San Francisco Quilters Guild QUILT San Francisco: 2015 The Event Center at St. Mary’s 1111 Gough Street at Geary Street San Francisco Friday, March 20, 2015 10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Saturday, March 21, 2015 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. SFQG would like to thank: QuiltWorks Collaborative for sponsoring our Shopping Happy Hour from 4:00-7:00 on Friday Knights Catering of San Francisco ( Studio Art Quilt Associates ( San Francisco Quilters Guild SHOW HIGHLIGHTS Opportunity Quilt! SFQG Challenge Collection A SFQG quilt show tradition. This year’s challenge theme is “The Ocean”. With the great ocean at our doorstep we have a treasure trove of possibilities. The shore, the great ocean surface and the mysterious world below. Guild members are encouraged to participate by interpreting their ideas of “The Ocean” in a 20 inch square quilt using any technique and any medium they choose. Quilt Appraisals Do you have a treasured family quilt? A newly purchased quilt? Would you like an expert opinion of its value? Nancy Bavor, AQS certified quilt and textile appraiser is available during the show. You will get a 30 minutes consultation with a written, signed statement, for $50 per quilt. Located in Hall C. If you did not bring your quilt, you can make an appointment with her for a later date. For more information, see Nancy Bavor’s website, Quiltlet Project This is an ongoing project since 2003 to welcome visitors to our show. Guild members donate these 8 1/2” square quiltlet to the guild. These quiltlets are then tied together into larger quilts for the show. There are over 150 quiltlets displaying their work in fabrics. We hope you will enjoy viewing our quiltlet quilts. They can be found in the hallway to the right of the entrance. The Quilts & Crafts Shop Come see all the wonderful handmade offerings the SFQG members have made for sale: quilts galore, bags, brooches, needle cases and pincushions, scarves, hot pads, and aprons are among the large variety of items being offered. Think ahead for all types of special occasions – birthdays, weddings, babies, showers or a no-special-reason gift. Or plan ahead for some hostess gifts, stocking stuffers, or a special something for yourself! If you are interested in purchasing one of the quilts for sale on exhibit in the show, we will be happy to assist you with the transaction. We are located in Room C by the kitchen area, to the left as you enter the front entrance. A percentage of the sales will be donated to the Guild. Charter member and first President of the SF Quilters Guild, Caroline Lieberman, teaches quilting for SF Community College. Among the many techniques taught each semester, the latest was piecing curved seams. Caroline’s students pieced the blocks. The basic design is “Puzzle Boxes” a variation on the very old and well known “Drunkards Path”. Some of these students are Guild members but not all so we appreciate their generosity. The quilt then quilted by Sue Fox in variegated thread. Tickets are still available to win this boldly colorful quilt, located near the Front Entrance. Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5. Drawing will be held on Saturday, 2nd day of show. Maker Station Create something fun with fabrics here. Everyone welcome with activities for all ages. We ask parents to stay with your children while they are participating. Located in Hall C. (Closes 5:00 on Friday) You and your children can also join in the Treasure Hunt with clues leading to special quilts in the show. Its a great activity for parents and their children while enjoying the walk on the exhibit floor together. Pick up your Treasure Hunt sheet at the Maker Station. Bring the completed Treasure Hunt sheet back to Maker Station to collect a prize. The Dorcas Quilters Demonstrating their heirloom quality hand quilting skills, this dedicated 15-member group (based in St. John’s Presbyterian Church in S.F.), complete 2 to 4 quilts per year. Their hand quilting is a highly sought-after for-hire service. SFQG Community Outreach Program Through our Community Outreach program, SFQG makes and donates quilts to a number of non-profit agencies and hospitals. DVD for sale - $10 All quilts exhibited have been professionally photographed with due permission from the quilt artists. Revisit the show in the comfort of your own home or use the DVD as a gift to friends unable to visit the 2015 show. You may use prints from the DVD of YOUR OWN EXHIBITED QUILTs for insurance or appraisal purpose, but copyright laws also apply to quilts on the DVD. Photography Policy Photographs are permitted but they are for your personal viewing ONLY. NO SHARING of photos on ANY media (facebook, personal blogs, twitter, etc.) electronic or otherwise without the written permission of the artist. Please consider all artwork as copyrighted and protected by law. Welcome to QUILT San Francisco: 2015 Welcome to QUILT San Francisco 2015 - our 14th biennial Quilt Show sponsored by the San Francisco Quilters’ Guild. We have completely re-imagined the show. As San Francisco transforms, our Show has transformed to keep up. We are excited to be in a wonderful new venue – The Event Center at St Mary’s - with new show days and times, and new events. Featured Artist, Velda Newman, will dazzle you with her work, a true feast of design, color and technique. Our Special Exhibits – “THAT’s a Quilt?!” and Story Quilts - will intrigue and challenge your notion of what quilts can be. Beautiful quilts and other hand-made items by our members are available both in the Quilt and Craft Shop and throughout the Show. Demonstrations of hand quilting by Dorcas Quilters and the Maker Station will feature fun, quick projects for all ages. Be sure not to miss our Shopping Happy Hour Friday from 4 – 7 PM for light refreshments and extended opportunity to view the Show as well as patronize our vendors. The San Francisco Quilters’ Guild is in its 34th year. Our mission is to share quilting skills and knowledge through lectures, workshops, our library and the fellowship of other quilter. Our contributions to our community include making and providing quilts to a range of community organizations. We meet the third Tuesday of the month – please come join us! Jane Strem, President San Francisco Quilters Guild, March, 2015 FEATURED ARTIST - VELDA NEWMAN Come Meet Velda Newman, our Featured Artist and her work. She will talk about her inspiration and techniques. Velda Newman is an internationally recognized contemporary quilt artist, author and lecturer from Northern California. Known for her large scale, mostly organic designs, Velda creates original quilts of exceptional beauty and craftsmanship. For the past 18 years Velda’s work has appeared in many national and international exhibitions and has been featured in over 30 publications, including Quilter’s Newsletter and Threads magazine. She lives in Northern California. ttp:// Velda Newman will be giving a tour of her work, each day, at 11:30 and again at 1:30. SPECIAL EXHIBITS Story Quilts All quilts start with a story when it is in the creative stages. What color, what theme, what size, who is it going to be for? How will the fabrics and design help tell the story of this quilt. We have a selection of Story Quilts this year that have a wide variety of stories. Many of these quilts have tears on them; tears of joy and tears of sadness, but tears tend to be part of the story quilts process. Please take a moment and read the quiltmaker’s story and then step back and experience the story of each quilt. We hope this may inspire you to make a story quilt of your own. THAT’s a Quilt?! This special exhibition features work by members of the Northern California and Nevada region of Studio Art Quilt Associates. The juried entries demonstrate both a connection to the quilt tradition as well as intentional differences that take them into the realm of art. Using innovative, experimental approaches to materials, concept or technique, the artists aim to prompt viewers to exclaim, “THAT’s a quilt?!” Visitors will also have the rare opportunity to look at and handle dozens of small art quilts from one of SAQA’s trunk shows. SAQA is an international nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote the art quilt through education, exhibitions, professional development and documentation. Founded in 1989, it counts some 2,400 artists, teachers, collectors, gallery owners, museum curators and corporate sponsors among its members. To see more art quilts, visit SAQA on the web at http:// and the NorCal/Nevada region’s blog at Memorial Quilts Several of our community members have passed away in the last few years, so to honor them and their creative lives, we are showing some of their work. QUILT San Francisco: 2015 - Entries Anderson Anderson Angiulo Angiulo Angiulo Angiulo Baker Baker Banvard Banvard Banvard Bilafer Bilafer Bilafer Bower Bower Bower Bower Brandenhoff Brandenhoff Christine Christine Gail Retka Gail Retka Gail Retka Gail Retka Iva Iva Jo Jo Jo Patricia Patricia Patricia Carolyn Carolyn Carolyn Carolyn Dorte Dorte Carle Carle Chan Chung Chung Chung Chung Chung Cislowski Cislowski Clock Clock Clock Clock Clock Cory Cory Cory Cory Cupman Damm Damm Damm Damm Damm Damm Danielson Juna Juna Anna Letitia Letitia Letitia Letitia Letitia Carol Carol Nancy Nancy Nancy Nancy Nancy Caroline Caroline Caroline Caroline Meg Carol Carol Carol Carol Carol Carol Sue Danielson Deal delaMere Dolowitz Duenwald Sue Sue Cher Letha Mariko The Playful Dead Sea Sea, the White Horses Seaweed: Pepper Dulse Chanticleer L'Italia Baskets Night Light Butterflies Posies In the Pink Modern Log Cabin Cocktails at the Mark Sleepy Time for Kiara Tulips on the Window Sill Memories of Mom Karen's Baskets Starry Rows Fractured Lightning Danish Royal Blue Hiding behind Half Square Triangles Basket Case The Circles of My Mind Homage to String Quilt Traveling Stars Fireworks! Crimson and Cream New Waves A Tranquil Spring The Block Ocean Dilema Alex & Jenn's Modern Quilt Indian Basket Meyer Lemons Red Delicious Apple Serenity Under The Sea Big Blue Tessalation Rock the Block in the Sun Reflecting Pool Linda's 60th Birthday Quilt The Log Pile The Grove Corduroy Road Ocean in Motion Serendipity Twilight The Wise Old Owl Got Round Robined! Baskets in a Flower Garden Amish With A Twist Four Blue Elephants Kimino Quilt Mrs. Nelson's Backyard Duenwald Duerksen Galenski Gavin Goode Goode Hannawalt Hannawalt Hansen Hansen Hartman Hartman Hickman Hom-Gee House Johnson Johnson Johnson Klimek Knapp Kurosawa Kurosawa Lamken Laney Laney Laney Larsen Larsen Lathrop Lawler Lawler Le Gall Le Gall Lemontt Levy Levy Lewis Lewis Lieberman Low Low Low Lynne Lynne Lynne Marcal Matteucci Matteucci Matysiak Matysiak Matysiak Matysiak Mariko Julie Evelyn Linda Joyce Joyce Linda Linda Arlene Arlene Darlene Darlene Adrienne Trudy White Bouquet Rick's Pickup Truck Ode to LuLu and Bella Zoo Holiday Red Comb Rooster Big Green Winter Unzipped Sea Swirl The Hoffman Rooster Ocean Favorites Stars Esther's Flower Garden Feedsack Peaks Where's Olivia? A child's eye spy quilt Joan When Shebet Meets Hendrix Sara Making Waves Sara Going in Circles Sara Bento Box Pattie Black & White Sampler Patricia Kauai - Gem of the Ocean Keiko The Wind Symphony Keiko Geometric Patterns by Kimono Katrina Blue on Black Maureen Blooming Baskets Maureen Flower Garden Revisited Maureen Sea Critters Maren Patriotic Star Maren Tree of Life Rachel Adeline's Gift Dani Calla Lilies Dani Sassy Sash III Marie-Claude Fleurs de la Nuit Marie-Claude Le Bonheur est dans le Pré. Happiness in the Meadow. Bobbie Rough Cut Diamonds Connie Under the Sea Connie Fairies for Coral Wanda Two Geishas Wanda Under the Sea Caroline Love Affair in Purple and Blue Jeanie Pineapple Delight Jeanie Asian Fusion Jeanie Tulips True Valerie Set the Table Valerie Urban Ghillie (Wearable) Valerie Use Your Resources Wisely (Wearable) Louise Tie One On Gwen There is a Season Gwen Bluenose Schooner on Mahone Bay Jeanne Jeanne Tulips & Poppies Jeanne Starry Night Jeanne Pernille's Star McHugh McHugh McHugh McHugh McHugh McHugh Dottie Dottie Dottie Dottie Dottie Dottie McHugh Dottie McIlraith Sam McIlraith McIlraith Mednick Mednick Mednick Miller Miller Miranker Miranker Miranker Morris Morris Morris Munch Neal Neal Neal Neuebaumer Neuebaumer Neuebaumer Sam Sam Janet Janet Janet Gloria Gloria Cathy Cathy Cathy Florence Florence Florence Carol Kellie Kellie Kellie Cecile Cecile Cecile Erin & Nate's wedding present Katrina and David's Wedding NOAA Casey's Graduation Quilt Patti's Wine Bargello Moore Family Australian Trip Aurora Dahlia's Elsa and Anna costumes (Wearable) Ocean Challenge - Great Pacific Garbage Patch Artist's Palette- Death Valley Via Vega- Paso Robles The Basketmaker Chutes and Ladders Collide-o-Scope Carpet Interpretation Ocean Minimally Crazy Geese Gone Awry Sorta Sonia: An Installation Moroccan Nights Amethyst Hearts, Buttons & Tie Oh My Desert Glow Lady of the Tropics The Vase Bakers Dozen Ocean Challenge Brick Wall with Butterflies Violet Delight Neuebaumer Cecile Tropical Sunrise Oleson Kalynn Ow Edwina Ow Ow Ow Patricia Rand Rand Ross-Rocans Ross-Rocans Ross-Rocans Ross-Rocans Rusk Salmon Salmon Salmon Salmon Salmon Salomon Scholten Schulstad Schulstad Schulstad Schulstad Edwina Edwina Edwina Bruvry Donna Donna Normandie Normandie Normandie Normandie Charolette Laraine Laraine Laraine Laraine Laraine Sheila Dorothy Lee Lee Lee Lee Vintage Kimono Inspired Jacket (Wearable) Ocean View from the Solar System Lantern Fan Ladies Dim Sum Oceans and the World Waterlily Pond Bargello Ocean View My Valentine's Quilt Stairway to Cat Heaven Rock 'n Roll T Shirt & Jeans Ocean Depths Natalie Likes Pink Mermaid My Magic Garden Fun Folded Flowers Rainy Day Deep Purple (Wearable) Unknown Ocean Waves Critical Mass Hearst Castle All Is Lost In the Garden o Hiriam Fong Schulstad Shapero Shapero Shapero Shapero Shearer Shearer Shearer Sherman Simpson Simpson Stanton Stenson Stenson Stenson Stenson Stenson Stenson Strick Strick Strick Strick Tang-Fitzpatrick Lee Kenan Kenan Kenan Kenan Claudia Claudia Claudia Catherine Becky Becky Lynn Bonnie Bonnie Bonnie Bonnie Bonnie Bonnie Barbara Barbara Barbara Barbara Betty Tang-Fitzpatrick Betty Tang-Fitzpatrick Betty Tang-Fitzpatrick Betty Tang-Fitzpatrick Betty Torres Torres Turk Turk Walker Walker Wimbley Wong Wong Wong Wong Wong Woodfill Woodruff-Long Woodruff-Long Woodruff-Long Woodruff-Long Yamamoto Yanase Yanase Yazzie Yee Zamacona Diane Diane Sally Sally Roberta Roberta Mary Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby Pat Judy Lorraine Lorraine Lorraine Lorraine Judith Dorothy Dorothy Kenneth Shirley Andra Back Shift Any Way You Slice It Kellie's Quilt Found & Repurposed Ocean Charm Sunset Strips Modern Spin Easy Curves Sunset Just One Strip of Red Louisiana Jelly Roll My Shells Gypsy Kisses Variable Star Uncle Sam Americana Fractured Flowers Birds in Garden Bento Box Borders Explosion 3 Jellyfish My Ocean Japanese Bunny Labyrinth Mega Postage Stamp Extravaganza Do you want to go on a Safari? Temari Balls Jacket (Wearable) Harper Rainy Day Zoe's Quilt Phoebe's Quilt Double Infinity Many Colored Love African Sun Love Circles Night Garden Lotus Pond Fish in the sea Tree of Retirement Life Wild Zig Zag Adrienne Scrappy Jewels Selvage Salvage Sunset Tree of Pie Scrappy Do-Dah My 1 1/2" Squares Red/Orange Squares Scrappy Quilt Memories of Hilo VENDORS / MERCHANT MALL Thank you to all of Our Vendors for Their Participation and Support! Ananse Village St Francis 17 Cello Chocolate Hall A 19 The Cotton Patch St.Francis 13 Congratulations to the San Francisco Quilt Show of 2015! Creative Ps and Qs St Francis 16 Designer’s Needs Patrons 8 Eye-on-Edge Patrons 7 Golden Thread Silks Patrons 12 Negative Ion Products We want to help you with Pain and Discomfort without medications. Joan McCarthy Presents Patrons 5 415-775-0913 Kimonomomo St Francis 15 Mama Shaman-Kuna Prints-Mola Shoes Hall A 21 Maureen Schmidt Hand Dyed Fabrics Patrons 11 707-228-6007 Neal’s Yard Remedies Organic Patrons 2 QuiltWorks Collaborative Patrons 10 Rumpelsilkskin Patrons 6 Scruffy Quilts Hall A 20 Serge A Lot Patrons 1 The Sewing Machine Shop Patrons 9 Textile Dream Studio Patrons 4 Thimble Creek Quilts Patrons 3 Tropic Options St Francis 18 Words & Watercolors St Francis 14 Not just the best bargains but the best of everything! 2189 Bayshore Blvd. San Francisco GUEST PASS San Francisco Quilters Guild SFQG has monthly meetings on the 3rd Tuesday of each month (2nd Tuesday in Nov. and Dec.) Chinese 7th Day Adventist Church 7777 Geary Street (entrance from 42nd Ave.) Doors open at 6:30pm. Meeting begins 7:15 pm See our website for program details: This coupon is an invitation to attend one of our guild meetings as a guest for free. Guests pay $5 admission and all are welcome. Yearly regular membership dues are $35 The Sewing Machine Shop Save 25% off Visit The Cotton Patch Booth #13 all Bernina Feet We match all sewing machine prices at show We carry Bernina, Janome, and HandiQuilter. Fabrics, books, patterns, etc. The Sewing Machine Shop 1661 Botelho Drive, Suite 180 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 925-937-7575 Coupon expires April 30, 2015 Cannot be combined with other offers. All-around quilt shop 1025 Brown Ave., Lafayette, CA The Event Center at St. Mary's 1111 Gough St. at Geary St., San Francisco, CA San Francisco Quilters Guild QUILT San Francisco: 2015 JUDGING AND JUDGES RIBBONS One of the ways we have learned to grow as quilters is to have our work judged. We have the option of having our quilts judged or not. For those of us who wish to have our quilts judged, seeing our quilts through the eyes of professional judges and receiving their written comments, provides us a way to learn and improve our techniques for our next quilt. Judges are trained to view each of our quilts objectively for areas of excellence and areas needing improvement in the following categories: General Appearance Design and Composition/Workmanship Ribbons, First, Second and Third place plus Honorable Mention can be awarded in each of our 26 categories. Each judge also has the opportunity to award a Judges Choice ribbon. Special ribbons will also be awarded for Best of Show, Best Use of Color, Original Design, Most Whimsical, Best Garniture. The San Francisco Quilters Guild thanks the following distinguished panel of professional judges. We appreciate their experience, expertise and words of praise and encouragement. Dixie McBride Kitty Oliver Elizabeth Marrs Diane Hock Special thanks to member Valerie Lynn and her talented team of embroiderers for our fabulous and unique, handcrafted ribbons. The ribbon theme this year is ‘stripes’. We hope viewers will take a moment to enjoy their workmanship while viewing our quilts. YOU BE THE JUDGE: VIEWERS CHOICE AWARD The Viewers’ Choice ribbon is one of our most coveted awards, so use your dots to vote for your favorites. You get to vote - use your dots all on one quilt or spread them out. It’s your choice. Have fun! The winner will be announced at our April meeting.
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