AL Dept of Revenue Public Hearing Notice, April 8 2015

ADOR Public Hearing Notice
April Rule Hearing
March 18, 2015—The Alabama Department of Revenue (ADOR) will hold a rule hearing on April 8,
2015, at its central office in Montgomery. Rule actions are needed to comply with recent law changes, new
guidelines or procedures. View the proposed rule actions in detail here.
Hearing dates, times and proposed rule actions are detailed below.
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Hearing Location: Room 1203 Gordon Persons Bldg. (1st Floor), 50 N. Ripley St., Montgomery, Ala.
810-6-5-.09 Leasing and Rental of Tangible Personal Property, proposed for amendment.
Hearing scheduled for 1:30 p.m.
810-6-3-.24 Sales to Foreign Governments, Diplomatic and Consular Officials, proposed for amendment.
Hearing scheduled for 1:30 p.m.
810-6-3-.24-.01 Foreign Diplomatic and Consular Officials, proposed for repeal.
Hearing scheduled for 1:30 p.m.
Copies of a proposed rule may be downloaded at by clicking on the rule number or the rule title of a particular rule.
All rulemaking hearings conducted by the Alabama Department of Revenue are posted on the
department’s website at
-30Media contacts for more information:
ADOR Communications/Publications Division
Telephone: 334-242-1390; FAX: 334-242-0550
Website address: