Geodynamics Research International Bulletin (GRIB), Vol. (2), No. 05, SN:08, Winter 2015 All rights reserved for GRIB Available online at: GRIB Vol. (2), No. 05, SN:08, Winter 2015 1st Article- P. I to VIII ISSN 2345 - 4997 Geodynamics Research International Bulletin A DEM Based Appraisal of Neotectonics in Potwar Plateau, N. Pakistan Seyed Amer Mahmood 1*, Jahanzeb Qureshi2, Amer Masood3 1 2 Associate Professor, Department of Space Science, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan Assistant Professor, Department of Space Science, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan 3 Department of Space Science, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan * Corresponding Author ( Article History: Revised: Feb. 25, 2014 Received: Feb. 15, 2014 Accepted: Mar. 08, 2014 Reviewed: Feb. 21, 2014 Published: Mar. 16, 2014 ABSTRACT The Potwar Plateau is a lower part of North West Himalayan thrust and fold belt and is a result of ongoing subduction of Indian plate beneath Eurasia. The objective of this investigation is to identify active tectonics and associated severe topographic deformation through geomorphic indices from DEM. The SRTM DEM with 90 m resolution is used for such analysis. The stream-length gradient index, concavity, steepness, relative uplift rates and isobase map were extracted using standard algorithms. Comprehensive analyses were carried out based on geomorphic indices. These analyses indicated the direct control of neotectonics over the local topography drainage network. The steepness index shows that the northern Potwar is more elevated than the southern Potwar. The spatial distributions of variable uplift rates are indicative of unique surface deformation within the Potwar plateau. The isobase map revealed different local base-level inconsistencies that correspond to the prominent active structures and lithological demarcations as presented in the printed geological maps. The orientation, deflection and interruptions of the local base levels correspond well with the local active tectonics, regional uplifts. The visual interpretation of Landsat imagery shows major tectonic control over drainage network and offset streams which are consistent with river longitudinal profile analysis. Keywords: DEM, River Profile Analysis, Isobase, Neotectonics, Potwar Plateau. 1. INTRODUCTION Fold and thrust belts are created as a result of collisional zones, e.g., the northwest-Himalayan Folded and Thrusted Belt (NWHFTB) is a consequence of downward movement of the IndoPak continent below the continent of Eurasia. The NWHFTB is comprised of skinny tectonics. The Potwar Plateau (PP) is situated at the west edge of Indian Eurasian crash zone. The topography of Potwar Plateau (PP) is an aftermath of composite interaction between regional tectonics and erosion. The rugged region is an utmost protruding topographic feature on the planet earth. In the absence of erosion, the apparent surface geometry of a hilly terrain may reflect dominance of tectonic processes (Mahmood and Gloaguen, 2011). Potwar plateau (PP) extends down from MBT in the north to the salt range in the south and shows low activity in the context of earthquakes and is structurally very composite. Jhelum and Kalabagh faults make a conjugate set in the eastern and western sides of the Potwar Plateau, respectively. Mangla and Maira faults are located in the eastern part of PP and are about 10 km long. They are tectonically active features and are oriented with a dip slip movement that has been documented along their traces (Nakata et al., 1991). Another prominent active tectonic feature in the PP region is the Kheri Murat fault in the tectonic map of PP with different local faults. The Indo-Pakistan Plate belongs to the east Gondwanaland (Valdiya, 1997). Gondwana was named after of a district in India where the fossil plant named Glossopteris was found (Wadia, 1957; Ganser, 1964). Potwar plateau emerged as a result of collision between Eurasian and the Indian plate that created large scale regional structures. This plateau is roughly defined by the rivers Indus and Jhelum to the west and east, the Kalachitta-Margalla Hill Ranges to the north and the Salt Range to the south. It is mostly covered by the Siwalik sequence. At some places, upper Eocene shales and lime-stones crop out locally in folded inliers. Its northern region, termed as the North Potwar and complex folds, reversed to the south and clipped by steep-angle faults. I Geodynamics Research International Bulletin (GRIB), Vol. (2), No. 05, SN:08, Winter 2015 All rights reserved for GRIB Geodynamics Research International Bulletin (GRIB), Vol. (2), No. 05, SN:08, Winter 2015 NPDZ is followed to the south by asymmetrical, wide and broad Soan syncline with a gently northward dipping southern flank along the Salt Range and a steeply dipping northern limb along NPDZ . In the western part, this basin consists of many east-west, broad and gentle folds (wavelength 26-40 km). In its eastern part, the strike sharply changes to the northeast and the structures comprise tightly folded anticlines and broad synclines (fold wavelength 10-12 km). Axial zones of most All rights reserved for GRIB anticlines dip steeply or are overturned. Faulting of the anticlines is rare (Pennock, et al. 1989). This east to west difference in the structural style has been attributed to the reduced thickness of evaporates and lesser basement slope in the eastern part of the Potwar and Salt Range. Increased drag at the base of the section has formed relatively complicated structures due to greater internal deformation (Lillie, et al. 1987) (Figs.1, 2). Fig 1. Tectonic of Hindu Kush-Himalaya –Karakoram- Pamirs shows reported new confirmed faults with inset in Pakistan and surrounding areas (Mahmood and Gloaguen, 2011). Fig 2. Location of the study area of Potwar Plateau and Kalabagh fault zone (northern Pakistan) II Geodynamics Research International Bulletin (GRIB), Vol. (2), No. 05, SN:08, Winter 2015 All rights reserved for GRIB Geodynamics Research International Bulletin (GRIB), Vol. (2), No. 05, SN:08, Winter 2015 Northern Potwar Plateau Deformed Zone (NPDZ) is more deeply deformed. Is it characterized by eastwest, tight and complex folds reversed to the south and clipped by steep-angle faults. The spatial distribution of the neotectonics in SubHimalayan Thrust Belt (SHTB) is of great importance for scientists because of its implication to better understand the Himalayan development (Ahmad et al, 2005). On the other hand, a very modest consideration has been given to the SHTB, particularly towards the connection between neotectonics, erosion and topographic processes. The purpose of this research is to inspect the connection among neotectonics and surface processes and consequential neotectonic deformation in the SHTB by analyzing DEM-based geomorphic indices and visually interpreted structures from Landsat data. Stream profile analysis is the main focus of this research due to its ability to provide vital information about the neotectonic deformation and erosional processes in the study area (Mahmood and Gloaguen, 2011). An isobase map for the Potowar plateau was generated in order to constrain neotectonics; related surface deformation, erosional scarps and their relationship with the local faults/lineaments or lithologic variations. This investigation is elevation based automatically extracted stream system which is then employed through stream power law. The isobase map would be another tool to cross validate the steepness and relative uplift maps as it yields information regarding different erosional and neotectonic stages of landscape development with variations in different local base levels. Both these techniques are quite handy tools to constrain neotectonics surface deformation in the Potwar Plateau. 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS The SRTM DEM 90 m is used to extract the geomorphic features including hack index, relative uplift rate and Isobase level. The drainage network was extracted automatically using Matlab-based algorithm from the SRTM DEM 90 m. The SRTM DEM is unable to collect data at some places with rugged relief, due to which pits/holes are accumulated as part of the dataset and can pose problems for the smooth extractions of stream network, which is used for the stream profile analysis. These holes are fixed using Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) interpolation that produced location dependent values for such pits in DEM. The stream length gradient index is calculated by using the method employed by Hack (1957, 1973) and is illustrated as: (1) S = k s A −θ All rights reserved for GRIB The concavity θ is computed via the θ values of the upper segments of all individual streams. Consequently, normalized steepness index “ksnn” is computed by means of θ . The knick points are important as their upstream migration helps to know the response of landscape to a local based level drop and the consequent sediments fluxes from revived catchments (Bishop et al, 2005). We identified many knick-points on various river longitudinal elevationdistance profiles to see the tectonic/ lithological contrast. We used SRTM DEM ( (Jarvis et al, 2008) with spatial resolution of 90 m to extract drainage network of different Strahler orders (Strahler, 1952) automatically, e.g., 1, 2, 3 and so on. The local base level map is prepared on the basis of intersection of Strahler stream order, for example a third order tributary is s fragment along the downstream, the meeting of any two second order tributary and a third order segment is formed by the confluence of any two third order tributaries and so on. To generate a second order isobase level map, we use all Strahler order tributaries instead of those of the first order tributaries. Isobase map represents a simplified shape of actual3D Landscape where we actually neglect the relief above the Isobase surface. Previously, physical generation of isobase maps was a time-consuming procedure. Drainage network classification based on different Strahler orders and the explanation of isobase lines needs highly qualitative toposheets at an appropriate scale. For the DEM based automatic extraction and classification of drainage network permits the required data for a larger area in a quick and efficient manner with no cost (Grohmann et al, 2011). It is observed that the Strahler stream order highly relies on spatial resolution of the DEM, which means that high resolution DEM will generate denser stream network and vice versa. It simply means that the main rivers will represent a higher Strahler order. The DEM based stream network classification along with the elevation points used to interpolate the isobase surfaces can be derived by draping the required Strahler stream order with the DEM based contours (Stewart and Hannock, 1990). The exclusion of the first order Strahler streams decreases the noise in the digital elevation model that can help improve the detection of a fault scarp/erosional scarp or any other morphotectonic feature that can be significant in topographic development. For instance, the geomorphic development of a thrust fault scarp, the preliminary boundary condition is perturbed by the thrust fault and the knick zones along the river longitudinal profile explain the convex up/ concave down profiles due to the thrust evolution different boundaries of erosional surface and accordingly the profile geometry development in a way that the erosional III Geodynamics Research International Bulletin (GRIB), Vol. (2), No. 05, SN:08, Winter 2015 All rights reserved for GRIB Geodynamics Research International Bulletin (GRIB), Vol. (2), No. 05, SN:08, Winter 2015 processes start appearing significant in different stages. According to (Zuchiewicz and Oaks., 1993) 105-106 years is enough to fade out a recently All rights reserved for GRIB developed tectonic scarp to a stage somewhere, all the off cuts have been removed (Fig. 3). Fig 3 Mechanism of isobase line preparation, junction of 2nd and 3rd order streams with the local contour map such that the junction of 2nd and 3 rd order stream intersect the contour line and generate one point whose interpolation gives rise to local base levels (isobase levels) 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The stream distribution is not uniform because of the different tectonic activities in the PP and KBFZ. The change in the channel space in SHTB is presented by the extracted drainage densities. Extracted drainage densities and patterns present the variations of channel space and configurations in the SHTB. The sharpness of knick points represents neotectonic events, river captures or lithologic contrasts (Fig. 4). A very sharp knick point means it has developed more recently (Wobus et al, 2006). Fig. 4. Geological map of Potwar Plateau draped over SRTM DEM. IV Geodynamics Research International Bulletin (GRIB), Vol. (2), No. 05, SN:08, Winter 2015 All rights reserved for GRIB Geodynamics Research International Bulletin (GRIB), Vol. (2), No. 05, SN:08, Winter 2015 The sudden changes in the geomorphic indices indicate changes due to neotectonic activity and a gradual change in lithology. Higher values of steepness index or relative uplift rates are observed in eastern section of the plateau because the steepness index is directly proportional to the relative uplift as compared to the center and west of the of the PP, which means more active deformation . Previous studies (Moghal et al, 2003) also suggest a similar scenario. The hack map shows predominantly more All rights reserved for GRIB gradient values in the NPDZas compared to SPPZ. This map shows hack indices interpolated (from topo to raster) from values of each segment of the automated extracted drainage network (segment interval = 100m). The known major fault traces are shown by thick black lines. The highest hack index values which underline actually anomalously steep slopes are mainly encountered along plateau margins and near the fault traces. (Fig. 5) Fig 5. Hack gradient index map PP showing the spatial distribution of variations indicative of both tectonic (anticlines and synclines) and lithological control on the local drainage network. We prepared the relative uplift map for the Potwar Plateau and outskirts for the first time using the above mentioned geomorphic indices. We have tried to correlate the relative uplift map to the recent ongoing deformation process. The relative uplift map shows differential uplift conditions in different parts of the study area. In the north-northeast (NNE) of the study area, the uplift rate ranges from 0.61 to 1.07 mm/year. In the western section, it ranges from 0.23 to 0.60 mm/year. In the southern section, these rates range from 0.07 to 0.35 mm/year. This clearly suggests that the NNE section is being uplifted more compared to the rest of the Potwar Plateau. The obtained results also showed that the spatial flow pattern of the streams and their orientations are also controlled by the local faults e.g. in the study area most of the local faults in the Potwar Plateau are NNE-SSW oriented, East-West oriented and so is the drainage network. The localized lineaments play a crucial role in the development of the shape of the local spatial drainage patterns, which are based on Strahler stream orders with the DEM based contours (see Figure 6). Stream profile analysis used the assumption of dynamic equilibrium under the steady state condition. The spatial distribution of relative uplift rate in Potwar Plateau and its vicinity is quite variable. This is a clear indication that the present existence of different sections of the Potwar Plateau with different relative uplift rates was developed at different stages. (Fig. 6). V Geodynamics Research International Bulletin (GRIB), Vol. (2), No. 05, SN:08, Winter 2015 All rights reserved for GRIB Geodynamics Research International Bulletin (GRIB), Vol. (2), No. 05, SN:08, Winter 2015 All rights reserved for GRIB Fig. 6. Map showing relative differential uplift rates interpolated from uplift rate index (steepness index) values for selected streams. Keeping in view the past studies regarding the understanding of regional scale morphotectonics, the isobase map for the Potwar Plateau and Kalabagh fault zone was prepared using the second and third stream Strahler orders. This map revealed excellent results. We generated isobase contours with spatial intervals (100 m) using ArcGIS 10 and prepared isobase maps as shown. Both small and large structures can be identified from the generated isobase maps in the visual context. Some of these structures are associated with neotectonic activity (Fig. 7). Fig. 7. Isobase map with 100 m interval isobase contour lines VI Geodynamics Research International Bulletin (GRIB), Vol. (2), No. 05, SN:08, Winter 2015 All rights reserved for GRIB Geodynamics Research International Bulletin (GRIB), Vol. (2), No. 05, SN:08, Winter 2015 The ellipse #1 shows the Attock-Cherat-Range (ACR). We can clearly observe the deflection of isobase contour lines which are NE-SW oriented along the NE-SW propagation of the ACR indicating various differential stages of erosion. This deflection indicates that ACR is a tectonically active range and isobase maps reveal a possible of five to six episodes of quick relative neotectonic/erosional /uplift stages. The existing deep narrow canyons/gorges and valleys in ACR could have been developed due to the episodic neotectonic uplift resulting from the subsequent erosion and shaping. The eroded sediments were dumped in the foothills of the ACR as alluvial fans at the piedmont-mountain junction and plains in the southern Peshawar basin. The neotectonic activity along ACR is shown by the capture of Indus River in a NE-SW direction as initially it was flowing in N-S direction just after the confluence of Kabul and Indus rivers. The river capture is under the neotectonic influence of ACR rather than lithologic one. The ellipse#2 illustrates the region of Main boundary thrust (MBT) and the closely packed isobase lines in this region again reflect the severe nature of E-W oriented thrust faulting. A strong E-W orientation of the isobase lines evidences the orientation of the MBT. This zone tips-off a major drainage capture as the Jhelum River flows in a SSE, SSW and then SSE direction again while making sudden inflexions in a very short distance. The quick inflexion of the rivers dictates the strong neotectonic influence over the Jhelum River. The ellipse#3 in the isobase map represents the region of Salt Range in Potowar Plateau, which shows relatively more erosion compared to MBT and ACR. It means that the Salt range may be less active seismically in comparison with MBT and ACR which are more active tectonically, for they show higher local base level values. Higher isobase values are indicators of more uplifted conditions/less eroded areas. The ellipse#4 in the isobase map represents the region 60 km north of Mianwali, at Kalabagh site, the Indus River is captured by the dextral Kalabagh fault. A prominent NE-SW inflextion of the river can be observed clearly while Indus River makes an exit from Potowar Plateau. The higher isobase values in the north-eastern section of the Salt Range Thrust (SRT) are higher compared to the south-western and central parts of the SRT, Which means that all these three different parts of the SRT show differential erosion rates which is another indication of the non-steady state environment or zones of differential relative uplift rates. The alignment of automated lineaments reveals that they are very much in accordance with the already published local and regional structures (e.g., in MBT in the NE, ACR in the NW and in entire salt range in southern Potwar Plateau. All rights reserved for GRIB 4. CONCLUSION The automated drainage network based on DEM is an important tool for computer based analysis of stream profiles as it gives information about the landscape and surface deformation in the study area. As the tectonics of the region continues to develop, in the same way the drainage network continues to be influenced accordingly. The relative uplift rate map of the study area indicates that NPDZ is more deformed tectonically (higher uplift) compared to the SPPZ. The stream length gradient map also shows higher gradients on the NNE side than on the SSW side. The spatial drainage network seems to be controlled by the local and regional faults. This suggests that lineaments and streams have a local correlation which is clear from the orientation style of drainage network and local faults. The Geomorphometric features are important and effective indicators for neotectonic studies in a young tectonic regime with low elevation. SRTM DEM based isobase technique has been quite useful, quick and efficient for morphotectonic investigation. In this research, an example from the Potwar Plateau and its outskirts was examined for the differential erosional/neotectonic events. Isobase map prepared from the automated DEM based drainage network using second and third Strahler stream order has generated excellent results which are consistent with the neotectonics of the Potwar Plateau. The eastwest orientation of the MBT, NE-SW orientation of the ACR and NE-SW orientation of the SRT and the resulting major drainage capture of Indus River at ACR and at dextral Kalabagh Fault Zone (KBFZ) correspond to recent tectonic activity. The morphostructures drawn from the isobase map also provides a close visual relationship with the in situ scenario. Isobase maps permit the quick, delineation, recognition and orientation of neotectonics that present either poor or very less exposed expressions on the thematic maps. Free usage of remote sensing data (SRTM DEM) and MATLAB software facilitates state of the art research in the field of tectonic geomorphology ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors are thankful to department of space science, university of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan, for providing necessary remote sensing and GIS laboratories facilities and field work support. REFRENCES Mahmood, S. A and Gloguen, R (2011) Analysing spatial autocorrelation for hypsometricintegral to discriminate neotectonics and lithologies using DEMs and GIS. GIS Science and Remote Sensing,.48(4): 541-565. VII Geodynamics Research International Bulletin (GRIB), Vol. (2), No. 05, SN:08, Winter 2015 All rights reserved for GRIB Geodynamics Research International Bulletin (GRIB), Vol. (2), No. 05, SN:08, Winter 2015 Nakata, T., Tsutsumi, H., Khan, S. H. and Lawrence, R. D. (1991). Active Faults of Pakistan,Map Sheets and Inventories. Research Special publication no. 21, Center for Regional Geography, Hiroshima University, Japan. 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