Springdale, Arkansas MARCH 22 FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT JOHN 12:2-33 Pastor: Fr. John Connell Associate Pastor: Fr. Juan Guido Deacon: Chuck Marino Deacon: Dan Cashman Mass and Reconciliation Schedule Weekend Mass Daily Mass Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 4:00 PM English 7:00 AM English 8:30 AM Spanish 10:30 AM English 12:30 PM Spanish 5:15 PM Spanish 7:00 PM Spanish 12:00 PM English 6:30 PM Spanish 12:00 PM Spanish, 6:00 PM English 8:30 AM English, 6:30 PM Spanish 8:30 AM English Holy Day Mass As Announced Sacrament of Reconciliation Wednesday Tues. & Thur. Saturday (except 5:00 PM - 5:45 PM Bilingual 5:30 PM - 6:15 PM Bilingual 9:00 AM - 10 AM , and 3:00 PM Bilingual 5th Saturday canceled) Sacred Heart Adoration Chapel Open 24 / 7 except during Masses & Triduum Located on the west side of the church building— look for the bronze Sacred Heart of Jesus Statue. PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We the people of St. Raphael Roman Catholic Church bring together diverse gifts and backgrounds to form a growing vibrant community centered in the Eucharist, the source and sign of our unity. In pilgrimage to the Kingdom of God, our mission is to demonstrate God's presence and love through: worshipping together, spreading the Good News, serving others, and enjoying Christ-Centered activities. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are committed to sharing our time, our talents, and our treasures to fulfill God's will for our parish. KEY VERSE: "And when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to myself" (v 32). TO LOVE: I adore you O Christ and I worship you, because by your holy cross, you have redeemed the world. TO SERVE: Am I willing to sacrifice my attachment to things of the world in order to serve Jesus? Important Telephone Numbers Office: (479) 756-6711 FAX: (479) 756-8818 Preschool (479) 756-6711 ext. 309 Office Hours 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon Friday Closed Holidays / Holy Days NEW Gift Shop Hours Open 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM Saturday 9:30 AM - 2:30 PM Sunday Closed Monday 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM - Tuesday - Friday 1386 South West End St. Springdale, AR 72764 E-mail: info@straphaelcc.org Web site: www.straphaelcc.org Diocese of Little Rock website: www.dolr.org WELCOME: If you are new to our parish we would like to welcome you and invite you to become a member of our parish. Please see the welcome booth in the vestibule after most weekend masses or come by the Parish Office. You may also obtain a registration form online on our web page at www.straphaelcc.org. MARRIAGE: Preparation must begin a minimum of 6 months before a proposed wedding date whether St. Raphael or another Catholic Church. Wedding dates will be reserved after the first appointment. You must obtain a new baptismal certificate from your baptismal church before scheduling 1st meeting. BAPTISM: A required parents preparation meeting is held every three months on the 2nd Tuesday if there are registrants in January, April, July and October at 7:00 PM in the Brides room. Parental instruction is encouraged during pregnancy. Please call the office if you are not registered. BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS: Please have all bulletin announcements turned into the office by e-mail or in writing not later than Friday noon the week before publication date. Thank you. FACILITY RESERVATIONS: Parish organizations or anyone planning to use any of the Parish facilities must fill out the facility reservation form in the office and get it approved before making further plans. Any schedule or room changes must also be approved. PRAYER INTENTION BOOK: Special intentions may be recorded in the Prayer Intention Book located in the narthex of the Church. The book is brought to the altar at the Offertory. HOSPITAL / SICK AND INFIRM VISITATION: Please contact the church office with information pertaining to any parishioner or Catholic who is in the hospital, Nursing Home or homebound so arrangements can be made for someone from the church to visit them or bring them communion. SAINT RAPHAEL FOOD PANTRY: Our Food Pantry is open for those in need on Tuesdays & Thursday’s from5:30 PM — 6:30 PM, and the last Saturday of the month 10:00 AM —11:00 AM. Must have a photo ID. MASS IN TRANSIT: Going out of town? Go to www.masstimes.org to find the mass time for churches throughout the United States. Are you new to St. Raphael? Please stop by the office to register as a member or go to this link on our webpage: http://www.straphaelcc.org/documents/ StRaphaelsNewRegistration.pdf. Why register? Are you getting married, wanting to have your baby baptized, need to register your children in religious education are becoming a sponsor / God Parent or need a letter of Good Standing? All these require being a registered member. St. Raphael Catholic Church, Springdale, Arkansas Also connect through our Trumpet newsletter TODAY’S GOSPEL REFLECTION As Jesus' public ministry drew to a close, many refused to believe in him despite the many signs that pointed to God's revela on in him. Some Gen les ("Greeks") come to the disciples reques ng to "see Jesus" (v 21). The "hour" (v 23) of Jesus' dying and rising would be the final sign that pointed to the saving mission of God at work in him. He made the com‐ parison of a seemingly lifeless grain of wheat, which, when buried in the earth, came to life and bore fruit. Anyone who wished to serve Jesus must be willing to imitate him, even to the point of giving up one's life. Jesus was s rred to the depths as he envisioned his own immola on, but he did not retreat from his goal to give glory to God. When Jesus was "li ed up from the earth" ( v.32), all people would be drawn by God's love mani‐ fested by the sign of the cross. On the Fi h Sunday of Lent, we celebrate the Third Scru ny of the Elect (RCIA, 171). When the elect, cate‐ chumens and candidates are present, the story of the Raising of Lazarus is read (Jn 11).In the Scru ny Rites, those preparing for bap sm at the Easter Vigil as well as the en re assembly are called to examine the areas in their lives that block God's love and discover where they are entombed in sin and need to experience the life of the Risen Christ. During this week the Presenta on of the Lord's Prayer is celebrated with the elect (RCIA, 178). LOCAL RECONCILIATION SERVICES ~ LENT 2015 Church City Time Date Tuesday, March 24, 2015 St Bernard Bella Vista 2:00PM Tuesday, March 24, 2015 St Raphael Springdale 6:00PM ers. If you can’t volunteer your me, then dona ons would also be greatly appreciated! A list of needed dona ons will go out closer to the week of VBS, so be on the lookout. If you are interested in helping, please email Mary Engledowl at mengledowl@straphaelcc.org LIGHTHOUSE CD’S: Do you commute to work or travel? Or do you take Spring or summer vaca on driving across the country? Lighthouse CD’s are a great way to increase your Catholic knowledge and spirituality as you drive along. During this Lent, take an easier Lenten mission for the busy person you are. Oh, and all for a great price!! $3.00 each!. Many awe‐ some tles to choose from. The Cd's are always available in the gi shop where you will also find many books and resources for your spiritual jour‐ ney this Lent and beyond. UPCOMING CANCELATIONS: Here is the list of dates that there will be no confession on Saturdays at 9 AM: April 4th – Holy Saturday April 11th – First Communion Mass April 18th – First Communion Mass May 30th – Fi h Saturday MASS CANCELED: On March 30th the Monday noon Mass is canceled. NEEDED: We are in need of Sacristans, Lectors, Ushers and Extraordinary Ministers of Communion. This is a great way to get to know your fellow parishioners and give your me to the Lord. Call the office if you are in‐ terested or have ques ons. MUSIC LEADER OPENING: St. Vincent de Paul Church is seeking an expe‐ rienced Catholic contemporary music leader of a band to play at the 4pm/5:30pm Life Teen Mass. This posi on is approximately 12 hours per week (some office hours to gather and prepare music, evening band prac‐ ce, and set‐up/take down and direct the music at the Mass. Interested candidates please contact Sandra Kugler via email at san‐ drak@svdprogers.com or at the parish office, (479) 636‐4020 for more informa on. EASTER FLOWER DONATION: You may donate a lily in honor of a loved one. There are envelopes on the bulle n table. Write your love ones name on the envelope and put in the collec on basket. Suggested dona‐ on is $20. WOMEN’S DAY OF PRAYER: The Women’s Day of Prayer is set for May 30th from 8:30 AM to 1 PM, in Saint Gabriel Room. Salad, lunch and des‐ sert is provided. Space is limited to the first 35 women to apply. HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE: CASA 2015: All Fr. John asks is that you give what you can. Our goal is the same as last year: $22,624.59. Thank you for your support. Holy Thursday ‐ Mass of the Lord’s Supper: 7 PM ‐ Bilingual Good Friday ‐ Via La Crus / Living Sta ons of the Cross in Spanish ‐ outside at 12 Noon, also Sta ons of the cross in the Church in Eng‐ lish at 3 PM. Passion of our Lord Service: 5:30 PM in English and 7 PM in Spanish (Day of Fas ng and abs nence) CATHOLICS RETURNING HOME ~ An InvitaƟon: Catholics Returning Home is a six‐week series that starts April 9. These sessions are for non‐prac cing Catholics who are seeking answers to ques ons about returning to the Church. Week 1: Welcome, Overview of the Series, Faith Sharing Week 2: Sharing Stories of Faith Week 3: The Church Today: Changes since Va can II Week 4: Explana on of the Mass Week 5: Explana on of the Sacrament of Penance Week 6: Explana on of the Nicene Creed Contact the parish office at: 479.756.6711. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2015! It may seem a bit early, but it’s me to start the plan‐ ning process for this year’s Vaca on Bible School, which will be Tuesday, June 23rd – Friday, June 26th from 9 am – Noon. Registra on for children interested in a ending will be at a later date, but please mark your calendars. Right now we need adult vol‐ unteers to run the games, cra s, skits, music and snacks. We will also need youth volunteers who will be in grades 8‐12 to be small group lead‐ Easter Vigil ‐ 8:00 PM : Bilingual All Parishioners are encouraged to a end these beau ful celebra ons of this precious gi of our Lord. BULLETIN ADVERTISING: We encourage all parishioners to consider using the back page of the bulle n as adver sing space. When you patronize these businesses, let them know that you saw their ad in our bulle n. We use the money from the sale of these ads for our youth programs. A sin‐ gle space ad costs $120 for three months and a contract can be set up in which you will be billed quarterly. Please contact the church office at 479 756‐6711 for details. ATTENTION MINISTERS OF COMMUNION!: Please sign in, if you are able to serve Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday. Sign in sheet is on the bulle n board in the annex room off the sacristy. Or call Sandra Keene at the office: 479 756‐6711. HOSPITAL ADMISSIONS: The Catholic Ministry of the Ill that visits Northwest Medical Center in Springdale needs your assistance to as‐ sure that they have the opportunity to visit with all Catholics during their stay at the hospital. When you are being admi ed to the hospital please let the admi ng clerk know that you are of the Catholic faith. Please note that if you sign the privacy act your name will not be given out when the Communion Ministers come by to check who to bring communion to. Please call the parish office at 756‐6711. The St. Raphael Food Pantry gives over 1,000 pounds of food each week. If every family gave $1 dollar a week, our shelves would be full. Please keep this ministry in your prayers. Please do not leave clothing or other dona ons in the Food Pantry area. We only accept unopened food items. Thanks! Saint Raphael Church is offering a way to honor loved ones and help reduce our building debt at the same time. Call the church office for more details. STEWARDSHIP: Please remember us in your will. We remember our deceased benefactors in our prayers. It helps us greatly when people leave us a bequest. Gi s to our Church can also be suggested in lieu of flowers when a loved one passes away. Thank you for this considera‐ on. JOIN FRASSATI! the NWA Frassa Society is an energe c Catholic Young Adults group that yields Spiritual Growth, Social Events, and Service Opportuni es! We will be star ng our Bible study series on the Book of Job Monday, March 16th at 7pm. We will be moving to Benton County for this series, email us for direc ons! To learn more, email us at nwafrassa @gmail.com! LITURGY OF THE HOURS ‐ ONLINE: The Liturgy of the Hours (also known as the Divine Office) is the richest single prayer resource of the Chris an Church. It provides prayers, psalms, and medita ons for every hour of every day. Having existed from the earliest mes, it remains ever new as it provides the means for the whole world to be united in prayer. All over the world hundreds and thousands of priests, religious and lay people are praying the liturgy daily. These readings are available to you at www.universalis.com . ST. RAPHAEL CATHOLIC PRESCHOOL ST. RAPHAEL DAYCARE AND PRESCHOOL: Are you an experienced caregiver seeking to join a group of passionate individuals dedicated to enriching the lives of young children? St. Raphael Catholic daycare and Preschool offers a great work environment that is based on the princi‐ ples of team‐work and con nued professional growth. We are cur‐ rently conduc ng interviews! Apply Today! Current posi ons availa‐ ble: Part me A er School Teacher Assistant ( 2:45 pm to 6:00pm)Call the Preschool or email the Preschool Director: Denise Sanchez. For more informaƟon call (479)7566711 X 309 or email: dsanchez@straphaelcc.org or archangels@straphaelcc.org. REGISTER NOW: Registra on is now open for Summer care and Next year’s preschool and daycare classes. Financial Report March 2015 Collection Last Week Month To Date Monthly Needs Surplus (Short Fall) Stewardship $21,543.98 $45,763.50 $75,800 ($30,036.50) Building $8,634.34 $18,081.70 $28,000 ($9,918.30) Building a Home for the Body of Christ Total cost of Construction including Parking Lot and New Kitchen $4,995,698 Total Paid during construction (2,337,398) 65,029 Accrued Construction Period Interest 2,723,329 Total Loan ($1,190,690) Principal Payments $1,532,639 Loan Balance January 31, 2015 SAINT RAPHAEL GIFT / BOOK SHOP: The St. Raphael Gift Shop has all your needs for spiritual growth and gift giving for Lent, Easter, RCIA, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation. We have a wide selection of coloring books and reading books for Easter baskets. You'll find everything you need to cherish the moments of celebrating the sacrament of your loved one by selecting from beautiful bracelets and necklaces, gift sets, veils, purses, books, bibles, crucifixes, rosaries, saints medals, greeting cards and gift certificates. Our Holy Week Hours are: Holy Thursday: 10:00 - 5:00, Good Friday: 10:00 – 5:00, Holy Saturday: 9:00 – 5:30. The Gift Shop will closed on Easter Sunday. Be sure to visit us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/cathbkgfshop and at www.straphaelcc.org. Please tell your family and friends about our shop! We take Visa, Master Card, and Discover. Financial Summary Report July 1, 2014 to January 31, 2015 Actual Support Revenues Other Revenues Support Expense Budget Over (Under) $527,322 $508,667 $18,655 $58,893 $74,422 ($15,529) ($608,703) ($588,438) ($20,265) ($22,488) ($5,349) ($17,139) Normal hours: Gift Shop Hours Sun. 9:30 a.m.—2:30 p.m. Mon. Closed Tues-Fri. 10:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m Sat. 9:00 a.m.—5:30 p.m. Net Support "The Blessed Sacrament is indeed the stimulus for us all, for me as it should be for you, to forsake all worldly ambitions. Without the constant presence of our Divine Master upon the altar in my poor chapels, I never could have persevered casting my lot with the lepers of Molokai; the foreseen consequence of which begins now to appear on my skin, and is felt throughout the body. Holy Communion being the daily bread of a priest, I feel myself happy, well pleased, and resigned in the rather exceptional circumstances in which it has pleased Divine Providence to put me." Our Liturgical Week March 22nd - 28th Sunday, March 22nd 1st Reading: Jeremiah 31:31-34, Psalm 51 2nd Reading: Hebrews 5:7-9 Gospel: John 12:2-33 7:00 AM 8:30 AM 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 5:15 PM 7:00 PM S.I. Luz Valderrama + Pablo Cruz Delgado + Ma. De Jesus Cervantes S.I. Maryann Valladares + Epismenia Muñoz Miembros de Parroquia Monday, March 23rd 1st Reading: Daniel 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 Psalm: 23 Gospel: John 8:1-11 12:00 PM + Paul Brock - Blessed Fr. Damien, Apostle of the Lepers Msgr. Scott Friend - Msgr. James Mancini - Paula Jo Robinson - Larry Bouchet - Gerald West - Mary O’Mara - Jeff Ohnstad - Don Lareau - Barbara Hendershot - Linda Birmingham - Patrick Vaughn - Sherry Thomas - Darla Lucas - Jack Ledbetter - Jane Fredrich - Mario Morga - Joseph Beil - Elizabeth Smith - Nina Bonter - Dema Jo Begert - Bob Roberts - Kenneth Smith - Ute Reuter - Grady Welch - Lela McCormick - Gloria Mendenhall - Robert Dreiling David Bryant - Loretta Baum - Florence Whinnery - Rick Stearman - Peggy Kusche - George and Sharron Abide - Tony LaMendola - Chasity Henry - Glen Jones - James and Kathryn Moses - Fr. Arturo Uribe - Clara Smith - Andy Cardiel - Dorothy Wright - Frances Schmid -Rhonda Ceola - Larry and Anita Eden - Robert Baley - Jack Johansen - Andrew Lampe - Gail Crane - Bill Travers - Margaret Delao - Leonard Pianalto - John Neuhouse - Albertano Del Real Jack Connell - Ron Mazanec - Gary Smith - Ramon Saucedo - Conjie Williams - Marina Huerta - Jean Brashears - Robbie Baker - Michael Green - Jovita De la Cruz - Carmen Ramirez - Dianna Tucker - Sharry Milanowski - Nancy Eddy - Yaya Blauw - Jasper Tarquini - Frank Hansel - Dorothy Ryan - Yohannan Abraham - Naolen Loudermilk - Randy Pianalto - Brenda Tirado and Marie Wileax - Mary Lou Wender - Marie Kusche - Banks Dyer - Paty Alvarado Joyce Ford - Sofia Del Carmen - Jade Delacruz - Rick Pianalto - Ruth Gavilanez - Tom and Francis Ryan - Jenny Keene - Thomas Mc Fadden - Doy Phillips - John Hecher - Ryan Jones - Dalton Faulk - Vince Wood - Jerry Copple - Mark Czmyrid - Dorothy Dugan - Charles and Ardes Brau - Niklaus Avery Pollach - Mattias Stenmark - Jane Green Becky Baber - Cheryl Smith - Lee Verrucchi - Elisabeth Rosborough - Allison Smith - Mary Hergenroder - Casey Yancey - Angelica Morales - Patrick Hayes - Gloria Stearman.- Miguel Orihuela - Susan Tennant - Mary Elliott - Camille & Judy Marino - Robert “Tubb” Robinson - Audie Weatherford - Ken Baker - Daniel Valladares - Carolynn Thoren - Michael & Kay Corso - Patricia Mansel - Elsa Rivas Julia Kyser - Brian Reed - Fr. Bob Fenili - Kennedy Cunningham - Lydia Bolen - Violet Egan - JD and Kathy Cummins - Ida & Bob Brady - Shannon Miner - Fredda Rogers - Jerry Vaughan - James Watts Alberta Monje - David Renford - Sibyl Wesley - Ava Hearon - Janice Zulpo - Dan McCarville - Fr. Juan Guido - Louise Lareau - Margie Verucchi - Rosemary Wilson - James Terry - Cathy Seifert - Clint Keene - Patrick Phillips - Mark Rogers - Herman Seiter - Debbie Wood - Andrea Williams - Donna Pepsin - Leatherwood family - Karen Banks - Carol Rountree - Shirley Potter Candelaria -Marlene Corleto - Gail Held - Daniel Moloney - Robert Pianalto - Debbie Magee - Bill Triche - Ryan Jones - Gene Carmond - Anna Alexander - Rocky Hanna. Tuesday, March 24th 1st Reading: Numbers 21:4-9 Psalm: 102 Gospel: John 8:21-30 Repose of Soul: Fabian Rodriguez, Beloved son of Hipolito and Ofelia Rodriguez Parishioners: In order to keep the prayer list up to date, names will remain on the list for 8 weeks. To continue for another 8 weeks, please call the church office or e-mail Sherry at smcafee@straphaelcc.org 6:30 PM Misa cancelada PARISH STAFF Wednesday, March 25th Priests Fr. John Connell 1st Reading: Isaiah 7:10-14, 8:10 Psalm 40 2nd Reading: Hebrews 10:4-10 Gospel: Luke 1:26-38 12:00 PM S.I. Artura Perez 6:00 PM + Margaret Marczuk Thursday, March 26th 1st: Genesis 17:3-9 Psalm: 105 Gospel: John 8:51-59 8:30 AM + Tula Erazo 6:30 PM + Marcelo y Consuelo Anguiano Friday, March 27th 1st Reading: Jeremiah 20:10-13 Psalm: 18:7 Gospel: John 10:31-42 8:30 AM Saturday, March 28th 1st Reading: Ezekiel 37:21-28; Psalm: Jeremiah 31 Gospel: John 11:45-56 4:00 PM All Souls in Purgatory Fr. Juan Guido Deacons Dc. Chuck Marino Dc. Dan Cashman Business Manager Rebecca Hodges Sac. & Schedule Coord. Bookkeeper Bookkeeper Assistant Food Pantry Manager Lizzette Castrellon Lulu Valladares Shirley Hensen Steely Mays Office Manager Sherry McAfee jconnell@straphaelcc.org jguido@straphaelcc.org cmarino@straphaelcc.org dcashman@straphaelcc.org rhodges@straphaelcc.org lcastrellon@straphaelcc.org lvalladares@straphaelcc.org shensen@straphaelcc.org info@straphaelcc.org Administrative Assistant Leticia Pinedo Administrative Assistant Sandra Keene Administrative Assistant Andreina Barrett smcafee@straphaelcc.org lpinedo@straphaelcc.org skeene@straphaelcc.org abarrett@straphaelcc.org DRE - (Español) Monica Lopez Adult & Youth (Español) Zarai Garcia Dir. Jóvenes con María Sergio Garcia DRE Administrative Asst. Jonathan Ramirez mlopez@straphaelcc.org zgarcia@straphaelcc.org sgarcia@straphaelcc.org jramirez@straphaelcc.org Dir. Of Religious Ed. Darla Lucas SAINT RAPHAEL CATHOLIC PRESCHOOL 756-6711 ext. 309 dlucas@straphaelcc.org DRE Admin. Assist Rosario Anguiano Catholic Youth Ministry Nancy Phillips Music Coordinator Dianne Phillips Facilities Manager Carlos Rodriguez Custodial Staff Alfonso Barroso Raul Pinedo Joe Ibarra Hipolito Rodriguez Gift Shop Manager Dee Lea Samuel Atkinson, PV2 Arturo Rodriguez; CPL. Sgt. Jeff Mader, Sgt. Jon Mader; Lcpl Jarod Mader, Spec. M i c ha e l Gr ay , PVT.; Captain Nathan Brown, PFC Christopher Sharp; Michael G. Jaro, Pvt., Jerod Dalke, PVT; Todd Baker, SSGT., Sgt, Malachi Bucao; David G. Hill, W5; Brandon Hayes, Spc; Jeremy Riedel, PVT., Cpl Christopher Main; Lt. Greg Abide; Spc Medic, Fredrick Tober, Mark Pittman, PFC., Matthew Swafford, Lcpl. Kyle Rudolph;SPC , Aaron Wolfe; A1C, Karl Strellner; LT Col., Bryan Phillips; PO 1C., Lt. Richard Carter; PFC, James Lee. Lt. Benjamin Gonzalez. Note: Please e-mail Sherry at smcafee@straphaelcc.org or call the office, 7566711, to add a name. archangels@straphaelcc.org ranguiano@straphaelcc.org Director/Teacher Denise Sanchez dphillips@straphaelcc.org Teacher Mary Engledowl crodriguez@straphaelcc.org Staff Assistants Stephanie Hernandez Hannah Wesley Jessica Fulugum Fernanda Torres nphillips@straphaelcc.org info@straphaelcc.org info@straphaelcc.org info@straphaelcc.org info@straphaelcc.org giftshop@straphaelcc.org Gift Shop Clerk Mirian De La Tore PARISH COUNCIL OF MINISTRIES Chairman: Mark Anderson Other Members: Vice-Chairman: Mike Harp Matt Mendenhall, Alice Lampe, Ben Peters, Oscar Lopez, Kathy Leding, Arturo Figueroa, and Cristobal Cartagena Secretary: Dee Lea 3100 N. College • Fayetteville, AR 72703 (479) 571-1228 Fax: (479) 251-8636 Barbara Larsen, DVM Providing quality health care for your feline friend(s) allcatsclinic@sbsglobal.net www.allcatsclinic.vetstreet.com 1109 South West End Street Springdale, AR 479.750.3630 www.mana.md Thanks for remembering St. Raphael Parish In your Will or Trust 3492 W. Sunset • Springdale, AR 479-750-3663 Mark & Laura Bazyk 1105 E. Main • Russellville, AR 479-968-1757 Sarah Brothers VP/Agent 479-871-6678 Marcy Chavez VP/Agent 479-544-5888 Philip Taldo Owner/Broker 479-466-1003 www.WeichertGriffin.com William J. McGowan, M.D. Bruce DeYoung, M.D. Shawn P. Brown, M.D. HOMES • COMMERCIAL• RENTALS PLEASE SUPPORT THESE BUSINESSES / POR FAVOR APOYE ESTOS NEGOCIOS James E. Crouch, Attorney CYPERT, CROUCH, CLARK & HARWELL 111 HOLCOMB STREET Springdale, AR 72765 Phone: 479/751-5222 PRINTING • COPYING • MAILING SERVICES Just Name it . . . Color Copying • Brochures • Flyers Stationery • Newsletters • Invitations Single & Multi-Color Printing . . . we’ll do it SONIC - SPRINGDALE Mark & Sara Moses 2367-2 Green Acres Rd. Fayetteville, AR 72703 Bus: 479-521-8684 • Fax: 479-521-4063 jogden@farmersagent.com 1900-A S. Pleasant ~ Springdale, AR 72764 (479) 872-9500 ~ (479) 872-1166 FAX Email: sirspeedy@cox-internet.com Website: www.sirspeedy.com/springdale 1801 West Huntsville Avenue Springdale, AR 72762 Phone: 479 927-9494 1250 Market Square Dr. • Springdale (in front of Neighborhood Market) 479-872-5500 Martin Attorneys,pa www.MartinAttorneys.com Helping people through difficult times Offices to serve you in Springdale and Rogers Bankruptcy • Family Law • Custody • Accidents • Adoptions • Wills • Trusts Dina R. Davis, O.D. Optometric Physician 479.695.2112 521.1172 Northwest Ark. Mall 4201 North Shiloh Drive Fayetteville, AR 72703 A NOTE OF THANKS to these fine sponsors who support our youth programs why not thank them with your patronage? Support St. Raphael Youth Programs Call the parish office at 756-6711 Richard McGinnis Owner/Operator 3042 Market Avenue Fayetteville, AR 72703 479-443-0000 K. Drew Devenport Abogado de Inmigración/ Immigration Attorney Davis, Clark, Butt, Carithers & Taylor, PLC 1712 W. Sunset, Suite E Springdale, AR 72762 Office 479.717.2278 Al otro lado de la calle de la iglesia de San Rafael.
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