Forrest Primary School Newsletter Term 1 Week 8 - 2015 Refer to last page for School and Community Contact Information Date Friday 27 March Monday 30 March Thursday 2 April Friday 3-6 April Friday 10 April Term 2 starts 28 April Item Valuing Diversity in Harmony Week South Weston Swimming Carnival Closing Day for Fence Consultation Easter Cross Country Term 1 Ends Please be advised that due to ANZAC Day (25 April) falling on a Saturday, Term 2 2015 will commence for all ACT Public Schools on Tuesday 28 April. MISSION STATEMENT Forrest Primary School helps all of our students reach their full potential in a safe, loving, inspiring and challenging learning environment. We strive to develop confident, compassionate, responsible children who are lifelong learners and can make the world a better place. Our community is culturally diverse and we value and celebrate the perspectives, knowledge, skills and abilities all bring to our school. Installation of a Security Fence at Forrest Primary School On Tuesday the 17 March a note which was written in collaboration with the Infrastructure and Capital Works Section (ICW) of the Education and Training Directorate (ETD) was sent home to all families via the youngest student concerning the installation of a security fence. The purpose of this note is to seek the views of parents and carers of students on whether a security fence should be installed at Forrest Primary School. There is to be one vote per family. We thank the Forrest community for taking the time to discuss this matter with all members of the family and look forward to your response. Thanks to all of those of you who have returned your vote. All notes need to be returned to school by Thursday, 2 April 2015. If you have any questions please feel free to email HOW THIS CONSULTATION WORKS The fence survey was designed to gain fairest and the most accurate result. This involved colour-coding and a mail merge. There is a returning officer and an assistant returning officer to check procedures and results. The letters are counted and de-personalised when received. Step 1 was the discussion with the P&C earlier in the year. Representatives from ICW addressed the P&C. Step 2 On advice from central office of ETD the letter (written by in conjunction with the school) was sent out. All families are able to vote, and in this way, if there is support for a fence the next step of consultation will be taken. If not, it will go no further. Step 3 If this step eventuates, it will be a consultation on design and colour. A range of information will go to the school board – including the considerations of the P&C meeting, security, vandalism, controlling the traffic through 26 entrances, the staff process, students who run and have trouble with boundaries. All notes need to be returned to school by Thursday, 2 April 2015. If you have any questions please feel free to email Valuing Diversity in Harmony Week on Friday 27 March On Friday 27 March we will be celebrating harmony and diversity. Students are encouraged to dress in their national dress to share this part of their culture. We will have a parade in the morning session. Following on from this, all students will participate in rotational activities that reflect different cultures from around the world. This year the children will be able to experience life in Turkey, Finland, Poland, Greece, Panama, New Zealand, Thailand, Italy, USA, Japan, Sierra Leone, Spain, India, Netherlands, Serbia, Holland, England, Mexico, Wales, Vietnam, Australia and Burma. We look forward to a fun filled day as students explore different aspects of our multicultural society. Please note that this is a change from previous years when we held this in term 3 with a focus day on food. Year 6 Camp The Year 6 students enjoyed three full, fun packed days at the spectacular Jindabyne Camp. I was fortunate enough to spend some time at Jindabyne this year and see the children challenge themselves on the high ropes and with rock climbing. They worked in teams to cook sausages and damper in the bush, didn’t see any snakes but were wary! They had a wonderful time but didn’t get much sleep. Great job students! Thank you to our teachers, Ms Burke, Ms La Flamme, Ms de Graaff and especially to Mr Peter de Graaff who volunteered for three days. Year 5 Camp Next week the Year 5 students go to Mogo on the south coast for a very different experience. They will all pan for gold and get rich! The students, Mr J, Ms Bauer and Ms Davies are all very excited and are looking forward to the experience. This time I will brave three days of camp – what a privilege to get to know the children that well and support them. Literacy Night *Happening Tonight!! Tonight the junior teaching team and the executive will give a session on how to help your child learn to read and how children become literate. This is a very popular session and people say they learn lots from it. See the advertisement in this newsletter and try to make it! Trees All tree work is now being completed in accordance with the Tree Protection Act 2005 and the temporary fencing will be removed next week. We carry out an annual risk assessment or when deterioration is noticed. Deadwood is removed and selective pruning is undertaken and in extreme circumstances approval for removal is sought. Despite this vigilance, the trees are old. We would appreciate any reports of broken branches or storm damage at any time. NAPLAN FORUM for Year 4 Parents 4.30-6pm Monday 30th March. This forum is being held to discuss the 2014 Year3 NAPLAN results and how that has been represented in the league tables. There will be a presentation of results and where children sit in the bands, a discussion about the targets, like schools, ICSEA Values and the growth programme in Year 4. (Chris Pilgrim) 2015 NAPLAN An important message from the NAPLAN Coordinator, Jacqueline Perks: The National Assessment Program-Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) will be taking place from Tuesday 12 May to Thursday 14 May 2015. This will be week 3 of Term 2. An information brochure will be sent home with your student this week and additional information can be accessed on the National Assessment Program website by following the first link below. A link to an electronic copy of the brochure being sent home is also below. Parents/Carers information page: 2015 NAPLAN information brochure for parents and carers. information brochure_web.pdf If you have any concerns or questions about your child/ren being involved in the NAPLAN testing this year, please contact your child’s teacher before Friday 27 March. Parent Volunteers We value our community and parent helpers and without this support it would be difficult to offer such a range of programmes and get all the day to day jobs done. If you are able to assist with the washing for sick bay, it would be greatly appreciated. Please let the front office know if you are able to assist. Thank you. Forrest Trivia Night Tickets for the Forrest Trivia Night 2015 are now available. Get in early to secure your table. Please contact or phone/text 0414 718 347 with the names of people on your table including the table name. If you do not have a table I can put you on one with your year group. This is a great night for the school community and an important fundraising event for our school and we look forward to seeing you there. We are looking for helpers on the day/night of 29 May. Full details can be found at the end of this newsletter on roles available and how to purchase tickets. Public Consultation Draft Reporting Student Achievement (Preschool to Year 12) Policy and draft common report templates Opening Date: Monday 23 March 2015. Closing Date: Friday 15 May 2015 The ACT Government is seeking public comment on the draft Reporting Student Achievement (Preschool to Year 12) Policy and draft common report templates for ACT public primary and high schools. The draft Policy and draft common templates are designed to ensure parents receive consistent information about their child's achievement regardless of which ACT public school their child attends. Gifted and Talented Education Early last year, the ACT Directorate released a new Gifted and Talented Education policy which is currently being rolled out across all schools in the ACT. The aim of the Policy is to ensure that every child has the opportunity to receive developmentally appropriate programs regardless of their socio-economic or cultural background, based on their level of giftedness and those other factors which are individual to each student. In response to this, Forrest Primary is in the process of developing our own Gifted and Talented policy and procedures to align with the new Directorate expectations. This document will be released later this year after consultation with staff. As a part of the roll out, staff have been involved in professional development around gifted and talented education including theory, identification, curriculum adjustments and differentiation. There is a strong emphasis on inquiry based curriculum delivery in order to best cater for gifted students within the regular classroom setting. As an IB school, Forrest Primary has already embedded this philosophy into our PYP curriculum and is providing the opportunities for gifted learners to pursue inquiries, be engaged in deep questioning and take action through the inquiry process. To ensure Forrest Primary is providing further enrichment for our students, we have begun nominating students to partake in Eureka programs run by GATEways. When attending a day-long Eureka program, children participate in three hands-on workshops based on a theme. Each term the theme changes to focus on a different curriculum area such as Mathematics, Literacy or Science. These sessions are by teacher nomination only, however teachers endeavour to provide these opportunities across the school year to a variety of students with strengths and interests in these areas. Under the ACT Gifted and Talented Students Policy 2014, schools are required to nominate a school contact for parents for all enquiries regarding gifted and talented education. This role will be undertaken by Belinda Gough. If you have any questions about gifted and talented education at Forrest Primary, please don’t hesitate to contact Belinda. Chris Pilgrim On behalf of the executive Team I’d like to sincerely congratulate some of our fine musicians at Forrest Primary for becoming ACT representatives in music. The following students will represent the ACT on trumpet, tuba and euphonium respectively in the ACT Primary Concert Band this year: Sophie B, Michael D and Ryan Y. Siobhan P of Year 5 will represent the ACT in the ACT Primary Choir Ensemble. It is such a pleasure to share this news with our community. I’m sure many of us will enjoy their performances this year! Congratulations to Sarvesh in 6DR for coming ‘runners up’ in the under 13, 2015 ACT Junior Open badminton doubles Sue Lala Flamme Do not pick or eat any wild mushrooms! ACT Chief Health Officer is reminding the community not to touch, pick or eat any wild mushrooms found growing in and around the ACT. The Death Cap mushroom can easily be confused with edible wild mushrooms. In Canberra, Death Cap mushrooms grow mainly near established oak trees in mild, moist weather typically observed in late summer and autumn. All parts of the mushroom are poisonous and consuming even a small amount of the mushroom can be fatal. Cooking the mushroom does not make it safe to eat. Anyone who suspects that they may have eaten Death Cap mushrooms should seek urgent medical attention at a hospital emergency department. It is advised that people remain vigilant and remind friends and family who are visiting or new to Canberra not to touch, pick or eat any wild mushrooms. For safety, all mushrooms should be purchased from a reputable supplier. If you see wild mushrooms in public areas, call Canberra Connect on 13 22 81. A fact sheet providing information about the Death Cap mushroom is available online at Authorised by Paul Kelly Chief Health Officer, Population Health, Health Directorate FORREST PRIMARY CROSS COUNTRY CARNIVAL When: Where: Time: Friday April 10 (last day of Term 2) (Alternate date for wet weather Wednesday 29th April ) Forrest School oval 9.15 -10.45am Kindergarten (1 lap) 12 Year olds (6 laps) Year 1(1 lap) 11 Year olds (6 laps) Year 2 (7 years) (2 laps) 8 Year old boy (2 laps) 8 Year old girls (2 laps) 10.50 – onwards Lunch 12.00 noon 10 Year old boys (4 laps) 10 Year old girls (4 laps) 9 Year old boys (3 laps) 9 Year old girls (3 laps) 1.40pm 2pm Recess Pack up and ribbons (if other ages have not run before recess, they will be running at this time) (Please note this is a guide only and times may vary) As this event is part of the Physical Education program all students are encouraged to participate. Please send a note to your child’s teacher if your child is unable to take part on the day. A squad of athletes, from 8 years old upwards, will be selected to represent Forrest Primary at the South Canberra Carnival. Students are encouraged to dress in house colours and to wear suitable clothing and footwear. We need assistants on the day, if you are able to assist, please complete and return the form below to the front office asap. Thank you Jacqueline Perks, Cassandra Pepper, Leslee Roberts, Christine Thambipillai, Renee Dickson Cross Country Carnival Helper I am able to assist at the Cross Country Carnival Parent’s Name ……………………………………………………………….. Child’s Name ………………………………………………… Class………. Contact Number …………………………………………………………… Term 1-2 Date Friday 27 March Monday 30 March Friday 3-6 April Friday 10 April Term 2 starts 28 April Item Valuing Diversity in Harmony Week South Weston Swimming Carnival Easter Cross Country Term 1 Ends Tuesday 28 April Please be advised that due to ANZAC Day (25 April) falling on a Saturday, Term 2 2015 will commence for all ACT Public Schools on Tuesday 28 April. School Disco ACT Swimming carnival Year 4 Camp Kenny Koala visit for Kindergarten Thursday 7 May Thursday 14-15 May Friday 15 May School & Community Contact Information Principal: Chris Pilgrim School: 6205 5644 Deputy Principals: Michelle Bourdet Fax: 6205 5615 Business Manager: Pam Edwards Email: Webpage: Hayley Singh Board Chair: Sally Troy Deakin Preschool: After School Care: P&C President: Perdi Mitchell Email: 6205 5644 6295 8985 SRC NEWS SRC have been busy this term continuing their work with Restorative Practices. SRC students have been working in the playground solving minor conflicts using restorative questions. In our SRC meetings we have been discussing fundraising and charities. For this term SRC have planned a Mufti Day to raise money for the victims of Cyclone Pam in Vanuatu. Mufti day will be held on Thursday 9th April. Students are asked to wear casual clothing to school and make a gold coin donation to the cause. Emma Sandford on behalf of the SRC. Thursday 9th April (week 10) Wear your casual clothes in exchange for a gold coin donation. Money raised will be going to CARE Australia to help the victims on Cyclone Pam.
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