TERRACE NEWS 1875-2015 Celebrating 140 Years VOL 43 No. 8 | 26 March Back-to-back GPS Volleyball Premiers after clinching the title with a three-set win over Churchie last weekend. Terracians Thrice To The Fore Dear Members of the Terrace Family, As we draw close to the end of Term 1 and approach the time of Easter, I wanted to share three very different but outstanding examples of the Terrace Family in action. The first of these was the Trivia ‘n Tunes last Friday evening. The event was a fund raiser for the Gallipoli Choir, however it was much more than this. More than 200 people from the Terrace and All Hallows’ communities gathered in the Primary Quad and were witness to the outstanding talent of the singers and musicians. The young men and women were great ambassadors for their schools and their families. The Primary Quad was transformed into an outdoor performance space that captured St Joseph’s College St Joseph’s College Gregory Terrace Gregory Terrace the Gallipoli atmosphere. The performance was partnered with the huge show of support from both schools and the large band of helpers who ensured the success of the evening. It was a wonderful example of the many facets of the Terrace Family working together. My congratulations to all involved. The second example of the Terrace Family in action was in the Campbell Centre last Saturday when large numbers of students across all year levels, along with many staff and parents, gathered to support the 1st Volleyball team in their quest for the GPS Volleyball premiership. The Year 12s inspired the crowd and the students were vocal, spirited and, importantly, sporting in their support of the Volleyball team. The ‘Terradome’ was electric. Continued on page 2 Ph: 3214 5200 – Fax: 38323832 5427 5427 Ph: 3214 5200 – Fax: Email: enquiries@terrace.qld.edu.au Email: enquiries@terrace.qld.edu.au Web: www.terrace.qld.edu.au Web: www.terrace.qld.edu.au S top P ress End Of Term Term 1 finishes next Thursday (2 April) at 3.10pm for all students. Term 2 begins on Monday (20 April). The final edition of Terrace News for Term 1 will be published next Thursday as will the second (and final) edition for Term 1 of The Locker Room. Please take note of these publications, which will include details of/or pointers to, the many holiday activities. Also ensure that you maintain a regular watch on the Parent Lounge and relevant Facebook and Twitter accounts. TERRACE NEWS Terracians Thrice To The Fore (cont'd) Congratulations to the 1st Volleyball team which won the game and was crowned 2015 GPS Volleyball Premiers. At the completion of the game players congratulated themselves and their opponents and then came over to their supporters and together the Campbell Centre echoed Terrace to the Fore. Congratulations to the volleyballers and the spirited supporters. My third example of the Terrace Family was a sad but extraordinarily impressive demonstration of support. Last week the Terrace Family lost one of its members, Mrs Jenny Graham, mother of Conan, Patrick, Damon and Cassie and wife to Bill. The Terrace Family offers its sympathy and support to the Graham family in their time of loss. As a sign of this support a large number of Terrace students and staff attended Jenny’s funeral. Their attendance was to support their fellow classmates. At the conclusion of the Mass, the Terrace students embraced Conan, Patrick and Damon. They shook hands, hugged and chatted with the boys to reassure them of their support. For young men this is not an easy task, yet the Terrace Gentlemen offered their support without hesitation and with sincerity and compassion. I was extraordinarily proud to be part of the Terrace Family last Friday. Please continue to keep Bill, Cassie, Conan, Patrick and Damon in your thoughts and prayers. Recently the College was advised that Year 11 student, Xavier Rui, has been awarded the 2015 Simpson Prize for his essay titled: To what extent did Australians enlist in 1914 to defend the Mother Country. The Simpson Prize is a national competition for students that encourages participants to focus on the significance of Anzac Day and what it means to them and to Australia. Xavier was the Queensland winner. This is an outstanding result and on behalf of all within the Terrace Family I congratulate Xavier. As we approach the end of the Lenten period and the commencement of Easter, I remind families about the Lenten Appeal that is currently collecting funds within the House groups. I have witnessed a range of activities as part of this fundraising process and I thank all involved in the campaign thus far and encourage all to continue to support the Lenten Appeal in these final days. Finally this week, I remind students to remain focussed on their studies during the exam block. This is always a stressful time and so, as parents, part of our role is to continue to encourage and support our children as they journey through the stresses of exams and assessment. This support can at times be difficult but is so important. Good luck to all families during this exam period. A reminder that normal classes will operate on Wednesday and Thursday next week, and students will be dismissed at 3.10pm on Thursday. Term 1 Reports will be posted home over the Easter holiday period. Have a great week. God Bless, Dr Michael Carroll COLLEGE PRINCIPAL 1st XI team member Ed Burns. The team is currently second going into the final round of GPS Cricket fixtures this weekend against Brisbane State High School. 2 TERRACE NEWS College Dean, Mr Chris Ryan College ‘App’ - With the wonderful financial support of The Cardinals, the College has engaged a company called DigiStorm to develop a smartphone application that will integrate many of our communication, social media and database communication and information points into one userfriendly service for students, staff, parents and the wider community. is facilitated by The Cardinals each year. Other aspects will include a customised calendar, sport and culture information, notices and links to the Parent Lounge, Student Café, flexischools for the bistro, GT Facebook, Twitter and more! Development is underway for a ‘soft launch’ in Semester 2 and an official launch with instructions and support for the 2016 academic year. If you are interested in understanding what this might look like please download DigiStorm examples from The Southport School and Brisbane Grammar from the Apple App store and the Google Play Store for Windows for free. Staff News - Congratulations to Reidy House Dean, Mr Rob Johnson and his wife Bec on the arrival of baby girl Maggie Claire. Terrace will be customising its own version that will include the Business Directory that As we approach the holidays, we wish Mr Peter Whitehouse all the best for a month of long service leave after the break and Mrs Melinda Egan, our Head of Library the same for a little longer until the end of May. Mr Michael Conley will be enjoying a longer break as he will be on leave for all of Term 2. Mr Conley’s replacement is being organised currently. During this time, we will welcome Mr Colin Thompson to the staff replacing Mr Whitehouse in Digital Technology and Information Processing Technology and Mrs Mary Ryan will cover for Mrs Egan’s classes and join the Library team led by Mrs Jane Fox during this time. Mrs Ryan has had several stints with us including looking after Mr Darren Brown’s Year 6 class recently while he was on leave looking after his new baby, William. 3 TERRACE NEWS Dean of Studies, Mrs Julie Quinn With the start of exams upon us this week, my hope is that the many students who have worked so hard this term can receive their deserved reward. For some students this reward will be receiving results in the A range and for others it will be receiving results in the C range. Irrespective of the outcome, our hope and aim is that each boy can be proud of his results and can honestly say that these results reflect a best effort. These assessment times reflect the culmination of Friday roll call, class concentration, logging and tracking of hours. I am continually impressed with the commitment from so many of our boys. Below is a copy of a page of the school diary of a Year 9 student who has worked consistently all term. Such dedication and commitment are to be applauded from students who are striving to achieve their best. This is the diary of a student who is also involved in many co-curricular activities and his manners and demeanour reflect those of the true “Terrace Gentleman”. Below are some strategies for maximising outcomes in exams: 1. The night before the exam make sure you have checked and packed the required equipment. 2. The night before the exam go over rules, dates or any other rote learning that is required. 3. The night before the exam, mentally list every topic and key points in the topics that you have covered in the exam subject during the term. 4. Make sure you get adequate sleep the night before the exam. 5. On the morning of the exam, make sure you have a good breakfast. 6. On arrival at school do not get caught up in ‘panic conversation’ that could undermine your confidence. 8. Be positive and confident! If you have worked hard during the term this is the time when you deserve to be rewarded. Go into the exam feeling strong and confident – do not doubt yourself. 9. During perusal read the paper carefully. Use a highlighter to remind or make yourself aware of key points. 10. During the exam be aware of the time. There is nothing more frustrating than not being able to answer a question when you know how to do it! 11. Work hard for the whole duration of the exam. Check, check and re-check your work until it is time to hand in your exam paper. Remember the 3 ‘Ps’ – Prepare, practise and persevere My best wishes to all students for their exams over these next two weeks. 7. Plan your strategy for time allocation prior to the exam. 4 TERRACE NEWS Dean of Students, Mr Damien Fall This week is all about exams for the Terrace Community. At the culmination of a busy term, it is important that students focus squarely on exams as their main priority over the coming days. For all students except Year 5, exams commenced on Wednesday 25 March. Over the exam period, students’ social life needs to be put on hold as they focus their energies on being as well prepared as possible. I wish all of our young men the very best with their exams over the coming days. At last Tuesday’s College Assembly, we were privileged to listen to the Gallipoli Choir, which will soon represent our nation at the Dawn Service in Gallipoli. This week, I have written to parents about Camp Gallipoli, a Federal Government endorsed initiative in recognition of the centenary of Anzac Day. The aim of the event is to simulate some of the spirit and emotion of Anzac Cove by holding a campout in the RNA showgrounds, followed by a dawn service. We have been able to reserve a limited number of tickets and would like to offer this opportunity as a unique parent/ student event within our community. I ask that you read my correspondence about Camp Gallipoli and consider whether you would like to attend. I understand that tickets for the general public are very limited and we will sell tickets this week on a firstin basis on College Events on the website. I was privileged to watch the First VI Volleyball team claim the Premiership on Saturday with a great performance. Equally impressive were the students who came along to support, cheering themselves hoarse in the process. It was an excellent display of school spirit on the part of these young men and I congratulate the ‘GT Generals’ Spirit Squad who have led the way during Term 1. Best of luck to the cricketers in the final round this weekend, particularly the 1st and 2nd XI, which have both enjoyed a great recent run of form. Summer seems to be finally coming to an end after plenty of heat and storms to start the year. The time when we commence with the winter uniform is approaching and I ask that parents check to ensure the uniform is ready to go. From the start of Week 2 next term, all students will be expected to wear their blazer to and from school every day. For students in Years 11 and 12, long trousers will be compulsory. Younger students have the option of wearing either long or short trousers with their black blazer. Please note that the term finishes for all students at 3.10pm on Thursday 2 April, following our Easter Liturgy. Even if a student has finished all assessment before this day, he is expected to be at school. I respectfully ask that all parents support the school and ensure their sons are in attendance until the term is finished. Dean of Waterford, Mr Damien Cuddihy It’s been an excellent week leading into the exam block with the before school tutoring sessions attracting a great deal of interest from the boys. This cohort has certainly embraced the opportunity to access extra assistance with their studies. In Term 2, we are offering two new service learning opportunities for the Year 10 cohort. The first is the “Head to Heart” program which is a modified 24-hour Edmund Rice Camps program starting on a Friday afternoon and finishing on the Saturday at around 4pm. This program will be offered at the end of Week 2 next term. In short, our students are paired up with a primary school aged participant from the community who generally has struggled to undertake mainstream schooling. Later in the year our students will have the opportunity to participate in longer programs with Edmund Rice Camps Australia. The second opportunity is to join our homework support club being run at St Mary’s of the Cross on Wednesday afternoons throughout the term. We are looking for a small group of volunteers who are prepared to travel to St Mary’s in Windsor by College bus to assist students with homework after school. We have permission slips for both opportunities at the Waterford Student Services if your son is interested in volunteering for these programs. Middle & Lower School, Mr Brendan Ganley, Mr Russell Cooper I was initially amused by a photo I saw last week that accompanied the following headline: “Parents risk lives climbing exam buildings to help hundreds of Indian students cheat”. The content and context of the story was less amusing and the inference was frankly disconcerting. However, we parents all want the best for our children and although we would (hopefully) never go to those lengths, we can assist during exam time by maintaining regular routines, encouraging and praising success and by retaining a genuine and reassuring interest in our children’s academic endeavours. Above all, we must avoid getting caught up in our child’s anxiety around this time but instead seek to discover the root cause of their anxiety and discuss and demonstrate possible solutions. Remember, learning is a journey, not the destination. Thus, with exams upon us, the academic focus is revision, revision, revision! It is now, that all the extra preparation both at school and at home will pay dividends for those boys who invested the time. Boys should use all the study tips provided to them by the school but also make sure that they eat a healthy, balanced diet and obtain adequate rest and sleep. Recreational activities and hobbies should not be abandoned altogether, although study should, as ever, be the priority. Week 10 also sees students in Years 7 and 9 participate in a number of NAPLAN preparation tasks in the Campbell Centre, as well as Year 7 boys partaking in the Peer Power program within their House cohort. It should be clear that the term does not wind down during exams but is instead, all part of the Terrace academic routine. I wish all boys success during the exams and encourage them to seek assistance should they need it. 5 TERRACE NEWS Dean of Identity, Mr Peter Finnigan We are now at the business end of the term. Weekend sports have almost concluded and the boys now have their heads down and are engaged in the important task of completing their examinations. This is what they have been preparing for during the last eight weeks, their journey throughout Term 1 has reached its destination. There has also been another journey over the last five weeks, for the boys, the Terrace Family and for the Universal Church. Our Lenten journey, which began on Ash Wednesday, challenges us to examine our relationship with God and answer the never-ending call to grow closer to God and be the eyes, ears, hands and feet of Jesus to those around us. Here at school the boys have answered this call by putting faith into action through the generous support of their House Friendship Groups. Next week our Lenten Appeal will also reach its destination with much needed funds going to support those in need in our local community. This week the College hosted the Board of Edmund Rice Education Australia. It is a timely reminder to us that Terrace is part of a much bigger picture that goes far beyond state and national borders. St Joseph’s College is one of approximately 50 Edmund Rice Schools in Australia. Like Terrace, every one of these schools has its own specific identity, a history of which to be to be proud, a present to be celebrated and a future to be revealed. However, every one of these schools has one thing very precious in common. The bond, the connection that holds each school together as a united family is the charism of Blessed Edmund Rice and the heritage of the Christian Brothers. At Terrace we remain grateful for the legacy of the Christian Brothers and their continuing work in our Church today. From Pope Francis: “Christians…, are called to care for the vulnerable of the earth…the homeless, the addicted, refugees, indigenous peoples, the elderly who are increasingly isolated and abandoned, and…unborn children, the most defenceless among us”. Culture, Mr Matt Cocking Congratulations to all the students who are achieving great results throughout the complete spectrum of cultural activities. Whether it be a Year 5 student standing on stage for the first time in the Middle School Production of Seussical Jr or a Year 12 student with continued passion and leadership of others for their musical endeavours. It is these students and what they give that empowers our staff to give more every day. Weekend Sunrise - From a Turkish newspaper to Weekend Sunrise the Gallipoli Choir are making their mark on the world media. Year 9 Terrace student Alex O'Meally was interviewed on Channel 7 Weekend Sunrise last Sunday as he is the youngest member to sing at the 2015 Dawn Service. Well done to Alex and the entire choir. The interview can be seen http:// youtu.be/wLHytPe4B64 Public Speaking - Good luck to Paddy Cross who will represent Terrace at the Lions Public Speaking Competition in Toowoomba this Saturday. Paddy has made it through three local and metropolitan rounds to date and now competes in the South East Queensland rounds. Debating - Our Senior A Debaters who are currently undefeated in the GPS competition have started the QDU competition strongly with a seven-point win over Grace Lutheran College. With this team leading and mentoring our younger students, the activity is in good hands. The next round of GPS debates is away against Brisbane State High School. the AHS stage Producer Leisa Quade leisa.quade@ahs.qld.edu.au Thanks - Without our parent body, events such as the recent Trivia & Tunes night would not be possible. A sincere thank-you to Mrs Natalie Scalia who organised and sourced all the prizes and auction items; as well as the team of parent volunteers who gave so freely of their time to help on this event. Middle School Production - The Middle School Production of Seussical Jr is well underway. If your son is part of this musical please ensure that he is learning his lines, songs and choreography and able to perform this in front of you and your friends. We are looking for parents to help with makeup and wardrobe. Contact us at culture@terrace.qld.edu.au if you are able to assist. Tickets will be on sale soon via College Events. Social Media - With so many activities held at Terrace on any given day, it is easy to miss a notification about a room change or cancellation of practice. All last minute changes will be sent via Twitter so following @GTCulture is a must. The Terrace Facebook page regularly highlights the achievements of our students. “Liking” this page also will give you extra information.https://www.facebook.com/ StJosephsCollegeGregoryTerrace Senior Production Animal Farm (All Hallows' School) - Animal Farm requires mature stage crew. These students will be in charge of backstage areas, lighting, sound, microphone allocations and set preparation. If you are interested in this area of the entertainment industry contact Date Claimers • Friday 27 March – GPS Debating Round 4 vs BSHS (A) • Wednesday 1 April - QDU Round 2 Years 10 and 12 6 TERRACE NEWS Music, Mr Brad Esbensen Last Friday night, the Primary Quad was transformed into an amazing outdoor concert venue for the Trivia & Tunes fundraiser for the GT/AHS Gallipoli Choir. The choir, under the direction of Mrs Bernadette Debattista and Mr Tim Sherlock, was accompanied by the Symphonic Wind Ensemble, directed by yours truly, and Red Lopez, past student and choir member, on piano. The concert went exceptionally well and was followed by a fun-filled evening of trivia and competitions. Special thanks to all the musicians, directors, support staff, parents and TPA for making the evening so very successful. On Saturday evening, the Terrace Jazz Combo, made up of five students from the TJO, performed as part of the entertainment at the Volleyball Dinner. These young men did an outstanding job, performing more than an hour of jazz with minimal music and much improvisation; no small feat for our musicians who rose to the challenge! Congratulations to the Waterford Strings which, under the direction of Mrs Domenica Kelly, performed Donegal Fiddles, a traditional Irish tune, at Assembly this week. There will be no Assembly performance next week due to exams. There are several major concerts taking place next term and it would be great to see the Terrace Community come out to support our musicians. Dates and venues are set out in the Coming Events section at the end of this article. More information will be sent to the performers involved via the Terrace Music Event Memos once all details are confirmed. There are limited numbers of tickets available, free of charge, for the GPS Showcase concert and these can be obtained by contacting the Music Office. Practice tip of the week - Remember to breathe, even if you don’t play a wind instrument! Maintaining good breath control helps us to avoid excess tension in performance as well as providing decisive entries and shape to phrases. Practice taking a few good, deep breaths and notice how your mindset can change. Please continue to pray for Mr Barry Bobart and his family. Coming Events: Term 2 • Anzac Day, 25 April Tennyson, Pep Band TBC. • GPS Music Showcase, Thursday 30 April, QPAC. • Brisbane Big Band Festival, Sunday 17 May, Brisbane Jazz Club TJO – Performance time TBC but it will be in the morning/lunchtime. • GT140 Gala Ball, Saturday 23 May, Fanfare Trumpet Team, TBC. • Norman Clarke Concert, Sunday 31 May, Villanova College. • Winter Concert, Thursday 4 June, including Years 5 and 6 Band and Strings classes and other groups TBA. The Gallipoli Choir entertains last Friday night in the Primary Quad in front of College Hall. 7 TERRACE NEWS Sports, Mr Damian Wright Volleyball - Congratulations to the 1st VI which had a magnificent victory on Saturday afternoon to win the GPS Volleyball Championship for the second year in a row. The standout feature of this playing group is an outstanding level of skill performed under pressure. Well done to the boys for their dedication and to the wonderful leadership of the student body from Mr David Mandall and Mr Sam Mackinnon. The Coach of the team Mr Brendan Garlick deserves special mention for his very levelheaded approach and easy-going delivery of the coaching instruction. The Volleyball program had another outstanding year winning numerous days against the opposition, giving testament to an enjoyable experience for all the boys involved. Cricket - Only half the games were played of the traditional round against Nudgee College due to heavy rain. In the time available Terrace Cricket flexed its united strength and performed strongly across the board – perhaps the standout result of the morning was the Year 8A team that continued on its winning way with a resounding victory over their arch rival. Whilst over at Ross Oval the Open 2nds recorded a fantastic victory at the home of NC Cricket – belting out a stirring rendition of the school song to send all at Boondall quiet. Training will continue at 7am Mon/Tues/ Wed/Thurs for Years 7-12. First XI - The traditional round v Nudgee turned out to be a bit of an anticlimax with the afternoon fixtures being washed out. The 1st XI had to settle for shared points with a washout being recorded. The result ensures that going into the final round, the flagship team of the program is sitting in second position on the points table. There is a chance of top position on the podium if results fall the team's way however all boys should be very proud of their achievements so far this year. Camp - An invitation to the Cross Country camp will be sent early next week to all boys who have signed on for this year. If you wish to go and do not receive an invitation, please see Mr Hinch. The invitation will contain the details on how to sign up and pay via the Parent Lounge. Cross Country - Training for our final week of term will be held after exam block on Wednesday and Thursday. Holiday training will be held on Tuesday and Thursday both weeks for Years 7-12, meeting at 9am at the tunnel, finishing at 10.15am. Holidays are a great time to fit in more training and take advantage of different runs if you are away. 'If you don’t use it you lose it.’ After such great work it’s really important that boys return ready to race. Term 2 - We will train from the first day of Term 2 with Years 5 and 6 joining in on Monday/Wednesday mornings 7-8am meeting at the tunnel with the coaches. If there are clashes with training, boys can still be involved and race on Friday afternoons to try and make the team for GPS. The camp will be held from Friday 8 May to Sunday 10 May at Lennox Head. This is a major part of our preparation for the GPS Championships, and has been very popular with more than 100 boys attending in recent years. Only boys from Years 7 to 12 will be automatically invited to attend the camp. Rugby - Congratulations to Will Harrison, Angus Morris, Jack Lutvey, Will Spurgin and Ethan Moore on their invitation to participate in the combined EREA team against St Laurence’s College this Friday night at Suncorp Stadium. These boys have been invited along with students from Nudgee, St James, St Patrick’s and St Edmunds to take the field to join the students from St Laurence’s in a celebration of their proud and enduring Rugby heritage. The EREA team is coached by our own Director of Rugby Mr Tyron Mandrusiak. Congratulations to GPS Cricket representatives James Mullins Connor Ballenden and Zachary Campbell Captains Corner, Vice Captain Reuben Wall Term 1 is sharpening to an exam-filled point with everyone finishing their respective seasons and hours being spent on the books revising. This is the time though when stress and anxiety shouldn’t get the better of us, it is a time to reap the rewards of the hours of class work, Friday roll call and homework. It is now when you need to back yourself and know the work you have done will pay off. Recent achievements of some Red and Black-bleeding Terracians are examples of hard work paying dividends. Both our 1st and 2nd Cricket teams, are on three straight wins, with 1st XI Captain Lachlan Kirk scoring 100 against Ipswich. The hardest part of the term is behind us - the 240-plus lessons, 9920 minutes of learning. Our enthusiastic and promising Senior A Debating team is undefeated and most recently our 1st VI Volleyball team has claimed a second consecutive premiership. These successes are the result of devotion to the process and proof that all the effort is worth it in the end. So, when your Study Planner shows that little bit extra, push through the urge to give in. Stick to your processes and enjoy the result. I hope everyone has a safe and rejuvenating break, ready to continue bleeding the Red and Black in Term 2. 8 TERRACE NEWS Terrace Ladies Group A big thank-you to all those who have helped us get ready for the Terrace Cookbook Launch tomorrow. It will be wonderful to be able to finally share the lovely stories and delicious recipes that are in the book. If you are unable to attend tomorrow’s launch, the Cookbook is now available online through College Events or at the Terrace Shop for $55 each. Also, if you are able to donate a prize for the upcoming GT140 Ball on 23 May, please contact Mel Josephson (melissa.a.jo@gmail.com). Your contribution will be very much appreciated. Ball tickets will be available online from 1 April. A reminder that the next TLG meeting will be on Monday 4 May. Our guest speakers will be a couple of young gentleman from Orange Sky Laundry. Orange Sky Laundry is the brain child of two Terrace Old Boys. Their vision and enthusiasm for this project is inspirational. - Date Claimers - Friday 27 March - The Terrace Cookbook Launch, Tennyson 9am TLG Meeting – Monday 4 May, 9am Saturday 23 May - GT140 Gala Ball, RNA Convention Centre Contact Andrea Splatt TLG President splatt@bigpond.net.au Departing Innamincka Tuesday 23 June 2015 and concluding at Ceduna Saturday 4 July 2015 4WD Simpson Desert Victorian Desert 12 Day Tour Members of the Terrace Family are invited to paticipate in this special event held every two years. This year we are exploring the hidden corners of the Simpson Desert National Park, Painted Desert then onto Coober Pedy and Maralinga before travelling down Googs track to Cactus Beach finishing in Ceduna. You will drive the famous 4WD tracks, like the WAA line and Rig Road crossing 100s of sand dunes. Cactus Beach has three perfect surfing breaks in an unspoilt environment. This trip is a once in a lifetime experience. To secure your place a deposit of $500 is required (total cost per vehicle $4500). For further information please contact Mr Andrew Morse on 0407 880 372 andrew@global4wd.com.au 9 TERRACE NEWS The Terrace Family The Terrace Family is asked to pray for the repose of the soul of: Mrs Perri Purnell, grandmother of James O’Sullivan (GT2014), Finbarr Farrell (9) and Fergus Farrell (6) The Terrace Family is asked to continue to pray for the welfare of: Mr Simon Davidson (GT1987); Mr Robert Maitland (GT2000); Mr Barry Bobart, Director of Music and father of Ryan (GT2011) and Linford Hulin-Bobart (12U) The Simpson Prize The Simpson Prize is a national history essay competition for Years 9 and 10 students that encourages participants to focus on the significance of Anzac Day and what it means to them and Australia. The title of the competition is named in honour of Jack Simpson Kirkpatrick, a soldier immortalised in paintings and sculptures carrying wounded soldiers on a donkey. In 1999, the Federal Government wanted to reemphasise Australia’s military history in an essay competition. Each year, the winner from each state is invited to travel to Gallipoli to trace the footsteps of the first Anzacs. Xavier Rui, currently in Year 11, is the Queensland winner of the 2015 Simpson Prize competition. In April he will travel to Gallipoli for the Centenary Anzac Day services to retrace the footsteps of our first Anzacs. Also, the following teachers, Ms Ruth Raymond, Mrs Susan Hinton and Mrs Tracey McIvor, have been influential in guiding Xavier to develop his inquiry skills in History. Xavier’s essay is available publicly on the Simpson Prize website. Mrs Suzanne Cook (Head of Humanities & the Arts). Terrace Shop Currently in Stock black blazers, school jumpers, trackpants, Tennis shirts and Tennis shorts, Basketball training singlets, Football shirts, sport hoodies/chinooks. Please Note: The Terrace Shop will be closed for school holidays so please ensure you have purchased your training gear for holiday clinics. OPEN Mon - Fri 7:30am to 3:15pm Ph: 3214 5258 Student ID Cards will no longer be accepted in the Terrace Shop. terraceshop@terrace.qld.edu.au 10 TERRACE NEWS Terrace P e r f o r m i n g A rt s What a fantastic evening of Trivia & Tunes we had on Friday night. Thank-you to all who attended, helped, served, spent, cleaned up and donated. It was, not only a fabulous night of getting together, but a great night for fundraising for our Gallipoli Choir. Congratulations to our prize and Silent Auction winners and a huge thank-you to our sponsors. (please see the list to the right) I wish to sincerely thank the Terrace staff who helped us with this big event: The maintenance crew who worked tirelessly in the oppressive heat on Friday, the cultural staff, the administrative staff and, of course, to the TPA committee and the Gallipoli Choir parents who went the extra mile to ensure the 200 guests in attendance had an even better time than they could have hoped. Coming Events Term 2 TPA meeting Monday 20 April Middle School Production 8/9 May TPA Mothers Mass Tuesday 19 May Please email me (nataliescalia@gmail.com) if you are interested in helping with costumes for the Middle School Concert. 11 TERRACE NEWS 12 TERRACE NEWS Terrace Social Events • The Terrace Cookbook Launch - Friday 27 March, 9am Rodgers Pavilion, Tennyson • Year 5 Parents Night - Saturday 28 March, Cellar Bar, QA Hotel, James St, New Farm • Year 8 Coffee Morning - Tuesday 31 March, 9am Bar & Bistro, Victoria Park Golf Complex • Year 5 Coffee Morning - Friday 1 May, 8.30am Bar & Bistro, Victoria Park Golf Complex • Year 7 Parents Function - Friday 1 May, The Story Bridge Hotel, Kangaroo Point • GT140 Gala Ball - Saturday 23 May, Black Tie, Brisbane RNA Showgrounds * Date Claimer * Year 5 Parents’ Night - Saturday 28 March, Cellar Bar, QA Hotel New Farm $30 pp 7-10pm email Suzie Gallagher suzie_bill@bigpond.com The Terrace Cookbook Launch Friday 27 March, 9am Rodgers Pavilion, Vivian Street Tennyson Visit the College website under Events for further information on all social functions. 1 13
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