March 2015 Volume 13 Issue 7 The Voice A Mt. Carmel High School Publication Mr. Pat Cheesman Principal In order to better accommodate the parents of our students the Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on Thursday, March 26th from 5:00-7:30 p.m. and on Friday, March 27th from 8:00-11:30 a.m. The sign up procedures: 1. Parents may call the school office at 262-5104 or may stop by during school hours (7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.) to make appointments. Students may also set these appointments up for their parents in the Main Office at the school. 2. An appointment schedule for each teacher will be kept in the school office. Appointments will be 15 minutes in length with a short break in between each one. 3. There is no deadline for sign-up; however, the sign-up procedure will be on a first come-first serve basis. 4. Parents are encouraged to sign-up for appointments prior to 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 25th. This way an appointment schedule can be furnished to each teacher in order to properly prepare for their upcoming conferences. 5. Parents who cannot attend a conference on these scheduled dates are encouraged to contact individual teachers for appointments on other dates. Summer School As you know high school graduation requires completion of many State of Illinois and Mount Carmel High School mandated courses. During the past school year a few students have failed one of the following classes either 1st, 2nd semester or both: English I, English II or English III; Algebra 1, Geometry. In order for students to stay on track, Mount Carmel High School offers these courses on the following dates and time: Session 1 Beginning on June 1st ending on June 25th from 8-12 English I (fall course) English II (fall course) Algebra 1 (fall course) English III (fall course) Geometry (fall course) Mr. Pat Cheesman Principal 201 Pear Street Mt. Carmel, IL 62863 (618) 262-5104 Mr. Michael Brewer Assistant Principal March 2015 Volume 13 Issue 7 Session 2 Beginning on June 29th ending on July 23th from 8-12 English I (spring course) English II (spring course) Algebra 1 (spring course) English III (spring course) Geometry (spring course) A student may need to take only the one session. They will only be able to participate in one course per session. To ensure the class will be offered we have to have a minimum of ten (10) students participate. There is a small fee for registration that goes to Wabash Valley College. Paperwork and fee payment will occur during the first week of each term. Please phone M.C.H.S. Guidance office for your son/daughter’s enrollment into these courses. Successful completion of these courses will allow your son/daughter to be placed in appropriate classes in the fall of 2015. If you have any questions or problems, feel free to call Mrs. Paddick or Mr. Cheesman at 262-5104. Mount Carmel High School will also offer Driver’s Education classroom for students who are incoming freshmen in the fall of 2015 or other MCHS students who have not taken the classroom portion of driver’s education. Parents, the State of Illinois requires that a student has to have their white slip for nine (9) months before a student can get their driver’s license. We suggest that any student who has already turned 15 or who will turn 15 before November or any marching band student take this summer school course. More information will be provided in April. Mr. Tyler Buss will offer the classes two or three days each week for eleven (11) days from 8-11 in the morning. We will also offer American Government and Consumer Economics to students who will be entering their senior or junior year during the summer. If your son or daughter is interested in taking any of these courses, please contact the guidance department and place their name on the class list. Career Pathways Mount Carmel High School (MCHS) will be attempting to create career clusters or pathways of study in preparation for careers. Students will be given opportunities to research jobs within their desired fields, then expand their knowledge and narrow their focus upon a career cluster. Following this, their High School coursework would provide hands-on education with application of knowledge within that coursework. Finally, this coursework would cumulate in either a job related work experience during the school day or a partial day of higher education at Wabash Valley College (WVC). At present, we have began coursework in the medical field with the Principles to Bio-Medical Sciences for freshmen and sophomores followed by the Human Body Systems for sophomores and juniors, plans are underway for the Medical Interventions course in the Fall of 2015 for juniors and seniors. Seniors who have a desire to further their education in health care have the option to apply for the Health Care Occupations course that starts the day out at Wabash General Hospital in the classroom and during clinical. Students will earn a Certified Nursing Assistant certification and have an opportunity to continue into Wabash Valley College nursing program or be better prepared for University course work in the medical field. March 2015 Volume 13 Issue 7 MCHS has also developed the engineering/drafting field of study. Students begin with Introduction to Engineering and Design to develop their ability to design on the computer and understand basic engineering knowledge. Following this course students decide to either proceed into the traditional metal and wood manufacturing courses or continue into the engineering field. Traditional courses for sophomores include the Introduction of Woods for a semester and Introduction of Metal Manufacturing. Juniors would take a one hour course in either woods or metals to further their knowledge and skills. As seniors, woods students would proceed into a two hour course that is designed for completion of individual or school related projects. Metals students would have the option of a two hour course taught at WVC that includes Robotics, Welding, Computer Aided Drafting, Industrial Electricity and Manufacturing Material & Process. Those students who are interested in engineering will take the Principles of Engineering as sophomores or juniors, as juniors and seniors they will they the opportunity to continue course work in Computer Integrated Manufacturing. MCHS is looking at developing other pathways for students. They are in the planning stages and must include WVC and other business partners. Areas that are being researched include: Agriculture and Communication to Radio Broadcasting Technology. At the present time if a student is interested in Radio Broadcasting Technology they will need to sign up for service learning and specify that they want to be in the 4th period Radio Broadcasting class at WVC. March brings the end of the third quarter and the midpoint of the second semester. It is during this time that students can become lax with attendance, grades, etc. While there may be time to improve one’s Mr. Michael Brewer grades throughout the semester, in regards to attendance this is not so. Assistant Principal When a day has been missed, it is permanently recorded (the same is true of tardiness). This is important when considering that absences of any kind (excused or verified) count the same when it comes to final exam exemption. This is not a punishment for excused absences but a requirement to show that you have an understanding of the content even though you have missed class time. Consideration should also be given to the fact that absences are tracked by period, so if a student misses more than three times in any one period, that student will be required to take ALL exams. The following is found on page 17 of the student handbook: H. FINAL EXAM EXEMPTION POLICY FOR OUTSTANDING ATTENDANCE First and second semester exams are optional to those student who meet the following eligibility requirements: 1. Any student who maintains school attendance in all enrolled classes with three (3) or fewer absences during the semester. The guidelines under the MCHS Attendance Policy are: *Three (3) or less absence passes. (Verified Absence passes are issued for parent discretionary purposes, including student illness and important family matters. Excused Absence passes are issued for doctor appointments, funeral, or other similar circumstances.) 2. Certain disciplinary assignments or other attendance issues may automatically disqualify the student from this program. They are: a. The student may not have any “truant” unexcused absence passes. (Truant passes are issued for truancy from a class period or day of school.) March 2015 Volume 13 Issue 7 b. A student may not have been sent to the office for disciplinary reasons by teacher. c. Any student who has been assigned to Saturday School Detention, In-School Suspension (AER) or Outof-School Suspensions during the year is ineligible to participate in this optional final exam program. d. Any student who receives a total of five (5) tardies throughout the semester. 3. Any student who meets the above standards but receives a failing grade in only one class maintains exempt status in all but the one class; however if a student receives a failing grade in either quarter of more than one course they will be required to take all exams. *Additionally, to be eligible to receive credit for a class you must pass at least one semester. If a student has failed BOTH semesters of a course they will not be allowed to take the final exam for that course. Nurse News For Parents with Students Entering Kdg – 12th Grade in the 2015-2016 School Year: It is time to start making your physical appointments for your upcoming Kindergartener, 6th or 9th grader. As you know it is state mandated that your child have a physical for the Kindergarten, 6th grade, and 9th grade years. This needs to be completed prior to registration or your child will not be allowed to start school until it is completed. A physical form will be sent home with each 5th and 8th grade student on May 4th . If you have the physical done anytime from now through the month of June you may stop by the office and pick up the form to take with you then bring it to the office and it will be filed until registration time. You will not have to worry about keeping it safe over the summer! If it is done after these dates please bring the completed form with you on the central registration day. Also, please be sure that all the highlighted areas are filled out. Please don’t wait to make your appointment because the physician’s fill their openings quickly. Mrs. Stephanie Kolb District 348 Nurse **Tdap Immunization Requirement** Any child entering 6th through 12th grade shall show proof of receiving one dose of Tdap (defined as tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis) vaccine regardless of the interval since the last DTap, DT or Td dose. Chicken pox Vaccine(Varicella) requirement for 2014-2015: Any child entering Kindergarten, 1st, 6th, 7th, 9th or 10th grade shall show proof of having received two doses of varicella vaccine. It is recommended that all students K thru 12th grade have two doses prior to the 2015-2016 school year. Meningitis(MCV4) requirement for 2015-2016: The requirement is for 6th and 12th grade entry. All students entering 6th grade must show proof of one dose of MCV4. All students entering 12th grade must show proof of two doses of MCV4. The second dose must be after 16 years of age. If the first dose of MCV4 was given after age 16 then only one dose is required at 12th grade. It is recommended that all students 6th grade thru age 15 have one dose of MCV4. March 2015 Volume 13 Issue 7 School vs. Sports Physical If your child is entering the appropriate grade level that requires a school physical then that physical will be accepted as a sports physical as well. Please note that the IHSA sports physical form WILL NOT be accepted as a school physical. Self-Carry Medication If your child is required to self-carry an inhaler, epi-pen, or diabetic medication then the Authorization for SelfCarry/Administration of Medicine must be filled out by the physician and the parent/guardian. Please ask the school nurse for this form prior to visiting the physician. It is also recommended that an extra dose of medication be brought to the school and left in the nurse’s office in the instance that the medication is not available. * State Dental Exam Requirement* Parents, please note that the State of Illinois requires that all children entering Kindergarten, 2nd, and 6th grades have an oral health examination. A licensed dentist must perform the examination and he/she will need to sign the proof of examination form. Each child shall present proof of examination by a dentist prior to May 15, 2016. The exam must be recorded on the Illinois State Form and must have been completed within 18 months of the deadline (completed between 11/15/14 and 5/15/16). Anyone either failing to provide the required exam or filing a waiver with the school will have their report card withheld until such time as they become compliant. These forms will be sent home with the physical forms on May 5th. If you have appointments prior to the forms being sent home please stop by the office to get the form to take with you. *State Vision Exam Requirement* It is required that children entering Illinois schools for the first time at kindergarten or after receive an eye exam. Therefore, if you have a child that will be entering kindergarten in 2015-2016 then an eye exam will be required to be completed by May 15, 2016. March 2015 *Requirements* Kindergarten • School Physical Exam • Up-to-date immunizations • Lead Screening • Dental Exam • Vision Exam 1st Grade • Up-to-date immunizations 2nd Grade • Dental Exam 3rd/4th/5th Grade • Up-to-date immunizations 6th Grade • School Physical Exam • Up-to-date immunizations • Dental Exam 7th /8th Grade • Up-to-date immunizations • Sports Physical if needed 9th Grade • School Physical Exam • Up-to-date immunizations 10th/11th/12th Grade • Up-to-date immunizations • Sports Physical if needed Volume 13 Issue 7 **Up-to-date immunizations: • If your child is in need of an immunization, a form was mailed stating which immunizations are needed. • 2015-2016 6th and 9th graders will have their physical forms sent home May 4th with immunization requirements. All registration and health forms can be found for your convenience at If you have any questions please call 262-5104 ext 112. Thank you! Stephanie Kolb RN-BSN, PEL-CSN District #348 School Nurse
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