Greater Madison Tennis Association’s 2015 Guide to Junior Tennis Introduction Madison is a great place to be a tennis player. We are blessed with an ample supply of public courts in our parks and schools. The University of Wisconsin adds dozens more, while we are home to one of the nation’s premiere indoor tennis facilities, UW’s Nielsen Tennis Center. We also have three commercial tennis centers, giving Madison a total of 34 indoor courts. The Greater Madison Tennis Association (GMTA) has existed for many years as a community resource for providing tennis programming and events. We are a membership-based organization, and hope that you will consider supporting the Association by joining us. Details are available at our website: www. There are also many excellent tennis programs for children in the Madison area. The GMTA’s Guide to Junior Tennis is designed to give you this information in a quick and easily-used resource. We hope it will, in its own small way, help make Madison an even better place to be a tennis player. Greater Madison Tennis Association Ryan Denu, Midwest Youth Team Tennis - Winter Coordinator Chuck France, Secretary Roger Goodwin, Director Tricia Kehoe, Director Jake Kowalski, Treasurer Tod Lacey, Director, Winter Junior Development Program Director Hitters Pro Staff, Midwest Youth Team Tennis - Middleton Coordinator Dan Muller, Director, Round Robin Coordinator Jim Olson, Director, Midwest Youth Team Tennis – West Coordinator Nan Perschon, Director To be Determined, Director, Winter Tennis Nights Coordinator Brian Sullivan, Midwest Youth Team Tennis – East Coordinator Heather Nye, Director, Quann Tennis Camps Coordinator Joe Tegtmeier, President Raghu Vemuganti, Director, Membership John Wheeler, GMTA Junior Summer Team Tennis Coordinator Note: The tennis calendar is always changing. For the most current information check the GMTA calendar at Table of Contents Midwest Youth Team Tennis and Futures Team Tennis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 GMTA Junior Summer Team Tennis/Application. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7 Summer Madison Rising Stars Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 GMTA Winter Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 GMTA Junior Scholarship Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Quann Tennis Center Program/Application. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-20 Public Tennis Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Commercial Tennis Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Understanding Tennis Tournaments and Rankings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 USPTA Junior Circuit Tour 2015. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Midwest Youth Team Tennis (MYTT) & Midwest Futures Team Tennis Team Tennis is the largest tennis program for children 5 years to 14 years old in the Midwest. Featuring the QuickStart Tennis play format, which uses age appropriate equipment and courts scaled to the size of the players. Youth Team Tennis makes the game more accessible – and more fun – by allowing kids to get involved right from the start. Recommended team competition activities can be reviewed at www. Youth Team Tennis is sponsored by the Greater Madison Tennis Association (GMTA). This program is open to boys and girls ages 5-14. Whether or not your child has ever held a racquet, there’s a spot on the team for them. Every player will receive a team uniform, foam ball, tennis racquet, 1-year USTA Junior Membership and other great tennis items! The fee for participants is $69. Parental participation is necessary. Playing Locations (6 weeks): WEST SIDE - Mondays, June 15-July 20 Hitters Tennis Club, 3170 Deming Way, Middleton, WI 53562 MIDDLETON - Tuesdays, June 16-July 21 Hitters Tennis Club, 3170 Deming Way, Middleton, WI 53562 EAST SIDE - Wednesdays, June 17-July 22 Cherokee Country Club, 5000 N. Sherman Ave., Madison, WI 53704 Ages 5-6: 6:00-6:45 p.m. Ages 9-10: 6:00-7:00 p.m. Ages 7-8: 7:00-7:45 p.m. Ages 11-14: 7:00-8:00 p.m. Contact Information: For more information please contact Brian Sullivan (East), Hitters Pro Staff (Middleton) or Jim Olson (West) at Registration Deadline: June 5, 2015. Register at 2 Even if your child has never held a racquet, there is a spot on a team for them. Kids play 10 and Under Tennis, which includes age appropriate equipment and courts scaled to the right size. Midwest Youth Team Tennis makes the game more accessible and more fun by allowing kids to play, rally and succeed right from the start. GREATER MADISON YOUTH TEAM TENNIS WHEN: Mondays (June 15-July 20), Tuesdays (June 16-July 21), and/or Wednesdays (June 17- July 22) Date June 15-July 20 (Mondays) June 16-July 21 (Tuesdays) June 17-July 22 (Wednesdays) WHERE: Site(s): 5-6 year olds 7-8 year olds 9-10 year olds 6:00-6:45 p.m. 7:00-7:45 p.m. 6:00-7:00 p.m. 6:00-6:45 p.m. 7:00-7:45 p.m. 6:00-7:00 p.m. 6:00-6:45 p.m. 7:00-7:45 p.m. 6:00-7:00 p.m. Cherokee Country Club 5000 N. Sherman Ave. Madison, WI Location Hitters Tennis Club Hitters Tennis Club Cherokee Country Club Hitters Tennis club 3170 Deming Way Middleton, WI COST: Early Registration by 5/22/15: $69 Registration by 6/5/15: $89 No refunds given after 5/22/15 CONTACT: For more information please contact Jim Olson (Mon.), Hitters Pro Staff (Tues.), or Brian Sullivan (Wed.) at REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Friday, June 5, 2015 REGISTRATION WEBSITE: PLAYER RECEIVES: Team uniform, age appropriate racquet and ball (additional options available), 1 year USTA junior membership, and a subscription to Bounce or SMASH Magazine. “This is not a school sponsored activity and the Madison Metropolitan School District does not approve, support, supervise, or endorse this program/activity.” Players aged 11-14 will move beyond the basics and continue to develop their tennis game using age appropriate equipment in Midwest Futures Team Tennis. Visit GREATER MADISON FUTURES TEAM TENNIS WHEN: Mondays (June 15-July 20). Tuesdays (June 16-July 21), and/or Wednesdays (June 17-July 22) Date June 15-July 20 (Mon.) June 16-July 21 (Tues.) June 17-July 22 (Wed.) WHERE: Sites: 11-14 year olds 7:00-8:00 pm 7:00-8:00 pm 7:00-8:00 pm Cherokee Country Club 5000 N. Sherman Ave. Madison, WI Location Hitters Tennis Club Hitters Tennis Club Cherokee Country Club Hitters Tennis Club 3170 Deming Way Middleton, WI COST: Early Registration by 5/22/15: $69 Registration by 6/5/15: $89 No refunds given after 5/22/15 CONTACT: For more information please contact Jim Olson (Mon.), Hitters Pro Staff (Tues.), or Brian Sullivan (Wed.) at REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Friday, June 5, 2015 REGISTRATION WEBSITE: PLAYER RECEIVES: Team Uniform, age appropriate racquet, can of green dot balls, and 1 year USTA Junior Membership. “This is not a school sponsored activity and the Madison Metropolitan School District does not approve, support, supervise, or endorse this program.activity.” Even if your child has never held a racquet, there is a spot on a team for them. Kids play 10 and Under Tennis, which includes age appropriate equipment and courts scaled to the right size. Midwest Youth Team Tennis makes the game more accessible and more fun by allowing kids to play, rally and succeed right from the start. VERONA AREA YOUTH TEAM TENNIS WHEN: Tuesdays and Thursdays (June 16th – July 9th) 5-8 year olds: 6:00-6:45 pm 9-10 year olds: 7:00-8:00 pm WHERE: Verona Area High School courts 300 Richards Street Verona, WI 53593 COST: Early Registration by 5/22/15: $65 Registration by 6/5/15: $85 No refunds given after 5/22/15 CONTACT: Rick Engen at 608-514-4099 or REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Friday, June 5, 2015 REGISTRATION WEBSITE: PLAYER RECEIVES: T-shirt, age appropriate racquet (additional options available), ball, goodie bag, and a 1 year USTA membership. “Neither the Verona Area School District or any one associated with or working for the Verona Area High School Tennis Programs will be held responsible for accidents or injuries.” 5 GMTA Junior Summer Team Tennis Tuesday 6/16/15 – Thursday 7/30/15 This is a seven week program designed for boys and girls, 18 years of age and younger. This is a competitive program only. Players must know how to play tennis and score. The program starts on June 16. The first and seventh weeks are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 6:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. The first day is set up to organize the coed teams into doubles and singles format for team play. Matches begins the second day and lasts until the final (7th) week. Weeks 2-6 is on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30 a.m. until 8:00 a.m. An individual tournament will take place on the last week with medals going to top finishers. Transportation to away matches (once per week) is provided by the parents. Parents are expected to help out at least once during the session. Some sites do not have readily available water sources. Players are responsible for bringing their own container with water. Additional applications available at Locations: Dates: Times: Fees: Deadline: Instructions: East, LaFollette, Memorial, West, Middleton and Verona High Schools June 16 thru July 30, 2015 6:30 a.m. until 8:00 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays except the first and last week which is Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. $55.00 payable to GMTA (see application form). This fee includes a T-Shirt, game balls, and tournament medals. June 2, 2015 to guarantee T-Shirt. Entries received after June 2 might not receive a T-Shirt. Show up to the site you signed up for on June 16 at 6:30 am. Do not call. You will be informed if the site you chose is not available ahead of time. Do not forget to indicate the T-Shirt size (adult size) on the application form. For more information contact: Chuck France at (608) 381-6859 or (608) 244-1929 6 Please COMPLETE & MAIL this Entry Form GMTA Junior Summer Team Tennis c/o Chuck France, 2902 Lakeland Ave., Madison, WI 53704 Please indicate your Site Preference for lessons. If your application is late or if a site closes due to insufficient numbers, you will be notified of assignment to an alternate site. Otherwise, on Tuesday, June 16, 2015., go to the site you indicate below. Once the season begins, all communication will go through your site’s coach. Site Preference (check one): East LaFollette Memorial Middleton Verona West Name Check one: Male Female Birth Date Address City ZIP Parent Email Age Grade Fee enclosed: $ Phone Adult Size T-shirt (please check one): XLG LG Medium Sm (make check out to: GMTA for $55.00) It is understood by the applicant and his/her parent or guardian that no liability for any injury is assumed or implied by the GMTA, the City of Madison, Coaches, Volunteer Parents or other participants. Applicant’s Signature Date Parent or Guardian’s Signature 7 8 2015 Summer Madison Rising Stars Tennis Program June 16 to August 8 Tuesdays at Odana Tennis Courts: 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Saturdays at Odana Tennis Courts: 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. (Skip Saturday, July 4, 2015) The Rising Stars Tennis Program is for youth between the ages of 8 and 17 years old who are either minority and/or low income. The program’s goal is to provide tennis lessons to youth who typically do not have access to tennis lessons or tennis facilities with the objective of building skilled and competitive high school players. Rising Stars Tennis is sponsored by the Greater Madison Tennis Association (GMTA) and is funded in part through a grant from the Wisconsin Tennis Association (WTA). The fee for participants is only $30. The format for this summer’s program will be the same as last summer. There will be two 1.5 hour sessions each week – one on Tuesday evening and one on Saturday afternoon. Players will be divided into three separate courts by age and/or skill level. Each session will include drills and skill building games. Parent participation is desired for taking attendance. We ask you to commit to attending the sessions (we understand vacation schedules). There is a limit on how many participants we can handle. Past commitment, attendance, and participation may be taken into account when determining who to accept. To apply for the 2015 summer session please complete the application and release form, attach a check for $30.00 (plus any donation if desired). Make the check out to GMTA. Mail the application, release, check to Madison Rising Stars Tennis, PO Box 1104, Sun Prairie, WI 53590. Richard will be available at 6:15 p.m. on June 16, 2015 at the Odana Tennis Court at the beginning of the first session of the season to answer any questions or clarifications. The summer program will be held at the Odana Tennis Courts 4635 Odana Road, Madison, WI 53711 We encourage all Rising Stars to play in local tournaments and in their middle school or high school programs. For more information on available tennis programs please see the GMTA website at www. or check out the summer programs in your community, i.e. MSCR. 2015 Winter Rising Stars Program: For information regarding this program please go to www. Updated information will be available in the Fall of 2015. 9 10 Madison Rising Stars Registration and Release Form Summer 2015 Please complete a separate form for each child who wants to participate ($30.00 each). [Include a check made payable to the Greater Madison Tennis Association (GMTA) Mail to Madison Rising Stars Tennis, Attn. Richard Muma, P.O. Box 1104, Sun Prairie, WI 53590. For Questions and/further clarifications please email Richard at Full Name ____________________________________________ Age (on June 1) __________ Address ________________________________________ Birth date __ __ /__ __ /__ __ __ __ City _______________________ ZIP code __ __ __ __ __ Phone (__ __ __) __ __ __-__ __ __ __ Email address _______________________@_______________________________________ School for 2015-16 year ___________________________________________ Grade _______ Parent name(s) ____________________________ ________________________________ Additional phone or email information (most communication is by email): (__ __ __) __ __ __-__ __ __ __ ________________________@_________________________ Describe any tennis lessons/activities the applicant participated in during the last year. ____________________________________________________________________________ The Rising Stars staff assumes that parents will be present during the tennis practice. If there were to be an injury and I am not in attendance at the practice, I would want the Rising Stars staff to call me at (__ __ __) __ __ __-__ __ __ __ or (__ __ __) __ __ __-__ __ __ __ or have another parent, _____________________________________________ (__ __ __) __ __ __-__ __ __ __ act for me. By registering my child for the Rising Stars Tennis program, I hereby agree and understand that: 1. The Rising Stars Tennis Program is not covered by accident insurance. 2. My child and I will adhere to the Tennis Program and rules and procedures. 3. That no liability for any injury is assumed or implied by the MMSD, MSCR, John Powless Tennis Center, Madison Park District, Greater Madison Tennis Association, Wisconsin Tennis Association, Coaches, Volunteers, Parents, or other participants. 4. That the Rising Stars staff may take photos of my child that may be used for Rising Stars, Wisconsin Tennis Association or Wisconsin Tennis Foundation brochures or advertising flyers. Applicant Parent Signature______________________ Date ___ ___/___ ___ /___ ___ ___ ___ Grant funds help cover equipment and paid instructors, but not pizza, prizes or t-shirts given at the beginning of the program. We are asking that participating families make an extra donation if they can, in addition to the program fee. This is strictly a donation and is not required. Program fee enclosed: $30.00 Donation: $________ Total amount enclosed: $_________ While this program is open to all kids, special consideration is given to minority and/or lowincome players. Please describe the applicant’s qualifications for special consideration, if any. ____________________________________________________________________________ 11 12 GMTA Winter Junior Development Program (Fall 2015-Spring 2016) Purpose: The emphasis of this program is skill development using drills and games. Participants are grouped according to playing ability. Time: 6:35-8:00 a.m. beginning in early November for approximately 13 Saturdays Eligibility: Ages 12-18 (must be attending middle or high school). Open to boys and girls. Cost: $177 for current GMTA members; $177 for non-members (future costs subject to change), $5.00 of the cost goes towards a one year membership in GMTA. Location: Nielsen Tennis Stadium, UW Campus, 1000 Highland Ave., Madison Staff/Student Ratio: 1 teacher for every 4-7 students Program size: Limited to first 78 enrollees Application Availability: September 15, from GMTA website ( (NOTE: This program usually is full within 5 days. Students accepted based on order of receipt.) For more information contact: GMTA Winter Junior Competitive Program (February 2016 – April 2016) This is a coed game-based program. Kids will play a variety of short-format matches, ranging from fourgame to eight-game pro sets. The usual format will be doubles, but there will some singles play when possible. Players will receive suggestions on tactics, positioning, and technique, but the program is not instructional. It is designed for kids who can rally, put serves in play, and know how to keep score. The program is not recommended for true beginners. Tennis specific shoes are required for all players. Coordinator: John (JW) Miller. Email: Tentative Dates: February 1 to April 12 Time: 6:30 to 8:00 a.m. on Sundays Location: Nielsen Tennis Stadium on UW-Madison Campus; 1000 Highland Drive Cost: $95 for GMTA members; $100 for non-members Age Guidelines: 12 to 18 year-olds Application Deadline: December 1, 2015. Maximum Enrollment and Registration Details: The enrollment limit is 60 kids. If more than 60 applications are received, the selection process will be by lottery (not necessary in the past). The registration enrollment is December 15. Click here for on-line enrollment form. All applicants will be notified by December 31 of their enrollment status. Weather-based cancellations. If Nielsen closes (extremely rare) due to a blizzard or ice storm, a notice will be posted on the GMTA website. 13 Format ■ Two to three levels of play, depending on what works best for overall group. The coordinator will assign matches each week based on who is present and ability level. Friends or teammates will have regular opportunities to play together. ■ The format will be primarily doubles unless attendance is low on a given day. When numbers are uneven or when there are more than 48 players present, one or two courts will be used for open hitting or for games like king/queen of the court that can accommodate extra players. Players would rotate onto that court so that everyone plays at least one match a day. ■ Each week, players will be assigned to a court where they will typically play eight-game rounds with the other players on that court. Scoring will be no-add, with a tie break played if the score is 4-4 at the end of a round. The players will record their scores on score sheets that they will receive when courts are assigned. ■ Overall league standings will be scored as follows for each Sunday: Two points for attendance. Three points for a 40% to 59% winning percentage for the day. Five points for a winning percentage greater than 60% on a given day. ■ Awards will be given at the end of the league to the top male and female finishers in each group. The league for high school boys will conclude before the start of their season as per WIAA regulations. High school boys are encouraged continue attending after that, but there will be no official match play. 14 GMTA Junior Scholarship Program As part of the overall mission of the GMTA, the Association seeks to support junior tennis players who might otherwise be unable to pursue tennis programming suitable for their level of play. This support is made available strictly on a need-basis only. Players of high school age or younger in need of such support should complete the preliminary application at All grant decisions are subject to approval by the Board of the GMTA or a committee so appointed. This program is designed to provide support for specific GMTA junior tennis activities only. Scholarships are only available to pre-high school age players. 15 16 MAP Quann Tennis Center Goodman Pool ENTER HERE Bram St. – Quann Tennis Center (204 Bram Street*) *Direct access from E. Olin, not Bram St. 17 GMTA Quann Tennis Center Junior Tennis Camp For intermediate junior players of all ages who are comfortable with match play (basic skills include rallying from back part of court, serving successfully, some match play experience). This camp will emphasize skill development for improved match-play results. Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Schedule will include: tennis drills and instruction, additional training and match play. Friday afternoons are rain-day make ups (except July 4). $150.00 per 2-Week Session SEND REGISTRATIONS DIRECTLY TO GMTA USING FORM ON PAGE 19. 18 GMTA QUANN TENNIS CENTER JUNIOR TENNIS CAMP REGISTRATION FORM Name Date of Birth Street Address City State Zip Home Telephone Afternoon Contact Telephone Parent/Guardian Parent/Guardian Email Name of School Have you participated in Middle School Tennis? Have you played High School Tennis? Yes Yes No No Position Played Waiver I am aware of the risks of playing tennis and verify that my daughter/son is physically fit to participate in the selected program. In case of emergency, I grant permission for my child to receive emergency medical treatment at a local clinic or hospital. Signature of Guardian Date Indicate the session or sessions: Session 1: June 15-25 Session 3: July 13-July 23 Session 2: June 29-July 9* Session 4: July 27-August 6 *No session July 4 Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.; Fridays 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. for rain make-ups as needed. Make checks payable for $150.00 per session to GMTA and send to: GMTA, 7526 Whitacre Road, Madison, WI 53717. For more information, contact GMTA Director Heather Nye at (913) 769-8737. 19 20 Madison Area Community Recreation Youth Tennis Programs – 2015 City of Fitchburg Contact Person:Fitchburg Recreation Department Chad Sigl 270-4286 • Youth instructional programs for ages 4-16, all experience levels • Classes held on Mondays & Wednesdays at McKee Farms Park • Class times and fees vary depending on program • Further details available at Madison School/Community Recreation Dept ( Contact Person:Greg Roscoe, MSCR 204-3034 Youth Lessons (Grades 1- 8) • Beginners and Intermediates • Two Sessions: Session 1 (6/15/15 - 7/9/15), Session 2 (7/13/15 - 8/6/15) • Lessons utilize a variety of Madison public courts (see MSCR for details) • Lesson times vary (see MSCR for details) • Session 1 - $26; Session 2 - $26 for residents Youth Friday Team Tennis (entering grades 6-9) • Teams organized at these high schools: Memorial H.S., and West H.S. • Matches played 10:00 a.m. on Fridays at various sites in Madison area • Weekly team practice • June 20 - August 7, 2015 (skip July 3) • $40 fee includes T-shirt 21 City of Middleton Contact Person:Middleton Public Lands, Recreation and Forestry Department 7426 Hubbard Ave., Middleton, WI 53562 821-8360 • Offered to youth and adult • Ages 4 and up • Two, 4-week sessions beginning June 22, 2015; offered for beginners - intermediate • 50-minute classes are held twice/week on Mon/Wed and Tues/Thurs between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. at Lakeview Park • A complete listing of programs are available after April 2 City of Monona Contact Person:Monona Parks and Recreation, Missy Kedzorski 222-4167 or This instructional tennis program is a great way to get started in a game that can be played for a lifetime. Participants should bring their own racket, water bottle and tennis shoes. • 45-Minute classes for ages 4-14, beginner, advanced and all options available. –Beginner: Should be able to toss, catch and dribble tennis ball –Advanced: Should be able to serve consistently and be familiar with forehand, backhand, serve and volley –All: Have any skill to play • Classes will run in a 4-week session 2 days/wk (Mon/Wed OR Tue/Thu). –June 22 - July 15 –July 21 - August 13 • Classes are offered at various times throughout the day • Regular sessions are $55 for residents and $65 for non-residents • All classes are at Winnequah Park 22 City of Sun Prairie Contact Person:Jana Stephens Sun Prairie Recreation Department 837-3449 - summer fun guide These youth tennis lessons are an introduction to the game of tennis. Basic skills, rules and scoring will be taught and practiced through drills and games. Racquets are available on a limited basis so bring your own if you have one. Participants should dress appropriately for the weather and bring a water bottle with their name on it. Saturday Lessons • $21 R/$31.50 NR • Orfan Park Tennis Courts, 2050 St. Albert Dr. • Min 4/Max 8 AGES 4-6 7-9 10-13 DAY Sat Sat Sat DATE 6/20 – 8/1* 6/20 – 8/1* 6/20 – 8/1* TIME 9:00-9:45 AM 10:00-10:45 AM 11:00-11:45 AM SESSION 1 1 1 *No program 7/4 Daytime Lessons • Resident $28, Non-Resident $42 • Sun Prairie High School Tennis Courts, 888 Grove Street (Cty Hwy N) • Minimum 8; Maximum 16 Note: No restrooms or water fountains available at SPHS tennis courts. Please plan accordingly. Note: Same skills will be taught in both sessions. AGES DAY 4 Tue/Thur* 5-6 Tue/Thur* 7-8 Tue/Thur* 9 - 10 Tue/Thur* 5-6 Tue/Thur* 7-8 Tue/Thur* 9 – 10 Tue/Thur* 11 – 13 Tue/Thur* *Make-ups on Fridays, if needed DATE 6/16 – 7/2 6/16 – 7/2 6/16 – 7/2 6/16 – 7/2 7/14 – 7/30 7/14 – 7/30 7/14 – 7/30 7/14 – 7/30 TIME 8:00-9:00 AM 9:00-10:00 AM 10:00-11:00 AM 11:00-12:00 AM 8:00-9:00 AM 9:00-10:00 AM 10:00-11:00 AM 11:00-12:00 AM SESSION 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 CODE 2923.200 2900.200 2904.201 2901.200 2924.201 2925.200 2926.201 2906.201 DATE 6/1 – 6/17 6/1 – 6/17 6/1 – 6/17 6/29 – 7/15 6/29 – 7/15 6/29 – 7/15 TIME 5:45-6:30 PM 6:40-7:25 PM 7:35-8:20 PM 5:45-6:30 PM 6:40-7:25 PM 7:35-8:20 PM SESSION 1 1 1 2 2 2 CODE 2912.200 2913.200 2934.200 2935.201 2922.201 2917.201 DATE 7/27 – 8/12 7/27 – 8/12 TIME 5:45-6:30 PM 6:40-7:25 PM SESSION 3 3 CODE 2929.202 2930.202 Evening Lessons • $21 R/$31.50 NR • Orfan Park Tennis Courts, 2050 St. Albert Dr. • Min 4/Max 8 BEGINNER LEVEL AGES 4-6 7-9 10-13 4-6 7-9 10-13 DAY Mon/Wed Mon/Wed Mon/Wed Mon/Wed Mon/Wed Mon/Wed INTERMEDIATE LEVEL AGES 7-9 10-13 DAY Mon/Wed Mon/Wed 23 City of Verona Contact Person:Casey Dudley 848-6815 Instructional Tennis Here is your chance to learn more about the game of tennis. This program is offered to the novice and the beginner. Instructional tennis will cover the fundamentals of forehand, backhand, serve, scoring, and the rules. This program will run for 6 weeks. Lessons will be held at the VAHS tennis courts. • Start Date: Week of June 22 • Minimum class size: 5; Maximum class size: 15 • Beginners: (ages 6 to 10) Basics of tennis, such as proper grip, strokes, volley, serve and scoring. • Intermediate: (ages 11 to 15) Work for consistency and knowledge of beginning tennis leading to confidence in playing. • Advanced: (ages 11+) Work to a level of playing competitive tennis through drills/games to develop consistency and further their skills. Sessions #1 Beginners #2 Beginners #3 Beginners #4 Beginners #5 Int./Adv. #6 Int./Adv. #7 Beginners #8 Beginners #9 Int./Adv. Days M & W T & Th M & W T & Th M & W T & Th T & Th M & W M & W Times 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Resident Fee $54 $54 $54 $54 $54 $54 $54 $54 $54 Non-Resident Fee $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 Cost if registered by 5/22/15 Add $10 if registered after 5/22/15 Village of Waunakee Village of Waunakee Community Services Department ( Contact Person:Sue McDade, Director 850-5992 Register online at Youth Lessons (Ages 4 through 14) • Pee-wee, Beginners and Intermediates • Session 1 (6/15/15 - 7/9/15), Session 2 (7/13/15 - 8/6/15) • 50-minute classes are held twice/week on Mon/Wed and Tues/Thurs between 9:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. at various park locations • Little Aces Tennis - $33 / Youth Tennis - $37 USTA Junior Team Tennis (entering grades 6-9) • Matches played 9:00 a.m. on Fridays at various sites in Madison area • Team practice Mon/Wed 10:45 - 11:45 • June 15 - August 7, 2015 • $53 fee includes T-shirt Waunakee Youth Tennis Open • July 10 - 11 • Players 12 & Under through 18 • Contact the Community Services Department for more information (608-850-5992) 24 Private/Commercial Tennis Programming The Madison area has a number of private tennis facilities that offer tennis programming. YEAR-ROUND TENNIS PROGRAMS Cherokee Country Club, 5000 North Sherman Avenue, Madison, 249-1000 • • 8 Indoor Courts • 4 outdoor Clay Courts • Tots & Beginners lessons available to non-member juniors and adults Group and private lessons are available year-round for members only. Hitters Tennis Club, 3170 Deming Way, Middleton, WI 53562 • Hitters Tennis Club is a private facility with affordable membership options for all. We offer a comprehensive lesson and league program, as well as tournaments and socials. • 8 Indoor Tennis Courts • 2 Indoor Quickstart Junior Courts • On-Site Strength Training Programs • Elite Academy • Private and Group Lessons John Powless Tennis Center, 6522 Schroeder Road, Madison 274-6262 • 8 Indoor Courts • 6 Outdoor Courts Group and private lessons are available year-round from the facilities professional staff for both members and nonmembers. For rate information, contact the club. Lyle Schaefer Tennis Academy, Indoor Season at Keva Sports Center, 8312 Forsythia Street, Middleton 220-7533 • U-10 kids programs ( ages 5 thru 10 ) • Junior programs (ages 11 - 18) Beginner thru high school varsity level • Adult group and private lessons • Junior private lessons Outdoor Season at Parklawn Courts at Middleton high school courts, Middleton 220-7533 • Summer Junior Camps, junior groups ( ages 11 - 18) and private lessons • Adult clinics, groups and private instruction • U-10 kids programs ( ages 5 thru 10 ) • Junior afternoon match play programs (Jr. novice level thru high school varsity level). UW Nielsen Tennis Center; 1000 Highland Ave. Please call 262-0410 for reservations. • 12 Indoor Courts/6 Outdoor Courts, available for play (UW Affiliates 3 days advanced reservations/ General Public 1 day). • High school students can play (with 2-hour advanced notice when U.W. is in session and with 2-day advanced notice when U.W. is not in session). • Lessons available for any age! • For further information please check out our web site at 25 OUTDOOR TENNIS PROGRAMS Lyle Schaefer Tennis Academy, 220-7533, • Instruction is held at the Middleton high school courts (Park Lawn tennis courts), in Middleton • Summer junior tennis camps from mid-June through the first week of August • Junior groups and private lessons (ages 11 - 18). • Adult clinics, groups, and private instruction • U-10 kids programs (ages 5 - 10) • Junior afternoon match play programs (Jr. novice level thru varsity level). Hawks Landing Tennis Club 66 Hawks Landing Circle,Verona, WI 53593 848-5446 June through August Hawks Landing Tennis Club is professionally managed by the Hitters Tennis Club Professional Staff. Hawks Landing Tennis Club is a private facility with affordable summer membership options. Hawks offers a full range of summer tennis activities including Junior Interclub Matchplay, Lessons, Leagues, Socials and more! SUMMER CAMPS Nike Tennis Camp, Wayland Academy, Beaver Dam, WI, 1-800-NIKE CAMP www.ussportscamps/tennis • 1 week sessions in July Whitewater Tennis Camp, UW Whitewater, 1-800-622-0350, • 1 week sessions July-August UW Tennis Camp, • Co-ed Session 1: June 14-18 • Co-ed Session 2: June 26-30 – Overnight - $765; Day - $525 • Girls Elite Session: July 19-23 – Resident - $795; Commuter - $695 Lyle Schaefer Tennis Academy Co-ed Tennis Camp, 220-7533 • Session 1: June 15 - 18 • Session 2: June 22 - 25 • Session 3: July 6 - 9 • Session 4: July 13 - 16 • Session 5: July 20 - 23 • Session 6: July 27 - July 30 • Session 7: August 3 - 6 • Middleton H.S. courts (Park Lawn Tennis Courts), Middleton, WI 26 Understanding Tennis Tournaments and Rankings Tennis rankings can be a bit mysterious to people unfamiliar with the world of junior tennis. The following questions cover the basics: What is junior tennis? In the world of tennis, a “junior player” is a player who has not yet turned 19. Junior tennis tournaments are traditionally held in two-year age-group divisions from 10-and-under to 18-and-under. How is age determined? For tennis purposes, you are the age you will be at the end of month. If you turn 16 on June 30th, you are considered 16 for the entire month of June, but are considered 15 the preceding May. What is a tennis tournament? A tennis tournament is a formal competition in which players play in head-to-head (or doubles team to doubles team) competition. The most familiar format is the single-elimination tournament, run much like the large professional tournaments like the U.S. Open. Junior tournaments often offer a minimum of two matches, placing first-round losers in a consolation tournament. Who sponsors tennis tournaments? A wide variety of organizations run tennis tournaments. A key concept is the difference between a “sanctioned” tournament and a “non-sanctioned” tournament. A sanctioned event is an official United States Tennis Association event. It requires membership in the USTA and the results are used to support rankings. What is a tennis ranking? For many years the United States Tennis Association has promoted competitive tennis for children. One of the ways it supports junior development is providing tournaments of various levels for young players to challenge themselves against other players of similar age and skill. For junior tennis competitions, the USTA divides the country into districts and sections. Madison-area players are eligible for ranking in the Wisconsin District. Top-ranked Wisconsin players are eligible to compete in the Midwest Section, which draws top players from Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, and West Virginia. Only the top players from this multi-state region are invited to the USTA national tournaments. A junior player can have district (state), sectional (regional) or national rankings. In Wisconsin, there are a number of different levels of USTA-affiliated tournaments: Junior Circuit: These are for players looking for their first competitive experiences. Ranked players are not allowed to participate, and USTA membership is not required. Results do not count towards ranking. Open or Challenger Tournaments: Open to all players, regularly attract the better players in the state. 27 When are players ranked? Rankings represent a player’s results in a given age division during a calendar year. How many tournaments do you need to be ranked? The Wisconsin Tennis Association Yearbook spells out the details, but in short, five (non-novice) tournaments in one age division are required. How do I join the USTA? Visit for membership information or call 1-800-990-USTA (8782) between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. ET Monday through Friday 28 29 Date Jan. 17 Feb. 14 March 7 Mar 27-29 April 10-12 May 1-2 May 9 May 15-17 May 30-31 June 5-7 June 12-14 June 19-21 June 26-28 July 11-12 July 17-19 July 27-30 July 30-Aug.1 Aug. 8-9 Aug. 14-16 Aug. 21-23 Sept. 11-12 Sept. 18-20 Oct. 3 Oct. 9-10 Oct 30-Nov. 1 Nov. 7 Nov 20-22 Nov 27-29 Dec. 5 Dec. 11-13 Dec. 27-28 Lake Country Racquet Club Lake Country Racquet Club Lake Country Racquet Club Racine Tennis Club Racine Tennis Club Elite Sports Club - Mequon Lake Country Racquet Club Elite Sports Clubs-North Shore Town Club MTEF/Nicolet Tripoli Country Club Kenosha East Side Tennis Milwaukee Country Club MTEF/Homestead Tripoli Country Club MTEF Team Cup North Shore Country Club MTEF/Homestead Tripoli Country Club Kenosha West Side Tennis Elite Sports Clubs - Mequon Elite Sports Clubs-North Shore Lake Country Racquet Club Cherokee Country Club Elite Sports Clubs-North Shore Lake Country Racquet Club Elite Sports Clubs-North Shore Pleasant Valley Tennis Club Lake Country Racquet Club Racine Tennis Club Pleasant Valley Tennis Club Club/Host Site 2015 Wisconsin USPTA Junior Circuit (Rookie Tour) Hartland Hartland Hartland Racine Racine Mequon Hartland Glendale Milwaukee Milwaukee Milwaukee Kenosha River Hills Milwaukee Milwaukee Milwaukee Mequon Milwaukee Milwaukee Kenosha Mequon Glendale Hartland Madison Glendale Hartland Glendale Pleasant Valley Hartland Racine Pleasant Valley City Tim Shaw Jeff Modrow Tim Eiff Todd Anderson Todd Anderson Scott Ansay Mano Kehoss Jon Calvillo Rick Vetter Jay Massart Jon Calvillo Jim Barnish Andy Paley Jay Massart Jon Calvillo Jay Massart Randy Haws Jay Massart Jon Calvillo Jim Barnish Scott Ansay Jon Calvillo Chris Gracey Tom Chorney Jon Calvillo Joe Kim Jon Calvillo Derek Baker Mano Kehoss Todd Anderson Derek Baker Director (262) 367-4999 (262) 367-4999 (262) 367-4999 (262) 639-6100 (262) 639-6100 (262) 241-4250 (262) 367-4999 (414) 351-2900 (414) 352-1760 (414) 403-6823 (414) 351-7221 (262) 925-1877 (414) 362-5263 (414) 403-6823 (414) 351-7221 (414) 442-8195 (262) 242-7006 (414) 403-6823 (414) 351-7221 (262) 925-1877 (262) 241-4250 (414) 351-2900 (262) 367-4999 (608) 249-1000 (414) 351-2900 (262) 367-4999 (414) 351-2900 (262) 677-3681 (262) 367-4999 (262) 639-6100 (262) 677-3681 Phone B/G 8-16 S B/G 8-16 S B/G 8-16 S B/G 10-18 S/D B/G 12-16 S B/G 10-16 S B/G 8-16 S B/G 10-18 S B/G 10-18 S B/G 10-16 S B/G 10 - 18 S B/G 10-18 S/D B/G 8 -16 S B/G 10-16 S B/G 10-18 S B/G 10-18 S B/G 10-18 S B/G 10-16 S B/G 10-18 S B/G 10-18 S/D B/G 10-16 S B/G 10-18 S B/G 8-16 S B/G 12-18 S B/G 10-18 S B/G 8-16 S B/G 10-18 S B/G 10-18 S B/G 8-16 S B/G 10-18 S/D B/G 10-18 S *Divisions $29 $29 $29 $29/19 $29 $35/20 $29 $35 $35 $35 $35 $29/19 $35 $35 $35 $10 $35 $35 $35 $29/19 $35 $35 $29 $32 $35 $29 $35 $30 $29 $29/19 $30 *Per Player Fee Rookie Tournaments are Level 8 events that do NOT require a USTA junior membership. All events limited to players never ranked above 20th in the age division they are entering in the Wisconsin District. First round consolation is available in all singles divisions. 850061915 850074815 850075015 850066815 850101315 850104515 850075215 850078515 850078315 850089115 850071415 not online/call 850077815 850079715 850076915 850095514 850104415 850080215 850077215 not online/call 850106815 850079115 850075415 850101715 850079215 850075515 850079315 850101915 850075615 850067715 850102015 Tournament ID# 30 31 The Guide to Junior Tennis will only be accessible at the Association’s website ( Greater Madison Tennis Association
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