APRIL 2015 Palm Sunday Service Maundy Thursday Service Joyful Notes MARTIN AND SHELBYVILLE UMC March 29, 9:30 and 11am Tom Northrup, Special Music at Martin Easter Egg Hunt – 11am Seder Meal-April 2, 6pm @ Shelbyville UMC Please RSVP for Seder Meal to Church Office Worship at 7pm Good Friday Service April 3, 7pm At East Martin Christian Reformed Church Holy Saturday The Rock @ 5 O’Clock Saturday, April 4, 5pm Easter Sunrise Service April 5, 7:30am @ Martin UMC Breakfast provided at 8am-9am Easter Services 9:30 @ Martin and 11am @ Shelbyville Everyone welcome! CHILDREN’S PAGE Mark 16:1-8 John 20:1-19 Page 2 Jesus Loves Me; Easter Tells Me So Jesus loves me, this I know; The Easter story tells me so. He died for me to bear my sin; He opened heaven to let me in. Yes, Jesus loves me; Yes Jesus loves me; Yes Jesus loves me; Easter tells me so. Jesus loved me when He died, Loved me enough to be crucified. But His death didn't last very long, Because His power is so strong. Yes, Jesus loves me; Yes Jesus loves me; Yes Jesus loves me; Easter tells me so. Jesus' came back from the dead I know because the Bible said. Jesus is my Lord and King; Love and praise to Him I bring. Yes, Jesus loves me; Yes Jesus loves me; Yes Jesus loves me; Easter tells me so. When I die, I'll rise up, too. We'll all be in heaven, me and you. We'll see Jesus face to face. Up in heaven, that happy place. Yes, Jesus loves me; Yes Jesus loves me; Yes Jesus loves me; Easter tells me so. The Easter story brings much joy To us all, each girl and boy. Jesus is my Savior now; Heaven and earth to Him must bow. Yes, Jesus loves me; Yes Jesus loves me; Yes Jesus loves me; Easter tells me so. By Joanna Fuchs Page 3 PEBBLES/ PRAISE/ PRAYER-The Rock @ 5 O’Clock Susan Pyle 672-9756 can be called for a substitute in the rotation. Community dinners (fellowship) on the fifth Saturdays of May, August and October after The Rock @ 5 O’Clock. Come to worship—stay for dinner! The Big Question? During The Rock @ 5 O’Clock Third Saturday of each month Page 4 RED BIRD MISSION The United Methodist Committee on Relief is partnering with the Red Bird Missionary Conference to build a communal water kiosk that will provide clean water for 6,000 people living in remote Appalachia. Living water for Kentucky hills In an effort to reduce the health risks associated with being exposed to or drinking contaminated water, the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is supporting Red Bird Mission (RBM), in building a communal water kiosk that will provide clean water to 6,000 people living in remote Appalachia. Clay County, Kentucky, the location of the soon-to-be-constructed water kiosk, was recently dubbed by The New York Times as the most difficult place to live in America. The county’s median household income is half the national average; diarrheal, heart and lung disease are rampant, and a recent state-wide appraisal of factors contributing to health, including potable water resources, ranks Clay as the most disadvantaged of Kentucky’s 120 counties. In addition, recent water testing samples drawn from local creeks and streams contained bacteria and nitrate counts that exceeded the allowable Environmental Protection Agency limits for safety. These tested areas are off-shoots of Red Bird River, a local source for drinking water, swimming and fishing. RBM will partner with the University of Tennessee and Appalachia Community Health & Disaster Readiness Project to address community needs and raise awareness to promote healthy living. UMCOR’s support of the water kiosk construction will secure access to a clean water supply at a centrally located community and help to prevent waterborne disease through hygiene education and training. Support projects like this one with your gifts to UMCOR Water and Sanitation, Advance #3020600. Page 5 MISSION NEWS Martin UMC Community Breakfast Third Saturday every month! April 18 8am to 10:30am Proceeds to Food Pantry Menu surprises monthly! ESCRIPT The Mission Committee has signed up to receive funds from Harding’s Market and we need your help! Cards are available in the church office to use each time you shop at Harding’s. 4% of all purchases will be deposited in the Neighborhood Mission Fund. These funds are designated for community needs for food and/or utility assistance. American Cancer Society Benefit Breakfast Saturday, April 4, 8 to 11am Trowbridge UMC 355 26th St. Otsego Page 6 SUNDAY MORNING FELLOWSHIP Have you taken a turn to provide coffee time on a Sunday morning? Beverages, cookies and paper products are all provided. Please see Lue Phelps today to sign up! ODDS AND ENDS! Got a big event coming up? The church office has a form for you to fill out to help promote the event. They are on bulletin boards at both churches. WHAT IS IT LIKE TO YOU? Author Unknown Mortal: What is a million years like to you? NEWSLETTER DEADLINE April 17 On Wednesday, April 22 at 2:00 pm, we will assemble the May 2015 Joyful Notes newsletter. We will meet in the Martin Fellowship Hall. God: Like one second. Mortal: What is a million dollars like to you? God: Like one penny. Mortal: Can I have a penny? God: Just a second. EMMAUS GATHERING Tuesday April 7, 6pm At Martin UMC Lue Phelps and Pat Hoekstra are hosting the baked spaghetti dinner. Please notify them if you would like to furnish something. Patsy is setting the table and Deb Straub will share devotion with us. VOLUME 14 ISSUE 4 Martin MONTHLY LOOSE CHANGE Offering-April 12 Food Pantry will receive the special offering. Page 7 th “ In essentials, This quote dates back to the 16 century to a German Lutheran who longed for peace within the church on earth. Many church traditions unity; have grabbed it for use in their own fellowship and rightly so, for it espouses the same cry for unity that our Lord prayed for in the 17th chapin nonter of John. “I pray that they are one as we are one,” cries Jesus. He too essentials, had a desire to see His children unified. Let’s take a closer look at each liberty; of the phrases in that maxim, in all things, “In essentials, unity.” The term applied to various church traditions/ charity.” spiritual views working together for the greater good is ecumenism. I’ve served on a number of ministerial boards made up of several Christian traditions: Roman Catholic, Presbyterian, Nazarene, Methodist, Church of Christ, Apostolic, etc. And while we had various differences in the way we worshipped or governed our churches, one thing remained true: we all believed in those core doctrines which remain central to our faith. Belief in God the Creator, the Trinity, Jesus as redeemer, Savior and the only way to salvation. Unity is so important, but not at the expense of those essential beliefs of Christianity that shape our faith, In matters of salvation, we must be unified if we are to be brothers and sisters in Christ. “In non-essentials, liberty.” This includes the 99% of the other stuff, not related to salvation, that churches seem to love to fight about. Our views on gender roles in the church, frequency and form of communion, use of building, order of service, forms of worship. In areas where we might not agree fully, but are not central doctrines of the faith, we should give each other liberty and freedom to agree to disagree and not make such non-essential matters a test of fellowship. “In all things, charity.” This speaks to the orientation of our heart. Whether we can be united in matters of salvation or not, whether we are miles apart on nonessentials or not, we can and should have a spirit of love and grace toward others. Nowhere does Jesus condone a mean or unforgiving spirit towards our fellow man. We should see others as Christ does. During this season of Lent, reflect on your own attitudes toward people who don’t see eye-to-eye with you. Are you loving towards them? Do you accept them? Follow the heart of Jesus and seek unity with those around you. Your Pastor and Friend, Sean Page 8 SHELBYVILLE CHURCH NEWS Administrative Council Meeting April 1, 6pm UNITED METHODIST WOMEN Wednesday, March 8 All women of the church are invited. 10:00am Potluck at noon! Everyone welcome... MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the Shelbyville United Methodist Church is to provide a warm, loving environment in which to worship the Lord, and to educate and reach out to others in our community. DO YOU LOVE TO SING? Come join the choir... Practice on Wednesdays,7pm Shelbyville Winter Repairs: Thank you to Jerry Mauchmar for replacing the front door lock system. Thanks to Dan Boniface for vacuum repair. Thank you also to all who stepped in to shovel the sidewalks when needed. Page 9 SHELBVYIILE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Administrative Council Minutes for March 4, 2015 Attending: Pastor Sean, Matt Schrier, Bob Benedict, Jeff Anderson, Deb Boniface, Jessica Cole, Carolyn Buskirk, & Virginia Mauchmar. Bob Benedict opened with a prayer. Minutes were read. Treasurer Report for February 2015 Receipts $2,777.97 Respectfully submitted Disbursements $4,859.10 by Virginia Mauchmar Balance to Date $7,408.80 Local Mission $201.89 Sunday School $119.92 (Heifer International) Special Funds Memorial Fund $4,277.83 Building Fund/Future Needs $10,107.24 Interest $.22 Total $14,385.07 Old Business: Guideline Review – no review, Ruth was absent Office Chairs – Pastor Sean and Bob Benedict will shop for office chairs at the Martin UMC office. Virginia Mauchmar will research the cost of folding chairs for the fellowship hall. Pastor’s time: Sean talked about the new youth pr ogr am that will begin Sunday after noons 4-6:00 p.m. after Easter (grade 5 and older). New Business: Snow plowing – Sean needs to talk to Gary Coburn anyway, so he will talk to Gary about snow plowing and pushing the snow back further. Mowing grass – Deb should be getting a letter from Conley’s and she will talk to them about lawn care. Church Insurance – Went up $560.00. Cost is now $2,250.00. Deb will check on other insurance coverage. Youth church camp – camping forms are available, camp budget is $500.00 Mission money – we discussed future mission policies. Cracked pew – Jerry fixed the cracked pew on the west side of the church. Lecture podium – Sean needs a larger work surface for sermon papers. We removed the large bible. If this does not work, we will talk to Les Collick about adding a larger work surface. Page 10 THIRSTY THURSDAYS 1 2 Psalm 42 As a deer longs for flowing streams, so my soul longs for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. There are two opportunities every Thursday for you to attend a study gathering. 10 AM – Shelbyville U M Church 7 PM – Pastor Sean’s home Bring your Bibles and favorite beverage or mug. Coffee/hot cocoa will be provided at each gathering. You are welcome to bring a munchies to share if you choose. Page 11 CHILDREN'S CHURCH HAS RESUMED AT MARTIN UMC! On Sunday, March 22nd, we rekindled the fires of Children's Worship with special worship, message and activities just for students in the fellowship hall, We will begin doing this service twice a month to begin, with a goal of a weekly Children's Worship soon! Page 12 11 students and 2 adults enjoyed the first day of church school. MARTIN CHURCH NEWS MISSION STATEMENT We, who are the Martin United Methodist Church, are called to be disciples of Jesus Christ, committed to: *SHARING God's Love *TEACHING the Bible and spir itual life *INVITING the community to gr ow and walk with us in Chr istian faith BUDDIES Did you notice the “buddies” in the pews? Do you know someone who needs a companion to cheer them up? You are welcome to take a buddy to them. APRIL NURSERY SCHEDULE 4/5 4/12 4/19 4/26 Theresa & Mary McKie Marlene & Dakota Rose Kristin Ash & Allison Collins Ronnie Collins & Amanda Northrup Administrative Council Meeting April 14, 7pm APRIL ACOLYTE SCHEDULE 4/5 4/12 4/19 4/26 Matthew Northrup Michael Stoken Jacob Wheeler Mary McKie PLEASE REMEMBER OUR HOMEBOUND WITH CARDS AND CALLS: Lucille Brown 2115 84th St. SW Bldg. 151 East Navy Byron Center, MI 49315 Ruth Newman PO Box 12 1561 10th St. Martin, MI 49070 Alice Kraima 613-118th Ave. Martin, MI 49070 John Withrow 883 - 30th Ave. Allegan, MI 49010 Jake VanDenBerg 203 W. Bridge St. William Crispe Plainwell, MI 49080 Trudy Wells 413 Mill St. #1 Wayland, MI 49348 th Doris Hawkey 829 116 Ave. Martin, MI 49070 Page 13 ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL MEETING MARTIN UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Tuesday, March 10, 2015 - 7:00PM Minutes PRESENT: Deb Str aub, Debbie Foster , Patsy Hoekstr a, Maggie Stoken, Don Rambadt, Pastor Sean Kidd, Joyce Jenkins, Royal Boulter, Lue Phelps GUEST: Melinda Tisr on Meeting Called to Order by Don Rambadt at 7:03pm. Pastor Sean Kidd opened with prayer Previous meeting’s minutes were reviewed. Maggie moved to accept minutes as printed. Lue seconded it. Motion passed. PASTOR’S TIME: Pastor Sean passed due to his infor mation being pr esented with other reports. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION and /or VOTE Treasurer’s Report – were reviewed. Maggie thanked Anita Rambadt for her diligence in creating a report that meets the needs of the Administrative Council request. Maggie moved we accept the report as presented. Patsy seconded. Motion passed. Finance Committee - Scott Warner shared that the finances of the Martin UMC are falling behind every month. The committee feels that the winter expenses and the weather, have caused us to be in this position. The Finance Committee will be looking at cost reduction in all areas. Committee heads are encouraged to look at their area for cost savings. Much conversation followed. Scott presented two motions: Fundraising Moratorium – as of March 10, 2015 all fundraising must be approved thru the administrative council. All previously approved fundraising must be revisited. 7 yes – 1 no - Motion carried Budget Freeze – All committee heads must note that prior to spending any money it must be approved by Administrative Council regardless of what is left in your budget lines. Motion passed. Staff Parish Relations Committee Maggie Stoken Maggie reported the committee had met before the administrative council meeting tonight. The following were discussed: Reinforcement of policy for Trustees to be involved in changes to the building and to participate in contract reviews. Review of Safe Church Policy Planning a process improvement in an effort to assist music leadership and the pastor. Evangelism Committee-no report Debbie Foster Worship Committee-no report Della Bellgraph Page 14 Trustees – it was noted that the Trustees have met, have gone thru the building and assigned jobs within the committee to get them done. In the spring they will look at the bigger jobs that need to be taken care of. Missions Committee-Deb Straub expressed her concern about the effect of the fundraising and finance freeze will affect the work of the mission committee. Christian Education Committee-Pastor Sean shared that Children’s Worship will begin on March 22. The children will be invited to the fellowship hall after “A Moment for Children”. The Rock @ 5 O’Clock-Joyce reviewed her submitted report OTHER BUSINESS: 1. Camp Scholarship Melinda Tisron Last year we supported 14 children to Christian camp. The Oetman Fund is designated for youth. Melinda made the motion that we use the Oetman Fund to send children to summer camp up to $3,200. Don seconded the motion. Motion passed 2. Vacation Bible School Melinda Tisron “Outback” is the theme-3 night event – date to be determinedThe Oetman Fund is designated for youth. Melinda made the motion that we use the Oetman Fund to help defray the cost of VBS up to $500. Motion passes. 3. Maggie made the motion that the Community Breakfast continue as long as they are self-sufficient. Patsy seconded the motion. Motion passed. 4. Debbie Foster updated the sound system progress. As of today, the project needs $2,908.68 for completion. We saved 24 hours of labor because John from Last Pew Sound was able to run the sound wire while running the video wires. There has been a $500 commitment to the project so it brings it down to $2,408.68. Debbie was commended for the great job she has done in raising the funds for this addition to our worship service. She also pointed out that it will save us money when we begin printing less and less of the bulletin/newsletters. Pastor Sean communicated to Debbie that she needs to make a greater effort to keep him in the loop on all matters regarding this project. NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, Apr il 14, 2015 VOLUME 14 ISSUE 4 ADJOURNPage 15 Martin / Shelbyville United Methodist Church PO Box 154 Martin, MI 49070 U. S. Postage Paid Non-Profit Org. Permit # One Martin, MI 49070 Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors -The People of the United Methodist Church Martin United Methodist Church 969 E. Allegan St. PO Box 154 Martin, MI 49070 Worship: 9:30a.m Sunday School: 11am The Rock @ 5 O’Clock Saturday at 5:00pm Shelbyville United Methodist Church 938 124th Ave. Shelbyville, MI 49344 Worship: 11:00am Children’s Worship: 11:05am Pastor Sean Kidd 1-616-401-8576 seankidd1970@gmail.com Pat Hoekstra, Office Manager 1-269-672-7097-office martinumc@sbcglobal.net Web site: www.martinumc.com Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday 8am to 5pm
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