Principles By Plan – Weaving the Co-op Principles into Your Strategic Plan Wednesday, March 25 11 a.m. Eastern (10 a.m. Central, 9 a.m. Mountain, 8 a.m. Pacific). Registration Deadline: March 18 Webinar participants will earn five points in the Planning and Programs category for MCC designation or renewal. Presenter: JuliAnn Graham, Communications Coordinator, Tri-County Electric Cooperative (TCEC) JuliAnn Graham has been TCEC’s communicator for nearly eight years. Chris Purdy is the cooperative’s vice president of Member Solutions and Leslie Kraich is TCEC’s community and member relations coordinator. Together, they work to ensure TCEC’s members understand the cooperative difference by incorporating the seven cooperative principles into their strategic communications plan and weaving them into everyday communications. Graham is a Certified Cooperative Communicator through the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association. In 2014, the TCEC communications team won the Top Rural Electric Co-op Communicator award in the Oklahoma Association of Electric Cooperative’s annual newsletter contest. In 2013, the cooperative scored an 87 on the American Customer Satisfaction Index, which was an all-time high for the co-op. What you’ll learn: Leveraging the cooperative principles to help members understand the cooperative difference and its value is one of the primary focal points of every co-op communicator. Being a cooperative can be a competitive edge when you have loyal members who get what it means to be part of a cooperative. In this session, TCEC presents a case study showing how their communications team incorporated the cooperative principles into their communication efforts. Participants will learn: • How to craft a strategic plan with the cooperative principles in mind. • How to build an editorial calendar incorporating the cooperative principles. • Telling your story with the cooperative principles. Who should attend: This webinar is designed for any cooperative communicator or leader. Registration: The deadline to register is March 18. To ensure your spot in this webinar fill out the registration form and fax, mail or scan to email with payment to: Cooperative Communicators Association 174 Crestview Drive, Bellefonte, PA 16823-8516 Fax: 814-355-2452 | Email: Principles By Plan – Weaving the Co-op Principles into Your Strategic Plan CCA Webinar Registration Wednesday, March 25, 2015 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Eastern (10 a.m. Central, 9 a.m. Mountain, 8 a.m. Pacific) ___Yes, I am registering for the Principles By Plan – Weaving the Co-op Principles into Your Strategic Plan webinar. REGISTRATION DEADLINE is March 18, 2015 (All CCA webinars last approximately one hour) Fees for one participant, single line: Information for Registrant Name Title or Position Business name Mailing address CCA member at $50 $____________ Non-member at $75 $____________ City State Fees for two or more participants, single line: Daytime phone CCA member at $100 $____________ Non-member at $150 $____________ Daytime fax Total amount of payment $____________ Please email me a receipt for my records Email (confirmations will only be sent by email) CCA’s Federal ID #: 23-7248450 NO REFUNDS will be made for cancellations after the registration deadline. Details about CCA membership and an application are available at Credit Card information: (We accept only): VISA MasterCard _____________________________________________ Name on card (Please print) _____________________________________________ Account number __________________ __________________________ Exp. date Signature To mail payment, send completed registration form with check or money order payable to CCA: CCA Registration Office 174 Crestview Drive Bellefonte, PA 16823 Registration form and credit card payment can also be faxed to: 814-355-2452 OR scan and email to: Phone: 877-326-5994 Zip
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