GOLD LEVEL SPONSORS 2015 CCCAOE SPRING CONFERENCE 2 CCCAOE SPRING 2015 CONFERENCE CCCAOE SPRING 2015 CONFERENCE Welcome to the 2015 CCCAOE Spring Conference! On behalf of the CCCAOE Board of Directors, thank you for your support of this event and recognizing the need for our assembly. This conference is an opportunity for Career Technical Education and Economic & Workforce Development professionals from around the state to gather together and learn from one another. It will provide a wonderful opportunity to enhance our knowledge, strengthen our skills and celebrate how we exemplify the California Community College system by connecting administrators, educators, students and industry partners with the communities we serve. Joyce Johnson, CCCAOE President Elect & Spring Conference Chair Our hope is that your experience among colleagues provides you with thought-provoking discussion and information that you can readily apply. The sessions are designed to: • • • • • Demonstrate the success of collaborations within our field Explore and showcase cutting –edge research Communicate the outcomes and implementation of strategic planning Provide tools, resources and best practices that we can utilize in our local programs Revitalize ourselves and our institutions through collective inspiration and new ventures Your seat at the table is coveted as registration for this event has sold-out with over 400 attendees. This demonstrates the importance of the CCCAOE conference and how this venue helps us all experience the challenges and growth of our field. The program features an outstanding line-up of sessions that include 24 break-out discussion topics and relevant keynote and plenary sessions. The event will also provide a setting for networking and socializing with your peers, reinforcing and building new relationships. Enjoy your evenings in San Francisco! Best regards, Joyce Johnson California Community College Mission: The mission of the California Community Colleges Board of Governors and the Chancellor’s Office is to empower the community colleges through leadership, advocacy and support. Operating through 112 colleges and 71 off-campus centers, California’s two-year institutions provide primary programs of study and courses, in both credit and noncredit categories that address its three primary areas of mission: education for university transfer; career technical education; and basic skills. The Mission of CCCAOE: To provide leadership for occupational education and economic development professionals involved in workforce development and the enhancement of California’s position within a global economy. Holiday Inn San Francisco-Golden Gateway 1500 Van Ness Avenue • San Francisco SCHEDULE AT A GLANCE TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 2015 7:00 am – 10:00 am 8:00 am – 5:00 pm 8:00 am – 5:00 pm 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Pre-Conference Registration Open (LOWER LOBBY FOYER) CCCAOE Board of Directors Meeting (REDWOOD) Pre-Conference: Leadership Academy Part II - Day 1 (GOLD RUSH A) Pre-Conference: New Regulations Governing the Perkins CTE Program (WASHINGTON/CALIFORNIA) WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2015 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Conference Registration Open (UPPER LOBBY FOYER) 8:00 am – 10:30 am Pre-Conference: Leadership Academy Part II - Day 2 (GOLD RUSH A) 8:30 am – 11:30 am Pre-Conference: The Technology Infused Classroom (WASHINGTON/CALIFORNIA) 11:30 am – 12:30 pm Welcome & General Session Buffet Luncheon (EMERALD BALLROOM) Eva Jimenez, CCCAOE Regional Vice Presdent, North/Far North, Mistress of Ceremonies John Jaramillo, CCCAOE Regional Vice President, Desert, Master of Ceremonies Susan Lamb, Chancellor of Academic Affairs, City College of San Francisco 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm Keynote Presentation (EMERALD BALLROOM) It Starts Now! Arel Moodie, College Success Program & Author of “Ultimate Student Success Guide” 2:00 pm – 2:15 pm Transition 2:15 pm – 3:30 pm BREAKOUT SESSION 1 o 1A Using Labor Market Data in Program Review: Finding Gaps (OREGON) o 1B The Success Center: Building a World-Class Professional Development Hub (WASHINGTON/CALIFORNIA) o 1C TOP-CIP-SOC: Making It Work For Your CTE Portfolio (NEVADA) o 1D Starting an Apprenticeship Program: Best Practices (GOLD RUSH B) o 1E Sustaining Innovation: Studies in CTE Bridge Program Leadership and Strategies (GOLD RUSH A) o 1F The SBCAE Consortium: Adult Education Collaborations for Creating Career Pathways (REDWOOD) 3:30 pm – 3:45 pm Afternoon Break 3:45 pm – 5:00 pm BREAKOUT SESSION 2 o 2A Using the LaunchBoard for Regional Conversations (GOLD RUSH A) o 2B Apprenticeship Transitions from Non-Credit to Credit Certificate and AA Degrees (REDWOOD) o 2C Promoting Cyber Security Competition in the Classroom (OREGON) o 2D Drumroll, Please – Presenting the Desert/ Inland Empire DSN Road Show! (NEVADA) o 2E Advancing Education Achievement: Dual Enrollment & its Role in College and Career Readiness (GOLD RUSH B) o 2F Collaboration Between Community Colleges & Corporate America: A Win/Win Proposition (WASHINGTON/CALIFORNIA) 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm Presidents Reception (EMERALD BALLROOM) THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 2015 7:30 am – 4:00 pm Conference Registration Open (UPPER LOBBY FOYER) 7:30 am – 8:30 am Continental Breakfast Buffet (EMERALD BALLROOM) 8:30 am – 9:30 am Plenary Session: What Gets To Count? Constructing a Skills Builder Success Metric (EMERALD BALLROOM) Peter Bahr, Center for the Study of Higher and Postsecondary Education, University of Michigan Kathy Booth, LaunchBoard Project Manager, WestEd 9:30 am – 10:00 am CCCAOE Business Meeting/Installation of Officers (EMERALD BALLROOM) 10:00 am – 10:15 am Morning Break 4 CCCAOE SPRING 2015 CONFERENCE SCHEDULE AT A GLANCE THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 2015 10:15 am – 12:00 pm CCCAOE Regional Consortia Meetings o Los Angeles/Orange County (GOLD RUSH B) o San Francisco Bay Area (GOLD RUSH A) o San Diego/Imperial (OREGON) o South Central (NEVADA) o North/Far North (REDWOOD) o Desert (SECTION OF EMERALD BALLROOM) o Central Valley/Mother Lode (WASHINGTON/CALIFORNIA) 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Plated Luncheon (EMERALD BALLROOM) 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Plenary Session: Multiple Frames - One View (EMERALD BALLROOM) Elizabeth Warner, Joint Special Populations Advisory Committee 2:00 pm – 2:15 pm Transition 2:15 pm – 3:30 pm BREAKOUT SESSION 3 o 3A Work Based Learning System Building and Tools (WASHINGTON/CALIFORNIA) o 3B New Items on the CaCareerCafe Menu (NEVADA) o 3C CA Perkins, Special Populations & Data: Better Together! (GOLD RUSH B) o 3D C6 TAACCCT Project - Applying an Integrated Approach to CTE Programs (OREGON) o 3E Using the LaunchBoard for California Career Pathways Trust (GOLD RUSH A) o 3F Best Practices Implementing Model Curriculum Standards for Career Technical Education (REDWOOD) 3:30 pm – 3:45 pm Afternoon Break 3:45 pm – 5:00 pm BREAKOUT SESSION 4 o 4A Skills-Builders Count: Making it Official (GOLD RUSH A) o 4B A National Perspective on Postsecondary Career & Technical Education (GOLD RUSH B) o 4C Building Effective WIB-Education Collaboration: Lessons from California’s Manufacturing Skills Pilot (OREGON) o 4D CTE Enhancement Fund: Innovative Regional Share Approaches (REDWOOD) o 4E Student Success & CTE Completion: The Importance of Starting Early! (NEVADA) o 4F The CCC Baccalaureate - Implementation and Effectiveness (WASHINGTON/CALIFORNIA) FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 2015 7:30 am – 10:00 am 7:30 am – 8:15 am 8:15 am – 10:00 am 10:00 – 11:00 am 11:00 – 11:45 am Conference Registration Open (UPPER LOBBY FOYER) Continental Breakfast Buffet (EMERALD BALLROOM) Board of Governor Task Force on Workforce, Job Creation and a Strong Economy (EMERALD BALLROOM) Moderator: Van Ton-Quinlivan, Vice Chancellor, California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Dr. Sunita Cooke, President, Miracosta Community College Craig Justice, Vice President, Instruction, Irvine Valley College, President, California Community Colleges Chief Instructional Officers (CCCCIO) Mollie Smith, Director Occupational & Noncredit Programs, Palomar College Lynn Shaw, Co-Chair, Los Angeles/Orange County Regional Consortium Nicole Rice, Government Relations, California Manufacturing Technology Association How Sacramento Regards CTE: A New Day or a New Cliché (EMERALD BALLROOM) Jonathan Lightman, Executive Director, Faculty Association of California Community Colleges (FACCC) Introduction of Leadership Academy Graduates Closing Session & Door Prizes (EMERALD BALLROOM) CTE IN THE SPOTLIGHT 5 TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 2015 7:00 am – 10:00 am Pre-Conference Registration Open (LOWER LOBBY FOYER) 8:00 am – 5:00 pm CCCAOE Board of Directors Meeting (REDWOOD) 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Pre-Conference: Leadership Academy Part II - Day 1 (GOLD RUSH A) 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Pre-Conference: New Regulations Governing the Perkins CTE Program (WASHINGTON/CALIFORNIA) A complete tutorial on the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR). Booklet included. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2015 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Conference Registration Open (UPPER LOBBY FOYER) 8:00 am – 10:30 am Pre-Conference: Leadership Academy Part II - Day 2 (GOLD RUSH A) 8:30 am – 11:30 am Pre-Conference: The Technology Infused Classroom (WASHINGTON/CALIFORNIA) An introduction on ways to take your teaching to the next level with technology. Get hands-on training on how best to use the Cloud to share files with students, remotely access your files, and communicate with your students, including the use of Google Hangouts. 11:30 am – 12:30 pm Welcome & General Session Buffet Luncheon (EMERALD BALLROOM) Eva Jimenez, CCCAOE Regional Vice President, North/Far North, Mistress of Ceremonies John Jaramillo, CCCAOE Regional Vice President, Desert, Master of Ceremonies Susan Lamb, Chancellor of Academic Affairs, City College of San Francisco 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm Keynote Presentation (EMERALD BALLROOM) It Starts Now! Arel Moodie, College Success Program & Author of “Ultimate Student Success Guide” 2:00 pm – 2:15 pm 6 Transition CCCAOE SPRING 2015 CONFERENCE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2015 2:15 pm – 3:30 pm BREAKOUT SESSION #1 Session 1A (OREGON) Using Labor Market Data in Program Review: Finding Gaps Ralph Plaza, EMSI Lijuan Zhai, Fresno City College With the ongoing emphasis on incorporating labor market information to meet regional economic needs and in-demand jobs, this presentation conveys steps taken by the Fresno City College program review process using EMSI’s research tool analyst, used by colleges to provide a clear connection between in-demand jobs and the programs colleges offer. Session 1B (WASHINGTON/CALIFORNIA) The Success Center: Building a World-Class Professional Development Hub Paul Steenhausen, Success Center for California Community Colleges The Success Center for California Community Colleges was launched in fall 2014 with seed funding from The Kresge Foundation. A major project of the Success Center is to coordinate the development of an online professional development clearinghouse for the CCC system. Come learn about the project and contribute your ideas! Session 1C (NEVADA) TOP-CIP-SOC: Making It Work For Your CTE Portfolio Zhenya Lindstrom, Chaffey College Laura Coleman, Los Rios Community College District Cris McCullough, California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Creating a new program, conducting a program review, or working regionally to align programs? If so, you’ll be knee deep in program and occupational coding. And that’s where it gets interesting. This session will discuss how to navigate TOP, CIP, and SOC coding, and explore ways to improve code selection to aid CTE portfolio management and regional alignment efforts to meet industry needs. Session 1D (GOLD RUSH B) Starting an Apprenticeship Program: Best Practices John Dunn, California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office A panel discussion with practitioners from around the state sharing their experiences with existing apprenticeship programs and thoughts on how colleges can implement new apprenticeship programs in the future. Session 1E (GOLD RUSH A) Sustaining Innovation: Studies in CTE Bridge Program Leadership and Strategies Kristina Palmer, Career Ladders Project Ray Hernandez, Skyline College Naomi Castro, El Camino College Alina Varona, Skyline College Todd Farr, Diablo Valley Community College The Career Advancement Academies (CAAs) are programs that transition students to college through bridges to career pathways and have been funded by the California Community College Chancellor’s Office since 2007. Presenters in this session will discuss the strong leadership that has been required to make CTE bridge programs successful. CTE IN THE SPOTLIGHT 7 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2015 Session 1F (REDWOOD) The SBCAE Consortium: Adult Education Collaborations for Creating Career Pathways Carol Coen, San Jose-Evergreen Community College District Bob Harper, Campbell Union High School District Kishan Vujjeni, San Jose-Evergreen Community College District Responding to AB86 Legislation, the South Bay Consortium for Adult Education (SBCAE) was formed to plan seamless transitions for adult learners in Santa Clara County. The consortium, two community college districts, and five school districts, will share its robust plan for transforming adult education in its region. 3:30 pm – 3:45 pm Afternoon Break (UPPER LOBBY FOYER) 3:45 pm – 5:00 pm BREAKOUT SESSION #2 Session 2A (GOLD RUSH A) Using the LaunchBoard for Regional Conversations Renah Wolzinger, WestEd Kathy Booth, WestEd The LaunchBoard offers a number of features that can support regional data conversations, including comparisons of individual college results to regional outcomes, regional labor market information, and regional earnings data. This session will walk you through several scenarios for common regional discussions such as program approval, understanding regional supply and demand, and evaluating the outcomes of regional efforts. You will have a chance to work hands-on with your own data and hear from other practitioners about regional data-sharing efforts. Session 2B (REDWOOD) Apprenticeship Transitions from Non-Credit to Credit Certificate and AA Degrees Philip J. Crawford, San Jose City College Kieron Connolly, San Jose City College John Dunn, California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office In this session, we will explore opportunities to transition high skilled emerging traditional Apprenticeship CTE training and educational programs from Adult Education non-credit to college credit programs. Blue collar jobs are evolving and fundamental job skills now require college credit coursework. Session 2C (OREGON) Promoting Cyber Security Competition in the Classroom Steve Linthicum, Sierra College / California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office This presentation will bring real world experience into the classroom through cyber security competitions. Student teams compete against other teams from throughout the nation in real time, developing their cyber security skills and knowledge while focusing on the ethical and legal aspects of information assurance and cyber defense. The presentation will demonstrate competitions like CyberPatriot (for middle school and high school students), National Cyber League (for community college students), and the National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition (for college and university students). 8 CCCAOE SPRING 2015 CONFERENCE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2015 Session 2D (NEVADA) Drumroll, Please – Presenting the Desert/Inland Empire DSN Road Show! Lori Sanchez, Center of Excellence, Chaffey College Julie Pehkonen, Riverside Community College District In this presentation, the audience will hear about a unique and successful concept being utilized in the Desert/Inland Empire Region to introduce Deputy Sector Navigators (DSNs) and other key talent to colleges. Participants will learn how to apply this concept to engage college faculty in sector collaboration across colleges. Session 2E (GOLD RUSH B) Advancing Education Achievement: Dual Enrollment & its Role in College and Career Readiness Tom Spillman, Mt. San Jacinto College Mt. San Jacinto College launched a highly successful Dual Enrollment Program in collaboration with approximately 20 participating high schools in an effort to move closer to achieving President Obama’s 2020 Vision for Education. In this session, educational partners will learn about reform efforts and the integral role that the Dual Enrollment Program plays in achieving college and career readiness. Session 2F (WASHINGTON/CALIFORNIA) Collaboration Between Community Colleges & Corporate America: A Win/Win Proposition Rhiannon Surrenda, California Corporate College Sandra Sisco, Technical Assistance Provider (TAP) for Contract Education This presentation is an opportunity for participants to learn more about opportunities for collaboration between community colleges and corporate America. Currently, organizations are being asked to do more with less while new skills are in high demand. Community College contract education is poised to serve these businesses and develop their workforce. 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm President’s Reception (EMERALD BALLROOM) Light Hors d óeuvres • Drink Ticket in name badge • No-Host Bar THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 2015 7:30 am – 4:00 pm Conference Registration Open (UPPER LOBBY FOYER) 7:30 am – 8:30 am Continental Breakfast Buffet (EMERALD BALLROOM) 8:30 am – 9:30 am Plenary Session: What Gets To Count? Constructing a Skills-Builders Success Metric (EMERALD BALLROOM) Peter Bahr, Center for the Study of Higher and Postsecondary Education, University of Michigan Kathy Booth, LaunchBoard Project Manager, WestEd 9:30 am – 10:00 am CCCAOE Business Meeting/Installation of Officers (EMERALD BALLROOM) CTE IN THE SPOTLIGHT 9 THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 2015 10:00 am – 10:15 am Morning Break (UPPER LOBBY FOYER) 10:15 am – 12:00 pm CCCAOE Regional Consortia Meetings o Los Angeles/Orange County (GOLD RUSH B) o San Francisco Bay Area (GOLD RUSH A) o San Diego/Imperial (OREGON) o South Central (NEVADA) o North/Far North (REDWOOD) o Desert (SECTION OF EMERALD BALLROOM) o Central Valley/Mother Lode (WASHINGTON/CALIFORNIA) 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Plated Luncheon (EMERALD BALLROOM) 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Plenary Session: Multiple Frames - One View (EMERALD BALLROOM) Elizabeth Warner, Joint Special Populations Advisory Committee We are often asked to respond to different legislative policies and institutional priorities. However, the primary objective of them all is the success of our CTE students! From Perkins to WIOA, from Career Pathways to Student Success it all comes down to students and frequently its students from Special Populations! Join Elizabeth as we explore the legislative and policy overlap. Learn about barriers, strategies, and recommendations of the Joint Special Populations Advisory Committee. Learn how to identify the gaps and what research based barriers and strategies exist to address them. 2:00 pm – 2:15 pm Transition 2:15 pm – 3:30 pm BREAKOUT SESSION #3 Session 3A (WASHINGTON/CALIFORNIA) Work Based Learning System Building and Tools Tim Aldinger, Foundation for California Community Colleges Lynette Falls, Foundation for California Community Colleges The Foundation for California Community Colleges is the Technical Assistance Provider for Work Based Learning for Doing What Matters. Join us to learn about the tools and services that are available such as LaunchPath and Internship Payroll service. What else would you want the Foundation to develop? Come tell us! Session 3B (NEVADA) New Items on the CaCareerCafe Menu Susan Coleman, Irvine Valley College/Orange Coast College The CaCareerCafe team has been busy developing new content and resources to help students explore career pathways and make a career decision. In addition, there is a new App for students available at the App store or Google Play to keep them connected to the Cafe on the go. 10 CCCAOE SPRING 2015 CONFERENCE THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 2015 Session 3C (GOLD RUSH B) CA Perkins, Special Populations & Data: Better Together! Elizabeth Wallner, CA Perkins Joint Special Populations Advisory Committee Join this fast-paced overview of how to improve your Perkins IV Core Indicators while increasing access, equity, and outcomes for every student from a special population. Learn how to use data to identify program performance gaps, as well as research-based root causes of the gaps as well as strategies to help close them. Session 3D (OREGON) C6 TAACCCT Project- Applying an Integrated Approach to CTE Programs Robert Pimentel, West Hills College Coalinga Donna Cooper, State Center Community College District David Clark, Reedley College Jim Andersen, Merced College Learn how the C6 Consortium used the single structure strategy to redesign Career Technical Education programs in Ag Manufacturing, Healthcare and Alternative Energy. The redesign has improved student success in the areas of student retention, completion and job placement. The consortia will discuss how they engaged students and faculty to align programs, accelerate learning and ultimately increase student success in the workplace. Session 3E (GOLD RUSH A) Using the LaunchBoard for the California Career Pathways Trust Kathy Booth, WestEd Ken Sorey, Educational Results Partnership The LaunchBoard is creating a new tab that is devoted to the California Career Pathways Trust (CCPT), which can be used by K-12 and community college practitioners free of charge. The tool allows grantees to track student-level records, based on cohorts of K-12 students that grantees upload and that are matched to community college program codes; view automatically populated metrics on course completion, graduation, community college credentials, and transfer to fouryear colleges; and see results for their own institution, other institutions within their consortium, and their consortium as a whole. This session will walk you through how to use the tool in conjunction with local data collection efforts. Session 3F (REDWOOD) Best Practices Implementing Model Curriculum Standards for Career Technical Education Sheryl Ryder, Placer County Office of Education, 49er ROP Ronda Adams, Yolo County Office of Education Learn more about the 2013 California Model Curriculum Standards for CTE, aligned with the Common Core Math and English standards and Next Generation Science Standards, and how they will better prepare students for college and career. Take away information on best practices on implementation of these industry-validated standards. CTE IN THE SPOTLIGHT 11 THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 2015 3:30 pm – 3:45 pm Afternoon Break (UPPER LOBBY FOYER) 3:45 pm – 5:00 pm BREAKOUT SESSION #4 Session 4A (GOLD RUSH A) Skills-Builders Count: Making it Official Alice van Ommeren, California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Ryan Fuller, California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Kathy Booth, WestEd KC Greaney, Santa Rosa Junior College The Chancellor’s Office and Statewide Vocational Research and Accountability Committee (VERATAC) have been working to identify outcomes associated with Career “Skills-Builders”. This session will explore the concept of “skills-builders” and discuss the metrics used to assess student success as well as demonstrate how to use wage data to support outcomes based metrics. Session 4B (GOLD RUSH B) A National Perspective on Postsecondary Career & Technical Education Michael Connet, Association for Career and Technical Education The Association for Career and Technical Education is the largest professional organization committed to the advancement of education that prepares learners for successful careers. This session looks at the national trends, topics, and policies driving a renaissance in the role of community colleges in preparing our next generation of workers. Session 4C (OREGON) Building Effective WIB-Education Collaboration: Lessons from California’s Manufacturing Skills Pilot Peter Simon, Career Ladders Project Jessica Dailey, CA Workforce Investment Board Emily Petrus, San Bernardino County Workforce Development Dept Dustin Pack, Ceres Unified School District Naomi Castro, El Camino College In 2013, the California Workforce Investment Board (CWIB) funded four partnerships of local workforce investment boards and educational providers to design and implement innovative pilot programs that bridge 18-24 year olds to careers in advanced manufacturing. Panelists will present important lessons learned and recommendations for sustaining and scaling similar collaborations. Session 4D (REDWOOD) CTE Enhancement Fund: Innovative Regional Share Approaches Gary W. Adams, California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Rock Pfotenhauer, Bay Area Consortium Julie Pehkonen, Riverside Community College Mary Wylie, San Diego/Imperial Community College District The panel will discuss and report on innovative CTE Enhancement Fund Regional Share approaches from both regional and sector perspectives. Both large and small regional examples, as well as an approach by the healthcare sector, will be featured. 12 CCCAOE SPRING 2015 CONFERENCE THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 2015 Session 4E (NEVADA) Student Success & CTE Completion: The Importance of Starting Early! Diane Hollems, Santa Barbara City College Lauren Wintermeyer, Ventura College This interactive presentation will detail the successful Santa Barbara Get Focused...Stay Focused! program that utilizes dual enrollment. Participants will gain an understanding of how to forge lasting working relationships with high schools, how to build strong pathways from ninth grade through community college, and learn about the 10-Year Plan. Session 4F (WASHINGTON/CALIFORNIA) The CCC Baccalaureate - Implementation and Effectiveness Joe Poshek, Orange Coast College This presentation will include an overview of the growing community college baccalaureate movement nationwide and a brief history of this movement in California. The first approved degree programs will be examined including program names, process for selection/approval, labor market data in support of these programs and student enrollment projections. Dinner on your own. Enjoy San Francisco. FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 2015 7:30 am – 10:00 am Conference Registration Open (UPPER LOBBY FOYER) 7:30 am – 8:15 am Continental Breakfast Buffet (EMERALD BALLROOM) 8:15 am – 10:00 am Board of Governor Task Force on Workforce, Job Creation and a Strong Economy (EMERALD BALLROOM) Moderator: Van Ton-Quinlivan, Vice Chancellor, California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Dr. Sunita Cooke, President, Miracosta Community College Craig Justice, Vice President, Instruction, Irvine Valley College, President, California Community Colleges Chief Instructional Officers (CCCCIO) Mollie Smith, Director Occupational & Noncredit Programs, Palomar College Lynn Shaw, Co-Chair, Los Angeles/Orange County Regional Consortium Nicole Rice, Government Relations, California Manufacturing Technology Association •Preparing students for high-value jobs that currently exist in the State of California • Positioning California’s regions to attract high-value jobs in key industries from other states and around the globe • Creating more jobs through workforce training that enables small business development • Financing these initiatives by braiding state and federal resources 10:00 am – 11:00 am How Sacramento Regards CTE: A New Day or a New Cliché (EMERALD BALLROOM) Jonathan Lightman, Executive Director, Faculty Association of California Community Colleges (FACCC) 11:00 am – 11:45 am Introduction of Leadership Academy Graduates Closing Session & Door Prizes (EMERALD BALLROOM) CTE IN THE SPOTLIGHT 13 ABOUT THE SPEAKERS Arel Moodie BusinessWeek said that Arel Moodie “teaches young people that anything is possible.” Inc. Magazine called Arel Moodie a “High-Energy Motivator” and he was named to their prestigious 30 Under 30 list naming him one of the country’s top young entrepreneurs, joining people like Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook. Essence Magazine said that “Arel Moodie should be the poster boy for rags-to-riches stories…He is America’s Top Young Speaker.” Black Enterprise Magazine named Arel Moodie as a “Tycoon Under 35.” The New York Times & USA Today recognized Arel Moodie as a Top Generation Y Entrepreneur. The prestigious St. Gallen Symposium in Switzerland named Arel as one of the 100 future business leaders in the world. Arel Moodie was recognized by President Obama for his work as a young leader in America. Arel is the bestselling author of Your Starting Point for Student Success, a book not about helping students go to college, but more importantly, helping students to successfully go THROUGH college in order to truly succeed in school and in life. Arel grew up on welfare in the projects of Brooklyn, NY where he witnessed those around him being murdered and imprisoned. Seeing college as his “way out”, Arel took advantage of his college opportunity to the fullest. He started his first successful internet company while in college, and served as president of four different student organizations. Arel’s college named him “The Most Outstanding Graduating Senior.” Peter Bahr In his research, Peter Riley Bahr seeks to deconstruct students’ pathways into, through, and out of community colleges and into the workforce or on to four-year postsecondary institutions. His recent work is focused particularly on students’ course-taking and enrollment patterns in the community college and their subsequent labor market outcomes, such as employment and earnings, as well as the impact of students’ varied patterns of coursetaking and enrollment on the assessment of community college performance. Bahr joined the faculty of the Center for the Study of Higher and Postsecondary Education at the University of Michigan in the fall of 2009. He previously held a faculty appointment in the Department of Sociology at Wayne State University (2004-2009), a research appointment in the Chancellor’s Office of the California Community Colleges (2001-2003), and a research appointment in the California Department of Education (2000-2001). He received his PhD in Sociology from the University of California-Davis. Kathy Booth Kathy Booth is a senior research associate at WestEd where she focuses on translating research findings so that practitioners can apply them to pressing concerns and facilitating opportunities for community college leaders to develop action plans based on evidence. Her current projects address strengthening data systems that measure success in career technical education, identifying non-completion pathways that yield a family-sustaining wage, and examining equitable approaches to building college readiness. Previously, she served as the executive director of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges (RP Group) where she facilitated statewide meetings, created practitioner-focused briefs on community college reform strategies, and envisioned professional development approaches that encourage practitioners to integrate research into institutional improvement efforts. Before joining the RP Group she worked with the @ ONE Project, where she managed a fellowship program that enabled faculty to conduct research in their own classrooms and developed multi-day trainings on the use of technology 14 CCCAOE SPRING 2015 CONFERENCE ABOUT THE SPEAKERS to improve student success. Prior to this, Ms. Booth spent a decade working in the nonprofit sector including overseeing the nation’s largest management and technology training program for nonprofits, conducting research on successful collaborations between artists and community development organizations, facilitating community planning processes, and leading organizational assessments. She is the author of numerous reports on community college issues and two handbooks on building collaborations to further social change. Elizabeth Wallner Elizabeth Wallner has been a passionate advocate for equity and access for every student for well over a decade. She has written and presented hundreds of professional development workshops focusing on Carl D. Perkins and Career Technical Education at secondary and postsecondary educational agencies as well as at dozens of statewide and national conferences. In addition to in-person professional development opportunities, Elizabeth has written six short e-seminars focusing on topics as diverse as internal barriers to soft skills for students. Finally, Elizabeth has written or collaborated on three online modules focusing on issues of equity and access. Elizabeth has a Bachelor of Arts in liberal studies with a minor in women’s studies. She is currently working on her Master’s degree in Public Policy and Administration. 2014 – 15 CCCAOE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2014 -15 CCCAOE Board of Directors: Executive Committee: President ................................................................................................................. Corine Doughty, Irvine Valley College President Elect ....................................................................................................... Joyce Johnson, Mt. San Jacinto College Immediate Past President .................................................................................. Jeff Cummings, Copper Mountain College Communications Officer ...................................................................................... Stephanie Rodriguez, El Camino College Treasurer ...................................................................................................................... Kailani Knutson, Porterville College Regional Vice Presidents: North/Far North Region.......................................................................................................... Eva Jimenez, Shasta College San Francisco Bay Region............................................................................... Deborah Mann, Solano Community College Central Region .................................................................................................Salvador Vargas, San Joaquin Delta College South Central Region ....................................................................................................... Julius Sokenu, Moorpark College Los Angeles/Orange County Region............................................................ Lucia Robles, L.A. Community College District Desert Region ............................................................................................................ John Jaramillo, College of the Desert San Diego/Imperial Region ......................................................................................... Jonathan Kropp, Cuyamaca College Other Representatives: Academic Senate ..................................................................................................... Wheeler North, San Diego Miramar College Advisory Committee on College & Career Readiness......................................................Stephanie Rodriguez, El Camino College Community College League of California ....................................................................Jeff Cummings, Copper Mountain College Chief Instructional Officer ................................................................................................ Joyce Johnson, Mt. San Jacinto College Consultation Council ......................................................................................................... Corine Doughty, Irvine Valley College EdPAC...................................................................................................................................Jonathan Kropp, Cuyamaca College Faculty Association of California Community Colleges ...................................................................... Jonathan Lightman, FACCC Faculty Association of California Community Colleges (CCCAOE Reps) .............................. Corine Doughty, Irvine Valley College & Joyce Johnson, Mt. San Jacinto College Legislative Advocacy Chair ............................................................................................................ Mollie Smith, Palomar College National Council for Workforce Education......... Mollie Smith, Palomar College & John Means, Kern Community College District State Advisory Committee on Curriculum ............................................................................... Kim Schenk, Diablo Valley College CTE IN THE SPOTLIGHT 15 CCCAOE 2016 FALL CONFERENCE SAVE THE DATE! October 20–22, 2015 Pre-Conference Events: October 19–20, 2015 Hilton San Diego Resort & Spa, Mission Bay 1775 E. Mission Bay Drive, San Diego, CA 92109 Visit the CCCAOE website: 16 CCCAOE SPRING 2015 CONFERENCE The ACT National Career Readiness CertificateTM has helped more than 2.3 million people verify the quality of their work-related skills to employers. The American Council on Education recommends that colleges award three semester hours of credit to individuals who earn a silver-level ACT NCRC or above. Find out how the ACT NCRC can help you connect students and employers to improve the workforce in your community. 3541 NOTES: HP LIFE – Learning Initiative for Entrepreneurs HP LIFE e-Learning is an Open Educational Resource available for use in your course now • Learn business concepts and IT skills at no cost to you or your students • Twenty five simple, interactive courses that cover finance, operations, marketing and communications • Community of faculty to support you with course goals For more information on how to use HP LIFE e-Learning, contact Kim Norbuta at Program partners 18 CCCAOE SPRING 2015 CONFERENCE HP LIFE e-Learning: Technology partners HOLIDAY INN SAN FRANCISCO-GOLDEN GATEWAY CTE IN THE SPOTLIGHT 19 THANK YOU… to Our Sponsors/Exhibitors! THANK YOU… to Our Sponsors/Exhibitors! 1400 K Street, Suite 212 • Sacramento, CA 95814 • (866) 577-4CTE (4283) •
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