Banners Gate & Parklands - Banners Gate Community Hall

Banners Gate & Parklands
Community & Neighbourhood Forum
106th Issue February & March 2015
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Gatepost will be emailed to you in mid January, March, May, July, September and November. Your email address will not be shared with anyone.
The next meeting, our AGM, is on March 30th when the speaker will be Honorary Alderman, Alan
Rudge, LL. B., former Birmingham City Councillor. Alan will reminisce on his many, many years,
since 1976, as a local councillor, mainly for the Vesey ward. Alan was a Cabinet member, on the front
bench, for almost 30 years, and frequently appeared on the TV News outside the Council House.
For reference these are the dates of the following three meetings: 18th May, 27th July and 28th
Banners Gate Primary is a ‘GOOD’ school - Ofsted
As the headteacher I am thrilled to be able to share with our
community the results of the recent Ofsted inspection of our
school. We are delighted to report that Banners Gate Primary
School has been graded as a good school across all areas of
inspection including our leadership and management and the
children’s behaviour and safety, with Ofsted commending the
quality of our teaching, our pupils’ achievement, and the school’s
Early Years provision.
Inspectors found that our children get a good start to life in the
Nursery and Reception classes, and that standards across both
key stages show that pupils are making good progress in their
reading, writing and maths. Ofsted found that the most able
children make good progress because our teachers build
effectively on what they already know, and that work in books
shows that pupils make good progress in all year groups.
Our teaching was highly commended, with inspectors recognising well-planned work at the right level for pupils of all
abilities to achieve and that teachers asked searching questions in order to test and challenge pupils’ understanding. We are
pleased that they also recognised our high expectations of the children, and that lessons were reported to be interesting and
exciting. We are especially pleased that Ofsted recognised the strong links we have with our local community, and how
partnerships are used to bring our exciting new curriculum to life.
Our pupils’ behaviour is good, and it was recognised that they are polite and respectful to adults and each other. Our pupils
are extremely positive about their learning and told the inspectors that our teachers help to show them how they can
improve their work.
We are pleased that the support of our school governors has been recognised, with inspectors finding that their systems for
checking how well the school is doing are rigorous and noting that the challenging questions which they ask ensure that the
school continually goes from strength to strength. Inspectors’ recognition of the improvements in the quality of our
teaching, resulting in higher standards throughout the school and ensuring a good level of education for our pupils, is also
very gratifying for all of us who have worked so hard to ensure improved outcomes for Banners Gate’s children.
I am so proud of our staff and children; everyone has really worked as a team in order to ensure that the children are
receiving the good education they deserve. We are now officially ‘good’ and enjoying this, along with the very positive
publicity which we have received in local newspapers recently; however, we have one eye on ‘outstanding’ as that is our
next step! If you would like your child to join us, a limited number of spaces is available in some year groups and
enquiries can be made on 0121 464 7355.
More on page 4 …..
Inside this issue: Page 2: Notes from the Minutes; Clive Atkins talk; Your Local Councillors. Page 3: King George V Field; Family Massage;
Spring Fair; Quiz; Crime Reporting; Venue; Advert. Page 4: Banners Gate Primary School; Do you want a Town Council. Page 5:
Advertisements. Page 6: Easter Services - St. Columba’s Church & Banners Gate Community Church; Banners Gate Community Hall; Notices.
Page 7: Sutton Park Surgery - NHS Service Phone Numbers; Easter Opening Times. Your Local Services; Adverts. Page 8: What’s On?
Editor: Tony Willis, 44 Hollyhurst Road. B73 6SY Tel: 605 4947, or Next deadline: April 30th.
Printed by NEWTON PRINT The Complete Print Service, Suon Coldfield. Tel: 07786933696
Notes from the Minutes of Banners Gate (Su(on Vesey) Neighbourhood Forum held
at Banners Gate Community Hall, 7.30 p.m. on Monday 26th January 2015
Cllr Hardy
The Chairman drew attention to the front page of the 105th Issue of
‘Gatepost’ and the sad news of the demise of Terry Keight. Terry was
so very active in the community he will be very greatly missed.
meeting held on Monday, 24th November 2014 were agreed as a true
record of the proceedings. Proposed D
Fleming, seconded J Glendenning.
Shopmobility in Birmingham: The BCC have never funded the service
but S106 money from developers had paid for it. S106 will cease in 12
-15 months and Birmingham may be the only city without
Shopmobiity if BCC do not fund it.
Road Markings: Several suggestions put forward and some have been
instituted. The junction now needs marking out so cars can go further
forward and wait to turn right, and the officer in charge is aware of this
but, as usual, it is a question of funds being available.
CORRESPONDENCE: The Chairman tabled printed papers with
full information re the proposed ‘roll-out’ of the bin programme.
Longmoor School Building Works: Residents had complained that the
school was engaged in new building without notification to
neighbouring dwellings, one of which now had a wall obscuring the
view from the back garden. A meeting was held by Planning at BCC
who had accepted they were in error and apologised for the omission.
Longmoor School takes severely disabled children and building had
started, before planning permission had been granted, for an extension
to accommodate 40 children from The Bridge School in Erdington
which was now not fit for purpose. A letter received from Emma
Leaman, Head of Education & Skills Infrastructure was tabled for
Tasking & Neighbourhood Watch: The Chairman said there had been
a burglary in Banners Gate Road which had not been notified to Sue
Atkins. All such instances need to be reported to Sue who attends the
Police Tasking Group meetings each month; once noted by the police
the particular area will receive more attention from them whether it be
anti-social behaviour or a crime. Sue’s telephone number appears in
every issue of ‘Gatepost’. There have been problems in Hollyhurst Rd
where gardens back onto the open land up to the Greenway, publishing
items alerts people to the situation.
Community Hall: No items.
Environmental Items: Dog fouling in Westwood Rd has been
Road Markings: Westwood Rd has a sharp bend at the Banners Gate
Rd end and a blind bend at the other end from George Frederick Rd
but there are very few road markings. A lot of children use this road to
and from school and road markings for the safe-to-school routes are
barely visible so residents would like the road markings reinstated avoid any accidents.
Ward Meeting: The Chairman attended a meeting with Amey present
and raised the question of the tree in Hollyhurst Rd needing supports.
Out and about in the area the Chairman had found a group of Amey
workmen and had a word about the tree in question, but all they did
was look at it. Apparently, each tree planted added £2000 to the
running contract for maintenance over the period of the contact.
Parents Parking Outside Schools: Parents parking near schools is a
national problem and schools are trying out various ways of solving it,
e.g., New Oscott School had a circular route proposed but this did not
happen; however, the school has now staggered attendance/leaving
times which has made a difference. This may be the only solution.
Sutton Park Surgery: Please note new opening times. On Mondays
the surgery is open from 7.30 am to 8.00 pm; this works exactly the
same way with pre-booking appointments. The Doctor will be there
but not necessarily the Nurse. No practice Nurse during these times
and no telephones manned.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Monday, 30th March 2015
The next meeting will also be the Annual General Meeting.
Speaker will be an old friend – ex-Cllr Alan Rudge.
The Chairman said he was looking forward to hearing anecdotes on the
entertainment industry, and proceeded to introduce the evening’s
speaker, Clive Atkins.
Clive explained he had spent the whole of his working life in TV apart
from National Service in the RAF where two months schooling saw
him finish trained in Air Radio. Given demob leave of 3 days to find a
job, a friend in ITV suggested trying to join, and luckily he was able to
answer the questions correctly having recently done them on an RAF
course. The BBC was the mighty broadcaster in 1957 and Midland
ITV just beginning, with the strange arrangement of national
broadcasts by ATV on weekdays and ABC at weekends – a perk being
free cinema passes; wages were paid 5/7ths ATV and 2/7ths ABC.
Midland later became Central then Carlton finally ITV1 a national
company. First transmission was at 7.15 a.m. a live show, the
programme time selected to kill off a show by BBC. The first advert
was for SR toothpaste others were Surf, Dunlop, Guinness and the first
newscaster was Chris Chataway the channel eventually overtaking
BBC in popularity. One early show Clive worked on was ‘Lunchbox’
with Noelle Gordon, a lovely lady, and a first crisis for him as the
radio mike batteries failed 2 minutes before ‘On Air’ and he had to
dash on to the floor and change them. Other artistes having the benefit
of Clive’s expertise were Arthur Haines, Jim Dale, Eamon Andrews in
‘This is Your Life’; hours were unpredictably long often 7 a.m. until
midnight. ‘The News’ had adverts because items would come in at the
last minute. Bill Haley and the Comets wanted the show copied for his
own TV appearance necessitating a race to the studio for Clive to set
up the equipment. Another incident involved a Romeo and Juliet
balcony scene where Clive craftily hid the microphone in a trough of
flowers, so he was somewhat concerned when ‘Juliet’ appeared with a
watering can and began to water the trough! Clive warned the Control
Room there would be trouble and luckily they were able to switch to a
minor track and rescue the sound.
‘Crossroads’ did four live episodes per week known as ‘multi-episodic
recording’, i.e., all kitchen scenes would be recorded at one session;
two girls photographed each scene so a check could be done that actors
had completed their scenes. On shoots outside, e.g., using a train
station, all signs had to be covered up and people off a train were
worried they had disembarked at the wrong station; to get off one had
first to get on and often an actor would alight but the production
assistant would not be quick enough and turn up some time later.
‘Crossroads’ filmed in various places including Penns Lane with
‘Benny’ gardening, in parts of the hospital not in daily use; outside
broadcasts needed a nice lady with a bag of money – for bribes,
without it some filming could not have been completed. One camera
took everything three times and once a man three doors away from
shot started mowing his lawn which showed up in the wide shot.
Clive had many more stories, Bob Monkhouse and Candid Camera,
Alvin Stardust and New Faces, Aston Villa and FIFA, Alex Ferguson,
Sting, Ian Paisley, Arthur Askey, Bing Crosby and Royalty.
The Chairman had to call time and after one or two questions from the
floor Clive bowed out to much applause and many thanks for a wellearned cup of coffee.
Your Local Councillors: Cllr. Lyn Collin, Tel: 0121 303 2130, e-mail:, Council House, Victoria Square, Birmingham
B1 1BB . Cllr. Andrew Hardie, Tel: 0121 303 2130, Council House, Victoria Square, Birmingham. B1 1BB.
A weekly Advice Bureau: The Carpenter’s Arms, Boldmere, Sutton Coldfield, on the third Thursday in every month, August excepted, 7.00 p.m. 8.00 p.m. by appointment only.
Cllr. Robert Pocock,, tel: 0121 303 2039 (Labour Group Office), Council House, Victoria Square, Birmingham B1
1BB. Advice Bureau: Boldmere Library, 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. First Saturday of Month.
11am - 2pm
At St. Columba’s
Church Hall and Car Park
Friends of King George V Playing Field
We are in the process of forming a committee, with the help of
Birmingham Open Spaces Forum, for people who are passionate
about keeping our lovely field green and unspoilt for future
generations. The Committee will be called Friends of King George
V Playing Field, and will meet regularly with a view to finding
many different ways in which the Field can be used by the
Five oak trees were planted today and the planting was attended by
Councillor Rob Pocock, Sarah Royal from BOSF, John Porter the
District Parks Manager and Glendale who look after this field for
us. It was a bit windy and cold, but it is the beginning of a new era
for this beautiful park. For anyone who is interested, our email
address is Carole Smith (Chair)
Family Massage Course
Modelled on the Massage in Schools Programme
a two-session training course for children aged 4-12
years, and one parent / carer / grandparent per child,
will be held at Banners Gate Community Hall
on National Massage Day,
Saturday 16th May and Saturday 23rd May 2015.
Time: 10.00 – 11.30am on both days.
Charity Plant Stall: Bedding plants, vegetables,
shrubs, perennials, Lunches & Light Refreshments
Cakes, Gifts, Games, Books, Toys
In Aid of Church Funds & the Malawi Partnership
Help and donations for all stalls are welcome.
Please give any items for sale or tombola prizes:
Books, jewellery, unwanted gifts.
Tel. Ken on 355 4817
St. George’s Day
Banners Gate Community Association
invites you to our annual
St. George’s Day Quiz with Fish & Chip Supper
at Banners Gate Community Hall on
Saturday 25th April 2015.
Tickets are £6 each (includes fish supper) and
are available from Tracy on 07803 29 33 51.
Doors open at 6:45pm to start at 7pm.
Bring your own bottles
(and glasses if possible);
tea and coffee will be available.
Banners Gate Community Hall
Coffee Mornings
Cost: £30 per child-adult couple.
Come along for a Coffee and a Cake, a chat and a get together.
We hold a free Raffle for regular members.
We also have a bring and buy book stall.
Every Third Tuesday in each month 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
For further details and to request a booking form,
please contact Loretto Cattell, MISP Instructor, on
07732 474 470
Sue Atkins is the Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator. 0121 354 6571
Please report every crime to Sue who attends the three-weekly Tasking meetings at the police station, because if the police are not aware of criminal
activity in the area they will pay us little attention. A local community-conscious resident has reported an incident on The Greenway recently. Two
young boys on scramble bikes came to the attention of the police who turned up at The Greenway and managed to hang on to one of the bikes and one
of the boys. Unfortunately, the boy managed to escape. This may appear to be boys just being boys and having fun but if in the pursuit of enjoyment,
they hit a cyclist, or one of the many dog-walkers, or one of their dogs who enjoy The Greenway, the consequences could be grave as these boys are
obviously not insured. Apart from health and injury risk, there is also the noise pollution and the damage done to the surface of The Greenway.
Please report any such antisocial activity to Sue (354 6571) or the editor (605 4947).
Double Glazing Repairs
for a health- or welfare-related activity?
Do you run or belong to a support group, which might be
interested in a base in Banners Gate?
Are you aware of the need for a social or support group, from
which you or someone you know could benefit?
If so, the Community Association would be interested to hear
from you.
Drop us a line at the Community Hall, Reay Nadin Drive, B73
6UR and let us know how to contact you.
Misted units - problem handles hinges - mechanisms - uPVC door
Anti-snap cylinders fitted. No job too
small - emergency call out available.
KN Locks and Maintenance
Tel: 0121 353 2214 or
07971 375 080
Banners Gate Primary School
Welcome to our Spring update. Our school grounds are bursting into
life and it is lovely to finally see the new growth coming through with
daffodils, crocuses and spring flowers which have been planted and
tended by our on-site gardener Mrs. Ellis and the gardening team from
‘Trellis’. The ‘Trellis’ team work extremely hard; children across all
year groups are involved with the planting and gardening, and they
really do make our grounds something to be proud of.
When we reported to you in the last issue of Gatepost, we mentioned
that here at Banners Gate we have been doing a lot of work on our
school lunches. Our School Council members were delighted to have
the opportunity to attend New Oscott Primary School recently to try
out the lunches that are served in their school. New Oscott’s School
Council then visited our school and sampled our lunches, and each
School Council found that both schools provide good lunches to their
children. We thoroughly enjoyed working with the pupils of New
Oscott and are looking forward to working together on joint ventures
in the future.
Families in school have had the opportunity to access a ‘Bumps and
Bandages’ course.
This is run by
Birmingham Adult
Education and
teaches basic first
aid skills to parents
who then transfer
those skills to their
children. The
families have
learnt what to do
when finding a
casualty in the
street, how to place
an injured person in the recovery position, and how to apply bandages
to wounds and breaks. At the end of the course our parents will
receive a First Aid Certificate and be qualified to deal with minor
injuries. As you can see from the photograph, we are enjoying
learning these skills together.
Children in school have been accessing a Peer Mediation course, a Self
-Esteem and Friendship course and a separate Friendship course. We
have been able to offer these to our children as we subscribe to Our
Place in Sutton Coldfield. Our subscription gives us access to courses
for our children, alongside employment and benefit advice for our
parents and Autistic Support groups that our families can attend. We
are looking forward to seeing our Year Fives, who have undertaken
Peer Mediator training, in action on the playground.
We have had many visitors to the school over the past few weeks, and
some of the most memorable for our children were two pilots who
visited us from Monarch Airlines. Captain Richard Wareing visited
our Nursery children and spent time with them talking about his job,
showing them pictures of the aircraft he flies and the countries he flies
to – the children adored meeting Captain Wareing and this linked
into their ‘Everyday Heroes’ project. Captain Colin Moore visited
Year Three, whose topic for this term is travel. Captain Moore spent
an afternoon with our Year Three classes who were enthralled by his
tales of exotic places visited and the role of a pilot. Year Three gained
so much from his time with them; we would like to extend our thanks
to Monarch Airlines and both Captain Wareing and Captain Moore for
giving up their own time to visit our children.
Our Reception classes had a visit from the Road Safety team at
Birmingham City Council, who worked with the children on crossing
the road at a safe place and how to cross safely. Following these
workshops our children were then left with the resources for two
weeks to practise with; we have had zebra crossings and crossing
lights along the corridors, in our halls and on the playground! We
were also pleased to welcome Bill, our local ‘Lollipop’ Crossing
Patrol Warden, into school to help reinforce how to cross a road safely
with the children.
We are looking forward to all of our Easter activities with the
Community Church in the coming weeks, together with our Easter
Bonnet Parades and, if we are extremely lucky, a visit from the Easter
Bunny. We look forward to sharing all our news from these events
with you in the next issue of Gatepost. In the meantime, if you would
like any further information about our school or if you would be
interested in volunteering with us, please do not hesitate to contact me
or our Community Liaison, Mrs. Cotterill on 0121 464 7355.
Mrs. F. Greaves, Head Teacher.
Do You Want a Royal Sutton Coldfield Town Council?
Following the submission of 10,000 Sutton petitions, Birmingham City Council has launched a 6 week “Consultation” period
for views on major Birmingham changes, ending 30th March. Included are 3 questions for Sutton residents on a Town Council
for Sutton. This is a first stage, to be followed by a final referendum stage in the summer. If enough interest is shown now. Your
Sutton Forums are suggesting responses similar to below. In your own words.
Question 1: What are the benefits of a Sutton Coldfield Town Council?
Sutton Coldfield would have a separate independent legal status as a royal town.
The town’s historic boundaries would be defined and protected by law.
Town councillors would be more locally accountable, and all would be local residents.
New funding bids could be submitted, exclusively for investment in Sutton.
Town councils have specified planning powers, including the power to create a neighbourhood or town plan. There is also potential to extend
these planning powers.
Town councils with an adopted plan receive 25% of developer’s financial contributions to be spent on local services and amenities within
their area.
Some local services and amenities, (potentially including aspects of Sutton Park and Sutton Town Hall), could be managed locally instead of
depending on Birmingham Council.
Question 2: What are costs of a Sutton Coldfield Town Council?
An additional precept, (as an example, £25 per head per year would raise well over £1 million extra per annum, solely and exclusively for
investment to improve services in Sutton Coldfield).
A town council should reduce the need for so many Birmingham City Councillors, this would save money. Town Councillors would be very
much less expensive than existing city councillors.
Question 3: What will the impact of a Sutton Coldfield Town Council be on the governance of Birmingham as a whole?
Birmingham would be a more democratic city as a whole, better run, and more accountable to its citizens, if other areas also took up the
idea with their own community councils
Birmingham City Council could then concentrate on improving strategic issues, statutory requirements, and attracting inward investment
This will pass to the final stage only if enough people show interest
By letter:
Community Governance Views, Room 217, Council House Extension, Margaret Street Birmingham B3 3BU
By email:
Council’s website: [Enter ‘Be heard’ in Search box].
If any questions: email Web
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Tel: 0121 355 6175
We are also offering free funded places of up
to 15 hours per week for 2, 3 and 4 year olds
Banners Gate Community Church,
Westwood Rd., B73 6UH
Wednesday 7.15 to 8.45 p.m.
Over 15 different classes per week.
See for details - Book Online
Michelle - 07910158275 or
These classes are held at the Community Church
but are not part of the Community Church.
Ballet, tap, modern, lyrical
and street dance classes
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Driveway Cleaning.
I also clean Carpets,
Upholstery and Leather
Fully mobile can travel to
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For a free
quote call Phil Davis on
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0 – 13 months
Baby Development Class
Wednesdays 9.30, 11.00 and 12.30
Music, singing, exercise, massage, signing, light
shows, bubbles, bells, tickly feathers and many
more!! For more details:
Plastering internal & external
Includes: Dry lining - Plaster
boarding - Artex re-skimming Replacement walls & ceilings Painting / Decorating - Carpentry
We are a longstanding dance school
that aims to bring enjoyment to
children whilst learning the
techniques required for the
different areas of dance.
For more information visit Wylde
Green Academy of Dance on facebook
Or contact Sarah on 0779 200
20 83 or
Banners Gate Community Hall,
Thursdays 10.00 -11.00 a.m.
Beginners class £5 per session
Please call Tricia on 07954 403943.
Office: 0121 354 5446
Mobile: 07934 15 19 20
Classes held at Chester Road
Baptist Church on Saturdays
Call Tracy Jones on 07753 82 56 22
36 Banners Gate Road
Sutton Coldfield B73 6RX
of dance
Classes for children aged 3 upwards
Shows every 2 years
Staff fully CRB checked
Qualified and experienced
for ages 4 and upwards:
Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday
Local Pools ~ All Abilities
Badge Work ~ Qualified Instructors
ADULT CLASS on Tuesdays at 7.00 p.m.
0121 353 6616
Lee Nugent
WDC Service Solutions Ltd
Complete Door Security and Access Solutions
WDC can repair the following products: UPVC WINDOWS, HANDLES, HINGES, LOCKS,
510A Queslett Road, Great Barr, Birmingham. B43 7EJ
St. Columba’s Church Hall On 2nd Thursday of each month from 10.30 a.m. to 12 noon. The next three will be on
16th April, 14th May and 11th June. Coffee, cakes and chat, Book swap, A warm welcome to all is assured.
Sunday 29th March: Easter Fun @ Four, 4-6pm
An afternoon of fun for all the family with Easter egg hunts, egg
and spoon races, games, sweets and much more!
Messy Church Dates 2015
Friday 3rd April: Good Friday Reflection, 6.30pm
Sundays: March 29th (Easter special); May 17th;
Communion service remembering the crucifixion, with music from
Banners Gate Community Choir.
June 14th; July 12th; September 20th; October 18th;
November 29th.
at St Columba’s Church Hall,
Banners Gate Road.
4.00 - 6.00pm includes high tea.
Sunday 5th April: Easter Sunday Celebration, 10.30am
An all-age service celebrating the true meaning of Easter.
Westwood Rd, Sutton Coldfield, B73
Easter Services 2015
at St Columba’s, Banners Gate Road
Palm Sunday 29th March
10.00 a.m. Family Communion
- with dramaCc reading from John’s Gospel
of the story of the lead-up to Jesus’ death on the cross
4.00 p.m. Easter Messy Church - egg-stra special!
Maundy Thursday 2nd April
7.30 p.m. Holy Communion
Good Friday 3rd April
2.00 p.m. An hour’s MeditaCon and Music at the Cross
Easter Day 5th April
8.00 a.m. Holy Communion - tradiConal service, no
10.00 a.m. Family Communion for all ages
Banners Gate
Community Choir
Mondays, 7.30 -8.30pm
at Banners Gate Community Church,
Westwood Rd, B73 6UH
No joining fee
Traditional and popular
No auditions
No experience necessaryAge 14+
If you love singing then we’d love to see you!
For more info, visit or call beth on 07724 678 030
opens at
Reay Nadin Drive on
If you would like further informa-on phone Margaret
on 07730 266925
Stay and Play Toddler Group and
Mums’ coffee mornings
Who Parents and children of all age groups
and Parents /carers - with or without children
are welcome.
Come along to the coffee morning and enjoy tea, coffee
and toast / biscuits, while having an opportunity to meet
new friends and other parents in the community!!
When Every Wednesday term -me only.
Time: 9.15 a.m. – 11.00 a.m. a.m.
Where St Columbus church hall.
EnquiriesEnquiries Sharon 07552 75 71 77
Mums and Toddlers group
Tiddlers Time Stay and Play Toddler Group
Banners Gate Community Church,
Westwood Road B73 6UH
Fridays 9:15 a.m. till 11:15 a.m.
Contact: 0121 353 0230
All children between 0 - 4 years old are welcome. We are a
friendly group, come along and meet other parents/carers and
enjoy a cup of tea, coffee and biscuits.
Easter Holidays Opening Times
Wednesday 1st April and Thursday 2nd April
Normal Opening Times
Friday 3rd April (Good Friday)
Saturday 4th April
Sunday 5th April
Monday 6th April (Easter Monday)
Tuesday 7th April
Normal Opening Times
If you need medical assistance when the surgery is
closed please call 111. In an emergency please call
999 or go to A&E.
And don’t forget your local services:
The Chemist, M.W.Phillips, at Sutton Oak Corner –0121 353 9027
The Dentist, The Neighbourhood Dental & Implant Clinic, at Sutton Oak
Corner, Dr. S. Arash-Gohar D.D.S., 0121 353 0483
An exercise group aimed at mums wanting to get fit
and healthy. No crèche needed as babies are
welcome too! Play mats and toys available. Fully
qualified instructor specialising in pre & post natal
exercise, a class designed to get fit, have fun and
meet new friends. Banners Gate Community Hall,
Reay Nadin Drive. B73 6UR Fridays 10.30 - 11.15
Also Chester Road Baptist Church Hall, B73 5HU.
Wednesdays 10.15 - 11.00.
Contact Vikki - 07975 84 11 23 /
Massage and/or Acupuncture Private Prac-ce
Suon Park Surgery, Chester Road.
Tracey Joiner, BA (Hons), Lic. Ac., MBAcC.,
Amy Johnson, 10 Jevons Road,
Sutton Coldfield.
07707 00 68 02
1 Hour = £25
30 Min = £15
Daytime &
Retired Nurse
Available for caring/home help/companion
Part time - Rates negotiable
References and CRB checked
Telephone 07866 11 90 28 or 07800 98 30 85
ring 07521 96 88 15
£5 off your first visit with this
Mac and PC, Computer Repairs, System Setup, Anti-Virus,
Backup and Networking, CCTV or any other Techno
Device (TV, Mobile Phones etc.). We provide a one to one
engineer service. With over 20 years experience.
GCDtec Limited - Computer Repair and Maintenance IT Support and Help.
Gavin C. Dodds – Mobile: 07966 274 713 – Office: 0845 074 5702
Leisure Courses and Exams to
all materials provided
New Horizons Counselling Services.
The Community Hall, Reay Nadin Drive, Sutton Coldfield.
If you would like to know about our service ring the number above
Or visit our web site
Tracy: 07803 29 33 51
Sun (1st) 11.30 –2.30 pm
(2nd) 8.30 am
10.00 am
10.30 am
11.00 am
6.30 pm
Create at Gate with K & S
Holy Communion
Family Communion
Family Worship
Chikara Karate Kai
Evening Worship
Community Hall
St. Columba's
St. Columba's
Banners Gate CC
Scout Hall
St. Columba's
Kathy Weston
Rev. R. Tucker
Rev. R. Tucker
Terry Lockyer
Paul Murphy 07837
Rev. R. Tucker
628 6651
354 5873
354 5873
353 0230
39 57 89
354 5873
The Scout Hut
The Scout Hut
Community Hall
Jayne Poole
Jayne Poole
Diane Pursall
355 2831
355 2831
747 4659
6.30 – 7.30 & 7.30 – 8.30 Line Dancing
7.45 pm Chikara Karate Kai
Community Hall
St. Columba's
Diane Pursall
Paul Murphy 07837
747 4659
39 57 89
Wed (2nd & 4th) 2.30 pm Daytimers
9.30, 11.00 and 12.30 Baby Sensory
6.00—9.00pm Racing Tails Dog Training
Banners Gate CC
Banners Gate CC
Community Hall
Jenny Cloves
353 8405
Tracy Jones 07753 82 56 22
Sally Rapson 07837 22 92 05
St. Columba's
Community Hall
Community Hall
St. Columba's Hall
Community Hall
Banners Gate CC
St. Columba's
The Scout Hut
Rev. R. Tucker
Dave Upton
Brampton Hall
Community Hall
Michelle Duff
5.30 – 6.45 pm Beavers 15th Group
7.00 – 9.00 pm Scouts 15th Group
7.30 – 8.30 pm Line Dancing
10.00 am
10.00—11.00 am
2.00 – 4.00 pm
6.30 – 9.45 pm
7.15 – 10.15 pm
(4th & 2nd alt months) 7.30 pm
(1st) 8.00 pm
7.00 - 8.30 pm
Holy Communion
W’colouring & beginners
Zig Zag Dance Studio
Townswomen's Guild
Mothers' Union
Cub Scouts 15th Group
9.15 – 11 am Little Ducklings
10.30 —11.30 Yummy Mummy Fitness
354 5873
40 39 43
353 5338
897 900
Sylvia Cunnington 07870 82 98 37
Josie Orme
352 1042
Judith Fennell
354 4390
Alice Wood
07902 90 73 44
355 1307
353 4719
Community Hall
- Anne Craven 249 7852
Banners Gate CC - June Dadd 07443 22 65 30
St. Columba's - Margaret Warner 355 1303
Scout Hall
A & R Talliss 353 8166
Scouts: Jayne Poole, 15th GSL 355 2831
Margaret Drummond, 18th GSL 353 5203
Girlguiding: Carol Gardner, Vesey West District
Commissioner 350 7191
Banners Gate Community Church
2.30 p.m. – 4.00 p.m.
Thurs. 26th March Annual General Mee-ng
Thurs. 23rd April Being Mayor for a Year Wed. 25th March Afternoon of Fund Raising for
Jim Whorwood
Edwards Trust
Thurs. 14th May
Basket Maker and Willow
Wed. 8th April
(Easter) No meeting
Wed. 22nd April
Bell Ringing - Colin Cooksey Sculptor - Eddie Glew
Wed 13th May
Victorian Contrasts - Judy
Thurs. 28th May A Tour of Some of the Best
English Gardens - Howard Drury
Wed 27th May
Plant Sale
We meet from 2.30 - 4.00 p.m. on the 2nd and
4th Wednesday each month at Banners Gate
Community Church. Everyone welcome.
Contact Jenny Cloves 353 8405.
Meetings, 4th Thursday each month, & 2nd
Thursday every other month at Banners Gate
Community Church, Westwood Road at 7.30
p.m., lots of other activities.
Contact Josie Orme 352 1042
Useful telephone numbers
Sutton and Kingstanding
Police: 0345 113 5000
Good Hope: 424 2000
Outpatients: 424 2000
Freephone Health helpline:
0800 66 55 44 10 am - 5 pm
CAB: 354 8344
Accessible and Affordable
Counselling to Adults in the
The Upper Room
St. Michael’s House
198 Boldmere Road
Sutton Coldfield
Tel : 0121 354 6544
For information or an appointment
please ring after 10 a.m. daily,
except Wednesday
Child care based at, and run
by, Banners Gate Primary
School. The club opens
7.45 - 8.45 a.m. &
3.30 - 6.00 p.m. weekdays
during term time.
Call Una Coleman on 675
3937 before school, and after
school until 6.00 p.m.
Deliverers of Gatepost always wanted.
Delivery rounds take 20 minutes to 40
minutes just six -mes a year.
We especially want deliverers for
Grendon Drive and/or Quesle Road
from Donegal to Dear’s Leap
If you can help please call 605 4947.
18th Sutton Coldfield Scout Group
at Banners Gate Community Church, formerly URC
Monday 7 – 9 p.m.
Scouts 10½-14 GSL 353 5203 SL 353 5329
Tuesday 5.30 – 6.30 p.m.
Beaver Scouts 6 – 8 GSL 353 5203
Tuesday 6.45 – 8.15 p.m.
Cub Scouts 8 – 10½
GSL 353 5203 CSL 243 5061
15th Sutton Coldfield Scout Group,
H.Q. Coppice View Road
Beavers 6 – 8 Years Monday 5.30 - 6.45
Cubs 8 – 10.5 Years Thursday 7.00 - 8.30.
Scouts 10.5 – 14 Years Mondays 7.00 - 9.00.
Explorers 14 - 18 Years Mondays 7.00 - 9.00.
Contact group scout leader 0121 355 2831
Girlguiding gives girls and young women a voice.....has done so for 100 part of the next 100
Could you spare 1½ hours a week to help with the St Columba’s Guide unit? Gain real sa-sfac-on in volunteering and helping to ensure girls in
Banners Gate aged 10 – 14 can con-nue to enjoy games, projects, badges and ou-ngs at Guides.
There are also places available in both Brownie units in September for girls aged 7 or 8.
For more informa-on contact Carol Gardner on 350 7191.
Mon 6.00 - 7.30pm
39th Brownies St Columba's Hall
Laetitia Tucker
354 5873
Mon 7.30 - 9.00pm
39th Guides
St Columba's Hall
Michelle Suri
07969 589869
Tues 6.00 - 7.30pm 45th Brownies St Columba's Hall
Carol Gardner
350 7191
Thurs 5.00 - 6.00pm 39th Rainbows St Columba's Hall
Laetitia Tucker
354 5873