o United Nations ^-T, -i^. - VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT NUMBER DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS POST TITLE AND L E V E L DUTY STATION ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT INDICATIVE MINIMUM GROSS ANNUAL REIWUNERATION fNOTINCLUDING POST ADJUSTMENT) 2010-SPC-78775.DPKO 15 May 2015 Gender Affairs Officer, P 3 BRINDISI DEPARTMENT OF PEACEKEEPING OPERATIONS U.S. Dollars 75,97Z CIRCULATION LIMITED TO MEMBER STATES. APPOINTMENTS ARE LIMITED TO SERVICE ON POSTS FINANCED BY THE SUPPORT ACCOUNT OF PEACEKEEPING OPERATIONS. RESPONSIBILITIES: The Gender Affairs Officer reports directly to the I earn J..cadi;r in the Standing Police Capacity (SPC), which isa U mechaniamfor starting up police cornponenliinncwUNpcacc operations tis well ds MSiisling exi-mng operations on a continual basis. Tlie provides expen advice on maners relating to Gender Mainstreamnig and bexiial and Gendei-Rased Violence (SGBV) in the context planning at headquarters and specific assignmpnis in Ihc lield It is envisaged thai the inciunbent will deploy to missions and be away fro station Ibr an initial period from three to .six roonths. The incimibent will advlic un mHinstrcaming gender perspeclive in all SPC acti designated U N missions, on all the UN police poUoies, programs and activities, taking into account gender consideration as crossc tlirougliout the mission mandate SupjwrtTIN police flciiviti(.'s on all aspects relating tu the situation of women andgirU, especially in rel need to proicclthemfroragcndcr based violence. S/hc will support UN-Agencic<.. Fundi imd Programs ihrougliout UNDP Global K(K'al Po as Police Coniributing Countries when her/his field or expertise is requested. In start-up mission, s/lie will advise, guide and help m e capacit>' of the IFNPOT. Gender Focal Points through h-aining and helping in drafting documents such MS SOP for gender unit. Gender Sexual riaras-sment policy when needed, for the Host CouuUy Police. A l the duty station in Drindisi, the incumbent undertakes relevan matters pertaining to gender represeniaiion and protection of vuLierablc person.s as they pertain to the mandate of respective UN police U N peace operations. This work includes detenniningthe specific role tube played by SPC in providing U N police in the field with assista areas and/or supporting the development of this capacity- in iiidigeuous law cnrorecment agencies lliat Ihc U N police are tasked to ass When deployed in the field S/tie works closely with UN police and National Law enforcement authorities in developing a strategic appro protection of vulnerable persons and invesiigations of Sexual violence. The j^ender issue officer develops and supports tiie implemcn programs and other activities aimed at slrengthcmng the procedure and rules uf governing indigenous law enforcement investigations o and gender representation. From the perspective of building institutional law enforcement capacity in post-conflict enviromiienis, which mission of IFN pol ice, the incumbent seeks to support organi^aticinal and snuctui-al cliange in indigenous law enforcement agencies, such of .structures for mvcbtigating sexual and gender btoed violence. COMPETENCIES: Prnfeicsioiialiicni: Knowledge of theories, concepts and approHches relevant to democratic policing, law enforcement, conmiimity ."iafeiy capacity-building; relevant knowledge of gender is.<.ues, U N Gender Policies and the conduci and pcTfoimance of investigating complex sexual violence in a national law enforcement agency. Coinmiunenl to implementing tlie goal of gender equality by ensuring the equa participalinn and full involvement of women and men in all aspects of peace operations. PUmning and Organiziagi Dcvclop.s clear gO consistent with agreed strategics; identifies priority acilviiiea iuid assignments; adjusts priorities as required; allocates appropriate am and resourcea for completing work; foresees risks and allows tor conimgencies when planning; monitors and adjusts plans and actio necessary; uses time efficiently.- Teamwork: Works collaboratively with colleagues to achieve organizational goals: solicits input by valuing others' ideas tmd expcitise; is willing to learn fiom otheij; places tctuu agenda before personal agenda; supports and acts in with final group decision, even when such decisions may not entirely reflect own position; shares credit for team flcc.4>mplishments an joint responsibility for team shoricomings QUALIFICATIONS: Education: Advanced university degree (Master s degree or equivalent) in the applied sciences, social sciences or other relevant fiel university degree with a combination o f relevant acjidcmie qualifications and extensive ex pcriunee inlaw enforcement and police general may be accepted in Heu of the advanced uni^•6^sit>' degree. Graduation from certified police <iwidcmy or sinxilar law enforcement training in required. Work Experience: A minimum o f five years of progressively law enforcement experience in active national police, witti a current rank of at Inspector or Supcrmtendent or Major, equivalent or higher i-ank is requiicd. Exjiei ieucc in a wide range of Operational and administra including duec yc<us ofexperience ill management and policy-niakiug with regard to general and complex crime investigations is requir experience or background is desirable. Peacekeeping or oiher international experier.ec in tlie UN or other international orgaiii7ations is languages: Lnglish and French arc ihe working languages of the ITN. For the post iidvenised, fluency in oral and written English Knowledge o f Fiencli is highly desirable. Preference will be given to equally quHlified women candidates. Dwtc of Issuaiivv: 13 March 2015 http://wwvt.un.org/cn/DeacekecBing/.stt^/»olice/
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