Hub News Report February / March 2015 Record Bookings for NHS Temporary Agency Staff Conference 2015 Bookings for the Hub's NHS Temporary Agency Staffing Conference are in full swing and we look forward to welcoming record numbers of NHS staff from all over England. The event takes place at The Cresset in Peterborough on March 16th and is free to NHS employees. It aims to highlight ways NHS organisations can manage their agency demand more effectively and share best practice through proven case studies. For more information and to register to attend, please click this link: REGISTER HERE Please circulate this booking link to your colleagues in HR/ staff bank or other departments which book temporary agency staff at all levels – clinical and non-clinical. Four Hub Collaboration Leads to First NHS Total Orthopaedic Solutions Framework Collaboration between the four NHS procurement hubs has resulted in the successful delivery of the first NHS Total Orthopaedic Solutions framework agreement, which will enable Trusts to better leverage spend in this key market. The four Hubs – the East of England Hub, the NHS North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative; NHS London Procurement Partnership and NHS Commercial Solutions - have worked together as the NHS Collaborative Procurement Partnership to deliver this important initiative, which went live at the beginning of January and is the second joint project to come to fruition. David John, Hub Chief Executive said: “By working together, and combining national buying power with our strong regional and local engagement, we can deliver highly competitive agreements that really meet the needs of the NHS, of suppliers and above all of patients. Our next activity is the development of a Total Cardiology Solutions framework agreement, due to go live on 1st April 2015.” The framework agreement encompasses a huge range of orthopaedic solutions to meet the varying needs of all four hubs’ members. Benefits include: A strategic pricing schedule per lot to attract best pricing opportunities, annual volume band price breaks and spend value breaks, additional percentage discounts for volume band commitments per Trust, the option to work across one or more lots; the ability to work under a Managed Service (where applicable); support from the Hub to conduct strategic rationalisation and benefit from cost reduction; opportunities for value added services and improved efficiency. Total Orthopaedics Solutions Framework (Continued) Lots on the framework include: Orthopaedic Hip Arthroplasty Orthopaedic Knee Arthroplasty Orthopaedic Extremities Arthroplasty Orthopaedic Trauma, Implants and Consumables Spine Arthroscopy / Sports Medicine Bone Preparation Orthopaedic Power Tools and Consumables Regenerative Technology Orthopaedic Generic Instrumentation NHS Collaborative Procurement Partnership Projects Genitourinary and Gynaecological Equipment and Consumables Intraocular Lenses, Phaco Packs and Related Equipment and Consumables Soft Facilities Management Services Payroll, HR Admin and Transactional Recruitment, Clinical Consumables To find out more about each of the framework agreements, click the link below and contact the relevant Hub Procurement Project Manager for more details. Updated List of Available Frameworks. Four Hub Partnership Shortlisted for National GO Award for Nursing Framework The NHS Collaborative Procurement Partnership – of which the Hub is a member was shortlisted for a Government Opportunities (GO) Award 2015/16 for its Nursing and Nursing-related Staff Framework Agreement. The project was a finalist in the GO Procurement Innovation or Initiative of the Year category (Health and Social Care Organisations) which the East of England Hub won in 2014/15. NHS Collaborate Procurement Partnership - Hub Framework Sharing Agreements As a result of the agreement by the four NHS Hubs collectively known as the NHS Collaborative Procurement Partnership - to share framework agreements with members, further new frameworks are now available for use by Hub customers. Shared frameworks include the following: Medical and Surgical Equipment Maintenance and Calibration IT Infrastructure Hardware and Services Managed Document Services Framework Transport Services Clinical Waste (Bulk & Non Bulk) Estates and Facilities Advisory Framework The Partnership developed the nursing framework to meet the needs of its members for quality temporary and permanent staff from the UK and overseas. The framework provides NHS customers and other public sector bodies with access to a wide range of suppliers who are able to provide nurses and nursing-related staff covering a number of specialisms. Although not a winner this year, it was a credit to the project team to be shortlisted for this prestigious national award. Hub Project Updates Work Plan for 2015-16 The Hub is in the process of developing its work plan for 2015-16 and would be interested to hear from Trusts who have requirements in any clinical or non-clinical area they would like the Hub to consider taking forward. Framework Extensions or Renewals Planned for 2015-16: Orthotics Services and Consumables Surgical Stapling and Laparoscopic Consumables Water Management Services Laundry & Linen Services Cleanroom Consumables Analysis & Reconciliation Consultancy Services Bariatric Furniture & Equipment Wholesaler Pharmacy Supplies Parenteral Nutrition Continence Topical Negative Pressure Contrast Media Radiology Endoscopy Mobiles Voice & Data Childcare Voucher Scheme Drug Testing Kits External Breast Prosthesis Car Leasing Digital Dictation Potential Areas for New Frameworks: Woundcare Formulary Management IV Antibotics Community Infusion Services Wheelchair Repair and Maintenance Clinical Information Systems E-Systems Staff Benefits Scheme IT Hardware Spinal Cord Stimulators (and Baclofen Pumps) Medical Devices If you have any questions on the topics above or to discuss any ideas for new frameworks, please contact Commissioning Partner Agreement Taster Sessions Following the award of the Commissioning Services Partner Agreement, the three partner organisations have agreed to run a series of free ‘taster’ sessions for Hub members on a variety of different topics. The three partners – Attain, GE Finnamore Healthcare and The Consultation Institute - are renowned and innovative providers in health and social care consultancy. The new agreement will help support CCGs, Acute Trusts and other NHS providers in the emerging Health and Social Care co-commissioning arena and community services provision landscape. The list of subjects can be seen below and are open to all members. (Click the headings to register to attend each event.) Commissioning Partner Agreement Session - Staying Within the Law of Public Consultation (14 Apr) Commissioning Partner Agreement Session - Patient Flow and Capacity Optimisation (22 Apr) Commissioning Partner Agreement Session - The Modern Approach to Options Development (12 May) Commissioning Partner Agreement Session - Making Integrated Care Work (8 Jun) Commissioning Partner Agreement Session Public Engagement Skills - Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (11 June) Commissioning Partner Agreement Session - Post Election, Five Years Forward... What Now? (24 Jun) Commissioning Partner Agreement Session - Achieving Horizontal Integration - Beyond Better Care Fund (15 Sep) Commissioning Partner Agreement Session - Achieving Integration - New Models of Care (22 Sep) Commissioning Partner Agreement Session - Quality Governance and the Role of the Board (7 Oct) Commissioning Partner Agreement Session - Strategy Development (10 Nov) For more information on the commissioning partner agreement or the taster sessions, please contact Audit and Consultancy Audit Services The new framework agreement for Audit and Consultancy Audit Services went live on 1st February 2015. It runs until January 2017 with two 12 month extension periods available. For further information and a full list of suppliers appointed to the framework, please contact Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy and Haemodialysis Tender responses were due back on 23rd February and the framework award is on track to be completed by 1st April 2015. Following award of the framework agreement, the Hub will be working closely with Trusts to conduct benefits analysis and implementation of the framework. For more information, please contact: New Legal Services Framework The new NHS Commercial Alliance Legal Framework was awarded at the end of January and is now available for members to use. The framework is comprehensively designed to cover most areas where legal support is required within the NHS. A workshop will be organised in the near future to provide an overview of the framework and how to best utilise it. If you currently have a contract for any of the services covered by this framework it would be advisable to ascertain whether better value for money could be obtained by using the framework. The framework has been structured to incorporate nine lots, which include the following: Lot 1 Primary Care; Lot 2 Mental Health Law; Lot 3 Corporate and Commercial Law; Lot 4 Employment Law; Lot 5 Property Law; Lot 6 PFI/PPP projects; Lot 7 NHS Governance and Public Law; and Lot 8 Health Law. Lot 9 A multi-disciplinary lot covering any or all of the services in the preceding eight lots. Multiple suppliers were successful in each lot and have been appointed to the framework, which has been set for four years. The terms of the framework agreement allow a Participating Authority to order directly or via a further competition, provided that the relevant ordering procedure set out in Schedule 7 of the agreement is followed. A full list appointed legal firms and further information about the framework can be obtained by contacting CPAP, BIPAP, NIV Equipment, Consumables and Related Items (Breathing equipment and ventilators) Three Trusts have confirmed they wish to participate in a further competition under the framework agreement the Hub is developing. Scoping and data gathering is currently underway. The framework covers equipment and consumables, as listed below. CPAP, BiPAP equipment CPAP, BiBAP infant equipment and consumables Face masks Filters Nasal masks Humidifiers Ventilators All other related consumables Books and Publications As a special offer to Hub members, via a nationally recognised compliant framework agreement, Blackwells Bookshop (also known as Heffers Bookshop) has given our members access to their new Medical Title list. Blackwells are approved suppliers of books to the NHS and in addition they are currently offering a 25% discount on any books and or journals from the above list before 31st March. To download a spreadsheet showing available titles, click here: For more information, contact Pharmacy Update If other Trusts are interested in participating in the further competition, they should contact Endoscopy and Radiology Consumables Homecare Medicines Services The Hub’s current frameworks covering the supply of Endoscopy and Radiology Consumables are both due for re-tender this year. It is our intention to issue OJEU notices shortly, which will formally commence the procurement process. The Hub recently hosted a successful event to promote open discussion around NHS Contracting of Pharma Funded Homecare Services. The session, which took place in late January, was attended by over 60 delegates from the three major stakeholder groups - NHS, Homecare providers and Pharma companies. It is envisaged that both frameworks will allow potential bidders to submit pricing for requirements based upon: 1) Trust Committed Volumes 2) Traditional framework offering to enable further competitions, rebate schemes and or other innovative commercial price incentives and finally 3) Price submissions for Managed stock service offerings. For more information, please contact: The level of engagement from each of the stakeholder groups on the day was very high and provided a great forum for open, transparent collaboration toward a mutually beneficial goal. Four alternative contracting models were considered - two of which were agreed by attendees as realistically viable solutions with one standing out as the preferred option. The attendees agreed that subsequent events would be beneficial to support the development of this work stream. As an action from this event, the Hub will draft a procurement strategy based on the chosen model ahead of further consultation with the group. The Hub continues to work very closely with the national Homecare Team to review the handling and reporting of homecare complaints and incidents. Additionally, the Hub has forged links with regional homecare leads from four other regions (Thames Valley and Wessex, East Midlands, West Midlands and South of England) to form a cross-regional homecare group. The group is currently developing a shared work plan to minimise duplication of workload and support a ‘one voice’ approach from the NHS on key strategic issues. The next meeting of the Homecare Sourcing Group will be held on 23rd March 2015 and will be followed by a service review meeting with Bupa Home Healthcare. Confirmed Bupa Home Healthcare representatives included Stephen Cook, Director of Pharmacy and Quality, and Adam Cooper, Regional Sales Manager. Please note: Due to restricted room availability at the Hub offices, this meeting will take place at Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge. For more information about the above or any aspect of Homecare Medicines Services, please contact E-Enablement Update GS1 Lead Workshops A further set of “How to” guidance will be released to GS1 Leads at a series of workshops over the coming weeks. These events are aimed at all nominated GS1 leads and senior managers, so please encourage them to register and come along. The purpose is to: Provide a clear context to GS1 and PEPPOL standards in Healthcare Provide some insight into the individual opportunities for a trust Deliver tools and guidance that the DH team has developed to support development of an adoption plan Act as a networking opportunity for representatives across trusts The sessions are booked for the following dates/locations: Sheffield - 4th March Gatwick - 5th March Manchester - 11th March Milton Keynes - 12th March London - 17th March Taunton - 18th March Click on the link below to register for one of the events: On-line registration for events GS1/PEPPOL Adoption Planning e-Procurement Strategy Letters were sent out to Acute Trusts in November 2014 asking Chief Executives to nominate a senior manager as lead and contact for the adoption of GS1 standards across their Trust. In December, GS1 Leads were sent the first set of guidance documentation entitled “Getting Ready” which explains how to prepare for adoption of the GS1 and PEPPOL standards. A requirement of the eProcurement Strategy is that Acute Trusts must develop a plan for GS1 / PEPPOL compliance by 30th June 2015. We are currently working with several Acute members to facilitate the development of their adoption plans and produce a corresponding board report. If you, or your GS1 Lead, would like further information on adoption planning or the eProcurement Strategy, please contact Clinical Product Update New CPS Team Member The Hub is pleased to welcome Steve Upton as Clinical Product Specialist to replace Jamie Robinson. Steve will work alongside Pauline Totten on a range of clinical support projects. Clinical Product Savings Opportunities The Clinical Product Team has identified a savings opportunity by switching ET tubes from a range of suppliers to Unmedical (Convatec). The savings opportunity across the region is in excess of £100K and a savings notification has gone out to relevant Trusts. Work is continuing on the drapes and gowns potential savings opportunity and on another opportunity around single use instruments. The clinical team continue to work with Trusts on bespoke projects and a lot of work is continuing on safer sharps. Cambridge University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust is the most recent Trust to take up the CPS offer of support. If you would like further support in the area of clinical product support, please contact either or steve.upton@eoecph.nhs/uk Tissue Viability Network The East of England Tissue Viability Network, which has over 70 members, met at the Hub offices in Fulbourn on 18th February. The network was first established in 2006 to support the region with the national contract for Pressure Area Care. The initial meetings enabled Tissue Viability specialists from across the East of England to network and discuss key projects affecting their organisations. The Hub has continued to the network meetings at Victoria House. Liam Horkan, who was formerly the lead nurse at the Hub, chaired the early meetings and continues to facilitate and support the network in his new role at Colchester Hospital. Current Hub staff including Clinical Nurse Specialist Pauline Totten and Stephanie Sprakes, Head of Pharmacy Procurement are both actively involved. Liam said: “The network has gone from strength to strength and members have influenced both national and regional procurement projects, but more importantly, were instrumental in taking forward the NHS England pressure ulcer ambitions. “We are grateful that the Hub continues to support the network. “ The next meeting is planned for the 30th April 2015. For more information please contact Liam: Procurement Events Eastern Academic Health Sciences SME Conference Health Minister Dr Dan Poulter MP and the Hub’s Assistant Director of Procurement Liam Robinson were among the speakers at an SME event hosted by the Eastern Academic Health Sciences Network. The session took place in Ipswich on 12th February and was aimed at SME suppliers. Dr Poulter explained the Government’s policy with regard to procurement and Liam explained how NHS procurement works at local and regional level. For more information about training, or any Hub communications including newsletters, e-alerts, or the EOECPH website, please contact or for general news updates, follow us on Twitter.
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