March 25, 2015 THOUGHTS FROM BRYAN SUNDAY NIGHT SERVICES This Sunday night, March 29th, our young men will be I have shared this story with you before, but I recently ran across it again and it always makes me smile; conducting the evening services. The focus will be on prayer. Hope everyone will attend and support our youth. I hope it gives you a smile also. … Once upon a time there was a little old Christian FAITH AVENUE lady living next door to an atheist. Every morning she “Look, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye would come out onto her front porch and shout will see Him, even those who pierced Him; and all the "Praise the Lord!" Then the atheist would yell back, "There is peoples of the earth will mourn because of Him. Shall it no God!" Every time she did this she was met with the be! Amen.” Revelation 1:7. same response. Congratulations to Kye Parker! Kye has been saving As time went on the Christian lady ran into financial his Bible Bucks for a long time, and he finally decided to difficulties and had trouble buying food. She went out use 150 of them to purchase the boy’s bicycle in Central onto the porch and asked God for help with groceries, Park! We are very proud of Kye. He takes the word of then as always said, "Praise the Lord!" God seriously, and he adds so much to our lessons with The next morning she went out onto the porch and his insightful comments. Emily and Zach are doing a there sat the groceries she asked for; excited she yelled, wonderful job raising Kye, Brittlyn and Tess to love our Lord. What a delightful family! "Praise the Lord!" We have such a leader in Parker Jackson! Parker has Then the atheist jumped out from behind a bush and taken our “Central Avenue Faith Fund” to heart and is said, “Ha, I bought those groceries - there is no God!: The lady doing a great job of promoting it! He takes the box and looked at him, smiled and shouted, “Praise the Lord, not stands by the General Store to encourage the children to only Father did You provide groceries for me, You made Satan give to the Faith Fund before they buy something for pay for them!” themselves! It is inspiring to watch the personalities of We all need to realize what this little lady clearly our young people, and observe what is meaningful in understood – Satan is a defeat foe and the only power he their lives. I know God is raising faithful young men and has is what God allows. Satan cannot make us do women to carry out His plans. We are so thankful for anything; he is under God’s dominion just like us. This Ryan and Sara for fostering this love for God in their children. reminds me of Mordecai’s story in the book of Esther. We are going to miss Masha Bzenyuk on Faith The evil Haman hated Mordecai and all the Jews Avenue! Masha has been our Tour Guide for the current because of him. Haman built gallows seventy-five feet high second graders for the past three years, but has worked in intending to have Mordecai hanged on it. But because of Faith Avenue for four years! Her beautiful smile and the grace and work of God not only was Mordecai and all warm spirit will be greatly missed by all of us. Please keep of the Jews spared, but Haman was hanged on his own Masha in your prayers as she begins this new adventure in gallows. her life. Please join us this Wednesday night at Faith Avenue! Brothers and sisters let us always have faith, go to the Lord with our needs; ask for His will to be done and trust Our K-5th grade will be in our singing class, while our 2’s, Him to provide. And you never know, God may even 3’s, and 4’s will have regular class. Our children will be singing on April 5, at 10:25, before we start our make the devil pay for our request! morning worship. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these Continued on page 2 column 2 things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33 NIV Page 2 Herald of Encouragement BUILDING OUR DREAMS FAITH AVENUE By John Klimko, Jr Next SundayMorning Next Sunday, April 5th, our children from Faith Avenue will have a short presentation of songs they have been working on. The children will start right at 10:25 a.m. in the Large Auditorium prior to our morning worship. Whenever our children sing it is always a special time for them, their parents, and the Central Avenue congregation. ————————————————————— THANK YOU Our two, three, and four year olds are doing such a great job with their singing! They will be singing on April 5 also, so please have your child here on Sunday morning to learn these beautiful songs. Our rotation this five weeks is a study of Jonah. Our memory verse is: “You are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love.” Jonah 4:2. Our at-home Bible reading is Jonah 3. Our two and three year olds are continuing their study of Moses. Their memory verse is: “And God said to Moses, I will be with you.” Exodus 3:12. The four year olds are studying Daniel. We are looking forward to Sunday! Many thanks to Richie Wisenbaker, who recently cleaned out the existing flower beds at the Christian Student ——————————————————————— Center, and re-strawed them. He also planted begonias and other flowers in TUESDAY LADIES BIBLE these beds and planted several flowers CLASS around the C.S.C. sign on the properThere will not be a Tuesday Ladies Bible ty. This will surely help make us look class next Tuesday, March 31, due to clean and neat, and aids with this imSpring break. portant Ministry. Thanks to Richie!! VISITATION Thanks to all who encourage others through the visitation ministry. The visitation team for this Sunday, March 29, is listed below. Please pick up assignments from the folder on the table in the office hall foyer near the Large Auditorium. M/M Carl Brinson M/M Harrison Cooper Mrs. Marion Copeland M/M Marc Dame Mr. Lindy Evans M/M Ashley McLeod M/M Mike Paine M/M Ron Williams WITH SYMPATHY Our sympathy is extended to the family of Richard Sheppard, who passed away Monday, March 16, in Arkansas. Mr. Sheppard was the uncle of Glenn (Vickie) Copeland and Beth (Danny) Ray. Our sympathy is extended to the family of Bertha Pittman, who passed away Saturday, March 21. Mrs. Pittman was the sister of Clarence DeLoach, aunt of Jerry (Gail) DeLoach, Vickie (Glenn) Copeland and Mickey (Debra) DeLoach. Services were Tuesday, March 24. BAPTIZED Sunday night, March 22, Danny Ray was baptized. Danny is the husband of Beth Greene Ray and their address is: 2351 Copeland Road, Valdosta, GA., 31601. Phone: 229242-2368. Wednesday night, March 18, Brandon Reese was baptized. Brandon is the grandson of Keith and Diane Reese. His address is: 4941 Briar Ridge Circle, Valdosta, GA., 31605. Page 3 NURSING HOMES HERITAGE HOUSE: Louise DeLoach (Hospice), Jackie Mathis, PRESBYTERIAN HOME: Melba Webb, Sherolyn Ellenberg FELLOWSHIP HOME: Sylvia Higgins, Joyce Paine, Jeanne Jarvis, Jane Little, George Clayton, Irene Brown WILDEWOOD DOWNS COLUMBIA, S.C.: Phoebie Slocum CRESTWOOD: Linda Jones ALPHARETTA: Gordon & Elaine Teffeteller BAPTIST VILLAGE: Stella Laurene Taylor REMEMBER IN PRAYER ATLANTA: Hyde Maurice Clarke SGMC: Nicole Goldman, Sara Williams, Marilyn Ellis CENTRAL MEMBERS: Fannie Dasher, Clarence DeLoach, Karen Evans, Glenn Geren, Wivian & Rudene Harris, Allen & Mildred Lancaster, Laura McCall, Fred McCrary, Leo & Mary Nell Wells, Lloyd Williams FRIENDS & FAMILY: Paul Anderson, Wanda Hall Arnold, Lucy Brownell, Winton Cunningham, Joel Dasher, Delores Britt, Leon Black, Tim Brogdon, John Crum, Wanda DeWeese, Julie Walker Franklin, Reese Glass, Joe & Harriette Gray, Dustin Jackson, Steve & Sandi Parrish, Wayne Shear, Debbie Starling, Beverly Strange, Gordon & Elaine Teffeteller (Rehab), Earl Tipton, Rebecca Tomlinson, Pat Vann, Mitch Walker THANK YOU NOTE To our church family, Words are not adequate to express the gratitude and love we feel toward each of you. Throughout Redden's illness your prayers, cards and visits brought strength and occasionally even a smile to him. After his death that same love continued for his family. At the funeral our ministers and our choir lifted our hearts. The meal you prepared was wonderful. Your love for our Lord shows in everything you do. Thank you. BIRTHDAYS March 28: Mac Bowling Linda Cooper March 29: Carrie Bowling Bayleigh Dame March 30: Ethan Bennett Emma Grace Evans March 31: Parker Jackson April 1: Jay Haskin April 2: Monty Caldwell Raymond Copeland April 3: Kathleen Culpepper Alayna Swindle RESPONSE Georgia Christian School is taking applications for the following positions for the 2015-16 school year: · Middle School/High School Teacher (must be certified) · Cafeteria Manager · Cafeteria Worker · Bus Driver Please contact Burt Copeland at DAILY PRAYER LIST March 26: Marlin, Rosa, Alexis & Amber Luke March 27: Bill & Cathy Malone March 28: Matt, Jennifer, Karli & Kherington Malone March 29: Jackie Mathis March 30: Amos & Laura McCall March 31: Amos, JR. & Sheila McCall April 1: Denise McCrary MISSION OF THE WEEK Swainsboro Church of Christ 653 Turner Drive Swainsboro, GA 30401 ———————————————————— Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving; Withal praying also for us, that God would open unto us a door of utterance, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in bonds: That I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak. Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time. Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every men. Colossians 3:2-6 AT A GLANCE The family of Redden Hart GEORGIA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL POSITIONS OPEN MILITARY: Tyler Dees, James McMullen, III, Skyler Pittman, Benjamin Starling, Johnny Tucker, Lorenzo WalkerPotts, Nick Walker-Potts Sunday, Dena Rogers responded to the invitation asking for prayers of the church. AREA NEWS Everyone is invited to the 27th Annual Homecoming and Gospel Meeting at the West Hill Church of Christ, Valdosta, GA., April 18—22. Guest speaker will be, Elisha Taylor, JR., of the Westside Church of Christ, Jacksonville, FL. March 29: Family Egg Hunt & Picnic May 3: Red Cross Blood Drive June 7-10: Central’s VBS 6:00—8:00 pm Men’s Prayer Group: Tuesdays at 7 am in the Annex Ladies Bible Class: Tuesdays, 10:30 am in the Connector Christian Student Center: Devotional, Wednesdays at 7:00 pm Page 4 Herald of Encouragement Central Avenue Church of Christ 304 East Central Avenue Valdosta, GA 31601-5704 ELDERS: Homer Anderson, Kevin Boyd, Byron Brown, Jerry DeLoach, G.R. Holton, Bill Malone, Leon Weeks MINISTERS: Bryan Jarvis, John Klimko, Jr. DEACONS: Jay Barfield, Donny Bryan, Jeremy Colson, Richard Hamlen, Anthony Herring, Ted Hundley, Pendleton Little, Jerry McMullen, Sr., Matt Malone, Chris Prine, John Stephenson, Clyde Tomlinson, Phillip Walker Church Office: Leigh Carter...........................................................Secretary Gail DeLoach…………................................................Bulletin Phone: (229) 242-6115........................Fax:(229) 242-6116 Visit Central on the THE SHEPHERDS VOICE MISSIONS: Paraguay, New Zealand, Ukraine, China, Malawi, India, Preaching the Gospel (TV) Central Avenue Church of Christ Family Gatherings Sunday Bible Class...……………………………...………...…………….….9:30am Worship.………………..….…………………..………………………..….....10:30am Evening Worship……………………..……………………….…………….…6:00pm Wednesday Bible Class.……………………………………………..……….7:00pm For the Record: March 22, 2015 Bible Classes AM Worship PM Worship 279 400 152 SEG 3rd Sunday Mid-week PM Contribution 228 $13,295 $11,927 Under Budget $1,368 Budget After eating one last meal with his disciples, Jesus led them across the Kidron Valley to a place called Gethsemane. Gethsemane means “oil press,” and here on the Mount of Olives Jesus underwent the terrible transformation that transforms us. People of the ancient world used olive oil for cooking, for fuel, and for treating cuts and skin diseases. But producing olive oil was hard. First, the olive branches were beaten until they gave up their fruit. Every cell of every olive contained a tiny droplet of oil. To release it, the olives were ground between two heavy millstones. This first pressing produced small amounts of high-quality oil used for ritual anointing, cosmetics, and lamps. Then the remaining paste was placed in baskets and pressed again and again until every drop was collected. Instead, he gave Him the strength to endure the agonizing pressure of that evening until He was fully and completely drained. But being crushed in Gethsemane was not the worst part of Jesus’ final hours. After every bit of the joy of heaven and of fellowship with the Father was squeezed from His being, He had to be filled. The “cup” that Jesus so recoiled from in the garden, that He prayed so fervently not to drink, was not the cup of physical suffering. It was something worse—the nauseating cup of human corruption. Jesus had to step down into the revolting cesspool of every evil thought and deed done by every person—and He had to take that sickening pollution into Himself. He had to drink the cup of my sins and yours. Even God the Father had to turn His face from the horror that His Beloved Son had become. “My God, Philippians 2 says that Jesus “emptied” himself. The my God, why have you forsaken me?” Jesus cried out process of giving up His divinity began when He took from the cross. on a human body, but it ended in Gethsemane The apostle Paul said it this way: “God made him where He was crushed and pressed to produce the who had no sin to be sin, so that in him we might anointing that heals us. Scripture tells us that become the righteousness of God” (2 Cor. 5: 21). Jesus’ Jesus prayed three times, asking if there was any way physical sufferings on the cross were terrible, but His the cup could pass from Him. It could not. Every spiritual sufferings in the garden were worse. That night bit of self will and every instinct for self-preservation, He took on our defilement so that we could be encoded in the physical body He had taken on, was clean. He was crushed so that we could be anointed. ground from Him. Sweat fell from him like great Hallelujah, what a savior! drops of blood—like the reddish oil squeezed from olives in the first pressing. An angel visited Him that bb night, but this heavenly emissary did not deliver Jesus.
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