Book of Lamentations

The Taught MTh module is a specially designed course for the
new MTh program in STM. It offers MTh and post-graduate students the opportunity to explore in-depth biblical studies
subjects. MTh students can major in the area of Biblical Interpretation, Old Testament, or New Testament. These modules
can also be taken as singular subjects for the Research MTh
program and is open to MMin and DMin students
Book of Lamentations
Taught MTh Module
This is a 5 days intensive course on
the Book of Lamentations for the STM
Taught MTh program. The aims of the
course include the following:
1] To encourage the reader to wrestle
with the Book of Lamentations and
be aware of the critical issues
2] To help the reader understand the
literary world of the text and the
different voices employed in the
Seminari Theoloji Malaysia
c/o Lot 3011,
Taman South East,
Off Jln Tampin Lama,
70100 Seremban,
Negeri Sembilan.
Phone: 606-6322815 (O)
Fax: 606-6329766
Website: http://
For more info, pls contact
Mdm Ruth Tee.
3] To help the reader develop a good
grasp of the theology of the book
4] To explore the long history of interpretation of the book in order
to see its riches and relevance
for our time
5] To explore further use of the book
in developing liturgies of lament,
lament hymns, lament poems, and
grief and loss counselling
Rev Dr Anthony Loke
is an ordained
travelling elder with
the Methodist Church
and STM Lecturer in
Old Testament. He has
published 8 books