P O Box 437, Remarie Kapa Drive, Kerikeri 0245. http://www.kerikerinetballcentre Email: admin@kerikerinetballcentre.co.nz 2015 SENIOR AND COLLEGIATE REGISTRATION FORM Return by Friday, April 17, 2015 to P O Box 437, Kerikeri 0245 Season Starts Saturday, 2 May Registration Fee: Senior $600.00 Collegiate $450.00 Fees must be paid in full by the start of the season Payment methods: Direct Credit: ASB Account 12 3091 0064926 00 (please state team name/club/invoice details as reference) Cheque: Payable to the Kerikeri Netball Centre Team Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Team Colours: ____________________________________________________________________ Name of Club/School: ____________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________________________ Email Address: ____________________________________________________________________ We, ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Club have read, understood and agree to abide by the Kerikeri Netball Centre’s Regulations We also understand that from time to time the Kerikeri Netball Centre may place photos of its members on their website for publicity purposes and we give full authority to allow this to happen. Team Delegate Name: __________________________ Signature: ______________________ Please tick: Yes we would like a copy of Kerikeri Netball Centre’s Regulations. Have downloaded our own copy from the Kerikeri Netball Centre’s website www.kerikerinetball.co.nz Dates to note: Thursday, March 19 Friday, April 17 Saturday, May 2 Saturday, May 2 Registration available AGM Senior, Collegiate and Junior Registration return by date Final day to pay Registration Season starts Players Registration First Name Last Name DOB Address Email Phone Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Level of Team (please circle): Premier A-Grade B-Grade C-Grade The Kerikeri Netball Centre Committee reserves the right to grade teams and regrade if necessary. Contacts Address Phone Email Coach: Manager: Umpire 1: Umpire 2: Coach/es, managers, and umpires become members of the Kerikeri Netball Centre by association with the above named club.
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