Brochure - Aventis School of Management

Strategic Business Valuation, Analysis and
Funding Workshop for Key Decision Makers
Using the 4 Cornerstones of Valuation to Extract Value for Your Business
(24th-25th March 2015 | Concorde Hotel, Singapore | 9:00am – 5:00pm)
Your Challenge: Determining the TRUE Value of Your Business
The value of a company is determined with the help of professional insight, along with an in-depth knowledge of valuation
techniques and methodologies. Knowing what an asset is worth and what determines that value is a pre-requisite for
intelligent decision making in:
• Choosing investments for a portfolio
• Deciding the appropriate price to pay or receive in M&A, takeover and restructuring
• Explore funding, financing and dividend choices while running a business
Having the right knowledge on how to effectively value a line of business, a division, a part of a corporation or the entire
company is important for business leaders, government officers and professionals across all industries, spanning from
manufacturing to engineering, biotechnology, banking, telecommunications and venture capitals.
Our Solution: Applying the 4 Cornerstones of Valuation and Funding
This 2 day masterclass covers the four key components of effective and comprehensive business valuation: strategy,
accounting, financial and prospective analysis. Delivered by globally renowned finance expert, Dr Malick Sy, you can
immediately apply takeaways in businesses valuation of any firm in any market (small, large, private and public) and
more importantly gain valuable insights on using multiples and comparable firms including valuing ‘problem’ firms, such
as financially troubled companies and start-ups and estimating the value of restructuring a firm.
Who Should Attend
• Senior Business Decision makers and stakeholders
• Senior Government officers involved in funding and valuation of new projects or funds
• Banks, Industry Practitioners & Professionals
Gain Key Insight from the Expert: Dr
Malick Sy
Dr Malick Sy has more than 25 years of experience in financial consulting and advisory to many
financial institutions in Europe, Asia and Australia. He is a professor in Financial Management
at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) University-Australia, a visiting Professor at the
City University of New York (USA) and adjunct professor of Arcadia University, Pennsylvania
(USA). He is currently the Managing Director and Principal Consultant of a financial consulting
firm with offices in South East Asia. He has been a Director with the Kuala Lumpur Stock
Exchange and has been member of the Singapore Exchange Corporate Advisory Committee
in Derivatives (SGX-DT).
Why is it Different?
• Outperforming Valuation Techniques including discounted
cash flow and multiples analysis as well as latest techniques that
Outperform traditional valuation techniques.
• Real Life Case studies of actual corporations and how valuation
methods influence their strategy, as well as hands-on exercises,
and will give participants the opportunity to demonstrate their
understanding of techniques through presentations and discussions.
• Hands-on Coaching by leading expert Dr Malick Sy where you
will receive personalized advice and guidance on your respective
• Extract the true value underlying a business by identifying the
appropriate indicators, thereby applying appropriate valuation
models based on different conditions.
• Pros & cons of different funding options under various circumstances
with the latest funding techniques and proposed solutions based
on short-term and long-term needs.
• The truth behind multiple and ratios such as P/E, DCF, APV, EVA
and how these multiple can be used in valuation.
• Learn how to Value “problem” firms, such as financially troubled
firms and start-up firms
• Find out industry and key hurdle rates of company valuation in
corporate finance, project financing and merger and acquisitions.
• Estimate and Understand the impact of restructuring on the value
of a firm.
• Discuss exit and funding options for private companies, banks,
IPOs, franchise, etc.
Program Content
Day One
Day Two
Session 1: Overview and Concept of Valuation
This session lays out the key role of company valuation
in corporate finance as well as mergers and acquisitions.
• Key points of Company Valuation
• Valuation Key Questions
• Valuation for Mergers & Acquisitions
• Process of Valuation
Session 4: Traditional Valuation Models
You will learn the advantages and weaknesses of the Traditional
Valuation Models and best practices. Comparison between recent
innovations in company valuation against traditional techniques.
• Traditional Valuation Methods
- Earnings Multiple Analysis
- Discounted Cash Flow Analysis (DCFA)
- Weaknesses and Advantages
• Alternatives Valuation Methods
• Discounting Factor:- Calculating the Weighted Average Cost of
Capital (WACC)
• Valuation when Company Structure Changes
• Best Practices Survey
• Different Approaches to Corporate Valuation
Session 2: Valuation Framework and Techniques
These two sessions look at the detailed analysis of two
common valuation approaches, namely the Relative
and Direct Valuation methods.
• Techniques of Earnings-Based Valuations
• Technology Business Valuation
• Private Company Valuations
• Share Option Valuations
• Relative Valuation Method
• Direct Valuation Method
- Discounted Cash Flows Method
- Adjusted Present Value
- EVA Method
Session 3: Financial Review
This session examines the ratio analysis and the
Five Key areas of interest when organizing a Financial Review.
The cash flows analysis will also be discussed.
• Ratio Analysis
- Trend Analysis
- Cross-section Analysis
- DuPont Model
- The Return on Shareholders’ Equity (ROE) Model
- Case Study on ROE Model
• Cash Flows Analysis
- Cash Flows From Operative Activities (CFFO)
- Cash Flows From Investing Activities (CFFI)
- Cash Flows From Financing Activities (CFFF)
- Cash Flows Analysis Illustration
Session 5: Company Restructuring and Funding Issues
This session will look at the restructuring process and available restructuring solutions. You will understand efficient processes for restructuring and latest restructuring techniques used and proposed for
companies in financial difficulties.
• Restructuring Process & Management
• Relationship with the Top Management
• Relationship with the Shareholders
• Relationship with the Investment Bankers
• Available Restructuring Solutions
Session 6: Funding Methods and Solutions
This session will look at the various types of funding methods using
debt and equity to provide capital. Proposed solutions based on
both short-term and long-term needs will be discussed.
• Latest Financing Methods
- Bond Markets
- Bank Lending and Interest Rate Risk Hedging
- Asset-based Funding
• Latest Fixed Income Products for Funding
• Stocks or Bonds?
• General Conclusion and Discussion
• All participants will received a set of Proprietary Course Manual:
comprehensive material tailored for professionals notes, Case Studies approach valued at US$1,500.
• Top quality advise and the most current knowledge of financial analysis tools and techniques
• Receive complimentary advisory session with our expert trainer to discuss the issues that matter to your business.
Save 60% or up to 400% Tax Rebate via the Productivity and Innovation (PIC) Scheme:
The PIC scheme supports investments in innovation and productivity improvements. Registered Singaporean Businesses can
enjoy huge tax savings in the form of cash payouts and/or tax deductions when they invest in training of employees. Attend
any of our programs and enjoy PIC credits, either as a 60% cash refund or 400% tax deduction. For more information, visit
Strategic Business Valuation, Analysis and Funding Workshop
for Key Decision Makers
Date: 24th - 25th March 2015 (Tues & Wed)
Venue: 100 Orchard Road, Concorde Hotel Singapore
Time: 9.00 am to 5.00 pm
Contact Us:
Ms Kathleen Lim
Asia Pacific International Academy
100 Orchard Road, Concorde Hotel, #04-100, Singapore 238840
• Tel: +65 6720 3333
• Fax: +65 6720 2222
• Email:
• Website:
1st Participation Details
3rd Participation Details
Tel No.:__________________________________________________________
Tel No.:__________________________________________________________
Food Preference: (Vegetarian/Halal/No Preference/ Others:______)
Food Preference: (Vegetarian/Halal/No Preference/ Others:______)
2nd Participation Details
4th Participation Details
Tel No.:__________________________________________________________
Tel No.:__________________________________________________________
Food Preference: (Vegetarian/Halal/No Preference/ Others:______)
Food Preference: (Vegetarian/Halal/No Preference/ Others:______)
Investment Fee
S$1,950 per delegate
S$ 780 After PIC Grant of 60%
Payment Methods
• By Cheque (For Local Participants Only)
• By Bank Transfer
• By E-Invoice Sub Bu No.
Contact Person:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Tel No:_____________________________________Fax No:__________________________________Email: ___________________________________________
I understand and accept the terms and conditions stated below.
Signature and Date
Company Stamp
Terms and Conditions:
• Registration will only be confirmed upon receipt of the registration form and full payment.
• All cancellation will carry a SGD 200.00 administration fee.
• No refund can be made for cancellation less than 14 days prior to the event date.
• Financial Training Academy, reserves the right to cancel or postpone the course/ seminar due to unforeseen circumstances and also
the right to reject any registration. A full refund of the course/seminar fee will be made to you.