31850 VN March 2015:VN08 27/2/15 11:26 Page 1 Vision Now A National Eyecare Group Publication MARCH 2015 CET 18-20 APRIL 2015 BIRMINGHAM NEC T H E U K ’ S L E A D I N G E X H I B I T I O N A N D E D U C AT I O N A L C O N F E R E N C E D E D I C AT E D TO THE NEEDS OF THE OPTICAL PROFESSION SINCE 1978 R E G I S T R AT I O N N O W L I V E A N D E D U C AT I O N O P E N F O R B O O K I N G AT O P T R A FA I R . C O . U K OPTR AFAIR APRI L 1820TH BIRM INGH AM N STAN EC D K.4 0 continental-eyewear.co.uk Continental Eyewear MODEL WEARS X-EYES 148 Vision Now Vision Now magazine is published by Peekay Publishing Ltd for The PK National Eyecare Group Ltd, the UK’s largest purchasing group for independent opticians. CONTENTS News 2 5 7 9 11 13 NEG up for Optician Award iDay 15 programme unveiled New Younger lens availability LOCSU launches mentoring programme Marchon signs with luxury brand Developing thoughts FAQs from life on the road 15 Company profile Perfect fitting frames with Spec-Care 18 Product profile Diagnostics assistance with a difference 21 100% Optical Positive vibe at London show 22 Optrafair 2015 A bumper show in store 27 BCLA bulletin 32 “….losing vision is something that we as a country should be taking extremely seriously,” she wrote, adding: “Eyecare I think has slipped down the health agenda a lot further than it should have done. Those with the power to develop interventions, and agree the spread of health funding, should be taking a more serious review of the wider social and financial impact of sight loss.” Enter the UK Vision Strategy, which last month launched a non-party political campaign urging eye health and sight loss stakeholders to lobby their local parliamentary candidates in the lead up to the General Election (see News page 5). Supported by a lobbying guide for local organisations, the aim is to persuade politicians of all parties to adopt policies that will improve the delivery of eyecare in the community, and services to blind and partially sighted people, during the next parliament. Something special about sunglasses Suppliers' directory And if you do get involved, we’d love to hear how it went…. Vision Aid Overseas 30-year celebrations 30 As opposition parties wage political war ahead of May’s General Election, it might be worth investigating attitudes to eye health and general ophthalmic services within the wider context of the ‘healthcare’ agenda. Writing recently on www.politicshome.com, Royal College of Ophthalmologists president, Carrie MacEwen, warned that the cost of not addressing issues such as easier access to sight tests and increasing the public’s awareness of the benefits of getting their eyes tested, was significant and growing. A manifesto of six interventions that will “save sight and deliver a better quality of life for people living with sight loss” is being proposed and practitioners are being urged to lend their support to the movement. What better way to highlight your commitment to improving local eye health and sight loss services within your local area as a leading independent practice than, for example, to invite your local MP down for an eye examination and photo opportunity? BCLA urges ECPs to ‘come together’ 29 Comment Style spotlight EDITOR Nicky Collinson BA (Hons) nicola.collinson@nationaleyecare.co.uk EDITORIAL PA Sharon Hicks s.hicks@nationaleyecare.co.uk FASHION EDITOR Joan Grady jgparischats@wanadoo.fr BUSINESS EDITOR Philip Mullins FBDO p.mullins@nationaleyecare.co.uk DESIGNER Rosslyn Argent PUBLISHER Michael C Wheeler BA (Hons) FCOptom DipCLP FSMC FAAO The PK National Eyecare Group Limited Managing Director: Michael Daunt Clermont House, Cranbrook, Kent, TN17 3DN Tel: 01580 713698 Fax: 01580 713450 P&P Litho Ltd Unit 4, Mount Road Ind. Estate, Mount Road, Feltham, Middlesex, TW13 6AR Tel: 020 8893 3900 E-mail: info@pplitho.co.uk Yours, Nicky Collinson @eyestories Editor Vision Now The Editor welcomes letters, articles and other contributions for publication in the magazine and reserves the right to amend them. Any such contribution, whether it bears the author’s name, initials or pseudonym, is accepted on the understanding that its author is responsible for the opinions expressed in it and that its publication does not imply that such opinions are those of The PK National Eyecare Group Ltd. Articles submitted for publication should be original, unpublished work and are accepted on the basis that they will not be published in any other journal. Acceptance of material for publication is not a guarantee that it will be included in any particular issue. Copyright © 2015 for Peekay Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying and recording, without the written permission of the publishers. Such written permission should also be obtained before any part of this publication is stored in a retrieval system of any nature. 2 NEWS NEWS 1 National Eyecare Group The National Eyecare Group (NEG) has been shortlisted for the Optical Supplier of the Year Award at the forthcoming Optician Awards, to be held at the Hilton Metropole Birmingham on Saturday 18 April. Phil Mullins, business development director, said: “All of us at NEG are honoured to have been shortlisted for such a prestigious award, and we’d like to thank everyone for their kind words of support since the shortlist was announced. Above all, we would like to thank our members, without whom we would not be the company we are today. We hope that many of our members and preferred suppliers will be able to attend the awards themselves, and help support the NEG a contender for national award nominees in all of the categories – and let’s hope we have something to celebrate!” 2 De Rigo Fashion and lifestyle brand Police has launched its new optical collection with global brand ambassador, Brazilian footballer Neymar Jr, modelling for the renowned photographer Rankin. Neymar Jr features in the newly released campaign with the famous Mexican model, Daniela De Jesus. For 2015, Police presents a collection of optical styles that combine classic silhouettes with a modern edge. Minimalism, a feather light weight and design are the three key ideas of the new Police collection in which volumes are reduced and materials, such as PEI resin, are made increasingly comfortable. 3 AIO Due to rapidly expanding membership, the Association for Independent Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians (AIO) has formed a new administration team headed up by Mike Ockenden. With his experience in banking, and having dealt with the political agendas of professional groups in a number of sectors, Ockenden was seen as “the perfect choice” to advise the AIO council on ways to promote and re-establish a strong independent sector, including promoting to the public an Independents’ Code of Practice that the AIO hopes will become the ‘gold standard’ of care for patients. AIO chairman, Peter Warren, said: “AIO is so lucky to have Mike and his team aboard and we look forward to seeing the fortunes of independents improve and the sector grow under his guidance.” * A recent AIO poll of students at Cardiff University found that 75 per cent of qualifying optometrists want to work in the independent sector. More than 100 students were asked where their career ambitions lay and only a quarter saw their future with multiples. 4 mark'ennovy To support its considerable investment in Europe, mark’ennovy Personalised Care has appointed Gary Daniels as its new UK and Ireland sales director. George Sarrouf, chairman and CEO, said: “The addition of Gary Daniels with his breadth of knowledge and experience in the contact lens industry constitutes another important piece of the commitment that mark’ennovy has to strengthen the depth and quality of the sales and marketing team.” Gary Daniels Gary added: “I am thrilled at being a part of such a great business that places customer service, quality and innovation at the forefront of its core principles. As a company that is highly regarded by its customers in providing premium spherical, multifocal and toric contact lenses in a broad range of parameters and innovative materials, we are well placed for significant growth now and in the future.” 5 New campaign featuring Neymar Jr CooperVision CooperVision has extended the minus powers of its Biofinity multifocal monthly lens in 0.50D steps to -10.00D from the original -8.00D. The new powers join the existing parameter range to cover from +6.00D to -10.00D, with four Add powers, in both D and N lens designs. Combining key elements from Biofinity’s third-generation material with CooperVision’s Balanced Progressive Technology, the design contains multiple zones of vision correction in both lenses, allowing for an individualised fitting for each wearer and eye. Rob Healey, head of reusable products – Europe, at CooperVision said: “This latest parameter extension further strengthens CooperVision’s position as experts in the multifocal contact lens market, as well as demonstrating our dedication to providing eyecare practitioners with the parameters they need to fit the majority of their presbyopic patient base.” Mod. BB6016, C2 & B6013, C1 VISIT US AT OPTRAFAIR STAND Q40 eyespace-eyewear.co.uk 01562 701111 @eyespace_1 /eyespace E Exclusive xclusive of offer fer EG mem bers fo forr N NEG members ALCON ALCON® C CONTACT ONTACT LLENS ENS C CARE ARE BUY B UY 30 30 UNITS UNITS AN AND DG GET ET 6 U UNITS NITS FREE FREE PLUS PLUS 12 12 STARTER STAR A TER K KITS ITS V Valid alid 2nd 2nd February Februar y 2 2015 015 - 3 31st 1st M March arch 2 2015 015 P Product roduc t OPTI-FREE O PTI-FREE® PureMoist P ureMoist® OPTI-FREE O PTI-FREE® RepleniSH Re pleniSH® AOSEPT PLUS AO SEPT® PLUS with with H HydraGlyde ydraGlyde® Unit Size U nit Si ze 3 00ml 300ml 3 00ml 300ml 3 300ml 00ml per unit) unit) Trade T rade Price Price ((per £4.11 £4.11 £3.82 £3.82 £ £6.99 6.99 FFER KO FREE STOCK OFFER FR EE S TOCK nits 6u units nits 6u units 6u units nits KITS FREE FREE STARTER STARTER KITS 12 x 6 0 ml O 12 60ml OPTI-FREE PTI-FREE® PureMoist P ureMoist® 12 12 x 6 60ml 0 ml O OPTI-FREE PTI-FREE® RepleniSH Re pleniSH® 12 12 x 90ml 90ml AOSEPT AOSEPT® PLUS PLUS 1-3 3 OPTI-FREE Disinfec ting Solution Solution – M oisture ffrom rom morning morning till till n ight1OP TI-FREE® PureMoist PureMoist® M Multi-Purpose ulti-Purpose Disinfecting Moisture night • Co Contains HydraGlyde Moisture oisture Matrix Matrix that le n s e s that provides provides 16 16 hours hours of of lens lens moisture moisture keeping keeping lenses ntains H ydraGlyde® M 1,4 or tthe he e entire ntire d day, ay, w with ith gold gold sstandard tandard biocompatible biocompatible disinfection. disinfec tion.1,4 ccomfortable omfor table ffor 5,6 6 sinfecting S olution – e OP TI-FREE® Re OPTI-FREE RepleniSH pleniSH® M Multi-Purpose ulti-Purpose Di Disinfecting Solution enhanced nhanced ccomfort omfort a and nd ffresh resh llens ens ffeel eel5, oisture o vernight a Contains TearGlyde earGlyde® w which hich rrestores estores m moisture overnight and ens surface sur face • Co ntains T nd rejuvenates rejuvenates tthe he ccontact ontac t llens 2,7,8 2,7,8 lens feeling. feeling. ffor or a fresh fresh lens LUS with with HydraGlyde HydraGlyde® – Peroxide AOSEPT AOSEPT® P PLUS Peroxide ccleaning leaning and and disinfection disinfec tion solution solution ® he ccombination ombination o r i p le a c tion ccleaning Moisture oisture Matrix Matrix • T The off ttriple action leaning a and nd tthe he H HydraGlyde ydraGlyde M 10 en enables ables comfortable comfor table ccontact ontac t llens ens w wear entire day. day.9,9,10 ear tthroughout hroughout the the entire P Please lease call call Alcon Alcon® V Vision ision C Care are C Customer ustomer S Services er vices on on 0371 0371 376 376 0017 0017 or or contact contac t your your A Alcon lcon® Business evelopment Ma nager. Business D Development Manager. References: 1. Campbell R et al. Clinical benefits of a new multi-purpose disinfecting solution in silicone hydrogel and soft contact lens users. Eye & Contact Lens 2012:38(2); 93-101. 2. Corbin GS. A multicenter investigation of OPTI-FREE Replenish multi-purpose disinfecting solution impact on soft contact lens patient comfort. Clinical Ophthalmology December 2010:4; 47-57. 3. Santos L. Lens material and formulation of multipurpose solutions affects contact lens disinfection. Contact Lens & Anterior Eye 34 (2011); 179-182. 4. Lally J, Ketelson H, Borazjani R et al. A new lens care solution provides moisture and comfort with today’s contact lenses. Optician 4/1/2011, Vol 241 Issue 6296, 42-46. 5. Lipener C. A randomized clinical comparison of OPTI-FREE Express and ReNu MultiPLUS multipurpose lens care solution. 6. Stiegemeier MJ et al. Clinical performance of ‘no rub’ multi-purpose solutions. 7. OPTI-FREE PPureMoist, ureMoist, OPTI-FREE R RepleniSH epleniSH and OPTI-FREE Expr Express ess package. 8. Meadows D. et al Clinical Ex Vivo W Wettability ettability of TTraditional raditional and Silicone Hydr Hydrogel ogel Soft Contact LLenses. enses. PPoster oster pr presented esented at BCLA; May 2006 Birmingham UK 9. Alcon® data on file 2009. 10. PPaugh, augh, JR. Ocular rresponse esponse to Hydr Hydrogen ogen PPeroxide. eroxide. American Journal of Optometry Vol 65 No. 2, 91-98. & Physiological Optics 1988, Vol VC93002693Q02015-10854 © 2015 Novartis Novartis AG. OPTI-FREE, PureMoist, PureMoist, the OPTI-FREE PPureMoist ureMoist logo, HydraGlyde, AOSEPT, AOSEPT, the AOSEPT PL PLUS US logo, Alcon and the Alcon logo ar aree trademarks of Novar Novartis tis AG. NEWS 6 Independents Day Proven Track Record (PTR) has released details for the 10th anniversary of its Independents Day (i-Day) and Night (i-Night) events to be held this year on Sunday 5 and Monday 6 July. The annual business symposium, networking dinner and exhibition, dedicated to those who practise in the independent sector, will once again be held at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole. PTR director, David Goad, commented: “With our US keynote speaker secured, we are currently finalising the programme. This year will see the welcome return of our track for non-professional members of the team, as well a continuation of last year’s highly successful debut for the Business Guru one-on-one sessions.” The free-to-attend iShow exhibition opens at Sunday lunchtime and runs all day Monday, and there’ll be a free Sunday session open to all independents. The theme of this year’s i-Day is ‘Niches for riches: supplementary services for happy patients and healthy profits’. PTR director, Nick Atkins, added: “To celebrate our 10th anniversary meeting, i-Day 2015 will be packed with more high-quality business content than ever before. This year the focus will be on additional products and services that independents can offer their patients, and showing how carving out these so-called niches can increase patient satisfaction and grow practice profits.” Visit www.independentsday.co.uk 7 Continental Eyewear A new model from the X-eyes collection Continental Eyewear debuted 10 new X-eyes frames at 100% Optical last month. “We were delighted to showcase in our busy stand our superb new designs, which stay faithful to the X-eyes ethos of being different but very wearable,” said Neal Grimason, Continental’s sales and marketing director. “Metals, plastics and combinations of both feature in the latest models, together with vibrant colours which include lime greens and oranges.” The company also showcases its 2015 Jaeger sunglass collection with six new releases in the ophthalmic range and a new frame display unit available for either sunglasses or ophthalmic frames together with other POS material. 8 Clearlab Clearlab’s range of colour contact lenses, Clearcolor and Clearcolor 1-day, can now be ordered from Mid-Optic. “Clearlab is a brand that is growing quickly all over Europe and I am happy that even more opticians will have access to our colour lenses in the UK thanks to our partnership with MidOptic,” said Dominique Gastaldi, sales manager at Clearlab. Clearcolor 1day is a hioxifilcon A daily contact lens with a 58 per cent water content, offering patients “an outstanding level of comfort all day long”. Clearlab uses Sandwich Technology to provide patients with the best experience possible, as the circle line does not come into contact with the eye. New partnership for coloured lens sales Available up to -10.00D, Clearcolor 1-day comes in packs of 10 and 30 lenses in Grey, Blue, Green, Black and Brown. Telephone 01332 295001 or visit www.midoptic.com 9 UK Vision Strategy UK Vision Strategy partners are urging eye health and sight loss stakeholders to lobby their local parliamentary candidates in the lead up to the 2015 General Election. Local organisations will be supported with the UK Vision Strategy lobbying guide, which accompanies the General Election Manifesto. The campaign is non-party political, aiming to persuade politicians of all parties to adopt policies that will improve the delivery of eyecare in the community and services to blind and partially sighted people during the next parliament. Launching the General Election Manifesto Katherine Raven, UK Vision Strategy senior manager, said: “Almost two million adults, children and young people in the UK live with a serious sight problem but without decisive action this is set to double by 2050. We call on all eye health and sight loss stakeholders to lobby their candidates to ensure prominence for eye health and sight loss in the next parliament.” Read the lobbying guide and manifesto and find out how to support the campaign at www.ukvisionstrategy.org.uk 10 Shamir Shamir has introduced five new UV lens coatings based on its Shamir Glacier technology. Shamir Glacier Plus UV is scratch-resistant, water and oil resistant; its anti-static properties repel dust while its anti-reflective properties eliminate distracting glare. It also blocks both incoming and rear surface reflected rays. Shamir Glacier Achromatic UV includes all the properties of Shamir Glacier Plus UV, with a unique difference – it’s clear. Shamir Glacier Blue-Shield UV provides double-sided UV protection, while deflecting fives time more blue light than any existing conventional lens coating, according to Shamir. Shamir Glacier Sun UV for sunglass lenses offers all the properties of the Glacier line, whilst ensuring the chosen lens tint remains unchanged and protected from fading. Finally, Shamir Glacier Anti-Fog consists of different coatings on the front and rear surfaces of the lens, especially for wraparound sports frames. The rear surface layer has a unique anti-fog feature that prevents fogging from heat trapped behind the lens during strenuous activity. 5 EXPERIENCE TRUE COMFORT GENTLY CURVED TEMPLES FINEST TITANIUM MIX DESIGNED FOR THE PERFECT FIT ADAPTIVE NOSE PADS NEWS 11 Younger Optics Providing an introduction to the evening will be Julian Jackson, senior advisor to Fight for Sight, the eye research charity, which since 2007 has funded a number of Professor Daniels’ projects into developing stem cell therapy as an alternative to corneal transplants. BCLA members are invited to register online at www.bcla.org.uk (under Events). The evening starts at 6.30pm with welcome drinks, with the presentations running from 7-8pm. Each member may bring one non-member guest to the meeting. 14 Partial in-car activation with Transitions XTRActive Brown From 15 March, Younger Optics’ Transitions XTRActive Brown in semifinished SV 1.5, Trilogy, Polycarbonate, 1.6 (MR-8) and 1.67 (MR-10) will be available from all privately owned labs. “Younger Optics was the first to market with another Transitions products following the introduction of Signature in 2013 and XTRActive Grey in 2014,” said Julian Wiles of Younger. “Transitions XTRActive Brown lenses darken to an attractive dark chocolate brown colour, particularly in hot weather,” he continued, “while XTRActive technology is activated by a specific range of visible light allowing lenses to partially activate in the car, significantly improving wearer comfort and aesthetic appeal.” 12 Opticians can flourish by managing and monitoring hospital patients in a community setting, believes Heidelberg Engineering’s UK business leaders. “You only have to look at the number of pop-up clinics around the country – in a wide range of specialties – to see that some healthcare trusts are challenged with the workload,” said Kenny Boyle, UK key accounts manager. “We are urging optometrists to make contact with their local ophthalmology departments to find out what they can provide in terms of community services, to reduce the strain on over-burdened clinics.” International Eyewear A host of new models in International Eyewear’s collections are now available, including updates on the wellknown TITANflex, Brendel and Humphrey’s collections. More than 30 new styles have been launched, in multiple colour options and various designs. Offering a pick and mix of eye-catching frames, the Humphrey’s line utilises a diversity of components, showcasing colourful accents and building upon its European heritage. Humphrey’s has witnessed a brand revamp with new, bright and visually engaging point-of-sale for the practice. Humphrey’s model 583061 (pictured ) is a new men’s matt finish acetate boasting laminated contrast colouring on Eye-catching new styles the tips and lug, and available in Transparent Grey (30) and Transparent Blue (70). Tosh Vadhia and Kenny Boyle The soon-to-be-released upgrade for the Spectralis OCT platform, Heyex Pacs (Heidelberg Eye Explorer), is an image management and device integration software system, which facilitates this shared care approach. This one central application – for Heidelberg Engineering and other technologies – provides the facility to access data and images and to review and compare scans. “Our new software launch follows the acquisition by Heidelberg Engineering last year of a specialist technology company which has provided data management services – mainly in the field of radiology – for 20 years,” said Tosh Vadhia, national sales manager. “Secure, reliable and fast, it is a scalable system designed to meet the individual needs of independent and multicentre clinics – matching the Heidelberg Engineering ethos of providing a flexible, expandable business platform,” he said. 15 13 Heidelberg Engineering British Contact Lens Association Professor Julie Daniels Corneal stem cell therapy and tissue engineering is the subject of the next evening meeting of the British Contact Lens Association (BCLA) on 30 March at the Royal College of Physicians, London. Julie Daniels, Professor of Regenerative Medicine and Cellular Therapy at the Institute of Ophthalmology UCL Centre for Stem Cells and Degenerative Medicine, will present: ‘Stem cell therapy and tissue engineering in the cornea: the aims, challenges and the options’, which is approved for one CET point. Johnson & Johnson Vision Care Johnson & Johnson Vision Care has launched a new consumer facing advertising campaign in the UK and Ireland to support the launch of 1-Day Acuvue Define. The campaign includes new TV and online advertising plus a TV sponsorship partnership with a major entertainment channel. In addition, for the first time, the company aims to utilise influential bloggers. The adverts send consumers to the Acuvue website for further information and details of how to apply for a free trial. Display material is available from Acuvue account managers, to act as a signpost to help inform the patient, triggering them to come into practice and ask for a trial. Online training and educational materials are available at www.jnjvisioncare.co.uk * With its commitment to expanding its Acuvue Oasys family, which now provides coverage for up to 99 per cent of astigmatic and spherical patients, Johnson & Johnson Vision Care is discontinuing production of Acuvue Advance contact lenses. 7 NEWS 16 internet,” said lens product manager, Debbie Bathgate. “It’s no longer enough to just supply the same lenses the consumer has always had – they can do that themselves online. Dunelm Optical To celebrate the launch of its 2015 optical and sun collections, Dunelm Optical is offering free postage and packaging for allin glazed prescription frames for the first time in its 46-year history. The new offer, which comes with an added value £2 discount off the frame, has been created following feedback from opticians. MD Peter Beaumont said: “We’ve listened to our opticians who objected to paying for postage, and responded with this new incentive. The convenience of ordering a frame and prescription from one place, free of charge and with a bonus discount, is great for opticians and takes away any previous barriers to ordering.” “To stand out as a specialist you need to talk about the very best solutions available to each customer, every time,” continued Debbie. “You can do that by making the most of available consulting tools, either electronic and interactive – via Rodenstock Impression Consulting for PC or Virtual Consulting app for iPad – or more traditional tactile products such as Rodenstock Competence Centre, to effectively demonstrate the benefits of superior products.” Rodenstock’s range of consulting tools includes several apps to help illustrate more personalised, innovative and interactive benefits of Rodenstock’s products. The apps are available for iPad with similar programs for the PC user. 19 Paul Costelleo collection updated * Dunelm has updated its Paul Costelloe optical collection with 17 new styles offering a mix of modern metals, acetates and different materials like wood and carbon fibre for men and women. All of Costelloe’s signature traits are present – classic shapes, contemporary lines and subtle detail. 17 Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers The Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers (WCSM) achieved a first by holding a Moot at 100% Optical last month. According to the WCSM, “Moots demonstrate the Company’s unique place in optics as a meeting point for the exchange of ideas in an atmosphere of good fellowship”. This Moot, in the form of Any Questions Meets Question Time, featured a panel chaired by WCSM Master, Dr Christine Tomkins, that included: Professor David Gartry, honorary professor in the Faculty of Vision Sciences at City University; Angus Bankes, chief information officer at internate company Skimlinks; General Optical Council chair, Gareth Hadley; and Debbie Gigg, WCSM training director. The discussion covered the regulation of online sight tests from overseas through to the relevance of Livery Companies in the 21st century. Menrad Optics Tyron Dawkins has moved across from Oakley UK to join Menrad Optics as its new Revo brand manager. Tyron said: “I’m delighted to be a part of the Menrad team and am hugely excited about the UK and Ireland re-launch of the Revo brand. I’ve had a close affinity with Revo for many years as a fan and dispensing manager.” Chris Beal, UK and Ireland managing director, added: “We are pleased to welcome Ty to the Menrad family and he will be a great addition to our team. Ty brings with him a wealth of experience in the active lifestyle eyewear market and is the ideal person to be at the forefront of our Revo brand re-launch. This is another key step in the expansion and growth of Menrad Optics.” 18 Rodenstock Cutting-edge technology is playing an increasingly important role in helping practitioners consult effectively with customers, believes Rodenstock. “Opticians are recognising that they need to really make themselves stand out in the optical market against tough opposition from the High Street and Discussing Moot issues of the day 20 LOCSU LOCSU (the Local Optical Committee Support Unit) is launching a new, expert-accredited coaching and mentoring programme for the optical sector aimed primarily at LOC chairs and LOC Company clinical governance and performance leads. Gill Brabner, LOCSU learning and development consultant, said: “There is no better type of learning than from someone who knows the ropes and is in a position to pass those skills on to those starting out on the leadership ladder. That insight is gold dust. LOC officers and clinical leads already perform important roles leading the sector and maintaining the governance of services; this programme will help them develop personally and professionally,” added Gill. Harnessing technology in lens dispensing The six-month course, accredited by the Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM), consists of online modules with two contact days. It leads to a Level 5 Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring. The course, which is fully funded by LOCSU, will run twice a year with start dates in May and November 2015. If you are interested in participating or want more information, email info@locsu.co.uk and identify your preferred starting date. 9 Exclusive order offers available - Place your order before the end of march 2015 and receive a £30 high street voucher. NEWS 21 Marchon Marchon Eyewear and MCM (Modern Creation München), a global manufacturer of luxury leather goods, apparel and footwear, have announced an exclusive global licensing agreement that will grant Marchon the rights to manufacture and distribute the sun and ophthalmic collections under the MCM brand. The first deliveries launch this month with a ‘Made in Italy’ sunwear capsule collection, available exclusively across the MCM worldwide boutique network. The MCM eyewear collection will launch in September in Asia, with a global rollout planned for January 2016. Claudio Gottardi, Marchon Eyewear president and CEO, commented: “This is an exciting partnership that perfectly fits with Marchon’s strategy to extend the range of young and dynamic luxury brands in our global portfolio, leveraging our Italy manufacturing, talent and logistics.” Lens campaign takes to TV features a dimmer switch, which adjusts light depending on the conditions the wearer is experiencing, thereby explaining the product’s benefits. In testing with consumers, the sponsoring was shown to significantly boost Transitions’ brand image and intent to purchase. “This is an opportunity for opticians and it will greatly facilitate their recommendation to a wider audience of spectacle wearers,” said the company. “When it comes to prescription lenses, professional recommendation is crucial and more than 97 per cent of their patients are following advice given in practices.” 24 Federation of Manufacturing Opticians Plano sunglasses and clip-ons are subject to a new BSI standard from 1 March – in a move to globalise regulations the Federation of Manufacturing Opticians (FMO) has suggested. BS EN ISO 12312-1 was introduced last year with the understanding that the previous standard EN 1836 could run concurrently for another 12 months, with this transition period expiring at the end of February. Luxury brand agreement 22 Vision UK 2015 The seventh annual Vision UK conference will be held on 18 June at Central Hall Westminster in London. Titled ‘Working together to deliver the UK Vision Strategy’, Vision UK will feature a new format with delegates able to choose from one of five workshop streams, focused on delivering aspects of the UK Vision Strategy. Katherine Raven, UK Vision Strategy senior manager, said: “This year’s event will provide everyone working within the eye health, sight loss and related sectors with a tailored conference experience, with a full day of relevant and engaging content.” Early bird rates are available before 17 April. Visit www.visionuk.org.uk * Following the launch of the UK Vision Strategy’s Commissioning for Effectiveness and Efficiency (CEE) guidance in November 2014, eye health stakeholders are being invited to offer their feedback via a short online survey. The results will inform the evaluation of the CEE project outputs and inform future work to support effective planning and provision of local eyecare services in England. All survey respondents will have the opportunity to enter a prize draw to win a free place at Vision UK 2015. Visit https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/CEEGuidance 23 Transitions Optical Transitions Optical is continuing with its TV advertising campaign this year, sponsoring ITV travel documentaries such as More Tales From Northumberland with Robson Green. The sponsoring screen segment, shown at the opening and closing of the programme and at the break, “This is really a review and amalgamation of current international standards, highlighting the requirements for sunglass construction, materials used, robustness and impact resistance, as well as plano lens transmittance characteristics, and refractive power,” explained Eric Boinard, the FMO Standards Panel expert on sunglasses. “One of the most significant changes is the degree of information to be supplied with the sunglasses,” continued Eric, who is also Global R&D Group Leader for Polaroid Eyewear. “This includes not only the name of the manufacturer, but also its address as well as a series of warnings when deemed appropriate.” 25 General Optical Council The General Optical Council (GOC) has agreed to consult on standards of practice for optometrists and dispensing opticians from March to May 2015. All registrants will have the chance to comment on the draft standards through an online survey and the GOC will also discuss the standards with groups of registrants and groups of members of the public. The final version of the new standards will replace the GOC’s current code of conduct for individual registrants. The GOC will also be consulting on new standards for students. GOC director of strategy, Alistair Bridge, said: “The new standards of practice are designed to be clearer and easier to apply and therefore to promote higher standards across the optical professions. We will be carrying out an extensive consultation to make sure that the new standards reflect the views of both registrants and the public.” * The GOC recently held its first stakeholder steering group meeting as part of its new illegal practice strategy. The group, chaired by Dr Rob Hogan, will develop a code of practice for online contact lens suppliers and advise on options for implementation. The GOC intends to launch a consultation on a draft code of practice in June 2015 and to implement the code by the end of the year. 11 • Speak to us about our latest advanced glazing machine the MEI Bi Sphera XDD with TBA • Come and review our hugely successful Vision, Fine Focus, SAII and new for Optrafair the new Exceed Digital Progressive • Have a fresh coffee prepaired by our very own Barrista Join in n us on stand and n N20 WIN an iPAD in our FREE PRIZE DRAW and get to o know one of the industry’s leading independent laboratories... We look forward to showing you, the future on lens production in the UK. www.lenstec.co.uk PRACTICE MATTERS Developing thoughts ●●●● FAQs from life on the road IN DEVELOPING THOUGHTS THIS MONTH, NEG’S SANDI CHARLESWORTH SHARES HER ANSWERS TO THE QUESTIONS SHE HEARS MOST FREQUENTLY WHILST ‘ON THE ROAD’ VISITING INDEPENDENT PRACTICES ACROSS THE UK Sandi Charlesworth In my role as NEG business development manager I spend a lot of time travelling the UK via planes (Northern Ireland), trains (central London) and automobiles (everywhere else). I visit potential, new and existing members to answer queries, keep people up-to-date and take feedback about what members want. So I thought it might be useful to give members an idea of the things people ask, and share the answers here. Q. Would you like a tea/coffee? A. Normally, yes please. Partly as a thank you for all the tea I have drunk, we will have a barista on our joint Optrafair stand with Lenstec and Seiko next month. So come and talk to us about our products and services and have a decent cuppa for free – on me this time! Q. What is an average NEG member practice like? A. There is no such thing as an ‘average’ NEG member practice. We have practices that test anything from a couple of half days per week to up to four clinics, six days a week. Some are shared premises with dentists, audiologists, homeopaths, jewellers, chemists, coffee shops or chiropodists. Locations range from High Street to hospital via shopping mall, industrial estate, petrol station forecourt and garden centre. Q. Which suppliers should I put through NEG? A. It depends on how you want to use us. Some practices put all their suppliers through us, even if they are not on our Preferred Supplier List. This is because they save money on most of their suppliers, and like having one invoice per month when it comes to doing their accounts and VAT returns. They pay five per cent on the suppliers who aren’t on our list, but they are still saving money overall on their goods, and are also saving on bookkeeper/accountants’ fees. They also tend to hit all their holiday targets, so they can give holidays to staff. A few members only put through suppliers that actively save them money, but the majority put through anything that won’t cost them extra. Q. Do you know anyone who wants to buy/sell a practice? A. This is a common question, along with “Do you know anyone looking for a job?” As I get asked this so often, we have set up a Business Listings section on our website. Anyone looking to buy or sell a practice, or who wants a new job/employee, can advertise here. Q. I don’t want holidays (!) - can we have another incentive scheme? A. I have been asked this a few times, mainly by practices that hit their holiday targets every year and don’t like returning to same places. I also get asked this by very small practices, which struggle to hit their targets. In response, we have launched the Monthly Wine Prize Draw, which encourages increased spend levels through the Group. The owners of NEG have two main shared interests outside of the business – good wine and classic cars. Unfortunately, we couldn’t afford to give away a classic car, so wine was the obvious choice. Full details can be found on our website. Q. How else can NEG make my life easier? A. We work with companies who offer services to help practices grow and run smoothly. These include, firstly, the Optical Payment Services (OPS), which offers an easy-to-use, paperless way of collecting monthly Direct Debit payments from your patients. This can help you manage your cashflow and increase patient loyalty. Secondly, the Specs Network website attracts members of the public and directs them to their local listed practice, i.e. you. Your subscription can be paid by Seiko Optical or Lenstec if you hit your set spend targets. Additionally, Practice Building is a marketing specialist, which can help you grow your business and offers NEG members a reduced fee. Q. How can I make my practice/website stand out from the rest? A. Echo – the patient education system from Eyemaginations – can be used at all points of contact with the patient in the practice, and is designed to educate your patients about all things optical. It is also designed to encourage patients’ interest in the great many product options available, therefore increasing spend. NEG is the exclusive supplier of Echo in the UK. Q. Can we have exclusive brands, so patients can’t buy the same products from multiples/internet sellers? A. This is another common question. We have recently added Clearlab to our Preferred Supplier List as the company (like Sauflon) only supplies contact lenses to opticians. We have also negotiated the UK-exclusive supply of Thomsen frames from Academy Eyewear. This is a Danish brand, which now includes acetate as well as lightweight metal frames and is only available to NEG members in the UK. Q. What’s the catch? A. This question comes from potential members, and the answer is simply: there isn’t one! A lot of people think we are hiding something, as there are no joining or monthly membership fees; suppliers benefit from guaranteed, prompt payment and NEG receives a small percentage of the value of all orders either from the suppliers themselves, or as the practice’s management fee. The practice benefits from better pricing, a single invoice and incentives like the annual conference, monthly magazines and holiday/wine incentives. It really is a win-win-win relationship. Q. Why don’t all independent opticians join? A. Good question. If you know any independent practitioners who aren’t members, please suggest they get in touch with me on 07794096647 or email s.charlesworth@nationaleyecare.co.uk or better yet, visit us at Optrafair on Stand N20. And don’t forget – coffees are on us! 13 specsnetwork.co.uk Supporting the Independent Optician • • • • • • • • National advertising and PR campaigns Framed – a glossy fashion magazine Professional website and e-mail marketing Unique opticians locator and practice videos Reach people through online search engines Reach people through competitions Reach people through social media Your team of industry experts For more information, including a copy of the latest marketing activity report, please e-mail info@specsnetwork.co.uk COMPANY PROFILE Perfect fitting frames with SPEC-CARE IT’S OFTEN EASY TO OVERLOOK THE ADVANTAGES A SMALL SUPPLIER CAN OFFER YOUR BUSINESS… Norville’s HT Gauge Spec-Care has been developed by Rob Barrow to offer a personal service, professional advice and innovation in the repairs and modifications sector. The business is a reflection of Rob’s willingness to go the extra mile and, with the launch of ‘Perfect Fitting Frames’, Rob has taken inspiration directly from Frank Norville and both are set to provide the optical professional with new and unique dispensing tools. Going the extra mile Rob explains: “Every now and then I am presented with frame fit problems that take us beyond our normal scope of services. The immediate decision is whether undertaking the task is possible, profitable and beneficial to the business. “As a recent case study, we can consider a paediatric fitting for a subject with microtia, a congenital condition in which the ear does not develop properly. The simplest solution would be to fit a headband; however, in the absence of an ear canal, hearing loss would require an aid to be fitted, also by a head band. The parameters set were: 1) Not to involve an additional headband; 2) Frame to appear to fit in a regular manner when viewed from the front; and 3) Due to the subject’s age, regular frame changes needed to be made on account of growth, so the finished work must be cost sensitive to fall within the NHS voucher system. working solution is to split the side into two and have one fitting just above the point that the ear would be formed, and the second lower fitting to sit on a suitable point above the upper jaw.” Rob continues: “Last year Frank Norville and I discussed the subject of frame fitting and how tools and techniques could be made more widely known. Simple details that can create an instantly more caring approach to dispensing, for instance, correct trimming of sides to reduce the need for excessive drop length and bridge modifications to give a greater frame choice to those clients with small bridges or irregular fitting characteristics. “From that meeting ‘Perfect fitting frames’ was born and our website was updated to show many of the modifications that will prove most useful in regular dispensing. Norville Optical launched the HT Gauge, a very clever tool for simultaneously measuring a subject’s head width and temple length in a matter of seconds,” Rob adds. Reigniting a lost passion Frank Norville believes that it is imperative that opticians “reignite their lost passion for spectacle frame fitting”. He says: “Where are today’s Paul Fairbanks and L.S. Sasisini’s? No client should ever leave a registered opticians premises with a poorly fitted spectacle frame; sides too short, too long, poorly modified to a hideous 50mm drop, we’ve seen all this and more. There is nothing worse than the public vision of a television presenting spectacle wearer who keeps pushing their frames back from slipping off their nose. “If the skills in practice don’t exist to adjust a spectacle frame then ask your Rx house to do it for you; ask Rob Barrow at Spec-Care. Opticians should be thankful such adaptive skills as displayed by the likes of Spec-Care are still available to call upon,” adds Frank. Rob continues: “This year is also going to be big year for Spec-Care as I am very happy to have been invited to demonstrate frame fit tools on the Norville stand at Optrafair 2015. We will be celebrating our 30th year of trading so I am hoping to see many familiar faces as well as many new ones to discuss frame fit tools and services. Microtia modifications “The economics are such that it is not possible to design, produce and supply such a piece and maintain a structured profitability, however, we can use the project to develop our own skills and use that experience to offer new levels of service, evolving the capabilities of the business. Our “We always welcome calls to discuss our services and setting up an account is easy. Just download the order sheet from our website and attach a company letterhead to the order. All repair and modification invoices have a 10 per cent discount and we pay the management fee too,” concludes Rob. Visit www.speccareservices.co.uk today. 15 Happy patients Happy pat a ients m make ake loyal loyyal patients. patients. How happy ar aree ccontact ontact lens wearers? wearers? W Wee all all w want ant p patients atients tto o en enjoy joy tthe he b best es t p possible ossible llens-wearing ens-wearing ex experience. perience. B But ut o often ften w what hat tthey hey ssay ay aand nd what what tthey hey ffeel eel ccan an b bee quite quite different. different. W hen asked, asked, 83% say they’re they’re happy happy When 83% of of monthly monthly wearers wearers say 1 nd yet yet 68% 68% would would like like better better comfort. comfort.1 w ith ttheir heir llenses, enses, aand with So, S o, tthere’s here’s ssome ome contradictory contradictory evidence. evidence. W Wee b believe elieve tthat hat patients patients need need to to reassess reassess ‘happy’. ‘happy’. We We want want them them to to be be h happy appy w with ith ttheir heir llenses enses 1 100% 0 0% o off tthe he ttime, ime, nnot ot jjust ust ssome om e o off tthe he ttime. ime. T The he 100% 100% Happy Happy Challenge Challenge is is a Europe-wide Europe-wide survey survey that that should should en encourage courage contact contact lens lens wearers wearers to to re-evaluate re-evaluate their their current current llens-wearing ens-wearing experience consider ttalking alking tto o ttheir heir EEye Care Practitioner experience aand nd consider ye C are P ractitioner aabout b o ut Biofinity. ofinity.® upgrading CooperVision ooperVision® Bi upgrading tto oC We’ll We’ll sshare hare tthe he rresults esults aand nd findings, findings, p providing roviding yyour our p practice ractice w with ith nnew ew insights aand nd iinformation. nformation. IIt’s t’s aallll aabout bout helping helping you insights you to to achieve achieve happier happier patients tthrough hrough ttheir heir ccontact ontact llens ens experience. experience. Because patients Because happy happy patients patients are are loyal loyal patients. patients. 1. Understanding the contact lens wearer. wearer Jan 2006. 2. Nichols J et al. The TFOS International Workshop on Contact act Lens Discomfort: Discomfort 3. Invest Ophthalmol Ophthalmo IOVS October 2013. Vis Sci, 2013. Why is this impor important tant to to your practice? practice? around 50% of patient dr drop-outs op-outs aree due tto ar o lens discomfort disc omffor o t issues. issues.2 65% of lens w wearers earers cconsider onsider sswitching witching lenses when pr prompted ompted by their ECP ECP. P.1 The 100% 100% Happy Challenge will give give you the insight to to incr increase ease patient satisf satisfaction fac a tion and loy loyalty. alty. Get Get iinvolved nvolved iin n tthe he 1 100% 00% H Happy appy C Challenge. hallenge. Speak Business Manager eceiving yyour our CooperVision B usiness Development Development M anager aabout bout rreceiving Sp eak to to your your CooperVision 100% Challenge Pack. Pack. 1 00% Happy Happ py Challenge ost comfortable, comfortable, O Offer ffer p patients atients a one-month one-month trial trial of of CooperVision Coope p rVision® Biofinity, Biofinity ® our our m most healthy monthly lens. 18 PRODUCT PROFILE DIAGNOSTICS ASSISTANCE with a difference BY DR SIMON BARNARD Figure 1. The Volk Eye Check Despite enormous advances in technology over the last few years, optometrists still gather some clinical data in practice using techniques that have been around for a century. The Volk Eye Check finally brings 21st century technology to the consulting room. The Volk Eye Check (Figure 1) is a simple-to-use, handheld diagnostic assistance device, which provides optometrists and ophthalmologists with automatic real-time measurements of seven key eye features, to assist in detecting and diagnosing various eye conditions. Powered by patented IRISS Medical Technology, the Volk Eye Check is a first-of-its-kind diagnostic assistance device, which automatically measures and objectively records seven different eye features including pupil size, iris measurements (visible iris diameters), eye apertures and lid positions, and manifest strabismus. Data from the device is aggregated in a unique Cloudbased system and provides a large repository of normative eye data, which is available to its clinician user base. Clinical information in a flash The Volk Eye Check will accurately measure pupil size and, most critically, alerts the optometrist to the presence of anisocoria, document ptosis, provide ground-breaking data for the contact lens practitioner and detect and measure strabismus. The Volk Eye Check offers two clinical modules: • Eye Check for general ophthalmic diagnostics including strabismus detection and measurement. Most optometrists using the device use this mode routinely on all patients to gather clinical data (Figure 2) Figure 2. Data output Eye Check diagnostic mode Figure 3. Data output Contact Lens mode • Contact Lens which provides data to guide the practitioner in choosing an optimum lens, saving chair time by avoiding a lens choice that is unlikely to provide optimum optics or designing a custom lens (Figure 3). This module is also used by oculoplastic and ophthalmic surgeons specialising in eyelids to document eye id position (MRD) Versatile Volk Eye Check Pupil size Pupil size is very difficult to measure sometimes simply because the patient has dark iridies and yet, if an optometrist fails to detect anisocoria, a serious anomaly such as Horner syndrome may be missed. Acquired Horner syndrome can be partial and subtle with only a small difference in pupil size in the presence of a subtle ptosis. Such a condition can be indicative of a systemic disease such as a tumour of the anterior lobe of the lung. Even if the practitioner can view the pupils, measurement with a millimetre ruler is very inaccurate. The Volk Eye Check accurately measures the pupil size typically to within 0.2mm. Because data can be captured in different lighting levels, the effect of ambient illumination on pupil size can easily be accurately measured. In Horner syndrome, the affected pupil will dilate less in dimmer light. Case example: Figures 4a and 4b show a patient who presented with mild Figures 4a and 4b. Acquired Horner following neck surgery: a) Photograph taken in low light; and b) Photograph taken in brighter light PRODUCT PROFILE ptosis following neck surgery. A Volk Eye Check detected a 0.27mm anisocoria, which increased to 0.37mm in dimmer ambient light. This confirmed the presence of Horner syndrome. Pupil eccentricity For the first time, the optometrist is informed of the position of the pupil within the iris. This can be critical in terms of choosing patients who are likely to succeed with multifocal contact lenses. If a contact lens centres perfectly on the cornea or rides slightly temporally and the pupil is situated nasally displaced, the centre of the multifocal optic will not be positioned correctly and is a major cause of poor visual performance with these lenses. The optometrist can avoid wasting time trying to fit patients for whom the Eye Check data would predict failure. In addition, a number of major contact lens manufacturers around the world are working to offer a custom lens design service to take pupil eccentricity into account. Visible iris diameter (including HVID) For the contact lens practitioner or fitter, an accurate measure of visible iris diameter is important with respect to the total diameter of the contact lens. Whereas sophisticated topographers provide measurements, these are not always the horizontal visible iris diameter (HVID) but may be an oblique measurement that can differ by nearly 0.5mm for the true horizontal measurement. The Volk Eye Check provides vertical, oblique and HVID. Strabismus All optometrists will claim that their cover test will detect the smallest strabismus. However, research suggests that strabismus is not always detected and studies have also shown wide variations in the estimation of the size of strabismus when measured by expert hospital orthoptists. Eyelid position The position of the eyelids is defined by the ‘margin reflex distance’ (MRD) with MRD 1 being the distance from the corneal reflection (Purkinje image) to the margin of the upper eyelid, and MRD 2 to the margin of the lower eyelid. For the first time, optometrists can investigate and document eyelid position and whether ptosis is impinging on vision. In the USA, the largest medical insurance provider, Novitas, demands evidence that MRD 1 must be less than 2mm to be medically covered for surgery. In the UK, users of the Volk Eye Check show the data to explain the patient’s ptosis condition, and the measurements provide impressive data when making a referral for an ophthalmology opinion. Easy to use The camera is easy to use and whilst the data obtained for each patient are invaluable, most practitioners delegate the capture of the photographic images to a clinical assistant. The patient’s ID and date of birth are entered by keying them in on the touch screen. A Volk Precision Sticker is placed on the patient’s forehead. The instrument guides the practitioner to ensure the device is at the correct distance. Typically, two or three photographs are taken with the instrument and within a few seconds, an array of data is displayed on the device’s screen and simultaneously uploaded through the enabled internet to the practitioner’s computer or tablet. The data are used in two ways. Firstly, measurements are displayed in a format that visually alerts the optometrist or ophthalmologist to any measurement that falls outside the normal. For example, anisocoria greater than 0.49mm will be flagged. The other use is the measurements themselves, for example, data that will assist the optometrist with contact lens design or fitting (Figures 2 and 3). Summary of clinical power Optometrists know that some young children can be difficult to assess. A fallback test is the Hirschberg test in which symmetry of corneal reflections are assessed but, like measuring pupil size with a millimetre ruler, it is a gross test because even 1mm of asymmetry is equivalent to over 20Δ of strabismus. The Volk Eye Check has an 84 per cent sensitivity and 99 per cent specificity for detecting strabismus, measures the size and documents if there is no manifest deviation detected or the size of strabismus if present (Figures 5a and 5b). The presence of documentation is important for medico-legal reasons and whilst not replacing the cover test, is an important safeguard for the optometrist examining children. It is also useful to show to parents the ‘no manifest deviation’ display when epicanthus is the cause of a pseudo-strabismus. • Fast and easy-to-read diagnostic tool for eye specialists • Quickly identifies areas for investigation (strabismus, anisocoria, ptosis) and provides an objective electronic record of the readings • Assists the clinician in identifying best-fit contact lenses; reducing drop-out rates and saving chair-time and money; assists in the design of custom made lenses • Objective electronic medical record of eye features and eye conditions for compliance, referrals and litigation • Suitable for babies and young children – even at six months old • Monitoring of treatment progress (pre-op/post-op) • Reduces inter-clinician variability – standardises testing across practices and clinicians in optometry chains • Oculoplastics: accurate measurement of lid position for lid and cosmetic surgery – saves time and provides an objectives record Conclusion The Volk Eye Check is a revolutionary, versatile ophthalmic device that provides an amazing range of eclectic eye data that will transform aspects of optometric practice and provide improved patient care and clinical documentation. About the author Dr Simon Barnard PhD, FCOptom, FAAO, FEAOO, DipCLP, DipClinOptom, DipTh (IP) is in practice in north London with his partner Alex Levit and a longstanding member of the National Eyecare Group. He is a director and chief medical officer of IRISS Medical Technologies, which is partnered with Volk Optical to bring the Volk Eye Check to market. Figures 5a and 5b. Measuring strabismus angle and documenting no manifest deviation with spectacles: a) 43Δ left esotropia and b) no manifest deviation with spectacles Birmingham Optical Group is the distributor of Volk technology in the UK. 19 "$# $$$! %$#"! 100% OPTICAL POSITIVE VIBE AT LONDON SHOW Learning about new diagnostic tools With attendance reported to be up by a quarter on last year, attracting more than 6,000 visitors, 100% Optical organiser Media 10 said feedback was overwhelmingly positive from both visitors and exhibitors. If you attended, you would have had the chance to view some 2,000 products, partake of various CET programmes, including an over-subscribed frames skills workshop laid on by the Association of British Dispensing Opticians, enjoy live catwalk fashion shows, take part in live panels debates with industry representatives, and celeb spot with the Gadget Show’s Jason Bradbury, fashion designer Paul Costello, and Channel 4 magician Chris Cox. Education and fashion The line-up of top optical brands included the latest releases in eyewear, equipment, lenses, business services and contact lenses. Rodenstock, Bausch + Lomb, Silhouette, Haag-Streit, TD Tom Davies and Nikon were some of the new names to join the 2015 line-up. Jason Kirk of Kirk & Kirk commented: “100% Optical 2015 was a great event that marks a turning point for British optics.” Chris Beal, managing director of Menrad, said afterwards: “It’s been an excellent show with plenty of activity and a positive vibe. An excellent launch platform with plenty of business booked and more in the pipeline.” Emma Baynes from Zeiss also commented: “We've had a very successful show at 100% Optical, even better than last year. It’s been great to see so many customers and some new faces too. We’re delighted to have been a part of the CET lectures and workshops as well.” Visitor reaction was equally positive. “The show provided a great selection of large and small brands. It's a good size and there is great CET on offer,” said Nicholas Fox of Fox Stephens. “This is my first visit to 100% Optical and it is very good. East to find, nicely laid out, useful informative talks and I've met with suppliers,” remarked Indy Doldey from Shropshire. The big production catwalk shows in the fashion hub, with dancers and models, put a new twist on celebrating the best new eyewear designs. With four keynote speakers each day, 100% Optical delivered a Fashion show eyewear parade It looks like London trade show, 100% Optical, is here to stay as the organisers report a 25 per cent increase in attendance at last month’s event at ExCel Up-skilling in the ABDO workshops comprehensive educational programme produced in partnership with the Association of Optometrists (AOP) which amounted to 100+ CET points over the three-day event. There were seven packed out seminar theatres and more than 60 industry expert speakers including Professor Eric Papas, Jason Kirk, Dr Margaret Woodhouse and Caroline Christie providing a Faculty Lecture for the British Contact Lens Association. Young talent showcase 100% Optical also showcased the best of young British talent through two design competitions in conjunction with the Royal College of Art. Winner Hannah Evans will now go on to take an internship with Mondottica, and the entire short list has been approached for internships around the industry. A Visual Design Competition championed students’ merchandising skills, with the four finalists’ concepts displayed in the fashion hub area to inspire opticians to create their own attractive and enticing window displays. The winning designer was Jade Edge who created ‘highlights’, and her window was purchased at the show. A fun Twitter-based #blinkwinkthink selfie campaign in association with charity partner Fight For Sight proved a success, raising thousands of pounds towards vital pioneering eye research. The Fight for Sight party featured a live ‘Rockaoke’ band on the Sunday evening, playing to a crowd of lively optical professionals, all keen to cash donate and nominate their colleagues to sing. Summing up, 100% Optical event director, Nathan Garnett, said: “We are extremely pleased with the second edition of 100% Optical. The addition of some key brands in the industry as well as support from across the optical profession meant that we were able to improve the experience for our visitors and deliver a trade event that the industry can be proud of. The feedback has been extremely supportive and we are now busy planning the 2016 show with lots of new ideas on how we can take it further. We are already up 50 per cent year on year for exhibitor bookings and many new brands came to see how they could take part in 2016. 100% Optical in London is here to stay.” Partying with Fight for Sight 21 22 OPTRAFAIR 2015 OPTRAFAIR A BUMPER SHOW IN STORE The Federation of Manufacturing Opticians (FMO) is upping the ante for this year’s Optrafair, to be held at the NEC Birmingham from 18-20 April With more than 85 per cent of the show’s NEC floor space now booked, the FMO is promising its April show will be “the best ever and not to be missed”. Due to unprecedented demand, the popular Fashion Quarter has been expanded by more than a third, with style experts on hand to give advice, and a new fashion stage to accommodate brands eager to showcase their fashionable frames destined for the UK High Street. With 7,000 visitors expected over the three days, the established 36-year old exhibition has high hopes for a bumper edition. We take a look at some exhibition highlights. AIO The Association for Independent Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians (AIO) will be looking to attract new members to its ranks during the show, and discussing with visitors its new strategy for promoting the independent sector direct to the public. Peter Warren, AIO chairman, said: “AIO was very successful in attracting new members at the 2013 Optrafair in Birmingham and we are looking forward to recruiting a significant number of new members again this year.” Find out about the AIO’s new Code of Conduct in 2015, which will enable the public to understand what level of care that they will receive from independents that sign up. AIO will also be offering new joiners at the show the chance to win a bottle of champagne in a prize draw. Association of British Dispensing Opticians A dedicated ABDO CET programme will run on both Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 April in the ABDO Lecture Theatre featuring five internationally acclaimed speakers including special guest, Varilux inventor Bernard Maitenaz. “We have devised a dedicated programme and will utilise a specially designed lecture theatre within the Optrafair exhibition hall, to give UK opticians the opportunity to access the type of presenter they wouldn’t normally get to see,” explained Elaine Grisdale, head of professional services and international development. ABDO, an Association Partner to the event, and the FMO are throwing a free-to-attend networking party on the Sunday evening, and tickets can be booked at Varilux inventor, Bernard Maitenaz www.abdo.org.uk/events. There’ll also be the chance to catch up with board members in the Association Lounge, hear about ABDO’s Insight programme in collaboration with ITN Productions, and browse the latest titles from the ABDO College Bookshop. Bausch + Lomb Bausch + Lomb will promote new developments in both contact lenses and eyecare products. Tom Bailey, sales and clinical training manager, said: “We have a very exciting product pipeline with developments to address the fact that the contact lens market has great potential to grow. There is a huge opportunity to dispense contact lenses to the presbyopic market with our new lens technologies; our nutritional product Ocuvite is winning favour and the Eye-ssential mask are all important opportunities for additional sales and building loyalty to the practice. Optrafair is the time to come and find out more.” Growing product pipeline British Contact Lens Association As an Association Partner to Optrafair, the BCLA will be sharing a stand with industry partners, providing short presentations in a contact lens fitting area, offering a variety of giveaways, including its ‘No water’ stickers designed to be placed on contact lens boxes at the point of purchase, and giving visitors the chance to take part in an interactive competition to win a VIP Package to its 2015 conference and exhibition in Liverpool in May. CEO, Cheryl Donnelly, said: “We are delighted to be an Association Partner of Optrafair 2015, and are looking forward to having a strong presence at the event. As well as catching up with our existing members who will be attending the show, we are keen to meet with those eyecare practitioners who don’t fit contact lenses to discuss how, alongside spectacle wear, offering a dedicated contact lens service can be a huge and successful part of their business.” Don’t miss Professor James Wolffsohn’s BCLA Faculty Lecture, ‘Enhancing day-to-day clinical Plenty on offer at the BCLA stand contact lens practice’. OPTRAFAIR 2015 Birmingham Optical Birmingham Optical will have a major presence at the show displaying its extensive range of instruments and machines, including those from Oculus, Keeler and Nidek, whose new Nidek Retina Scan Duo combines high definition OCT with fundus imaging. “Birmingham Optical is dedicated to supporting eye healthcare professionals and Optrafair is the most important event on our calendar,” said CEO Chris Tyler. “The three days are a fantastic opportunity to meet so many professionals and showcase our most exciting new technology and new product launches.” Bondeye See the latest X-eyes models Continental Eyewear Visit the Bondeye team in Birmingham Bondeye will be showcasing its newly improved and extended eye health portfolio, including: the new Macushield product, Energeyes, for visual performance and glare; Ilast Hydraclean and Ilast Care, the innovative treatments for blepharitis; and Lagad Lacrima, a nutritional supplement to be used as a standalone treatment or as part of a regime in the management of dry eye and meobomian gland dysfunction. “We also be launching some fantastic other products to give you all the tools you need to provide excellent clinical advice and eyecare,” said sales director, Dave Walker. The company will also be showing a gamut of products from lab and consulting room equipment and supplies to its scented lens cleaning sprays. Brulimar Having served the optical market for over 35 years, Brulimar Optical Group is one of the UK’s largest frames suppliers. Dating back to 1978, its original philosophy still firmly stands: quality never goes out of fashion. “We take pride in using innovative design and modern technology to ensure that every single frame we create is of the highest quality,” said the company. “Our passion for optics and creating excellence shines through in every frame that we produce, and high quality is one of the most important values we hold Extensive frame ranges to view at Brulimar.” View the latest styles in the Nakamura and Eclipse collections, fashion-leading Crosshatch, Bench, Lee Cooper and Pineapple, to budget brands such as Minimax and Impact. “With our new online payment feature up and running, it now couldn’t be easier for customers to access our latest collections. With 180 square metres of space, Continental Eyewear will be showing all frames from its extensive portfolio. Dedicated areas for the various ranges will be clearly marked together with a ‘New frames’ section so regardless of when you last saw your local area manager, the company promises there will be new frames to see. “Exhibitions are great events to see and experience something different,” said sales and marketing director, Neal Grimason. “Look no further than stand K 40. There will be a plethora of new frames to see. Of particular note will be 10 new X-eyes designs, the 2015 Jaeger sunglass collection and some superb additions to the Lazer range for both children and adults.” New brochures will be available for X-eyes and the Jaeger sunglass collection, with 10 new models. And if you’re looking for a bit of excitement, don’t miss the ‘Wheel deal’ – all will be revealed on the stand… Dibble Optical Brand new to see at the Dibble Optical stand will be the Dutch-designed Vingino Eyewear range for youngsters. Vingino has been a leading name since 1997, having evolved into a designer clothing brand for children aged from seven to 17. Vingino eyewear was first introduced in 2010 and has enjoyed spectacular growth in Europe, prompting Dibble Optical’s decision to make it available to opticians in the UK. The creators of the Dutch fashion label have developed a designer eyewear collection highlighting the key characteristics of the Vingino brand – cool, quirky and highly fashionable. “The concept was to produce an adult range of eyewear in children’s sizes and the result is an exciting collection that is highly regarded by both children and their See the Dutch designs first-hand parents,” said Barry Dibble. Dunelm Optical To celebrate the launch of its new 2015 optical and sun collections, Dunelm will present more than 150 new styles from each of its brands such as Paul Costelloe, Celine Dion, Julian Beaumont, Retro and WhizKids. The major release will be new additions to the Janet Reger collection, which will be unveiled by daughter, Eliza Reger, exclusively for Optrafair. “We’ve 23 24 OPTRAFAIR 2015 Henry Beaumont Showcasing the new Yves Cogan and MODA eyewear collections, Henry Beaumont is promising an explosion of colour on its two stands this year. The independent, family-run company will preview its ‘fly on the wall’ video, which gives an insight into Beaumont HQ and the attention to detail, complexity and ideas behind the company’s designs. The video can also be viewed via the new HB website featuring slick imagery and easy search filters to be launched at Optrafair 2015. A host of new styles will be launched with the company’s main stand in Fashion Quarter. Heidelberg Engineering “Heidelberg Engineering is supporting Optrafair 2015 in Birmingham because it is the only place where eyecare professionals can compare all the latest imaging technologies side by side and make informed decisions regarding wise investment, practice growth and improved patient care,” declared director, Krysten Williams. “We will launch several new modalities that will add functionality to the Spectralis platform, allowing customers who have already invested in our technology to upgrade and expand the functionality of their current system. The simple, cost-effective connectivity of the new Spectralis Glaucoma Premium Edition with the Heidelberg Edge Perimeter (HEP) also provides an affordable, space saving solution to combined Structure and Function reports for glaucoma management.” Exclusive unveiling of the new Janet Reger collection supported Optrafair each year since it started, showcasing high quality products for every occasion, from evening wear to sportswear, and to suit a full range of tastes and budgets,” said director, Peter Beaumont. “We’ll have our team of reps on the stand to introduce new frames and give valuable advice throughout the three day show, as well as a new suite of catalogues.” Eyespace Making its exhibition premiere at Optrafair, Eyespace will showcase more than 50 new releases from its six designer-led brands, such as Ariana from the Rock Star children’s range (pictured ). Cocoa Mint brings relaxed glamour with high fashion statements for the contemporary woman; Jensen is stylish men’s eyewear; for trend-setters looking for fresh style, Basebox is a bang-on-trend range; with an eye to classic elegance, Louis Marcel is a luxurious collection for women in search of timeless appeal; and bringing super-cool Americana-inspired style into the children’s practice portfolio is the aforementioned Rock Star, which takes advantage of fun fluoro hues, HD prints and bright pops of colour. Completing the Eyespace portfolio is Zips, an affordable collection which maintains the highest standards of quality and fashionability. See them all at Optrafair. New Rock Star, Ariana Discover the benefits of Spectralis Hilco Hilco will be launching its biggest innovation in SunClips since...well, since its last one. Hilco describes its Glide-Fit SunClips as the most trouble-free sun clip system that works with both metal and plastic frames. It combines the easy on/off utility of a spring bridge with a unique, patent-pending ‘slip over’ clip that glides the clips into place without contacting the back Trouble-free sun clip system that glides OPTRAFAIR 2015 surface of the prescription lens thereby protecting expensive lenses and coatings. The clips are available in two chassis colours with two polarised lens options in the best-selling shapes and sizes. Lenstec Optical Group Lenstec, Tant and Rawdon are all successful and established companies with a loyal and satisfied customer base gained over many years. All three labs are proud to offer their customers specialist glazing along with worldrenowned prescription lenses and frames. With vast experience and knowledge from highly qualified and dedicated teams, their professional and personal service comes naturally. Together as the Lenstec Optical Group they can now offer existing and new customers even more. Through expansion, the group now offers safety eyewear and all-in-one packages as well as manufacturing and designing its own digital progressive lenses. “Listening to our customers’ needs is crucial and being able to produce what they need is definitely the way forward for us,” said MD, Nigel Castle. Let the team know your requirements during the show, and hear about their new progressive lens, Exceed. International Eyewear Marchon Marchon, the global manufacturer and distributor of quality eyewear brands including Chloe, Calvin Klein, Nike and Valentino, is looking forward to welcoming visitors to its stand to view the latest releases. A spokesperson said: “Since our founding in 1983, Marchon is dedicated to providing high quality products and exceptional service to our partners. Visit us at Optrafair for the opportunity to view the latest collections from our extensive brand portfolio and the chance to benefit from our exclusive show offers.” Mid-Optic Celebrating 35 years of supplying specialist products to the optical profession, Mid-Optic will have plenty of products to view from dry eye drops to hot compresses to ease symptoms of dry eye, meibomian gland dysfunction, belpharitis and related conditions, with samples to take away. The company’s Avizor ‘optician only’ contact lens solutions and eye drops will also feature alongside optical accessories with the latest catalogues and literature. Hygienix will be launching an exciting new website to promote a brand new range of products, so make sure you drop by for a demonstration from the friendly team. NEG/Optinet NEG and Optinet will be sharing a stand with SPECS network this year – plus the Lenstec Group – demonstrating its commitment to partnership working with its leading Preferred Suppliers for the benefit of members. There’ll be a fabulous coffee bar on the stand with a Barista making fresh coffee, there’ll be a Photo Pod for a bit of fun so visitors can have their photo taken with different characters using a green screen – with the chance to win an iPad in a random prize draw. Find out about Optinet Flex, which offers a flexible approach to PMS, and the Echo in-practice patient education software from Eyemaginations. Norville See what’s different at International International Eyewear’s new-look stand will showcase its extensive product portfolio including the award winning technical eyewear brand, TITANflex, the contemporary fashion ranges Brendel, Humphreys and Episode, and the innovative Storm London collection – plus its funky and fun Eyestuff range, Zoffani collection and Hero and Puccini core brands. There’ll be new frame releases into all of the company’s collections, including 11 new teen Storm additions and a multitude of new models in the Hero and Puccini collections. Enjoy giveaways, competitions, entertainment and be the first to witness the premiere of a “phenomenal new brand” and the re-launch of an “intergalactic collection”. Norville Eyewear will be in the Fashion Quarter this year with Invu, the polarisation range from the Swiss Eyewear Group, for men, women and children in both plano and prescription. Other fashion collections on show will include Barbour, Duck and Cover and Cecil Gee and the trade show launch of Barbour International Optical and Sun. Sports Rx and spectacle frames, including ProGear prescription goggles and frames, plus prescription lens solutions, including Vista Mesh, along with the new Escoop lens range primarily developed for people with macular degeneration, will be displayed. Norville will also have a full suite of HD lens Baurbour International debut at Norville options, including a number of occupational HD progressives. Norville Autoflow will have its full ranges of Briot and Weco edging systems for the lab, as well as products for both the practice and the workshop, to review. 25 26 OPTRAFAIR 2015 Performance Finance Shamir Find out about the new personal loans on offer to the optical profession from Performance Finance – not just to practice owners but to all staff within a practice. Managing director, Stuart Burn, explained: “We love the optical profession and are always looking to improve our offering. Our launch of personal loans to all staff involved in optics opens a whole new client base to us. We can lend for anything from a car to paying off credit cards. Best of all we can provide loans up to £100,000 completely unsecured so could even lend to help someone buy their first practice. We aim to become the go-to finance company for all those involved in the optical profession and will continue to innovate with exciting new products.” Shamir will be discussing its two unique new lenses, one for sport and the other for fashion, the Attitude III Sport & Fashion lenses, which have vision zones that are especially suited for any lifestyle or activity, and the Attitude III SV for those requiring single vision prescription sunwear. Also in focus will be Shamir’s five new UV lens coatings based on its Shamir Glacier technology: Shamir Glacier Plus UV; Shamir Glacier Achromatic UV; Shamir Glacier Blue-Shield UV; Shamir Glacier Sun UV; and Shamir Glacier AntiFog. Visitors are invited to take part in daily prize draws at 2pm and 4pm with several great prizes up for grabs such an Xbox One Console, a Samsung Smart Camera or £250 of Shamir Smart Lenses. Ridgway Optical Silhouette Returning after a six-year absence, Silhouette will be promoting its new collections including SPX Illusion, Sun 2015, Titan Contour and the continued collaborative range with London designers, Felder Felder. The minimalist Titan Contour collection combines 12 unisex rimless frames in 12 lens shapes featuring high-tech titanium and SPX+ technology. The new Felder Felder frames have a slick cat-eye shape and are ultralight in three new colours – Dark Green, Classic Brown and Vibrant Purple as well as the original Hip Pink, Neon Orange and Grey available. Allegro Elite model Sara featuring rotation temples Founded in 1973, Ridgway Optical has been in optics for more than 40 years supplying independent opticians. This year, the company will present its newly expanded in-house collection Allegro with more than 100 models, and featuring the all-new Allegro Elite, the hypoallergenic Allegro Titanium and Allegro Trend. As the UK distributor for Fysh UK, Kliik Denmark, Evatik and Superflex, these collections from Canadian manufacturer, Wescan Optical, will also be highlighted. Superflex is comprised of three ranges, one for ladies and gents, hypoallergenic titanium Superflex Titan and Superflex Kids. Seiko Optical If you haven’t already discovered the benefits of working in partnership with Seiko Optical, then don’t delay in visiting its stand to discuss the company’s unique approach to supporting independent practices through the Seiko Lens 2015 Specialist (SLS) scheme and the SPECS network STATEMENT SHADES web portal. All Specialists for summer are automatically enrolled in the SPECS network, a unique consumer web 2015 portal created to help TRENDS independent opticians dramatically improve the profile of their business KIDS ARE using Google AdWords, cool for school social media, popular web JUST FOR MEN Suits you, sir forums, competitions and national print publications. Specialists also have AN OTHER OPTICIANS access to a team of industry and marketing experts who offer a wide Receive personalised copies of Framed range of business support, and access to the glossy consumer magazine Framed, which can be personalised with practice details. Each Specialist is entitled to 50 copies of a personalised version of Framed for distribution amongst local businesses and meeting places. As Seiko is sharing a stand with NEG, you can also get in the Photo Pod at the same time as having a freshly-brewed coffee. framed IN PARTNERSHIP WITH YOUR LOCAL INDEPENDENT OPTICIAN YOUR LOCAL INDEPENDENT OPTICIANS IS: 123 Optical Street Great Optics Opticshire OP12 3TI Tel: 0800 123 1234 Email: a.nother@anotheropticians.co.uk Visit: www.anotheropticians.co.uk ISSN 2055-3277 Felder Felder in Hip Pink Zeiss Plans are well underway for Zeiss’ stand, with special offers and exclusive new products. The Zeiss Experience Centre is designed to demonstrate how to enhance workflow, efficiency and patient experience and visitors will be invited to embark on a journey around the practice set-up, experiencing how diagnostic equipment and data management can integrate seamlessly to produce a sophisticated workflow, for both the patient and practitioner. Find out all the latest show news at www.optrafair.co.uk BCLA BULLETIN BCLA urges ECPs to ‘come together’ WITH NO CONFERENCE NEXT YEAR, THE BCLA IS URGING PRACTITIONERS NOT TO MISS ITS 2015 EVENT IN LIVERPOOL THIS MAY Bite-sized courses will be on offer Taking place at the ACC Liverpool from 29-31 May, this year’s BCLA conference will offer a menu of more accessible ‘bite-sized’ sessions enabling delegates to achieve a full complement of CET points ahead of the 31 December deadline for the current three-year cycle. Interactive, hands-on workshops will cover topics such as binocular vision and contact lenses, dry eye, keratoconus, hybrids, sclerals, presbyopia, communication, gonioscopy and slit lamp techniques and more. There are more workshops than ever before, 15 in total and free for the first time, many of which mirror the education sessions so delegates can put their newly acquired knowledge into practice. “This exciting new conference model will enable delegates to listen and understand the research and then see this translate to clinical practice tips and education, and then where possible put this into practice under expert tuition in our workshops,” explained BCLA CEO Cheryl Donnelly. “Our ultimate aim is to deliver a conference and exhibition dedicated to contact lenses and the anterior eye that enhances the clinical skills of practitioners, whilst giving extra confidence to those who need it and showcasing the latest research, all whilst enabling networking and gaining insights and learning about the latest industry innovations,” added Cheryl. Myopia management and more Kicking off the programme is an entire day devoted to myopia management on Friday 29 May. “Never before have we had all the global leaders in this area in one room debating the subject,” said Cheryl. “The prevalence of myopia today is such that we have a duty to ensure ECPs understand current management strategies, and judge how best to implement these in their own practices to help their patients.” The programme also includes a day dedicated to specialist contact lenses, and a ‘live’ orthokeratology contact lens fitting event on stage, with a follow-up ‘appointment’ the next day. This year’s business session will once again be led by industry expert, Ross Grant, and will take place on Saturday 30 May. Topics will include the impact of the online shopper, communication, how to achieve success in the digital age, values and charges, database management and adapting management styles to suit your customer. As always, there will be short sessions within the Exhibitors’ Pavilion, with a larger-than-ever exhibition of contact lens, technology and anterior eye products. Sponsor and partner showcases will also give delegates the chance to bone up on the latest products and research impacting everyday practice. The social programme begins with a welcome drinks reception at 6pm in the exhibition hall on the A new campaign for a new style conference Friday evening, and culminates with the BCLA awards dinner in the splendid Liverpool Anglican Cathedral on the Saturday evening. Summing up the event launch, Cheryl said: “With our great new venue in buzzing Liverpool, keynote speakers, specialist symposia, business session, sponsor presentations, exhibition and social programme, I challenge any ECP – irrespective of whether they prescribe contact lenses – not to find something on the programme to benefit their patients and their practice. So review the programme, have a serious think about what you could gain from the BCLA this year – and ‘Come together’ for an amazing conference experience,” Cheryl concluded. Highlights of #BCLA2015 • Convenient, accessible location in vibrant Liverpool city centre • Fantastic venue at the ACC Liverpool • Eminent keynote speakers: Professor James Wolffsohn (UK) and Dr Loretta Szczotka-Flynn (USA) • Award winners: Professor Fiona Stapleton (BCLA Medallist, Australia), Dr Michael Read (Irving Fatt Memorial Lecturer, UK), Dr Nicole Carnt (Dallos Award, Australia) • Myopia Management Day • Free CET workshops • Dedicated business session • World-renowned free exhibition • Beatles-themed dinner in Liverpool Anglican Cathedral Workshops are free for the first time • 2015 BCLA Industry Award Don’t forget that NEG members can save via a special offer to claim a £50 discount on the price of a delegate package by simply downloading the BCLA’s new mobile app from the Google Play Store (for Android) or Apple Store (for IOS devices) and creating a profile (just search on ‘BCLA’ to find the app). A member of the BCLA team will then get in contact to provide a discount code to use when making a booking. For the first time this year, there are also group booking discounts with 20 per cent off the full delegate package available for groups of 10 or more delegates from the same company. Download the programme and register before the early bird deadline of 31 March at www.bcla.org.uk 27 VISION AID OVERSEAS 30-year celebrations Vision Aid Overseas (VAO) reflected on the impact it has had in the countries where it has worked, and of the people whose lives have been changed, at its recent 30th anniversary celebrations in London and present for the significant difference they have made to these communities – without them none of our work would have been possible. Vision Aid Overseas’ focus now is to look forward to the next 30 years and to proactively continue our mission of fighting poverty through the power of good vision.” Goals set for the year ahead VAO aims to raise £150,000 of additional donations in 2015, to help an additional 30,000 people in developing countries gain access to life changing eyecare services. Volunteers will be taking part in a number of different fundraising activities and events throughout the year including the London Marathon in April, the British 10K London Run in July and the Great Ethiopian Run in November. VAO honorary vice president, Brian Ellis MBE, with executive director Nigel Wilson At a landmark event, held in the Swan at Shakespeare’s Globe on the banks of the River Thames, more than 90 guests of the charity turned out to celebrate its milestone and enjoy the company of VAO staff, volunteers and trustees. Adressing guests, VAO chairman, David Scott-Ralph, explained that the last three decades had seen significant achievements for the organisation. “From its humble beginnings as a small group of volunteer opticians who established the charity in 1985, VAO has gone on to help more than one million people in 26 countries gain access to life-changing eyecare through the provision of sight tests, training eyecare workers and establishing vision centres and programmes throughout the developing world,” said David. Competitors taking part in the Great Ethiopian Run will enjoy a six-day ‘Ethiopian Experience’ in return for their fundraising efforts. The iconic run takes place in Addis Ababa on 22 November, with an expected 40,000 people registering to take part from across the globe. Flying from London on 18 November, VAO runners will have the chance to join a number of optional excursions prior to race day, including visiting a VAO project and exploring the cultural delights of the highest city in Africa. The itinerary, which is being organised in partnership with Advocate Events, will include return flights from London to Addis Ababa, local transfers, five nights’ accommodation in the city, organised activities and race entry. The team will also be supported with a training guide, kit and a fundraising toolkit. Commenting on the event, Jeremy Jalie, VAO development director, said: “This is a fantastic opportunity to visit the beautiful country of Ethiopia, which is very rich in culture and character. It will also offer our supporters the opportunity to see first-hand some of the life changing work Vision Aid Overseas undertakes, thanks to the efforts of our amazing supporters.” Outlining the charity’s 30th anniversary programme objectives, David said: “We celebrate the volunteers who are at the heart of these achievements and of the fact that we are a voluntary organisation in the purest sense. This is an opportunity to acknowledge and thank our current funding partners, and we hope to make new funding partnerships, and launch the next phase of our work and, crucially, raise additional funds to support it. “For 30 years, our professional volunteers have been the heart and soul of VAO’s work, even while our approach has moved with the times,” continued David. “They will continue to form the DNA of the charity as we embark on the next phase of our work, with a new strategy to launch later this year. In the course of working on our new strategy, we’ve been looking at vision and mission statements. We believe a compelling vision for VAO is this: noone lives in poverty because of poor eyesight; no one lives with poor eyesight because of poverty.” An exhibition of photographs taken by volunteers over the years was staged during the evening, for the enjoyment of guests. Commenting after the event, VAO executive director, Nigel Wilson, said: “It was a fantastic event and a great opportunity to look back at our past achievements and the work we have done to help people living in poor communities around the world to escape visual impairment. We would like to thank all our supporters past Guests enjoying the evening Fundraisers taking part in the event will need to raise a minimum sponsorship of £2,500. For more information or to register, visit www.visionaidoverseas.org 29 30 STYLE SPOTLIGHT Something special “I wish I was born ABOUT SUNGLASSES with Fred Astaire BY JOAN GRADY, FASHION EDITOR in that era: dancing and Gene Kelly, going to work at the studio dressed in beautiful pants, head scarves and sunglasses,” actress Catherine Zeta-Jones A three-dimensional effect with Pieper by Götti Switzerland SUNGLASSES ARE THE ULTIMATE FASHION ACCESSORY – INSTANTLY ADDING DASH AND FLAIR TO AN OUTFIT A pair of finely crafted sunglasses is a great morale booster, and designers certainly appear to enjoy designing them. Each season’s collections are innovative, stylish and chic, with superb colours in classic and high tech materials. This season the choices are more desirable than ever, and optimism prevails in the sunglass sector. blue variations plus soft, subtle pastels. For a splash of colour, berry reds, vibrant greens, and ocean turquoise add vibrancy to the colour palette. Mirrored lenses are also a hallmark look, particularly iridescent lenses in gold, green, and blue. Distinctive designs Peter Beaumont at Dunelm notes: “It’s another exciting year for sun eyewear, with new takes on classic styles, colours and detailing that generate more interest from consumers. The focus is on modern classics – taking shapes like wayfarers, aviators and ovals and updating them with new proportions or colours.” Charmant general manager, Louise Brunton, observes: “After the long, sunny summer of 2014, thoughts are turning to spring/summer 2015, and along with booking holidays and planning summer wardrobes, new sunglasses are definitely on the shopping list.” Frames that are well made are a priority for the consumer. Quality is keynote in sunglasses – with fine materials and high-grade lenses that protect the eyes from potentially harmful sunrays, plus durability. “Craftsmanship becomes more and more important when it comes to sunglasses,” says Sven Götti, at Gôtti Switzerland, “and sunglasses have become a relevant accessory. This differs us from mass production, as Götti designs are handcrafted using beautiful materials that include Italian acetate and lightweight titanium.” Cosmopolitan style – Zurich by Jérémy Tarian Significant trends Re-inventing classic shapes, as Beaumont points out, has allowed designers to let their imaginations soar. Voluminous shapes continue to dominate in sunglasses, but with a difference. The volume is retained, but the look is light and airy. Acetate materials remain extremely popular, but the look is less chunky with frames in translucent finishes with beautiful colourations. Fluid lines are highlighted with important detailing – sharp angles, facets, bevelling and decorative jewellery. Timeless style with Gopas by Oliver Goldsmith It’s well documented that sunglasses possess the ‘it’ factor for women. However, men are very attached to their sunglasses too. Years ago, Jack Nicholson famously remarked: ”With my sunglasses, I’m Jack Nicholson. Without them, I’m fat and 60.” Men’s designs achieve sartorial elegance with metal frames – including stainless steel and titanium – that are masculine favourites. Götti’s elegantly crafted sunnies in titanium with an aviator shape have a sleek, three-dimensional effect. Sporty wrap designs and geometric shapes rate favourably with men who desire statement style. Fresh eyewear fashion inspirations are enhanced with cutting edge creative flair. Parisian designer, Jérémy Tarian, loves the contemporary look of tortoiseshell, which he has crafted into a bold shape, handsomely accented with distinctive black and white. Fine design is always in style; Oliver Goldsmith released the Gopas in 1972, an adventurous aviator that was inspired by the Gopas tribe of fighting kinsmen based in Mumbai. With its exaggerated keyhole bridge and defiant flattop, the Gopas is a true showstopper, as fashionable today as when introduced 40 years ago. Colours vary from well-loved classics, including ever-elegant black and tortoiseshell, to lustrous jewel tones, especially amethyst, and sapphire Silhouette’s Allure is another design that has stood the test of time. Introduced in the 1970s, the frame features low-set temples for a STYLE SPOTLIGHT Glamorous Grace from Kirk & Kirk’s Solarium collection Inspiration and intuition Oozing style, the Allure by Silhouette Italian luxury by Trussardi Blue Veronica from the Hollywood Classics by Tim Van Steenbergen Inspiration comes from many sources. Belgian designer Tim Van Steenbergen is a fashion and eyewear designer, but also has a fully-fledged career as a costume designer. He adores films from the 1940s and 50s, which is the foundation of his latest sunglass collection. The glasses are big and glamorous, and Hollywood Classics are named in homage to leading ladies like Joan Crawford, Ava Garner and Rita Hayworth. “I never go out during the day without sunglasses,” designer Tory Birch sophisticated, striking statement. Pull out all the fashion stops this summer with sunglasses by Trussardi, available through Charmant, for men and women in luxurious materials, including metal and acetate designs. Artisan craftsmanship is further enhanced with the use of rich leather or modern rubber accents. A mysterious, elegant air surrounds black sunglasses and they retain their solid appeal. Paul Costelloe, distributed by Dunelm, has created sun collections for men and women that are contemporary and smart, with a symphony of subtle details. Italian flair is evident in Pollipo’s sunglasses, which are highlighted with a honeycomb finishing on handmade acetate. Kirk and Kirk’s Solarium collection includes shimmering Italian acrylic sunglasses accented with handmade animal details on the temples. Kirk and Kirk’s designs exude urban chic, and are just as comfortable and stylish on a Chic choices for him and her by Paul Costelloe sunny beach or poolside. A honeycomb trim highlights sunglasses by Pollipo in Rome Jewel tones continue to be in demand, and Janet Reger, distributed by Dunelm, chooses a deep amethyst tone with temple details in a design that references modern classics. l.a. eyeworks in California likes bold and bright for summer, with frames in titanium and acetate in strong colours – red being a particular favourite. Jewel tones from Janet Reger Sun Radient liquid red satin sculptured sunglasses by l.a. eyeworks Prime time for sunglasses is approaching, and for independent opticians, the variety in style, materials and colour offers enormous possibilities for clients. As Claire Goldsmith says: “Trends in the UK market vary throughout the country, and London alone has to deal with a variety of customers. There will always be the customer who wants something original and extra distinctive, but I feel that the trend is gently moving towards something that is tailored and refined, but retains the ability to be special.” And nurturing that something ‘special’ in sunglasses is surely a great way to create customer loyalty and trust. 31 Vision Now PREFERRED SUPPLIERS’ DIRECTORY Preferred Suppliers are suppliers who, by prior arrangement, offer members of the PK National Eyecare Group preferential terms. For full details and terms offered to the membership, please call 01580 713698 Directory listings are available free of charge to all preferred suppliers, with a larger listing available to Vision Now Advertisers. To make changes to the directory listings, please call Sharon Hicks on 01580 713698 or email s.hicks@nationaleyecare.co.uk ACCEPT CARDS Tel: 01422 382408 Richard.west@acceptcards.co.ukww www.acceptcards.co.uk CALOTHERM (part of the Three-Sixty Group) Tel: 01686 627595 Fax: 01696 610015 Kieran@calotherm.co.uk www.calotherm.co.uk CENTRO STYLE LTD BRANDS BRANDS Tel: 01923 239267 Fax: 01923 253951 sales@centrostyle.com www.centrostyle.com DAILIES TOTA AL1® DAILIES® AquaComffort Plus® DAILIES® AquaComffort Plus® Tor o ic DAILIES® AquaComffort Plus® Multiffocal o Focus® DAILIES® All Day Comffo ortTM Focus® DAILIES® TORIC Focus® DAILIES® PROGRESSIVES Tel: 01923 840291 Fax: 01923 840568 adam@harrowoptical.co.uk www.harrowoptical.co.uk DAVID THOMAS Tel: 01604 646216 Fax: 01604 790366 orders@davidthomas.com www.davidthomas.com OCT isn’t Everything E Tel: 01923 249491 Fax: 01923 249490 www.derigo.com FreshLLook® Colors® FreshLLook® ColorBlends® FreshLLook® ONE-DAY FreshLLook® Dimensions® DAILIES® FreshLook® IlluminateTM DIBBLE OPTICAL SUPPLIES Tel: 01634 880885 Fax: 01634 540530 barry@dibbleoptical.co.uk www.dibbleoptical.co.uk 10561 © 2014 Novartis AG. Systane® Ultra Systane® Balance Systane® Gel Drops Systane® Lid Wipes HARROW OPTICAL Tel: 0870 9000 055 Fax: 0870 9000 056 orders@coopervision.co.uk www.coopervision.com DE RIGO (UK) LTD AIR OPTIX® COLORS AIR OPTIX® AQUA AIR OPTIX® for o ASTIGMATISM T AIR OPTIX® AQUA MULLTTIFOCAL AIR OPTIX® NIGHT & DAY® AQUA OPTI-FREE® PureMoist® OPTI-FREE® RepleniSH® OPTI-FREE® Express® AOSEPT® PLUS AOSEPT® PLUS with HydraGlyde® COOPERVISION MultiColor BluePeak Autofluorescence DUNELM OPTICAL Tel: 01388 420420 Fax: 01388 810101 dunelm@dunelmoptical.co.uk www.dunelmoptical.co.uk Call Call Customer Customer SServices ervices 0871 376 0017 w www. ww. m myAlcon.co.uk yAlcon.co.uk www www.HeidelbergEngineering.co.uk .HeidelbergEngineering.co.uk ESSILOR ASSOCIATED OPTICAL Tel: 01628 605433 Fax: 01628 665077 sales@assopt.co.uk www.associatedoptical.com Charmant UK Co Ltd tel 020 8992 9222 fax 020 896 0287 email: sales@charmant.co.uk www.charmant.com Tel: 01454 281281 Fax: 01454 281282 www.essilor.co.uk HENRY BEAUMONT Tel: 0116 251 8936 Fax: 0116 262 4205 info@henrybeaumont.com www.henrybeaumont.com BAUSCH + LOMB UK HILCO EUROPE Tel: 020 8781 2900 www.bausch.co.uk Tel: 0800 591150 info@hilco.co.uk www.hilco.co.uk BIB OPHTHALMIC INSTRUMENTS HOYA LENS UK Tel: 01438 740823 sales@bibonline.co.uk www.bibonline.co.uk Tel: 0845 330 0984 Fax: 0845 330 0977 enquiries@hoya.co.uk orders@hoya.co.uk www.hoya.co.uk BONDEYE OPTICAL Tel: 0121 7723888 Fax: 0808 2801865 sales@bondeyeoptical.co.uk www.bondeyeoptical.co.uk BRULIMAR OPTICAL GROUP Tel: 0161 655 7000 Fax: 0161 655 7002 www.brulimar.co.uk INTERNATIONAL EYEWEAR LTD Tel: 0121 585 6565 Fax: 0121 585 0954 www.internationaleyewear.co.uk Teel: 0151-426 3907 Fax: 0151-426 9340 sales@continental-eyewearr..co.uk www.continental-eyewearr.com . JOHNSON & JOHNSON T 01562 701111 www.eyespace-eyewear.co.uk Tel: 0870 6088990 www.jnjvisioncare.co.uk DIRECTORY LENSTEC NORVILLE OPTICAL GROUP RAWDON OPTICAL LIMITED SILHOUETTE UK LTD Tel: 029 2088 3009 Fax: 029 2088 9798 office@lenstec.co.uk www.lenstec.co.uk Tel: 01452 528686 Fax: 01452 300551 sales@norville.co.uk www.norville.co.uk Tel: 0113 288 3094 Fax: 0113 288 3095 enquiries@rawdonoptical.co.uk www.rawdonoptical.co.uk Tel: 020 8987 8899 Fax: 020 8987 2430 office@uk.silhouette.com www.silhouette.com LUXOTTICA (UK) LTD No7 CONTACT LENSES RIDGWAY OPTICAL SPEC-CARE LIMITED Tel: 0808 165 8555 www.luxottica.com Tel: 01424 850620 Fax: 01424 850650 info@no7contactlenses.com www.no7contactlenses.com Tel: 01295 678800 Fax: 01295 678811 www.ridgwayoptical.co.uk Tel: 01392 460806 info@speccareservices.co.uk www.speccareservices.co.uk SPECTRUM THEA PHARMACEUTICALS LTD Tel: 0845 521 1290 Fax: 01782 717 944 www.spectrum-thea.co.uk Open your eyes to STEPPER UK See Better Look Perfect Tel: 01732 375975 sales@stepper.co.uk STONE OPTICAL Tel: 029 2073 5293 Fax: 029 2073 5915 info@louisstone.co.uk www.louisstoneoptical.co.uk TANT LABORATORIES CUSTOMER SERVICE 0800 72 2020 CSUK@MARCHON.COM Marchon UK Ltd | Unit 1 Weyvern Park, Portsmouth Road, Peasmarsh | Guildford |Surrey | GU3 1NA 0845 3130233 sales@optinetuk.com www.optinetuk.com Tel: 01279 653785 www.tantlabs.com 01474 325555 www.rodenstock.co.uk sales@rodenstock.co.uk MARK’ENNOVY Tel: 0800 3280610 Fax: 0800 3280649 mkservices@markennovy.com www.markennovy.com MENRAD OPTICS Tel: 01635 32123 Fax: 01635 38442 menrad@menrad.co.uk www.menrad.com TOP VISION UK Tel: 0870 8402378 Fax: 0870 8402379 www.topvisiongroup.com ORANGE EYEWEAR SAUFLON PHARMACEUTICALS ULTRAVISION Tel: 0161 773 5555 Fax: 0161 773 5544 info@orange-eyewear.co.uk www.orange-eyewear.co.uk Tel: 020 8322 4222 Fax: 020 8891 2622 info@sauflon.co.uk www.sauflon.co.uk Tel: 01525 381112 Fax: 01525 370091 info@ultravision.co.uk www.ultravision.co.uk PERFORMANCE FINANCE SEIKO OPTICAL UK VIVA EYEWEAR UK Tel: 01536 529696 Fax: 01536 310033 www.performancefinance.co.uk Tel: 01452 610033 Fax: 01452 638250 orders@seiko-optical.co.uk info@seiko-optical.co.uk www.seiko-optical.co.uk Tel: 01423 874466 Fax: 01423 874499 www.vivagroup.com MID-OPTIC POSITIVE IMPACT Tel: 01332 295001 Fax: 01332 295158 orders@midoptic.com www.midoptic.com Tel: 08446 696907 glasklar@positiveimpactsales.co.uk www.positiveimpactsales.co.uk NATIONWIDE FRAME REPAIRS PRACTICE BUILDING Tel: 01706 369530 Fax: 01706 628733 Info@nfr.co.uk www.nfr.co.uk Tel: 0115 989 9772 andy@practicebuilding.co.uk www.practicebuilding.co.uk PRO-OPTIC Tel: 01392 826005 sales@pro-optic.com www.pro-optic.co.uk SERIOUS READERS Tel: 01296 395400 sales@seriousbrands.co.uk www.seriousreaders.com SHAMIR UK Tel: 01954 785100 Fax: 01954 785101 info@shamirlens.co.uk www.shamirlens.co.uk WILEY X EUROPE Available from Emporium Eyewear Tel: 020 8902 6211 Fax: 020 8902 6277 www.emporiumeyewear.com YOUNGER OPTICS EUROPE UK Tel: 01242 578971 UK Mobile: 0790 133 7530 julian.wiles@youngereurope.com www.youngeroptics.com FOR FULL DETAILS AND TERMS OFFERED TO THE MEMBERSHIP, PLEASE CALL 01580 713698 or email s.hicks@nationaleyecare.co.uk 33 Glaucoma OCT OC CT All Layer Layer Segmentation Segmentation OCT isn’t everything... 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