H - St Mark`s

March 26, 2015
St. Mark’s Episcopal
901 W . Emery St.
Dalton, GA 30720
From the Priest-in -Charge
Rev. Beth Royalty
651-253-5920 cell
706-229-0425 home
Dear Friends:
We stand at the cusp of the holiest week of the church year. Palm Sunday launches us into the grand and life-changing story
of the events of the last week of Jesus’ life. We have been preparing for the past forty days of Lent for this week: are we
ready? Are we ever ready? If Lenten disciplines have disappeared into the wear and tear of life, or if Lenten disciplines
never really got off the ground, you have before you the gift of this week to stop for a bit, give yourself a time of silence for
prayer and contemplation, read the story in Mark or any of the Gospels, try to carve out time every day to think about where
you are, where Jesus is, how things are going in that relationship with him?
We will have worship services on Sunday, Wednesday at 12:15, Maundy Thursday at 7pm, and Good Friday at 12:15pm and
7:00pm and Easter Sunday at 8am and 11am. Our Chancel Choir will lead the music at the Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday,
evening Good Friday service and the 11am Easter service. We added the evening service on Good Friday this year to allow
people another time to worship if they can’t make it to church during their workday.
Palm Sunday will offer two different ways of hearing the Passion Story from Mark. At the 8:00am service, several people
taking the parts will read the Passion, and they will stand in their places in the pews to take on the voices of the narrator,
Judas, Pilate, Peter, the Crowd, the Servant Girl and Jesus. At the 11:00am service, the Passion Gospel will weave throughout the entire liturgy, in effect allowing the story to become our liturgy and the liturgy to become our story. I hope that you
will be able to be at one of these services, or if you will be out of town for spring break, that you will be able to find a way to
mark this very special day. In my own spiritual journey I have discovered that the power of the Easter service is made all the
more joyful and meaningful when I have had the chance to attend at least one or two of the services during Holy Week. A
critical part of the Easter story, the cause of the Tomb that will be found empty, is Good Friday. We all have to go through
Good Friday to get to Easter; in the scripture story, but in our own lives as well.
I wish a blessed and rich Holy Week for you all. You will be in my prayers as I make my own journey from the Hosannafilled cries of the people welcoming Jesus into Jerusalem with palms waving, to the betrayal and trial and crucifixion, to his
death and to the waiting time of Holy Saturday, the day between his burial and the miracle that the women find when they
go to visit his tomb the next day.
In faith,
Christian Formation
Pre-Kindergarten through Fifth grade students meet each Sunday at 10:00 am.
Sixth grade students through Senior High meet each Sunday at 10:00 am.
EYC will NOT meet this Sunday at 5:00 pm.
The Youth Prayer Breakfast will meet on Fridays at Panera’s at 7:15 am.
“Keurig Chronicles”
Keurig Chronicles will meet in the library - all adults are invited and welcomed. During Lent all adults are
encouraged to engage in the “Give It Up!” study led by Rev. Beth.
It is traditional to build a flowered cross during the 11am Easter Service at St. Mark’s. This is a
reminder to bring a little bouquet or freshly picked flowers from your backyard to church on
Easter Sunday to help construct this symbol of Easter joy during the service. This is
especially meaningful for children, but all are invited to help decorate the cross this year.
Bring your favorite food to add to the sumptuous spread of mouth-watering dishes breakfast casserole, grits, pastries or a vegetable.
Can you help with a donation of some Easter Candy this year? We are
looking for gifts of wrapped Easter candy – NO CHOCOLATE (It melts) and NO LITTLE
HARD CANDIES (dangerous for tiny mouths). Please bring your donations of wrapped
candies, or plastic eggs filled with candies like Jelly Beans, to St. Mark’s – look for the bin
near the office desk. All of your donations will help children at St. Mark’s have a joy-
ous Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday, April 5!
This summer’s Vacation Bible School, brought to you by the good folks at St. Mark’s Episcopal
Church, will be Monday, June 15 – Friday, June 19 from 9am – 12noon each day. The theme will
be God’s Good Earth, and will be centered around exploring Creation, the outdoors, and all that
God has given us for our stewardship. We are looking for children and for volunteers! There will be
ways to help all week, and ways to help just for one day or one hour, so watch out for more information. Questions? Brenda Hoffmeyer (davw@catt.com), or Beth Royalty(beth@stmarksdalton.org).
(a way
to recognize folks for the little things that they do, or the big ‘above and beyond’ things that allow St. Mark’s to thrive)
***Thanks to the EYC for offering their culinary skills to the Sunday night Lenten group – if you want the best
tomato soup and grilled cheese, call the St. Mark’s EYC!
***Thanks to Chris Stearns and Cindy Michaels for orchestrating and facilitating an evening to start our Missions
Conversation – the Vestry and leaders of outreach past and present gathered at The Wren’s Nest this past Monday
night to remember and celebrate past outreach programs and begin to gather vision and ideas for what might be in
our future. This conversation will be enlarged to include the whole congregation on St. Mark’s Sunday, April 26.
***Thanks to Kathi Reisz for getting some much-needed weeding and clearing started, and to Andy Hull for laying
Thank you to all who have ever participated on Meals on Wheels. Retired and current volunteers, please contact David
Blaylock as he is compiling a history of Meals on Wheels in Dalton and would like to include all who have served in this
outreach. Please give him the years that you have served. David’s phone (706-278-0665) or davidb07@optilink.us .
Giving for March as of 3/22/2015:
Total giving for Mar.
M-T-D Budgeted:
Y-T-D Budgeted:
Y-T-D Received:
$ 72,190.60
$ 71,270.03
$ ( 920.57)
Thank you for your generosity and support
for the work of God here at St. Mark’s!
March 29 - April 4
Rose Renfroe
Erin Witt
Blake Bennett
Blane Bennet
Sandy Martin
Grady Lance
Georgia Bennett
Joann Williams
Cecile Deroache
Will Barron
Church Staff
Holy Week
Sunday, March 29 - Palm Sunday
8:00 am
Holy Eucharist: Rite I
10:00 am
Christian Formation
11:00 am
Holy Eucharist: Rite II
5:30 pm
Lenten Study
Monday, March 30
10:00 am
Quilting for Others
Wednesday, April 1
12:15 pm Healing/Holy Eucharist
5:00 pm
Canterbury Ringers
7:30 pm
Chancel Choir
Thursday, April 2 - Maundy Thursday
7:00 pm
Maundy Thursday Service
and Stripping of the Altar
Friday, April 3 - Good Friday
12:15 pm Good Friday Liturgy
7:00 pm Good Friday Liturgy
Sunday, April 5 - Easter Day
8:00 am
Holy Eucharist: Rite I
9:10 am
Easter Brunch
10:00 am
Easter Egg Hunt
11:00 am
Holy Eucharist: Rite II with Flowering of
the Cross, Brass Ensemble and Incense
The Rev. V. Beth Royalty
Director of Music/Organist
Adam Burnette
Financial Administrator
Angela Palmer
Parish Administrator
Nancy Bell
Preschool Director
Ellen Andersen
Sue Killcreas
Alicia Alderman - Sr. Warden
John Schwenn
Cindy Michaels - Jr. Warden
Chris Stearns
Christian Formation
Brenda Hoffmeyer
Tom Minor
Parish Life
Beth Haney Bennett
Pastoral Care
Alicia Alderman
Property & Grounds
Andrew Hull
Chris Stearns
Mike Andersen
John Schwenn
Intercessory Prayer List – March 2015
(Parishioners indicated by *)
*Alicia Alderman
Estrella Avila
Jim Lord
*Walter Arms
Lynn Bailey
Hannah Locke and family
*Ron Arnold
Teresa Bennett
Ann Lumpkin
*David Blackburn
Mae Blessing
Bridget McClure
*William Brammer
Angie Boykin
Vikki Brown McMillan
*Charlotte Bryant
Ava Bramlett
Debbie Melton
*Jon Burchfield
Margie Bruner
Esme Miller
*Patti Cole
Mary Bucy
Teresa Mitchell
*Carey Craig
Eva Burchfield
Martha Painter
*Ray Elrod
Mark Burnette
Suzie Palmer
*Melba Greene
Marita Cantrell
Tim Palmer
*Jake Harrison
Richard Carvajal
Mary Elizabeth Paris
*Martha Hoole
Judith Catalano
Susan Phinney
*Cathy & John Houser
Linda Chase
Cherie Riddle
*Josephine Jaconetti
Jeri Cotnam
Merilyn Ridley
*Bill Jenkins
Mindy Cox
Larry Roth
*Debbie Jones
Virginia Cross
Rona Sanderson
*Phyllis & Steve Jordan
Jaye Anne Creswell
John Sewell
*Judy Knight
Faith Cuaresma
Betty and Jim Smoot
*Kim Miller
Fran Ellis
Travis Stewart
*Alice Oosterhoudt
Evie Gadette
*Jennifer Phinney
Betty Garman
Bailey Underwood
*Norma Sanders
Janet Goodroe
Anna Lee Wagerman
*Bernadette Smith
Dinkins Grange
Justin Watson
*Katheryn Smith
Shirley Gribble
Nathaniel Wernsing
*Meg & Pete Smith
Chase Hair
David Whittle
*Pat and John Sportiello
Grayson Hall
John Wild
*Virginia Weaver
Edward C. Hoy
Denise Williams
*Andrew Wood
Howard Hull
Kathy Williams
Hyde Family
Hugh Wilson
Billy Jones
Joanne Yorgen
Jane Jones
Tian Justman
Katherine Kelehear
Jim Killcreas
Kocher Family
Peggy Krumlinde
Levonne Lewis