K Khazar Unniversity Scholarshhip Progrram for Innternationnal Studennts I. General Principles P Khazaar Universityy is the first private p Univversity in thee South Cauccasus that staarted implem menting internaational education prograams with Engglish languag ge as a mediium of instru uction. Pursuuant to its pollicy and serv vice commitm ments the Unniversity is proud p to annnounce a Khaazar Universsity Internaational Schoolarship Proggram for 20114-2015 (furrther referredd as KUISP) extended too nationnals of all couuntries withoout any limittation. uiding princiiples of the program p are as follows. The gu ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ All foreign n citizens aree eligible forr the Khazar University S Scholarship Program furrther referred to as KUISP. KUISP is available a forr potential sttudents of alll four schoolls of the Uniiversity. As the Sch hool of Education conduccts its coursees in the Azeerbaijani lannguage, the scholarshipps for enrollm ment in that school are designated d foor applicantss with sufficcient Azerbaijanni-Turkish laanguage skillls (native Azzerbaijani sppeakers who are citizens of foreign cou untries; citizzens of Turkeey and Iran). Applicants to bachelor, master andd PhD progrrams are eliggible to apply y for KUISP P. Every yearr two scholarrships, each covering thee cost of the full tuition fee, will be awarded to o citizens of each countryy who apply y to Khazar U University prrograms. The scholaarship is provvided for onne year subject to prolonggation basedd on the acaddemic performancce of the graantee. The scholaarship coverss the cost of the tuition fee f for the whole w program m term, but does not cover living l and traavel expensees. Khazar Unniversity connducts evaluaation and thee selection of submitted applicationss via document screening annd skype inteerviews withh shortlisted applicants. The T details aand the time framee of the selecction are speecified in thee KUISP tim me schedule (Section II beelow). II. The time schedule of application and selection KUISP is implemented according to an annually developed and approved implementation plan. Implementation activities, the time scheme and implementing bodies are specified in the table below: Activities Date Announcement of Dec 15 the KUISP annual plan Collection of applications Evaluation and selection May 31 Announcement of selection results End of June MidJune III. Comments Announcement will be placed on Khazar website (http://www.khazar.org/s818/International/en , International office page on Facebook, websites of partner universities abroad. Applications will be submitted by e-mail and the required documents should be scanned and sent. The Selection Committee established by the University will consider and decide about scholarship awards facilitated by the designated International office staff . Skype calls may be arranged with shortlisted applicants. The selection results will be posted on the website, communicated by e-mail to applicants and partner organizations (Embassies and Universities) Scholarship application procedure The applicants may apply for the scholarship simultaneously with their application (http://www.khazar.org/s826/Application-for-International-Admission/en ) to Khazar University programs by the submission of the KUISP application form available on the University website . IV. Eligibility criteria The successful applicants should meet the following criteria ‐ Have good academic performance records of the previous education stage (high school, bachelor or master programs) ‐ Good English skills (provide TOEFL, IELTS certificates. Holders of International Bachelor degree certificates or diplomas from a high school with English as a major medium of instruction do not need a language skill justification document) ‐ Motivated to study at Khazar University, Azerbaijan ‐ Good communication skills and sociability App plicatio on for Admissi A ion (2013-20144) Direcctions Pleasee read these directions d veery carefullyy. Failure to follow f the gguidelines beelow may ressult in the wiithdrawal of your applicaation from thhe selection process. E All documents d i issued 1. Clearly type orr print (in innk) all the reqquested information in English. guage must be b translatedd into English by either aan official traanslation serrvice or in another lang y/college yoour university 2. Alll sections off the applicattion form muust be comp pleted. The foorm must bee sent to Khaazar Un niversity Admissions Offfice with alll the documeents requiredd by the Univversity. Atttachments shhould clearlyy indicate thhe applicant’s name, conntact address and the schoool appplied to. 3. Yo our applicatiion should bee accompaniied by two leetters of refeerence writteen by peoplee who can n evaluate your academiic abilities annd suitabilityy for the proogram of studdy you are inttending to puursue. 4. Ap pplicants wh ho wish to ap pply to moree than one school or proggram of the University U m must sub bmit a corresponding nuumber of coppies of this application a foorm, togetheer with all thhe acccompanying g documents. 5. Ap pplications must m be eitheer sent by poost, deliveredd in person or o faxed to th he Universityy not latter than the deadline. d Ap pplications m may also be turned t in by email (along g with scannned coppies of all reequired docuuments), but then the app plicant shoulld follow up the email byy sennding copiess of all requiired documents by post. Acad demic Prrograms Informat I tion Pleasee indicate deegree and accademic proggram to whicch you are ap applying. o that you chhoose) Degree Prograams (leave one The School of En ngineering and a Applied d Science Com MS mputer Sciennce BS Ph.D D. Com mputer Engiineering BS MS Maathematics -----D. Ph.D ----- Petrroleum and Gas Engineeering BS Ph.D D. MS Eleectronics, Telecommuniccations andd Radio Engineering BS ---- Cheemical Enginneering BS ------ Civvil Engineeriing BS (In nstruction lannguage is Azerbaijani T Turkish) Bioomedical Enggineering BS (In nstruction lannguage is Azerbaijani T Turkish) The School of Economics and Managem ment Finnance Acccounting andd Auditing Bussiness Administration BBA BBA BBA MBA MBA MBA D. Ph.D --------------------- Management Project management Economics International Economics World Economy Marketing BBA ------ BS --- BBA MBA MBA MS MBA MBA Ph.D. ----- Ph.D. Ph. D. --- The School of Humanities and Social Sciences Area Studies (European Studies, , American Studies, and other regions of the world) BA International Relations BA Translation Studies BA English Language and Literature BA Political Science BA Social Philosophy ---- History of Philosophy ----- Germanic languages Psychology BA MA MA MA MA MA ------------ -------- Ph.D ------------------ Ph. D. Ph. D. Ph.D. Ph.D. --- --- The School of Education (language of instruction is Azerbaijani Turkish) Azerbaijan Language and Literature Azerbaijan Language and Literature Education Elementary Education Theory and History of Education English Language and Literature Education Mathematics and Computer Education General Linguistics Chemistry Education Biology Education History Education Geography Education BA BA BA ---- BA BA -- BA BA BA BA MA Ph.D -- Ph.D. Ph.D. -------- MA --- --- -------------- --- Personal Data Name _____________________________________________________________________ Family Title Mr. Gender Marital status first Mrs. Male Ms. middle Other (please indicate) ______________ Female Single Married Divorced Mailing address ____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Home telephone ___________________ Business telephone ________________________ Country and city codes country and city codes Fax _____________________________ Email ____________________________________ Date of birth ______________________ Citizenship _______________________________ Month/day/year International passport number ________________ Expiration Date _________________ Academic Background Indicate all academic institutions (including study abroad programs) you have attended or are currently attending with the most recent listed first. Institutions (city, state/country) Dates attended Diplomas, certificates, degrees Field of study Professional Experience Please begin with the most recent. Employer/Institution Period of Employment Position and Duties Languages Your native language __________________________________________________ Other languages you speak, read or write. Please categorize as "excellent", "good", "poor". Language Reading Speaking Admission Requirements All applicants are required to: 9 Complete and submit the official Khazar University Application 9 Earn a bachelor degree or equivalent (for graduate applicants only) 9 Demonstrate English language proficiency 9 Submit the following documents: Writing 1. Medical Examination Certificate 2. Full resume or Curriculum Vitae 3. Copy of first degree certificate or diploma (for graduate applicants only) 4. A copy of official transcript 5. Standardized English language test scores are not compulsory; however the applicants with these scores have competitive advantage. (For BS, BA minimum TOEFL score is 500, for MA, MS, MBA, Ph.D. minimum TOEFL score is 550). 6. Personal statement in English addressing academic interests and objectives, professional experience and future goals 7. At least two references from individuals who can evaluate applicant's academic or professional skills and experience Tuition Khazar University reserves the right to change the tuition fees from year to year. The annual tuition fee for all programs is AZN 5000. The tuition does not include accommodation or living expenses. Before starting his/her studies at Khazar University, an international student must pay at least one year’s tuition fee. After paying the tuition fee, in the case that the student decides to use Khazar University as a bridge to leave for another country or to change for another university, then the paid tuition fee will not be refunded. Scholarship Khazar University provides two scholarships for students of every country (Khazar University International Scholarship Program: KUISP). The scholarship covers the total amount of the tuition fee for the whole program of study at the University in either undergraduate or graduate studies. If you want to apply for the scholarship, please tick the appropriate box and then download the KUISP application form from the International Office website, fill in and submit it along with the full application package. Are you applying for KUISP: Yes No Deadlines Khazar University accepts applications throughout the academic year until the programs are full. It is in your interest that your application with the accompanied materials is registered before May 31 if applying for the Fall Semester February 1 if applying for the Spring Semester How did you hear about Khazar University? Friend Web search Agency Other (please specify) _______________________ Date: _______________________ Signature: Please submit this form to: Khazar University Admissions Office 11 Mehseti St., AZ1096 Baku, Azerbaijan Phone: +994 12 4217916 Fax: +994 12 4989379 Email: snajafzadeh@khazar.org or contact@khazar.org URL: http://www.khazar.org _______________________ APPLICATION For Khazar University International Scholarship (KUISP) (2014-2015) Personal Data Name _____________________________________________________________________ Family Title Mr. Gender Marital status first Mrs. Male Ms. middle Other (please indicate) ______________ Female Single Married Divorced Mailing address ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Home telephone ___________________ Business telephone ________________________ Country and city codes country and city codes Fax:___________________ Email:_______________________ Skype: ___________________ Date of birth ______________________ Citizenship _______________________________ Month/day/year International passport number ________________ Expiration Date _________________ Please indicate the education program to which the application was submitted For citizens of all countries: Undergraduate programs Petroleum and Gas Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Science Electronics and Telecommunications Chemical Engineering Accounting and Auditing Finance Economics Management Marketing Business Administration English Language and Literature Master programs Computer Science Petroleum and Gas Engineering Computer Engineering Political Science International Relations Area Studies (American and European Studies) Linguistics (English literature) Translation PhD programs Computer Science Mathematics Economics World Economy Management Finance Translation Studies Political Science Area Studies (American and European Studies) International Relations Psychology International Economics (MBA) Accounting and Auditing (MBA) Finance (MBA) Marketing (MBA) Business Administration (MBA) Management (MBA) Project management (MBA) International Relations Political Science Social Philosophy History of Philosophy Germanic Languages For applicants with sufficient Azerbaijani Turkish language skills (native Azerbaijani speakers- citizens of foreign countries; citizens of Turkey and Iran)1 Undergraduate programs 1 Courses below are taught in Azerbaijani Turkish language. Citizens of these countries are also free to apply for programs designated for all countries’ citizens, where the language of instruction is English. Mathematics and Computer Education Chemistry Education Biology Education Geography Education History Education Civil Engineering Biomedical Engineering Elementary Education Azerbaijani Language and Literature Azerbaijani Language and Literature Education Master Programs Elementary Education Linguistics (Azerbaijan Language and Literature) Theory and History of Education PhD programs Elementary Education Linguistics (Azerbaijan Language and Literature) Theory and History of Education PLEASE ATTACH TO THIS APPLICATION: 1) Motivation letter: specify why you decided to come to Azerbaijan and Khazar University for study and indicate the reason why you consider yourself eligible for a tuition exemption How did you hear about Khazar University Scholarship program? Friend Web search Agency Other (please specify): ____________________ Date: _______________________ Signature: _______________________ Please submit this form with all admission documents by May 31 to: Khazar University Admissions Office 11 Mehseti St., AZ1096 Baku, Azerbaijan Phone: +994 12 4217916 Fax: +994 12 4989379 Email: snajafzadeh@khazar.org or contact@khazar.org URL: http://www.khazar.org
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