,'!"\,..,,,0 " e'" Officeof t['ieeomtnolEen" Genena!of EefeneeAceonlnts, [.!lanBatanRoadoFalam,DelhiCantt-tr3.0010 No.AN/lll/3O12lCultural Festival To Dated:04thMar'15 ..11 ,/^\,-F\ 'Jvw CJ>K tO \:A/\LY\Y\n4) Sub:Clarifications: All lndiaDADCulturalFestival-April'2015 Ref:HQrsoffice letter No. AN/lllFALL/CulturalFestivaldated: L610L/2015. Referenceis invited to the HQrs office letter cited above. Severalreferences have been receivedin this HQrsoffice from Controllers/RTCsregardingAll lndia DAD CulturalFestival: April'2015.Thefollowingpointshavebeenconsideredand clarifiedby the CompetentAuthorityfor your further necessary actionplease. S l . N o . Clarification sought L. Are Westernand lndianinstrumentalmusica singlecategoryor two categories 2. Are light Bollywoodand regionalfolk song a singlecategoryor two categories 3. ls there any limitation for number of padicipantsin the groupevents 4. 5, 5. 7, B. Clarificationof HQrsoftice Bothare separatecategories. Both are separatecategories. M a x i m u mn u m b e rm a y b e l i m i t e d to 15. Howevel PCDA/CDAat t h e i r d i s c r e t i o nm a y l i m i t t h e so that the numberof participants sarnecan be easily rnanagedon the stage. Will both monetaryand non monetaryawards Both monetaryand non monetary be givenor either of these?What will be the awards will be given to the quantumof monetaryawards winners. can be used for Yes Whether Karaoke/orchestra vocal. Whether Plays/Skitscan be performed with Yes background music ls there any restrictionon numberof eventsin No restriction. w h i c ha n i n d i v i d u acla np a r t i c i p a t e Would the provisionof infrastructure/logistic\t/ a- - < arrangements for support mean Orchestra/musicalinstruments etc by the Zonalrounds. conducting PCsDA/RTCs participation for all L5 events The same may be decidedby'the lf there is full 80 itemswill be seen requiring managingControllersas per their approximately approximately2 days of activities. What c o n v e n i e n c e . shouldbe the snanof events. 10. TL. L2. 13. as'a part of mono Yes Can mime be considered acting? Canthe skitsand mono actingbe presentedin Sincethe final will be held in Delhi, organizershaveto arrangevaniety also? regionallanguages of judges and it rnay also not be fair comparison" Can western and bollywood folk dance be O n l yl n d i a nf o l k d a n c e s . considered as a paft of the folk danceas these are not shownas separatecategories/event. permitted O n l yo n e e n t r y i n e a c hc a t e g o r yi s Numberof entriesby PCsDA/CsDA oernrissible. in eachcategory. It has been further decided that winners' up to 3'd rdsa at the follO W ing rates awarcls PrizeMoney (in Rupees) Position/ Round Solo Preliminarv Final Preliminary Zonal 3500.00 2500.00 3500.00 4500.00 Lst 2500.00 lnd 1500.00 2 5 0 0 . 0 0 3500.00 1500.00 Jrd 1000.00 1500.00 2000.00 1 3. position be given Group Zonal 4500.00 3500.00 2000.00 FinaI 7500.00 4500,00 3000.00 andTrophies. Besidesprizemoneythe winnersmav alsobe givenCertificates to be paidto the panelof judges,following With regardto the Honorarium/Fee d be paid a m o u n tm a y b e c o n s i d e r eto F i n aR l ound ZonalRound P r e l i m i n a rRy o u n d Judges R s . 1 0 000.00 Rs.5000.00 Rs.3000.00 Localartistshaving in their fieldof experience excellence Rs.10000.00 Rs.5000.00 Rs.3000.00 Officersfrom other departments(culturally inclined) A Zonalroundsare perthe lt is thereforerequestedto carry out the Preliminary, 5. of the Zonalrounds scheduleprovidedand the namesof the winnersin the categories may be forwardedtothis HQrsofficelatestby 27'hMarch'2015to enablethis officeto forthe FinalRounds. arrangements makenecessary (An'rbarish Burrnan) Sr.ACGDA {AN) CIRCULAR No.AN/I/27/ Sports Dated:2O- O3- 20t5 Moypleaserefer circulorscitedobove,wherein the detoilsof AllIndiq DAD CulturolFestivol- April2015wqscirculoted. n o l i c eo f q l l t h e rotes: Position/Round Prize Money(in Rupees) solo Irt 6ROUP Preliminqry Zonal Finol 2,500 1,500 3,500 4,500 Preliminqry Zonal 3.500 4.500 Finql 7,500 ?,500 3,500 ?,500 3,500 4,500 1,000 1,500 2,000 1,500 ?,oo0 3,000 'fo Note : The competenf judgewill decidehowmonyprizehos be givenin o porticulor eventbosedon no.of porticipontsin a eventand their performance.Tf judgethinks thqt no porticipontis obovethe mqrki.e.not quolifying he moyolso bosicrequirement decidenot to giveanyprizeinthot event. 2nd 3'd qmong fn viewof the above,porticipotionin the eventsmoybe encouraged (if ony) oport from the Ihe officers ond sfqff ond o fresh/revisedlist of nominofions existing/already nominoted list for the eventsmoybe forwordedfo this office latest by 23.03.2015 till 5pm. PreliminoryP,ound/Selection will be held on 27.03.2015 @10.30amin lAain Office CDAChennoi. All porticiponfshas to comecnd perform in preliminoryround for every eventso os to geI selectedfor porticipating in the ZonalRound. TA/DA os odmissible underrulesis outhorised. ACDA(AN) Circulqted fo:All SubOffices undenCDAChennai / Allsectionsln MoinOffice websiteondOA. EDPCentre(locol)- for uplooding on CDAChennoi
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