What is Running Start? Running Start is a program that allows Washington State 11th and 12th grade students to take college courses at community and technical colleges. Students earn both high school and college credits for these courses. Running Start students and their families do not pay tuition, but they do pay mandatory fees, buy their own books, and provide their own transportation. Students receive both high school and college credit for these classes, thus accelerating their progress through the education system (http://www.sbctc.ctc.edu). Who is eligible? Juniors or seniors who reside in Washington and are enrolled in a Washington State Public High School are eligible. Why Running Start? 2014-15 Regular LCC Students Running Start Students Tuition Fees $1,427.10 $130.00 $0.00 $130.00 Books/Supplies $368.00 $368.00 Total/qtr $1,925.10 $498.00 #1 Answer: It can save parents THOUSANDS of dollars. It’s a savings of $1,427.10 per quarter and $4,281.30 per year! Other great reasons: It gives students an academic jump start into college and exposes them to college level instruction. It allows them the best of both worlds. o o o o o o o At high school they can still: Do sports, dance, and cheer Be in clubs, organizations, student government, band, and choir Go do dances, games, and events At Lower Columbia College they can: Get into all of the sports, musical, and theatrical events for free Run for office and participate in the LCC student government (ASLCC) Access free tutoring and use of the new fitness center Participate in student events like the Back to School Bash, Red Devil Fitness Challenges, and Red Devil Days What are my class options? Running Start offers the same class options as our other students. You can attend full time or part time to fulfill high school requirements and get ahead in college credits. If you stay on track as a full time LCC student, you can earn your two year transfer degree AND earn a high school diploma at the same time! LCC offers classes in a traditional setting as well as online. Online classes require strong time management skills, and are generally not advised in your first quarter unless you have experience in an online setting. If you attend Toutle Lake or Woodland, LCC has study centers with computers inside your high school where you can work on your homework and your LCC online classes. It gives you the option to stay on your high school campus and access high speed internet without making the commute to Longview, so you have more time to do extra-curricular activities. What are some of the costs? Running Start only covers the cost of tuition for college level classes (those numbered 100 and above). High School FTE and Tuition Free Credits Classes in High School Tuition free Credits at College Total FTE 15 12 10 6 3 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1 2 3 4 5 This is a simplified, unofficial approximation. The chart on the Running Start Enrollment Verification form has the exact number of weekly minutes at the high school and the number of college credits for which Running Start will cover the student’s tuition. Confused? The basic rule of thumb is... The more classes the student takes at the high school, the less tuition free credits they get at LCC and vice versa. If you take more than what is allotted (you go above the 1.2 FTE), you will have to pay for the excess tuition. Other Costs? Students are also responsible for: All college fees. Fees are like taxes and cover costs for facilities, security, tutoring and other student necessities. Transportation Books, supplies, tools, and equipment Approximate book costs from 2013: ENGL 101 English Composition HIST 136 US History CHEM 100 Introductory Chemistry PSYC 100 General Psychology Tools for Welding/Auto/ Diesel Mechanics **Some instructors may have used tools to sell/borrow $105.00 $ 94.00 $ 95.00 $105.00 $ 100.00-500.00 Are There Ways to Help Me With My Tuition, Fees, or Books? If your family qualifies for the federal free/reduced lunch program through your school district then LCC is able to help you with our fee waiver program and our Book Fund Scholarship. After acceptance into the Running Start Program you can apply for the free/reduced fee waiver by completing the Free/Reduced Lunch form. The form is on the LCC website at www.lowercolumbia.edu/runningstart and required to receive your fee waiver. Once the completed Free/Reduced Lunch form is turned in you are eligible to apply for the Book Fund Scholarship at the end of each fall quarter. The scholarship application will be available at the end of fall quarter every academic year. Funds are issued as a credit through the bookstore and can only be used for winter and spring quarter that academic year. More information will be provided once you are in the Running Start program. How Do I Get into Running Start? 1. Apply for Admission to Lower Columbia College Apply online at www.lowercolumbia.edu Cost is $30 (Cash, charge, or check made out to LCC) o SSN – Please make sure you provide this information on the application o Academic History: enter from year, No for graduating, 10 or 11 for highest grade completed 2. Take the placement test (you may access practice tests at the link listed below). You need photo ID to test Take the reading, writing, and math tests **Get more information including practice tests, testing hours, and policies at http://lowercolumbia.edu/placement. To qualify for the Running Start Program you must: Test into college level reading and writing (ENGL 101) Take the mathematics placement test. Have a high school G.P.A. of 2.5 or higher (we have an appeal process for this). 3. Apply to the Running Start Program by May 8th. When you pass the tests, you’ll receive an application packet for the program. Fill out the application, provide the required documents, and turn it into the Running Start Office during the early bird application period. If you miss the May 8th deadline you can still be in Running Start, you’ll just have to wait until June 29th to register! NOTE: There are quarterly registration deadlines specifically for Running Start students. Check www.lowercolumbia.edu/runningstart for dates and deadlines. What if my scores are too low or my GPA isn’t a 2.5? Don’t worry! If your test scores are too low after your first test, you get one free retest. If you do not pass the second time then you have to wait one year to test again. If you test into English 098 at Lower Columbia College, you can pay to enroll into the class. If you do well in the class, you may be placed into English 101. If your GPA is below a 2.5 you will have to complete a conditional acceptance agreement. If you pass the writing, but miss the reading portion by 1-2 points, please contact the Running Start Coordinator, Marcy Gilchrist for information on the appeal process. What are the academic requirements for continuing in Running Start? You must earn a quarterly LCC GPA of 2.0 or better. If you fall below a 2.0 in any quarter you will be placed on academic probation for the following quarter. What are classes like at Lower Columbia College? Classes at LCC are different than at the high school. College courses typically move at a faster pace and are more demanding of your time and attention. To manage your time and to be more accountable, students should plan to study independently at least two hours outside of class for each hour an LCC class meets. It is recommended that you only take 100 level classes during your first year at LCC. Most Running Start students need Political Science 202 (American Government) and 203 (International Relations) to meet high school graduation requirements. These are sophomore level classes and you must have completed English 101 before you can take these classes. The same is true for all other 200 level classes, and in fact most of them require that you are a second year student. There is no indicator on a class roster that identifies you as a Running Start student. LCC instructors expect all students to act responsibly and complete the required work independently. Class participation is important for your success and in most cases it will constitute a part of your grade. Some instructors do not monitor attendance, but it is unlikely that you will be successful if you do not attend on a regular basis. Others may monitor attendance closely, and missing a couple classes could lower your grade in that class. I’ve been accepted into the Running Start Program...what do I do now? Wait until after May 8th for an acceptance e-mail welcoming you to the LCC Running Start Program. The e-mail will include information about how to register for fall quarter classes. **Check online at www.lowercolumbia.edu/runningstart for dates and general information. Attend, with your parent or guardian, a Mandatory Running Start New Student Orientation in June. The orientation lasts approximately three hours and will cover important details about your experience at LCC. You will be dropped from your classes if you and your parent/guardian do not attend an orientation. Apply for admission to LCC today so you can take the practice test as soon as possible. Make sure you meet the Running Start May 8th “early bird” admission deadline! More Questions About Running Start? Ask us! @LCC: Marcy Gilchrist, Running Start Coordinator, 360.442.2352, mgilchrist@lowercolumbia.edu Shantelle Davidson, Running Start Assistant, 360-442-2442, sdavidson@lowercolumbia.edu @High School: Contact your high school counselor for high school enrollment/graduation requirements. Running Start Myths & Facts Myth: I heard that there is a waiver for the placement test at LCC. Fact: All new students pay $30 as part of the application for admission to LCC. There is no waiver if you test at LCC. Myth: Someone told me that I can get Federal Financial Aid. Fact: Running Start students cannot access Federal Financial Aid. There are programs that Running Start students can use, but financial aid is not one of them. Myth: If I do Running Start I have to go full time. Fact: Students can be full or part time. They can enroll in academic transfer programs or in professional/technical programs. Myth: My counselor says I can’t do Running Start. Fact: Participation in Running Start does not require the permission of your high school, if you meet the State and College entrance requirements. You will be required to meet with your high school counselor each college quarter to fill out the state required Running Start Enrollment Verification Form. Myth: My friend told me that LCC will make sure I’m meeting my high school graduation requirements. Fact: Your high school graduation requirements are done solely by your high school counselor. Your Running Start advisor will coordinate with your high school counselor, but they do not know and cannot advise you about your high school graduation requirements. Myth: I can only begin Running Start in fall quarter. Fact: You can start any quarter, but it is easiest to start fall quarter. The high schools and LCC have different academic calendars. LCC is on a quarterly schedule while the high schools are on a semester system. Myth: I thought Running Start was free? How come I have a bill? Fact: Running Start covers the cost of tuition as approved by your counselor. As long as you stay within your allotted amount, AND you do not take a class below the 100 level, you will not have to pay tuition. ALL students must pay mandatory college fees and must pay for their books, unless they qualify for Free/Reduced Lunch at their high school and follow the necessary steps at LCC to access the fee/tuition waiver and the Book Fund Scholarship. Myth: A person who did Running Start told me I don’t need math to graduate. Fact: You will need to meet the LCC quantitative skills requirement which is a math based class. Some students will be eligible to begin college level math based on an agreement we have with several local high schools. Some students will test above the minimum requirement. All LCC students must have proven mastery of intermediate algebra (Math 099) in order to graduate with their AA. Myth: I was told Running Start credits don’t transfer to other colleges or universities. Fact: If you earn your AA and transfer to a Washington State school, all credits are sealed in your transfer degree. If you do not earn your AA some colleges may not accept certain credits. Always contact the institution you are transferring to for advice. They may want the class name and description from the LCC course catalog. The same is true for many private and out of state universities. Myth: I was told that I cannot play high school sports if I’m in Running Start. Fact: You can play sports at your high school as sanctioned by the WIAA. You must meet the same requirements for enrollment and progression as non-Running Start students. Check with your high school counselor or athletic department for specific WIAA rules. You may not play on an athletic team at LCC while in Running Start. Myth: I was told I am not eligible to be valedictorian at my high school if I’m taking classes through Running Start. Fact: Running Start and non-Running Start students are both eligible to be valedictorian at their high school as long as they meet the high school requirements for that designation. Definitions of common terms in Running Start: Priority “Early Bird” Admission: For fall quarter applications we set a deadline for Running Start students called priority “Early Bird” admission. If students turn in their paperwork in by the priority date posted, then they are given the opportunity to register earlier than other new Running Start students. Those who miss the priority “Early Bird” admission date may still turn in their application to the program, but risk not getting the classes they want fall quarter. Running Start Priority Registration: For all returning Running Start students, registration begins earlier than other LCC students. We call this Running Start priority registration. If you follow the Running Start registration process by the posted deadline, you will be registered for classes during the priority period. If you miss the posted deadline then you will not be allowed to register until after LCC’s regular priority registration is completed. Without Running Start priority registration, you run the risk of not getting the classes you want. Information Session: The Running Start program holds meetings called information sessions to inform potential students on the basics of the Running Start program. The goal is to give potential new students information that will help them gain admission to the College, test for admittance, and apply to Running Start. Mandatory Running Start Orientation: After you have been accepted into the Running Start Program you must attend a mandatory orientation session in the summer with a parent/guardian. At orientation we review all the College rules, resources, and policies. There are specific dates and times for each orientation you will select a date for orientation as part of your application process. NOTE: There are orientations for non-Running Start students, but you will not attend those sessions. Cashier: The person you pay your tuition or fees to when due. Cashiering is located in the Admissions Building and is open 8:00 am - 4:30pm, Monday through Friday; fall, winter, and spring quarters. Running Start Coordinator: The person at LCC who assists you in planning your classes and meeting your graduation requirements. Marcy Gilchrist is the current academic advisor for Running Start. Shantelle Davidson is the assistant for the program. Dual credit: Taking a class at LCC and receiving credits for that class at two places; the high school, and the College. FTE: This stands for full time equivalency. The College and the school districts use this term when calculating funding for our public schools and colleges. A student taking 15 credits equals 1.0 FTE. When calculating free tuition at LCC, high school counselors will note how much FTE a student is using (based on 1.2 instead of 1.0 FTE) at the high school. The balance is used to calculate how many credits they can take at the College. FERPA or Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act: FERPA is a federal law that protects the privacy of information for all LCC students regardless of age. This law prevents all LCC staff members from releasing any information (grades, schedules, addresses, e-mails, etc.) to parents, friends, or family members without written consent from the student.
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