Friday, March 13th Issue: 22 In This Issue "The mind is everything. What you think you become." -Buddha Academic Rigor Character and Leadership Important Dates and Deadlines Academic Rigor ACT Testing is Coming! Please make sure that your child is present and ready to work according to the following schedule for ACT Testing: 4/6-4/8: 7th and 8th Grade ACT Testing 4/9-4/13: 5th and 6th Grade ACT Testing 4/14-4/16: 4th Grade ACT Testing Students will take 1-2 tests a day during their core content classes. Please understand that make up testing is not provided for student absencesbased on a tight schedule and rotation through our computer labs. Students who miss testing days will not receive scores for tests missed. We encourage additional typing practice as prep work for these tests! All testing is computer based. Please use your Typing Agent account provided by Colleen Appler, our Middle School Technology Instructor (, to help prepare in the next few weeks. Healthy breakfast and extra focus is encouraged! Please feel free to direct any other questions on ACT Testing to Middle School Director Katie Becker at Character & Leadership Leader In Me Parent Night Tuesday, March 17th 5:30-6:30 pm at Montview Elementary Montview Elementary is hosting a collaboration night for the parents at Leader in Me schools. This is a chance for parents to get together, share ideas, and learn ways to help their children and their school. RSVP to Mia Robinson at303.364.8549 ormmrobinson@aps.k1 Aspen Artist Reception Tuesday, March 17th 5:00-7:00pm at the Curtis Arts Center Aspen artists will be represented at the Curtis Center for Youth Art Month! All families are encouraged to attend! For additional information, please contact Aspen Art Instructor Holly Johnson AMP'd Friday, March 20th 8:30-9:00am Effort and Excellence Act #1/Act #2 3rd/8th Gavaliers 1st/6th/K/5th Jump Rope for Heart Achievers! Thank you to everyone who helped out with our Jump Rope for Heart event! Thanks to our community's participation, we were able to raise over $16,000! Spring Break March 23rd-March 27th No school! Special thanks to these Aspen students, who raised the highest funds! Breckyn J. $2,125 Jack W. $ 2,005 PUMP'd: Brain Development, Early Years Ages 4-7 Friday, April 3rd 8:30-9:30 am in the Bear's Cafe Chase S. $1,350 Holly S. $625 Congratulations to Aspen Student, Lindsey S.! Congratulations to Aspen student, Lindsey S. for qualifying at her swim finals as an 11 year old in five individual events and two relays in the 11/12 age group. She finished in the top 20 in the state in three events and in the top five of 11 year olds state wide! Congratulations Lindsey on this phenomenal accomplishment! Aspen Parents and Alumni Collaborate! Twyst (CEO) Aspen Academy dad, Kevin Schaff and Carry West (CEO) Aspen Academy momma, interns and Aspen Academy alumni, Canyon and Dillon celebrate the combined launch of their companies last Thursday night! We are thankful and proud of all the collaborative idea and company incubating that occurs on a regular basis here at Aspen Academy. What an amazing community of Creatives and Entrepreneurs! This parent university led by Leadership and Cognitive Coach Allison Bukowski, will focus on how the brain works and develops in young children. You will learn about the whole-brain perspective and how you can be more intentional in giving your child experiences that develop the whole brain. This information can be applied to everyday parenting to integrate your child's brain and foster vital growth. PUMP'd: Higher Level Thinking Skills, Thinking Maps, Grades 2nd-8th Friday, April 3rd 8:30-9:30 am in the Cafeteria Join Instructional Coach Scott McFarland as he discusses how Aspen Academy uses and incorporates the use of Thinking Maps in our classrooms school wide. Bridge your knowledge and begin using this logical structure of thinking and learning in your home as well! Mentor/Mentee Easter Egg Hunt Friday, April 3rd 8:30-9:00 am This is an annual event sponsored by our Student Civic Organization. Our students will be going on an Easter Egg Hunt with their mentor or mentee during mentor/mentee time! Girls Lacrosse Away Game Tuesday, April 7th 4:15-6:00 pm Cheer on our girls lacrosse team as they play at McAuliffe International! Aspen Leaders in Chess Tournament! A chess tournament was held last Saturday March 7, at Platte River Academy where nearly 50 participants from more than 10 schools in the area competed. Aspen Academy had two participants Max L. (4th grade) who placed 13th & Thomas P. (3rd grade) placed 19th! Both received special medals for the top 20! Congratulations students! Community Strength & Service Aspen Academy's Gala- You're Invited! It's time to be kind, be giving and be groovy at Aspen Academy! Invitations to our Annual Gala on Saturday, April 25th are in your family mailboxes! Be sure to purchase your tickets by Monday, March 30th to be entered in two drawings for two couples to see Fleetwood Mac at the Pepsi Center on Wednesday, April 1st. We are also in need of baskets to hold our silent auction items, if you have one you are willing to lend or donate, please contact Thank you! TGA Golf Lessons! TGA Golf comes to Aspen after Spring Break on Thursdays. Sign up now through this link: Golf lessons through a premier junior golf program for all ages. Students will learn fundamentals, etiquette and rules of the game, plus they provide all of the equipment so anyone can join. Be sure to Register before April 9th! AMP'd Friday, April 10th Social Responsibility Act #1/Act #2 Promote Gala- Staff Gavaliers K/5th/2nd/7th Parenting Safe Children Saturday, April 11th 10:00-2:00pm at St. Mary's Academy St. Mary's Academy is pleased to announce that the Academy Parents will host a Parenting Safe Children Workshop for parents by Feather Berkower on Saturday April 11, 2015 from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Click here to learn more about this workshop. To register, proceed to this specific registration page on Feather's website. Get Your Photos In The Yearbook! Do you have some amazing pictures of the students? Maybe you went on a field trip, watched an Aspen competition or were volunteering and took a couple of shots. We are looking for more pictures to fill the pages of our yearbook. Photos have to be of Aspen students during any Aspen activity or learning moment. Please share through:, enter the access code: aspenacademy, and load them in! Any submissions are welcome. Engineering for Kids Spring Break and Summer Camps! Earn StreetSmarts triple points for Aspen Academy when you enroll in Spring Break or Summer Camps at Engineering for Kids at theStreets of SouthGlenn! Engineering Spring Break Camps March 23rd-March 27th March 30th-April 3rd Exciting and fun Spring Break Engineering Camps for ages 7-9 and 10-14. Visit their website for a list of daily engineering projects, robotics and game design programs. Sign up today! Engineering Summer Camps Enroll for a weekly summer camp. Programs start June 8th and run throughAugust 14th for kids ages 5-7, 7-9 and 10-12 Special weeks dedicated to All Girls Engineering Camps and Teen Camps.Enroll today! Fitness Tips from Coach Koral! Fitness Tip #2: Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate. The Colorado air is both dry and thin. It is essential to drink A LOT of water. To make life easier carry around a water bottle so you always have a reminder to hydrate. Remember, if you are thirsty then you are behind. Chili Cook Off Winners! Congratulations to the Boyle Family for winning the Chili Cook Off Contest from our Dads and Dudes Game Night last week! They have generously shared their recipe,click here to view it! The Author of the Neptune Project Is Visiting Aspen! The Neptune Project Book Trailer Author Polly Holyoke is coming to our school on March 20th to visit our 6th and 7th graders. To learn more about her and her books, visit her website. To purchase a book, click here! A Thank You From the Van Manen Family To our Aspen friends and community, As many of you know, we recently grew our family by two through the addition of Adrian (1st) and Deshaun (K). The love and support that we have received from so many of you is amazing, and we are so thankful for all that the staff, teachers, friends, students, and many others have done to help us in this transition. Aspen is special to us for many reasons, but none more so than the loving and encouraging community that we have experienced, especially over the last several weeks. You have blown us away by your generosity, words of encouragement, love, and so much more. Saying thank you does not seem to express enough of how grateful we are, but nonetheless, thank you, thank you, thank you! One of the best things of seeing a community in action is experiencing people using their gifts and talents and passions to support others and to strengthen the community. We've received many comments about the good that we are doing in our boys' lives, and we greatly appreciate those sentiments; however, we don't feel that we are the only ones deserving of such words. The Aspen community, and many of you individually, have given generously of yourselves to help us through the adoption process, and you all are playing as much of a role in positively impacting our boys' lives as we are. We truly mean that. Wherever there is good being done and love being spread within a community, it brings out the best in people. Once again, we're so very grateful to each and every one of you who has given your best to us. We're blessed to be raising our family as part of such a wonderful place with each of you. Sincerely, Josh, Angela, Izzy, Adrian, and Deshaun Van Manen Health and Safety Parking Lot Please remember the speed in the parking lot should not exceed 10 mph, and please do not park in the handicap parking spots unless you are authorized to do so. Student Check Out If you need to take your child out of school, you MUST sign them out on the check-in computer and take the slip to the classroom. Once the teacher has the slip the student is allowed to leave. This needs to be followed at all times. Key Card Access Key cards need to be used to enter the building throughout the school day. If you have misplaced your card, or need a new one please come visit me and I will be happy to give you an order form and create a new card. Volunteer Opportunities Lunchroom Volunteers- Click here to sign up! Faculty Appreciation Week Volunteers- Click here to view our openings! Aspen Adventure Week- Contact Aspen Instructor, Chris Lazartic for more details! Aspen Day Without Shoes Volunteers- Click here to sign up! Students have a Socratic Seminar in art class! Type caption text here. Dream BIG Day Camp: Performing Arts Camp Let your imagination run wild and help to create a unique theater performance. This week-long performing arts camp will allow participants to develop characters and story lines while assisting in writing a play to be performed for friends and family members at the end of the week! Campers will develop theatrical skills including character creation, ensemble, improvisation and performance. Campers will develop life skills including following directions, team work, confidence and risk taking. Campers will learn literacy skills including reading, writing, script writing, body language, gestures and facial and vocal expression. What: Dream BIG Day Camp Performing Arts Camp When: Aug. 3-7th, 9:00-3:00 pm Where: Aspen Academy Who: Kids ages 7-12 Cost: $525/week For additional information, visit **Additional camp groups have been added for 4-5 year olds!** Aspen's 10th Anniversary! Aspen's 10th Anniversary! Aspen Academy is celebrating its 10 year Anniversary this year! In honor of this celebration we are collecting Aspen Academy memorabilia from the past 10 years. Please contactAngela Aukamp or Melissa Engelmann if you have any items you can donate to be displayed at the school. Aspen Academy 5859 S. University Blvd. Greenwood Village, CO 80121 303-346-3500
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