Zfr4i4 tiRciieV4 tffi-7 4ico.1 Annual Performance Appraisal Report for Officers of the Central Secretariat Official Language Service Vckts . ft4t Junior Hindi Translator ct)i Name of Officer : Ti 31-df• cni Report for the year/period ending 4P4 1h .Nt44414,41V- 11-41/craiiriti 1 -49.7iic,“4/f1 Ministry/Department/Office of 1A1-1-)i Form 1,(-441coi sAdq-r 3.1-rticpiR4i Official Language Service Annual Performance Appraisal Report of Officers of the Central Secretariat \ITZTilii -if #41 71, 1 1/ 3Te4 rf'd c TA Report for the year/period ending , It -4-c1 ‘1 PERSONAL DATA PART - -1 -Tiff (To titi Pi ci) 3TT ( 9 .,t [ o ti lft wrf i ct) i Lilc)vi be filled by the Administrative Section concerned of the Ministry/Department/Office) . i i i Name of Officer re.ai,f4pilf,170) 2 . \A-44 Date of Birth (DDIMM/YYYY) i / Oft ail 3 sic1,11.-T Date of continuous appointment to the present grade Date cs -ett di 4. cii4-17 riq ZIT -G7 trz fzfriTi 1--Fq Post Present post and date of appointment thereto 5. -4 -o51-4 3Trt cR)Iff (In words) 31-4-ro- (wd:Lt ,Afiruo-r fictc 3chifrt 1 Period of absence from duty (on training leave etc. ) during the year. If he has under gone training specify. Grade ft-krm Date w,o TI.T4 Vrat fir 77-IT 3i1-07nE To be filled in by the Officer reported upon 2 PART-2 tf 17 Tsi) Tit t 460 arlte (Please read carefully the instructions before filling the entries) 1 . -Tar MTZVV u1 Brief description of duties 4z.fritd 3TTclri) tz-lif47 tcrTt4 tt, M-74/3-4tWitirzi 3374 tciti 31T1 2- Trzt Autleihilii 47 31-4T t #)7fzil T 3T1Z—qt1 IltcrivA 4)01 .* ZITE1171:F 41-111' atri 6:<cr) - 4-.71.# 3Trit 31:17ft 14t6luit'lL! 34171t172,117 -$'t7 cli(co tti ztraM) (■ Please specify targets/objectives/goals (in quantative or other terms) of work you set for yourself or that were set for you, eight to ten items of work in the order of priority and your achievement against each targets. (Example Annual Action Plan for your Division) •Fe-T/\i5. .kgistrzti Targets/Objectives/Goals 3riffliEfVf Achievements 2 3 . 1..30 tqc1.71'4-74 2 -4?-1 clog!. 7T7 7ezti,iTzivlitirtit girr-6A cr;ii NTETT7 7.4.1 ,‘"f I Tgl cp:-RifTr ) 31•7-1' •;;;;i,s, (A) Please state briefly, the shortfalls with reference to the targets/objectives/goals referred to in Tem 2. f'"',.se specify constraints, if any, in achieving the targets. L K.TAT .41 collo! 3Ifs17:Zrtrci;....c.s.:17"7-6T 7:F \-5C■ ':.;T,L9 co.; : (,b) Please also indicate items in which there have been significantly higher achievements and your Contribution thereto 4. -Tt1 C ! qç tC>lus'S't qt13M-77; 7.14- fek7 1 17.47 411;c1Y. ,?,' tir,'f: fr"Ti. 4;7'777 73.€41t q 7-7",i 3 \r7.7-friti c7:70't 711' `41 -T.77! \ Please state whether the annual return on imova 'Die property for the preceding calender year was filed within the prescribed date i.e. 31st January of the year following the calender year. if not, the date of filing the return should be given. Tci--97F45 Date . Tr1i 7.t4 -rszt-f Signature of officer reported upon —3 PART - 3 1-179- 1 .."-IT9T 7,41..tseAtF-if icrifirtr 31-7T Fc'p441 -■ TIT1TT 10 \3t-cici4-T 4111ft ct),<ni t. I 7'11 r! $1 1 Num. cl grading is to be awarded by reporting and reviewing authority which should be on a scale of 1-10. v nereI refers to the lowest grade and 10 to the highest. :'"ricr-Trjr zzr-F T,T, 7.4 ') tt tr:IM 144,,,AUf -[7,7171r1iT Pielse read carefully the guidelines before filling the entries) (30 ci i•)tv-If T V-11'4)-f *.t "-iTTT 751177 50% (A) Assessment of work output (weightage to this Section would be 50%) ,...;,.-i I. ,71: c., -I ctr<'•M'It: it "cfre47 -ctif45it ,-1 14 A co -f 7ifil-,71-t :-F4.4 ." -5 -ch-T tit Reporting i Reviewing Authority 'initial of Reviewing I Authority (Refer Para 2 of Part-5) i Authority '0) 3:F9jrq =PA/Translation work ...., .-,-.:....,, Yr 74 .7:!•"' er, 51* -f ■ •.;),':1..1,' :,' .".. C... of terrn:nc1ogicai, grammatical and !ingi':c aspects of t7anslation. -,..4i-. .$., .:1Ii-t -c.m i75.-,, ,i,,AZ)' '. .-; tz, g.r ti)7 .ct),I:C1*< T9 cZ179,',4•E:i .:77-`:.•=1 r.rk- AI t1-sc1,-.1, affjcifi -FT "i--zr;91f4 T..1----q a'z'AT Qtrarr--4:11 '-:11 Vk.,. ,:iii.41 QAT ''''671 3.1-Tirct . Ability to translate with speed and accuracy taking care to see that faithful rendering of the original does not effect simplicity, natural form of expression and intelligibility. I (Til lifq131 ',-ts- 7,-.Fet-Fq :!it »-I.w.if. c-tqf 7)-,7;'t• -i-h-t27, ip,Thrn*.t tirrs-.4 ; Comprenension of the languages and ability to effect improvement in the process of meeting. ! .ciq )- ;57..t47,17.41 7x•z1 '4:1;07 ' .".: ' '''' '-"I'' Trt t, 7-P-ii I Trntirt :-27:-: ..-4rtd1-q-1:_i,F47-:' '-', tr# :.-.4' $ tm Attertt:ct-, to avoidence of mistakes and oefectIve translation corrected by the superior officers. , (1i) tr"971itai m17.; 4f-47"miii;11144 t rgitT,7 q-4,3TKr-d,d fvzsri Trzir 0141 Accomplishment of planned work/work allotted as per subjects allotted i (iii) -er:la - - f1017,7:1 4?1-4ti--: Quality of output iI I . it.i) zw74-4:47 itiii .,. 7tk.L7--..,roi) -rzt 3,.,iv4f41k-t ii.,...tanent of exceptibnal work! u.-iforeseen task performed , coi4 y< c!.ri 1:ioici.) -*70W-77{ I Overall grading on work output. ----! 1 1-1Trizrri ;ITT 50% 1,11) 7:tldr."511i (W) allc. (B) Assessment of personal attributes (weightage to this Section would be 50%) • %,i c tic 44-r fa, Reporting Authority 7:, .:: T-iraci)47-1 IT'-' c -1 4c_r.ciF9 1 :TTP 7 31.3.1.ii7 (*.ii ,ii:T-- 15 Th7 t:i 2 Reviewing Authority Initial of Reviewing (Refer Para 2 of Part-5) Authority s, #1 3e.l.f:".7 Attitude to work (A) frAllgi W 4tw Sense of responsibility (iii) arTITTR 7T 317-41137 Maintenance of Discipline to i.v) -,0.i4i.ii 41-iciiq Communication skills TT Leadership qualities 1-11TiT "4 ch. ch,t.li f 474-dt (vi) 4'f: Capacity to work in team spirit (vu) riftt Taftrill VI 4771 op(4 ti 4-1Wdl Capacity to adhere to time-schedule (viii) wiztR" 014 etvid *4TEI Inter-personal relations (ix) wirn:i tisfit 74 alra'd C'.7 Overall bearing and personality i r-, x t .21f. I CI ittrdi3'it WC.Ct4qi I ,elicrr's 5)iitz--7 Overall Grading on 'Personal Attributes' PART-4 GENERAL 1:17,1:1) ViTtT 1- \71-icii Relations with the public (wherever applicable) zirm-crrmit T4 31f 36111-F TT 7f77z fa&-'711 comment on the Officers accessibility to the public and responiveness to their needs ) 5 2- vitaror Training .7:"4 drI4 STR913ii iT 30 3TRM "t'S 3117 cji:a Q:.<4 cc.44.13 .strc. 3 7,11,7t (Pleit.c.a. give reccry.rnenriations for training with a view to further improving tile effectivenet,s, and cnoabilities of the off,::.4c. -TroTezi 3-t State of health 4- *ict; Integrity (424,17 3Trs Th-iitt -c-ft FaLif:mi f2xtfri ‘Piease comment on the integrity of the officer) 6 a'lft-Tit -4t 5- ,i,c1•1Z-TT-ticr"; 771 , -&47-1, . 7 77!c 3-1-7TEo .177 i 0 0 7ic,1 41741151-dr3ti rtT Ti k-M711 3TfTh , ,efef (t44: liTri 2 5T 3(31.) 1r4 3(4) 1-,•0411 itlo zit * crra. 2.7f,;`.7.4f;t ,rilf=le-i 6, Pen Picture by Reporting Officer (in about 100 words) on the overall qualities of the officer including area of strengths and lesser strength, extraordinary achievments, significant failures (ref: 3(A) & 3(8) of Part-2) and attitude towards weaker sections. 6- clqic1 1 5 t.:6 3T, ztti" t..4., it7 717 FR* 3TitTR" *LP: ctri ci;f140'(u1 I Overall numerical grading on the basis of weightage given in Section A and Section B in Part-3 of the Report. vfdt4A arfawt elfa:17 Signature of the Reporting Officer TiTT 3Tat Name in Block Letters mow= Designation : Date : Trt 3iti-1 A During the period of Report 7 1-37r1- - 5 PART - 5 1. 7,9-Tc.-.4 col s$31'4.-t7tr : REMARKS OF THE REVIEWING OFFICER : (4! cb-i aTfitrwrt t)cil colo ,;#1 of service under the Reviewing Officer 2- 7-J.1Glicr 2117q-3 4-P1-4 "*tlfff mid' 'ffeTifIrF .*I=144- # 5k1 ttir ? var 317.1 aiftiTrtf '43`1 ariiTERTIT \Lieifie4)/TfraVI 31WW071311 t-OZTET Try icrpi v164-id t ? tiq4 (wirTr-3(30 (iv) 7ET1 FITT 4(5) (Tit 3T1-q- 511•)q.^1 3iftWtf arti f"-t Tit f$t1 xkv-iic-tco 'ffe1 ciptif 3771 vtlicti rki -ZRoZ ZiM97 Th-t) Tit # -eRTT Do you agree with the assessment made by the reporting officer with respect to the work output and the various attributes in Part-3 & Part-4 ? Do you agree with the assessment of reporting officer in respect of extraordinani achievementsisignificant failures of the officer reported upon ? (Ref: Part-3(A) (iv) and Part-4 (5) (In case you do not agree with any of the numerical assessments of attributes please record your assessment on the column provided for you in that section and initial your entries) Yes 3- aTFUrd "eFkf No crpe4i vTit (mot cmit WTFt 3Trcr -5-u % GNei• zfr T9r r In case of disagreement, please specify the reasons. Is there anything you wish to modify or add ? 4- -11-4 ch-f aTtMit. f4tqc-if3) rTrrqvat cf)o.i MtV I cv-Rif tid-tici)-cfrf (WM7 1 0 0 '#) f 7-4 717E4 Cr Wirer gsti aTr~7it 3Tftrif Trrt- 3ift Cr lTrt tr Pen picture by Reviewing Officer. Please comment (in about 100 words) on the overall qualities of the officer including area of strenghts and lesser strength and his attitude towards weaker sections. P 8 cl‘lictior 311117 ri7 TiTt7E f47 733 3T, ITT t74 -- 1 ' -17T— 3 5Overall numerical grading on the basis of weightage given in Section A and Section B in Part-3 of the Report *ti,T114ff Signature of the Reviewing (Aber Place : 3R-it A.: 7Fi Name in Block Letters • Designation fk-oTfai: Date • arei : During the period of Report 9 \i 401tWitri TfTeT 7*173Tri. 2TRA TiWET Guidelines regarding filing up of APAR with numerical grading IrW-41 . TrizrEir4t 3 1 -e,tico2Tt 747 F --rfg7 I The columns in the APAR should be filled in with due care and attention and after devoting adequate time. 7q1"`ZIT n 71-Z 1 &MI 2 t fit CA CP (fAgra. 1 3T2T4T 1 0 *WI "qt raiTTOT3fI TIT077 iiiciTcm •*• rs:LI: 7977 ,'311R- .1) siok 9 titsttl xf f4f#T6 3zref&Ter ci tiera xi 3rft17 ltziT viN4if I Ot 1-2 31-MT 9-1 0 :5\ilt t 3M: ‘-tctli atrft174 -,-fft-swftth -.=T ft-it 3TftiTit c) t tiiR944q) i3#Tr;c T-,71 crr“) 'q.ifitt7trtsic sitti zrer err qt:i4-11-f "fif colZi ri14Acol tigi-11f1411t lei 11 It is expected that any grading of 1 or 2 (against work output or attributes or overall grade) would be adequately justified in the pen-picture by way of specific failures and similarly, any grade of 9 or 10 would be justifi ed with respect to specific accomplishments. Grades of 1-2 or 9-10 are expected to be rate occurences and hence the need to justify them. In awarding a numerical grade the reporting and reviewing authorities should rate the officer against a larger population of his/her peers that may be currently working under them. ick1 ATM micclict) Crrr73T17Thl 8 t 1 0 t 7tT1 TIT/ f TT cAct).<01"■ Iccrr," wv-clicts 9 viNlif I APARs graded between 8 and 10 will be rated as "Outstanding" and will be given a score of 9 for the purpose of calculating average scores for empanelment/promotion. G? T.4 -TT cActltil "Nr 31-151'" Ic r \11N+ii 7E1T 71-MtE15 7 1-4i41 N.311-trTIT I ZT ,:y1:Ttrq..aTT7 ),T 6 -fftIT 8 t BI APARs graded between 4 and 6 and short of 8 will be rated as "Very Good" and will be given a score of 7 (v) 1,Tfitt73T7 Tel 4 ;- 'f P.;T '51d1 41-cfcfrof •13i- 1" 11r uI viN4II•a"elT 41kciici-) 5 ftziT v1ii4Ait APARs graded between 6 short of 6 will be rated as "Good" and given a score of 5 . 1t.t7c71 "v/T" fc ff 7TiFT1i (vi) T1731'771 4 t APARs graded below 4 will be given a score of "Zero". f'r;71c-T4it tiqr' 7t7377177 1-TRt 4:14-144 TI%T it 1 11 71 I Guidelines regarding the colour scheme to bs used by different grades of CCS while filling up their APAR form 1>izic.) (717'41Itif) Yellow Director (Official language) Blue TrireFff Nic) 01..111-r3ro Joint Director (Official language) (2) ::3:1 7.1. Pi nk .4-, (:i1 r; Deputy Director (Official language) cp:;ito 3TTIT4T/VtZ 3T.711 3tFr: 3 +izicr) 1:-11<47 (. 1.711-741) Junior Hindi Translator/Senior Hindi Translator/Assistant ac<..letor (Official language) 10
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