MUSIC ONLINE @ & ## ## 1. ## To the choirmaster: according to The Gittith. A Psalm of the Sons of Korah. º 1 º œ º œ œ œ º º œ œ œ œ º º º the prais-es of your house I sing. º ## œ œ œ œ œ œ º º How love - ly is your hab - i - ta - tion! º ## œ œ º º œ #œ º Your ho - ly courts I yearn to see; œ œ º º œ #œ º º faint with de- sire, I long to be º œ œ º º œ œ º º ## ## where pil - grims join in cel - e - bra- tion. º œ ## œ º º œ œ º My heart and flesh with joy -ful shout º œ œ œ œ º Ó Geneva, 1562 O Lord of hosts, al -might- y King, º PSALM 84 Ó Ó Ó Ó Ó Ó º W to you, the liv - ing God, cry out. 2. The sparrow finds a home to rest; the swallow builds herself a nest to rear her young beside your altar. Your temple is their safe abode, O Lord of hosts, my King, my God. How blest are those who there find shelter. Your house, O Lord, is their delight; they sing your praises day and night. 209 PSALM 84 & ## ## 3. ## º1 º º œ œ œ º º œ How blest are those whose strength you are, º œ œ œ œ º º º who seek the ways that from a-far ## Ó As they through Ba -ca’s val - ley pass, Ó º œ º ## º º œ #œ œ œ º œ œ œ º º œ #œ º º they make that bar-ren wil - der-ness ## º º œ œº º a place of springs, a lush o-a - sis. º œ œ º º œ œ ## º The ear - ly rain on it de -scends, º œ œ œ œ º º W and pools re- fresh the des- ert sands. 4. They make their way from strength to strength until in Zion they at length appear before their God and Saviour. Lord God Almighty, hear my plea; O God of Jacob, answer me. Bestow on me your grace and favour. O God, our Shield, from heaven above bless your anointed with your love. ) 210 Ó º œ œ œ œ œ œ º º lead them to Zi - on’s ho - ly plac - es. ## Ó Ó Ó Ó PSALM 84 MUSIC ONLINE @ 5. Lord, one day in your dwelling place is better than a thousand days outside the courts of your salvation. I would much rather stand and wait as humble servant at your gate, the threshold of your habitation, than, far from there, to dwell within the tents of wickedness and sin. 6. The Lord his goodness has revealed: he is to us a sun and shield. With grace and honour he delights us. He shows his mercy, as of old, and no good gift will he withhold from those whose walk is just and righteous. O Lord whose word is firm and true, how blest are those who trust in you. 211
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