St Mary’s Cathedral College Year 7 Student Assessment Handbook 2015 Updated: 5th February, 2015 To All Students and Parents As students progress through their junior secondary schooling they are required to meet a series of syllabus outcomes in each of their subjects. In today’s educational environment these outcomes can be assessed in a variety of ways including: Tests/exams Research tasks Major works (especially in practical subjects) Oral tasks Listening tasks Field trips Excursion activities Site studies Practical tests This is not an exhaustive list In an effort to streamline the school assessment process and assist students in their forward planning we have developed assessment schedules for all subjects. The following pages contain your assessment schedules for all your subjects. For each course we have provided you with: The Type of Task you will be having The Week that the task is on (some subjects have provided actual dates) The Weighting of the task (what percentage each task is worth in the overall assessment total) These percentages will be used in determining the First in Course at the end of the year We are also continuing our development of information for: Report Outcomes Course Outlines We trust that the following information will prove beneficial to the students in their studies. If there are any questions concerning the following pages please do not hesitate to contact: The Subject Teacher The Leader of Learning The Leader of Pedagogy– Mrs Mano The Leader of Learning, Curriculum – Mr Marks 2 Frequently Asked Questions 1. Where can I locate the assessment schedules? The online version of this assessment schedule can be found on the College website. Click on: o Teaching and Learning tab at top of page o Assessment ling at side o Online google calendar can be located by clicking the link in the box o All Assessment Handbook can be downloaded as a PDF (bottom of page). 2. What if I’m going to be away for a task? If you are going to be away for more than TWO days you need to obtain permission from The Headmaster. You will be given a Blue Form to fill out which will notify your Leader of Wellbeing and all your teachers as to your absence. Your class teachers will then be able to work with you to ensure you complete all the necessary work/tasks. 3. What if I am sick on the day of a task or I am away when a task is due to be handed in? In Years 7 & 8 we DO NOT require a Doctor’s Certificate. A note from your parents is sufficient. On the first day you return to school you should have taken your note to the subject teacher whose task you have missed. Normally an alternative date or task will be organized. This will usually involve consultation with the Leader of Learning Failure to present appropriate documentation may result in a 20% penalty for each day a student does not meet the task requirements. The Leader of Learning will make the final decision. 4. What should I do with this Assessment Schedule? Write down in your Student Planner and on a wall calendar: o A reminder notice that a task is due one week before date nominated in the schedule o The actual date each task is due o Other significant dates/obligations you are aware of that will take time away you’re your studies (camps, music lessons, family functions, sporting commitments etc.) Parents 5. What if my son is not achieving or working to his potential in a course? You are strongly advised to make use of the Student Planner to communicate with your son’s teachers to ensure he remains on-track. If your son has not worked well within a subject and he has not handed in required tasks or consistently completed homework the class teachers will follow the steps outlined in the flowchart below. 3 STUDENT ACADEMIC (UNDER) PERFORMANCE PROCEDURE The following flow chart outlines the steps taken by the Leader of Learning/class teacher when a student within a course is under performing/achieving in year 7 & 8. STEP 1 Student academic performance for this course is inconsistent in respect to class work and homework. ACTION: Class teacher writes a comment in the student’s planner and parents must sign this comment. A general improvement in student performance should result or apply Step 2. STEP 2 The student’s academic performance has not improved and is still a concern for the class teacher. ACTION: Class teacher contacts Leader of Learning and asks for a ‘LETTER OF CONCERN’ form. This is completed by class teacher and given to Leader of Learning. A ‘letter of concern’ is generated and sent to students parents. STEP 3 Student performance continues to deteriorate (ie: course work incomplete). ACTION: Leader of Learning/class teacher will organize an interview with parents and student. Parents are strongly advised to sit down with their son/s and go through this schedule with him and develop a consistent program of study. 4 All College assessment timings and dates are available on the College Google Calendar. How to Access Google Assessment Calendars and Assessment Schedules Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 go to College website: click on ‘Teaching and Learning’ tab at the top of the page ‘Assessment’ tab on the left hand side of the page Select the relevant ‘Online Assessment Calendar’ or download the entire assessment document as a separate pdf for each year group (towards the bottom of the page). You can adjust the settings of the calendar to see events by day, week or month. You are advised to either download the calendar onto your own computer or you can print the calendar. Students are advised that, in all cases, where a discrepancy exists between this document and the Google Calendar published by the College, the GOOGLE CALENDAR should be considered to be accurate. Feedback/Evaluation If you have any suggestions as to how this schedule may be improved, please direct them to the College or email to: Thank you, Mr Marks 5 The following pages contain the Assessment Schedules for all courses. Students will be given more specific information relating to each task closer to the due dates. Students are advised that these schedules are accurate at the time of printing. Any alteration to a course schedule will be distributed, in writing, by the relevant subject teachers. 1. Religious Education 2. English 3. History 4. Mathematics 5. Music 6. PDH&PE 7. Science 8. Technology 6 Year 7 Assessment Schedule Religious Education 2015 Staff: CLE/MCL, RSM, MBU, LRO, ACI Updated: 10 February 2015 Task Nature of task/content area Assessment Task 1 – Research Task iBook Assessment Task 2 – Research Task Collectors’ Cards Timing Tm I Wk 9 Assessment Task 3 – In Class Task Examination Tm IV Wk IV Tm III Wk 2 Date 17 March 8:45 Submission 20 July P3, 4 26 October P 3, 4 Weight 30% 30% 40% Unit & Outcomes Ways of being Catholic: Outcomes 2 & 3 Sacred Scripture: Outcome 3 Ways of Praying: Outcome 3 Stewards of Creation: Outcome 1& 3 Affirming Human Dignity: Outcomes 2 & 3 Task Set by: CLE/MCL MBU LRO Reporting Outcomes Semester One 1. Demonstrate knowledge of the traditions of the school and the local Church community. Semester Two 2. Describes and communicates major themes, people and events of the Bible and a range of prayer forms and expressions. 3. Appreciates humanity’s responsibility for creation and understands decision making and moral reasoning. Course Outline Term I: What it Means to be Catholic (8 weeks) Sacred Scripture (2 weeks) Term II: Sacred Scripture (6 weeks) Ways of Praying (4 weeks) Term III: Ways of Praying (4 weeks) Stewards of Creation (6 weeks) Term IV: Stewards of Creation (2 weeks) Affirming Human Dignity (8 weeks) Staff are advised that any alterations to this schedule should be distributed to all students doing the course. St. Mary’s Cathedral College English Department Assessment Schedule Year 7 Semester 1 and 2, 2015 Staff: Ms Bailey, Ms Bosnich/Mr Lim, Mr Ryan, Mr Egger, Mrs Weinberger Updated: 5th February 2015 TASK UNIT WEEK TO WEEK TO REPORT TASK SET TASK ISSUE COMPLETE OUTCOME BY MARKED BY FOCUS Task 1: Unit 2: Mode: Drama Viewing and Term 1: representation 25% Weeks 610 Outcomes: EN41A , EN43B , EN49E Task 2: Unit 2 : Mode: Close Study Reading 15% of a Novel Writing 10% Don’t Call me Outcomes: Ishmael EN42A, EN45C, Term 2 EN47D Weeks 1 9 Task 4: Unit 4: Mode: Australian Reading/Speaking 25% Heroes Outcomes: Term 3 EN41A , EN44B , EN49E Weeks 110 Term 1 Week 6 Task 4: Mode: Listening 10% Writing 15% Outcomes: EN43B, EN44B, EN45C Term 4 Week 1 Unit 5: Speaking Out Term 4: Weeks 15 Term 2 Week 1 Term 3 Week 6 Term 1 Week 10 Submit before school Wednesday 1st April Term 2 Week 5 Tuesday 19th May P4 ABN P5 LBA, YWE, MEG, JRY Term 3 Week 9 Tuesday 8th September P4 ABN P5 LBA, YWE, MEG, JRY Term 4 Week 6 Wednesday 11th November P2 LBA, JRY, MEG P4 LLI, YWE 1 MEG ALL 2 LBA ALL 3 YWE ALL 4 JRY ALL Reporting Outcomes 1. Students have composed an engaging script using elements of scriptwriting to demonstrate an ability to creatively use humour to engage audience interest. Students have created a digital performance of an original ballad demonstrating the use of poetic devices to shape meaning. 2. Students have composed a narrative demonstrating control of language and structure appropriate to audience, purpose and form. 3. Students have created a digital performance of an original ballad demonstrating the use of poetic devices to shape meaning. 4. Students have demonstrated an understanding of the ways in which persuasive language can influence meaning in spoken texts. Course Outline Term 1 Weeks 15 Unit 1: Wolves and their Representation Weeks 610 Unit 2: Drama Term 2 Weeks 110 Unit 3: Close Study of a Novel Term 3 Weeks 110 Unit 4: Australian Heroes Term 4 Weeks 15 Unit 5: Speaking Out Weeks 610 Unit 6: Through my Window HSIE Faculty Assessment Schedule Year 7 History 2015 Staff: SGA (x2), DNI, ANO, APR Updated: January 2015 Task Nature of task/content area Timing Date Task Weight Reporting Outcome Focus Task Set by: Topic 1: Investigating the Ancient Past Skills Test Tm Wk 1 9 25/3 P4 except 7HSIE3 25% 1, 2 SGA Topics 2 & 3: Mediterranean & Asian World Research Skills Task Tm Wk 2 5 Out: Wk 2 Due: Wk 5, 20/5 25% 3 DNI Topic 4: Western & Islamic World Exam Tm Wk 3 7 26/8 P4 except 7HSIE3 25% 1, 2, 3 APR Topic 6: Expanding Contacts Oral ICT Presentation Tm Wk 4 4 Out: Wk 9 (T3) Due: By end of Wk 4 25% 4 ANO Reporting Outcomes Semester One 1. Identifies and draws conclusions about the usefulness of sources as evidence in a historical inquiry. 2. Sequences historical events and uses appropriate terms and concepts to describe these events. 3. Locates, selects and organises relevant information from a number of sources, including ICT, to conduct basic historical research on a chosen society. Semester Two 1. Identifies and draws conclusions about the usefulness of sources as evidence. 2. Demonstrates ability in a range of historical skills, terms and concepts. 3. Uses appropriate historical terms and information to describe the nature of Western and Islamic societies. 4. Describes significant features of indigenous American cultures, prior to and post colonisation and communicates the information effectively using the appropriate oral form. Course Outline Topic 1: Investigating the Ancient Past (including Overview) Topic 2: The Mediterranean World (Egypt) Topic 3: The Asian World (China) Topic 4: The Western and Islamic World (Medieval Europe including Overview) Topic 6: Expanding Contacts (Spanish Conquest of the Americas) Topic 5: The Asia-Pacific World (Japan Under the Shogun) Term 1 Wks 1 - 7 Term 1 Wks 8 – 10 / Term 2 Wks 1 - 3 Term 2 Wks 4 - 10 Term 3 Wks 1 – 7 Term 3 Wks 8 – 10 / Term 4 Wks 1 - 3 Term 4 Wks 4 - 9 Staff are advised that any alteration to this schedule should be distributed to all students doing the course. Year 7 Assessment Schedule Mathematics 2015 Staff: G. Christodoulos/B. Wilding; D. Angelou; P. Bottrill; D. Pearce; M. Burden Updated: 2 Feb. 15 Task Nature of task/content area Term 1 Test Term 2 Test Term 3 Test Term 4 Test Timing Tm Wk Tm Wk Tm Wk Tm Wk I 7 II 5 III 7 IV 5 Date Task Weight Reporting Outcome Focus 9 Mar 25 1, 2 18 May 25 1, 2 24 Aug 25 1, 3 2 Nov 25 1, 2, 3 Reporting Outcomes 1. Knowledge, skills and understanding in Number and Algebra. 2. Knowledge, skills and understanding in Measurement and Geometry. 3. Knowledge, skills and understanding in Statistics and Probability. Course Outline TERM 1: Computation with Positive Integers Angle Relationships Computation with Positive and Negative Integers TERM 2: Understanding Fractions, Decimals and Percentages Probability TERM 3: Computation with Decimals and Fractions Time Algebraic Techniques 1 Equations 1 TERM 4: Equations 1 (cont’d) Measurement and Computation of Length, Perimeter and Area Introducing Indices 2015 Music Assessment Schedule Year 7 Staff: L. Harrison, L.Cooley, M. McHattan Updated: 18 Feb. 15 Task Timing Date Nature of task/content area Composition Performance Semester 1 Examination Performance Composition Semester 2 Examination Tm Wk Tm Wk Tm Wk Tm Wk Tm Wk Tm Wk Tm Wk Task Weight Reporting Outcome Focus Task Set by: Task Criteria by: 1 10 2 5 2 6 30/3/ 2015 1822/5/15 29/5 1/6/15 10% 4.4 LHA LHA 10% 4.1 LHA LHA 20% 4.7,4.9 LHA LHA 3 5 4 4 4 7 10-15/8/ 2015 30/10/ 2015 1720/11/ 2015 15% 4.2,4.3 LHA LHA 15% 4.6 LHA LHA 30% 4.8 LHA LHA Tm Wk Reporting Outcomes Semester One 1. Demonstrates an understanding of musical concepts through composing using traditional notation 2. Performs in a range of musical styles demonstrating solo and or ensemble awareness 3. Demonstrates an understanding of musical concepts through listening and responding 4. Demonstrates musical literacy though reading and interpreting of scores 5. Semester Two 1. Performs music using different forms of notation across a range of styles 2. Experiments with different forms of technology in the composition process 3. Demonstrates an understanding of musical concepts through aural identification, discrimination and observing 4. Demonstrates an ability to aurally identify the key features of repertoire using the concepts of music 5. Course Outline Term 1: Introduction to Music: What is Music? Term 2: Instruments of the Orchestra Term 3: Australian Music Term 4: Music for Radio, Film, Television and Multi Media Staff are advised that this schedule should be distributed to all students doing the course. Year 7 Assessment Schedule PDHPE 2015 Co-ordinator: Mr. P. Bottrill Updated: 5 Feb. 15 Task Assess Task Weight Report Outcome Focus Relevant PDHPE Content Strand - - 2 Mar 30 Mar 11 May 31 July 14 Sept IV 2 IV 3 10% Sem 1 Otcm 4 Sem 1 Otcm 1 Sem 1 Otcm 2 Sem 1 Otcm 3 Sem 2 Otcm 1 Sem 2 Otcm 2 Sem 2 Otcm 3 Sem 2 Otcm 4 Lifelong Physical Activity Self and Relationships Self and Relationships Movement Skill and Performance Personal and Community Health Personal and Community Health Personal and Community Health Lifelong Physical Activity Timing Nature of task/content area Cardiovascular Fitness Test (competency based assessment task) Community Support Services Research & Report Task Term 1 Exam Practical Game Skills Tests Mental Health Awareness Promotion Task Term 3 Exam Sports Injury Practical (competency based assessment task) Cardiovascular Fitness Test (competency based assessment task) Tm 1 Wk 2 Tm 1 Wk 6 Tm 1 Wk 10 Tm 2 Wk 4 Tm 3 Wk 4 Tm 3 Wk 10 Tm 4 Wk 2 Tm 4 Wk 3 25% 15% 25% 25% - Reporting Outcomes Semester One 1. Researches and reports on various community services available in our society 2. Identifies and explains various issues concerned with self and relationships 3. Demonstrates competency in a range of movement skills 4. Successfully completes a standardised test of cardio-vascular fitness Semester Two 1. Designs strategies and ideas that promote the image of mental health in adolescence 2. Identifies and explains various issues concerned with personal and community health & lifelong physical activity 3. Successfully demonstrates correct basic sports first aid procedures 4. Successfully completes a standardised test of cardio-vascular fitness Course Outline Term 1: Challenges & Changes Term One, Weeks 1 -‐ 10 Term 2: The Body in Motion Term Two, Weeks 1 -‐ 8 Term 3: Mental Health & Term Two, Weeks 9 & 10 – Term Three, Weeks 1 -‐ 4 Health Matters Term Three, Weeks 5 -‐ 10 Term 4: Physical Activity Term Four, Weeks 1 -‐ 9 Staff will advise students of any alterations to this schedule should they be required. Science Faculty Assessment Schedule Year 7 Science 2015 Staff: Ms. VanderGert, Ms. Ung, Ms. Bennett/Mr Almeida, Ms. Van der Meer, Mrs. Dennett, Mr Clarke Updated: 29 Jan 2015 Task Timing Date given Date due 17 Mar P1,4,5,6 8 Apr P1,2,3 20 May P1,2,6 Nature of task/content area End of unit knowledge and problem solving test Tm Wk Tm Wk Tm Wk 1 8 1 11 2 4 Practical Exam Tm 3 6 Literacy Quiz Research Task T1 W9 Wk Literacy Quiz End of unit knowledge and problem solving test Wk 3 6 Tm Wk 4 6 Tm Reporting Weighting Outcome Focus 10% 1 40% 4 50% 1 and 2 40% 3 1 Sep P1,2,3 10% 1 10 Nov P1,2,3 50% 1 and 2 17/8 P1 18/8 P1,3 19/8 P5 Reporting Outcomes Semester One 1. Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of scientific models, theories, laws, structures and systems. 2. Uses creativity and critical thinking to solve scientific problems. 4. Demonstrates the ability to gather, process and present relevant information from secondary sources. Semester Two 1. Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of scientific models, theories, laws, structures and systems. 2. Uses creativity and critical thinking to solve scientific problems. 3. Demonstrates the ability to select appropriate equipment and/or resources to perform firsthand investigations. Course Outline Term 1 – Magic of Science Term 2 – Are We Alone? Term 3 – The Blue Planet Term 4 – Journey to the Centre of the Earth Staff are advised that any alteration to this schedule should be distributed to all students doing the course. Year 7 Assessment Schedule Technology 2015 Staff: Cook, Davidson, Enright, Fisher, Williams Updated: 16 Feb. 15 Task Nature of task/content area In Class Exam – relevant context area Timing Tm Wk I 9 Design Project 1 - Prototype Tm Wk II 5 Design Project 1 – Folio Tm Wk II 5 In Class Exam – relevant context area Tm Wk III 9 Design Project 2 - Folio Tm Wk IV 5 Design Project 2 - Prototype Tm Wk IV 5 Class / Date 7TASB 24/03/15 P2 7TASBr 24/03/15 P2 7TASH 24/03/15 P1 7TASK 24/03/15 P3 7TASM 24/03/15 P3 7TASP 24/03/15 P1 7TASB 18/05/15 P2 7TASBr 18/05/15 P2 7TASH 18/05/15 P1 7TASK 18/05/15 P3 7TASM 18/05/15 P3 7TASP 18/05/15 P1 7TASB 18/05/15 P2 7TASBr 18/05/15 P2 7TASH 18/05/15 P1 7TASK 18/05/15 P3 7TASM 18/05/15 P3 7TASP 18/05/15 P1 7TASB 08/09/15 P2 7TASBr 08/09/15 P2 7TASH 08/09/15 P1 7TASK 08/09/15 P3 7TASM 08/09/15 P3 7TASP 08/09/15 P1 7TASB 03/11/15 P2 7TASBr 03/11/15 P2 7TASH 03/11/15 P1 7TASK 03/11/15 P3 7TASM 03/11/15 P3 7TASP 03/11/15 P1 7TASB 03/11/15 P2 7TASBr 03/11/15 P2 7TASH 03/11/15 P1 7TASK 03/11/15 P3 7TASM 03/11/15 P3 7TASP 03/11/15 P1 Task Weight Reporting Outcome Focus 15% 3 20% 1 15% 2 15% 1 15% 2 20% 3 Reporting Outcomes Semester One 1. Demonstrates proficiency in manipulating a variety of tools and equipment, in order to finish products to a quality appropriate to the requirements of the Design Project. 2. Records the design process of the project using written and graphical means. 3. Student identifies the range of appropriate tools, equipment and technologies in the prescribed context area. Semester Two 1. Demonstrates proficiency in manipulating a variety of tools and equipment, in order to finish products to a quality appropriate to the requirements of the Design Project. 2. Records the design process of the project using written and graphical means. 3. Student identifies the range of appropriate tools, equipment and technologies in the prescribed context area. Course Outline The areas of study covered in Year 7 Technology are: • Built Environment – Architectural Design (Re-design My Room) • Built Environment – Interior Design (Mugs, Mugs, Mugs) • Products – Accessories Design (Where are my keys?) These areas of study are split into 13-16 week units. To reduce the strain on school resources, each class will be completing each area of study at different times. Your teacher will let you know which area of study your doing and when you are doing it. Staff are advised that any alterations to this schedule should be distributed to all students doing the course.
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