GCSE IGCSE Exams Student Briefing 2015

Public Examinations
May/June 2015
Student Briefing
16th March 2015
Before the Exams
Your Exam Timetable
∗ You must make sure that you know:
∗ The dates of your exams.
∗ The times your exams start.
∗ Your candidate number.
∗ Put your full name on the answer book. (Same as your ID
card’s name)
∗ All information is on your individual timetable. Full
exam schedule is now available on
ISLE/Gateway/Parent Portal.
Candidate Number
Your Personalized Exam Timetable
20/5/2015 11:00
Full Public Exam Timetable
Exam Clashes
Centre Supervision between Exams
∗ Parents communicated with letters sent early March on the
exam clashes.
∗ If you have more than one exam timetabled to start at the
same time, you will have a handwritten start time on your
∗ Between clash exams you will be supervised by an invigilator.
∗ NOT allowed : your phone/ipod/laptop or any electronic
communication device.
∗ Allowed : books for revision and you may bring food (bring
these to your first exam).
∗ Must NOT attempt to communicate in any way with any
candidate who has already taken or will be taking the exam.
11 May 2015 – Exam Clashes
CIE Int’l
•Hall or Hall Balcony
•1.00pm-2.00/2.30pm (Depending on
Core/Extended Option)
•Hall or Hall Balcony
CIE French
(or longer for ET
Students not doing R.S.
can leave after French
14 May 2015 – Exam Clashes
CIE World
• Hall
• 12.30pm-2.00pm
• Hall
• 2.00pm-2.30pm
• Hall
• 2.30pm-4.30pm
20 May 2015 – Exam Clashes
• Hall
• 3.30pm-5.30pm
• Hall
• 5.30pm-6.00pm
• Hall
• 6.00pm-6.45pm
1 Jun 2015 – Exam Clashes
• Hall
• 3.30pm-6.00pm
• Hall
• 6.00pm-6.30pm
• Hall
• 6.30pm-8.00pm
5 Jun 2015 – Exam Clashes
• Hall
• 3.30pm-4.30pm
• Hall
• 4.30pm-5.00pm
• Hall
• 5.00pm-6.30pm
9 Jun 2015 – Exam Clashes
• Hall
• 3.30pm-4.30pm
• Hall
• 4.30pm-5.15pm
• Hall
• 5.15pm-6.30pm
Centre Supervision during
School Time
∗ When you arrive at school, lock your phone/ipod/laptop/valuables in
your locker.
∗ Bring to the Hall only the books you need to revise for your next
∗ Bring your food to the Hall. Lunch time may be included.
∗ You will not be allowed to go to your locker between exams.
∗ If you bring a bag into supervision, you will be asked to show that
you do not have a phone/ipod/laptop in it.
∗ Supervised toilet breaks will be allowed during the time between
∗ If you are found with a phone or laptop in supervision, or you leave
supervision unaccompanied, you may be awarded zero marks.
Early Release from Exams and
Confidentiality of Content
∗ GCSE Religious Studies, GCSE Geography, IGCSE History,
IGCSE Pure Maths, GCSE Business Studies, GCSE Japanese
∗ Edexcel: all candidates involved sign a confidentiality
statement to maintain the security of the content of the
exams listed above
∗ Due Date: 27th March 2015 (Friday)
∗ If a candidate is caught breaking the rules on the form,
they risk being awarded zero marks for the examination
and/or being disqualified from all Edexcel qualifications in
the future
Early Release from Exams and
Confidentiality of Content
∗ If a candidate is caught breaking the rules on the form,
they risk being awarded zero marks for the examination
and/or being disqualified from all Edexcel qualifications in
the future
Earliest Finish Time for Exam
Confidentiality of Content
2:00pm (UK morning exams)
2:00pm until 5:00pm
6:30pm (UK afternoon exams)
6:30pm until 9:30pm
Before the Exams
Information for Candidates
∗ A copy of this document is attached
with your timetable (electronic copy on
Exams page on ISLE and Gateway).
∗ It is your responsibility to read and
familiarise yourself with this document.
∗ Any questions, or anything you don’t
understand, email Mr Wong
Exam Day - Arrival
* Be at the entrance 30 minutes before the start time of each exam.
This gives you time to:
* Put your bag and valuables in your locker.
* Go to the toilet.
* Check the seating plan so you know where to go when you enter the
exam room.
* Arrive on time for Listening exam as we will start without waiting
for late comers!
* 15-20 minutes before the exam start time you will be called to the
* Listen carefully to instructions as there may be several exams
taking place in different venues.
Key Exam Venues
∗ Hall
∗ Hall Balcony
∗ Room 723 (for access arrangements)
Exam Day
What to bring to the Exam
∗ Photographic ID e.g. HKID card (or copy), personalised Octopus card,
school bus pass.
∗ Statement of Entry
∗ In a clear plastic bag:
∗ Black pens x 2, HB/2B pencils x 2, eraser, ruler, pair of compasses, protractor,
calculator (no memory or stored formulae).
∗ Coloured pencils may be used for drawings and diagrams in some exams.
∗ Highlighers may be used in questions BUT NOT in answers.
∗ A small clear plastic bottle containing water is allowed. Containers that
are not clear plastic or contain drinks other than water will be removed.
∗ Important notes:
∗ You cannot borrow items from another candidate once you are in the exam
room (Information for Candidates item A8).
∗ The school supplies the basics for emergencies only.
Exam Day
∗ You may bring a basic scientific calculator to all exams UNLESS
the exam paper states “No Calculator”.
∗ If in doubt, check with your subject teacher.
∗ You are responsible for your calculator power supply.
∗ You are advised to bring a spare calculator.
∗ NO spares in the exam room for use in emergency.
What NOT to bring to the Exam
∗ The following items will be removed from the exam room and
the school will not be responsible for loss or theft of valuables:
∗ Wallet/purse/keys/bag/books.
∗ Mobile phone, laptop, electronic items with data storage or access
to external communication.
∗ Correcting fluid/liquid/tape.
∗ Calculator cover.
∗ Notes, pieces of paper, tracing paper (tracing paper for Edexcel
Maths is provided by the school).
∗ Packs of tissues (tissues are provided by the school).
∗ Food (including chewing gum), drinks other than water, bottles that
are not clear plastic.
During the Exam
You must be silent at all times.
You must not disturb other candidates in any way.
You must listen to and follow instructions.
You must sit at your allocated desk.
Do not write anything on your arms – avoid suspicion.
Do not move your desk.
Do not ask to go to the toilet unless it is absolutely
∗ Do not ask to go to the toilet in the first hour or last 15
minutes of the exam (exams less than 1 hour, no toilet
During the Exam
∗ All answers must be written in black ink.
∗ Pencil can be used for drawings and diagrams (dark
pencil 2B/HB).
∗ Rough work/essay planning must be done on the
question paper or answer booklet and crossed out if
not to be marked.
∗ Do not write or draw inappropriately in your answer
∗ ALL additional paper used in the exam, even if it is
rough work, must be attached to your answer paper
with a string tag.
During the Exam
∗ Do not ask an invigilator for an explanation of the
content of the exam.
∗ Invigilators can only help you with the instructions on
the front of the question paper.
∗ If you suspect an error in a question, raise your hand
and inform an invigilator:
∗ Answer to the best of your ability.
∗ The Exam Board will be notified of the suspected error.
∗ If an error is confirmed, the Examiner will allow for this
in the marking.
During the Exam
Emergency Procedure
∗ In the event of a fire alarm or lock down, DON’T PANIC!
∗ The invigilator will stop the exam and tell you to close your
exam paper.
∗ Remain seated in silence, face forward, listen carefully and
follow instructions.
∗ In the event of a false alarm, the exam will be restarted when
the alarm stops and you will be given the full time to
complete your exam.
∗ In the event of an evacuation, if you talk about the content of
the exam you will not be allowed to return to complete the
At the end of the Exam
∗ An announcement will be made when you have 5 minutes
∗ When you are told to stop writing, you must stop and close
your paper even if you are in the middle of a sentence.
∗ If you continue writing or amending your answers, this will be
treated as malpractice.
∗ You must make sure you have completed your candidate
details on your answer papers and attached all additional
sheets used with a string tag.
∗ You must remain in silence until you have left the exam room.
∗ If other exams are continuing you must not stand and talk
outside the exam room.
Access Arrangement
Taking exams in Room 723
Extra Time and/or Use of Laptops
Check full exam timetable (Access Arrangements) for details
Stick with your choices as all arrangements based on Mr
Rutter’s recommendations
∗ Records will be kept if you give up your choice of laptop
and/or extra time
∗Do not go to library.
∗Free room list outside Hall and
Y11 Sign-Off Day – 9 Jun 2015
12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
∗ Go to General Office to collect sign-off form before 12pm
∗ All loantexts need to be returned on that day outside the
General Office. Outstanding library books will also need to
be returned outside the General Office.
∗ All outstanding fees need to be paid.
∗ Signed off by Houses in 15-minute intervals. Full details will
be provided later in a letter to parents.
If you are Unwell on Exam Day
∗ If you are unwell, try to come to school and take the exam.
Inform Mr Wong or an invigilator when you arrive (especially
important if you are infectious!).
∗ Get a doctor’s note after your exam and go to see Mr Wong
as soon as possible. You may be eligible to apply for special
∗ If you are too unwell to come to school you MUST give a
doctor’s note to Mr Wong as soon as possible. You will only
be able to apply for special consideration if you have already
completed at least 50% of the assessments for that subject
(which must include an externally assessed piece of work).
Severe Weather Warnings
• Check the school website and your school email
before you leave home (postponement possible).
• If your route to school is affected and you will be
late, phone 2524 7135(Public Holiday 9812 0266).
• Check the school website and your school email
for rescheduled start times.
Severe Weather Arrangements
∗ Arrangements relating to public exams differ from those
relating to the school as a whole.
∗ Be aware that postponed exams may be rescheduled to
start in the evening or over a weekend.
∗ Do not phone the school.
∗ Check the school website and your school email for
∗ If you have already left home, proceed to school unless it
is unsafe or you are unable to do so.
∗ If you are in school, you must remain there until you are
told it is safe to leave.
Exam Billing – IGCSE / GCSE/ICT
∗ Due on 27th March 2015
∗ Will not be admitted into exams if
∗ Lost/Missing Invoice – Come to Exam Office
for reprint (with a fine)
Exam Results
∗ CIE IGCSE : 11 August – online (login details to be distributed on
Signoff Day)
∗ Collection of all Exam results: 20th August 1pm at the Hall
∗ If you are leaving IS, email Ms Jamie Chan before your last exam
(jamie.chan@online.island.edu.hk) giving address to post
results to.
And finally …