Newmarket School News 23 March, 2015 From these roots will strong trees grow Tena koutou katoa Dear Parents/Caregivers Te ako Titoki Assembly Thanks for a really interesting assembly Te ako Titoki. I loved the skits about being kind, sensible and respecting property (and hearing about the toilet bubbles). Parent Curriculum Hui Parents and staff were very impressed by the presentation on Digital Safety and found Andrew Cowie a very interesting speaker. Thanks Andrew. Big thanks to the staff who provided two workshops on Reading and Writing at school. This Thursday 26th March you have a chance to better understand how we teach Mathematics, and to find out about blogs and homework. We have made some changes to the schedule to ensure there is enough time for both of these sessions. Hui 2 - Thursday 26th March 2 – 2.45 pm Mathematics moving through the years (library) 6 – 7.30 pm - Blogs and the future of homework (Rooms 4-6) Hands on activities for parents Te ako Kahikatea Y5/Y6 Camp – Wednesday 1st April Next week our senior students will be climbing Rangitoto and then having an overnight sleepover at school in classrooms. What a very exciting end to the term for Te ako Kahikatea! 8:00 a.m. Start - early start to catch the ferry 4:00 p.m. swim at Auckland Grammar 6:30 p.m. dinner (chosen and made by students) Term 2 Netball Coaching for Y5/6 pupils After school netball coaching will start on the top court with Sue and Miss Speir from week one of term two on Wednesdays afternoons from 3:00p.m. - 4:00p.m. Board of Trustees Meeting - 23 March 6.15pm (Staffroom) PSG Meeting - 23 March 7pm Te ako Pohutukawa (Library) Apologies from the Office Our office management system has the ability to provide digital receipts for stationery and donations. At the moment we are sending paper copies of these home via the children, not emailing these out from school. Unfortunately, we found out that ‘P’ on our system does not mean print as we expected but means a digital copy of the receipt/reminder is sent via the principal’s email. Huge apologies if you received a paper receipt/reminder from the principal. While the principal is very grateful for donations being paid, she does not email parents receipts or reminders. Scooters - Yes Bikes - No It is great to see so many students scooting to school and wearing helmets and footwear. Please note - Bikes are not to be brought to school as we do not have any room for storage during the day. PSG – Easter Egg Returns Please return unsold Easter Eggs of funds to the box in the office. Prizes for the best salespeople will be distributed before Easter. The last day for Easter egg returns and sales is Friday 27th March. PSG Mufti Week – Theme Week 30 March – 2 April Monday – Cultural Dress Tuesday – Book Character Wednesday- Senior Camp Day (clothes suitable for long walk) Thursday-Animal $5.00 for the week or $2 a day. Senior leaders to collect money outside the office area near the staffroom Stars of the Week With kind regards Dr Wendy Kofoed Principal School Events 2015 23 March 23 March 26 March 30 March 1 April 2 April 20 April 24 April Term 1 Board of Trustees Meeting Parents Support Group (PSG) Meeting Parent Curriculum Evening Mufti and Hot Cross Bun Week Senior Camp – Rangitoto Climb School Closes 2pm Term 2 Term 2 starts ANZAC Field of Remembrance Te ako Puriri Assembly Community Notices Parnell Trust’s Autumn Fun April Holiday Adventures – great activities every day for 5-14 year olds Easter Holidays are coming up fast. Time to hop into action and choose exciting activities and adventures to keep kids happy and active all day long. Parnell Trust offers FIVE different activity streams each holidays - Club House, Adventure Seekers, On the Move, LEGO Mindstorms and Special Projects – with three or more options to choose from every day! Programmes are available at both Parnell and Epsom schools from 7.30am to 6pm every day - perfect for working parents. See our website for details or phone 09 555 5194. MATHS TUITION 100 % Money Back Guarantee All levels up to year 13 NCEA & CAMBRIDGE + All type of Entrance Tests. Parents are allowed to sit in the classroom to observe. To find out more Call: 0800MathMe [0800628463] Email:
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