April 2015 The Voice of Congregation Kneseth Israel 330 Division Street Elgin, Illinois 60120 Ph: 847.741.5656 Fax: 847.741.5924 N i s a n – I y y a r 5 7 7 5 www.ckielgin.org In this Issue President’s Message Shaping Our Identity On Monday, May 4, at 7:00 PM, at CKI, we will have an opportunity to shape our identity as a congregation. The Vision Committee brought a series of By-Law changes to the Board of Directors on February 2, 2015, and the Board agreed that these By-Law changes should be presented at the Congregational Meeting on May 4. For those unfamiliar with Congregational Meetings, each year we hold a Congregational Meeting to elect a number of new officers to the Board of Directors, and we address By-Law changes, if there are any, that impact the entire congregation. This year we will be looking at a proposal for some major changes. These changes will require a vote, and 2/3rds of the members present must vote in favor of the changes for them to take effect. In summary, the proposed changes will define who can be a member of CKI, who can vote, and who can serve on the Board of Directors as both At-Large or Executive Committee members. Rabbi 2 Parashat 3 Torah School 7 Sisterhood 7 PJ Youth 8 Fundability 9 Book Club 10 Birthdays 10 Donations 10 Yahrtzeiten 11 Marketplace 12 Calendar BC Currently, a person must be Jewish to be considered a member of CKI. Non-Jewish partners of Jewish members are considered “associate” members. They cannot vote on synagogue business, and they cannot hold office. Non-Jewish partners can be full members in Men’s Club, full members of Sisterhood, attend services, serve on committees, and help out as necessary on various CKI projects. One proposed change to the By-Laws states, Membership is open to anyone of the Jewish faith, as determined by the Congregation’s spiritual leader, 18 years of age or older (“adult”). Any family of at least one Jewish spouse or any household with at least one Jewish person may apply for membership. Each (continued on page 2) Purim Fun! CKI SAVE THE DATES 05.04 – CKI Congregational Meeting Photos by Joe Rosenfeld 05.05 – Java & Jews 05.08 – Teacher Appreciation Shabbat 05.10 – Sisterhood Flower Sale pick-up 05.12 – All Sisterhood Meeting & Elections 05.15 – Rabbi’s Table; May Birthday Shabbat 05.23 – Erev Shavuot; Tikkun L’eil Shavuot, 8:00 PM 05.25 – Yizkor Service, 8:00 AM 05 29 – Sisterhood/Women’s Shabbat Sunday, April 12, 2015 • 10:00 AM, at CKI CKI Membership Definition Q&A Learn about the proposed By-laws changes to be voted on at the May 4 Congregational Meeting. Discuss various alternatives and reasoning for membership definition. RABBI MARGARET FRISCH KLEIN rabbi@ckielgin.org DR. JOE ROSENFELD, President jrosenfeld8250@wideopenwest.com NINA FINN, Director of Education finnnina@sbcglobal.net CKI OFFICE cki@ckielgin.org President’s Message From the Rabbi’s Study... What is a partnership? A partnership is an arrangement between parties, known as partners who agree to cooperate to advance their mutual interests. A synagogue is a partnership between its members, its rabbi and its wider community. I am excited about our next three years together. In Judaism, we talk a lot about covenant. A covenant is an agreement or a contract between partners. It is a promise, a commitment, a pledge between two parties. G-d made a covenant with Noah, then later with Abraham, and even later with the people of Israel. The rainbow is the sign of the covenant that G-d will not destroy the world again with a flood. Shabbat is the sign of the covenant between Israel and G-d. A Brit Milah, circumcision, is also a sign of the covenant. Brit means covenant. People talk about marriage as a covenantal relationship because the bride and the groom promise one another certain things. There is the sense of the holiness of that relationship, of that partnership. We at CKI have a partnership. Between me, as your rabbi, and the congregation. Between me and every individual congregant. Between the congregation and the leadership team. Between the parents and their children. Between the parents, the Education Committee, the teachers and the educational director. All of these are sacred, covenantal relationships. We are marching our way to Shavuot, the How to reach the Rabbi: I am in the office at least ten hours each week for people to drop in to see me. Come sit and have coffee with me. Mondays are my days off. I am in the office Tuesday mornings from 10:00 AM-1:00 PM, Wednesday afternoons from 1:30-3:30 PM, and Thursday afternoons from 2:00-6:00 PM. Call first, just in case something has come up. Can’t make any of those times? Call and set another time. I’ll meet you almost anywhere, anytime. I am accessible by cell phone, 978-590-8268 or by email, rabbi@ckielgin.org. HaKol Information HaKol is published monthly by Congregation Kneseth Israel of Elgin, Illinois. It is sent by email or mailed to CKI members via first class postage. Non-members who would like to receive a printed copy may do so by forwarding a yearly donation of $18 (chai) to cover cost of production and mailing. Make checks payable to Congregation Kneseth Israel. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • All material for the May issue is due NO LATER than April 15, PLEASE. All items should be emailed to: jemcfarlane@earthlink.net HaKol Editor: Jana McFarlane Advertising Manager: Ron Razowsky (cont’d from page 1) adult member of that family permanently residing in the household shall become an individual voting member of the Congregation so long as they are members in good standing. giving of the law at Sinai. That experience, too, marks a covenantal relationship. G-d said if you do x, y, and z, then G-d will allow us and our children to live long on the land. That solemn promise still holds true. That promise is about the Land of Israel but also about the earth itself. That was part of G-d’s promise to Noah, that G-d would never destroy the land again. It is about partnership. It is about caretaking. It is about stewardship. Another change states, Membership entitles each family, household, or individual the right to participate in the activities, religious or secular, that the Congregation shall sponsor, subject to the rules and regulations established by the Board of Directors. I take this covenantal partnership very, very seriously. When Congregation Kneseth Israel went searching for a rabbi, almost three years ago, you wanted someone to be a partner. Someone who would help uphold the vision of CKI—for meaningful observance, lifelong learning, embracing diversity—all of which builds community. It is a sacred partnership. One in which, together, we will grow the congregation. Finally, The Congregation shall have the following elected officers: President, Executive Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Financial Secretary. The persons serving as President and Executive Vice-President must be of the Jewish faith, as determined by the Congregation’s spiritual leader. This means that the non-Jewish partner can hold the Executive Committee offices of Secretary, Treasurer, and Financial Secretary, but not President or Vice-president. Sometimes it is not easy to be in a covenantal partnership. Sometimes partners disagree. Sometimes partners disappoint. Sometimes the legs of the milk stool feel uneven. We need a balance between lifelong learning, meaningful diversity and community gatherings. And yet, we are a community, a family. And we must strive to disagree with respect, to learn to compromise, to discuss until consensus is reached. It is not always easy, but it is always worth it. And we must remember but that we are all in this together. Together this partnership, this covenant works. You can see the complete current By-Laws at http://www.ckielgin.org/uploads/9/6/2/9/962907 7/bylaws_august_22_2011.pdf. And when we get the balance right, the building sings. Just stop by on a Friday night, a Saturday morning or Sunday morning and listen! You will be amazed. It is partnership at its best. I am excited about our next three years together. PLEASE... If there is an illness in the family or the loss of a loved one, please call CKI at 847-741-5656 so that your CKI family can contact you and be of help. CKI BOARD MEMBERS PRESIDENT - Dr. Joe Rosenfeld EXECUTIVE VP - Marc Zemel VP/ Education - Susan Johnson VP/ Sisterhood - Jana McFarlane RECORDING SECRETARY - Gale Jacoby TREASURER - Barry Rose FINANCIAL SECRETARY - Dick Johnson IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT - Rochelle Fosco CKI COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS ADULT EDUCATION - Gale Jacoby BIKUR CHOLIM - Anita Hornung BYLAWS - (available) CEMETERY - Marc Zemel DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION - Nina Finn FUNDRAISING - Robin Seigle HAKOL EDITOR - Jana McFarlane HOUSE - Dan Marshall KERUV - Wanda Pitzele MEMBERSHIP/ PUBLICITY - Brad Burker RITUAL - Paul Glaser TIKKUN OLAM - Elise Kleinman VISION - Gale Jacoby YOUTH ACTIVITIES - Liza Bachrach and Elise Kleinman To contact, call CKI at 847-741-5656 2 These proposed changes do not define who is a Jew, only who can vote and hold office. The proposed changes extend voting privileges to anyone over the age of eighteen residing in the household. This proposal does not extend full religious privileges to non-Jewish household members. These remain separate issues falling either to the Rabbi, and/or the Ritual Committee, and/or the Board of Directors. The proposal and additional information will be sent to the congregation, electronically, at least ten days before the Congregational Meeting. Because of the 2/3rds requirement, paper ballots will be used rather than a voice vote. At the Congregational Meeting, the proposal will be read, there will be adequate time for discussion, and then there will be a motion “to call the question.” If that motion is passed (by voice vote), then the written vote will be taken and results announced. It should be noted that there will be a second set of By-Laws changes proposed by our current By-Law Chairperson, Leonard Kofkin. Currently, these are only grammatical changes. Judaism evolves, but does not do so without careful consideration. People will have feelings on either side of this proposal. On May 4, we will continue the process of defining ourselves. I would like to thank Gale Jacoby, and the entire Vision Committee for their tireless efforts to assess the state of worldwide Judaism, and bring its significance to CKI. We remain vibrant and growing through their efforts. Shalom, Joe Rosenfeld Parashat HaShavu’a: Weekly Torah Portions Why I Am a Jew During the High Holidays, a number of our congregants were asked to speak to the congregation about why they are Jewish and what it means to them. We thought you would like to have the opportunity to reflect on what was said in depth, or, if you were unable to attend services, read some of these for the first time. Next month we conclude this series. Why I Am a Jew by Risa Cohen I was asked recently to describe who I am in five words—not an easy task. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I am a sister, a wife, a mother and a grandmother I am a friend I am an American I am a Jew I am an insurance professional Each of those is a descriptor of what I am, but not why. Today, because I was asked, I would like to share with you the why behind “I am a Jew.” But to be honest, if I had not been asked, I do not know how much thought I would have given the question. The why can easily be answered with a definition. If one is born of a Jewish mother, one is Jewish. Therefore I am a Jew. With that I could be done, but just being born a Jew is not enough to describe that which makes me one. Whether I am aware of it or not, being Jewish is part of what makes me tick. It is the clock that winds through all things I do. Does this clock just record time for those things I do with schedules, or does this clock create a balance of thought and time that ends up as schedules and “To Do’s?” What makes up the clock? The part we see, the face, includes the hands and dial. The inner workings of some clocks include springs, wheels, and gears. Each of the movements are interdependent and are required to work together to tell us the time. For me, each of the elements of the clock are reflective of who I am. The face—that is what you all see. It is the result. The hands represent times and places, including the often over-scheduled or double-booked activities. They represent the mixing of business and pleasure and the places yet to be gotten to. The dial is nothing more than a list of my times—and represents my hope that the time spent was part of making someone or something better because I passed by that way. But it is the inner workings of the mechanism that allows the outside to exist. So what makes it up? Springs are wound and provide the force to move the gears to power the wheels so time moves on. Sometimes I do things because they are my responsibility, whether spelled out or assumed. Those responsibilities include being a Jewish American Woman, a family member, a feminist, with a small f, and an insurance professional. These responsibilities empower me to be who I am. They also require me to be who I am. The gears are what make up the clock. The gears themselves are a series of individual parts. In my case they are faith, the home in which I was raised, the religious practices, the lessons of right and wrong, and lastly, the home of my adulthood. Faith is often defined as believing in the unbelievable. Often faith is called naïve. It is the faith that allows one to get up every morning to experience the day. It is that same faith even when things go bad. Faith to me is not only there when things are good, nor is it solely a crutch when things go bad, it is a gear. Faith for me is founded on prayers, the synagogue, and home, where there is always someone to hold your hand. The home in which I was raised provided traditions. I still change dishes at Passover. Certain foods eaten at certain times, Yartzheit observation, and some that were not religious. Ask my daughters who thought whipped butter was a Passover requirement. My mother used to remind my brothers and me to say thank you. Simple things, like, you could not use a new gift until you thanked the giver. If you went to home to celebrate a new child and there was a sibling you celebrated the older child. They must have stuck, because I was only eleven when I lost my mother. They became part of who I am. Religious practices have varied throughout my life—kosher or not kosher, services, lighting candles, participating, or standing aloof. Yet knowing I could restart those practices at any time is part of who I am. Lessons of right and wrong, taught based on the ethics of our fathers and taught based on what you do now, matters. The home of my adulthood has supported me through all the changes in my world such as the sixties, marriage, parenthood, feminism, loss of a father and a brother and other family members, political maelstroms, jobs, new knees, getting older, and at times, being Jewish in a non-Jewish world. All of these parts of the clock are part of me. But one might ask why this makes me a Jew instead of some other religion. So, back to the definition, because I was born and nurtured by a Jewish family, my clock is tuned to that and that my choice to follow that religion has made me who I am—and continue to be—a Jew. Thank you. And to each of you and your families, whether related or chosen, my wishes for a healthy, happy new year. 3 April 4 15 Nisan Pesach Day 1 Exodus 12:21-51 Maftir: Numbers 28:16-25 Haftarah: Joshua 3:5-7; 5:2-6:1; 6:27 April 5 16 Nisan Pesach Day 2 Leviticus 22:26-23:44 Maftir: Numbers 28:16-25 Haftarah: 2 Kings 23:1-9, 21-25 April 6 17 Nisan Pesach Day 3 Exodus 13:1-16; Numbers 28:19-25 April 7 18 Nisan Pesach Day 4 Exodus 22:24-23:19; Numbers 28:19-25 April 8 19 Nisan Pesach Day 5 Exodus 34:1-26; Numbers 28:19-25 April 9 20 Nisan Pesach Day 6 Numbers 9:1-14; 28:19-25 April 10 21 Nisan Pesach Day 7 Exodus 13:17-15:26 Maftir: Numbers 28:19-25 Haftarah: 2 Samuel 22:1-51 April 11 22 Nisan Pesach Day 8; Yizkor Deuteronomy 14:22-16:17 Maftir: Numbers 28:19-25 Haftarah: Isaiah 10:32-12:6 April 18 29 Nisan Shemini – Leviticus 10:12-11:32 Haftarah: 1 Samuel 20:18-42 April 19 30 Nisan Shabbat Rosh Chodesh Iyyar 1 Numbers 28:1-15 April 20 1 Iyyar Shabbat Rosh Chodesh Iyyar 2 Numbers 28:1-15 April 23 4 Iyyar Yom HaAtsma’ut Deteronomy 7:12-8:18 Haftarah: Isaiah 10:32-12:6 April 25 6 Iyyar Tazria + Metsora – Leviticus 13:40-14:32 Haftarah: 2 Kings 7:3-20 WHAT'S ON THE WEB? Check out the new CKI Marketplace online. Purchase an ad in HaKol monthly newsletter and receive a free online ad and link on the CKI website! www.ckielgin.org/cki-marketplace.html Contact Jana McFarlane if you would like to purchase an ad. n our effort to offer more transparency and to encourage more participation, the CKI Board now makes our upcoming meeting agendas available on our website as a downloadable PDF. Please go to: www.ckielgin.org/board-meeting-agenda.html I Congregation Kneseth Israel Yom HaShoah Holocaust Remembrance Day April 19, 2015 6:30 30 Hear Kurt Jacoby’s story of survival during the Holocaust as he became a “Shanghai Jew” living in the Shanghai Ghetto. Join us as we watch Shanghai Ghetto, a documentary film that chronicles the story of Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany in the 1930’s and their lives in the Shanghai Ghetto. “I was 10 when I left for Shanghai and I was 17 when my family left Shanghai and moved to Chicago. I was one of about 23,000 Jews living in the Shanghai Ghetto.” Kurt Jacoby Reservations appreciated, but not required. No admission fee. Call or email: Congregation Kneseth Israel 330 Division Street Elgin, IL 60120 847-741-5656 cki@ckielgin.org 4 2015 Mother’sDay Flower Sale! !)!/$ /+!'$)!)'+!'""$&$ !$ $$ '%!$+!'$$ % &'$ &&&!$$!$ !'&&!&!1 !:DBBE' !'$&:&2$%/ E?@FD ** "! #% #)( $+!'!! !$%!& +!'! !&%%&. !&!www.GandEGreenhouses.com&!()&! " &%(2 )""+&!! (&+ "$2 %! && !&ewolf59@comcast.net!$'! %! &SusanSJohnson@wideopenwest.com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isterhood News Torah School News Thank you to everyone that helped make the Purim Festival a huge success! It’s wonderful to have so many people contribute! Thank you to Marcy and Steve Tremmel for getting Ed’s Rental to donate the bouncy house, and Steve for working in the kitchen. Paul Marsala for picking up the bouncy house, and helping with set-up. Thanks to A list DJ company for donating the Photo Booth, and to Ethan Finn for working the booth. Thanks to the Sisterhood members Medina, Gareth, Constance, and Jana for doing the mask and crown project with the kids; Kara for working applying tattoos; Kim Atkins for guarding the Bouncy House; and Brian Finn for face painting! Please mark your calendars: there will be no school on Sunday, April 5, due to Passover. Please note there have been changes to the PreK schedule this month to coincide with the Art Schedule. Also, Judaism Rocks was changed to Sunday, April 26. April: Wed 1 Sun 5 Wed 8 Sun 12 Wed 15 Fri 17 Sun 19 Wed 22 Thur 23 Sun 26 Wed 29 Hebrew 5:00 – 6:30 PM No School – Passover Hebrew 5:00 – 6:30 PM Hebrew 9:00 AM Torah w/PreK 9:45 AM Hebrew 5:00 – 6:30 PM Family Shabbat 7:00 PM – Grades PreK through 3rd Participation Hebrew 9:00 AM Torah w/PreK 9:45 AM Art – Grades PreK through 3rd Hebrew 5:00 – 6:30 PM Chai School 6:30 – 8:00 PM Hebrew 9:00 AM Torah 9:45 AM Judaism Rocks 10:00 AM Hebrew 5:00 – 6:30 PM Please note changes in bold. New Offerings in the Gift Shop! Remember, we are open year ‘round. It is not too soon to start to think about Mother’s Day, graduations, or B’nei Mitzvahs. New Purses Cards Totes Scarves Vases and more! Our next get together is the Women’s Seder and Taste ‘n’ Tell on Tuesday, April 7, at 6:30 PM, at the home of Wanda Pitzele. Bring a pareve or dairy kosher-for-Passover dish to share–and bring the recipe! Please RSVP to Wanda by Sunday, April 5, to let her know what you are bringing, at 630-389-3349, or wandanp@sbcglobal.net. The new slate of officers for 2015-17 will be announced. Come enjoy the story of Passover from a female perspective, and enjoy some delicious kosher-for-Passover food! I really would like to encourage all CKI women to attend. Concerned you may not know anyone? Coming from work and cannot bring a dish to pass? Come anyway, and you will leave with many new friends (and Passover recipes)!! Once Passover has passed, I look forward to attending the Central Great Lakes Region Spring Conference in Cincinnati April 19-21. I’ll be riding with Wanda and another woman from another Sisterhood in the North Shore. I look forward to seeing many old friends from across the Region, as well as making some new ones. At the conference, we will be honoring the Valued Volunteers of the Region, including our very own Suzy Zemel, CKI Sisterhood’s Valued Volunteer of the Year! Our Sisterhood Flower Sale is back! See pages 5-6. Living, growing flowers make a lovely Mother’s Day gift for Mom or Grandma—or for yourself! Please place your order by April 22 for May 10 pick-up. Save the dates: Sunday, May 10 – Flower Sale pick-up Tuesday, May 12 – Sisterhood Meeting and Elections Friday, May 29 – Sisterhood Shabbat –Jana McFarlane, Sisterhood President Roth Scholarship: High School Seniors, Still Time to Apply! igh School Seniors of CKI members in good standing are invited to apply for the Jerome and Lillian Roth Scholarship. This award is made annually to a student wishing to attend post high school educational programs— including college, university, and professional or technical programs. Applications can be obtained from the CKI Office, or from Maureen Manning-Rosenfeld. Deadline for submission of all materials is Noon on April 15. The winner will be announced at our Congregation Meeting in May. For more information please contact Maureen. H Credit Cards Accepted • All sales benefit Sisterhood & CKI 7 Jewish High School Club Meeting. Making Charoset !! n March 8, the High School Club made different charoset recipes from around the world. Then, on March 15, eighteen students (four from TBI, three from CKI, four from FVJN, three from MCJC, and four from Am Chai) had a great time rock climbing and cheering each other on, playing Gaga (Israeli dodgeball), snacking on pizza, and sharing what animal or vegetable they would be and why! Once again, what a great group of kids! A special thanks to our staff, Zack Kohn, Jacob Levine, Lucy Marshall, and Nikki Zeoli. And to our Junior Staff - Megan Placko! O Upcoming Events: Game Night, April 11 – 7:00 to 9:30 PM, at the home of Danielle Grosman in West Dundee. Friday, April 24 – Shabbat dinner at NIU Hillel Sunday, May 31 – Social Action Project with Pushing the Envelope Farm See what we have done and what we are doing next at: http://www.ckielgin.org/youth-groups.html Thanks, Liza Bachrach & Elise Kleinman, CKI Youth Co-Chairs Rock Climbing, Gaga, and Pizza!! Making Seder Plates with Miss Robin 8 9 See our Website (ckielgin.org) for a complete listing of all available retailers. $100 $100 $25 $25 $50 $100 $100 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $10 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 CONGREGATION KNESETH ISRAEL 330 Division Street, Elgin, Illinois 60120-5685 (Please do not abbreviate) Orders due by the 10th of the month Congregation Kneseth Israel Note: * = No Change MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO : Cabela's (11%) Dick's (8%)* JC Penney Debit Card (5%) Kohl's (4%) K-Mart Debit Card (4%) MC Sports (8%) Sears Debit Card (4%) Sports Authority Debit Card (8%) Department Stores $25 $25 $25 $25 $10 $10 $25 $25 $25 $10 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $20 $15 $20 $50 $50 $25 $25 $25 $100 Ace Hardware Debit Card (4%) Aeropostale (7%) Amazon.com (3%) Americal Eagle Outfitters (10%) Barnes & Noble Debit Card (9%) Bath & Body Works (13%) Banana Republic Debit Card (14%) Bed Bath & Beyond Debit (7%) Best Buy Debit Card (3%) Claire's (9%) Crate and Barrel (8%) Eddie Bauer (10%) Express Debit Card (10%) Foot Locker (9%) Groupon (9%) Gymboree (13%) Harry & David (10%) Home Depot Debit Card (4%) Jo-Ann Fabric Debit Card (8%)* iTunes (5%) Kids/Toys/Babies R Us (1.5%) Retailers Amoco/BP (1.5%) Exxon/Mobil Debit Card (1%) Shell Debit Card (2.5%) Marathon Gas (3%) SpeedWay (4%) Miscellaneous $100 LL Bean (16%) Lands' End (16%) Lane Bryant (6%) Limited (9%) Lord & Taylor (8%) Lowe's Home Improve (4%) Macy's (10%) Marshalls/TJ Maxx (7%) Meijer (3%) Menards (3%)* Men's Warehouse (8%) Michaels (4%) Office Depot Debit Card (4%) Office Max Debit Card (5%) Old Navy/GAP Debit Card (14%) Pier 1 Imports Debit Card (9%) Pottery Barn (8%) Restoration Hdwr Debit Card (12%) Staples Debit Card (5%) Talbots (13%) Target (2.5%) Williams-Sonoma (8%) Wal-Mart (2.5%) Zappos.com (8%) $100 Albertson's (Jewel/Osco) (4%) CVS Pharmacy Debit Card (6%) Walgreens Debit Card (6%) Whole Foods Market (3%) $25 $25 $25 $25 Retailers (cont) Grocery/Drug Stores $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $25 $100 $100 $25 $10 $25 $25 $10 $25 $10 $10 $10 $25 $25 $25 $10 $25 $10 $25 $10 $10 $10 $5 $25 $10 $25 $25 $25 $25 $10 $10 $25 $25 $10 $25 $10 $10 $25 $10 $10 Name:_______________________________ TOTAL SALE TOTAL CERTIFICATES Applebee's Debit Card (8%) Arby's (8%) Bahama Breeze Debit Card (9%) BoneFish Grill (8%) Boston Market Debit Card (12%) Bubba Gump (9%) Buffalo Wild Wings (8%) Burger King (4%) California Pizza Kitchen (4%) Cheesecake Factory (5%) Chevys (8%) Chili's Debit Card (11%) Chipotle Mexican Grill (10%) Claim Jumpers (9%) Cold Stone Creamery (8%) Dave & Busters (13%) Denny's (7%) Einstein Bros Bagels (10%) Jamba Juice (7%) Kentucky Fried Chicken (8%) Lettuce Entertain You (12%) Lou Malnati's (8%) Macaroni Grill Debit Card (11%) Maggiano's Debit Card (11%) Olive Garden Debit Card (9%) Outback Steakhouse (8%) Panera Bread (9%) Pizza Hut (8%) Rainforest Cafe (9%) Red Robin (9%) Smashburger (10%) Starbucks Debit Card (7%) Steak 'n Shake (8%) Subway (3%) Sweet Tomatoes (8%) TGI Fridays (9%) Wendy's (4%) Restaurants FUNDABILITY... The easiest contribution to CKI you will ever make! Generous Donations April Birthdays Special Funds GENERAL FUND In memory of Joyce Bloomberg Gerald & Olive Poliks Joe & Maureen Rosenfeld Ed & Tina Wolf Earl & Debbie Sternfeld Helmut & Eileen Matthies Betty Baum Bill & Jana McFarlane In honor of Adeline Kohlhagen’s 99th birthday Bill & Jana McFarlane 1 1 5 7 7 8 9 13 13 14 16 22 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 29 30 The following funds are available for your generous donations: Clara Wechter Education Fund – Supports Torah School and Adult Education General Fund – For multi-purpose use Lee Miller Book Fund – New books for Library Jerome & Lillian Roth Scholarship Fund – (See the President) Memorial Plaques – $300 Prairie Jewish Youth – Support for programs for our synagogue youth Prayer Book Fund – Siddur is $36; Chumash is $60 Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund – Needs decided by Rabbi Seltzer Music & Cultural Arts Endowment Fund – Jewish cultural enrichment programs Simon C. & Ruth L. Kaplan Torah Fund – Repair of Torah scrolls Sisterhood – Support our women’s group to maintain the kitchen and other projects Sisterhood Flower Fund – Pulpit flowers Sisterhood Vision Fund – Large-type Siddur $50 Tree of Life – Leaf is $100; Rock is $1,000. Major Gifts – $5,000 and up. (See the President) RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In thanks for the Rabbi’s Shabbat dinners, and in honor of Jana’s hard work and dedication to HaKol Dan Marshall & Liza Bachrach In memory of Joyce Bloomberg Sherry Wiesman Wishing a speedy recovery to Brad Burker Sherry Wiesman CLARA WECHTER EDUCATION FUND To Rachel and Michael Bloomberg and family in memory of your mother, Joyce Bloomberg Dick & Sue Johnson Barb & Ron Razowsky Congratulations Joe Rosenfeld on being Man of the Year Barb & Ron Razowsky SISTERHOOD In memory of my mother, Sara Mehr, and my mother-in-law, Ada Tannenbaum Peretz Mehr CAPITAL DRIVE – BATHROOM UPGRADE FUND Paul & Lynn Glaser Earl & Debbie Sternfeld R’FUAH SH’LEIMAH – GET WELL Brad Burker David Sitz David Goodman Gareth Sitz Wanda Pitzele Marcy Cohen-Tremmel Ron Razowsky Sherry Wiesman May G-d have mercy upon you and others who are ill among the people of Israel. Robyn Phelan Deanna Phelan Alvin Hass Judy Rubenstein-Gantz Alexis Graffia Karen Bender Daniel Schlack Benjamin Berg Ronald Burstein Jason Bernstein Edgar Feldman Eric-Jan Ginder Kara Morgan Brittany Zeoli Sheri Mussar Patrick Lewis Debby Poper Charles Gauthier Phyllis Lesser Enrique Gonzalez Greenman Tina Wolf Bonnie Bonner April Anniversaries 5 6 Charles & Kara Gauthier Shaun & Bonnie Bonner with the “4ever29” Group Book Club Please join us for our next Book Club event on Wednesday, April 22, at 7:00 PM, at the home of Rabbi Margaret Frisch Klein and Simon, 15 Hilltop, South Elgin. We will be reading the book Emma Goldman by Vivian Gornick Sincere THANKS to the following families who have donated, so far, to the CKI Tablecloth Fundraiser! For more information, please contact Suzy at mnszemel@comcast.net or Risa Cohen at risacohen521@yahoo.com. Wolf, Njus, Schillmoeller, BachrachMarshall, Kofkin, Zemel, Cohen, Kohlhagen, Razowsky, and McFarlane. Everyone is welcome! There is still plenty of time for those of you who haven't gotten around to this yet. The committee is working hard to sew this beautiful creation, but the more names we have the better the finished product. Yeast Feast Sunday, April 12 • 5:00 pm Chooch’s Pizzeria 64 S. Grove Avenue, Elgin Celebrate the end of Passover with 4ever 29, CKI's purely social adult group. We have no chairman, no committees, no regular meetings, no fund raising — just good company, conversation and fun. Any adult at CKI is welcome to join us. Don't worry that you may not know anyone. At the end of the night you'll be a friend of many! Please let Wanda Pitzele know by April 6 if you plan to attend. wandanp@sbcglobal.net or call 630-289-3349 See the form on page 14 in this edition of HaKol. ANY QUESTIONS, call me at 847-426-8426 or email me at robin.seigle@gmail.com. Celebrate the end of Pesach Shop through the CKI website!! 10 Yahrtzeiten We recall with loving memory those whose yahrtzeiten are commemorated during the coming weeks, and those whose names are read in the Synagogue at Friday evening and Saturday morning Shabbat services during the month of March. It is appropriate for members of their families to be present when these names are read. Actual Dates of Date Observed Service Apr 01 Mar 27 & 28 Name Actual Dates of Date Observed Service Name Ida Louise Cohen* Apr 09 Apr 3 & 4 D. Louis Steinberg* Apr 01 Mar 27 & 28 Cynthia Weisz* Apr 10 Apr 10 & 11 Deirdre Covel Apr 02 Mar 27 & 28 Anna Rubnitz* Apr 10 Apr 10 & 11 Leo Karnal Apr 03 Apr 3 & 4 Rabbi Eugene Kohn Apr 11 Apr 10 & 11 Louis Wolf Apr 03 Apr 3 & 4 Bernard Le Vine* Apr 12 Apr 10 & 11 Marion Braun* Apr 04 Apr 3 & 4 Dr. Howard Ravenscraft Apr 12 Apr 10 & 11 Melvin Pitzele Apr 04 Apr 3 & 4 Irving Schwartz Apr 14 Apr 10 & 11 Lena Bochner* Apr 05 Apr 3 & 4 Sylvia Karnal Apr 14 Apr 10 & 11 Ed Narofsky* Apr 05 Apr 3 & 4 Jacob Rifken* Apr 14 Apr 10 & 11 David B. Rosenberg* Apr 06 Apr 3 & 4 Edward S. Fox* Apr 15 Apr 10 & 11 Ben Mehr Apr 06 Apr 3 & 4 Merrian Rifken* Apr 15 Apr 10 & 11 Ruth Mintzer Apr 06 Apr 3 & 4 Moses Schlossberg* Apr 15 Apr 10 & 11 George Pondel Apr 06 Apr 3 & 4 Betty Snider Apr 16 Apr 10 & 11 Milton Ginsberg* Apr 07 Apr 3 & 4 Myron Shore Apr 17 Apr 17 & 18 Louis J. Schwartz* Apr 07 Apr 3 & 4 Joseph Sklute* Apr 18 Apr 17 & 18 Bessie Silvian* Apr 08 Apr 3 & 4 Benjamin Rifken* Apr 19 Apr 17 & 18 Stanley Pinter Apr 08 Apr 3 & 4 Anna Schack* Apr 19 Apr 17 & 18 Carol Schwedel Apr 09 Apr 3 & 4 Dorothy Raffelson* Apr 20 Apr 17 & 18 Carl Cohen Apr 09 Apr 3 & 4 Pearl Rosenberg Apr 20 Apr 17 & 18 Anne Goldman Actual Dates of Date Observed Service Name Apr 20 Apr 17 & 18 Eve (Leah) Kucuy Apr 20 Apr 17 & 18 Copol Leavitt Apr 20 Apr 17 & 18 Nahum Mariasis Apr 20 Apr 17 & 18 Pnina Mariasis Apr 21 Apr 17 & 18 Marc Garson Apr 22 Apr 17 & 18 Belle Freund Apr 22 Apr 17 & 18 Sadie Lascoe* Apr 22 Apr 17 & 18 Milton Nitzberg Apr 22 Apr 17 & 18 Herold Rifken* Apr 22 Apr 17 & 18 Abe J. Strickman* Apr 22 Apr 17 & 18 Louis Vopner* Apr 23 Apr 17 & 18 David Brazner* Apr 25 Apr 24 & 25 Herman Fischer* Apr 27 Apr 24 & 25 Paul R. Fields* Apr 27 Apr 24 & 25 Rose Miller* Apr 28 Apr 24 & 25 Arthur R. Levine* Apr 28 Apr 24 & 25 Bernie Spies Apr 28 Apr 24 & 25 Milton Wohl* Apr 29 Apr 24 & 25 Mary Fischer* Apr 29 Apr 24 & 25 Jennie Krasnick* Apr 29 Apr 24 & 25 Harry Zimbler* Apr 30 Apr 24 & 25 Theodore Garson KINDLE THE SHABBAT Fri Apr 3 ..................7:03 PM Fri Apr 10................7:10 PM Fri Apr 17................7:18 PM Fri Apr 24................7:26 PM There are two dates listed above on our yahrtzeit list. The first is the actual date of the yahrtzeit, and memorial candles should be lit on the preceding evening. The second are the days of the services at which the name is read. An asterisk after a name indicates that a plaque is affixed to the Memorial Tablet. NOTE: Shabbat ends one (1) hour after candlelighting time on Saturday night. Man of the Year / Youth of the Year – Feb. 22, 2015 Photos by Elliot Goldman, FJMC, and Marc Zemel, CKI 11 ...and HAVDALAH CANDLES Sat Apr 4 .................8:34 PM Sat Apr 11...............8:41 PM Sat Apr 18...............8:49 PM Sat Apr 25...............8:57 PM CKI Marketplace Scott H. Budd Financial Advisor 1140-A N. McLean Blvd Elgin, IL 60123-1782 www.keystonecommercialrealty.com E O M S Elgin Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Drs. Finger & Bennett, Ltd. www.Elginoms.com Michael B. Finger D.D.S. Anthony J. Bennett D.D.S. Diplomates, American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 1425 N. McLean Blvd. #200 Elgin, IL 60123 Phone: (847) 697-6868 Fax: (847) 697-8355 Bus: 847-741-4447 Fax: 888-806-4706 Toll Free: 877-909-4447 scott.budd@edwardjones.com www.edwardjones.com MAKING SENSE OF INVESTING Member SIPC ELGIN FOOT & ANKLE CENTER Podiatrists, Foot Surgeons FLP Tax and Planning Service (847) 608-0547 Fax: (847) 289-9808 Toll Free: (877) 829-7357 GIMME All Your Money! Say NO to the IRS Tax Man Seek professional tax advice Rich Kruth 38W780 Hogan Hill Elgin, IL 60124 richkruth@richkruth.com www.RichKruth.com M ARSHALL A RC H I T E C T S Creative Residential and Commercial Design Dr. Kenneth E. Jacoby F.A.C.F.A.S. Diplomate American Board of Podiatric Surgery www.elginfootandankle.com Elgin 847.741.3127 750 Fletcher Dr., Ste 300 60123 630.584.7820 www.MarshallArchitects.com ⌿ • Individual • Couples • Families Dr. Joseph Rosenfeld Psy.D., C.R.A.D.C. Clinical Psychologist 1595 Weld Road Suite 5 Elgin, IL 60123 847-429-1875 Fax: 847-429-1876 ArchitecturalBrochures GRAPHIC + WEB DESIGN 847.622.8855 www.ArchitecturalBrochures.com chicagojewishfunerals.com 13 Have you seen the beautiful embroidered tablecloths at CKI? They are used for special occasions and are quite amazing! Through the many years that our synagogue has existed, hundreds of people have become members, raised their families here, got married, had grandchildren—well, you get the picture. As a fundraiser, years ago, many of these congregants purchased a napkin and added their names. This napkin was then embroidered by a group of woman from CKI, and all the completed napkins were then sewn together to make long tablecloths. We are in the process of sewing another CKI tablecloth and would love to include as many families as possible. The cost of having your names embroidered is $18.00 per family, and any extra money you would like to donate will go towards purchasing more napkins along with embroidery thread. Please fill out the form below, and send it with your payment to: Robin Seigle, 14N844 Lac Du Beatrice, West Dundee, Illinois, 60118 (or drop it off at the synagogue office when you are there). Note: Please make your check out to Congregation Kneseth Israel. (Please do not abbreviate.) The deadline has been extended to May 17 to give everyone a chance to participate in this wonderful fundraiser. Thanks in advance for your support. These cloths will be a wonderful way to remember the past, and carry on the future of our CKI congregation! Robin Seigle Fundraising Chair Name____________________________________________________________________________________ Phone _________________________ Email____________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________________________ Names to be embroidered (please print) ____________________ _____________________ ____________________ _____________________ ____________________ _____________________ Donation Enclosed: $ ______ (Minimum $18.00 per family) Thank you! Any questions, contact Robin Seigle 847-426-8426 robin.seigle@gmail.com 14 hbnf ojhiu" Open to all Jewish 5th graders through high school. Saturday, April 11 70- - 9:30 0at the home of Danielle Grosman Please RSVP for address Cost - $5 per person (to help pay for staff ) and bring a snack to pass Come and play games! Make new friends & meet old ones! Please bring whatever games you like to play, anything BUT video games. We will have drinks, snacks and pizza! PLEASE RSVP online at http://prairiejewishyouth.weebly.com/calendar-of-programs.html or to Liza at archbroch@comcast.net or 630.399.8855 Check out the Prairie Jewish Youth at www.prairiejewishyouth.weebly.com 15 CONGREGATION KNESETH ISRAEL 330 Division Street Elgin, Illinois 60120-5685 Building community Embracing diversity Meaningful observance Lifelong learning Return Service Requested Shabbat Services: April 2015 1 Hebrew School 5:00 PM 3 Fast of the First Born Services & Study NO SHABBAT SERVICE 8:00 AM 4 Shabbat Service Community Seder 5 No School – Passover 6 CKI Board Meeting 7:00 PM 7 Women’s Seder and Taste ‘n’ Tell at home of Wanda Pitzele 6:30 PM Hebrew School 5:00 PM 8 10 11 Order Fundability Certificates Shabbat Service Shabbat Service and Yizkor Shavuot Study Program PJY Game Night 12 Hebrew School Torah School w/PreK CKI Membership Definition Q & A “4ever29” Club–Dinner at Chooch’s 13 PADS 15 HaKol submissions due Hebrew School Friday evenings Saturday mornings 7:30 pm 9:30 am Pick up Fundability Certificates Shabbat Service: April Birthday Celebration and Family Shabbat w/ K-3rd grades 7:00 PM 18 Shabbat Service Shavuot Study Program 9:30 AM Noon 19-21 Regional Sisterhood Conference in Cincinnati 19 Hebrew School Torah w/PreK Art for grades PreK-3 PJY High School Club Meeting Yom HaShoah Program, featuring the film “Shanghai Ghetto” 9:00 AM 9:45 AM 9:45 AM 2:00 PM 22 Hebrew School Book Club at home of Rabbi Frisch Klein 5:00 PM 7:00 PM 23 Chai School 6:30 PM 24 PJY Shabbat Dinner at NIU Hillel Musical Shabbat Service 6:00 PM 7:30 PM 25 Shabbat Service Shavuot Study Program Experiential Mincha 9:30 AM Noon 4:00 PM 26 Hebrew School Torah School Judaism Rocks! 9:30 AM 9:45 AM 10:00 AM 29 Hebrew School 5:00 PM 17 9:30 AM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:30 PM 9:30 AM Noon 7:00-9:30 PM 9:00 AM 9:45 AM 10:00 AM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM
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