PO Box 165, Wellington 6140 New Zealand Surname Given Names Town Cert# Addison Clinton David Auckland 7051 2/12/2015 Anderson Robert Peter Auckland 7086 31/07/2016 Annan Karl Joshua Christchurch Anscombe Frederick Charles Timaru 7143 7083 10/05/2017 17/07/2016 Atkinson Michael John New Plymouth 7325 29/10/2015 Austen Dale Christchurch 7293 18/08/2015 Bailey Gregory Lyndon Auckland 7346 10/12/2015 Bain Bank James Steven Stephen Roald Ohoka Christchurch 7360 28/01/2017 7110 2/11/2016 Expiry Date Restrictions b) friable lagging (boilers, ducts, furnaces, or pipes) Phone 021 292 1392 027 560 0627 dale@brsl.co.nz 021 027 10841 bockscar666@gmail.com 021 997 470 stu@stubanks.co.nz 03 313 2885 barnsdale64@xtra.co.nz trevor@southerninsulation.co.nz Banks Stuart Wayne Hamilton 7209 Barnsdale David Richard Rangiora 7286 a) friable insulation or fire protection c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos 20/03/2016 e) i. cement or bonded products cutting or abrasive power tools ii. cement or bonded products other equipment resulting in release of dust 13/08/2016 Barrett Reon Thomas Christchurch Beaufoy Murray Frederick Gisborne 7158 7063 1/08/2015 28/07/2016 Beck Jason Christchurch 7311 23/09/2016 Bell Trevor David Christopher Richard Clive Stephen William Dunedin 7292 18/08/2015 021 760 521 Dunedin 7390 29/03/2017 0274 23 5543 Waimauku 7106 9/10/2016 Bell Bench Email WORKSAFE NZ-24349281If the person you are looking for is not listed, and you think they should be, please email TechnicalServices.Notifications@worksafe.govt.nz PO Box 165, Wellington 6140 New Zealand Surname Given Names Town Cert# Expiry Date Restrictions Blackie Brent Wayne Auckland 7042 10/08/2015 Blakely Shane Christchurch 7052 e) i. cement or bonded products – cutting or abrasive power tools 19/12/2015 ii. cement or bonded products – other equipment resulting in release of dust Blumenthal Jason Leslie Hastings 7061 21/03/2016 Blumenthal Maurice Leslie Napier 7142 10/05/2017 Phone Email 021 2288 189 trevor@southerninsulation.co.nz 027 882 4545 mattboyne@hotmail.com Boyd Paul Whangarei 7356 c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos d) encapsulation of friable 22/12/2016 asbestos Boyes Boyne Bryan Matthew John Dunedin Christchurch 7217 7277 16/04/2016 31/07/2015 Breach Shane Christchurch 7315 30/09/2016 Brewer Nicholas James Christchurch 7310 22/09/2015 03 389 2219 sales@agbs.co.nz Bridson Sidney Ross Christchurch 7249 9/06/2016 022 321 7695 rossbridson@gmail.com Bright John Christchurch 7244 4/06/2015 Brosnan John Preston Mt Maunganui Brown William Grant Auckland Brown Roger Michael Auckland WORKSAFE NZ-24349281 022 621 8327 JMR220@gmail.com 7282 e) i. cement or bonded products – cutting or abrasive power tools 18/08/2016 ii. cement or bonded products – other equipment resulting in release of dust 027 66 45 666 jandsbrosnan@gmail.com 7068 24/04/2016 0800 266 172 grant@conqra.co.nz 7088 7/08/2016 2 PO Box 165, Wellington 6140 New Zealand Surname Given Names Town Brown Matthew David Auckland Brownell-Puddick Wainuiomata Bruton Bryant Zachary Thomas Christopher Francis Karl Andrew Kapiti Coast Hamilton 7369 7067 Buckley Raymund James Otumoetai Burke Steven John Christchurch Burt Shawn James Christchurch Butcher Ian Bruce WORKSAFE NZ-24349281 Feilding Cert# Expiry Date Restrictions a) friable insulation or fire protection b) friable lagging (boilers, ducts, furnaces, or pipes) c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos d) encapsulation of friable 7374 2/03/2017 asbestos e) i. cement or bonded products cutting or abrasive power tools ii. cement or bonded products other equipment resulting in release of dust g) friable asbestos contaminated soil 7285 11/08/2015 Phone 021 142 3815 Email matt@atpacesolutions.co. 022 266 4787 puddick@hotmail.com 11/02/2016 24/04/2016 021 665 683 francisbruton@gmail.com 7174 26/09/2015 0274 30 40 30 ray@coastcentral.co.nz 7178 7321 29/05/2016 24/10/2016 7271 c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos e) i. cement or bonded products – cutting or abrasive 23/07/2015 power tools ii. cement or bonded products – other equipment resulting in release of dust w.nderingkiwi@xtra.co.nz 021 779 008 021 434 641 mdc.limited@xtra.co.nz 3 PO Box 165, Wellington 6140 New Zealand Surname Given Names Town Butcher Ian Bruce Feilding Camp Malcolm Whangarei Campbell Courtney Logan New Plymouth Carter Graham Albert Palmerston North 7129 19/02/2017 Carter Richard Christchurch 7202 18/02/2016 b) friable lagging (boilers, ducts, 12/01/2016 furnaces, or pipes) Cert# Expiry Date Restrictions c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos d) encapsulation of friable asbestos e) i. cement or bonded products – cutting or abrasive 7341 2/12/2016 power tools ii. cement or bonded products – other equipment resulting in release of dust g) friable asbestos contaminated soil c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos 7355 22/12/2016 d) encapsulation of friable asbestos b) friable lagging (boilers, ducts, 7256 25/06/2015 furnaces, or pipes) Carthew Catterall John Edward Dirk Morecroft Oakura North Harbour 7359 7026 1/06/2015 Cawley Dylan Harvey New Plymouth 7034 16/06/2015 Chatterton Chesterfield Kevin Milton Michael Wayne Kapiti Coast Lower Hutt 7344 18/12/2016 7059 12/05/2016 WORKSAFE NZ-24349281 Phone Email 027 2388 753 courtney.campbell@vector.co.nz 021 081 45955 team@bricon.co.nz johncarthew@coregroup.co.nz Coal Tar Enamel Removal Only 4 PO Box 165, Wellington 6140 New Zealand Surname Given Names Town Cert# Cheung-Fook Alex Auckland 7272 Cockfield Coleman Paul Edward Terry Leo Greymouth Auckland Expiry Date Restrictions b) friable lagging (boilers, ducts, furnaces, or pipes) c) demolition or maintenance 24/07/2015 containing friable asbestos d) encapsulation of friable asbestos Phone 7223 16/04/2015 027 820 2556 paul@pcproductions.co.nz 7179 31/05/2016 027 560 0627 terry@brsl.co.nz 022 174 9581 lay2waste@gmail.com 027 489 7003 Colledge Neal Auckland 7170 c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos 11/09/2015 g) friable asbestos contaminated soil Colvin Joshua John Christchurch 7357 22/12/2015 Cook Cormack Scott Hamish Christchurch Waiheke Island 7365 4/02/2017 7126 13/02/2017 Cosgriff Antony John Christchurch Coxhead Oliver Christchurch 7127 7331 18/02/2017 7/11/2016 Cresswell Curran Alex Kerry-Lee Christchurch Christchurch 7220 7279 16/04/2015 5/08/2015 027 522 5828 Curran Storm Christchurch 7281 10/09/2016 03 967 9741 Davies Greg Rangiora 7011 8/04/2015 0274 726 737 De Paula Charles Auckland Dey Alan Bruce Auckland 7017 7333 1/05/2015 12/11/2016 027 534 0035 Dick Matthew Ryan Dunedin 7105 28/09/2016 Dornan Daniel Glenn Lower Hutt 7153 3/07/2015 Draper Paul John 7050 21/11/2015 Egan Robert John Cambridge Mount Maunganui 7125 15/02/2017 WORKSAFE NZ-24349281 Email 027 380 8257 alex@shiltonbrown.co.nz 021 085 39724 greg@scopegroup.co.nz 5 PO Box 165, Wellington 6140 New Zealand Surname Given Names Town Cert# Eke Tevita Feletoa Auckland 7318 Elkington Jon Wayde Te Awamutu 7100 Ereira Ryan Anthony Christchurch Esau Kurt William Esau Eddie Espino Joel Expiry Date Restrictions c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos 9/10/2015 g) friable asbestos contaminated soil e) i. cement or bonded products – cutting or abrasive power tools 7/09/2016 ii. cement or bonded products – other equipment resulting in release of dust Phone Email 7362 23/01/2016 021 849 592 rereira@0800asbestos.co.nz Christchurch 7242 4/06/2015 03 942 6195 Christchurch 7370 12/02/2017 027 430 6714 7301 b) friable lagging (boilers, ducts, furnaces, or pipes) 10/09/2015 c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos Auckland Espino June Llena Warkworth Evison Philip James Te, Aroha WORKSAFE NZ-24349281 office@azzycontrol.co.nz b) friable lagging (boilers, ducts, furnaces, or pipes) c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos 7379 5/03/2016 d) encapsulation of friable 021 452 108 asbestos f) dry sanding of floor coverings g) friable asbestos contaminated soil e) i. cement or bonded products – cutting or abrasive power tools 7046 6/10/2015 ii. cement or bonded products – other equipment resulting in release of dust 6 PO Box 165, Wellington 6140 New Zealand Surname Given Names Town Excell Raymond Ernest Auckland Fa'apoi Tonga Auckland 7296 Faavesi Motu Christchurch 7338 Fallon Gregory Raymond Auckland 7212 Farrant Geoffrey Owen New Plymouth 7035 Fekau Siu Atama Auckland 7213 Fell Chris WORKSAFE NZ-24349281 Auckland Cert# 7378 7016 Expiry Date Restrictions b) friable lagging (boilers, ducts, furnaces, or pipes) c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos e) i. cement or bonded products 15/03/2017 cutting or abrasive power tools ii. cement or bonded products other equipment resulting in release of dust g) friable asbestos contaminated soil c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos 21/08/2015 d) encapsulation of friable asbestos f) dry sanding of floor coverings 20/11/2015 c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos 3/04/2015 g) friable asbestos contaminated soil 16/06/2015 Coal Tar Enamel Removal Only c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos e) i. cement or bonded products – cutting or abrasive 4/04/2015 power tools ii. cement or bonded products – other equipment resulting in release of dust Phone Email 021 993 153 excellconstruction@xtra.co.nz 021 081 73621 020 4052 1973 021 899 206 greg.r.fallon@gmail.com 021 027 336 48 21/04/2015 7 PO Box 165, Wellington 6140 New Zealand Surname Given Names Town Cert# Expiry Date Restrictions Phone Email Fenton Fifita Joseph James Samisoni Ahoafi Whakatane Christchurch 7383 7189 6/03/2017 10/01/2016 021 278 4703 inlinebuilders@xtra.co.nz Fifita Fitness Ofila Ben Auckland Hawkes Bay 7240 c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos d) encapsulation of friable 28/05/2015 asbestos 7060 21/03/2016 Fleming Mark Robert Christchurch 7235 21/05/2015 027 298 0731 willowleastud@xtra.co.nz Foord Brian Desmond Auckland 7228 9/05/2016 021 07 99417 brian@totalroofing.co.nz Fowler David George Blenheim 7261 26/06/2015 027 660 9080 dave.fowler@xtra.co.nz Fraser Aidan James Nelson 027 435 3625 afraser@nelmac.co.nz Friedman Dennis Ralph Auckland 7071 28/05/2016 Gaines Mark Christchurch Galloway Mark Christchurch 7114 7324 20/11/2016 29/10/2016 027 905 4878 Gardiner Kevin Grant Rangiora 7130 18/03/2017 021 223 9773 Gaynor David Alan Shaine George Thomas Christchurch 7361 23/01/2017 022 185 6252 Christchurch 7118 3/12/2016 Gembitsky WORKSAFE NZ-24349281 7382 5/03/2016 c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos e) i. cement or bonded products cutting or abrasive power tools ii. cement or bonded products other equipment resulting in release of dust g) friable asbestos contaminated soil 021 0255 6107 davyg30@gmail.com 8 PO Box 165, Wellington 6140 New Zealand Surname Given Names Town Cert# Gifkins Dean Robert Papakura 7045 Goodall Danny George Thames Governlock Richard Christchurch 7075 7332 Grattan Ella Sofia Levin 7274 Expiry Date Restrictions a) friable insulation or fire protection 6/10/2015 b) friable lagging (boilers, ducts, furnaces, or pipes) 15/08/2016 10/11/2016 c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos d) encapsulation of friable asbestos e) i. cement or bonded 28/07/2015 products – cutting or abrasive power tools ii. cement or bonded products – other equipment resulting in release of dust b) friable lagging (boilers, ducts, 25/06/2015 furnaces, or pipes) Gray Marius New Plymouth 7257 Green Lionel Vincent Christchurch 7103 26/09/2016 b) friable lagging (boilers, ducts, furnaces, or pipes) 10/09/2015 c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos Hadden Kade Auckland 7300 Hall Graeme Roger Hastings 7159 WORKSAFE NZ-24349281 Phone Email 027 4306 715 022 321 2474 Sofia@totaldecon.net 021 173 2254 marius.gray@vector.co.nz 1/08/2015 9 PO Box 165, Wellington 6140 New Zealand Surname Given Names Town Cert# Halley Sidney (Danny) Auckland 7259 Hamill Christopher Edward Christchurch Hamilton Neville Allan Hamilton Expiry Date Restrictions b) friable lagging (boilers, ducts, furnaces, or pipes) c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos 26/06/2016 d) encapsulation of friable asbestos g) friable asbestos contaminated soil Phone Email 09 636 5917 mark.levin@nikaugroup.com 7251 6/08/2016 021 026 81951 Invercargill 7021 10/05/2015 Ian Lyall Invercargill 7058 6/03/2016 Hamilton Leslie John Christchurch 7157 25/07/2015 Happy Aaron Kieth Auckland Harding-Reriti Jay Michael North Canterbury 7076 7336 21/06/2016 19/11/2015 021 719 014 027 314 5832 Haretuku Tangiwai Chris Auckland 7275 c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos d) encapsulation of friable 28/07/2015 asbestos g) friable asbestos contaminated soil Harrison Rex Raymond Kaiaua 7371 12/02/2016 022 390 9224 rexraymondH@gmail.com Hawkins Trevor Raymond Christchurch 7372 18/02/2016 022 139 9553 snikwahtrev@hotmail.co.nz 027 711 8662 jim@haywardsroofing.co.nz Hayward James Wanganui 7211 Healey Brendon Patrick Auckland 7073 WORKSAFE NZ-24349281 e) i. cement or bonded products – cutting or abrasive power tools 2/04/2015 ii. cement or bonded products – other equipment resulting in release of dust 31/05/2016 10 PO Box 165, Wellington 6140 New Zealand Surname Given Names Town Healy Craig Antony New Plymouth Hemingway Dylan Charles Hastings Henderson Christopher Owen Matamata Hepi Taimoana Heremaia Andrew Hicks Joseph Kelly (Joe) WORKSAFE NZ-24349281 Christchurch Christchurch Christchurch Cert# Expiry Date Restrictions e) i. cement or bonded products cutting or abrasive power tools 7375 2/03/2017 ii. cement or bonded products other equipment resulting in release of dust c) demolition or maintenance 7263 3/07/2016 containing friable asbestos e) i. cement or bonded products – cutting or abrasive power tools 7065 19/04/2016 ii. cement or bonded products – other equipment resulting in release of dust 7232 7339 7349 Phone Email 06 759 1174 c.healy@kaefer.co.nz 027 756 5074 tymzg8@gmail.co.nz 19/05/2015 022 046 1592 taihepi82@gmail.com 25/11/2015 021 025 45547 a) friable insulation or fire protection b) friable lagging (boilers, ducts, furnaces, or pipes) c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos d) encapsulation of friable 22/12/2015 asbestos e) i. cement or bonded products cutting or abrasive power tools ii. cement or bonded products other equipment resulting in release of dust g) friable asbestos contaminated soil 11 PO Box 165, Wellington 6140 New Zealand Surname Given Names Town Cert# Hifo Sione Taiseni Auckland 7347 Hindle Michele Rae Darfield 7131 9/04/2017 Hindle Richard James Darfield 7132 9/04/2017 Expiry Date Restrictions b) friable lagging (boilers, ducts, furnaces, or pipes) e) i. cement or bonded products – cutting or abrasive 22/12/2015 power tools ii. cement or bonded products – other equipment resulting in release of dust Phone Email Hodder Daryl Gene Christchurch 7085 e) i. cement or bonded products – cutting or abrasive power tools 20/07/2016 ii. cement or bonded products – other equipment resulting in release of dust Houghton Warren Christchurch 7182 11/11/2015 021 114 6076 Jamieson Michael Christchurch 7219 16/04/2015 027 893 6984 snappy.hats@hotmail.co.nz 06 754 7923 robert.johnson@osdlimited.com 021 262 8033 rjohnson00@live.com Jarvis Patrick Christchurch 7115 e) i. cement or bonded products – cutting or abrasive power tools 20/11/2016 ii. cement or bonded products – other equipment resulting in release of dust Johnson Shay Mary-Joy Manukau 7081 29/06/2016 Johnson Robert Paul Waitara 7264 10/07/2015 Johnson Johnstone Russell Marcus Leon Christchurch New Plymouth 7392 24/03/2016 7069 1/05/2016 Jones Peter Thomas New Plymouth 7043 24/08/2015 WORKSAFE NZ-24349281 b) friable lagging (boilers, ducts, furnaces, or pipes) 12 PO Box 165, Wellington 6140 New Zealand Surname Given Names Town Cert# Expiry Date Restrictions Jones Stephen Christchurch 7093 21/08/2016 Julian Peter Gordon Hastings 7112 14/11/2016 Karaka James Brent Christchurch 7216 16/04/2015 c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos 7363 2/02/2016 d) encapsulation of friable asbestos c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos e) i. cement or bonded products – cutting or abrasive power tools 7253 25/06/2015 ii. cement or bonded products – other equipment resulting in release of dust g) friable asbestos contaminated soil 7328 6/11/2015 Phone Email 022 0179 114 Kaufusi Viliami Auckland Kauhemotu Vasco Auckland Kellock Tina Ann Christchurch Kelly Kendall Michael James John George Christchurch Waiuku 7385 16/03/2016 020 406 54515 blackprinterman@hotmail.com 7199 15/02/2016 09 235 9697 jkwaiuku@gmail.com Kenealy Stephen John Hamilton 7102 16/09/2016 027 22 33 665 King Andrew Christopher Christchurch 7027 1/06/2015 King Paul David Kaiapoi 7312 24/09/2016 Kirner Frank James Christchurch 7280 5/08/2015 WORKSAFE NZ-24349281 021 1632 400 022 640 6107 vaskillious@gmail.com 021 775 746 021 083 23 863 13 PO Box 165, Wellington 6140 New Zealand Surname Given Names Town Cert# Kitson Terry Morrinsville 7268 Knowles Knowles Sarah Ann Billy Christchurch Christchurch Knowles-Castle Jessica Kohi Krebs Expiry Date Restrictions e) i. cement or bonded products – cutting or abrasive power tools 23/07/2015 ii. cement or bonded products – other equipment resulting in release of dust Phone Email 021 908 631 terrykitson@roofguard.co.nz 7218 7283 16/04/2015 11/08/2015 021 139 5129 sarah682oil@live.com 027 947 6088 billy.knowles@outlook.co.nz Christchurch 7284 11/08/2015 022 070 3166 jes.knowles@hotmail.com Keegan Christchurch 7276 31/07/2015 027 909 5449 keegankohi@rocketmail.com Roy Terrance Newlands 7015 13/04/2015 021 242 4857 andrew.kyburz@naturallivinghome 021 022 939 55 ricki.larwood@yahoo.com Kreyl Scott Damon Paraparaumu 7056 e) i. cement or bonded products – cutting or abrasive power tools 5/03/2016 ii. cement or bonded products – other equipment resulting in release of dust Kyburz Andrew Morris Christchurch 7227 9/05/2015 b) friable lagging (boilers, ducts, furnaces, or pipes) c) demolition or maintenance 24/11/2016 containing friable asbestos d) encapsulation of friable asbestos f) dry sanding of floor coverings Kyle Robert Auckland 7303 Larwood Latu Ricki Mark Christchurch Auckland 7248 5/06/2015 7013 8/04/2015 Laurenson Richard Te Puke 7127 15/02/2017 WORKSAFE NZ-24349281 14 PO Box 165, Wellington 6140 New Zealand Surname Given Names Town Cert# Expiry Date Restrictions Laursen Dale Niels Masterton 7120 Removal of asbestos cement 10/12/2016 products and to encapsulate that material for removal Lea Michael John Dunedin Lea Gareth Jonathan Dunedin 7071 7104 18/07/2015 28/09/2016 Leamu Matthew Thomas Feilding 7066 19/06/2016 Leaso Jotham Fred Auckland 7079 29/06/2016 Lester Zane Paul New Plymouth 7273 28/07/2015 Levin Mark Te Kauwhata 7147 Lewis Paul Robert Australia 7028 7316 Lightfoot Anne Elizabeth Auckland 7234 Linnartz Lomu Samuel Teniko Masunu Christchurch Auckland 7343 3/12/2015 7080 29/06/2016 WORKSAFE NZ-24349281 7380 zane.lester@vector.co.nz c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos 6/10/2015 g) friable asbestos contaminated soil g) friable asbestos contaminated 19/05/2016 soil Auckland Nelson 021 131 9439 1/06/2015 Andrew David Stuart Kevin Email Textured Ceiling Only b) friable lagging (boilers, ducts, furnaces, or pipes) c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos 25/05/2015 g) friable asbestos contaminated soil Licence Lowe Phone 5/03/2016 027 5466 278 e) i. cement or bonded products cutting or abrasive power tools ii. cement or bonded products other equipment resulting in release of dust g) friable asbestos contaminated soil stul@nelmac.co.nz 15 PO Box 165, Wellington 6140 New Zealand Surname Given Names Town Cert# Macdonald Frank Young Christchurch 7345 5/12/2015 Mackenzie-Jackson Manderson Peter Michael Tania Michelle West Melton Christchurch 7393 24/03/2017 Manderson Kyle William Christchurch 7082 7317 17/07/2016 8/10/2015 Expiry Date Restrictions Manuel Prince (Fred) Auckland 7304 Marshall Craig Neil Christchurch 7309 b) friable lagging (boilers, ducts, furnaces, or pipes) c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos 10/09/2015 d) encapsulation of friable asbestos g) friable asbestos contaminated soil 22/09/2015 Masina Zeb Dunedin 7389 29/03/2017 Matene Caleb Auckland 7298 Maxwell Nigel William New Plymouth 7038 11/07/2015 Mcandrew Patrick Joseph Petone McAteer John Charles Christchurch 7033 7337 15/06/2015 20/11/2015 Christchurch Christchurch 7342 7119 10/12/2016 McGrath Andrew James Christchurch 7225 16/05/2016 WORKSAFE NZ-24349281 021 896 070 accounts@acclimatise.co.nz Coal Tar Enamel Removal Only c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos d) encapsulation of friable asbestos g) friable asbestos contaminated 3/12/2015 soil Scott Robert David Email 021 762 330 b) friable lagging (boilers, ducts, furnaces, or pipes) 10/09/2015 c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos McDonald Mcgrath Phone 027 354 3659 027 426 3739 tinpukeko@hotmail.com 16 PO Box 165, Wellington 6140 New Zealand Surname Given Names Town McGregor Corey Christchurch Cert# 7307 McIntyre Thomas Napier 7262 McKenzie Frazer Taumarunui 7187 McKeown Jarrod Paul Papamoa 7326 McLay Mclean Glenn Paul Mcdouglas Christchurch Christchurch 7246 5/06/2015 McNish Kenneth Bruce Christchurch 7095 7308 30/08/2016 18/09/2016 McNulty Grant Stephen Christchurch 7290 McSweeney Terence John Christchurch Mears Jesse Rhys Troy Ross Shannon Messervy Mika Milesi Meikle Expiry Date Restrictions 18/09/2015 c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos e) i. cement or bonded products – cutting or abrasive power tools 16/12/2015 ii. cement or bonded products – other equipment resulting in release of dust e) i. cement or bonded products – cutting or abrasive power tools 29/10/2016 ii. cement or bonded products – other equipment resulting in release of dust 3/07/2016 Phone Email 027 77 77 583 0274 721 210 maxmck@xtra.co.nz 027 4755 739 027 306 7106 glenn@acl.kiwi.nz 14/08/2015 021 084 56814 grantmcnulty8@gmail.com 7384 18/03/2017 021 35 35 66 canterburyasbestos.co.nz Christchurch 7352 22/12/2015 Christchurch 7294 18/08/2015 027 226 9803 tmofo002@gmail.com Chris Christchurch 7350 22/12/2015 Anthony Gregory Christchurch Christchurch 7368 11/02/2016 0212 392 434 anthony.mika@yahoo.com 7288 23/09/2016 WORKSAFE NZ-24349281 17 PO Box 165, Wellington 6140 New Zealand Surname Given Names Town Cert# Mohi Anthony Auckland 7254 Monahan Daniel Glenn Christchurch 7291 Expiry Date Restrictions c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos e) i. cement or bonded products – cutting or abrasive power tools 25/06/2015 ii. cement or bonded products – other equipment resulting in release of dust g) friable asbestos contaminated soil 14/08/2015 Montgomery Janet Marie Christchurch 7141 10/05/2017 Moody Michael Paul New Plymouth 7022 20/05/2015 Mora Francis Anton New Plymouth Morley Mark David Christchurch 7041 7267 10/08/2015 18/07/2016 Morris Wayne Christchurch 7245 16/06/2016 Moston Stephen William New Plymouth 7314 30/09/2015 Moulder Jefferey Colin Hastings 7224 Muff Steven David Christchurch 7323 Murdoch James Christchurch 7250 WORKSAFE NZ-24349281 Email 027 555 0592 demolitionsuper@yahoo.com 027 261 9147 monahan07@gmail.com 021 114 3395 mmorley@tonkin.co.nz 021 052 9031 waynedamorris@gmail.com 021 524 565 jeff.amalga@xtra.co.nz. Textured Ceiling Removal Only b) friable lagging (boilers, ducts, furnaces, or pipes) c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos d) encapsulation of friable asbestos e) i. cement or bonded 1/06/2016 products – cutting or abrasive power tools ii. cement or bonded products – other equipment resulting in release of dust 29/10/2016 9/06/2015 Phone 021 549 992 022 432 0453 jmurdoch824@gmail.com 18 PO Box 165, Wellington 6140 New Zealand Surname Given Names Town Cert# Mutu Wiremu Christchurch 7107 Napier Ian George Christchurch 7092 21/08/2016 Napier Ernest (Chuck) Christchurch 7133 10/04/2017 Expiry Date Restrictions e) i. cement or bonded products – cutting or abrasive power tools 16/10/2016 ii. cement or bonded products – other equipment resulting in release of dust Napier James Kaiapoi 7214 Napier Melody Kaye Christchurch 7330 e) i. cement or bonded products – cutting or abrasive power tools 11/04/2015 ii. cement or bonded products – other equipment resulting in release of dust 25/11/2016 Nicolle Jordane Stanley Kamo 0185 7122 21/12/2016 Nimmo Paul Duvere Auckland Nolan Gerard Rangiora 7313 30/09/2016 Nottage Hamish Colin Rolleston 7057 5/03/2016 O'Dea O'donnell Michael Derek Andrew William Arrowtown Auckland 7364 7010 2/02/2017 8/04/2015 Ogier Matthew Nicholas Christchurch 7140 10/05/2017 O'Grady John Richard Christchurch 7186 16/12/2015 WORKSAFE NZ-24349281 7238 27/05/2016 c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos g) friable asbestos contaminated soil Phone Email 027 437 6378 chuck@agbs.co.nz 022 189 2108 jamie_exe_nz@hotmail.com 027 378 1190 sales@agbs.co.nz 027 259 2025 021 466 764 021 311 532 jogrady@actrix.co.nz 19 PO Box 165, Wellington 6140 New Zealand Surname Given Names Town Cert# O'Kane Gerard Mark Bombay 7266 O'Keeffe Terry Shaun Tauranga Oliver Chance Christchurch Expiry Date Restrictions c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos d) encapsulation of friable asbestos e) i. cement or bonded products – cutting or abrasive 14/07/2015 power tools ii. cement or bonded products – other equipment resulting in release of dust g) friable asbestos contaminated soil Phone Email 027 960 8183 gerryokanenz@gmail.com 7203 7287 21/03/2016 12/08/2016 027 223 4222 asbestostga@xtra.co.nz 027 875 2802 chance.oliver@hotmail.co.nz 027 8199 596 lancepascoe@hotmail.com Paraone Hone Manukau 7306 b) friable lagging (boilers, ducts, furnaces, or pipes) c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos 12/09/2015 d) encapsulation of friable asbestos g) friable asbestos contaminated soil Parker Gary Wayne Rotorua 7111 14/11/2016 Parr Colin Robert Rotorua 7064 12/04/2016 Pascoe Lance Ronald WORKSAFE NZ-24349281 Christchurch 7239 28/05/2015 c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos d) encapsulation of friable asbestos 20 PO Box 165, Wellington 6140 New Zealand Surname Given Names Town Cert# Expiry Date Restrictions b) friable lagging (boilers, ducts, furnaces, or pipes) 10/09/2015 c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos Patea David Auckland 7299 Peebles Rick Charles Taupiri 7087 7/08/2016 Peebles John Murray Hamilton 7101 16/09/2016 Penn Wayne New Plymouth 7144 25/05/2017 Pennell Kerry James Auckland Peters Timothy Edward Nelson 7136 7196 26/05/2017 4/02/2016 Peti Pickett George John Christchurch Invercargill 7351 22/12/2015 7116 22/11/2016 c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos 18/02/2016 g) friable asbestos contaminated soil Pilkington Kelvin Auckland 7201 Playford James Francis Lower Hutt 7152 Email 03 542 4182 tandkpeters@xtra.co.nz 021 952 604 kelvin@hartoncontracting.co.nz Industrial Premises Only 3/07/2015 29/05/2016 c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos d) encapsulation of friable asbestos Pohiva Sisifa Auckland Polak Petr Christchurch 7269 23/07/2015 021 222 0418 Prichard Robin William Napier Prisk Dean Barry Christchurch 7134 7322 11/04/2017 29/10/2016 021 107 8390 Proudlock Andrew Hamilton Hamilton 7055 20/02/2016 Puddick Quigley Kate David Mark Wellington Christchurch 7358 22/12/2015 7109 29/10/2016 Raine Philip George Auckland 7078 29/06/2016 WORKSAFE NZ-24349281 7241 Phone 027 259 2072 c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos 21 PO Box 165, Wellington 6140 New Zealand Surname Given Names Town Cert# Expiry Date Restrictions Rankin George Christchurch 7113 15/11/2016 Regget Colin Invercargill 7019 10/05/2015 Reihana Tracy Miles Wellington 7230 Rizzi Robertson Dianne Jayne John Carstairs Christchurch New Plymouth Robertson Philip Christchurch Rudkin Dean Raymond Christchurch Sadlier William Ray Auckland WORKSAFE NZ-24349281 Phone Email 19/05/2015 027 694 1123 tracy.ues@gmail.com 7221 16/04/2015 027 217 8858 di_rizzi@yahoo.com 7049 7329 14/11/2015 6/11/2015 e) i. cement or bonded products – cutting or abrasive power tools 7098 30/08/2016 ii. cement or bonded products – other equipment resulting in release of dust c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos d) encapsulation of friable asbestos e) i. cement or bonded 7319 15/10/2015 products – cutting or abrasive power tools ii. cement or bonded products – other equipment resulting in release of dust f) dry sanding of floor coverings 22 PO Box 165, Wellington 6140 New Zealand Surname Given Names Town Cert# Sadlier Dennis Peter Auckland 7320 Saunders Scott Alan Douglas Hugh Alexander Christchurch Invercargill Sellars Mark Parker Stoke Shane Ewen Tonkin Shute Expiry Date Restrictions c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos d) encapsulation of friable asbestos e) i. cement or bonded 15/10/2015 products – cutting or abrasive power tools ii. cement or bonded products – other equipment resulting in release of dust f) dry sanding of floor coverings Phone Email 7237 7020 22/05/2016 10/05/2015 021 324 472 alan.asbestos@gmail.com Christchurch 7030 7334 8/06/2015 19/11/2015 Deane Otaki 7121 21/12/2016 Shute Mervyn Trevor Wellington 7074 5/06/2016 Simons Dean Paul New Plymouth 7031 14/06/2015 Singh Smith Michael Ranjit Michael Francis Christchurch Mackay 7373 23/02/2016 7029 3/06/2015 Smith Gary Roy Northland 7062 29/03/2016 Smith Warren Neil Tauranga Smith Ray Allen Upper Hutt 7138 7265 29/04/2017 14/07/2016 WORKSAFE NZ-24349281 027 556 7048 03 389 2219 sales@agbs.co.nz 021 511 458 specialists@asbestos-nz.co.nz 23 PO Box 165, Wellington 6140 New Zealand Surname Given Names Town Smith James Michael Palmerston North Snape Chris James Christchurch Cert# 7340 Expiry Date Restrictions c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos e) i. cement or bonded products – cutting or abrasive 2/12/2015 power tools ii. cement or bonded products – other equipment resulting in release of dust 7222 16/04/2015 Sokolich-Beatson James Auckland 7302 b) friable lagging (boilers, ducts, furnaces, or pipes) 10/09/2015 c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos Sollitt Colin Manukau City 7039 19/07/2015 Phone Email 022 096 2307 021 047 1386 chrissnape89@hotmail.com a) friable insulation or fire protection 3/11/2015 b) friable lagging (boilers, ducts, furnaces, or pipes) Sowerby Anaru Steven Huntly 7048 Start Brian Rueben Greenmeadows Stephens Keegan Stuart Christchurch 7070 7305 22/05/2016 12/09/2015 Stil John Paul Christchurch 7135 29/04/2017 Stil Helina Justine Christchurch 7077 2/07/2016 Sullivan Syson Sean Bartholmew Craig Christchurch New Plymouth 7367 11/02/2016 0274 842 507 sb.sullivan@gmail.nz Szentpeteri Joseph Nelson 7108 7297 26/10/2016 28/08/2016 027 546 8414 trafalgarpaint@xtra.co.nz Tairua Tamala Ashton Eugene Sulusi Lealofi Kaikohe Wellington 7226 6/05/2015 021 054 9784 ashtontairua@gmail.com 7084 20/07/2016 WORKSAFE NZ-24349281 24 PO Box 165, Wellington 6140 New Zealand Surname Given Names Town Cert# Tamati Sequoia Auckland 7255 Tapley Tarry Halcombe Frank Foss Christchurch Auckland Taufa Taufuiaevalu Ikahehengi Osika Taukiuvea Taumata Expiry Date Restrictions c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos e) i. cement or bonded products – cutting or abrasive power tools 25/06/2015 ii. cement or bonded products – other equipment resulting in release of dust g) friable asbestos contaminated soil Phone Email 021 4124 266 kingzof198@hotmail.com 7236 21/05/2015 027 229 1200 haltapley@icloud.com 7089 8/08/2016 Auckland Auckland 7229 7188 9/05/2016 19/12/2015 Fisiitalia Christchurch 7099 4/09/2016 Maurice Pehi Waikanae 7014 13/04/2015 Taumatauka Kororiko Auckland 7260 Taylor Jason Stuart Gisborne 7327 c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos 26/06/2015 d) encapsulation of friable asbestos 3/11/2015 Telford Jason John Christchurch 7289 13/08/2015 WORKSAFE NZ-24349281 022 300 6457 021 719 945 kori.nikau@gmail.com 027 448 1669 022 073 2071 jasjtel@hotmail.com 25 PO Box 165, Wellington 6140 New Zealand Surname Given Names Town Cert# Thomas Francis Allen Hamilton 7032 Thorburn Paul James Hasting Tims Matthew William Hastings Townsend Trent Mason Clarke Warren Hunter Turner Turner Turp Expiry Date Restrictions e) i. cement or bonded products – cutting or abrasive power tools 14/06/2015 ii. cement or bonded products – other equipment resulting in release of dust Phone 7037 7018 11/07/2015 1/05/2015 027 66 99 195 Christchurch Wellington 7353 22/12/2015 7117 3/12/2016 Simon Patrick Auckland 7040 3/08/2015 Nicholas Allen Darren David Manukau Christchurch 7247 5/06/2016 7047 25/10/2015 e) i. cement or bonded products – cutting or abrasive power tools 30/08/2016 ii. cement or bonded products – other equipment resulting in release of dust 09 536 5354 nickandjudith@xtra.co.nz haretini.wakefield@gmail.com Tutaki Wiremu Henare Timaru 7096 Vailu'u Vickers Jesse Leon Blair Christchurch New Plymouth 7366 5/02/2016 7094 21/08/2016 Vickers Michael Paul Auckland 7123 10/01/2017 Vince Wakefield Paul Clifford Bruce Christchurch Whanganui 7348 22/12/2015 7054 8/02/2016 Wakefield Haretini Whanganui 7231 19/05/2015 06 344 8028 Wakefield Walder Alan Michael John Joseph Christchurch Christchurch 7243 4/06/2015 022 103 1016 7091 21/08/2016 Ward John Gisborne 7044 27/09/2015 WORKSAFE NZ-24349281 Email 26 PO Box 165, Wellington 6140 New Zealand Surname Given Names Town Cert# Expiry Date Restrictions Ward Gary Mark George Auckland 7090 14/08/2016 Ward Watkins Peter John David James Auckland Christchurch 7215 7270 14/04/2016 23/07/2015 Watson Clinton John New Plymouth 7036 16/06/2015 Watson Wayne Richard Nelson Wearne Michael Wallis Christchurch 7252 13/07/2016 Weilert Solomon Auckland 7012 8/04/2015 7381 5/03/2016 Coal Tar Enamel Removal Only e) i. cement or bonded products cutting or abrasive power tools ii. cement or bonded products other equipment resulting in release of dust g) friable asbestos contaminated soil Wellington Uhi Auckland 7295 Wheelans Richard Stuart Christchurch 7258 c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos 21/08/2015 d) encapsulation of friable asbestos f) dry sanding of floor coverings 26/06/2015 Whiteway Williams Joel John Murray Bruce Christchurch Palmerston North 7354 22/12/2015 7128 19/02/2017 Williams Williamson Connor Mark David Christchurch Christchurch 7388 16/03/2016 7124 29/01/2017 Winchester Winther William Geoffrey Gary Albert Auckland Auckland 7387 Wong Kim Hui Auckland WORKSAFE NZ-24349281 Phone Email 021 953 980 peter@ward-demolition.co.nz 027 977 1994 multidigmanager@yahoo.co.nz 027 493 3399 nelmacwater@gmail.com 021 521 490 021 034 7866 027 805 5784 kiwirich1962@gmail.com 021 874 927 connor.williams7479@hotmail.com 16/03/2017 021 03 03 069 wqwinchester@live.com 7278 31/07/2016 021 790 753 safety@xtra.co.nz 7053 24/01/2016 27 PO Box 165, Wellington 6140 New Zealand Surname Given Names Town Cert# Expiry Date Restrictions Wong Fook Wai Auckland 7233 19/05/2016 Woolford Wright Tony Hamish Dunedin Christchurch 7391 29/03/2017 027 259 6146 7335 19/11/2015 0274 892 392 Yukich Ivan George Auckland 7137 26/04/2017 7386 c) demolition or maintenance containing friable asbestos 16/03/2016 Yukich Matè Ivan WORKSAFE NZ-24349281 Napier Phone 021 068 4109 Email matty_yukich@gmail.com 28
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