Auto Antics THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE SUNSHINE COAST ANTIQUE CAR CLUB MARCH 2015 No.491 1934 DAIMLER V26 STRAIGHT 8 LIMO PUBLISHED BY THE SUNSHINE COAST ANTIQUE CAR CLUB. ABN 64 010 012 781 P.O. BOX 362 NAMBOUR Qld. 4560 Phone 0498 009 396 Email – Website - Meetings held 4th Tuesday of the Month at 7:30pm. The Old School House at the Nambour Showground. VISITORS WELCOME. What’s Inside Office Bearers President’s Report Rally Director’s Report Bribie News General Minutes Members Articles Classifieds QHMC Calendar EXECUTIVE Name Landline Mobile Email President Kevin Grant 5443 2767 0428 989 060 Vice President Wayne Griffiths 5478 9430 Secretary Neil Boulton 5476 1334 Treasurer Vic Toonen 5447 7021 Rally & Events Director Phil Tucker A.H. 5456 4635 A.H. 0421 871 937 COMMITTEE 0412 666 103 MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Assistant Secretary VACANT Editor Erik Buttars 5478 1888 0418 250 796 Catering Officer Enid Wilkinson 5445 4423 0408 458 240 0428 989 821 For general enquiries and all cars in the Palmwoods area Dating & Inspection Officer David Grant Property Officer John Kindt 5442 2171 0498 009 396 Librarian Bill Ryan 5446 6942 Membership Registrar Sylva Barns 5472 7061 Assistant Rally Directors Gary Deane GENERAL POSITIONS 0437 554 207 David Whysall 5437 3989 Assistant Editor Chris Anstey 5441 6865 Webmaster Karen Ryan 5446 6942 Assistant Caterer Peter & Anne Lingard 5445 6991 Dating Officers Charlie Duckett 0423 613 129 For cars in the Bli Bli area Rob Taylor 0413 302 389 For cars in the Aroona area Bob Parsons Duncan & Meg McFadyen 0417 193 480 Publicity Officer VACANT QHMC Delegates Trevor Shields 3408 2364 Bill Ryan 5446 6942 John Kindt 5442 2171 Assistant Swap Co-ordinator Bill Ryan 0421 270 749 3408 6402 Bribie Is. Representatives Swap Co-ordinator For cars in the Banksia Beach area 0439 553 640 0498 009 396 5446 6942 DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed within are not necessarily shared by the editor or officers of the SCACC. All care is taken to ensure that the information contained within the newsletter is correct at the time of printing. Please Note: All events must be prepaid to confirm your attendance and all membership payments must be received by the end of February each year to confirm your financial membership. The Committee appreciates the effort of those who pay early or on time. SCACC Account details: BSB:645-646 — Acc No:1028 23871 - ino SCACC Kevin Grant This year is off to a speedy start, March already. There plenty of things happening behind the scenes, tenders are out for the new building. The council has taken over the management of the project and the goals are still in place to try and achieve the end result. Our rally director Phil has organised all the rallies while he is away on holidays. This year’s Brunch Rally on May 15th is BYO food and drinks. Motorkana is in full swing and Phil and Deb will be home a few days before the Motokana gets under way. I would like to ask the ladies to provide some cakes, slices, or biscuits for morning tea for Motorkana please. There are quite a few dues outstanding and it would be appreciated if they could be paid ASAP. New members to be voted on at the March meeting are Steve Valentine, Mark Doblo, and Duncan Logan. Regards, Kev The Sunshine Coast Antique Car Club was formed in 1963 to foster preservation of our motoring heritage by providing an avenue for sharing of information by the owners of veteran and vintage cars (prior to 1/1/1919 and 1/1/1931 respectively) and the encouragement of their restoration and preservation. They also intended to educate and interest the general public by displays, rallies, etc. Today we welcome all people interested in preservation and restoration of our motoring and machinery history. Generally, our members come from those owning such over 30 years old but owning one is not a mandatory requirement. Our veteran and vintage vehicles remain our “respected citizens” due to their historic significance. Rallies are designed to allow for their limitations. Our Rally Director tries to incorporate suitable variations in rallies which will cater for all our vehicles. S.C.A.C.C. Phil Tucker Well despite the weather, we had a good day for the Sign on Day meeting. I had over 100 members in my attendance book, that did not include their partners or friends. All up, it was a good turn up, thank you all. To those that went on the Dalby Tour. I hope all went well. ANZAC Day: If anyone needs any help, please give me a call, thank you. As I have no one to run the rally for the 26th of April, it was decided to cancel that Rally. We will have cars out the day before for ANZAC Day. Our Brunch Rally on the 3rd of May is to be a BYO... This is so we can save the Club a few dollars for the shed. It will be held at Enid and Leonard Wilkinson's Gardens. Erik Buttars To whom it may concern, 9 February 2015 The Nambour RSL Sub-Branch once more looks forward to its annual Anzac Day Commemorations to be held in Nambour on Saturday, 25 April 2015. The Anzac Day Organising Committee invites your organisation to play its part in this important Australian event by participating during the day by providing up to six cars to assist elderly ex-servicepersons for the march from Howard Street to Quota Memorial Park. As previously, the program will involve a march from Howard Street, assembling at 8.30am to be followed by the formal Service in Quota Memorial Park, Matthew Street from 9.10am 10.00am. The salute this year will be an eyes right and will be taken at the new WW1 DigiGlass walls in Ann Street just before Matthew Street. The Committee greatly values the support not only from the Defence Forces, Veterans’ Associations and Returned Service League, but also the local community groups and local schools. Their involvement ensures that the Anzac traditions of triumph against the odds, courage, ingenuity in adversity and the bonds of mateship will live on in our community forever. The Committee looks forward to your valued support of this year’s ceremony. If you cannot attend please respond by email, by Friday, 3rd April, 2015. Yours faithfully, Bill Sawrey OAM LM. Honorary Secretary & Anzac Day Co-Ordinator, Nambour RSL Sub-Branch.; 0414-415446; 07-5441 5448 Duncan MacFadyen Our "Sign on Day" is really becoming a highlight event, which is how it should be with a club as friendly and social as ours. Our "Freebies" table courtesy of Bribie Auto Repairs Adrian Blackwell was well received as usual; it is good to see all those items going to good homes instead of the tip. Our "Bribie run for April will be replaced by our involvement with Anzac day commemorations at Beerwah, we usually provide a number of club vehicles for the march and attend the service, any member wishing to attend please contact me prior to the event. Several of our Bribie members have visited the local "Coffee Club" to assess the possibility of establishing an evening venue on a regular basis, the proprietor has offered their $10 specials menu to all members and I can assure you it is a substantial meal. At this point, it is felt that the second Friday of each month would work, so even though it will be too early for this issue we will be there on March 13 from 6.00pm to 9.00pm and subsequently on April 10th, please contact me for further information. Do not forget our March run organised by Gordon Bess to the Redcliffe area [See February magazine]. Our best wishes to all, Duncan and Meg. The Original’ Gold Coast Swap Meet Mudgeeraba QLD Original Gold Coast Swap at Mudgeeraba. 6am – 2pm Sunday 12th July 2015 Venue: Mudgeeraba Showgrounds, Cnr Mudgeeraba & Worongary Rds, Mudgeeraba QLD. Free parking in grounds. Entry from Worongary Rd. One of the biggest swaps in SE Qld. Historic Car parts, Memorabilia, Model Cars, Antiques, Collectables. Adult Entry $4; Outdoor sites $10 inc driver (no booking required). Saturday set up 2pm–5pm. Camping available $15 inc amenities & limited power sites. Sunday – Gates open 5am for stallholders. Trading 6am – 2pm RARE STATIONARY ENGLISH PROPRIETRY ENGINE FOR SALE A 1919-1923 DORMAN STAFFORD twin cam engine with OHV. Engine number is KNO-5044. The editor has numerous images available to any interested party who might like to see what is included. For further information please contact Paul & Tamrara Donsky in Maryborough on 07 4122 1385 or 0421 590 373. 562nd GENERAL MEETING MINUTES – 24th February 2015 Meeting opened 7.35pm with 53 Members in attendance and 11 apologies as per Attendance Book. Visitors Ian? Bob Keogh, Lindsay Price, Duncan Logan, Mark Doblo, Gary Epple, Wayne? Steve Valenko. Neil Boulton moved minutes of last meeting as printed in February 2015 Auto Antics No 489 be accepted, Sec. Derek Dixon m.c. · Business Arising nil · Inwards Correspondence Sunshine Coast Council - Showground Users Minutes Stripping Solutions— brochures Queensland Auto Spectacular Willowbank, 19th April David Hack, Flyin brochure Shannons Sydney auction, Mon 2nd March QHMC January minutes Q T & Main Roads minutes of meeting of motoring organisations and car clubs · Outwards Correspondence Nil Neil Boulton moved that inwards be accepted, Sec – Olive Guy - m.c. · Business Arising Robert Shannon Award opens for restorers under 30. 2015 QHMC rally in Pittsworth run by QHMC Committee since no club volunteered Clubs asked to make National Motoring Heritage Day rally in Ipswich their monthly run Reminder to report breaches of Concessional Rego through Club · TREASURERS REPORT was tabled by Vic who moved it to be accepted. Sec, Derek Dixon m.c. · MEMBERSHIP - no report · VICE PRESIDENT - In the absence of Wayne Griffiths, Kev Grant read the minutes of the Committee Meeting and announced that the raffle balance is $320 · RALLY REPORT – Refer to Auto Antics for details of upcoming events. Sign-on day very successful with 106 members and cars attending. There were many public attendees also. Working on an Anzac theme for Motorkana Malcolm King mentioned the Noosa Classic Car Show on the first w/end in October each year and asked for interest in SCACC becoming the featured club for 2016. Show of hands indicated there would be a large attendance. · SWAP REPORT payment received for 80% of booked sites so far. · EDITORS REPORT The mystery car is a 53 Chevy in POLO WHITE. · WEBMASTER REPORT – QHMC info is now added. Business card info to be added for those businesses deemed to be of interest. · CATERING REPORT: Thanks for help at sign-on. Don't forget to provide own utensils as much as practicable to minimise use of plastics. · GENERAL: Club to write-off two old printers. Available to club members if interested. Remaining member lists to be posted. Disappointment that quite a number who were at Sign-on did not pick their copies. Neil Boulton attempted to clarify member's relationship to the Club, which is a Company. The Company is a legal entity, which exists at law, but not in substance. It owns all the assets and uses members to achieve its objectives. The various activities that members conduct all serve to maintain their interest in the preservation of Australia's motoring heritage, which is the company's primary objective. Bob Wilson warned that Bottle trees grow to 60ft. (an Xebec is a three masted ship - secretary threw that one in for good measure) · CAN WE HELP No requests but Jack O'Bryan has a quality set of expanding reamers for sale. Bill Lindeman has a give-away 21x500 rim and tyre. OPEN GARDENS AUSTRALIA Please help us support The Sunshine Coast Hospice. Len and Enid Wilkinson will be hosting The Australian Open Garden at 192 Mons Road, Buderim property on Saturday 11th and Sunday, 12th of APRIL from 10:00am to 4:30pm. Pottery, plants and sculptures will be on sale and refreshments will be available. All monies raise will go to the Sunshine Coast Hospice. Should you have any questions or can assist in any way, please call 5445 4423 or Enid on 0408 458 240. POST TURTLES: While stitching a cut on the hand of a 75-year-old farmer, whose hand was caught in the squeeze gate while working cattle, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man. Eventually the topic got around to politicians and their role as our leaders. The old farmer said, "Well, as I see it, most politicians are 'Post Turtles'.'' Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him what a 'post turtle' was. The old farmer said, "When you’re driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a post turtle." The old farmer saw the puzzled look on the doctor's face so he continued to explain. "You know he didn't get up there by himself, he doesn't belong up there, he doesn't know what to do while he's up there, he's elevated beyond his ability to function, and you just wonder what kind of dumb ass put him up there to begin with." That is just about the best description of a politician I have ever heard! Dinosaur Expedition - August 2015. Greetings all, I am putting together a trip to Aramac, Muttaburra, Richmond and Hughenden to see the dinosaurs or their bones. The trip may also include Mount Isa and Townsville. The plan is to get away by approximately 26th August 2015’ after the general meeting, for approximately 22-25 days or more. There will be more details available as information comes to hand. Please contact Bevin or Yvonne for further information or expressions of interest so I can include you on the list, as several people have already shown interest. Bevin & Yvonne Mutch FOR SALE 1979 Cadillac Seville (*) Excellent condition. Eight new tires on spoke wheels and standard rims. Good battery, runs well. Make a realistic offer? Phone Al on 5491 4440. SIGN ON DAY— NAMBOUR 2015 with a different perspective. SCACC NAMBOUR SIGN ON DAY 2015. GREAT DAY, GREAT PEOPLE AND TASTY TUCKER! Recommendation from Derek Dixon. NORTH COAST RADIATORS: Many of our club members may know Jim Cowley of North Coast Radiators in Service Road, Maroochydore. Jim has been very helpful to me personally over the past few years, regardless of what I take to Jim; he is able to turn his hand at trying to fix it. Jim has done repairs like soldering the 12/50 radiator, which is made of over 2500 tubes, repaired German silver shell, brazing of solid brass and he even has a motor mechanic at his disposal at a very reasonable hourly rate. If any member wants to get a job done by somebody that cares, Call Jim on 5443 2540 and say you are from the SCACC. NAMBOUR EXHAUST, TOWBARS & 4x4 Firstly thank you for reading this letter. Let me introduce myself, my name is Carl Wilson and I am the owner of Nambour Exhaust, Towbars and 4x4 located at 1 Price Street, Nambour, phone 5441 3799. I took over this business in early September 2014 and it has taken me some time to get to where I feel comfortable to approach your club and offer our services to your existing members. We are a product of our name; we supply and fit all brands of towbars and exhausts. We custom make mandrel and pressed bend exhaust systems and as an Ironman 4x4 distributor, can supply and fit their accessory range, although we are not limited to any brand as we have numerous suppliers, as well as have qualified mechanics and experienced fitters in our workshop. I understand that you and your club members have their preferred suppliers of services, accessories and equipment, but if we can help your club or members with any enquiry of the above-mentioned services please do not hesitate in calling as we have experienced people from the Nambour and Sunshine Coast area. Yours Sincerely, Carl Wilson - Owner Our Librarian Bill Ryan has been working hard to get the Library up and running so that you are able to look at and use the vast array of books, magazines etc. Bill will open the club shed on meeting nights from 6.30pm to 7.30pm for members who may like to come along and see what the library has to offer. There are many technical books and workshop manuals that may help you in your restoration projects. We have many old club newsletters that you can read a good source of the club history. The photo copier is able to be used if you need to copy anything from the books. For more details please contact Bill on 5446 6942. This is OUR library we encourage members to come along and use it. Please note these events are on the “Events Page” on our website If there is any change or cancellation to an event it will be posted on the website and will be updated if possible, prior to the time of the event and as soon as the webmaster has been informed. All rally start times are 09:00am unless otherwise advised. Please bring chairs, morning tea and lunch unless otherwise advised March 15th Meet at 8:30 at the Club House leaving at 9am for a drive to Gheerulla , near Kenilworth. Please bring Smoko, Lunch and chairs as it is a musical day. 29th Meet at the club rooms at 8:30 for a 09:00am start for a drive up the range and smoko at Woombye. Lunch at Muller’s Park Bli Bli. 29th Bribie Island has a rally down there so please read Duncan’s report to get the April 11 & 12th Open Gardens Australia—192 Mons Rd Buderim 10:00 am to 4:30pm 22nd Meet at the Club Rooms at 9:30 for a drive to Mudjimba for smoko then on to the Botanical Gardens for lunch. BYO smoko and lunch. This run is hosted by 25th Cars are required for the ANZAC Marches. If you did it last year, please keep it rolling. 26th Cancelled May 3rd The Brunch Run. Meet at Enid and Leonard Wilkinson's place at 09:30. BYO... 9th X-Roads in the Show Grounds. More to come in the April report. Please come to 16th & 17th Motorkana 29th Maleny Show Other Events of Interest Rick’s Garage, Palmwoods. Last Thursday of each month. Meet at 5:00pm. The Silver Bream, Caloundra. Third Friday of the month. Meet at 5:00pm. Old Skool Cars Show, MASTERS-Morayfield. First Saturday of the month (Feb to Dec). Meet at 6:30pm. Auto One, Kawana. Meet at 6:30pm. PLEASE NOTE: When an item has been advertised in ‘Auto Antics’ for a period of 3 months and not sold it will be placed on the club website ( for a further 3 months. Please let the Editor know as soon as possible after the item has been sold. (N.B. Number of asterisks denotes number of months in AA ) For Sale advertisements should contain a brief description of the item, the price and a contact name, number and email address if available. If selling a car, please specify year, type and model, whether registered, current safety certificate or not and general condition. A recent photo is not necessary but will help with the sale. FOR SALE: 1996 MITSUBISHI TRITON UTE (*) Five Speed Manual, Petrol, Mechanically Sound. Regularly Serviced Runs Well, Everything Works, 281,000kms approx. Good Windscreen & New Tyres. Reluctant Sale but larger vehicle required. $4,500 NEGOTIABLE. Phone Mike: 5478 9370. FOR SALE: 1967 Austin 1800 Sedan (***) Automatic 1.8L 4 cylinder. All reasonable offers considered. Running and registered on non-transferable club plates. Recent motor and gearbox restoration. Receipts available for $8000 worth of recent mechanical work. No rust. Test drive in Gympie. Phone: John or June (07) 5482 9267 FOR SALE: 1926 Chevrolet Ute (***) Rolling chassis. Panels all repaired. Wheels good. Lots of spares. $7500. Phone: Geoff Thorne 0419 644 434 FOR SALE: Stessco 3.5m Car Topper (***) 15hp Honda 4 stroke outboard. Depth sounder. Full flooring. Folding trailer. $3250. Phone: (07) 5438 3989 or 0408 525 537 FOR SALE: 1985 Subaru L Wagon (***) Very suitable for restoration. $100. Phone: Bill Riley on (07) 5494 7230 Got something to sell? Contact the Editor at Come one, come all… Bob Wilson organises short movies prior to each General Meeting. Curtain goes up at 6:45pm sharp. FOR SALE: 1939 J Model Vauxhall (**) Recent restoration with reconditioned motor, new paint and chrome, carpets, upholstery and hood lining. Brakes including lines, wheel and master cylinders restored. New tyres. Drives great. Reluctant sale. $14,250 Phone David on: (07) 5437 3989 or 0408 525 537 FOR SALE: 1973 Cadillac DeVille 4 door Sedan 6CD49 series (**) RHD conversion with previous Qld registration. Good running condition, excellent repaint. Vinyl roof, interior still in original condition and leather upholstery. Also included is a long list of new and reconditioned parts. $12,000 neg. Phone Peter on: 0407 740 452 FOR SALE: 16’6” Jayco Starcraft Pop Top (**) First registered 2000. Double bed, Dinette, Lounge, 3-way fridge, microwave, near new awning and full annexe. Registered until Oct 2015. Good condition throughout. $12,950. Phone David on: (07) 5473 3989 FOR SALE: 1956 FJ Holden Ute. Original running gear, wide wheels, no rust, needs new paint. Phone Stuart Garrett on: 0437 657 896. Email: For Sale: 1928 Ford A — A fully restored Geelong Built Roadster. (*) The vehicle is located in the Cooroy area. To obtain a full description and list of work completed and extra available parts. Phone: Malcolm King on 0438 552 051. Asking $35,000 with RWC TWO NEW FORD T FLOOR BASES FOR SALE IN LISMORE, NSW. Asking $2,450 each. Phone: Bob Trevan Queensland Historic Motoring Council 2015 Event Calendar March 22nd Gold Coast Super Swap & Show-n-Shine, Country Paradise Parklands Nerang Refer to: 29th Ormiston Swap, Ormiston State School. Refer to: April 3rd - 6th QHMC Rally / Nor’Easter Hub Meet. Cairns & District Historic Vehicle Club. Refer to: 19th 2015 Queensland Auto Spectacular Swap Meet, Willowbank. Refer to: May . 2nd - 3rd Tweed Valley Vehicle Restorers Club “Tweed Valley Tour” Rally Invitation & entry form 9th — 10th RVCD 16th Anniversary Rally – Dalby 17th National Motoring Heritage day – Car Display at Queens Park, Ipswich, hosted by QHMC, for Veteran, Vintage and Historic vehicles. Free entry, pre-registration is required or post a completed entry form. This event is organised at NO COST to you or your club. Make this your monthly club run. See flyer for more information. 17th Gatton Swap, Gatton Showgrounds Q: What type of car had the distinction of being GM's 100 millionth car built in the U.S? A: March 16, 1966 saw an Olds Tornado roll out of Lansing , Michigan with that honour.
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