iuotlDtltssDl) o) saDadS Wald )nO lax aql st lDqlA:stlulnaltl 6uday:sapgaltta pappA ,,,#Sntili;ffi.67 :c :E :C :snua6 lcelroc stt ol (C-V) eeruel [1lsrppec oq] lo qcee u6rsse o] e^oqe Ia>1 aq1 :o^oqP iiel eq1 ut ereueo eq1 qsrnBurlsrp oi pasn ernlpol urBr.r.r osn 'Z oql aqr.lcsaC I sluau.r6erl sunt ,a lroc le.rds e ur 3s€c \ O. iw l116 uorlropqE punolE asec oN -:V uauropqv 1>\ \ slln] lIe \ I€]auru lo asec oN + asec .\B \autoours .,1-.-- c ,,/ eueuospnH :snuoc I etluplxo | :snuag I I I : leualeu polarcos qlooLls lo oseS i sluauOe:1 sluatr6erl polros lEisurLx lo osES Illerds ase3 ase3 I ,;;;;;;, G;^*;; I I ,snuan 'snra., ] : : 1ue1d 1o I : 'urolloq aq] qcear no[ 1r1un o]n]eal qceo ]E qcuerq pue do1 aq] ]e uels 'mo1aq parnicrd eenrel eq1 llrluapr o1 ,{e1 eq1 esn o1 riluo lere; snue6 o1 sr.usrueoro eq1 souluopr aeAJEI {gsrppec Ilrluepr o1 pesn rtluot-uuloc euo lo uorsron perlrldr.urs e sr ola[] uanoqs ,(e1 eq1 esec lueredsuell ur oe^rEl lleurs sunt leuruopqy ]uasqe 11rb spnl 11tb leurLuopqv ]l oB^re'l [1;s;ppeg rol /(a)| uolleclllsselc 'sropro lcasur crlenbe sorlrluopr e6ed lxeu eLll uo IaI eLll 'pernlcrd eenre; rillsrppec oll] lo qceo ol eueu crreuaO e uOtsse o1 elqe oq plnoqs noI Ie1 srql uorS '(serllsrppec) ereldoqcr[ rop]o or.ll urr.{}rm ereue6 snouen lo aenrel aq1 0ur{riuepr ro} soln}eo} soqucsop (mo1eq) ]srU oLlI'eroll peprnord eie sAal snouoloqcrp 1o se;dr-uexe oMI'uorsrner peeu {er-u {e1 eq1 ro serceds Mou e oq Aeur 1r 'perlrluepr aq louuec ursrue6ro eql ll apeuJ sr uorlec4rluopr ue lrlun uorlsenb JeLlloue o] speol onrleule]le Llceo :sernleo] oM] uaomlaq epeuJ sr acroLlc e 'dels qcee 1V sdels pe)iurl lo ae^Je-I AllstppeC sorras e a^lo^ur pue snouolorlcrp ete s{e1 {1|ectdI1 (Ie1 eq1 ur pepnlcur sr pue porlrsse;c {1;er-uro1 ueeq Apeatle seq urstue6lo eLl] ieql OurLunsse) serceds lcoJroc eq+ o1 1r u6rsse pue utsrue6to ue Iyluepr o1 posn are slel uorlecursselC satcads pue snue6 eq1 {q pelouep 'etuEu enbtun s1t pue 'ue;6etp e}Prncce ue 'uogdlrcsep snonOrqureun 'reolc E apnlcur plnoqs uorlecrlsselc s,lusrue0lo uV 'sJor-1lo o1 sr serceds Llcee 'osuos Iteuotlnlone ue ur 'paleler Ilesolc moq elecrpur os;e {eql 'satceds Altluept o1 qcrqm ur [em e qlrm slstOolotq eprnotd sLuals{s uot}ecr}rsselC sfiey uor]e)lJlssel) LB- ,t _) Chewing mouthparts Chewing mouthparts { -/^: ' f// -? z_ ,6w 4* Chewing mouthparts Chewing mouthparts Jointed legs H Chewing mouthparts Abdominal gill Posterior claws Portable case 3. No lointed legs Chewing mouthparts in larva lnsects with chewing mouthparts; forewings are hardened Coleoptera and meet along the midline of the body when at rest (they (beetles) may cover the entire abdomen or be reduced in length). Use the simplified key to identify each of the orders (by order or common name) of aquatic insects (A-l) pictured above: Mouthpa.ts piercing or sucking and form a pointed cone Go to z Wilh chewing mouthparts, but without hardened lorewings Ga to S for water. Mouthparts form a short, pointed beak; legs fringed swimming or long and spaced for suspension on (a) Order of insect A: Mouthparts do not torm a beak: legs (if present) not or long, or spaced apart. (b) Order of insect B: (c) Order of insect C: fringed Goto 4 Without three tail be filaments Without long tail filaments Gotoo thorax Go to 7 non-segmenied Diptera (true fties) Abdomen with pairs of non-segmented prolegs rows of fine hooks. bearing Without pairs of abdominal prolegs With eight pairs ol finger-like abdominal gills; with two pairs of posterior claws. Order of insect I Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies) GotoB abdomen Megaloptera (dobsonflies) Either, without paired. abdominal gills. or. if such gills prosent, wilhout posterior claws. (i) s Plecoptera (stonef lies) (g) Order of insect G: (h) Order of insect H: Ephemeroptera (mayllies) Abdomen terminating in two tail filaments present). 7 (dragonflies & damselflies) Go to Without jointed, thofacic legs (although prolegs or lalse legs may be F: s Without a prominent, extendable labium With three pairs of jointed legs on (f) Order of insect Go to Odonata hairs. (e) Order of insect E: (bugs) Promrnent upper lip (labium) extendable, forming a lood capturing struclure lonaer than the head. Abdomen terminating in three tail filaments which may long and thin, or with lringes of (d) Order of insect D: Hemiptera are Go b9 claws Trichoptera case. (caddisfries) Abdomen with a pair of posterior prolegs bearing with subsidiary hooks; sometimes a portabre E OZO\= il:'.?t 3nal 2CAB-201', ISBN: 978-l-877462-A2-5 Oh^r^.^-,/ n- o.^hihi+^i
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