon, Tim
MacNeil, Hilary Phillip (Kim Lucas’ niece), Tracey Tilker, Joan White,
Les Burnham’s nephew Don Tracey, Rose McLaughlin’s mother and step
father Marsha and Will Vanderleeuw.
For the ministry of Lauren Pillisch among us as our Co-op student working under Pastor JP.
For the ministry of Anthem for Today.
For Dr. Ann Gillies and Redeemed to Restore ministries and the women’s conference coming up this weekend at GSCC.
Grey Gables Residents: Don Bullock and Susan MacKinnon
Lee Manor (Owen Sound) Resident: Tom Walton
for the fridge door
please pray for our mission partners
Bobby & Sandy Jank (New Tribes Mission)
“G” (SIM Ethiopia)
Ken & Nancy Reigert (North Africa Initiatives SIM)
David Sangnay, Suwit Duangkaew, G. Nawdin (Frontier Labourers for Christ)
Margaret Thomas Indonesia—OMF (Prayer Partner)
Prayers for Cheryl and Donna Pridham, missionaries at the Widow’s School in
Samaru-Kataf, Nigeria (Prayer Partner)
Rev. Bitrus and Monica Audu, Christ Missionary Outreach, Nigeria (Prayer
We duly publish the Banns of Marriage between Corynne Lee McCathie and Joel Stephen Dawson who will be married here at Gentle Shepherd Community Church – Grey County on Saturday, April 18, 2015 at
3:30pm. Congratulations Corynne and Joel!! Wedding Shower is today following the Fellowship Lunch.
Wednesday night prayer gathering at GSCC, 7pm. Focusing on enhancing the life and work of this congregation.
If anyone is interested in billeting women for the "Healed for Purpose"
Conference March 27-28, please contact Ruth Johnston.
Healed for a Purpose Women’s Conference March 27-28, 2015 with
Rev. Dr. Ann Gillies here at GSCC. For information and registration,
please call Wendy Weber at 519.270.8631.
Ministerial Special Events: Maundy Thursday Worship Service on
Thursday, April 2 at 7:30pm here at GSCC. Good Friday Worship
Service on Friday, April 3, Feversham Community Centre—10:30am.
Guest speaker is Dr. Tom Dow—President Emeritus of Emmanuel Bible
College. Free will offering.
If you desire to join our team that is going to the National House of
Prayer from June 8-12 please RSVP to Barb Smith 986.4911no later
than April 19. There is room for 10 more to join us.
Need help with minor house repairs, yard work, gardening, etc.?
GSCC now has a Works Committee - a group of men who are willing
to help take on these kind of projects. Sign up in Fellowship Hall.
2-3 Nursery Workers are needed. Please speak with Amanda Nickell if
you can help out even once every other month.
Coming Soon! A seminar for parents and youth workers—”Dealing
with Today’s Teens”. This is what every parent needs to know! Saturday
April 11, 8:45am-3:30pm. Cost is $10 (includes lunch). Pre-register
at the GSCC office—519.924.3422 or
Annual Sportsman’s Banquet from Men and Women at Dundalk Wesleyan. Keynote Speaker Larry Miller MP. Saturday April 18 at 6pm.
$20/person. Dinner provided.
God is the source
General Fund Weekly Budget: $5015.00 Received Last Week: $3618.00
>>Year to Date—Over (Under) Budget: ($1209.00)
Mission Fund Weekly Goal: $673.00 Received Last Week: $352.00
>>Year to Date—Over (Under) Goal: ($4111.00)