An Adaptive Incremental Conductance MPPT Based on BELBIC Controller in Photovoltaic Systems Saeed Azimi, Behzad Mirzaeian dehkordi, Mehdi Niroomand Department of electrical engineering, faculty of engineering University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran,, Abstract—Many conventional incremental conductance (INC) methods are used for maximum power point tracking (MPPT) of photovoltaic (PV) arrays. In these methods the step size determines the speed of MPPT. Fast tracking can be achieved with bigger increments but the system might not operate exactly at the MPP and may oscillate about it instead; so there is a tradeoff between the time needed to reach the MPP and the oscillation error. The main purpose of this paper is to present an adaptive step size in the INC to improve solar array performance. Conventional proportional integral (PI) controller is applied the MPP to the PV output voltage terminals; however, in this paper brain emotional learning based intelligent controller (BELBIC) is used as an adaptive step size in the INC. This controller decrease the oscillation error, so there will be a considerable increase in system accuracy. At the end, the effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by simulation results at different operating conditions and comparing them with simulation results of conventional method. MPPT focuses on new and more flexible ways for duty ratio step size changing. In this paper, a new approach of incremental conductance (INC) algorithm which makes use of a variable step of desirable voltage change is presented by based on adaptive method. This algorithm is applied on a DC/DC boost converter and the subsequently found MPP by controlling the duty cycle of the boost converter. The whole system is simulated using PSIM and simulation results verified the proposed method. ﻣ ﺘ ﻠ ﺐ ﺳ ﺎ ﯾ ﺖ m o c . e t i S b a l t a M Keywords—Maximum power point tracking (MPPT), Incremental conductance (INC), Adaptive incremental conductance (AINC), Brain emotional learning based intelligent controller (BELBIC) I. II. Fig. 1 is shown a single diode model of solar cell equivalent circuit. In this model, open-circuit voltage and short-circuit current are the key parameters. The short-circuit current depends on illumination, while the open-circuit voltage is affected by the material and temperature. In this model, VT is the temperature voltage expressed as VT=kT/q, which is 25mV at 25°C. The ideality factor (α) generally varies between 1 and 5 for this model. The equations defining this model are as bellow [11]: INTRODUCTION Solar energy is one of the most important renewable energy sources that have been gaining increased attention in recent years. Solar energy is plentiful; it has the greatest availability compared to other energy sources. The amount of energy supplied to the earth in one day by the sun is sufficient to power the total energy needs of the earth for one year [1] nowadays research on solar power generates great interest in achieving the only aim to get the maximum energy that PV can provide. The power generated from a given PV module mainly depends on solar irradiance and temperature. For optimal operation of a PV module, its terminal voltage must be equal to the corresponding MPP value. To achieve these goals, various conventional MPP tracking (MPPT) algorithms [2],[3] such as incremental conductance [4], perturbation and observation (P&O) [5],[6], hill climbing, parasitic capacitance [7], constant voltage [8] and current algorithm [9],[10] are presented. Although its complexity, most usual MPPT algorithm is Incremental Conductance due to several advantages that presents in comparison with others have been proposed and used to extract maximum power from PV arrays under different operating conditions. Current research in the field of PV MODELS AND EQUIVALENT CIRCUITS ⎡ V PV ⎤ I D = I 0 ⎢⎢e αVT − 1⎥⎥ ⎢⎣ ⎥⎦ (1) I PV = I SC − I D (2) ⎡ I − I PV ⎤ VPV = αVT ln ⎢ SC + 1⎥ I 0 ⎣ ⎦ (3) I PV = I PH − I D, ⎡ ⎛ q(V + Rs I PV ) ⎞ ⎤ VPV + Rs I PV = I PH − I 0 ⎢exp⎜ ⎟ − 1⎥ − αkT RP ⎠ ⎦ ⎣ ⎝ 324 ﻣﺘﻠﺐ ﺳﺎﯾﺖ (4) Figure 1. Single-diode model of solar cell equivalent circuit Where IPH is photocurrent (A), ID is diode current (A), RS is series resistance, and RP is parallel resistance. III. INCREMENTAL CONDUCTANCE BASED MPPT TECHNIQUE The incremental conductance technique is the most Commonly used MPPT for PV systems [11]-[13]. The technique is based on the fact that the sum of the instantaneous conductance I/V and the incremental conductance ΔI/ΔV is zero at the MPP, negative on the right side of the MPP, and positive on the left side of the MPP. Fig. 2 shows the flowchart algorithm of the incremental conductance technique. If the change in current and change in voltage is zero at the same time, no increment or decrement is required for the reference voltage. If there is no change in voltage while the current change is positive, the reference voltage should be increased. Similarly, if there is no change in voltage while the current change is negative, the reference voltage should be decreased. If the voltage change is zero while ΔI/ΔV = -I/V, the PV is operating at MPP. If ΔI/ΔV ≠ -I/V and ΔI/ΔV > -I/V, the reference voltage should be decreased. However, if ΔI/ΔV ≠ I/V and ΔI/ΔV < -I/V, the reference voltage should be increased in order to track the MPP. Based on this algorithm, the operating point is either located in the BC interval or oscillating among the AB and CD intervals, as it is shown in Fig. 3. Selecting the step size (ΔVref), is a trade-off between accurate steady tracking and dynamic response. ﻣ ﺘ ﻠ ﺐ ﺳ ﺎ ﯾ ﺖ m o c . e t i S b a l t a M If larger step sizes are used for quicker dynamic responses, the tracking accuracy decreases and the tracking point oscillates around the MPP. On the other hand, when small step sizes are selected, the tracking accuracy will increase. In the meantime, the time duration required to reach the MPP will be increased [14]. IV. BRAIN EMOTIONAL LEARNING BASED INTELLIGENT CONTROLLER (BELBIC) BELBIC is abbreviation of brain emotional learning based intelligent controller. In addition to simpleness, BELBIC is an adaptive controller with good performance [15]-[17]. Fig. 4 illustrates the structure of the BELBIC and each part of the system is described briefly [18]. Thalamus: This part is simulation of real thalamus in this part does some simple initial- processing on sensory brain input signals. Figure 2. Figure 3. Incremental conductance algorithm flow-chart diagram Operating point trajectory of INC–based MPPT Sensory Cortex: The output signals of thalamus enter sensory cortex. This part is responsible for the subdivision and discrimination of the coarse output from thalamus. Orbitofrontal Cortex: The Orbitofrontal Cortex is supposed to ban inappropriate responses from the Amygdala, based on the context given by the hippocampus. Amygdala: The Amygdala is a small structure in the medial temporal lobe of brain which is thought to be responsible for the emotional evaluation of stimuli. BELBIC consist of two main parts, briefly corresponding to the amygdala and the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), respectively. The amygdaloid part receives signals from the thalamus and cortical areas, while the orbital part receives signals only from the cortical areas and the amygdale. Reinforcing signal is also received. As it is shown in Fig. 4, BELBIC receives sensory input signals via Thalamus. After initial-processing in Thalamus, processed input signal will be sent to Amygdala and Sensory Cortex. Amygdala and Orbitofrontal process their inputs based on Emotional Signal received from environment. 325 ﻣﺘﻠﺐ ﺳﺎﯾﺖ Figure 5. Control system configuration using BELBIC The connection weights Vi are set proportionally to the difference between the reinforce (REW) and the accumulation of the A nodes. The αa term is a constant used to adjust the learning speed and settable parameter between 0 (no learning) and 1 (instant adaptation). Δvi = α a .si . max(0, REW − ∑ Ai ) This is an instance of a simple associative learning system. The real difference between this system and similar associative learning systems is the fact that this weight adjusting rule is monotonic, i.e., the weights V cannot be decreased. The Orbitofrontal learning rule is very similar to the Amygdala rule. The only difference is that the Orbitofrontal connection weight can be increased and decreased as needed to track the required inhibiting of Amygdala. It also adapts its output according to the sensory data S and the reinforce (REW). Likewise, the learning rule in OFC is calculated as the difference between E' and the reinforcing signal: ﻣ ﺘ ﻠ ﺐ ﺳ ﺎ ﯾ ﺖ m o c . e t i S b a l t a M Figure 4. Structure of BELBIC [18] Final output is subtraction of Amygdala and Orbitofrontal Cortex outputs. In the following section, functionality of these parts and the learning algorithm is discussed based [18]. There is one A node for every stimulus S to amygdala plus one additional node from thalamic stimulus. There is one single node for all outputs of the model, called E. This node simply sums the outputs from the A nodes, and then subtracts the inhibitory outputs from the O nodes, where O is OFC node for each of the stimuli: E = ∑ Ai − ∑ Oi (including A th ) (5) Furthermore, E' node sums the outputs from A except Ath and then subtracts it from inhibitory outputs of the O nodes: (9) E ′ = ∑ Ai − ∑ Oi Δwi = α o .si .(E ′ − REW ) (10) where Wi is the weight of OFC connection and αo is OFC learning rate constant. It is seen that the OFC learning rule is very similar to the Amygdaloid rule. The only difference in Amygdaloid and OFC learning is that the OFC connection weight can both increase and decrease as required tracking the desired inhibition. The OFC nodes values are then calculated as follows: (not including A th ) (6) The thalamic connection is calculated as the maximum over all stimuli S and becomes another input to the amygdaloid part: Ath = max (si ) (7) Unlike other inputs to the Amygdala the thalamic input is not projected into the Orbitofrontal part and cannot be banned. For each A node, there is a plastic connection weight V. Each input is multiplied by this weight to make the output of the node. Ai = S iVi (8) Oi = S iWi (11) Note that this system works at two levels: the Amygdaloid part learns to predict and react to a given reinforce. So, the OFC output is adjusted to minimize the discrepancy of the amygdala output and the reinforce, which was exactly desired. The emotional learning mechanism in mammalians is an open-loop learning system. This means the living creature receives stimuli from environment and reacts respectively. Effectiveness of this reaction is being evaluated in the reinforcement signal and helps the creature to reproduce better responses. To use this algorithm for decision making and control applications a closed-loop scheme must be introduced, a schematic diagram of closed-loop decision making mechanism is suggested in Fig. 5. As it is illustrated in (12), (13) sensory input and reward signal, generally can be arbitrary function of the reference 326 ﻣﺘﻠﺐ ﺳﺎﯾﺖ output yr, controller output, u and error signal e, and the designer must find a proper function for the controller. Inputs to emotional learning mechanism are a set of sensory input signals as well as a reinforcing signal. These signals generally can be arbitrary selected by the designer of the control algorithm. It is recommended that the reinforcing signal REW is a function of other signals which can be supposed as a cost function rationale, specifically award and punishment: REW = J (si , e, y P ) (12) where yp is the plant output and e is the error signal. Similarly the sensory inputs must be a function of plant outputs and controller outputs as follows: S i = f (u , e, y P , y r ) (1) VI. SIMULATION RESULTS Simulations were conducted with PSIM to verify the validity of the purposed method. Table shows the characteristics of the solar module. In the following, the worst possible change of the irradiance level-that is a step change- is observed. A. Simulation of INC with PI controller First, the performance of conventional method is illustrated. Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 show the performance of INC in tracking the new MPP when there is a rapid change in irradiance level between 500W/m2 and 1000W/m2. Fig. 6 shows the performance with a constant Vstep=0.0005 and Fig. 7 shows the performance with a constant Vstep=0.0001. According to Fig. 6 and Fig. 7, shorter Vstep leads to less oscillation around the MPP but more needed time to reach the MPP. Longer Vstep result in less time needed reach the MPP, but more oscillation around the MPP. In general, neither of these two steps can find the exact MPP. ﻣ ﺘ ﻠ ﺐ ﺳ ﺎ ﯾ ﺖ m o c . e t i S b a l t a M where yr is the reference signal. V. Using a PI controller has a good performance [19], generally. But the accuracy and the speed of adjusting could be improved using BELBIC controller. BELBIC is an intelligent method, so it exactly adjusts the VMPP -found by adaptive incremental conductance- to the output terminals of photovoltaic system, while, the PI controller cannot perform as accurate as the BELBIC controller. PI lack of accuracy leads to less efficiency, because the photovoltaic system is not at the optimized point. Therefore, we miss some energy. ADAPTIVE INCREMENTAL CONDUCTANCE (AINC) BASED ON BELBIC CONTROLLER A new adaptive method for maximum power point tracking has been introduced. In the proposed method the Vstep changes according to the error value or in other words, to the difference between Vref and VMPP. The more error value leads to greater step size. Thus, in every iterations the value of Vstep varies. In the MPP neighborhood the step size is reduced adaptively in order to avoid fluctuation around the MPP. At the MPP, we have ΔI/ΔV = -I/V so the difference between ΔI/ΔV and -I/V gives us the value of error. Using this criterion, the step size should be changed adaptively based on the gradient descent algorithm. In this method (AINC) we have a variable Vstep instead of a constant Vstep, which changes by a coefficient of error. e = ΔI / ΔV + I / V Vstep = η * e (14) (15) Where the advantage of using this method is that if we are far from the MPP, the amount of error is high, so according to (14) the Vstep is high, too. As we get closer to the MPP, the amount of error is reduced. So the Vstep will be shortened. Large steps at the beginning of the process lead to less iteration needed to reach the MPP neighborhood. Thus, this method is very faster in the matter of tracking the MPP. In the MPP neighborhood, the steps are becoming shorter. Therefore, approaching to the MPP is done more accurately. The proposed algorithm reduces the time needed to reach the MPP which leads to a boost in the efficiency of the system. After finding VMPP, we should adjust this voltage to the output terminals of the photovoltaic system by changing the duty cycle of the switch in the boost converter. B. Simulation of AINC with PI controller Here, an adaptive Vstep is produced according to AINC instead of a constant Vstep. Fig. 8 shows the performance of the AINC in tracking the new MPP when there is a rapid change in irradiance level between 500W/m2 and 1000W/m2. Fig. 8 shows that by applying the adaptive Vstep MPP tracking is increased as well as the accuracy of tracking in comparison with INC method. However, there is not the best accuracy in adjusting the VMPP to the PV output voltage terminals, although the adaptive method has a good performance in MPP tracking and its accuracy in comparison to conventional PI controller. C. Simulation of AINC with BELBIC controller Here, BELBIC controller is applied for improving the accuracy of adjustment. Fig. 9 shows the tracking of the MPP TABLE I. Number of cells Ns Standard light intensity S0 Ref. Temperature Tref Series resistance Rs Shunt resistance Rsh 327 ﻣﺘﻠﺐ ﺳﺎﯾﺖ CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SOLAR MODULE 36 Short circuit current Isc0 3.8 A 1000 Saturation current Is0 2.16e-8 A 25°C Band energy Eg 1.12 J 0.008 Ω Identify factor α 1.2 1000 Ω Temperature coefficient Ct 0.0024 based on AINC method with BELBIC controller. It is obvious that BELBIC controller improves the accuracy of adjustment in comparison with PI controller. Table 2 shows the summary of the comparison between these three methods (INC with conventional PI controller, AINC with PI conventional controller, AINC with BELBIC controller). This table illustrates that the first method (INC with PI) by choosing smaller Vstep, the accuracy is increased, while the speed is decreased. Introducing adaptive Vstep led to a perfect accuracy, while the speed remained reasonable. The last method (AINC with BELBIC) resulted in ultimate accuracy with the same speed. In the AINC method Vstep will not fix and varies as shown in Error! Reference source not found. but in conventional methods Vstep is constant, therefore the MPP cannot be pursued. Variation of Vstep led to have a small Vstep size near the MPP and result to more accuracy, also far from MPP by large Vstep size allows to very fast tracking. Fig. 10 shows the Variation of Vstep in AINC method when a step change in irradiate is accured (t=0.2 sec). It is obvious that, at the first Vstep increased to 0.4 in order to fast tracking the MPP, Then, Vstep decrease to zero for more accuracy in tracking and elimination the fluctuations around the MPP. ﻣ ﺘ ﻠ ﺐ ﺳ ﺎ ﯾ ﺖ m o c . e t i S b a l t a M I. CONCLUSION In this paper, different methods in tracking MPP of PV systems and applying to the PV output voltage terminals are presented. The drawbacks of INC method, especially in rapid changes in atmospheric conditions, are the needed time to reach the MPP and oscillation error. Figure 7. 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