31st Annual Conference “Competence and Excellence in Extension and Education” April 28-May 1, 2015 Wageningen University, The Netherlands In partnership with: https://www.facebook.com/AIAEE 2 AIAEE CONFERENCE TABLE OF CONTENTS & AGENDA AT A GLANCE Tuesday, April 28 PAGE # 6:00am-1:00 pm Excursion to the largest Flower Auction in the Netherlands- Flora Holland Aalsmeer 3 9:30am-12:30 pm Executive Board meeting by invitation 3 12:00-4:30 pm Registration in the Lobby of the FORUM — Lunch On Your Own 3 1:00-4:30 pm Poster set up in the Lobby of the FORUM 3 2:00-3:00 pm New Member Orientation and Reception in Room 106 3 2:00-4:00 pm Journal Meeting in Room 107 3 3:30-5:30 pm Spouses, Partners, and Guests Reception in C406 3 4:00-5:30 pm Student Meeting with Advisor in Room 107 3 6:00-7:30 pm Welcome Reception in Grand Café and Poster Session in the FORUM Lobby 3 & 11 Wednesday, April 29 8:00-9:30 am Registration in the Lobby of the FORUM 3 8:30-9:45 am Abstracts Session I in Rooms C106, C107,C221, C222, C226 9:00 am-3:00 pm Spouses, Partners, and Guests Tour — Pick up at FORUM 3 9:45-10:00 am Keynote Reception with Refreshments in Room C222 4 10:00 am-12:00 pm Welcome Session: Keynote Speaker Dr. Marianne Cerf; Presidents Remarks & Logistics in Room C222 12:00-1:30 pm Lunch at the FORUM 4 1:30-3:00 pm AIAEE Committee Meetings-Rooms C106, C107, C221, C222, C226 4 3:00-3:30 pm Networking (with Refreshments ) on 2nd and 3rd floor corridors 4 3:30-5:00 pm Abstracts Session II in Rooms C106, C107,C221, C222, C226 6:30-9:00 pm Student Social — Location to be announced 6 7:00 pm Dinner Wageningse Berg (Pre-Registered & Pre-Paid required) or Dinner On Your 6 3-4 4 & 10 5-6 Thursday, April 30 8:30-9:45 am Abstracts Session III in Rooms C106, C107,C221, C226 9:00 am-3:00 pm Spouses, Partners, and Guests Tour — Pick up at hotels 10:00-10:45 am Keynote Speaker Henrik Dethlefsen in Room C222 10:45-11:00 am Networking (with Refreshments) on 2nd and 3rd floor corridors 11:00 am-12:30 pm Abstracts Session IV in Rooms C106, C107,C221 6-7 6 7 & 10 7 7-8 12:45-2:30 pm Lunch and Business Meeting for All AIAEE Members in C222 7 2:30-4:00 pm Professional Development Sessions in Rooms C106, C107, C221, C226 & C222 4:15-5:15 pm 5:15-6:15 pm Panel on Competence and Excellence in Extension and Education in C222 AIAEE Awards Reception in FORUM Lobby — Everyone welcome 9 9 6:30 pm Executive Board Meeting in Room 031 FORUM Executive Room —by invitation 9 Post Conference Excursions of the Netherlands! Pre-registration required 9 8-9 Friday, May 1 8:00 am 3 AIAEE CONFERENCE DETAILED CONFERENCE AGENDA Tuesday, April 28 9:15am Shuttle Bus from Hof van Wageningen Hotel and Hotel van der Valk Veenendaal to FORUM 6:00 am-1:00 pm Excursion to the largest Flower Auction in the Netherlands- Flora Holland Aalsmeer Pre-registration required, pick-up at hotels 9:30 am-12:30 pm Executive Board Meeting by invitation 031 12:00-4:30 pm Registration and Lunch On Your Own Lobby 1:00-4:30 pm Poster set up Lobby 2:00-3:00 pm New Member Orientation and Reception 106 2:00-4:00 pm Journal Meeting 107 3:30-5:30 pm Spouses, Partners, and Guests Reception C406 4:00-5:30 pm Student Meeting with Advisor 107 6:00-7:30 pm Posters Session See Page 11 for details and Welcome Reception Lobby 7:30-9:30 pm Dinner On Your Own Wednesday, April 29 8:00 am Shuttle Bus from Hof van Wageningen Hotel and Hotel van der Valk Veenendaal to Forum 8:00-9:30 am Registration Lobby 9:00 am-3:00 pm Spouses, Partners, and Guests Tour Pick-up at FORUM (including lunch) Lobby 8:30-9:45 am Abstracts Session I Sustainability of our Natural Resources and the Perceptions from our International Communities A Look at Students’ Perceptions, Interests, and Behaviors Related to Sustainability Dr. Leslie D. Edgar, Dr. Donald M. Johnson, Dr. Jefferson Miller and Jessica England The Importance of Water: A Look at Student Perceptions of the [State] Water Resources Center, Water Resources, and Water Issues Dr. Leslie D. Edgar, Tara Johnson, Dr. K. Jill Rucker and Dr. Brian E. Haggard An International Service-Learning Opportunity in Uganda: What were the Lived Experiences of Six University Agriculture Students? Richie Roberts and Dr. M. Craig Edwards Examining the Effect of Familiarity with Water Policies on Engagement in Water Conservation Behaviors Pei-wen Huang, Courtney T. Owens, and Dr. Alexa J. Lamm Barriers to Accessibility and the Adoption of Innovations to Save Water in Rural South African Communities: Opportunities for South African Extension Laura Brainard and Robert Strong C106 Demonstrations of Farming Benefits and Debts with Extension Services C107 Assessing the Impact of International Service-learning: A Community Case Study Keneisha La’rae Harrington and Dr. Maria Navarro An Overview of Information Needs and Information Seeking Behavior of Farmers: A Case Study in Puliyankulama area, Anuradhapura district, Sri Lanka Kumudu Perera, T. Grady Roberts and Laura Warner Examining Knowledge Change and Behavioral Intention of Rural Farmers in Ghana following an Agricultural Education Workshop Alyssa M. Barrett, Dr. Laura L. Lemons, Dr. Susan D. Seal, Dr. Gaea W. Hock, Carley Calico and Dr. Mike Oye Use of Extension Education for Identification of Farmers Innovation Processes in Kano State, Nigeria A. Abdullahi, M.I. Daneji, M.Akeredolu and I. Tafida, C.J Garforth Will Vegetable Farmers Pay for Private Extension Services in Trinidad and Tobago? Stephan Moonsammy, Lendel Narine, Alpha Sennon and Donna Marie Renn-Moonsammy 4 AIAEE CONFERENCE DETAILED CONFERENCE AGENDA : Wednesday, April 29 8:00-9:45 am Abstracts Session I continued Empowering Through Agricultural Extension Outreach C221 I don't know what my husband is going to say about that: What Extension can do for Women Farmers in Turkey Havva Savran Al-Haik, Curtis Friedel, Kim Niewolny, Burhan Ozkan, Rick Rudd and Wilma Dunaway Empowering women's groups to access agricultural extension and training through peer-to-peer training and social capital building in Jordan Nargiza Ludgate, Dr. Samia Akroush and Dr. Sandra L Russo Social Network Analysis (SNA) as a Means of Mapping the Origin of Normative Messages: An Innovative Way for Extension Professionals to Consider Behavior Change Anil Kumar Chaudhary and Dr. Laura Warner Perspectives of Extension and Research Faculty Towards Integration of Extension and Research Activities at a Land Grant University in India Anil Kumar Chaudhary, and Rama Radhakrishna Self-Identity of Bi-Racial Students: Implications for Educational Programming by Agricultural and Extension Educators Dr. Patreese D. Ingram and Anil Chaudhary Training and Implementing Change in the Extension and Education Systems Perception towards Supervised Experiential Learning Projects (SELPs) among Mid-Career Agricultural Professionals in Uganda. The Case of the Bachelor of Agricultural and Rural Innovation, Makerere University Dr. Florence Birungi Kyazze and Dr. Jeff Mutimba Mainstreaming Value Chain Orientation in a B.Sc. Curriculum for Frontline Agricultural Extension Professionals in Ethiopia Jeff Mutimba Factors Affecting Effective use of ICT in Information Dissemination by Extension Agents in Benue State, Nigeria Dr. Ejembi, S. Ameh, Dr. Agbo J. Attah and Miss S. Nanakaan Public Issues Education as a Method for Agricultural Change Dr. M'Randa R. Sandlin From School Garden to Home Garden: Transfer of Agricultural Knowledge and Practices through School Gardening in Primary Schools in Eastern Uganda Kibwika P., Apolot S., Kyazze B.F. and Mutimba J. C226 International Agricultural Vocational Education K-12 Science and Agricultural Education in Hawaii: Introduction to The Gene-ius Day program Ania Wieczorek A Qualitative Program Review of the Center for Entrepreneurship Development and Vocational Studies, Federal Polytechnic, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria Matt Baker, Mike Bassey, A.A. Jimoh and Taiwo Akande Haitian Educators': Channels of Communication and Key Players Bertrhude Albert, Priscilla Zelaya, Dr. Amy Harder and T. Grady Roberts The Influence of Agricultural Content in Primary School Curriculum on a Rural Ugandan Village Brandon Wilson and Brian Parr Agricultural Practice: Perceived Competency, Willingness and Motivating Factors among Final Year Agriculture Students in Two West African Universities Dr. Rashid S. Adisa and Dr. Festus K. Annor-Frempong C222 9:45-10:00 am Keynote Reception (with Refreshments) C222 10:00 am-12:00 pm Welcome Session—Keynote Speaker Dr. Marianne Cerf; ESEE & AIAEE Presidents’ Remarks and Logistics C222 12:00-1:30 pm Lunch at the FORUM 1:30-3:00 pm AIAEE Committee Meetings: Communications (C106), Scholarly Activities (C107), Constitu- C106, C107, tion (C221), Professional Development (C222), and Annual Conference (C226) C221, C222, C226 3:00-3:30 pm Networking (with Refreshments ) on 2nd and 3rd floor corridors corridors 5 AIAEE CONFERENCE DETAILED CONFERENCE AGENDA : Wednesday, April 29 3:30-5:00 pm Abstracts Session II Gender, Diversity and Mentoring Training to Improve Extension Effectiveness Implementing an Innovative Teacher Education and Mentoring Center for In-Service Teachers in the Midwestern United States and Saudi Arabia Dr. Jeanea Lambeth, Dr. Julie Dainty, Kevin Elliott and Dr. Greg Belcher Does Gender and Other Social Factors Matter in Farmer Knowledge Acquisition? Evidence from IPM for Coffee Pest Management Learning Groups M.N. Mangheni, R.Miiro, M.E. Christie, R. Ochago, M.J. Erbaugh and J. Bonabana-Wabbi Gender training needs of Extension staff in Ondo State, Nigeria Bosede Lawal and Mercy Akeredolu Building Capacity to Integrate Gender in International Extension Programs Dr. Kathleen Earl Colverson Incorporation of Diversity Training in Extension Programs: Needs Associated with Colorblindness Shuyang Qu, Pei-wen Huang and Dr. Alexa J. Lamm C106 Extension on the Ground: Services Aiding in Entrepreneurship and Agronomic C107 Production Every Practitioner a "Knowledge Worker": Promoting Evaluative Thinking to Enhance Extension Evaluation Capacity Thomas Archibald, Guy Sharrock, Jane Buckley and Natalie Cook A Needs Assessment of Arkansas Agricultural County Extension Agents: A Focus on Nematology In-service Training Hayley Jernigan, Mia Gentry, Dr. Leslie D. Edgar and Dr. Donna K. Graham Genetically Modified Organisms in Belgium: A Case Study of Consumer Perceptions and Awareness Based on the Potato Crises Event Maggie Jo Hansen and Dr. Leslie D. Edgar Determinants of the Entrepreneurial Success of Young Nigerian Agricultural Entrepreneurs: Implications for Agricultural & Extension Education Alonge, A. J. Ph.D. An Assessment of the Effectiveness of Audience Response System (ARS) Technology to Improve Pesticide Safety Extension Education among Hispanic Agricultural Workers in South Florida: Implications for Agricultural & Extension Education E. Vanessa Campoverde, M.Sc. Adewale Alonge, Ph.D. and Anita Závodská , Ph.D. Addressing Global Issues Through Inquiry-Based Research An Assessment of Extension Workers' and Farmers' Knowledge and Practice of Riverbank Protection in Chikwawa District, Malawi Osmund Chapotoka, Jeff Mutimba, Daimon Kambewa and Weston Mwase Using Public Opinions of Invasive Species to Drive the Development of International Extension Education Programs Pei-wen Huang, Shuyang Qu and Dr. Alexa J. Lamm Utilizing Action Research to Discover Best Practices for Global Volunteer Development Brent Broaddus, Andrew Toelle and Dr. Dale Pracht Global Agricultural Education: Lessons Learned in Preparing for and Conducting an Intensive International Experience R. Kirby Barrick, Andrew C. Thoron, Daniel D. Foster and Melanie Miller-Foster Essential Questions to Guide Global Learning Experiences R. Kirby Barrick, Daniel D. Foster, Andrew C. Thoron and Melanie Miller-Foster C221 Addressing Student Motivations and Discussing Current Food Security Issues C226 Agricultural Extension Officers™ Knowledge of Food Security Issues in Trinidad: Implications for Professional Development T. Grady Roberts, Wayne G. Ganpat, Berthrude Albert and Lendel Narine A Case Study of Peer-to-Peer Engagement to Address Agricultural and Food Security Development in Sub-Saharan Africa Taya Brown and Theresa Pesl Murphrey Motivations for Participation in an International Experience: Perspectives of Students Enrolled in a College of Agriculture Theresa Pesl Murphrey, Katy Lane andTaya Brown Coping Strategies for Household Food Security in Chamwino District, Tanzania Elmerinda M. Faustine, Shausi Gosbert, and Mark Erbaugh A Case Study of Students' Perceptions of Food Security and Diets: United States vs. Guatemala Lori L. Moore, Cassie L. Ferguson, Gary Wingenbach 6 AIAEE CONFERENCE DETAILED CONFERENCE AGENDA 3:30-5:00 pm Abstracts Session II continued Fellowship for the Wellbeing of our International Communities Building Capacity for Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evaluating the Fellowship Experiences of Food Security Fellows from Uganda Stephen C. Mukembo, Jose Uscanga Aguirre, Dr. M. Craig Edwards, Dr. D. Dwayne Cartmell II, Dr. Shelly Sitton, Dr. Nicholas R. Brown and Dr. James W. Hynes Women and Food Security: Preserving Women's Agency and Wellbeing Mary T. Rodriguez and T. Grady Roberts AgriCorps: Utilizing the Agricultural Education Model to Address Food Security Audrey Denney and Trent McKnight Why Won't They Go: Identifying the Barriers and Motivators [State] University College of Agriculture Students Perceive Regarding Participation in International Experiences J. C. Bunch, J. Joey Blackburn, Shelli Danjean, Kristin Stair, and Leslie Blanchard Engaging Youth and Strengthening Rural Communities in Costa Rica Amy E. Boren and Sandro Wendell de Mont Serrat Lopes 6:30-9:00 pm Student Social — Location to be announced 7:00 pm Dinner Wageningse Berg (Pre-Registered & Pre-Paid required) or Dinner On Your Own C222 Thursday, April 30 8:00 am Shuttle bus from Hof van Wageningen Hotel & Hotel van der Valk Veenendaal to FORUM 9:00 am-3:00 pm Spouses, Partners, and Guests Tour Departs from Hotel Lobbies (including lunch) 8:30-9:45 am Abstracts Session III Delivery and Training Methods in Extension and Education C106 Identifying the Competencies Needed to Apply Social Marketing to Extension Programming: Implications for Local, Regional, and Global Professional Development Dr. Laura Warner, Dr. Theresa Pesl Murphrey, Phuong Huynh and Eric Stubbs Assessment of Leadership Abilities Essential for Extension Delivery among Agricultural Extension Agents In Ogun State, Nigeria Festus Annor Frempong, Mercy Akeredolu, Bosede Lawal, Assa Kante and Esther Fisayo Falade Agricultural Extension Agents' Perceptions, Motivating Factors, and Possible Roles in the Mitigation of Farmer-herdsmen Conflicts in Northwestern Nigeria Rashid S. Adisa, Bello F. Umar, Saadu Umar, Latifat K. Olatinwo, Kayode S. Balogun, Akilu B. Aliyu and Tijjani Usman Managing Pluralistic Extension Systems in the Dynamic Environments of Sub-Sahara Africa Susan Seal Training Army Officers to Be Extension Officers: Educational Needs of the Sudanese Peoples Liberation Army’s Agricultural Battalion Robert Strong The Impacts of Study Abroad and Beyond How Can Extension Catch Your Attention? Evaluating International Traveler's Perceptions of an Educational Website Shuyan Qu International Programs and College of Agriculture Faculty: An Assessment of Preferences, Benefits, and Barriers to Involvement Maggie Jo Hansen, Stuart Estes and Dr. Leslie D. Edgar University of Arkansas Agriculture Students and International Experiences: Preferences, Influences, and Barriers Stuart Estes, Maggie Jo Hansen and Dr. Leslie D. Edgar Chess with feelings: Using Q Methodology to Explain Viewpoints of Change as a Result of Study Abroad Tobin Redwine, Dr. Tracy Rutherford and Dr. Gary Wingenbach Outcomes of a Study Abroad Program: A Qualitative Approach to Three Domains of Holistic Human Development Tobin Redwine, Dr. Tracy Rutherford and Dr. Gary Wingenbach C107 7 AIAEE CONFERENCE DETAILED CONFERENCE AGENDA : Thursday, April 30 8:30-9:45 am Abstracts Session III continued International Professional Development Impacts of International Professional Development on U.S. Educators Priscilla Zelaya, Bertrhude Albert, T. Grady Roberts and Amy Harder Describing the Dimensions of International Educational Experiences Offered in Colleges of Agriculture in the United States Seth Heinert and Dr. T. Grady Roberts Assessment of a Professional Fellows Program to Empower Entrepreneurs for Economic Success in Sub-Saharan Africa Lisa K. Taylor, Fredrick N. Matofari, Dr. M. Craig Edwards, Dr. K.S.U. Jayaratne, Dr. Shelly Sitton, Dr. D. Dwayne Cartmell II, Dr. Shida R. Henneberry, Dr. Craig E. Watters, Brittany Maroney and Dr. James W. Hynes Extension Officers' within CARICOM Self-Perceived Assessment of the Importance, Knowledge, and Application of Selected Competencies Norma Samuel, Amy Harder, Glenn Israel, Muthusami Kumaran, T. Grady Roberts and David Sammons Capacity of Extension Personnel within the Pluralistic System of Liberia Austen Moore and Amy Harder C221 Lessons Learned in Academic Programs and Extension Evaluation C226 Three Case Studies: School-based Agriculture Education in Korea, and Implications for U.S. Agricultural Education R. Kirby Barrick, Daniel D. Foster, Melanie Miller-Foster and Andrew C. Thoron Increasing Female Enrollment for Agricultural Programs of Study in Sub-Saharan Africa: What Motivates Women to Pursue Careers in Agriculture? Stephen C. Mukembo, Jose Uscanga Aguirre, Dr. M. Craig Edwards and Dr. Nicholas R. Brown Provision of Private Extension and Advisory Services: Case Study Lessons from Brazil Suresh Babu, Cristina Sette and Kristin Davis Understanding International Travelers' Perceptions Regarding the Need to Declare Agriculture Products Mr. Courtney T. Owens, Ms. Shuyang Qu and Dr. Alexa J. Lamm Examining the Introduction and Use of Mobile Technology in India's Extension Program Dr. Mark Balschweid and Dr. Suresh Dhamodharan 10:00-10:45 am Keynote Speaker Henrik Dethlefsen C222 10:45-11:00 am Networking (with Refreshments ) on 2nd and 3rd floor corridors corridors 11:00am-12:30 pm Abstracts Session IV C106 Assessing Impacts on Extension Work Utilizing PESTEL Analysis to Identify External Factors that Influence a Successful Education Program in Conflict Regions: A Case Study of South Sudan Dr. Roger Hanagriff, Dr. Kirk Edney and Dr. Robert Strong Does Farmer-to-Farmer Extension Increase Women’s Participation and Access to Advisory Services? Lessons from Kenya, Cameroon and Malawi Steven Franzel, Ann Degrande, Evelyne Kiptot, Godfrey Kundhlande, Sygnola Tsafack and Brent Simpson Employing Outcome-based Extension to Reduce Risks of Highly Hazardous Pesticides in West Africa Mary L. Halbleib, Professor Paul C. Jepson, Kathy Blaustein and Makhfousse Sarr An Assessment of the AGNR Faculty Ambitions for International Leadership Opportunities Dr. Tim Kock, Dr. J. Chris Haynes, Dr. Tim Slater and Justen Smith From Field to Farms: Adoption of New Practices for Extension Outreach Farmer Participation in the Development and Dissemination of Tomato IPM J. Mark Erbaugh, Samuel Kyamanywa, Jenina Karungi and Jackie Bonabana In search of Alternative Agricultural Extension Strategy: An Action Research on Off-season Vegetables Production in Nepal Murari Suvedi and Ramjee Ghimire Farmers' Adoption of Health and Safety Practices in Trinidad Wayne G. Ganpat, Lendel Narine and Tessa Barry Building the Capacity of the Cambodian Agricultural Education and Training System Tom Gill, Kristal Jones, Ricky Bates, and Melanie Miller-Foster C107 8 AIAEE CONFERENCE DETAILED CONFERENCE AGENDA : Thursday, April 30 11:00am-12:30 pm Abstracts Session IV continued Extension Practitioners and Providing Training Activities An Investigation of Training Needs Assessment of Vegetable Growers in Jordan Dr. Ahmad Al-Rimawi, Dr. Nazir Al-Hadidi, Dr. Muhammad Tabieh, Dr. Jamal Al-rusheidat and Dr. Mohammad Allahyari Nigerian Agricultural Education and Training Faculty Perceptions of Cooperative Learning Matt Spindler, Benjamin Ogwo, Eugenio Basualdo and Emmanuel Osinem Enhancing Competencies in Future Extension Practitioners: The Influence of Critical Thinking, Engagement, and Self-Directed Learning on Future Change Agents Jen Williams, Riley Greenberg, Robert Strong, David Dolly and Emily Perdue Smallholder Farmers' Perspectives on Extension Service Delivery in Post-Conflict Liberia Austen Moore and Amy Harder 12:45-2:30 pm Business Meeting with Lunch for all AIAEE Members 2:30-4:00 pm Professional Development Sessions C221 C222 Extension Models of the USA in Changing Times Pete Vergot, District Extension Director, C106 University of Florida & John Vreyens, Director Global Initiatives, University of Minnesota Many of the AIAEE members are from countries outside of the United States and have limited knowledge of how Extension in the U.S. is administratively structured, who target clientele are, and how Extension is funded. The Cooperative Extension System in the U.S. being embedded in communities for the past 100 years has experienced changes in structure often driven by changes in funding. This session presents how two states have adapted to the restrictions and changes from competitive funding while continuing to provide effective Extension programs. Expected Outcomes: Participants will gain knowledge and awareness of two types of administrative Extension system structures, understand the broad program mandates beyond agriculture integral to the American extension system and gain knowledge of changing funding sources for extension and the need for ongoing administrative restructuring to fulfill the mission. Participants will learn through discussion how the adaptions may or may not apply to the context of their respective national extension systems and by extension how to think about adapting models to strengthen their local extension systems. Future leaders of extension systems will benefit from the analysis and collective sharing of creating extension services and programs that remain relevant to the context for members of the association. Administrators of extension systems or programs can learn how a national system of extension evolves to maintain a common core of programs with a variation of administrative structures found geographically. Managing Change to Build Community Capital through Adaption and Innovation C107 Curtis R. Friedel, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech; Matt Spindler, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech; Benjamin Ogwo, Ph.D., Assistant Professor and SUNY Oswego When communities and agricultural training systems fail to enact and manage change, it may be because they did not consider that people have an innate and preferred approach to solving problems (Kirton, 2011). According to Adaption-Innovation (AI) theory, people are either more adaptive or more innovative in how they solve problems. AI theory illustrates that individuals fall somewhere on a problem-solving style continuum ranging from extremely adaptive to extremely innovative. AI theory is the only theory that connects how one prefers to solve problems to preferences for managing change. Because complex problems require a diverse set of problem-solving styles working together as a team, it is important for all members of a community (adaptive and innovative) to work together towards the common goal identified by the community leaders. Expected Outcomes: Develop an awareness adaption-innovation theory as it relates to personal problemsolving style as it relates to agents of change and leading community members. Understand how AI theory applies to the building of community capital in forming a guiding team, including aspects of social capital and political capital. Understand how to utilize individuals’ problem-solving styles to help prevent unintended consequences of solutions to community problems . Develop guidelines for growing a culture of problem-solving among community members. 9 AIAEE CONFERENCE DETAILED CONFERENCE AGENDA : Thursday, April 30 2:30-4:00 pm Professional Development Sessions continued C221 Towards Extension Professionalism from an Extension Perspective Fanie Terblanche, University of Pretoria, South Africa; Tozamile Lukhalo, Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Republic of South Africa; Kristin Davis, Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services, University of Pretoria and David Dolly, University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago This session intends to reflect on the recent experiences of the South African Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries with support of the South African Society of Agricultural Extension, who came together to establish legislation and a framework to recognize agricultural extension as a scientific profession. These initiatives took place in the past three years and now has generated much respect for the professionalism of agricultural extension. Expected Outcomes: Become energized and equipped to promote professionalism in agricultural extension in your country/region. Understand the concept of professionalism in agricultural extension and extension as a science. Have the necessary information to design a strategy to begin (or continue) the process of professional recognition of extension and advisory services. Team-Based Learning (TBL): Engaging Students in a “Flipped” Course Design to meet the C226 needs of 21st Century Learners OP McCubbins, Dr. Thomas H. Paulsen and Dr. Ryan Anderson, Department of Agricultural Education and Studies, Iowa State University TBL makes small group work the primary focus of in class activities, and often requires the course to be flipped. TBL transforms small groups into high performing, effective, selfmanaged learning teams. We will introduce the components of TBL and the anticipated benefits of flipping a course into a more engaging, learner-centered classroom. Expected Outcomes: Identify the components of team-based learning. Describe the Readiness Assurance Process and its components. Explain the 4 S’s of team-based learning: significant problem, same problem, specific choice, simultaneous reporting. Summarize the benefits of “flipping” a course into team-based learning format. Model the process of “flipping” a course into team-based learning format. Strategic Marketing Tools to Develop Educational and Extension Programs Roger Hanagriff, Assistant Professor of Educational Outreach and Robert Strong, Associate Professor, Texas A&M University The objectives of this session include a summary of strategic marketing principles and tools that can be applied to extension and education programs, which relate to international development. Also, to provide conceptual frameworks that can be utilized in developing programmatic solutions for entrepreneurship, extension and educational programs. C222 Expected Outcomes: Gain knowledge and awareness of marketing models used in business development and how these have application in an extension and educational setting. Be able to use worksheets and other resources to use in your own projects and research proposals. Develop logic models using marketing concepts. 4:15-5:15 pm ESEE and AIAEE Panel on Competence and Excellence in Extension and Education C222 5:15-6:15 pm AIAEE Awards Reception in FORUM Lobby — Everyone welcome C222 6:30 pm Executive Board Meeting in Room 031 FORUM Executive Room —by invitation 031 7:30-9:30 pm Dinner On Your Own Friday, May 1 8:00 am Post Conference Tours: Pre-Registration Required KEYNOTE SPEAKERS 10 DR. MARIANNE CERF Marianne Cerf was first trained as an engineer in Agronomy & Plant Science (AgroParisTech, 1981), and holds a MS in Rural Sociology and a Ph.D. in cognitive psychology. She has been affiliated with INRA since 1987, and started as a consultant for a NGO in Tanzania and later worked for 3 years within the French Chambers of Agriculture. In the early 1990’s, she focused on farmers decision-making and learning. She then developed action-research projects with advisory services, R&D as well as research organizations involved in innovation and design processes in agriculture. She now does research on intermediation activities, e.g. activities which aim at linking various practitioners, knowing and learning processes, tools, norms and rules, to facilitate change processes occurring between collective and public action. She is involved in a multi-stakeholder network in France dedicated to the design and assessment of innovative cropping systems which contribute to support policy makers regarding R&D activities related to issues of transition towards sustainability in France. HENRIK DETHLEFSEN Henrik Dethlefsen is head of the International Project Department at the Green Academy in Aarhus, Denmark. Since 2011, he has been secretary general of EUROPEA, the European Association of Green Vocational Schools. He holds a Masters in contemporary history from the University of Copenhagen (1989) and has written books and articles on agricultural and maritime history, World War II and Danish historiography. Mr. Dethlefsen has international experiences in project management, cooperation and networking, educational management and day-to-day school management. Further, he is an experienced lecturer with detailed knowledge on global farming. He has executed fact-finding missions, evaluations, projects and training courses, etc., in more than 35 countries. From 2011-2014 he was the scientific coordinator for the SOS-Network, an EU-funded thematic network aiming at reducing early school leaving and retaining special needs students in mainstream vocational education. AIAEE POSTERS 1. 2. 11 Follow Up Study of the Af-Pak Workshops on Strengthening Extension Skills of Young Pakistani Professionals Dr. Jerry Peters, Dr. Khalid Mahmood, Dr. Ijaz Ashraf, and Dr. Ghazanfar Ali Perceptions of Animal Health Workers in International Development Activities Ronaldo L. Magtoto and Robert A. Martin 3. Rural Small Holder Farmer Field Days in Malawi Jerry L. Peters, Yakosa Zgawa Tegha, B. Allen Talbert 4. Farmers’ Perspective of University Involvement in Improving Subsistence Farming Michael G. Kanyi, Dr. David E. Lawver 5. An Analysis of the Impact of Feeding and Management Systems of Cattle on Consumer Buying Habits in Costa Rica Sofia Brizuela, Scott Burris, Carlos Carpio, Lyda Garcia, Todd Brashears Knowledge of International Agriculture Issues held by U.S. and Latin America Undergraduate Students Sarahi Morales, Cindy Akers, Jaime Malaga, Gary J. Wingenbach, Todd Brashears 7. Determining Content for a Distance-Delivered Graduate Certificate in Global Food Security: A Delphi Study Carla Millares, Mindy Brashears, Marcos Sanchez, Amy Boren, Todd Brashears 8. Measuring Intercultural Sensitivity of International Students from Zamorano University at Texas Tech University: The Impact of an Internship Program Baleshka Brenes, Sarahi Morales, Todd Brashears 9. Case Study: Zamorano Students’ Internship Experience and Resulting Influence on Career Paths Baleshka Brenes, Sarahi Morales, Erica Irlbeck, Todd Brashears 10. The Implementation of a Technical Teacher Education and Workforce Development Center Through Innovative Delivery Methods and Mentoring Dr. Jeanea Lambeth, Dr. Julie Dainty, Kevin Elliott, Dr. Greg Belcher 11. A Content Analysis Using Google News Alerts about Incidents of Snakebite in Tropical Countries David Walther, Dr. Summer Odom 12. Using Field-based Research Experiences to Mentor and Empower Aspiring Investigators to Develop Local Research Capacity Assoumane A. Maiga, Dr. M. Craig Edwards, Joshua Ringer 6. 13. Passive-Air Solar Dehydrator: An Innovation with Application in Agricultural and Food Security Development in Sub-Saharan Africa and Beyond Taya Brown, Theresa Pesl Murphrey 14. Strengthening the Human and Institutional Capacity of Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania Dr. J. Mark Erbaugh, Dr. David Kraybill, Dr. Isaac Minde, Dr. David Hansen 15. Analysis of the Effectiveness of Water Quality Education and Public Outreach in an Effort to Decrease Waterborne Illness in Gondar, Ethiopia, Africa Ms. Kalyn Brymer, Dr. Sandra Graham 16. Factors Affecting Adoption of Improved Rice Varieties and Its Impact on Farm Income: Evidence from Nepal Raju Ghimire, Dr. Wen-Chi Huang, Dr. Murari Suvedi 17. Youth Mentoring in a Volunteer Limited World Andy Toelle, Brent Broaddus, Dr. Bryan Terry 18. Perceptions of Biotechnology in the Hawaiian Islands Cassandra Ferguson, Dr. Ania Wieczorek, Dr. Mark Wright, Dr. M'Randa Sandlin 19. Lessons Learned from Conducting Scoping Assessments in International Development T. Grady Roberts, Thomas Gill, Ntam Remy Baharanvi, Clara K. Cohen, Karen A. Duca, A. L. (Tom) Hammett, Emily Van Houweling, Nicola Kernaghan, Keith M. Moore, Rama Radhakrishna, Sandra L. Russo, & Nicole Webster 20. Information Spillovers from Extension Training: the Effectiveness of Participatory Video Tian Cai, Charles Steinfield, Hastings Chiwasa, Susan Wyche 21. Support Programs for Organic Farmers Ghangela Jones, Dr. Maria Navarro 22. Awareness and Interest of Faculty Towards Use of Social Network Analysis (SNA) at a Land Grant University in India Anil Kumar Chaudhary, Dr. Rama Radhakrishna 23. Assessment of Training Needs of Extension Officers in the use of Information Communication Technologies in North West Province, South Africa: Use of Borich Needs Model Oladimeji Oladele FORUM Ground Floor 12 FORUM 1st Floor 13 FORUM 2nd Floor 14 NOTES 15 SPECIAL THANKS 16
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