WM d * 3TFETWrW * PI rTo1 ciRlt4 al ArClq vl 'al-ft cill itglql 4rtlichl l Annual Performance Appraisal Report for Officers of the Central Secretariat Service Tirvq• Deputy Secretary alfg-wrft 9-rIT Name of Officer Trrn-ruff a-fIT -wrra--4-4-9. /34-- Report for the year/period ending 4/01 4-PS 4-1:11c1q/c -diTITT Ministry/Department of 1;11T1. Form "Er i-I r4 clRit-{ * Zti 7:TiVa * ('''R 7rftk V041.011 U FrI, q 1 I Annual Performance Appraisal Report of Deputy Secretary of the Central Secretariat Service - Trrrift -1-0/3T-4-FET w• sr Pi qi Report for the year/period ending q eftri CI) Oti PERSONAL DATA ITITT-1 PART-1 ( i-imtuf-43-Trruchitiimq * 4.1Era. lolii4 ich 3T-Twr gRi % 7r4 * PIO (To be filled by the Administrative Section concerned of the Ministry/Department/Office) 1. artiTwIt Name of Officer 2. 7-41* . .ffn-Wg- ( qi/4-il/-4131) Date of Birth(DD/MM/YYYY) •. I I -4-1:ti-q 3)-Erfi- 14 ciiiiiit 4. 5. -4 ) ( Vr (in words) .N.EINFE w'r WiT1-u Date of continuous appointment to the present grade N.-41'w 3)-11if Date Grade .q-4-11-14 1T WUT 3T ITT Pitircirl Tiq Post f-4--4tw .ffrftiPresent post and date of appointment there to -ari. -4 cm * ar-fri -T-ea -4- aratil- ( 541. i 3TTN. TIT ) q f.4 d etc! 3TfETTW4 14 ryiaTITT c1t.41 t -4 3,Hcill rcicItul -kI Period of absence from duty (on training leave etc.) during the year. If he has under gone training, specify. 1 Date aTrawrft W 9 1 ql fffUl" ,41-11 t, TP* gFki PART-2 \rti ("1 To be filled in by the Officer reported upon ITT-4 ( TEM" 9 rcl -crwA arl-aTft - afra. mq (Please read carefully the instructions before filling the entries) 1. f Tr4 *T *fk-T7T raa tul Brief description of duties 2. fffErifTff f trr aTrrk rc-t Fazu-i-ckvEr/Eircr 31714 TERE 3T74 f vr97r-gr-+-5r ) I 3T13-TR 79• 4 lum1/44Ni E rr 3TP:f Try f9.411Ta- f*--4 TrEF 3714 3791-aT ( dqi6tui * * 3TTU1T TIT X 1 R 3hT t-t* 4)14 chi4 3170 ITITM * Please specify targets/objectives/goals(in quantitative or other terms) of work you set for yourself or that were set for you, eight to ten items of work in the order of priority and your achievement against each target. (Example:Annual Action Plan for your Division) 9azt/3rEf/&iff/ 3746-Tzti Targets/Objectives/Goals Achievements 2 3. 3A-4a (441 qrq FR-7?f wr-qr NOT 1;ITI7f -4 ./Eiru4 ( 3-T ) WI-44T 1:g 2 .4 qt-11 17 Fa-th/det -rarr4 (A) Please state briefly, the shortfails with reference to the targets/objectives/goals referred to in item 2. Please specify constraints, if any, in achieving the targets. Au ct, • f79( -q) TErztr 7ff 44gl r1-ft -aq 11q1-1 3A-U c 31-fT- 1"- t 3-ftT di I (B) Please also indicate items in which there have been significantly higher achievements and your contribution thereto. 4. Tcerr rch ci4-11 974-dal 41(*) at 3T2.1t et.Au8 ft 3-1-q7 7411fff -qTr- faaiu1 f91.Tifcd 31 7-tqft deb I q1'4 Wq a-r Please state whether the annual return on immovable property for the preceding calendar year was filed within the prescribed date i.e. 31st Janury of the year following the calendar year. If not, the date of filing the return should be given. 7:F9T : al() aTfET- Tft Signature of officer reported upon Date 3 %TM- 3 PART-3 fWEIT viii t ct qi cHlich ul -Wr f9VITEIT 1-10 2.TT 10 drx4r14-1 4Uft TAW ch“-II , xl&I 1 iltsii) i f *uff TIT i) Numerical grading is to be awarded by reporting and reviewing authority which should be on a scale of 1-10, where 1 refers to the lowest grade and 10 to the highest (47-4 utri tq ) (Please read carefully the guidelines before filling the entries) (3T) 44,14 F-441-41q-4 4t-t4i chi (fir IITTT -W• art 40% -)+11 ) (A) Assessment of work output (weightage to this Section would be 40%) ( Tri-Err miarte.c.4 IA ri -.t Trrrawrft iiiicfm ch -f vrib-wrft 1,4.., i Mt ch -1 vrrawrft (4474 ITTIT- 2 WtfriT -2) %. aTTCRIT Reporting Authority Reviewing Authority Initial of Reviewing (Refer Para 2 of Part-5) Authority 4 Ujuiciiircititi* chiti arled'ff fWqr T I) Li, -iti ,xici chi 31T fl 1 Accomplishment of planned work/work allotted as per subjects allotted ii) *I - -1bI-11 -1 Quality of output id) cikl Nu110-111 tkriaT Analytical ability iv) 3-14c1110-Ich chi chi LI e T.) (11 Ch TIR 81-9---ftr-ff eh14 Accomplishment of exceptional work/ unforeseen tasks performed fliirr chi TIT qv r+iMlch( 4tITTTIT Overall Grading on 'Work Output' T -W I-117 30% i'1411 ) 4iC'-44c+ -4 ( (B) Assessment of personal attributes (weightage to this section would be 30%) ( ) co--1 citi+1<-1 fd*Erffral Urrtq-1 izfirwr4 -tvicimlci->i varwrft 4,rircim ch-f vrf-tr-th-rft ( -4:tql# 1-111T-2 'W- frit -2) ". 3TTE1W Reporting Authority Reviewing Authority Initial of Reviewing (Refer Para 2 of Part-5) i) -wrii 11 -931-14- Attitude to work &I. It W. ii) ‘r1 Sense of responsibility iii) 3171711T19. --1' 3f9 TUT Maintenance of Discipline iv) f4 qui a-PTffq Communication skills v ) ~~cd 7,17 Leadership qualities chi chi vi)(.1 '"1. 1-W Capacity to work in team spirit FTird-r al-Tp-tr a,() vii) i-14-14 i-lInufl Capacity to adhere to time-schedule wraT viii) 1.1“-Li( co-i ch-Pici 3:14U Inter-personal relations ix) fii-0) *Fa -R-4 cc4rchicci Overall bearing and personality r 04 ch-Picita'4,4W61•31i -Ert cirr H cm 41717Trt Overall Grading on 'Personal Attributes' 4 Authority 4-Icq-41ch-1 ( (1ITT (74)1Aci 1ccich Tfkil:FT 1-TR- 30% lhir ) (C) Assessment of functional competency (weightage to this Section would be 30%) A ki d,-i ATRITrft Reporting Authority i) -R04/ ci -RP-I/chi i svircimle,h-t viftr-*-rft 14 -trcim 01-1171-14Wit (1#4 II1TI-5 fir tm -2) antrW Reviewing Authority Initial of Reviewing (Refer Para 2 of Part-5) Authority I d chl*4-Arw-4Efff. Trl 7-4 dIal) t.lj U04111 ti ,iillchlt.t Knowledge of Rules/Regulations/Procedures in the area of function and ability to apply them correctly. II) -I cici.g Tr -u-- r-4- .9. War Strategic planning ability i i i ) f97171. grid Decision making ability :MT iv) i-14-1-c104E-31 Coordination ability v) 3Ta9T-7 "Wff. Tdcich t.-10 a,ta 1 W171" Ability to motivate and develop subordinates vi) 1f 7TfWF Initiative 1,1,4114 (-CI ct) 1: 1-4TITRT tr-{ ci')C1 .1 4 1 CI i cil i 41ftTUT Overall Grading on 'Work Output' UT T-4 PART-4 GENERAL 1. ,31-111 TITP.T (4-1-1*71ft ( •TI i 9 VEI")-wf Relations with the public (wherever applicable) ( arr-a7awa-raft T dcrH,-“Nra 13rftrwft a 31-filTra 1-7- TEar fz-oTtrft ) (Please comment on the Officers accessibility to the public and responsiveness to their needs) 2. Ar7R-TEIT Training ( Ttgrr 31-14-*-R1- 111-Trivat cbi .1-rrd-r34 afrr arf 131TRNITI-f--4 dfi AFITRTErT fiv-tqW (Please give recommendations for training with a view to further improving the effectiveness and capabilities of the Officer) 5 3. lzfl7-24 4. tdi Integrity ff-P-Tra. State of health ) ticti aal TIT ( TTL1T 3TitiWt (Please comment on the integrity of the officer) -aTEhT ( 7/T9.11T 100 -71-0' ) , 3TfEmit giii 3Tfuwt cb 1117M cp1 11134 5. 31TPITTuT 379-raPiT, of f7T114 TrT494 37TEFF-dr3.4 Ttqlf T49. wit * 1;Trff 3T5-1-eff 7TTFITF 9117-2 *T 3( 3T) 'cud" 3(v) Pen Picture by Reporting Officer (in about 100 words) on the overall qualities of the officer including area of strengths and lesser strength, extraordinary achievements, significant failures (ref: 3(A) & 3(B) of Part-2) and attidue towards weakers sections. 6. fr'rt qi 9.-77T-3 * 4.g8 3T, .MTT Tr 14 f i 17 94777T ' 3-TMIT1T etc.-1 r+-imicht Overall numerical grading on the basis of weightage given in Section A,B and C in Part-3 of the Report. Mrclq-1 31-9.TW* * Signature of the Reporting Officer 9-RT tt 141 31.k71) 14: Tzfrff: Place Name in Block Letters' : Designation• : 11 rd -I "4- 3TarET During the period of Report' Date • 6 1-171- 5 PART-5 1, ci chi 3TN-Wift ti 31f1-1: REMARKS OF THE REVIEWING OFFICER: cif chlrl ch -1 31FETWIft Length of service under the Reviewing Officer 2. ;EIT 3171 WM-3 W1TT-4 isi 4-1c1 t? err 71-4 itc,q-licivi -#4u ff Tr-4 tc-qicivi -141d 4)14 .2;fr far 31N 3rrET----R1- T uui #4aT Frifq-1 3-ifUTTft amturTur -3-q---r-dre/1-16c-cotui 31 f? (74:94173( 3T )(iv) MIT ITTTT 4 ( 5 ) ( r31 mruf t "th. TCITIT 371-9T vt414)1 +-kr igus fa d 71-4 * 3rftr*R11c1W-111d1 3TMFf ci") . )1 -1`41. Do you agree with the assessment made by the reporting officer with respect to the work output and the various attributes in Part-3 & Part-4? Do you agree with the assessment of reporting officer in respect of extraordinary achievements/significant failures of the officer reported upon? (Ref: Part-3(A) (iv) and Part-4(5)) (In case you do not agree with any of the numerical assessments of attributes please record your assessment on the column provided for you in that section and initial your entries) Yes No 3. 7:4T ,r11s.11 al err 641c1 t 3.171. alas ff-zrfff Tc1TIT TFI* 31-1717. In case of disagreement, please specify the reasons, Is there anything you wish to modify or add? 4. 7TriTIT 100 WO- ) r4Tr14 3TP-M19' .0 1:gef alftt*Tft gm cht14-1 WilT1 11441 (44-11c1 Mi I et) * vra- 3ifwqf-9. verrF tri 7tr*-9Trp:rwi Trrrrai Pen Picture by Reviewing Officer. Please comment (in about 100 words) on the overall qualities of the officer including area of strengths and lesser strength and his attitude towards weaker section. 7 t? d 5. WM- 3 * -3T, 1-TRIVT * MIT is-IT TIT ' RI cl I ch i-itY-1 I cl-lch 014 I eMull Overall numberical grading on the basis of weightage given in Section-A, Section-B and Section-C in Part -3 of the Report arrawrft 6k-divr Signature of the Reviewing Officer 9-rrr 411-11 31. -T4 14: Name in Block Letters. Place Designation• 33---a-RT During the period of Report. f471-* : Date 8 ITT4 #44 k et))1 76T+77 * TET2T71173Trf I Guidelines regarding filling up of APAR with numerical grading (i) rciRroff Arqur-A- 3fn-ffzir trzr1-7r -k4 I-17-4 3fTT * The columns in the APAR should be filled in with due care and attention and after devoting adequate time. (ii) 111(-1 fay 1 3TP:rdT 2 * f*Tft c111 (*tut ( ci chi TIT fd1 ; 1).17RT3.1)' 7:1T VI 34T 1T ) ro6 1 td 317TEF -a-r3i): -qui A cbc-144 r=4 ;i trzrfqr ri-i 1l cht 4131)—* - cur TrwrT 9 3M 4T10 * f+71) 471fi- * * afrr-4Fr -Fc4 I art 1-2 3T2MT 9-10 fdTF )c-11" t U dlchl 40- 54q11 *T4 7 3*F-57T f4l •311)*- sitkMci tl s4 7q: 1444(1)0h-I .crrrET err -a---4-Trra- 4*rerm 34-rawrft chR`l 1Piti i ctrl-i1 emit 41 It is expected that any grading of 1 or 2 (against work output or attributes or overall grade) would be adequately justified in the pen-picture by way of specific failures and similarly, any grade of 9 or 10 would be justified with respect to specific accomplishments. Grades of 1-2 or 9-10 are expected to be rare occurrences and hence the need to justify them. In awarding a numerical grade the reporting and reviewing authorities should rate the officer against a larger population of his/her peers that may be currently working under them. (iii) cililovtui "driltd" f9 TT A1 411 10 * te4 ch u I / 31T -Wr 8 Fri 4 tUiii CFA rc-R qr-rtici, 9 fqTrr 341-Tra. 51 I' APARs graded between 8 and 10 will be rated as "Outstanding" and will be given a score of 9 for the purpose of calculating average scores for empanelment/promotion. (iv) 41=4 TAT cact(ui "4-0 -NTIT sz11ti.111 72,TT 9117f1" 71173M- *T 6 c .2TT 8 A 7 fq-zir -W41TI APARs graded between 6 and short of 8 will be rated as "Very Good" and will be given a score of 7. car:Mut "3-TT ' ' fffEfT ARM MIT 5111-(114) 5 (v)71:1173T7 *T 4 7P.TT 6 74 *ET * G(Tr4 rqq1 7r47TTI APARs graded between 4 and short of 6 will be rated as "Good" and will be given a score of 5. (vi) -RiT1734IT *T 4A- *1:1 (VI cMui fffzfr 71-4)71-1 APARs graded below 4 will be given a score of "Zero" *4r-Er i4f;.4aic.it4 ail gm TfrcraTrt w41 ToTEr trr TTf4ET> 1-qiii41I Guidelines regarding the colour scheme to be used by different gradeds of CSS while filling up their APAR form (1) t7T Green(2) 74.41/d-m4 JS/SAG Level & above 'crq dl14 Ylch Yellow- Director (3) -licitBlue- 3q 4Tr -q-4 Deputy Secretary (4) araT Trfq-q Under Secretary Pink(5) -44-4.White- 3.-19:4-TPT 3.1fETTft taitea, Section Officer & Assistant 10
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