Parish of St Wilfrid, Widnes Items for inclusion in newsletter (by noon Thursday) to : Contact details Fr Anthony Reynolds 0151 424 2129 Bishop John Rawsthorne 0151 424 4021 Fr Joseph Bibby 0151 424 6641 Fr Malcolm Prince 0151 424 3841 Fr Matthew Nunes 0151 424 2738 Deacon Terry Fox 0151 424 0277 Parish Office St Bede’s Presbytery Appleton Village Widnes WA8 6EL New Opening Hours Mon Tue Wed Thurs Fri 9:00am – 5:00pm 9:00am – 5:00pm 9:00am – 8:00pm 9:00am – 5:00pm 9:00am – 5:00pm T: 0151 422 1772 E: Website All Saints (CE): Revd Peter Dawkin T: 0151 420 4963 29th March 2015 PALM SUNDAY E: As we enter Holy Week, we accompany our Lord on a life-changing, life-giving journey. Let us strive to remain close to him as we live through the events which led to our salvation – the Passion of Christ and his rising from the dead. Meditating on the last week of Jesus’ earthly life, we come to appreciate the length and breadth of God’s mercy and love, and just what our Saviour was willing to sacrifice for us. BAPTISMS We welcome Jackson Jamie Tobin, Georgia-Mai Tobin, Scarlett Ruby Tobin & Liam Gale who will be baptised this weekend ‘Listen! I am standing at the door knocking.’ Revelation 3:20 CONFESSIONS There will be no confessions on Holy Saturday Morning Prayer Before Mass Monday – Friday 9:00am Ecumenical Morning Prayer St Basil’s & All Saints Monday, Wednesday & Thursday Tuesday & Friday 9:05am 9:45am Prayer Group St John Fisher Sacristy St Bede’s Presbytery Monday Monday The Bible Group St Michael’s Thursday morning after Mass Rosary St Bede’s Saturday morning after Mass 7:00pm – 8:00pm 8:00pm – 9:30pm St Bede’s church is open every day from 9:00am to 3:00pm NEWS AND EVENTS ST WILFRID’S PARISH st Wednesday 1 April Thursday 2nd April Friday 3rd April th Saturday 4 April Sunday 5th April 7.30pm Mass of Chrism 7.30pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper 9.30pm Watching 10.30pm Children’s 10.30am Stations of the Cross 11.00am Adult’s Stations of the Cross Metropolitan Cathedral St Michael’s St Bede’s St John Fisher St John Fisher St Bede’s 3.00pm The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ St Bede’s St John Fisher St Basil’s and All Saints St Michael’s 7.00pm Watching at the tomb St Bede’s 7.45pm Easter Vigil St Michael’s Easter Sunday - Masses at normal Sunday times Thank you to all who have returned forms to volunteer to help at the Mass of the Lord’s Supper and Easter Vigil. If you have not yet returned your form please do so ASAP. We welcome more helpers. Extra forms are available at the back of each church. CHRISM MASS COACH UPDATE NEW ROTAS FOR ST WILFRID’S New Reader and Eucharistic Minister Rotas will be available in the sacristy of all the churches this weekend. Thank you to all who have booked a place on the coach to the Mass of Chrism at the Cathedral on Wednesday 1st April. The first pick up will be at St Bede’s (on the road at the front of church) at 5.50pm prompt, then St John Fisher at 6pm, St Basil’s at 6.10pm and St Michael’s at 6.20pm. The cost is £7. Please write your name and CHRISM MASS on your envelope. Payment required by Saturday 28th March to the Parish Office. Thank you. For Baptism Enquiries and Baptism Certificates Please phone the Parish Office on 422 1774. When someone is ill If you or someone you know of becomes ill, goes into hospital, and is no longer able to get to Mass, please contact 422 1772 The suggested donation for certificates is £5 All Saints CE Baptisms Please ring 420 4963 or come to the church any Tuesday evening between 6:45pm – 7:15pm during vestry time. The Sick & Anniversaries Please submit names for our monthly prayer list for those who are sick or whose anniversaries occur to Carol on 422 1772 or email VOLUNTEERS NEEDED A group of volunteers have started to gather together on Saturday afternoons, at about 1.30pm, at the Parish Office to fold the newsletters before collection and distribution. It would be helpful to have a larger group on the rota to enable all newsletters to be folded for across the whole parish. Could you consider giving up an hour or so once a month to help with this essential task? If you could help, please contact the parish office by calling 0151 422 1772 or email Thank you. LENT REFLECTIONS AT ST BASIL’S & ALL SAINTS Monday 30th March Tuesday 31st March Wednesday 1st April - 7.30pm - 7.30 pm - 7.30pm These will follow our Sunday evening Lent reflections, including music, readings & prayer. Everybody is welcome. Give It Up For Lent - UPDATE We’re on the last lap, so let’s make a special effort during Holy Week! Then next weekend you can bring back your envelopes and put them into the collections at whichever Mass you attend. Don’t worry if you are going away for Easter – we’ll leave it open until the following weekend. A note to the counters at each church – please don’t open the envelopes, just send them to the Parish Office intact. Thank you. CHARITY NIGHT IN AID OF CATHOLIC ACTION LOURDES FUND Come and have a great night and listen to a great choir and enjoy a game of bingo and a raffle in the company of good friends. Venue: The Bowler Date: 7th April Time: 7.30pm Entrance Fee: £2 Help send a sick person to Lourdes Featuring The Knights Community Singers The prayer group who meet in the sacristy of St John Fisher church, will resume their meetings on Monday 18th May at 7pm. All are welcome. HOLY PLACES COLLECTION There will be a retiring collection at all four churches this Good Friday in Support of Holy Places. A RETREAT IN DAILY LIFE A retreat in daily life will take place in St Wilfrid’s Pastoral Centre, Mayfield Avenue, from 27 th April to 14th May 2015. A taster evening of accompanied prayer at the John Dalton Centre is open to all on Thursday 16th at 7.30pm, then on Sunday 26th April at 3pm there will be an open meeting for all who are interested in finding out more about the Retreat in Daily Life. This will take place in St Wilfrid’s Pastoral Centre, Mayfield Rd. Make a note in your diary. All are welcome. PASSOVER MEAL A REMINDER to those who have signed up for Passover meal: Please arrive at 7.30pm ready for an 8pm start on Thursday. SORRY but we are fully booked up & unable to cater for any more. ST BEDE’S CLUB Entertainment every Saturday . . . 4th April BOBBY TAYLOR Vocalist 11th April ROY NEVILLE Entertaining Vocalist 18th April PETE LAWSON Guitar Vocalist 25th April STEPHEN JAMES Vocalist ST GEORGE’S SOCIAL EVENING The Third World Group are having a ST GEORGE’S SOCIAL EVENING on Friday 17th April in the church hall. Music will be provided by JOHN B and THE PROSPECTORS. Come along and celebrate our country’s patron Saint. Wear your ‘red and white’ and join in a little bit of ‘Last Night of the Proms.’ Don’t forget to bring your own drink. Tickets are £2.50 each and can be obtained from St John Fisher repository or by ringing 424 6149. EASTER BINGO – THANK YOU St John Fisher UCM would like to thank everyone who supported their recent Easter bingo and raffle. A total of £330 was raised, which will be added to our charity fund. The winning raffle tickets for the Easter eggs were 691 and 697. Celebrate the start of spring with flowers. A demonstration is being held in Widnes. You can sit back, relax and enjoy watching a gifted artist at work. Susan Maddocks will create designs on the theme ‘Trivial Pursuits’ at Farnworth Methodist Church hall, Derby Road, 7.30pm on Wednesday 1st April. The event is hosted by Widnes Floral Art Group. All are welcome. Admission is £5. Discernment Group A group supporting those exploring the vocation of priesthood in our diocese. This is a monthly day of recollection the first Saturday of each month. There will be an opportunity to talk with and hear from priests who minister in the diocese, and also a time for prayer th and discussion. The next day will take place Saturday 4 April at St Charles’ Presbytery, 224 Aigburth Road, Liverpool. For further information, contact Fr James Preston, Vocations Director for the Archdiocese, at or 0151 727 2493. Groups meeting this week in our parish Thursday 2nd April UCM 8.00pm Thursday 2nd April SVP 6.15pm HOLY THURSDAY One of Leonardo de Vinci’s finest paintings is ‘The Last Supper’, showing Jesus and his 12 apostles sitting at a table. The large fresco is painted on a dining room wall in a monastery in Milan, northern Italy, and show the moment when Jesus says: “one of you will betray me.” As Leonardo though of how he would give different faces and expressions to each of the 13 figures, a particular person came to mind – someone who was jealous of him, who caused him a lot of trouble, and influenced others to think less of Leonardo. The idea came to the artist that he could use this painting to get back at his enemy by painting the face of that man as Judas, who betrayed Jesus. Leonardo told a few friends what he intended to do and they all laughed. It took Leonardo over two years to finish the great painting, and many gathered in the room for Leonardo to unveil it. As he removed the curtain, everyone saw the painting and also that Leonardo had included the face of his enemy- but not as Judas. Instead, he had painted his enemy’s face as that of Jesus. Leonardo’s action had changed an enemy into a friend. Jesus said, “A new commandment I give you: love one another. When people see this love you have for one another, they will know that you are my disciples.” [John 13:34]. ‘Commandment’ or ‘rule’ in Latin is ‘mandaum’, giving us the former name for this day, ‘Maundy Thursday’ calling to mind the new commandment that Jesus gave us, “to love one another”. From the same source we get our word ‘mandatory’, when we day, for example that a speed limit is ‘mandatory’ – obligatory, the rule. A ‘mandate’ is an official order e.g. a government may talk of a ‘mandate’ being given by the people in an election. From the year 600 until 1689 kings and queens washed the feet of some poor people each Maundy Thursday. The tradition called to mind that Jesus had washed the feet of his disciples on that day, symbolising his love for them. [Jn 13: 1-20]. Since 1689 the king or queen has given clothes or money instead. Now it is always money that is given. The ceremony takes place in a different cathedral each year, with the ‘Maundy Money’ being given to local people who have been chosen because of lengthy service given to their local church or community. One man and one woman are chosen each year. The ‘Maundy Money’ is a set of speciallyminted penny coins; the same number again as the age of the monarch. PRAYER Father, there are people who have done wrong to me, just as I have done wrong to others. On this special day, Father, forgive me the wrong I have done. In the same way as I set out to forgive others and hold no grudges against them. Inspire me to break the cycle of hatred and evil whenever I come across them, and lead me always to grow in your love. Amen. This Weekend’s Masses Saturday 28th March Sunday 29th March PALM SUNDAY 5:00pm St Bede’s Willie Burke (LD) 6:00pm St Basil’s All the people of the parish area 8:30am St Michael’s Pat Smith (LD) 9:00am St Bede’s Francis Joseph Meaden ( A & B) 9.45am All Saints CE Parish Eucharist 10:00am St John Fisher Lilian Mills (LD) 10:30am St Michael’s Special Intention (M.A) 11:15am St Bede’s Peggy, John and David Lancaster Lizzie & Tom Nicholls (100th B Rem.) 4:30pm St Basil’s Weekday Masses Monday 30th March Tuesday 31st March HOLY WEEK 9:15am St Bede’s Lol Hanrahan (LD) 2.00pm St Basil’s Parishioners 9:15am St Basil’s Jim Finney 11.00am Sts Peter & Paul College Wednesday 1st April Thursday 2nd April Holy Thursday Parishioners 9:15am St John Fisher Cedric Wycherley (LD) 7:30pm Liverpool Cathedral CHRISM MASS 7:30pm St Michael’s MASS OF THE LORD’S SUPPER St John Fisher Friday 3rd April 3:00pm Good Friday St Bede’s THE PASSION of Our Lord Jesus Christ St Basil’s St Michael’s Day of Fasting & Abstinence Next Weekend’s Masses EASTER SUNDAY Saturday 4th April Holy Saturday 7:45pm St Michael’s EASTER VIGIL Sunday 5th April EASTER SUNDAY 8:30am St Michael’s Intention of Maureen Morley 9:00am St Bede’s Sheila Lewis 9.45am All Saints CE Parish Eucharist 10:00am St John Fisher Thanksgiving 10:30am St Michael’s Jean Finn (3rd A) 11:15am St Bede’s Raymond Norris (B) 4:30pm St Basil’s Patrick Martin (A) Funerals – Please pray for those whose funerals take place this week and for their families Monday 30th March Wednesday 1st April Wednesday 1st April 12:30pm 10:00am 1:30pm St Bede’s St Bede’s St Bede’s Requiem Mass Requiem Mass Funeral Service Sean Anthony O’Connor Marie Turton Sheila Noone
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